#tansui wol
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thevikingwoman · 1 year ago
another letter reached Meryta before she sets out for the Rak'tika Greatwood
Fandom: FFXIV | Words: 786 | Read on Ao3
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Meryta Khatin x Tansui | during A Little Faith | romance Rating: Teen. Letters, longing
The next letter finds her at the Imperative. They’re looking for remnants of the Church of the First Light, but before she starts looking in earnest, the post moogle bounces into her view.
“I came all the way from Fort Jobb, Kupo! You better be grateful.”
She ensures it she is, and sends it off with her thanks and a plea to wait and rest at least a little, to give her a chance to write back. The moogle hums and agrees, scuttling off to rest in the shade.  It’s not been long since she sent her last letters, but when she opens it, it’s clear Tansui has received his already. The moogles – or Feo Ul – must be working overtime. Perhaps it helps to be king.
Tansui congratulates her on her win, and she’s not sure what to make of that. She fights and she wins and it’s what everyone expects. It feels different in his words, however, his expectations more like support, and less like a duty. Like he seems equally proud and concerned for her, between his teasing words. Or perhaps that he wants her to win for herself, and not because anyone else expects her to. He sounds relieved too, and it feels good to know he’s concerned.
Tansui tells news from the Confederacy, a long story about a hapless captain unwilling to let go of his cargo when met with mostly newer recruits. Until one of them had put an arrow between the man’s feet, perhaps backed up by Tansui’s scowl. His letter downplays his own role, and she can feel how proud he is of the people he trains. It had turned out that the captain had spent his very last gil on his cargo, and in a vain hope of maximizing his profits had all but forgotten about the ruby tithe. The ship’s hold had been filled with Hingan furniture bound for Eorzea, and now the Confederacy is the proud owner of gleaming red-lacquered garden benches.
She imagines it, pretty benches in the sand. Mayhap they will pass them on to Doma in a trade, but truly she does not know if the Domans need them any more than the Confederacy.
She chuckles at the story, as she sits on the stairs as she reads. Thancred passes by, a curious look on his face, but he doesn’t ask. She should help with the search, but mostly the letter makes her want to go to him again. With his letters, she knows that he did not tire of her visits, that he wants her. The thought makes her happy, warmth coursing through her. He says as much too, that he misses her, that he wants to hold her, kiss her, touch her.
She looks at the aetheryte, the sparks of aether currents humming about it. It would be so easy, to throw herself into the lifestream, to see him. To feel his hands on her.
His lips.
The warmth of his skin beneath her fingers, his beard scratching across her chest…
Minfilia bounces up the ramp to her left, a white blur of motion. Meryta shakes her head. As much as she wants to, she can’t leave now. Not even a day’s rest here, and who knows if a trip will be an hour or a week on the First. Maybe soon, when they’ve met with Y’shtola, she can find time. Or mayhap when they’ve delt with the next Lightwarden.  
She shudders at the thought. She’ll keep going, no matter how terrified she is, for the sake of those she can save, but right now her mind turns to Tansui first. His smirk and the challenge in his eyes. The affectionate words in his letters, and the appreciation in his hands.Curiously, she finds determination in thinking of him, a promise to see him again, her battles done. There’s a hunger to not only win for herself, or the scions, or everyone else; but so that she can go to him, victorious. She’ll never give up and flee a battle, that is not her nature, but this kind of longing is new.
Across the courtyard, Urianger braces himself against a heavy door. It’s probably stuck from disuse. He seems to have the task well in hand, as it swings open, and he disappears into the darkness.
She should write tonight, at least. She wonders what he’d think if she put her desires, her yearning, on paper, but she’s not sure she can find her words as easily with pen in hand as in her mind. He surely wouldn’t mind, his boldness always evident. She blushes, want running through as she think of his touch again, and tucks the letters into her clothing.
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myreia · 9 months ago
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— onokoro days
“I happen to like your company, Meryta.” “And I like yours.” She bites her lips. “I’m glad this is—settled. I’ve not ever—I’m not used to…” She trails off. “Good,” he says again. “Good,” she says. She pushes him in the water. He sputters and stands, the water reaching only to his waist, but his clothes are soaked. Meryta is laughing, so he pulls her into the water too. He suspects she could resisted him, but she falls in easily enough, with a small delighted squeal. He feels young. — @thevikingwoman
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storytellers-and-co · 10 months ago
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Tansui's Adventures - #9, Allies and Enemies
By the time Tansui had delivered the treats and gotten the news, it was starting to be evening again - and he was more than ready to just curl up by the stairs and sleep. However, Papashan informed the thaumaturge about something alarming… 
Someone of importance had gone missing. And the rounds were to find some clues. And now, knowing someone was out there, alone and possibly in danger, how was Tansui supposed to sleep? Answer, they couldn’t. And thus, the new mage set for searching this missing person. 
Thankfully, it didn’t take too long - natural curiosity and their ability to attract situations was for once playing in their favour… until, as the roguishly handsome stranger with white hair and quick with so fittingly put it, the dead came out to play. 
