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onewebinc · 9 months ago
FDA Recalls Defective iOS App That Injured Over 200 Insulin Pump Users
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FDA Recalls Defective iOS App That Injured Over 200 Insulin Pump Users
📖To read more visit here🌐🔗: https://onewebinc.com/news/fda-recalls-defective-ios-app-for-insulin-pump-shutdown/
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diabetesknow · 5 years ago
Why I Switched to Tandem’s t:slim X2 insulin pump with Dexcom G6 via @Diabetesknow1 https://diabetesknow.com/insulin-pump-therapy/switched-to-tandems-tslim-x2-insulin-pump-dexcom-g6/ 
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libbyrome · 5 years ago
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As a person living with #type1diabetes I have to manage my blood sugar on a constant basis. Every Sunday I receive a report card of my blood sugar levels. This week my average #glucose (blood sugar) was 101 mg/dL, which equates to a 5.1 A1C. Best of all, my average time in range was 99.7%!!!! Top 10 reasons I have significantly improved my #glucose predictability and control: 1. A Continuous Glucose Monitor #CGM reads my blood sugar every 5 minutes and provides trends, alerts, and reports - what wonderful technology! 2. A Whole Food Plant-based #WFPB diet high in unrefined & minimally processed carbs and low in fat (especially saturated fat which causes insulin resistance) 3. Intermittent Fasting #IF - I restrict my eating to within an 8-hour window. That basically means I have an ideal blood sugar for 16 hours/day. During the other 8 hours, as long as I pre-bolus, my blood sugar goes up when I eat but then returns to normal within 3-4 hours, similar how blood sugar in a non-diabetic works! 4. The Type 1 diabetes community has been my greatest source of mentally and physically coping with this disease. 5. Refrigerated starches - After batch cooking my weekly starches like potatoes, corn, rice, and beans, I refrigerate them. This step increases their #resistancestarch and prevents blood sugar spikes. Seriously, I can’t believe what a difference this has made. 6. My Insulin Pump enables me to change my basal (base) insulin rate and micro-dose as needed. #tandemdiabetes 7. Dr Ponder’s Sugar Surfing book taught me many techniques and tweaks to manage my blood sugar using a pump. #sugarsurfing 8. Time. I was able to spare the time to focus on my blood sugar management. 9. Good sleep and a lack of stress, illness, etc. - I am not dealing with the numerous non-food factors that could produce wild blood sugar swings. 10. The “Mastering Diabetes” book which helped me further understand the science and effective protocols of a WFPB diet + Intermittent Fasting. #wholefoodplantbased #dexcomcgm #vegan #vegetarian #wholefoods #sugarfree #plantbased #hclf #starchsolution #masteringdiabetes #diabetes #type1diabetes #bolus #diabetestype1 #diabetestips #diabetesfood (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFEzAeXhCzg/?igshid=1hlfsstwko215
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ketobetes-blog · 7 years ago
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Finally got my pump hooked back up! I’ve been lost with out it. Still working on my CGM. #diabetic #typeonegrit #typeonediabetes #t1d #diabadass #actuallydiabetic #insulinpump #insulindependent #tslim #tandemdiabetes #cgm #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillness
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dykabetik · 8 years ago
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I am so PUMPED to have the new #tslimX2! I might be even more excited than I was when I got my first #TandemDiabetes pump because I get to see some of the work I did as a summer intern exhibited in a product I use everyday to keep myself alive. #Dexcom g5 compatibility is coming soon, and I got to test the Bluetooth performance with this system as one of my many amazing internship projects. The interns also helped design a new and much improved case, and I already love it! Being able to share my personal experience and feedback with #TandemDiabetesCare was an incredible opportunity, and I hope to go back soon and work with an amazing company that has had a real impact on my life. Thank you, Tandem for your continued effort to improve the lives of people with diabetes. #tslim #t1d #diabetes #tandem
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daniedoo · 4 years ago
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Wicked happy and excited to switch over to this pump and cgm! Thank you to @tslim_insulinpumpe @tandemdiabetes @dexcom https://www.instagram.com/p/CIrGnmGBZvV/?igshid=1eg8bceydmcj
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horsediva · 6 years ago
