#tang sanyue
pctaldrunk · 5 months
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"Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down in the most delightful way."
@directorofwulin liked for a lyric starter !
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roscvcins · 12 days
@ghostlypath continued from x
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Her hands still ONLY A MOMENT, and then she finishes tying the bandage. "...Because it's what I CAN do." Of everyone that has made it to the BOTTOM of this cliff - he is the only one still living. "You were going to make it. I knew from the moment I set eyes on you." She's calmer now - but her heart had seized violently when, after hours and hours and hours of turning over the lifeless bodies, pressing fingertips to pulse-points one by one, slowly losing hope that there was any survivor - she stumbled on him in the MOUNTAIN of corpses. Surprised to find him still alive, that there was anyone, anything to rescue from the carnage. Tang Sanyue shouted for her supplies and assessed him immediately - the severity of his injures as such that she had been impressed, when he awoke, that he could even string words together, let alone be so coherent.
"I'm not afraid of your enemies." She has plenty of tricks left to play, should she be cornered - and even barring that, most hesitate to cross her too badly. Doctors are a vital and RARE RESOURCE in war, no matter which side they happen to be on, and she's been a FAMILIAR face among other cultivators, treating injuries and illness far and wide across jianghu. "Besides - you have something to live for, don't you?"
It's rare, after all, to see someone cling so WILLFULLY to life, after such a horrible thing. "...Your medicine should be ready, and it will help with the pain, but I can't leave you lying here for much longer. I can numb the area with a needle, if you'd like - but we have to move you." Tang Xiaoshan is already coming with the makeshift stretcher. The exposure certainly isn't helping anyone, and her instinct is to get away from this place as soon as possible.
Who knows, after all, who might pass by, or return to be rid of a couple more corpses.
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dreams-of-fate · 10 months
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@pctaldrunk said: “Maybe I’m stronger than I realize.” (Tang tang and qingzhao for fun)
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"You've always been strong, Sugar." Qingzhao stroked Sanyue's hair. "Remember how you used to try and fight your brother with the aide of your dolls?"
It was bittersweet to think all their memories together were from when Sanyue went by another name and had only been eight years old or younger. When now she was in her twenties and had a stable career as a physician.
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pctaldrunk · 5 months
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the f4 of this blog tbh
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pctaldrunk · 7 months
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@xiianxias asked :
homemade. our muses have a home-cooked meal, where one muse cooks the other a delicious and intimate meal.
[ for tang tang, from xie tian yi / @xiianxias ! he's finally making those noodles ;~; ] -
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She's been banned from HELPING, sat down across the counter to keep him company only on the condition she doesn't lift a finger - but it doesn't stop her from occasionally reaching across to dab gently at his forehead with folded square of handkerchief. The summer might be KINDER to him than the winter - but the warmth combined with the heat of the kitchen steams his face an uncharacteristic but charming ROSE.
Her cheek is leaned into her palm and her elbow in turn leans into wood surface as she slants a little haphazardly across the counter. "...That looks delicious." It does. The roiling little pot of broth and noodles is appetizing, the green onions crisp and fresh floating at the bubbling surface. It's like a surprise that he carried with him - one of the little enigmas wrapped up in him that makes him HIM.
He's so focused and serious with his sleeves rolled up and his hair pulled back that it makes her smile - compels her to want to TEASE, the slightest spark of mischief lighting in her eyes as she folds her arms. "But you look good enough to take a bite out of too - "
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pctaldrunk · 11 months
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"I think I've got everything you wrote me for - " The truth is, her grandfather DOES NOT particularly like her visits to Qishan, nor does he necessarily approve of this particular friendship. Not that the old man SAYS so, of course, only huffing, the way he does - and seeing her off in the morning when he would much rather sleep in and let her leave by herself, after so many journeys. She hardly gets to visit as it is - for good reason, perhaps, since Qing herself is so busy.
Between doctors there are always ENDLESS herbs to trade from one region to another, there being only so much one can send by letter - and knowing that it might be a few months more before they meet each other again, and likely unprepared and on SOMEONE ELSE'S territory - the table in front of her fills up quickly with labeled packets tied hastily with string, beside half drunken tea and the crumbs of slightly bitter cake. "Ah, and I brought your brother a bottle of the supplements I made for Tang Ningshan - they're, well - less bitter." Than the stuff around THESE parts, she does not finish, pressing down a smile.
@dreams-of-fate liked for a starter ! feat. w.en q.ing
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pctaldrunk · 5 months
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@xiianxias asked :
"He would commit murder for me.”