Tansui hadn’t fought against Voidsent in what felt like years, and yet they’d always remember the stench of one. Thankfully though, they had some help this time - the stranger taking majority of the heat while Tansui could focus on slinging his spells. Magic from both the mage in training and the Voidsent flashed in the night, illuminating the otherwise dark landscape - the steel of the strangers sword glinting at every spell and attack slung. 
Even when additional company was brought in, or when the claws came far too close for comfort, or when they were starting to run awfully low on fire-power for a short moment, Tansui felt oddly at ease - knowing someone was there, had his back for however short of a moment, that they weren’t in this alone for once was a comforting thought. 
One last Astral Fire was what finally took the Voidsent down, allowing Tansui to take a step back, catch his breath, and let the stranger help with the lady. She was apparently his responsibility, or some sort - Tansui might’ve slipped on his focus roughly there, distracted by a crystal on the ground….
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dogicrimsonofficial · 11 months ago
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In game, Tansui got himself some new boots. It's not worth a whole new screenshot pic, so I just made a quick doodle of 'em being happy about having actual solid footwear for once.
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velnica · 1 year ago
🎄 Happy Starlight 2023! ✨
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Thank you for all your support this year as I expand my OC & bard boys lore. It’s been a blast and a half, so let’s have even more fun next year!
Love ~ Vel, Fjora, Cora and the bard unit
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After the Final Days were thwarted and the various contingents returned home, the populace—soldiers and civilians alike—needed something positive to cling to. Not just hope on the ephemeral Warrior of Lights, but also something nearer and dearer to their heart: a return to normalcy. Thus for Starlight this year, the bard unit had been roped into performing on stage, and Sanson asked for every one of his team to join him and Guydelot.
They were supported by Fjora, Cora, and Haurchefant, who had settled—for now—in Gridania. To Sanson's shock and Guydelot's amusement, Commander Vorsaile had raised his hand to join the festivities, and who was Sanson to reject the chance for more merriment? Group assembled, they took to the stage, ready to share some Starlight cheer for one and all.
Individual photos and bio of the bard unit under the cut 💖
The following character bios are written to fit into my WoL's canon timeline and therefore will not reflect the game's information. Edit 25 Dec: I have updated some of their ages to a few years younger, to explain their absence from being conscripted at Carteneau.
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Warrior of Lights:
Fjora Swiftmane: A Rava Viera of fourty-eight summers who left Golmore in search of freedom, only to find it eventually trampled under Garlean ruthlessness. She joined the Dalmascan resistance for a time, though Livia sas Junius' massacre ended her involvement. Fjora left Othard with anger and grief in her heart, and Hydaelyn's calling to be her champion was the start of her healing journey. She is an Uhlan, a heavy-infantry lancer whose skill is now augmented by her Dragoon training.
Corentin Arceneaux: A Wildwood Elezen bard of twenty-five summers, born to antique trader parents in Othard. He became a ward of Rasho and Tansui after his parents were murdered by the Garleans for being undercover Resistance financiers. Cora stayed in the Ruby Sea until the liberation of Doma, when he decided to travel with his long lost sister/close family friend Fjora. His weapon of choice is his giant Hingan bow and his magic-imbued Sanshin. At present he is entangled in some kind of strange relationship to one Hancock Fitzgerald, to whom he owes money for breaking a priceless vase in his collection.
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The Twin Adder Bard unit:
Sanson Smyth: A young Midlander lancer who captains the Bard unit. He is steadfast with a strong sense of morality and justice, a trait that often puts him at odds with his Adder superiors. Yet with the support of Guydelot and Vorsaile, he vows to stay true to his conviction and lead Gridania to a better future. At twenty-two years of age, he still thinks himself inexperienced, despite the accolades that he is fast accumulating on his mantelpiece. He is in a long-term relationship with Guydelot.
Guydelot Thildonnet: A talented, wilful Wildwood bard who was infamous for his truancy and recalcitrance towards any kind of authority. In recent times he's seen a marked improvement in his attendance, and one might even say he's turned a new leaf into the straight and narrow, all under the stern command of Captain Sanson Smyth; a feat backed by the medal tally that the man cared little about. What most people do not know, however, is that the twenty-four year old bard owes this change to his genuine interest and commitment to this unit... and to Sanson himself.
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Karinae Béringer: Sanson's second in command ever since he was made Captain, Karinae is a skilled Duskwight lancer who's ready to defend her friends and comrades at any moment's notice, no matter when or where. Usually you would find the twenty-three year old in the Druthers, hustling free drinks out of any poor souls with her captivating charm—except for Dietrich.
Perinnault Deschamps: A novice bard with brilliant aim and a keen sense of tempo who joined Sanson's unit before the liberation of Ala Mhigo. At twenty and one summers, the Wildwood Elezen is eager to learn everything there is about being a bard, and is improving markedly with every mission that he undertakes.
Dietrich Eltz: Despite his splendid marksmanship, the twenty year old Midlander is a sensitive soul who is prone to crying at the drop of a hat when overwhelmed. His voice had been likened to the sweetness of a spring bloom, and his good looks had won him the admiration of many; yet all he wants is to learn how to become confident in his own skill, and to be admired by the merit of his battlesongs.
