rawarn · 9 years
so like did they die? and this is heaven? i don’t get it?
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rawarn · 9 years
*ring ring* 
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calling on all of the raddest peeps for a 
because you’re all so damn great in so many different ways. 
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You’re a bottle of sunshine and roses with a dash (okay more than a dash) of sass and I wouldn’t have you any other way. You’re also very cruel with your #yevcanons + random baby photos but you know I still love you. I could write paragraphs about how awesome you are Elena, but I’ll just stop here. 
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WIFE. My darling wife Lori, you are every gemstone in the world. You’re cute, hilarious, and I swear one of these days I’ll check out Band of Brothers and you will 1000% be the reason why. Also happy, like, 8 month anniversary since our wedding. #TheJackDanielsToMyOrangeJuice
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KENSIE YOU BEAUTIFUL MOTHERFUCKER. Your selfie game cannot be matched and whenever I see you on my dash and instantly smile. You’re so caring and funny and just make my heart so happy. I need you to come to NYC soon!
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…Girl. You and I both know how goddamn chill you are. A beacon of light in the rain, cute as hell, hilarious. Bless you. Also I promise I’m gonna look up those spin classes for us because that was fun as hell and we finally need to meet up haha. :) 
@pandyxmilkovich & @this-aint-macys-bitch & @rawarn​
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Every time I come on this fucking site I see you three blogging about some wild ass shit and then 2 hours pass and there goes my productiveness. You are like the best trio ever and make this mess that is the #shamless(ful) fandom worth staying in. Just for your shady and bitter posts. I feel y’all, and fully support it. Much love. 
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My dear Em - you are my rock. I wish we could’ve met up while I was in Europe because I’m so serious when I say how much you helped me when I was going through some hard times. Also you’re so down to earth and wonderful (but please let me know whenever you change your name because I looked for a solid 10 minutes and thought you disappeared lol)
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*public service announcement* your fics probably could singlehandedly save these characters for me because every time I see your name flash up in my updates I know I’m not sleeping anytime soon. Peyton, I love you. You’re awesome and can I just rent a room in your brain and soak up some of your amazingness?
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Now, Angela…I feel like I tell you this every time you post anything, but you seriously just know exactly what to say. You take the words right out of my mouth and you deserve all the awards (specifically for your patience because you put up with so much BS smh). #Respect
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I remember when I first joined this fandom, I started following you and would just look up to you so much - you’re just such a solid person. I don’t know if I’m saying this right but just know that you, Ellie, are fucking A+ and get all the stars. Also I am happily waiting for this fix you’ve been working on. 
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*sees your name, reblogs immediately* too good. so good. The best thing to come out of this shitshow is definitely your shady as HELL edits/posts/tags. I cackle out loud nonstop because of you. Just thinking about your shade as I write this post is making me stop and smile. You have a true gift. 
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“Oh Jinko you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind, hey Jinko!” you are per-fect and write some wild fics that I always find myself rereading because the experience is just too good not to relive. Even though you’re by far the toughest one to catch online (time differences are not fun), when I do I always smile. You don’t get enough credit for just how sweet you really are. 
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You are field of daisies lilies. So fresh, so clean. Human muffin, but also devious. Perfect mix. Your presence alone is just so great. Not to mention that your love for all the Marvel munchkins is #100.
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C A T H E R I N E. You just get me on a metaphysical level (don’t even really know what that means but you probably know because you just get me). Love Rihanna, hate Coachella. Like…I’m literally speechless.  *sends you all the good vibes in the universe* P.S. when is this album coming out?!?!?!
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Shannon aka #Queen. End of discussion. You give me life every time your fingers hit the computer keys and I just…*fans self*. Amen. I’ll get straight to the point - you take no prisoners and spit truth so severely. In the best possible way. I love you. 
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It’s only fitting to end with one of the people who started it all (at least for me). Karen, you are one of the most open, loving, compassionate, funny, and endearing person I’ve ever had the pleasure of talking to online. You helped me so much with discovering myself, you helped me begin the process of accepting my mental illnesses, and you just always have the right words. You’re the reason I’m even typing this up. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 
And some of the lovelies that I love + would love to get to know more: @pudsfoots (okay I already know you but I miss you Rani!) @anxiouslysarah @gardenofblueroses @youre-not-a-cat-youre-a-rat @noelfshr @noelroeimfisher @mac-mcdonald @meganwwrites @yevgenymilkovich @caspersbastardchild @zebrawallpaper @withmywordsispeaktruth​ + holy shit @rickkier​ (POPPY YOU’RE ALIVE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!)
Thank you all for being you and letting me be me. ☺
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rawarn · 9 years
Wow, that sex was so vanilla
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rawarn · 9 years
A human fart can be louder than a trombone. I discovered that at my daughter's school concert.
fart anon, one of the things i miss the most about tumblr
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rawarn · 9 years
One of the best things to come out of my Tumblr experience has been discovering you and your blog. You’ve made my time here worth it and I am just so freaking happy you exist. Pass it on to the people you feel the same about. I guarantee that they will want to hear it and will more than appreciate the sentiment. Everyone can use a little love around here.💘
all this love i’m getting is making me consider coming back, make my head bigger please! JK!
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rawarn · 9 years
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love you soffi, but not as much as Haley over here loves you.
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rawarn · 9 years
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Really nice recipes. Every hour.
Show me what you cooked!
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rawarn · 9 years
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rawarn · 9 years
the abandoned cart on campus is very very important to me,
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rawarn · 9 years
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There’s been so many Onion and Clickhole articles about the pope that I thought this was one of them for a while but it’s real
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rawarn · 9 years
spookymickeymilkovich replied to your post “Did you know that some penises have multiple heads? Many marsupials —...”
LUCKY! i got one abt asparagus??? fact anon u okay?
@spookymickeymilkovich penis, asparagus same thing
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rawarn · 9 years
Did you know that some penises have multiple heads? Many marsupials — opossums, for example — have two-headed penises. Echidnas have a four-headed penis.
is this fact anon? or another kind of anon! 
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rawarn · 9 years
Did you know that by flying from London to New York by Concord, due to the time zones crossed, you can arrive 2 hours before you leave?
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rawarn · 9 years
northsfire replied to your post “i want actual food! like rice! pasta! chicken! steak! salad! and not...”
Stop making me hungry
@northsfire maybe i can make you hungry enough that you can cook for the both of us! yummm stuffed vegetables
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rawarn · 9 years
i want actual food! like rice! pasta! chicken! steak! salad! and not cereal and pb&j sandwiches!
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rawarn · 9 years
Studying for my midterm tomorrow whIle watching tlc because that's the right way to do it
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rawarn · 9 years
I just put tea on my coffee instead of sugar..
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