[ for tang tang, from emperor shen yizhi, re xty of course sdfdsk / @xiianxias ! ]
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"...Dianxia, do you know how many people would commit murder for you?" Exhale is full of exasperated fondness - she plucks the LAST needle from the back of the emperor's hand, a smile half curling at her lips as she wipes metal body clean, and then passes the tip over the top of burning flame again. Slips it back into her cloth bundle to roll up. Despite the late hour, the shadow that falls over her face, there is a particular glimmer in round, dark eyes catching the moonlight as she peers up at Shen Yizhi. "Or - much more than that?" Xie Tianyi certainly would. Xie Tianyi would die for him too, the way he goes about it. “Not because you are the emperor, but just because you're you?"
The low stove steams and hums, a signal that the medicine is ready. She picks the small clay kettle off of the fire, pouring sweet liquid warmed softly with the scent of herbs into the prepared cup. Then again - she can’t blame Xie Tianyi, really. She’s much similar, after all.
“So, Dianxia,” Picks up the cup, rising slightly so that she might pass it to him, fingertips cool against his skin, warmer than hers, “You aren’t alone.” As many on that seat end up being. As he undoubtedly sometimes feels.
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pctaldrunk · 6 months
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@xiianxias asked :
[ 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 ] : sender has harmed someone who threatened the receiver.
[ for tang tang, from xty / @xiianxias ! ]
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"Hey - Hey, LOOK AT ME." He seems to be breathing too hard, his knuckles very likely bruised, and there's a look in eyes that she recognizes. She pulls him to her quickly, without even a second's hesitation. He may look a fright to others - but Tang Tang knows, has always known that she's safe with him.
Despite his own aversion to winter, sometimes she thinks his rage feels cold. Her arms wrap tight around him and she encases him in her warmth - aware, of course, of the eyes pricking her back. The fool who tried his luck is curled up on the ground, groaning - but she ignores it. For now there's nothing more important than the man in her arms. He's giving his all to protect her - and even if it's only against prying eyes, she wants to protect him.
"...I'm here. I'm okay. Nothing happened." Pulls back only far enough to cup his face with her hands, thumbs brushing feather light across his cheek, her own touch imprecise, a little hurried, a little agitated, afraid at once that it's too little comfort and that it's too much. Her heart squeezes with the ache and sweetness both - and she's smiling but her brows are knitted when she leans up to press feather light kisses to his face. " - You protected me very well."
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pctaldrunk · 6 months
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"...You still up?" She grimaces into the receiver, and then shakes her head as she looks down the slight slope from the medical building down into the city slowly becoming illuminated by a rosy dawn, "Or I guess, did you get up? I'm done with night shift." There are times when night shifts are NICE - nights when she can stitch together an uncomplicated wound resulting from an accident or send parents home with children's cold medicine. Then there are nights like these that leave something to be desired - unfulfilled until she sits down and eats something warm and hearty, until she sees someone and speaks to them.
Tang Tang doesn't linger TOO LONG on the details of the night - only the fact that she's done, and her steps are a little lighter as she continues down the hill. " - You don't have anything this morning, right? Want to come down for some dumplings? Soup dumplings and shrimp dumplings included. Maybe get the tofu pudding next door too. I'll buy."
@evcryopeneye liked for a starter ! feat. feng wu
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pctaldrunk · 7 months
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@xiianxias asked :
[ passionate ] an intense and fiery kiss, expressing raw desire and strong emotion
[ for tang tang, from xty / @xiianxias ! ] - DIFFERENT WAYS TO KISS SOMEONE (ACCEPTING)
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He doesn't do nearly ANYTHING by halves, she's come to know - and so her heart skips a beat when he closes her into the small nook in the back, where in her expert opinion, not a soul will see them - and begins to beat THUNDEROUSLY. Automatically alert, alight, her fingers curled lightly into sleeves of robes as she allows his silhouette to cover her whole.
Points of contact seem to light on FIRE - she almost shivers at the way his fingertips burn against her cheek, at the way their exhales seem to mingle, becoming one and the same as he draws closer and closer. She's anticipating it - but he still manages to draw out a quiet noise of surprise when he kisses her.
At this distance, it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. Pressed against him, she feels as though they might melt together entirely - every breath she takes in sync with his, every movement an ebb and flow.
Breathless, the heat that surrounds her making the air on her ear and the back of her neck seem startlingly cool by contrast - she peels herself from the wall, steadying herself on his elbows. Her cheeks baked a healthy pink. "Let's - " Clears her throat, reddening still more as she realizes how hoarse she sounds, and she leans up to press the lightest kiss to the corner of his lips as if to cover up for her own embarrassment, "Let's go home?"