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Minh'to Zhwan: A twenty-three year old Keeper of the Moon lancer who was temporarily assigned to Sanson's unit just after the Ballad of Oblivion quest, Minh'to gained the utmost respect for the Captain after they survived and routed an Ixali skirmish. He asked to be transferred permanently and is now thriving under Sanson's leadership, which allows him to learn a myriad of combat skills from their joint Alliance training. He is fiercely protective of his twin sister.
Aemi Zhwan: Stuck in a rut at her previous unit with no pathway to improvement, the twenty-three year old Keeper of the Moon conjurer eventually asked for a transfer to Sanson's unit at the insistence of her twin brother just before Ghimlyt. After surviving the bloody battle, she vowed to support her newly-found comrades in any way she could, having been awed by Guydelot's prowess in the field. She was a sickly child growing up, and Minh'to stepped in to be her protector.
Dya Nakhiri: A studious conjurer, the twenty-four year old Highlander can often be found sequestering themselves in the corner of the Nest, surrounded by books on conjury and battle tactics. When the bards joined Sanson's unit, suddenly their horizon was expanded and now they are deep into research on how to better align the bards' songs with the conjurers' healing spells. Despite their stern countenance, Dya is quietly warm and welcoming once you endear yourself to them.
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Supporting casts:
Haurchefant Greystone: Stolen away by accident to the First at the moment of his death by Crystal Exarch, Haurchefant had been living and training there for nigh ten years, all to better support Fjora when she finally comes to save them all. After a harrowing reunion, they decided to rekindle their relationship, though the plan went awry when Haurchefant became tempered by Fjora's absorbed Light. After an intervention by Hydaelyn before she departs, his soul becomes stable enough to be housed in a Hannish simulacrum, crafted personally as a gift for the Warrior of Light. He now travels with her and Cora, ever ready to defend his friends and family once more. Counting his time in the First, he is now thirty and eight summers old.
Vorsaile Heuloix: The High Commander of the Twin Adders is no stranger to challenging authority, a trait that had served him well during his mercenary days. Ever since the affair with Gylbarde's Journal, the thirty-five year old Wildwood had taken a shine to Sanson and his upstanding integrity and despite not being his direct superior, he's been mentoring the Captain to be his protégé—in defiance to every Adders protocol that keeps him employed. He still grimaces when people affectionately calls him 'Vorsie' though he might be warming up to the nickname at the slowest of snail's pace.
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stormbabylore · 4 months ago
Ooh, I have a few!
I've an AU in which Aeryn just stops after StB. She is shattered, exhausted, unable to cope, and truly convinced her closeness to the Scions causes them more harm than good. So she walks away. She returns to the Ruby Sea (the first and—at the time—only place she's experienced a true memory of her former life), where Tansui convinces her she is allowed to make selfish choices—she is allowed to stop. Even to stay. Despite never officially joining the Confederacy, Rasho makes an unspoken exception for Aeryn that no one seems to question, especially not considering how useful she makes herself. But emotionally, she is an utter wreck. She tosses her linkpearl into the ocean but frequently has nightmares about receiving desperate calls for help from the Scions. She is haunted by the voice of Hydaelyn and the fear that she has done the wrong thing, but she can't find the courage to abandon her perceived freedom from the bloody, ceaseless struggle she has left behind. She may not be happy, she reasons—she may never feel happy again. But everyone is safer without her, she is sure, and... And she is free.
(Two more "bad ends" behind the cut, but beware: they are EW spoiler-heavy!)
In canon, Aeryn begins losing herself to despair as the Scions, one by one, make their sacrifices in Ultima Thule. The breaking point for her is when Urianger chooses, willingly, to give up his life alongside Y'shtola. But at Urianger's parting behest, G'raha manages to pull Aeryn back from the brink and give her the hope she needs to press on; and when he, too, then goes, she is able to maintain her composure for the twins. That said... I could easily imagine G'raha failing to break through to her, resulting in a bad end. Aeryn would lose herself entirely, willingly releasing herself to Dyanmis to become a blasphemy. G'raha and the twins might try to get through to her, but I don't think she'd have the capacity to hear them any longer and would flee toward the Endsinger's song of despair. Meteion might take pity on her (given their past connection) and attempt to grant a swift end to her strife. But because Aeryn's inner power is so strong, it's more likely that they would fuse into something even stronger than the Endsinger. The sheer magnitude of all their suffering would trigger Aeryn's star magic, which she/they would unleash (as stars do) to bring an abrupt and explosive end to everything—even the Final Days.
Finally, my screenshots from this challenge really got me thinking about what Aeryn would be like as an Ascian. There are several ways she might have gotten to that point. Maybe post-HW, if she found herself in the position assumed in canon by Urianger... or perhaps in ShB, had she managed to manifest her past self's empathic abilities and forged a different connection with Emet-Selch. Truthfully, though, I'm kind of stuck on the idea of her offing Fandaniel (without truly killing the Ascian) and getting sort of possessed by Amon. It would be a split situation in which her soul (plus Azem power plus soul of a literal star) can't be fully controlled, even by the Ascian's methods, so she'd probably be a little bit bonkers. But I think her empathy for Hermes's situation would have made her uniquely suited to an odd kind of soul symbiosis with one of his shards, helping to subdue a little bit of Amon's madness, as well as his desperation to end. In that way it would be a bad end for the WoL, but perhaps not the worst end, story-wise. I could still see Ascian Aeryn working to avert the Final Days: reaching out to Meteion with both her own and Hermes's memories, pushing through the nest to find the Endsinger, even summoning Hades and Hythlodaeus… and possibly even some of the other Ascians? Defeating the Endsinger alongside both Ancients and Ascians would be pretty poetic, all things considered, and so delightfully circular thinking back on ARR. I'm not sure much about the fight itself would change, with Ascian Aeryn finding herself in the odd circumstance of being gifted strength beyond even her means by the prayers of the Scions who don't want to see their friend defeated, perhaps hoping they can somehow bring her back...
