#tanaka been in town for a week and has already blown this whole thing wide open
honorthysalad · 8 months
I like to imagine that the reason Tanaka just let ‘hikaru’ and Yoshiki get away is that he's being paid by the hour so the more incompetent he is at containing ‘Hikaru’, the longer he's on the clock. Sure he totally had ‘Hikaru’ the second the two passed out, but then he’d have to find another client somewhere else and that might take a bit.
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lesbianlametron · 7 years
Kagehina Week Day 2
Title: IRL
Prompt: Clothes swap/Transfer Student
Rating: T
Summary: Kageyama’s favorite thing to do, outside of volleyball, is to watch Youtube videos. Well, he likes to watch a certain orange-haired Let’s Play Youtuber, who goes by the alias of “CrazyCrowGaming”. All he knows about this guy is that his first name is Shoyo and he has a complete crush on him. Kageyama is embarrassed by it, but it’s not like he’ll ever meet Shoyo, right?
Kageyama wouldn’t say he was obsessed. He wouldn’t…but he so was. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday were the best days of the week. Why? Because those were the days that Hinata uploaded. Kageyama would wait eagerly until 8 pm on those days when he knew the videos would be released. He wasn’t even that into video games, but he watched all of Hinata’s videos anyway. There was something about Hinata that made Kageyama want to watch him. He had this adorably dorky sort of personality. He was loud, enthusiastic, and his commentary on the games was the best part. It was silly and Hinata was never afraid to laugh at himself.
             It also helped that he’s was cute. He was short and had orange curly hair that Kageyama hoped was as fluffy as it looked. His smile was so bright, Kageyama would probably need sunglasses if he ever looked at him directly. He had a complete crush on Hinata, but that was fine because he was sure most of Hinata’s fan base did as well. Also, he would never meet Hinata, so it was totally fine. The alarm on Kageyama’s phone went off, filling his room with a familiar tune. Kageyama’s heart rate spiked in excitement. It was 8:00, Hinata’s new video would be up.
             He put away the homework he’d just finished and opened his laptop, which always had Youtube open. He wasn’t ashamed here, no one could make fun on him here. Hinata’s signature thumbnail popped up on the top of Kageyama’s feed and he clicked it immediately.
             “Hello everyone, it’s Shoyo from CrazyCrowGaming.” Hinata sighed into the camera and Kageyama was immediately concerned. He seemed upset and Kageyama wished there was something he could do. It was stupid because of he couldn’t, but he wished it all the same.
“I’m going to be real with you, today was a bit of rough day. I’ll probably explain later in a vlog or something, but, anyway I just want to laugh. Or y’know try not to laugh. I know these challenges are super over done, but this is what I need today. Knowing me, I’ll break and end up laughing anyway. Play along with me and let me know down in the comments what video made you break.”
             Kageyama would get to see Hinata’s laugh in excess today. This was the best. Hinata tried his best not to break, biting his lip in the cutest way. The videos were mostly stupid and random, but Kageyama was transfixed all the same. When he did finally laugh at the video of a cat attempting to jump over a child gate and falling, Kageyama smiled with him. Hinata laughed with his whole body, bending over at the waist as the giggles shook his body. It lit up Kageyama’s whole night and he’d forgotten all the stresses from school. Hinata’s videos were a gift.
             It was Wednesday and Kageyama had a feeling today would as uneventful as it usually was, but he was completely wrong. His history teacher had just started a lecture in a monotone voice, just the same as always. Two minutes into the lecture, the door to their classroom opened. Everyone turned toward the door and Kageyama gasped, he’d recognize that orange hair anywhere. He knew Hinata was about his age, but what was he doing here.
             “Can I help you?” His teacher asked and no else seemed shocked to see him. Maybe Kageyama was the only one in their school that watched Hinata’s videos. He was still a pretty small Youtuber after all.
