#tanba: dash memes
iinexorabile · 11 months
Bold / Italicise what you apply to your muse. REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG !
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DEFENSIVENESS : arms crossed on chest //crossing legs // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // karate chops // stiffening of shoulders // tense posture // curling of lip / baring of teeth
REFLECTIVE :hand-to-face gestures // head tilted // stroking chin // peering over glasses // taking glasses off — cleaning // putting earpiece of glasses in mouth // pipe smoker gestures // putting hand to the bridge of the nose // pursed lips // knitted brows
SUSPICION : arms crossed // sideways glance // touching or rubbing nose // rubbing eyes // hands resting on weapon // brows raising // lips pressing into a thin line // strict, unwavering eye contact // wrinkling of nose
OPENNESS & COOPERATION : open hands // upper body in sprinters position // sitting on the edge of a chair // hand-to-face gestures // unbuttoned coat // tilted head // slacked shoulders // droopy posture // feet pointed outward // palms flat and facing outward
CONFIDENCE : hands behind back // hands on lapels of coat // steepled hands // baring teeth in a grin // rolling shoulders // tipping head back but maintaining eye contact //chest puffed up / shoulders back // arms folded just above navel
INSECURITY & ANXIETY :chewing pen or pencil // rubbing thumb over opposite thumb // biting fingernails // hands in pockets // elbow bent / closed gestures // clearing throat //“ whew ” sound // picking or pinching flesh // fidgeting in chair // hand covering mouth whilst speaking // poor eye contact // tugging at pants whilst seated // jingling money in pockets // tugging at ear // perspiring hands // playing with hair // swaying// playing with pointer / marker // smacking lips // sighing // rocking on balls of feet// flexing fingers sporadically
FRUSTRATION :short breaths //“ tsk ” sounds // tightly-clenched hands // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // running hand through hair // rubbing back of neck // snarling // revealing teeth / grimacing // sharp-eyed glowers with notable tension in the brows // shoulders back, head up - defensive posturing // clenching of jaw / grinding teeth // nostrils flaring // heavy exhales
tagged by: i stole it from my other blog (8 tagging: everyone and everybody who wants to / hasnt done this yet!! go right ahead, this is ur chance.
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doomxdriven · 2 years
If you were a deity, what would you be the god of?
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balance and revenge
another seemingly intimidating figure. some only know you for revenge and fear you. however, you’re fair and provide justice and balance to your worshippers. you are regarded as the judge, jury, and executioner and no one can escape.
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flora and fauna
you’re friendly and a benevolent force to those who respect you and your domain, but a true force to be reckoned with to those who disrespect or threaten the balance of the natural world. the forest is nothing to fear for those who take care of it, but it isn’t uncommon for people to go missing with only their faces outlined in the bark on a tree.
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storms and the sea
your followers worship you for safe passage through the sea. your title implies a dark and brooding individual but you’re much more playful than the name implies. although you’re quite easy-going, you have no patience for those who disrespect the ocean and their punishment is nothing short of severe. those who do anger you are often never seen again, hidden in the depths of the sea that light can’t touch.
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warfare and strategy
prideful and ambitious, your followers come to you for guidance and luck in battles they feel are too much for them. you embody the bravery and bloodlust of warfare and the battle intelligence for strategy and leadership. Your patience tends to thin around those who don’t respect you or question your intelligence and strength.
tagged by: @equiilux TY!!! tagging: EVERYONE
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koorinohebi · 2 years
Revamped Tags
So I remade my long-ass list of tags. They are under the cut because long. Anyway, I'm also going to remake my current shipping tags because I think they need to be revamped as well. So if you want a ship tag with Kiomi or any of the muses of this blog, feel free to like this post. Only requirement is that our muses have interacted.
