#tamtam press
cookiesupplier · 7 months
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Thirty-One
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Unbeta'd, readers beware as always lol.
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tags: @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @jordynyingling0219 @faceless-mirror @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @wild-child-7747 @witchyweeb34 @black-damask1999 @jilliemiw86 @ilovesamkiszka @lyschko666 @lacktoesandtoddlerants @bngurngheart @collapsedglasshouses @laurpartyprogram @sunsshinesunny @malerieee @talialovesmiw @shilohrosechicken @thatchickwiththecamera @tamtam-elizabeth
Tag List is Open, please let me know if you would like to be added to it or in general.
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“Chris, it’s changing shape too.”
Hearing Ricky say that, first it was changing colour, and now it was changing shape, and Chris, Chris couldn’t breathe, he just he could.. No. no, he just.. There was just too, too much..
“Rick, Ricky move-”
Chris wasn’t paying attention to Talia pushing Ricky out of the way from where he was half in front of Chris as she pulled him to face her as she knelt on the couch. He was struggling to suck air into his lungs in a daze as she reached up, and pressed her palms to his cheeks to take his face in her hands, his eyes meeting hers as he struggled.
“I, Jelly-”
“Hi, Spookie, yea, I’m here, just breath with me okay?”
Chris felt her move to press one of her hands to his chest over his displaced shirt, avoiding his exposed soulmate tattoo. Maybe because it would bring his mind right back to what was causing his panic, maybe not, but it didn’t matter. She was just drawing his focus to her, completely to her. Her hand pressed against where his heart was beating so hard in his chest, and how her thumb was brushing so tenderly across his cheek.
He listened as she talked him through the five things. Five things he could see, four, he could feel, three he could hear, two he could smell, and one he could taste.. By the time they got down to the one, and Chris realised his mouth actually was all dry like cotton wool, Ricky offered up a piece of gum from sitting half crouching next to him on the floor.
“Don’t worry, it’s vegan, I checked.”
The fact that he checked before offering had Chris sighing and leaning against him a little as Ricky stood up from the floor again, his arm wrapping around his shoulder,
“Better, Chris?”
Chris smiled softly over to Talia, thankful she was here, thankful in so many ways for her, for Ricky, for both of them..
“Yeah, I don’t, I don’t know what’s happening.. There are no theories on this one. When it comes to passed soulmate tattoos, they just, are.”
So the fact something was happening to his, was beyond him. “Chris-”
He looked at Talia as she sighed,
“I’m not asking for your tattoo, I’m asking for you, I’m worried about you, are you okay?”
He relaxed, marginally, anyway, but nodded. It wasn’t enough, though. Not nearly enough. Talia might only be worried about him, but he needed to know, he needed more.
“I need to know though, Talia, I need to understand.” He’d already lost his soulmate, he couldn’t go through this if something was happening that involved Ricky and Talia that could risk, something with them too. “I left a message asking if anyone had heard of people feeling strange sensations on the message board from their tattoos after a soulmate passed, but all I got was a smart arse remark from what I suspect was a dumb ass kid.”
He groaned slightly,
“What use is the verification process if stupid kids can still get on the board.”
Glancing over to Ricky as he scoffed at this only to hear Talia giggle slightly as well, in his frustration he was obviously missing something,
Talia starting softly,
“Just because someone is over eighteen, doesn’t mean they aren’t a dumb ass kid.”
Then Ricky just had to chime in,
“Yea, think about who we were at eighteen.. Hell, go online and watch old motionless videos, and we were older than eighteen Chris.. Me know, I would have called us dumb ass kids.”
“Okay, okay, point taken.”
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Talia sighed,
“Now, back to Chris thinking his tattoo is reacting to Rick, but Rick thinking it’s reacting to me..”
She looked over at Chris, Talia had heard what Ricky said about Chris having problems with his shoulder while she was having her breakdown, and they were looking after her. Really, it just sounded all kinds of flimsy to her, but wasn’t all of this with the tattoos? It was all about interpretation, and it was confusing, at best.