             Hinata bit his lip and looked down at his schedule and back up at the teacher. “Um, I’m Hinata Shoyo and I just transferred here. I was supposed to start today. I know I’m late. We just moved here and my mom got lost finding the school. We also had to drop off my little sister…sorry. Are you Mr. Katagiri?”
             “Ah.” Kageyama thought Mr. Katagiri looked surprised, but his tone, no one ever knew. “Yes. That was today. Have a seat. The one behind Kageyama is open.”
             Kageyama immediately looked down, trying to hide his face. Hinata…he finally knew his surname. Of course it’s meaning would have to do with sunshine. It embodied him so well. He couldn’t look at him, if he did, he’d probably be blushing. He was so screwed.
             “Are you Kageyama?”
             “Yeah.” Kageyama didn’t really want to that short with him, but no way would he come off as an over excited fan. Hinata had no idea who he was.
             Hinata nodded and sat down behind quietly. It seemed like wanted to say more, but was a bit put off by Kageyama.
           They didn’t get a chance to speak again until lunch time. Kageyama escaped to the roof, mostly to have some time by himself and figure out everything that had just happened. The Shoyo, the guy he religiously watched on Youtube, was actually here at his school. AND he was just as short and cute as he appeared on camera. Kageyama’s palms were sweating and his heart was pounding just thinking about him. This crush was ridiculous and now that Hinata was actually here, Kageyama knew it would only get worse.
             Then again maybe Hinata’s personality would be totally different off camera. Maybe he’d be annoying or a total jerk or something. Then he could get over this and move on. Most of Hinata’s followers would probably be thrilled to meet Hinata, let alone be in the same class as him. Not Kageyama. He was already embarrassed by his crush and there was no way Hinata would like him back. Kageyama sighed and pulled out his phone. He was feeling pretty crappy about the whole thing. When he felt down, his favorite thing was to watch one of Hinata’s videos.
             He looked around and sighed in relief. No one really ate lunch up here anyway. He’d be fine. Kageyama plugged his headphones in and replayed Hinata’s “Try Not to Laugh” video from last night.
             “Oh, Kageyama, right? Do you mind if I sit with you? I used to eat on the roof at my old school.”
             Kageyama jumped, completely caught off guard and quickly hid his phone from sight. He knew he was blushing and tried to hide his face in his fringe. Hopefully Hinata hadn’t noticed the video he was watching. He snuck a glance at Hinata and knew his cover was completely blown.
             Hinata had come up to roof out of habit more than anything. He was looking for a familiar face and was happy when he saw Kageyama. Sure, the guy was pretty unfriendly to him earlier, but maybe he was just shy or something. He looked super cool and handsome. Hinata was drawn to him the minute he saw him. Kageyama hadn’t noticed him approaching because he was absorbed in whatever he was watching on his phone. Hinata gasped when he got close. Kageyama was watching one of his videos! He wanted to dance with happiness.
             “Were you just watching one of my videos?”
             Kageyama picked at his lunch, mostly just moving the remaining rice around with his chopsticks. He hoped he was pulling off a look of indifference. “What? I don’t know what you talking about?”
             “Really? Then why did you hide your phone like that?” Hinata grinned, leering at him a bit. Kageyama was sure cute when he was blushing.
             “I only put it away because you were looking over my shoulder, dumbass.”
             “I know one of my videos when I see them, Kageyama. I can’t believe you’re a fan! I’ve never actually met one of my fans before. This is so cool! I mean most of the people at my old school just knew me as ‘that weird kid who makes Youtube videos’.”
             “I’m not your fan. I just happened to see the video.” Kageyama defended himself quickly.
             Hinata deflated a little. “Oh. Well, it’s still cool that you watched it! Did you like it?”
             “Yeah. It’s fine.”
             “Do you like video games? Maybe you could be in one of my videos! I always had to beg my friends back home to be in them. I bet it’d be fun to do a video together.”
             “No. You don’t even know me. Why would you want to do that?” Kageyama regretted the words the minute he saw Hinata’s face fall. He hadn’t meant it to sound so harsh. He was embarrassed and didn’t handle it well.