(Do I need another AU? No. But I'm a teensy bit obsessed with the notion of EW driving Aeryn to willingly play host to an Ascian... annnnnnd I'll probably end up writing some of this. Oops, I guess? Here we are.)
Bad endings? Bad endings anyone?
What if they got consumed by the light? What if they became a primal? Any and all bad endings!
I think mine most likely would've become a lightwarden because she didn't get to Emet-Selch fast enough. "Obsession" would be its name, due to the fact it would be obsessed with the idea of saving others and changing the world, probably leading to either the Scions killing her or to her consuming the First in Light.
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headcanons-n-shit · 3 years ago
hi I LOVE ur writing!! Can we get some ffxiv boys and the meals they would cook (or attempt to) for their beloved wol?
The ff14 boys? cooking?!
Does this man look like he can cook?
i jest. He can make breakfast. Perfectly scrambled cheese eggs and crispy-chewy bacon and toast with rich butter and sweet, tart marmalade, brought to you on a tray in bed.
A surprisingly competent baker! He enjoys making delicate little cakes with colorful frosting and fragile candied flowers, and he never minds when he catches your fingers in the batter or you sticking a spoon in the frosting or if you sneak a candied flower. Food is meant to be eaten, after all, and this particular batch he made for you.
Bread. Nothing makes him happier than a loaf of fresh, warm bread. He enjoys the process of it, the mixing of the ingredients, the kneading of the dough, though he can get a little impatient waiting for it to rise. It tastes like nothing youve ever had on the Source-- he makes it with love after all. And a sourdough starter from the First.
Surprisingly the only one out of our Catholic Elves who actually knows how to cook. He’s common-born, after all, well used to fending for himself. Rich, hearty stews and sautéed vegetables roasts so perfectly made that it falls apart under a fork. He never really got the chance to cook often before you, but now with regular access to your kitchen he’s getting even better.
Bold of you to assume this man can cook.
That is not a joke. He’s a nobleman, do you think he’s ever cooked anything more complicated than a fried egg a single day in his life? Of course not. He’ll have his cooks learn your favorite foods, though. 
He may not be experienced at cooking, but he is the hot cocoa master. perfectly rich, not overly sweet or bitter, with an undertone of something citrus and tart. If he has the time he’ll even make some whipped cream to go on top. 
He remembers a rare few dishes from his childhood. Money was tight back then, and they couldnt exactly afford a lot, but. He carefully goes through the motions, mincing the lamb onion and garlic together with the spices as Rielle rolls out the dough into little rounds. The little two-bite dumplings dont taste exactly how he remembers, but you seem to enjoy them, and thats all that matters.
He steps in the kitchen and everyone in the confederacy immediately knows he’s down bad. Congee and fish steamed with herbs and lemon and vegetables roasted with garlic and butter. You feel absolutely spoiled as he lays it all out before you. he doesn’t cook like this for anyone else but Rasho.
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lookbluesoup · 2 years ago
Another Character Bingo Ask.
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Thanks for the ask! :D
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Honestly a lot of the Doma side of Stormblod is a blur for me. I don't remember much of Tansui! I was chomping at the bit to get to Shadowbringers, and I paid more attention to the Ala Mhigo side because my partner's WoL, A'mahl Tia, is from there and it gave him a lot of good background lore.
I don't dislike Tansui, though, and I'd be curious to see him show up again in the future in the XIV story or in people's fics!
Ask me about characters!
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aethernoise · 8 years ago
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Don’t call me out like this Tansui
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dualcastimpact · 6 months ago
This is something I wish the game addressed more, because back in Stormblood the fact that the glamours that hid Rhalgr's Reach from view failed right after the WoL and the Scions arrived was never really discussed. That was too much of a coincidence, it would have been the perfect time for someone to blame the WoL and/or Scions for bringing the Empire's attention upon them. It's why I loved the bit where, after Yotsuyu starts rounding up Doman members of the Confederacy soon after the WoL arrives at the Ruby Sea, Tansui straight up asks the WoL if death and destruction always follow in their wake—because they do. They really do. Maybe not in this specific case, but the WoL brings with them trouble just by virtue of being the main character.
do you think with time the WoL has become a symbol of impending doom to people, like, they appear and everyone is like “ah, something truly horrible is coming for us if they’re here.”
I like to imagine it starts small with jokes, but as the story progresses people all across eorzea grow weary. They don’t shun the WoL, more like they ready themselves for the storm to come, or resign themselves to whatever they think fate has in store for them.
Would the WoL notice? Would it eventually get to them? I love thinking about it.