“What makes you think it's reacting to Ricky, though, Chris?”
At that, she noticed the way he paused, the way he glanced at her, wait, was that hesitation, why was he so hesitant? Was it bad?
It was Rick that spoke up though,
“I kissed him.”
When she looked over at him in surprise, oh. Oh. She hadn’t realised their friendship might be like that, cross those boundaries. Though, he was the one that had joked about her and Ava. The surprise must have said something to him, however, for him to want to clarify when he quickly added,
“Comfort kiss, it was just a peck, just a peck.”
Was he worried she’d be upset at him kissing Chris? They weren’t together, and she wasn’t about to go postal on him, was she? She didn’t think she was? But then why did her tattoo suddenly twinge like that when he started defending himself, blinking quickly. She knew Ricky had felt it between them with the way he was looking at her now. A gasp from Chris had them both looking over at him, shit… He felt it too, she was jealous.. But she didn’t feel jealous? Did she? That, why was the tattoo reacting when she wasn’t even jealous, they weren’t together! They, they.. He said..
“This is insane.”
Talia stood up quickly from the couch, but then as soon as she did, she stopped, not sure what she was doing where she was going, Ricky suddenly standing up too, 
She glanced to Chris, his tone slightly warning.. And that was when she realised, Ricky hadn’t been alone with her since the kitchen, only with Chris, right, because Chris knew, Chris had been, Talia chuckled.. Chris was there to keep them apart.. Oh that was perfect.. He was their chaperone, that was just perfect. Now he was tangled up in this mess too..
“You laugh.. But it gets better.. I think you should kiss Chris.”
Her gaze fell back on Ricky for a second, look at him like he’d grown a second head, he was telling her to kiss Chris. Just like that and instantly her tattoo was reacting, which was, embarrassing. She couldn’t even hide the fact that she’d thought about it, and oh, had she’d thought about it, thought about how if she wasn’t Ricky’s soulmate. Oh. My. God. That wasn’t fair, they could both feel it now, too. 
“This is ridiculous, it’s complicated enough… isn’t it?”
Ricky just stared at her..
“Okay, hear me okay.. I thought before.. My tattoo was ripping through me every time I thought about you and Chris because I was jealous, but I think, the problem with these tattoos is that, well, it's all open for interpretation isn’t it?”
Talia swallowed as she looked to Ricky as he talked, he looked from her to Chris, and then back to her. Listening as he spoke about his tattoo affecting him concerning her friendship with Chris, so he’d known, that was news to her..  Even more so, why, why did she have butterflies in her stomach just listening to him talk like this.. She hadn’t felt like this since, since the night she almost met him in line for VIP.. so excited, so thrilled that she was on the verge of meeting her soulmate for the first time.
It was almost like, for the first time in years, she finally felt alive again.. Looking between Ricky, and then Chris.
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“I don’t think I was jealous you were with Chris, I think,”
Ricky paused, this was going to be a leap, because, it was, it was a massive leap right now, but from how he felt ever since he’d invited Chris over and the three of them had spent time together. Sure it had been painful moments, but, there had been funny moments, moments when they could laugh and comfort each other..
“What, Rick?”
Glancing over towards Chris,
“I think I wanted to be there with you. I was so terrified of my soulmate tattoo, and dealing with Grace, and everything with Grace is still shit.. She’s deleted everything and it, it feels worse than ever, because now I don’t know where she is, what she’s doing.. She could be right outside this door and I wouldn’t know.”
He swallowed and sighed when Chris shook his head,
“Nope, that's the one place we know she isn’t, the security system would have gone off, I swear.. You want me to bring up the cameras, she might have figured out yours, but I guarantee she hasn’t mine.”
Rick felt a flush of warmth of affection for both of them when Chris said that, and the way Talia muttered Bitch under her breath.. Talia, JellyBean, too sweet for words Talia, and she was, now they were both looking at her when she said that..
“What? You want to know what Ava calls her? You want to know?”