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pctaldrunk · 8 months
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@xiianxias asked : [ establish ] sender leans into receiver in front of other people, hoping to establish that they're in a relationship
[ for tang tang, from xie tian yi listen irrespective of their relationship status, he would do this. man is Possessive(tm) sdfsdkf ] - ACTION PROMPTS FOR LEANING (ACCEPTING)
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THE TRUTH is that her mind has already drifted away from what she's saying - it's hard to focus entirely, after all - with that BURNING GAZE grazing past her ear and directed toward the unfortunate young official that had taken an interest to herbology, and by extension, her. In fact, Tang Sanyue thinks he ought to be COMMENDED as a student - since he manages, miraculously, to remain a well of rapid questions despite the way he's the PRIMARY target of the daggers that seem to be shooting from the man glaring beside her.
So when Xie Tian Yi cants into her space - she feels it, of course, the way the residual golden glow of peripheral light is suddenly blocked by a looming figure, her face cool with the reprieve, and she finds herself crashing suddenly into the comforting scent that clings to his robes - instead of pulling away to put the distance back between them, she simply brings herself a little closer. Underneath the table, she pulls his arm over ever so slightly - and her hands settle over his wrist, SEEMINGLY ABSENT despite the way she now plays with his fingers almost NATURALLY, like she has done so many times before. Her arm is touching his side, and half sitting, her knee is touching his as well. She finishes giving her list of recommended texts with crisp voice and a spark in her eye.
" - You'll have to excuse me." Her voice bubbles with the faintest hint of laughter that she struggles to press down as she turns to LOOK at him now - "I think our esteemed Dishi Daren has something to say to me - " And when she tugs him to his feet, her hand is already concealed behind his sleeve when she entwines their fingers, and gives his hand a little squeeze.
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pctaldrunk · 8 months
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"i'm sorry i didn't make noodles for you like i promised."
xie tian yi is dressed down for the evening: he sits half-slumped on the arhat bed; his long black hair cascading gently down around his shoulders. he's wearing several layers of warm robes --- but even so, he still looks chilled and uncomfortable, constantly sniffling and clearing his throat. he'd at least managed to hold on for long enough to put on a good performance in court earlier today, but in the hours since, he's spiked a fever; he figures he must be looking visibly unwell, because liu shi gang didn't even require any prompting --- he'd taken one look at his boss, then set off for the forbidden city to inform the emperor that the junior imperial preceptor will be recuperating at home for a few days.
dark eyes, their characteristic intensity markedly blunted by a feverish glassiness, turn their gaze on tang sanyue, and xie tian yi smiles softly, precious little dimples punctuating either cheek. "another time," he says, and though his voice is quiet, there's a certain gravitas to it --- one that implies a promise.
he fights valiantly for a moment against an imminent sneeze, but loses the battle in the end --- and the sigh of frustration that follows is entirely reflexive. "tang tang. you should go and get some good rest. i'm hardly worthwhile company when i'm --- " a vague, disgusted gesture at himself, " --- in this sort of state. it's ... revolting. better that you don't have to endure me."
[ for tang tang, from xie tian yi / @xiianxias ! ]
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"...Here." Suppresses a SMILE. The shroud of cool, crisp snow that clings to her edges evaporates as she shrugs out of the white cloak lined with heavy fur that made her seem a bit like a tangyuan with legs - and she presses the hand stove she had carried the entire journey into HIS hands matter-of-factly, the small burner with its delicate begonia blossoms and adorable rabbits looking disproportionately enveloped by his longer fingers. Their hands brush in the exchange - she frowns for only a fleeting moment at the temperature of his skin. Ah - but the burner should help with that. Soothing incense curls in lazy, wispy tendrils around them, condensing in the cold. "I heard all about it from His Majesty today, so - don't be sorry." A spark of mischief in dark eyes. "I'll experience the infamous noodles when you aren't about to keel over into the pot."
It would be counterproductive to KILL the cook, after all. "And anyhow - " She pulls her own cloak over his shoulders like a BLANKET, and sits down at the edge of the arhat bed, one leg tucked under the other beneath careless arrangement of ink purple skirts, "I'm a doctor, remember?" Voice is lowered as if what she's saying is a secret, full of quiet laughter, touched with fondness as she leans just a little closer - "This is par for the course, for the company I tend to keep. As I keep telling you - you think far too much of yourself, Xie Tian Yi - " and reaches out to press palm gently against his forehead. "I'll have you know - I spend my time with whomever I please."