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thevikingwoman · 3 months ago
I heard it was post smut Thursday, well here's something that was on my mind and in my drafts for a long time.
Set at an undefined time in the Stormblood patches, Meryta swings by Onokoro again (of course)
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV | Words : 918 | Read on Ao3
Metyta Khatin (wol) x Tansui | SB patches | smut Rating: Explicit. Sexual content, oral sex, fun times, banter, semi-public sex
Good Company
“I told you you’d be back”
Meryta laughs, joy bubbling in her belly.
“I am. What are you going to do about it?”
He grabs her hand, but his tone is a question, so she nods and follows him willingly.
As soon as they’re out of sight of everyone else, up the stairs and behind a building, he pushes her against the wall and kisses her soundly.
“Missed me?“ she gasps between kisses, “that much?”
“You’re the one who followed me.”
She has nothing to say to that, not when he is kissing her neck, eagerly sucking bruises into it, worrying her flesh and scales between his teeth. The skirt she’s wearing is terribly short, her top leaving her belly bare, and perhaps it was not an accident. She throws her head back when he sinks to his knees, and kisses the exposed skin there, digging his hands into her ass. She clutches his shoulders and moans, biting her lip to prevent too much noise from escaping.
They’re not really private here, not even the illusion of a closed door between them and whoever may be assigned on guard here, or wandering the stairs on their own business.
Tansui doesn’t care, bracing her against the wall, pulling one leg over his shoulder, kissing the inside of her thigh. She bucks against him when he sucks, another place she’ll surely have bruises tomorrow. He didn’t forget when she said she liked it, and he seems more than excited by it.
He kisses her again, bolts of want running through her as his hot lips meet the sensitive flesh on her thighs. She bucks her hips forward when he bites her, and sticks her hand in her mouth. She doesn’t want to be heard, and she doesn’t want him to stop.
He doesn’t, his eyes mischievous as he kisses the bruise he just made, brushing his lips against her scales, as he’s kissing the leg still on the ground.
She moans into her hand.
Tansui grins.
“Stay quiet, now.”
“I thought you had a – oh!”
With one hand, he pushes her smalls aside, and his mouth is right there, licking, sucking at her most sensitive spots. She does her best not to let out any more noises, but she knows she is unable to be completely quiet. Right now she doesn’t care if anyone hears or comes to investigate – Confederacy recruits or the Auspices or the emperor of Garlemald himself. Tansui sucks and she moans into her hand, her other falling on his head, tangling in his hair.
Tansui doesn’t let up, using one hand to keep her steady, the other tangled in her smalls. Satisfied they stay out of the way, his hand falls down where she can’t see as he lets out a low moan against her cunt. She pushes him closer, clenching around nothing, pleasure building in waves down her spine. He’s already as close as he can get, relentless in his pursuit of her pleasure, sucking, licking, beard scraping against sensitive flesh, his teeth pressing against her clit in delightful pressure.
She throws back her head and has to squeeze her eyes shut, focusing on staying upright. There’s a rustle of fabric and she realizes he’s working himself, aroused by the pleasure he brings her. It’s enough to bring her over, her climax hitting her in a furious burst. Tansui keeps going, but lets up a little, the aftershock having her tilt her hips off the wall and into him. When she looks down, he pulls back and grins up at her, dark lashes and her juices smeared across his chin.
She vaguely feels she should do something, touch him, but she’s lost in a post orgasmic haze, simply patting his hair awkwardly. Her legs wobble as she slides her left leg down from his shoulder, and he lets go of her, busy touching himself. Unable to keep herself upright, she slides all the way down to the ground, sitting against the wall. Her eyes are locked at where his hand is wrapped around his cock, stroking it fast and firm. Tansui’s eyes close and with grunt he comes, his spend hitting the dirt between them.
Tansui tucks himself away and leans forward to kiss her. Slower, but still intense, pressure and pleasure and the taste of herself on his tongue. She makes a small sound, and grabs his shoulder. She wants to hold him, or be held.
“Shhh,” he says, smirking, when they break apart. “Plenty of people about.”
“They’re you people. Your problem, right?”
He chuckles. “If you put it like that.”
“Wouldn’t mind going somewhere more private, though.”
“Oh? And here I thought you’ve gotten what you came for?”
She punches him lightly. “I came for your lovely company, of course.”
“So, this is but a bonus?”
He smirks, gesturing between them.
“A good one.”
She grins and grabs the hand he extends to her, pulling herself up and adjusting her clothes. No hope of covering the bites and bruises he left, and she doesn't care. Especially when his eyes rake over them, a new stab of want already simmering. 
“I can offer you company and a trip if you want. I’m set to go to Sakazuki today.”
“I’ll love to.”
hey will have time, later. She does want his company, simple time with him settles her in a way she cannot explain. She stands on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek. Tansui looks away, and then crushes his arms around her.
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myreia · 4 months ago
Familiar Shores
Characters: Tansui, Rasho, Meryta Khatin (WoL) Pairings: Tansui x Meryta Summary: The day is bright and warm as Tansui distracts himself, wondering when his lover will return. When will she come back to him? Rating: Teen Notes: For @thevikingwoman. Happy belated birthday, Viking! Mwha! 💕💋 2,456 words Read on AO3
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Simple tasks and simple chores may not be the most exciting part of his life, but it’s on days like these that Tansui is grateful for the work.