The chuckle that came from Chris had Ricky smiling, for such a serious issue, only these two could make him smile,
“Okay, now I have to know, JellyBean.”
“Ava calls her the soulmate stealing hussy. I swear, right before we walked into the greenroom, that was how she cheered me up.”
“Oh, my god.”
Ricky couldn’t help but mutter as he laughed along with Chris. Both of them absolutely applaud and yet amused beyond belief by Ava’s antics, well, now they were, they probably wouldn’t have been at the time considering. At the time, they had both thought that Grace really was Ricky’s soulmate and Talia was the interloper. Now, though, they knew better.
“Calling her a bitch, is nothing.”
Yeah, now it was nothing. Ricky nodded slightly.
“So, back to this, Sweetheart.. The fact that your tattoo reacted to my suggestion of kissing Chris makes me think you’ve thought about it already.”
Raising an eyebrow to her, and there was no way he was going to judge her, seeing the way her face flushed he smirked a little, right, 
“Sweetheart, I’ve already kissed him, you know that, I’m going to me perfectly honest, not just once. That peck, was probably was one of the more innocent kisses.. Right Chris?”
His smirk grew at the surprise on her face, looking over to Chris,
“Right, make me explain.. It was, years, years, ago.. Just some fun, nothing serious, just making out..”
Seeing Talia shake her head slightly,
“And here I thought all your stage antics were just for fun.”
Ricky couldn’t help the laugh there at the teasing remark Talia directed towards Chris, she wasn’t wrong either, the shit he used to pull towards him on stage, sending the fans completely wild, had been hilarious.
“Admittedly, then Julia came along, then Grace, and our lives changed. It was just a bit of fun, we knew it wasn’t real, we weren’t soulmates, so like I said, fun.”
“We.. weren’t.”
Ricky added as he glanced at the changing mark on Chris shoulder that he’d covered up by fixing his shirt since he’d sat in the chair after calming down.. The colour changing, the image shifting, who knows what was happening right now. He had a theory, one that he didn’t need a message board for, and any scientist to tell him, just a wild stab in the dark he supposed, which was why he wanted Talia to kiss, Chris.
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“No wonder you thought I hooked up with Ava.”
Talia smiled at him, “I was joking!” She laughed at him as he tried to defend himself. At the same time, he didn’t have a leg to stand on with the fact he had just admitted to having made out with his best friend knowing they weren’t soulmates years ago.. True enough.. She’d shared tiny moments with Ava, nothing more than drunken flirty kisses while laughing their asses off over drinking games. “My idea is still there, Talia.. If the kiss makes the tattoo react, I think.. I think something more is going on here, something bigger than just the bond between you and me.”
Looking at Ricky, Talia turned to Chris, who had been silent on the matter so far,
“Spookie, you haven’t said anything, I mean, would you even want to kiss me anyway?”
She wasn’t going to kiss him just for the tattoo if he didn’t want to have anything to do with her like that! Just because they were friends, and getting closer, didn’t mean she wanted to assume anything.
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Chris paused, was, was she really asking him if he wanted to kiss her? This gorgeous women who he would kiss in a fucking heart beat the moment he saw her if he thought for one moment she’d give him a second thought? Oh, Chris remembered the night of VIP with such clarity, long before they’d discovered Ava was Vinny’s soulmate, he’d noticed Talia when she was still in line. There’d just been something about her, she’d been different when he’d glanced towards her a few times before she’d gotten to the front of the line to meet them. If he’d not known for years that his soulmate was gone and nearly every person he met wouldn’t be bothered with him, he’d have asked her out immediately. Well, maybe not, asking fans was a slippery slope, they all knew it. Then of course, realising who she actually was, sending their entirely fucking world, Ricky’s world, on its head? Fuck, she was asking him that?
Knowing that her tattoo had reacted just from thinking about kissing him, that she’d thought about kissing him herself…
Taking in a breath.. How could she think he didn’t want..