Lips press together, and she hums, after a moment. "Well, as expected, you're running a fever." Fingers skim absently across his cheek too, burning beneath her touch, before her hand falls away. "...It should be better if you sweat it out. Are you comfortable? I can get you another blanket. - Oh, I brought you some jiuniang too." She had handed it off to be re-warmed, in the kitchen, but, more importantly - "I PROMISE you it's sweet."
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pctaldrunk · 9 months
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"Look here - " Her hands settle on either side of her waist as she PACES, laying it out, "I'm traveling, you're traveling - you need a doctor, and I happen to have taken AN INTEREST in your little problem - " Hands briefly fly up as she CLAPS, and her face lights up with an impish grin - "I get an illness to study and you get readily available care. Doesn't that sound like a FAIR DEAL?"
plotted starter for @caracarnn feat. tang sanyue
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pctaldrunk · 10 months
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@j1anghu asked : also for Tang Sanyue — What might tip her toward or away from seeking vengeance? How might she go about it if she did want it? Does her family have any enemies still out there who might seek her out? Does she feel any motivation to clear her father's name? - QUESTIONS FOR MUSES (RANDOM AND ALWAYS ACCEPTING)
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I've sort of been meaning to write this headcanon, so thank you for giving me the chance - it's definitely something she had a long time to sit with and think about. Tang Tang was too young when it all happened to really have a very sophisticated opinion on the idea of revenge in that exact moment, and I think it helped that at the time her grandfather was a reliable adult who then went on to raise her - in contrast to, for example, her brother, who just had to go at it alone. She could feel all the emotions that come with what happened - anger, grief, even hatred - as a child, and also had the space to postpone her decision on what to do about it all until she had formed enough of a personality and grown up enough and healed enough from the immediate trauma to figure out what she wants to do in this situation that isn't just fueled by said trauma and emotion.
And I think largely - as she grows up and finds what's important to her, her choice is not to seek out revenge. By no means is she ever going to be chummy with the royal family, as it were - some things can't be forgiven, and she might be especially petty when they inevitably rub elbows somehow. But Tang Tang is at heart a healer. Not intentionally causing lasting harm to people is important to her and a core part of who she is. And also when the person you're seeking vengeance against is the royal family, that's something you spend your whole l i f e doing. (And we see her brother do that, for contrast! He really spends the better half of his years focused on infiltration and setting up and planning treason! And becoming quite a bit fucked up by doing so!)
And I think once again this is where having Grandpa really helped. Having remaining family means that when she inevitably sinks into the "what would the deceased want me to do and how could I honor them because they're dead and I'm not" she has someone to pull her back from the more destructive thoughts. The people she loves wouldn't want her to become an instrument of revenge. The people she loves wouldn't want her to twist herself into something she isn't so that she might avenge them. The people she loves wouldn't want her to spend the rest of her life and ruin quite a bit of her sanity, her health, her happiness - doing this. She did not live so she could feel pain and inflict pain. Eventually she comes to this conclusion, even if there were a few emotionally turbulent years in the middle there. It's not that she doesn't care but rather - she cares by putting as much good into the world as she can manage. She lived so she's living her life to its maximum capacity for the people watching over her in the afterlife. I think along that vein, in terms of her family's now tainted reputation she's very much like....what's true is true and will not become untrue. It didn't matter what other people thought if it was untrue.
Enemies that would recognize h e r specifically are few and far in-between. Her mother didn't really advertise where she came from because a randomly jianghu lady becoming a duke's concubine would be scandalous to say the least, and also she was still a child when the whole thing happened. Most people roaming the marital world try not to piss off healers, I think, and she wasn't really let out into the world from her grandfather's sect until she was an adult, so after all those changes only her brother who started to keep tabs on her after he eventually figured out what was going on knew who she was, etc. etc. I think she gets antsy around royals and the other court children, especially the ones she grew up with, because there's the fear that they'll recognize her after so long - but they only saw her a few times a year back in the day for festivities and other occasions held at the capital, so it's debatable.
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pctaldrunk · 1 year
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she's so c u t e
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roscvcins · 27 days
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OPEN TO : anyone MUSE : tang sanyue
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" - I miss my parents - but I certainly don't miss THAT LIFE." Hands still only MOMENTARILY - and then she's setting up a fresh rack, and laying out more herbs to dry. "There were...too many boundaries, too many limits. I couldn't do what I do now. I couldn't even feel how I feel now." There were people she couldn't help, truths she couldn't say, things she and everyone around her had to consider, had to fear. "I can't imagine growing up and growing old, locked behind the capital walls FOREVER."
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