=== Mun Tags ===
Beyond the Bounded Field || OOC Craft Essence || Commissioned Piece Limelight || Commission Drawing Board || My Art
=== General Purpose Tags ===
⩤ Throne of Heroes ⩥ Gallery ⩤ Unprompted ⩥ ⩤ Starter ⩥ ⩤ The Meme ⩥ ⩤ HQ Report : Dash Comm ⩥ ⩤ Simulation Room : Dash Games ⩥ ⩤ The Grind : Memes and Games ⩥ ⩤ Order Restored : Answered ⩥ ⩤ Dailies : Anon ⩥ ⩤ Attention : PSA ⩥ ⩤ Mystic eyes of .Crack. Perception ⩥ ⩤ tw : ⩥ ⩤ Inbox Call ⩥ ⩤ Preparing to Rayshift : Queue ⩥ ⩤ Take my Hand : Wishlist ⩥ ⩤ Drums of War : Music ⩥ ⩤ War Council : P . R . O . M . O. ⩥ ⩤ Loyalties : P.r.o.m.o ⩥ ⩤ Stashed ⩥ ⩥ Cont'd from x
=== Muse Tags ===
⩤ Blog Shenanigans ⩥ ⩤ Muse Commentaries ⩥ ⩤ Visage ⩥ ⩤ Saint Graph : Headcanons ⩥ ⩤ Battle Records : Aesthetics ⩥ ⩤ To each their own reveries : Musings ⩥ ⩤ Chaldea Lunchtime : Conversations ⩥ ⩤ Interlude : Drabbles ⩥
⩤ To each their own devices : Kiomi ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Kamo Serizawa ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Mitsuhide Akechi ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Takechi Zuizan ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Tanaka Shinbei ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Chen Gong ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Okuni ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Lanlan Fang ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Major Magatsu ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Major Reiter ⩥ ⩤ Echoes : Guest Muse ⩥
=== Verse Tags ===
⩤ Singularities : Main ⩥ ⩤ Remnants : AU ⩥ ⩤ Event Horizon : Crossovers ⩥
=== Friend Tags (Ever growing) ===
Arai-chan ⩤ Sarutobi Arai : Sister-in-Arms ⩥
Assortedsnacks ⩤ Touken Danshi : Kikkou Sadamune ⩥
Aurivore ⩤ Gilgamesh : Majesty Defined ⩥ ⩤ Kogil : Decadent Exuberance ⩥
Caemthe ⩤ Demon King of the Sixth Heaven : Oda Nobunaga ⩥
Gemsofchaldea ⩤ Jack : A Child Beloved ⩥ ⩤ Da Vinci-Chan : The Universal Beauty ⩥
Getsuruito ⩤ Momochi Tanba : The Great Ninja Master ⩥ ⩤ Pang Tong : The Fledgling Phoenix ⩥
Historias-Multorum ⩤ Hinata Hyuuga : Delicate Breeze ⩥ ⩤ Tsunade : Densetsu no Hime ⩥ ⩤ Izuna ⩥ ⩤ Shizune ⩥
Homeport ⩤ Sakamoto Ryouma : The Miracle Worker ⩥ ⩤ The Evil Mastermind : Takasugi Shinsaku ⩥ ⩤ Hizen Tadahiro : The Sharpest Edge ⩥
Kiicho ⩤ Kicho : Enchanting Pearl of Mino ⩥ ⩤ Nohime : Ties Severed ⩥ (Mitsuhide)
Lovedloyalty ⩤ A Saber Among Shadows : Okada Izo ⩥ ⩤ Alter Ego : Okada Izo ⩥ ⩤ Mori Nagayoshi : Blood Soaked Loyalty ⩥ ⩤ Beowulf : The Grendel Buster ⩥ ⩤ Leonidas : The King of Sparta ⩥ ⩤ Phantom : Angel of Music ⩥ ⩤ Shuichi : Spiral Bound ⩥ ⩤ Mephistopheles : Deals with the Devil ⩥
⩤ Hitokiri Izo : Hound of the Kinnoto ⩥ (Tosa) ⩤ Okada Izo : The Ghost of Tosa ⩥ (Redline) ⩤ Mori Nagayoshi : Demon of the Battlefield ⩥ (Blog Servants, Redline) ⩤ Old Man Li : Old and Strong ⩥ (Blog Servants, Redline)
Moonlightmagus ⩤ Yuuki : Friends Forever ⩥ ⩤ Na'amah : A Demon Dancing through Emotions ⩥
Mysticallities ⩤ Tristan : A vicious fairy knight ⩥ ⩤ Strange Amalgamation : Rintsuka ⩥ ⩤ Liber : The Ancient Arbitrator ⩥
Nobuverse ⩤ Chacha : A Radiance of Warmth ⩥ ⩤ Nobunaga Oda : The Avenging Fool of Owari ⩥ ⩤ Summer Nobunaga : Blazing Rockstar! ⩥ ⩤ Nagao Kagetora : The Dragon of Echigo ⩥ ⩤ Lancer Class : Mei Fan ⩥
⩤ Nobunaga Oda : Enemy at Honnouji ⩥ (Mitsuhide)
Nulltune ⩤ Hakuno : Shards of Moonlight ⩥
Madamhatter ⩤ Sophie : A Dutiful Heart ⩥
Soulsbetrayed ⩤ Avenger Class : Izou the Manslayer ⩥ ⩤ Touken Danshi : Tensho Koshirae ⩥ ⩤ Hosokawa Gracia : Beloved ⩥
Spookums ⩤ Witching Hour : Gabriella ⩥
Summoned-Anima ⩤ Ashiya Douman : The Humble Priest? ⩥
Super-Kame-Love ⩤ Aina Kichida : The Turtle Sage ⩥
Tenkoseiensei ⩤ Assassin Class : Yan Qing the Wingman ⩥
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clippingwings-a · 5 years
🥕, 🍉, 🥜 !!!
MUNDAY MEME // Accepting! 
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🥕 - What do you think about the current theme trends?
I think the only thing that really bothers me about ‘theme trends’ is less about the theme & more about the dash only view atm. I don’t have that much of a problem when someone has their rules linked, but I’ve had some follow where I can’t find the rules or they’re not linked to google docs & that winds up being a minor annoyance.
As far as anything else though, I don’t really mind themes so long as they’re functional, & I haven’t seen any new trends pop up that I personally have an issue with!