Nope.. he leaned closer to her, a hand coming up to cup her cheek, and his lips were capturing hers in a kiss that was as far from just a peck on the lips as possible compared to the kiss Ricky had planted on him just the day before. The moment his lips touch hers, all three of their tattoos, including Chris’ strange grey, half formed tattoo, flared to life and had Chris gasping against Talia’s mouth with the softest groan.. Oh, fuck.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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respectthepetty · 6 months
That's My (Color) Candy - Part 2
In Part 1 of this color-coded journey, I explained that Jing is a Pink Person and Guy is a Blue Boy but they are about to break up . . . AGAIN because Guy keeps standing up Jing even though Guy is trying to save people's lives at the Candy Memorial Hospital.
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One of those lives is Blue-Green Gentleman Viking's who got hit by a car, so now Viking's potential-boyfriend Red Rascal Tamtam is also about to break up with him too since he thinks Viking stood him up instead of thinking he is dying, which is reasonable.
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But they aren't official yet, so Tamtam can't really break up with him, so he does a live stream and looks really really sad about it.
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So thank goodness Guy and his medical crew sang some magical song to heal Viking so Tamtam could forgive him for almost dying.
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And so he could take extra special care of Viking. Well, in theory anyway.
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So Jing decides to forgive Guy for standing him up on his birthday since the life he saved was that of his favorite VJ (even though he knew Viking got hit by a car and Guy was saving him since he was the one who rescued Viking . . .)
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So all's well, but Guy is down to one candy because his friend ate a piece and got a girlfriend out of it, then Guy gave a scary ghost girl, who was dressed in pink (???), the other piece.
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Oh, then Tamtam gets upset AGAIN because while he is "taking care" of Viking in the hospital, he notices a guy named "Candy" keeps calling Viking.
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But Candy is Viking's brother! So Tamtam's brother is ecstatic that his Blue-Green Gentleman x Red Rascal ship is setting sail!
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Jing and Guy aren't so lucky though. They decide to go on a date, but to no one's surprise, Guy sees a woman in need of help. Jing tells Guy to pick between him and helping others, so Guy tells Jing he chooses him, only for Jing to tell him to help the woman. Mixed signals much?
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Then Jing leaves and stays with Kana and his cool ass color charts.
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Which pisses off Guy since he walks in on them looking very comfortable with each other. Guy and Jing argue, and Jing questions if Guy even knows his favorite color.
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And the fact that Guy didn't immediately say "PINK" had be pressed, stressed, and completely in Jing's corner, so when Jing grabbed the last piece of candy and wished they had never met, I was all for it. Because of the wish, they run into each other, but they always walk away.
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They no longer know each other and live happily ever after, not together, and no longer in love with each other.
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The End!
It was all a film for Jing's final project at Candy University!
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Jing really is a Pink Person, Guy really is a Blue Boy, and they really have been a couple for the past three years who are living with each other.
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They are also very happy together and experience several "color exchanges" often. *wink*
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And Viking and Tamtam are also real VJs and a happy Red Rascal x Blue-Green Gentleman couple.
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Kana was never in love with Jing, there were never any issues between Jing and Guy, and everyone was happy because everything was fake and solely made up for the movie.
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Yeah for fictional movies!
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So Jing and Guy live happily ever after and grow old together still madly in love with each other.
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And I get the tiniest crumb that Kana might actually be in a relationship with Dr. Pak who was a Blue Boy too and works with Guy. Look at Kana's colors. That's love. It's canon to me!
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So . . .
I don't hate it.
Half of it did not make sense like the ghost girl, but I already knew the ending, so it helped me enjoy it more along the way. In the hospital, Jing slid across the floor in the most disco way possible, and Guy sang to heal Viking. Guy also mentioned a few times about being a character. It was obvious that this was a film, but only because I knew that. If I hadn't known that, I would have not enjoyed this show nearly as much. I laughed multiple times just because of how unserious it was, and I will be rewatching it.
But maybe I just liked it because I like this bike, I like this man, and they're both in my size color.
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What can I say? I'm easy.