             “I’m trying to be your friend, okay? I don’t know anyone in this town and I thought maybe if you liked my videos then you’d at least be part way to liking me.” Hinata stood up, gathering his things.
             Part way…I’m already far gone. You’re just as talkative and cute in person. I’m so fucked. He could have said something. He could have yelled at him to wait, but he didn’t. Kageyama just watched as Hinata walked away, his shoulders slumping a bit.
             Finally, this crazy day had ended. Kageyama finally made it volleyball practice and he could just focus on playing and forget all about what a disaster he’d been toward Hinata. He started stretching, barely focusing on the warm up Daichi was conducting. He still could only see Hinata’s face after he’d completely rejected him. Normally, things like this wouldn’t bother him, but Hinata was different. Things were so messed up and he didn’t even know how to make them right.
             “Kageyama!” Daichi called, snapping him Kageyama out of brooding thoughts. “I need to set for Hinata here. He’s going to be trying out for the team.”
             Kageyama was shocked to say the least, but he clenched his jaw to keep it from falling open. “A shrimp like that? He better be good.”
             Daichi shook his head and grinned sheepishly at Hinata. “Don’t take offense to that. He’s always like that, but he’s a good player. Tsukishima, Noya, and Suga will be on the other side. Kageyama and Tanaka will be here on your side.” Daichi patted Hinata on his shoulder, “good luck.”
             “WAIT!” Nishinoya’s eyes were wide in shock. He ducked under the net and ran up to Hinata, looking a bit star-struck. “Are you Shoyo? Like Youtuber? You look just like him!”
             “HE does, dude!” Tanaka jumped in, getting just as excited as Nishinoya.
             “I’m happy you guys watch my videos.” Hinata grinned at them and Kageyama couldn’t but feel jealousy twisting in his stomach. That was the same excited, glowing smile Hinata had given him earlier and now he was giving it to Tanka and Nishinoya.
             Make up your damn mind. Either you want to like him or not.
             “Watch them? Dude we love them!” Nishinoya was beaming back at Hinata. “This is so crazy. You better be as good at volleyball as you are at Youtube. Hey, just because I’m a huge fan, doesn’t mean I’m going to take it easy on you.”
             “Right!” Hinata answered back, feeling a bit nervous about trying out, but he was going to show them. His old school had denied him from the team, but here he could do it. He’d been practicing. He glanced over at Kageyama and caught him watching. Kageyama quickly looked away and waited for the whistle to start the game. Hinata smiled a little. He liked a challenge. One day he’d get Kageyama to be his friend.
             Tanaka served the ball and it was easily received by Nishinoya just as he’d expected it, but the receive was too long. The ball was headed back over to their side of the net.
             “Sorry!” Nishinoya called.
             “Chance ball!” Tanaka yelled.
             Kageyama watched the ball and his eyes flicked between the two different spikers. He could ice Hinata out and go for Tanaka instead. Then again, he was curious what Hinata could actually do. Hinata called for the ball and Tsukishima jumped to block him. A smirk formed on Hinata’s lips and at the last second his put weight on his back foot and changed course. He sprinted for the opposite and no one on the other team could even try to react. He set the ball toward Hinata.
             Hinata jumped, higher and faster than anyone had expected him too. Luckily, Kageyama’s set was able to line up. Hinata slammed the ball down into the far-left corner, scoring the first point for them. He had thought Hinata was beautiful through a screen, but that Hinata seemed dull compared to the one in front of him now. Hinata had cheered as he landed, his face full of joy and the pure adrenaline that came with scoring. Hinata had looked immediately at him for recognition and Kageyama couldn’t help but stare back.
             It wasn’t a particularly friendly or even congratulatory stare. He couldn’t even hide his surprise. Hinata had blown him away and judging by the brief moment of silence in the gym, everyone else had the same reaction. In that moment, Kageyama knew he was truly, and utterly, screwed.
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