🍉 - If you considered a time travel thread, when would your muse go?
I think a time travel thread or AU would be neat! Between us in particular I think it’d would be neat for an AU where Syl winds up in Tanba’s original timeline & all that might come from that. Between the shock of being within that time to knowing him as he was. I think that would be really neat!
As far as other times though, Syl maybe within her own past & trying to change it would be interesting, though in doing so it might change her future for the worse. 
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
It’s been a little while since I’ve had a thread I would consider crazy if I’m honest najdkad. Most of them have been with you & I think the one I remember the clearest was Syl smacking Tanba in the head with a broom handle for being on the ceilings, out of her reach. 
That one of course started the war against brooms for Tanba as a whole abdjkasd. I really enjoyed that one just because of how it all snowballed in the future!
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doomxdriven · 2 years
𝐭𝐨𝐩  𝟓  𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠  𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬,       share  the  top  songs  in  your  playlist  that  most  inspire / represent  your  muses  the  most.    bonus  points  if  you  include  lyrics  to  go  along  with  it.  
I've actually done a meme like this for Bansui (and Tanba) before but I love doing silly music-related memes so let's go again i say, fuck yEAH.
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the birthday massacre - sleepwalking
"A night turns to a day // a street I've never walked on // I was never here, just a faint reflection // A day turns to a month, a second of affection // I was never here, just a faint reflection."
hocico - dead trust.
"You don't trust a dead man you see // you don't dream a dead man's dream // You are the prey, you are the prey in this film // Come and play, come and play with fate // You're the source of this lunacy // You're the cross, crucified everyday // stealing life then you run away."
lvck - keep
"Burning a hole right through my chest. // It's always a no, but this time it feels like a yes. // I'll keep-keep-keep you in-in-in-in your head. // Burning a hole, I've become obsessed.// All that I know, make me a mess. // Pressure unfolds 'till I can rest. // Filled up my lungs, unpossessed."
johnny goth - garden of doom
"I love being used, but lately I'm not in the mood, // I'm not in the mood. // Flowers grew beside a tree with an empty noose, in the garden of doom. // In my garden of doom. // Lost and confused, they only love you when you're in bloom. // So what is the use of bleeding for you? // Put them in the dirt baby, send them to the garden of doom."
iamx - animal impulses
"Shine razor eyes before the walls come down. // Wilder than lions, louder than sound. // The birds and the bees are getting older now. // There’s a cold breeze blowing over my soul. // Shine razor eyes in delight. // Shine razor eyes before you die. // Shine razor eyes in this light. // I'm tired of this human duet. // No civilizing hides our animal impulses."
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getsuruito · 3 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
chaotically evil
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you do what you want, when you want, and without regard for the law. you keep yourself out of jail by keeping everyone around you off-balance. no one knows what you want, truly, or what you plan to do with all this power you've accumulated. your crimes range from "harmless" pranks to murder. anything for a good laugh, huh? you refuse to let anyone kill you, so you plan out your own disappearance. its a great spectacle - tickets are $10 dollars per person. some people speculate that you've died, but most know the truth. they all saw you escape through the back door.
tagged by: @kuweile​ BIG THANKS! tagging: steal it
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getsuruito · 3 years
what form of love do you embody? 
love as violence
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[ love as bloodshed, crimson as a knife slipped between your ribs ] when ocean vuong said "to arrive at love, then, is to arrive through obliteration" and when franz kafka said "you are the knife i turn inside myself; that is love" and when ada limon said "how do you love? like a fist. like a knife" and when richard siken said "sorry about the blood in your mouth. i wish it was mine"
tagged by: @artificile​ !! TY!!!!! tagging: everyone, literally everyone.
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getsuruito · 3 years
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“As expected-- you don’t get to be this amazing by being pure.”
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getsuruito · 3 years
What colour are you? 
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tell me about isolation, beloved. tell me about loneliness in a crowd of thousands, about painting yourself deaf, about becoming something nobody can hold in their hands without it stinging. you are still breathing, out of spite or otherwise. sing with me.
tagged by: real thief hours. tagging: i saw this going around a while back so im not sure who has or hasn’t done it.... so steal thIS IF YOU WANT!
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getsuruito · 3 years
where do you fall on the boytoy-trophy husband scale?
trophy husband
props to you tbh you're shameless and would love to be shown off on the arm of your lover  
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“On one hand, I’m never getting married again so I guess I can't be a trophy 'husband', but on the other, in a theoretical kinda way I really resonate with this result!”
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getsuruito · 5 years
Can you fight god?
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“That sound’s about righ-- ...“
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getsuruito · 5 years
Make your Muse!
Tagged by: @homra-no-artemis Tagging: i think p. much everyone has been tagged in this but hey if u havent then??? here is ur chance, knock me over the head and steal this meme yo
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imma b real i couldnt find any hairs that exactly worked for tanba, same wiTH THE EYES. bUT?? THIS IS, CLOSE?? CLOSE-ISH?? tbh everything is kinda off. maybe this could be tanba when he’s younger but.. .WELL ITS NEAT ANYWAY!! GOOD DASH MEME!
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