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I updated my pump but my pump wasn’t having it. Tandem Diabetes is awesome. New pump will be here in the morning. #tandemdiabetes #insulinpump #insulin #type1diabetic #t1dlookslikeme #worlddiabetesday #diabetesawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/BqOs3TlnAyT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m8pqh6ydder9
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saccharinesinger · 7 years ago
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Well. I guess the pump vacation had to end eventually. In the mean time, im trying to find new ways to use my cgm, especially in relation to exercise. Do any of y'all know about any kinds of sports watches that communicate with #dexcom constant glucose monitors? #tandemdiabetes #tandemtslim #t1d #type1diabetes
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incredibleunbelievableme · 3 years ago
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When #diabetes plays a #joke on you 😂 thanks @tandemdiabetes and @dexcom for giving me a little scare and a laugh! https://www.instagram.com/p/CejnfaUhhAT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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edelpace · 5 years ago
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✳️ Today marks a new chapter on my #diabetes management. I have join the #pump #community with the @tandemdiabetes t:slim X2. Looking forward to improving my A1c and moving away from the plateau I’ve been in the last year. . . . 🤖 #thankful for the #technology that help me improve my life with #t1d . . . . #blessed #t1dlookslikeme #t1dwarrior #t1dstrong #techgadgets #technologyrocks #improvinglives #betterdaysarecoming #liveyourlifeatyourownpace #startbydoing #startbeing #lebanontn #wilsoncountytn #tennessee #lifewitht1d #type1diabetes #pwd #doc #tandemdiabetes #dexcom #dexcomwarrior #dexcomg6 (at Lebanon, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ynNiyhXHg/?igshid=1np1uh0ufyiqi
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azolio23 · 7 years ago
like a dream. #dexcom #dexcomg5 #tandemdiabetes #tslimx2 #jdrf #diabetes #diabetic #diabetesawareness #diabetes #diabetic #diabeticrecipe #bloodglucose #bloodsugar
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libbyrome · 6 years ago
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This is my insulin pump. As a person with Type 1 diabetes, it helps me stay alive. My pump is attached to my body via a tube that injects insulin into me 24x7. I definitely prefer wearing a pump instead of injecting myself with syringes multiple times a day. I wear a 2nd device called a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) that reads my blood sugar level every 5 minutes.  My CGM sends the blood sugar data to my pump, and my pump displays it.  Most people with diabetes must prick their finger to know their blood sugar, but with the latest CGM I always know my blood sugar, and how it’s trending. I am so happy there’s #nomorefingerpricks! The latest version of my pump includes logic that suspends giving me insulin when my blood sugar starts getting too low. The red lines on my chart show my pump’s auto-suspensions last night, which prevented me from my blood sugar being too low while I slept. (I would die if my blood sugar becomes too low.) Because of this amazing technology, living with #type1diabetes has become much easier!  Thank you @tandemdiabetes & @dexcom! #hoorayfortechnology #insulinpump #cgm #dexcomcgm #unicorn 🦄 (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-TAo0A-VG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17lmaucywkitq
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chronically-healthy · 8 years ago
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Two hours after a @chipotlemexicangrill burrito bowl. This never happens! After 18 years as a diabetic, and 16 years as a pumper, I'm finally using the extended release feature. Thanks @tandemdiabetes for keeping me steady post carbo-load. 🙌🏼 Anyone else use the extended release feature on their pump? Any tips for the newbies? (at Ridgefield, Connecticut)
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NewsFlash: Tandem's Sleek New T:Slim Pump Clears FDA
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/newsflash-tandems-sleek-new-tslim-pump-clears-fda/
NewsFlash: Tandem's Sleek New T:Slim Pump Clears FDA
The long-awaited Apple'esque t:slim insulin pump from Tandem Diabetes Care is finally through FDA! This is the new full-featured pump that looks like a mini iPhone, with the first-ever color touch screen for insulin dosing. When it hits the market in the first half of 2012, it will also be the smallest insulin pump system available, "sized like a credit card and slim as a smart phone."
Tandem is understandably proud that t:slim is one of the first insulin pumps to be cleared under the FDA's new Infusion Pump Improvement Initiative, which addresses safety problems and "design deficiencies" in current pump systems.