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soopsiesdaisies · 2 years
Chapter 1: hot autumn babe at springcourt dot gov
Read on AO3
[03-01-501, 08:34AM]
[03-01-501, 08:34AM]
Subject: Bargain Arrangement
Dear Mr Vanserra,
I am contacting you to remind the Spring Court of the Magical Bargain between His Grace, Lord Rhysand Nightingale, High Lord of the Night Court, and Miss Feyre Archeron, the Cursebreaker.
The agreement states:
“In exchange for the healing of an open fracture of Feyre Archeron’s right arm, she shall spend one week per month in the Night Court for the rest of her life starting at any moment of Lord Rhysand’s choosing.”
As per Chapter 4, Section 5 of Prythian Magical Bargains, “Dissolution”, a bargain of such nature can, per magical law, only be dismissed if the terms of conditions have been fulfilled wholly, the two agreeing parties both wish to dissolve the bargain, and the magic agrees. Considering the indefinite nature of the bargain between Lord Rhysand and Miss Feyre and the fickleness of ancient magic, the chance of dissolution is small and, likely, dangerous to both Lord Rhysand’s and Miss Feyre’s wellbeing.
It is therefore of the utmost importance His Grace, Lord Tamlin de Blume, High Lord of the Spring Court shall not attempt to break the bargain.
I hope to have informed you enough. Should you have any pressing questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
May the Cauldron bless you,
The Morrigan
Overseer Court of Nightmares
[03-01-501, 08:35AM]
Subject: RE: Bargain Arrangement
This is an automatic response.
I am not in office until 21-01-501 After Hybern and will not answer until then.
Should your e-mail be high priority, please contact me at [email protected].
May the Cauldron bless you,
Lucien Vanserra
Emissary of the Spring Court.
[03-01-501, 08:55AM]
Subject: Bargain Arrangement
Dear Mr Vanserra,
Thank you kindly for your automated e-mail system. It is most helpful.
I am contacting you to remind the entirety of the Spring Court of the Magical Bargain between His Grace, Lord Rhysand Nightingale, High Lord of the Night Court, and Miss Feyre Archeron, the Cursebreaker.
As Lord Rhysand shall decide when Miss Feyre will start to attend one week per month in the Night Court, I am sorry to say I cannot give you an exact date as to when this will be. Ensure Miss Feyre has her bags packed in preparation.
It is against the law – and, likely, incredibly detrimental to the safety and well-being of the two participants – to attempt to break this bargain. Please remind your High Lord to refrain from doing so. Should you have any more questions, please refer to my previous e-mail or contact me in a timely manner.
I hope to have informed you enough.
May the Cauldron bless you,
The Morrigan
Overseer Court of Nightmares
[04-01-501, 07:55AM]
Subject: RE: Bargain Arrangement
Hello Morrigan,
I implore you to give me a specific date – or, at least, an approximation – of when Lord Rhysand shall take Miss Feyre with him to spend the week. As you may know, the Spring Court is in the middle of wedding preparations; I do not wish for Lord Tamlin and Miss Feyre to be unable to be wed or celebrate their honeymoon, should Lord Rhysand drop by.
I will try my hardest to prevent Lord Tamlin from doing anything rash.
May the Cauldron bless you,
Lucien Vanserra
Emissary of the Spring Court
[06-01-501, 10:21AM]
Subject: RE: RE: Bargain Arrangement
Dear Mr Vanserra,
Do not ask questions you already know the answers to. Inform Miss Feyre in a timely manner that Lord Rhysand may take her with him at any moment.
Furthermore, for the love of the Mother, you and I both know ‘rash’ is a very gentle way of putting Lord Tamlin’s behaviour when he is desperate. Try harder. Get sentries involved, or ask Miss Feyre to help you.
Finally, I do not control the speed at which High Lords call in bargains.
Cauldron bless,
[07-01-501, 7:59AM]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Bargain Arrangement
Hello Morrigan,
My future Lady is already anxious about her impending marriage: I do not wish to add to her distress by informing her that I do not know when Lord Rhysand will take her with him, but that he will regardless. In addition, I am certain she is already aware of the predicament.
