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parthenop · 1 year ago
It's 2974 in our Amazigh calendar 🥹
Aseggas ameggaz, freedom to all oppressed people!
ⴰⵙⵙⴻⴳⴰⵙ ⴰⵎⴻⴳⴰⵣ 2973!
Aseggas ameggaz to all my fellow imazighen and north Africans ♡
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useless-moroccofacts · 4 years ago
I have so much shit to say about the romanticization of amazigh culture by arabized north Africans all while ignoring amazigh socio-political struggles but now I choose inner peace
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ouarzazate · 4 years ago
Les <b>marocains</b> célèbrent la fête du trône
Mohammed Chafik: The Spiritual Father of “Tamzgha” · January 16, 2020 Leila Benslimane Morocco News 0. source https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.moroccojewishtimes.com/2020/08/10/les-marocains-celebrent-la-fete-du-trone/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHGZjOGY3YTdmOWE3MjBhYTI6Y29tOmZyOlVTOkw&usg=AFQjCNElaLv86kLMgt3hjxVliwioPBHWlQ
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useless-moroccofacts · 4 years ago
Once you realize how deeply rooted amazigh culture is in the concept of land and Tamzgha, all this north african cold war / arab spring shit loses depth. It really is just a bunch of Arabs and Whites slicing our land and manipulating us like muppets by promoting some fake ass nationalist agenda while many of us are dying in civil wars and from diseases we had absolutely zero say in.
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useless-moroccofacts · 4 years ago
Is it okay to know more of your thoughts on this? Ive seen people vague about it and its something thats been bothering me but I couldnt put a finger on it before. Ive seen west-based NA artists give their opinions about amazigh culture through western centric lenses ex: getting mad about madonna, colonial europe, etc but never touch upon arab nationalism\colonianism, prevalent issues going on in NA and how its contributed just as much to amazigh opression today
Hello, thanks for the ask, there’s a lot to go over here and it’s not possible for me to do so cohesively through a Tumblr reply but I will probably be making separate posts about different aspects of Amazigh politics vis-à-vis Arabization and “Arab colonialism”. Note that I’m putting it between quotation marks not because it’s not true (it is), but because we’re at a very early stage of understanding the dynamics Imazighen ppl living in NA have with their own culture and political regimes.
To put it simply, Arab colonialism spread through Tamazgha (or most of NA, except for eastern Egypt maybe) under the guise of Islamic enlightenment, which many Imazighen (being Muslim) are ‘grateful’ for. Ofc this wouldn’t make much sense if we don’t take into consideration how much of our history is erased and fragmented and how much Imazighen are detached from it (common colonialist process). I would say most Imazighen don’t know much about their own heritage other than material culture (food systems, fashion and arts), and even then, there’s a lot of conflation between different regions. 
To go back to your central point: Western NA ppl, academics in particular, benefit from a freedom of speech Imazighen living in NA don’t have and never did in our era. This is very important since it’s this freedom that allows for an understanding of the power dynamics at play in Amazigh culture, and personally I don’t think I would have been able to understand them this much if it weren’t for the western side of the Internet, though I am critical of it. 
I think what you implied about cultural appropriation (the madonna thing, among many others) is relevant but if I were living in the west and had the power to express myself that much it would have been the least of my worries lmao. I mean yes i would be pissed about it, but there’s so much to amazigh struggle to deter and deconstruct about Amazigh politics that it wouldn’t have taken much of my attention. Additionally, I’m more concerned about the arab cultural appropriation (as mentioned in my previous post) than the western one, since it’s literally a taboo no one knows about.
Lastly, when I saw posts about the Madonna thing going around, I made a brief comment about how some Moroccans wouldn’t even consider it a bad thing, and that most ppl over here would think of it as a celebration or smthg, I received a couple of threatening msgs from western NA bloggers, which was very telling. Anyways, I think it’s equally important to analyze what we mean by “western lense” bc most of it is just common sense that westerners have the right to voice out bc of better freedom of speech lmao, but I do get your point.
This was supposed to be a much shorter answer but let me know if I missed your point.
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ouarzazate · 5 years ago
L'artiste égyptien Mohamed Ramadan envoie un message touchant au monarque <b>marocain</b>. Voici ...
Mohammed Chafik: The Spiritual Father of “Tamzgha” · January 16, 2020 Leila Benslimane Morocco News 0. source https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.moroccojewishtimes.com/2020/05/11/lartiste-egyptien-mohamed-ramadan-envoie-un-message-touchant-au-monarque-marocain-voici-ce-quil-a-dit/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHGZjOGY3YTdmOWE3MjBhYTI6Y29tOmZyOlVTOkw&usg=AFQjCNGIiPvTUZSoU5DpZFyGUQoGw9COHw
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ouarzazate · 5 years ago
Mohammed Chafik: le père spirituel de “Tamzgha »
Les Amazighs marocains considèrent Mohamed Chafik comme leur père spirituel. Ecrivain, chercheur, historien, militant et intellectuel amazigh de ... source https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=http://www.moroccojewishtimes.com/2020/01/16/mohammed-chafik-le-pere-spirituel-de-tamzgha/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHGZjOGY3YTdmOWE3MjBhYTI6Y29tOmZyOlVTOkw&usg=AFQjCNH07M12BgTaQvSX5SgdhOEGplkIGg
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parthenop · 2 years ago
ⴰⵙⵙⴻⴳⴰⵙ ⴰⵎⴻⴳⴰⵣ 2973!
Aseggas ameggaz to all my fellow imazighen and north Africans ♡
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