We're understandably delighted to see that Tandem is using the tagline "Design Matters," in its promotional materials and talking about how important patient input is to creating a form factor that people can — and want to! — live with. This hails back to our Open Letter to Steve Jobs in 2007 and of course the DiabetesMine Design Challenge contest that grew out of our call to action. In fact, Tandem says they interviewed thousands of PWDs (and also healthcare professionals) in the lead-up to building this product, "... and the clear message we heard was, 'make it cool and make it uncomplicated to use. Give us access to the most advanced features without extra effort.'" Yuppers.
Now, let's talk about the product they've designed:
Yes, it's a tubed pump, but what makes t:slim different is its consumer-pleasing face and tiny size. It is reportedly 25% slimmer than the Animas Ping and MiniMed Paradigm pumps. And it still sports a 300-unit cartridge. Its "vivid color touch screen" lets users scroll and finger-click through settings and commands just like you would on an iPhone or iPad.
It also reportedly delivers insulin more accurately, based on a special patented "micro-delivery infusion method" that allows for much tighter control and monitoring of the amount of fluid flowing out of the pump. (Karmel Allison does a great job of describing the history and details of that technology here.) So you get more precise dosing and a simpler, more compact mechanism.
The other element that allows for the tiny size is switching from regular, commercial-sized batteries, even Triple A, to an "eco-friendly rechargeable battery" that's more the size of watch batteries. The pump is recharged using a "universal USB cord, like you would a cell phone," spokesman Steve Sabicer tells me (anyone remember him from his previous job in media relations at Medtronic? Small D-world).
I thought the need to recharge might be a drag, but Steve says people like the "green appeal" of recharging, and the battery life can be extended indefinitely if you "top off the tank" daily. If you don't charge inbetween at all, the pump has a 7-day lifespan. Charging the t:slim's battery from empty to full takes approximately 2.5 hours, I am told.
Does it come with data management software? Yes, of course. t:slim will launch with a web-based program called t:connect, which is PC and Mac compatible. (Do we hear whooping from the Mac crowd?) All you have to do is plug the pump into your computer with a USB cable and click "upload." You can recharge the t:slim pump at the same time. A nice addition is the fact that t:connect will support a half-dozen popular glucose meter models, too, including OneTouch, FreeStyle, and Accu-Chek.
So how do you wear this little guy clipped to, or underneath, your clothes? If it's about design, then it's about how you'll wear it, right? All Steve could tell me at this time is that t:slim will come standard with a close-fitting protective case, holster, and a screen protector, and that "fashionable cases will be available separately to meet users needs and lifestyles." OK, good to know.
Since the t:slim's not out yet, we couldn't get any details on pricing or reimbursement, nor were there any existing users to interview. But Peter Nerothin, type 1 PWD, advocate and Ironman triathlete of the group Insulindependence, was privy to an extensive demo and plenty of "button-pushing" to explore this new product a bit.
"A big feature for me is that it's gonna be waterproof — because of all my sports," he says. Peter's currently taking a "pump sabbatical" since his Medtronic broke down. Would he go for the t:slim? "I'm excited about it because it's something fresh and unique. It feels modern and sexy. I switched from a Blackberry to an iPhone recently and I've been excited about it ever since. I feel like that's the kind of leap we're seeing with this pump."
"If it works as well as it looks, it'll be a big success," he says, adding that "kids and adolescents may be more inclined to use a pump if they're seeing something with this kind of iPhone-ish appeal." True, but the really young'uns will have to wait; current FDA clearance is for patients age 12 and over.
Going forward, you can follow t:slim's progress via Tandem's brand new social media presence: @tandemdiabetes, use hashtag #tslim, or at www.facebook.com/TandemDiabetesCorp.
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Type 2 Diabetes Diet Diabetes Destroyer Reviews Original Article
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horsediva · 7 years ago
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It’s not only Hump Day, it’s juice day lol. Penelope Pumper doesn’t care what time she decides we need more liquid gold aka Insulin lol. #tandemdiabetes #insulinpump #insulin #insulinjunkie #t1d #t1diabetes
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saccharinesinger · 7 years ago
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Guess who's finally on that #pumpvacation she's been wanting to take for the past 1000 years??? I'm so excited for this little break. In the mean time @tandemdiabetes please make better pump clips? Even your new ones are glorified trash that don't properly clip to anything. You make a great pump, and I love your product, but please for the love of everything, steal Animas's pump clips from them before they've totally left the scene. #diabetes #type1diabetes #t1d #t1dlookslikeme #actuallydiabetic #novolog
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