If possible, please ensure Lord Rhysand gives you an approximate date and share it with me.
I do not control the way High Lords make terrible decisions (and neither do you, judging by this bargain).
Cauldron bless,
[07-01-501, 11:45AM]
Subject: FWD: RE: RE: RE: Bargain Arrangement
I give up.
[07-01-501, 7:59AM]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Bargain Arrangement
Hello Morrigan,
My future Lady is already anxious about her impending marriage: I do not wish to add to her distress by informing her that I do not know when Lord Rhysand will take her with him, but that he will regardless. In addition, I am certain she is already aware of the predicament.
If possible, please ensure Lord Rhysand gives you an approximate date and share it with me.
In addition, I do not control the way High Lords make terrible decisions (and neither do you, judging by this bargain).
Cauldron bless,
[07-01-501, 18:05PM]
Subject: FINE
Sent from my StarPhone
[08-01-501, 07:33AM]
Subject: Bargain
Dearest Lucien,
I’ve heard through the grapevine you wish for me to give you a specific date as to when I will steal Feyre darling away from you sorry lot. I am terribly ashamed to say I do not know for sure — there’s lots of Night Court business to catch up to and it is a busy, busy time. Obviously you relate.
Oh wait, you were allowed to stay in Spring. Silly me.
I need you to know that Tamtam cannot, under any circumstance, attempt to break the bargain Feyre and I made. On the off chance he is even a little bit succesful, we will both likely die or (at the very least) be weakened significantly. And though I am sure my death will not bother you at all, Feyre’s might. Prevent him from doing anything stupid, please. It may be hard but it can be done.
May the Cauldron bless you,
Lord Rhysand
High Lord of the Night Court
[08-01-501, 09:02AM]
Subject: RE: Bargain
Your Grace,
I understand the fullness of your schedule. Still, I implore you to scour it for any gaps and inform me of them—just so I can tell Feyre when you will pick her up, at least.
The wedding is the fifteenth, and their honeymoon will last two weeks. Perhaps early February?
I know Lord Tamlin can be reeled in by others, but I have not yet managed to do so properly myself. Would you be so kind to send me some advice, my Lord?
May the Cauldron bless you,
Lucien Vanserra
[08-01-501, 23:57PM]
Subject: RE: RE: Bargain
Dear Lucien,
I know when the wedding is. Everybody and their mum in Prythian does. I promise my imminent arrival — whenever that may be — won’t be too inconvenient. I promise I won’t snatch her away if she truly does not wish to leave.
Regardless, I have not found any gaps in my schedule; I do wish to at least entertain Feyre a little bit in my wretched Court, and without free time, that would be quite hard.
Taming Tamlin is always possible, but, as you may know, quite difficult. Overpowering him is what I always did, though I doubt you will be able to. Here is my advice, little fox.
Do not try to outsmart him in an obvious manner: it may be laughably easy and will stun him temporarily, but it will make him unbelievably angry. The claws will come out! You may have some experience with that.
Playing with his guilt is, I believe, your best bet. Such a tortured soul your High Lord is, is he not? Break out the ancient tomes and tell him to read what broken bargain magic does. What good is a bride of Spring rotting?
Good luck. I’m sure I’ll see you soon.
Cauldron bless,
[10-01-501, 07:43AM]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Bargain
I have attempted to heed your advice. I’m afraid Tamlin is very stubborn.
If you tell me when you will take Feyre with you, I promise I shall keep it to myself. I might be able to hold him back if I know.
Cauldron bless you,
[10-01-501, 14:16PM]
Subject: HA
Dearest Lucien,
[10-01-501, 16:02PM]
Subject: RE: HA
Please. This is a matter of Feyre’s well-being. We both know that.
Tamlin will not listen to me. You know how he is. Please, just tell me—or, at least, give me more advice on how to prevent Tamlin from doing anything too stupid.