The sun beats down from an azure sky, baking the shores of Onokoro they may as well simmer like the coast of Hells’ Lid. The kind of sun that leads to slow, languid days. Their people have scattered, seeking relief on the seas or under shade. Some of the young Confederates took off this morning to fish and relax. With a pang, he wishes he had joined them, but the youth deserve time to explore and discover away from the watchful eye of their elders. The past few weeks have given little time for rest and relaxation; with more Garleans in the Ruby Seas and a malfunction in the Onokoro aetheryte, the Confederacy has been busier than usual.  
And so, he has found himself, as he often does, busied on the dock, making minor repairs to his boat. The vessel is small, little more than a two-person sailing dinghy used for servicing large ships or sailing around the bay. Though the keel is worn and the sides scarred from years of use, she still makes for a serviceable boat if you don’t mind her bellyaching. She’s been all but marooned for the past three moons.
His fault, running her aground. He knows these seas, he should have known better. Then again, it was a bit difficult to pay attention, given where Meryta decided to put her hands.  
Tansui sighs and stretches, wiping sweat from his brow. Water laps around his legs, tugging and pulling as the waves flow in and out. The memory, though distant, is a good one, still capable of bringing a rosy flush to his cheeks that has nothing to do with sunburn. It was his idea to escape that night to sail below the moon and the stars. Just the two of them in such close quarters with calm waters all around…  
She brings out something of a romantic in him. A romantic more fitting of a younger man, and yet here he is, finding convoluted and ill-advised ways to give her the world when she’s here and thinking about it when she isn’t.
He wets his lips—the dry, salty taste sharp on his tongue—and tilts his head back, enjoying the briny wind and spray of mist on his face. A smile spreads from ear to ear. Meryta. Soaring in and out of his life just as the birds migrate. Here one moment and gone the next, as variable as the changing tides. She never stays long, though sometimes he senses she would like otherwise. He does not mind. He can wait for her and wait some more.
There is no doubt in his heart she will find her way back to him.
His smile fades. Every time she returns, little pieces of her have changed. A shift in her demeanour, a change in her speech. Consequences, however small, of a time spent in places he does not know or understand. Sometimes he thinks the call of the Warrior of Light is too great a burden for any one person to carry. But what does he know of the fate of gods and primals and other worlds?
He is simply a pirate.
“Tansui!” A gruff hand claps him across the back and Rasho throws an arm around his shoulders, pulling him away from the boat. “Brilliant day for a nameday, eh?”
Tansui chortles and twists around, water sloshing around his knees. “And here I’d just about forgotten,” he returns, ducking out from his grip. “Namedays come and go, this one is no more remarkable than the last.”
Rasho chuckles. “Aye, perhaps it is, perhaps tis not,” he replies with an irritatingly knowing smirk on his face. What does he know that Tansui doesn’t? “Take a moment to enjoy yourself, my friend. You should be playing dice or drinking or napping on a day like today.”
“I’m in the water, that’s all I need. Besides, someone has to look after her.” He shrugs in the direction of his boat. “Fix her up and she’ll be good as new.”
Rasho’s smirk widens. By the kami, what has gotten into him? “Very well, very well,” he says, raising his hands in surrender. “But don’t work yourself to the bone, you hear? Have it on good authority you’ll want to be around for tonight.”
He snorts with laughter. Whatever his friend is implying, he’ll know in due course. “Understood, captain.”
“Oh, and Tansui… Keep an eye out for interlopers. On the sea and in the skies. Don’t want anyone slipping by on our watch. Not with Garleans on our doorstep.”
“Perhaps we should raise the tithe, given the trouble.”
The smirk is back. “I will leave that decision in your capable hands,” he says. “Do let me know what you decide to raise it to. And for whom.”
Tansui frowns.
Rasho raises his head. “Ah. Look’s like she’s getting away from you.”
Tansui curses and spins around just in time to see his boat pull free of her ropes and float away from the dock. Inhaling a deep breath, he ignores Rasho’s booming laugh and plunges beneath the waves. He swims swiftly, his haori dragging behind him, and catches the boat’s bowline. Grunting, he treads water and wraps the rope around his arm, then begins to haul his escapee back to shore.
Minutes pass, water rushing in his ears, foam spraying in his face. Still, he cannot help but laugh at his foolish error. The sea is warm, the sun is bright, a stray cloud passes overheard. There are worse things in the world. 
At last, he reaches the end of the dock, panting and spitting salt water from his mouth. He goes under again, testing the depths, searching for the bottom with the tips of his toes. When the water closes over his head, he shoots back up and surfaces, hair loosened from its braid and flying into his eyes. He could round the dock and return to where he was, but this will do. Perhaps Rasho is right. He’s struggled enough with the boat for today.
He raises an arm, preparing to heave the rope up and tie it properly to the post.   
A shadow falls across him and, for the briefest of moments, his heart stops.