[11-01-501, 07:55AM]
Subject: Come on
This is not funny. Their wedding date is quite close and I don’t know what Tamlin is planning to do, but it is obvious he is becoming increasingly uneasy and desperate. You possibly know him better than I do—I know your history.
Just help me. Please.
[13-01-501, 07:54AM]
Subject: Please
Fine. You won’t help me. I know that.
Swear to protect Feyre with your life, then. Please. I am sure he has sought the help of the High Priestess and I do not think I can prevent anything any longer.
[13-01-501, 23:44PM]
Subject: Obviously
Do you truly think I wish to harm Feyre? That’s laughable.
The High Priestess — Ianthe, is it not? — will be useless. She may talk a big game, but she especially will be unable to harm bargain magic. It will backfire on her.
Tamlin has always easily been persuaded by flattery. Watch out.
[14-01-501, 00:02AM]
Subject: …
I know Tamlin is easily swayed by flattery. I KNOW. Ianthe is his childhood friend and she seems to know exactly which buttons to press and which part of his chest to touch. I’m always a bit too late. Any progress I made will be ruined whenever they share a look.
Rhys. I beg of you.
[14-01-501, 04:44]
Subject: RE: …
And how much shall you beg, then? Do you wish to strike a bargain with me, much like Feyre darling did? Will you too perhaps strike a bargain with me? Tamlin won’t be very happy with you if you do.
I will take Feyre with me if she wishes to leave the Spring Court, if only for a brief time. I’ll always answer her call. Who knows when that will be? A little bird told me she has been quite apprehensive about her upcoming union, but who knows. Perhaps just jitters.
[14-01-501, 17:54PM]
Subject: Don’t you dare
You’re planning on crashing the wedding, aren’t you?
If you will, I will kill you. I won’t hesitate. I don’t care if all your little cronies descend upon me; if I die, I’ll die with honour, by protecting my future Lady from your sadistic hands.
Damn you.
[15-01-501, 07:26AM]
Subject: Don’t you dare 2: electric boogaloo
There are twenty sentries. Tamlin is vibrating out of his skin with pent-up energy. There are three hundred guests.
You will not take Feyre away. She will not ask you to do so, because she does not want to go with you. She’ll tell me.
Stay away.
[15-01-501, 21:49PM]
Subject: Bargain
Lord Rhysand,
Your week starts as of today, on the 15th of January, in the year 501 After Hybern. Miss Feyre Archeron is to be returned to the Spring Court on the 22nd of January, 501, before half past five in the evening.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
May the Cauldron bless you.
Lucien Vanserra
Emissary of the Spring Court
[15-01-501, 22:55PM]
Subject: Play with fire?
If she fucking asks, I will come. If she is scared, I will come. I don’t care if mr tanline has a fucking aneurysm when I do it; it seems he currently is too wrapped up in his own grief to think straight, and he does not have her best wishes at heart.
I will always come for her.
Hope you die horrifically,
[16-01-501, 03:17AM]
Subject: okay
Make sure she eats, will you?
May the Cauldron give you chronic warts,
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yespat49 · 1 year
Paris : la station de métro “Hôtel de Ville” transformée en camp de migrants
Vu sur FdeSouche En surface, les migrants ont transformé les poubelles en tamtams pic.twitter.com/UaYs5k7Apo— Fdesouche.com est une revue de presse (@F_Desouche) August 3, 2023
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korrektheiten · 2 years
Rollator-Putsch und politische Säuberungen
PI schreibt: »Von DR. CHRISTIAN BLEX | Mit riesigem Tamtam wurden am 7. Dezember zahlreiche Wohnungen in Deutschland durchsucht und knapp zwei Dutzend Personen in Untersuchungshaft genommen. Ihnen wird vorgeworfen, einen Putsch gegen die Regierung geplant zu haben. Was an dieser Geschichte wirklich dran ist, ist zweifelhaft. Mancher Vorwurf erscheint total absurd. So war in der Presse […] http://dlvr.it/SfT1kg «
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carlosortegavilas · 7 years
Reseña de ‘El santo al cielo’ en Tam-Tam Press
Por Luis Artigue
Cuando acaban de celebrarse las primeras Jornadas de Negro en Astorga, y mientras se acerca la Semana Negra de Gijón (7 al 16 de julio de 2017), el escritor leonés Luis Artigue reseña algunas de las novedades más interesantes, a su juicio, del género negro. En esta ocasión se centra en la primera novela del narrador canario Carlos Ortega Vilas, “El santo al cielo”, publicada en una editorial independiente, Dosbigotes.