A Xaela warrior stands above him on the edge of the dock. She is wrapped in a heavy blue coat that leaves her upper arms bare, a sheathed katana at her side. Cropped green hair frames her face and horns, and her vibrant purple eyes observe him with calm certainty. Her tail flicks back and forth, the end curling and uncurling as those familiar eyes look him up and down, lingering on his bare chest beneath his open haori. She is aglow, the light illuminating her so perfectly from behind that he could be staring into the sun.
No wonder some call her the Warrior of Light.   
His mouth opens, but nothing comes out. There are countless things he could say to her—things he has dreamed of, things he has played over again and again during restless hours at night—and yet all thought is driven from his mind.
A wave smacks him in the face, brine splashing into his mouth. He splutters, coughing, and the next moment he finds her unbuckling her katana and setting it aside. She kneels on the dock, hand outstretched, and grasps his hand with hers. His thumb presses against her wrist, brushing past sensitive scales to where her pulse beats, strong and firm.
“Meryta,” he breathes. “You’re back.”
A smile spreads across her face, bright as the rising sun. “Would you like some help?” she asks.
He stares at her like a fool. “You’re back.”
“You’re in the water.”
“I was fixing my boat. She escaped. I was fetching her.” He swallows, the taste of salt fresh on his tongue. “You’re back.”
She meets his eyes. “That’s the third time you’ve said that.” Her voice is soft and full of wonder, as if she can’t quite believe she is here either. Her grip tightens, fingertips pressing into the back of his hand. Locked. As if the tides themselves could not pull them apart. “And you haven’t answered my question.”
He returns her gaze. “I can do you one more,” he replies, shooting her a roguish grin. “You’re back.”
And he pulls her into the sea.
She yelps as she goes under, plunging into the depths in a rush of bubbles. He chases, sinking below, joy beating frenetically in his heart. When he opens his eyes, all is turquoise and green and blue and purple, watery light spiralling in from above, white bubbles spinning all around. He catches her in his arms and crushes his mouth to hers.
Warmth floods him. Her lips are soft and inviting and wondrous as she kisses him back, delightful and delectable and filled with such sweet promises. She clings to him, enveloping herself around him with her hands cradled at the base of his neck and her tail wrapped around his leg. This moment below the waves cannot last—he does not have the Kojin’s gift the way she does—but here in this watery domain there is nothing but them. Nothing but time. Nothing but peace.
They surface together, locked in a kiss, his hair tangled about his face, hers plastered across her forehead. Then finally they part, foreheads pressed together, legs and tail entwined, and bob in the gentle waves, catching their breath. They drift slowly away from the dock, their sodden clothes fanning about them.
“Ass,” Meryta says.
“Pirate,” Tansui replies with a wink.
She giggles and splashes water at him. “Is this what counts as a nice greeting? After how long I’ve been away?”
“Any greeting where I get to kiss you is nice, no?”
She sighs happily and clutches him, her legs floating up behind her as she rests her head in the crook of his neck, mindful of her horns. “I tried to teleport here, but it wouldn’t work,” she murmurs. “And then I thought… The worst came to mind. I’ve been occupied elsewhere and the Alliance is not always as complete with its intelligence as I would like.”
“We’re fine. An ordinary malfunction, as far as I know.” He pauses, threading his fingers through her wet hair, admiring its shine. “How did you get here? No ships have docked today.”
“I flew. I didn’t want to miss your nameday.” His heart swells. She knows. She remembers. He does not recall telling her. With a shrug, she kicks her feet, splashing the water, and propels them further from the dock. Back on shore, a yellow chocobo pokes curiously at the beach, nosing a large shell with its beak. “When there’s no aetheryte, Lucida takes me where I need to go.”
“You crossed the seas by air.” Fucking Rasho, that is what he meant, wasn’t it? He must have heard she was in the area, making her way back. He leans back, hair floating in the water, and stares at the cloudless sky, laughter rumbling in his chest. “Imagine that. Perhaps I should demand a new tithe for that.”
Warm fingers loop around his neck, tilting him up. “I’ve already paid your Ruby Tithe,” she reminds him huskily, kissing him. “I suppose we can strike a bargain as to what this new one will look like.”
“Consider me listening.”
“Are you accepting suggestions?”
“Consider me open.”
She drags a hand down his neck and across his collarbone, splaying her fingers across his broad chest. “Let’s get out of the water,” she murmurs. “Maybe then we can find a way to bargain in earnest.”
“You have no idea how dearly I would like to.” He kisses her again, hands threaded in her hair, savouring her lips, her cheeks, her jaw, her everything. By the kami, it has been too long. He has told himself again and again that he is a patient man—at least where she is concerned—but if you asked him to describe himself now, that patience is nowhere to be found. “You know the way.”
“I do.”
“We should get to shore.”
“We should.”
“Put some other clothes on. Preferably something not wet.”
She whines, the smallest of sounds humming on her lips. “Must we?”
“I—ah, fuck.” He pulls away, still clinging onto her as he stares ahead at the small boat rolling away on the cresting waves as if she has a mind of her own. “My boat…”
Meryta squirms, twisting around. “Your boat?”
“That one there.”
“The one where we—”
“Aye, yes, that’s the one.” Tansui sighs. “Too late to retrieve her now, the tides have taken her. By the time we seek her out, she will have run aground on a reef.”
A gentle smile tugs at her lips. “Can you get another one?”
“Aye, but tis not that one.” He sighs again, cursing his foolish mistake. Boats come and go, this he knows, and yet this one was special. She made it special. “We should return to shore.”
Judging from the furrow in her brow, she is still lost in thought. “Can you build another boat?” she asks, staring at his vessel as she crests another wave. Gone, gone, and out of sight. “Certainly the Confederacy has a shipwright, or do you steal all your ships from your neighbours?”
He snorts. “There is one, yes, Meryta, thank you, but I would not trouble him for this.”
“If I were to supply the resources, would he be willing to teach me?”
“What are you saying? That you will build me another boat?”
She turns his face towards hers and grins. “There’s more in my kit than a katana and a bow, you know,” she says. “I have a saw and a few other tools. I’ve never made a boat before, but that doesn’t mean I can’t learn. Perhaps I can contact Gridania and ask Beatin if he has any advice.” Her eyes brighten, limbal rings glowing, enthralled by the idea. “Race you to shore?”
He blinks, still stuck on the part where she said she would build him a boat, and nods. With a whoop, she dashes ahead, swimming freely beneath the waves. He gives chase, splashing after her until his feet touch ground. Then he breaks into a run, sloshing through the water until he has caught her again. She laughs, giggling madly as he lifts her into the air, kissing her again as they spin about on the white hot sands.
Namedays come and go, and this one he will remember.
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storytellers-and-co · 6 months ago
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Tansui's Adventures - #26, Tense Feelings
Fufulupa was quick to inform Tansui what the dagger in his hands truly was - and dismissed them just as quickly as they dismissed any notion of taking over the leadership.
Fair, not everyone was ready to take such a role, not when they still had someone they looked up to anywhere near them. It was wordless praise of the highest caliber, and not everyone was ready to accept something like that - be it because they were humble, or because they didn’t trust a single word from anyone's mouth.
Which category Tansui fell in, we do not know - for the second they brought in the dagger for Fufulupa, he was quick to direct Tansui to a new area. Some thaumaturges had been gathering by the nearby ruins, and could use some guards. Seeing they were in his profession, Tansui should’ve felt right at home patrolling the area…
Or so it should’ve been, in theory. However, Tansui felt ill at ease. It was like he was being watched. Something about the area just… crawled right up their spine and tail. And it seemed like others like them sensed it too; there was a Miqo’te guard with a gunblade - Tansui suppressed a shudder at the sight - looking around with a serious look on his face, even when perched and seemingly relaxed.
So when an order came to go to the nearby settlement and make sure there was enough fish for the next meal, Tansui was more than happy to get out of the dodge….
Cameo: C'aithus Nuhn
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velnica · 2 years ago
I'll start with Fjora first since she's my main WoL:
Changed her ship from Wolstimeric to Wolchefant - this is probably the biggest one as it involves a massive fix-it plotline that goes through Shadowbringers (Haurche being pulled to the First)
Instead of having a younger Viera brother, she is now an 'older sister' to Cora
Really intertwining her lore with Guydelot and Sanson
Aesthetically, changing her hair colour from white to auburn
For Cora, he really started off as a blank slate with the barest of lore but since then:
I made him be a ward of Rasho and Tansui instead of just a foreigner living vaguely in Othard, hiding from the Garleans
Connected him with Fjora's lore on a deeper level, making them essentially family members who were separated for nearly a decade
Ship him with Hancock (lmao) in some kind of indebted part-timer/mafia boss kinda ship
What are some of the biggest changes that you made to your wol(oc) since first making them in ffxiv?
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dogicrimsonofficial · 11 months ago
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Tansui's Adventures - #1, Arrival
The scorching heat of the sun, welcoming committee of overly hostile guards, and a not-so-friendly Beastkins. What a welcome for a young Au Ra that had been!
At least the imposing walls would offer some protection - and who knows, maybe he could hide within them long enough to recover, and get a better grasp at the-
Hey, was someone watching them?
Cameo: Va'ea Locla by Noid Brightclaw
Sooo... I might have started a new game on new character and wanted to record their story as it happens via arts. Meet Tansui Ginsuke, very short Au Ra with some skeletons in their closet!
Also I am cameoing folks on these - first my patreon members that wanted a spot, then friends, then acquaintances.
Posts once a week as long as I have some backlog on me.
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pippuns · 3 years ago
Hi I sort of accidentally made 2 more WoLs and I think you might like them- I have very pretty pirate bnuuy gorl who formed a terrible trio with Rasho and Tansui when she landed in the Ruby Sea after she left home. I love her very much. Then I’ve got a former Student of Baldesion elezen who is also Fourchenault and Ameliance’s long suffering friend from when they were younger, he very accidentally became an adventurer after leaving Sharlayan and then when he met Alphinaud he just sorta went “fuck I’m never gonna get out of this adventuring thing am I?” (No)
PIRATES!! YES!! square enix stop making modern glamour and start making more PIRATE GLAMS CHALLENGE
i love hot pirate ladies so much they just awaken something in me. u understand.
ur student of baldesion has made me incredibly invested in a sharlayan wol in a poly relationship with fourchenault and ameliance. i think their dynamic with alphinaud and alisae would be fun to explore. slaps the wol this guy can fit in SO much complicated parental feelings.
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