¿Una imagen vale más que mil palabras?
Hubo un tiempo en el que los autores de novela negra con peso y mundo propio (el lírico y sarcástico Raymond Chadler, el sobrio y demoledor Dashiell Hammett, la psicologista perturbadora e hipnótica Patricia Highsmith, etc) influían en el cine, pero, en esta era de la imagen, es el cine el que influye sobremanera en nuestros autores de novela negra.
Así, en lo que se refiere a las tramas de género negro de nuestra actualidad compuestas a partir de parámetros mucho más fílmicos que literarios, tramas exentas de sorpresas verbales que ralenticen el infatigable ritmo narrativo que atrapa al lector y repletas de puntos de giro argumental, el entretenimiento está asegurado, pero no la originalidad matizada y con sello propio: el cine tiende a homogeneizar los argumentos y las estrategias narrativas, y, como es sabido, no es cierto que una imagen valga más que mil palabras (menos aún al escribir novelas).
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Pero amamos leer novelas absorbentes con voracidad indesmayable tanto como amamos el arte narrativo de género con universo genuino, reconocible y perdurable (por ejemplo los villanos tenebrosos que nos presenta J. Connolly enfrentados a la audaz desdicha de su detective atormentado Charlie Parker, o el minimalismo expresivo de la prosa demoledora que jalea la imaginación volcánica y compulsivamente salvaje del último James Ellroy, o el escepticismo mediterráneo del detective ateniense creado por Petros Markaris, Kostas Jaritos, moviéndose en el contexto de la crisis económica griega…): por eso reconocemos siempre los méritos cuando un narrador como Carlos Ortega Vilas (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1972) logra contar una historia elaborada sin que se note con un ritmo endiabladamente ágil.
No pasa desapercibido, en esta novela de prosa precisa y austera irónicamente titulada El santo al cielo (Ed. Dosbigotes), eso: una pizca de humor psico-patológico-teológico como punto de partida criminal (tal humor sutil de parte de un inspector de la policía nacional muy friki que está obsesionado con la vida de los santos mártires a la par que trabaja enfangado en la corrupción, las bajezas y la degradación psicológica y moral) nos recuerda a la película Seven –pecados capitales–, y a la película americana de los años 90 –antes tuvo otras adaptaciones– El Santo, pero nos seduce…
Ha muerto Orion Dauber en extrañas circunstancias. ¿Quién es ese tipo? ¿Y qué relación tiene con Daniel, un adolescente desaparecido?
Silvia, una maestra sin vocación repleta de rarezas, rutinas y abismos psicológicos (entre los cuales consta el de apegarse irremisiblemente a los objetos), no sabe que últimamente alguien la sigue. ¿Por qué?
La pareja de investigadores del caso, el policía nacional Aldo Monteiro (inspector de la brigada de homicidios, un hombre recto y poco amigo de códigos personales al margen de lo establecido pero erudito en los apuntes hagiográficos de los santos mártires cuyas vidas recita como tic obsesivo) y el enlace de la guardia civil Julio Mataró (un tipo trepa con maneras de alma libre en cuyo expediente figura el ser alguien conflictivo que ha brillado por sus ramalazos de insubordinación), más que ese Quijote y Sancho de Conan Doyle que son Holmes y Watson, nos evocan a los protagonistas de la impagable La penitencia del alfil de Rafa Melero, y a los dos guardias civiles Bevilacqua y Chamorro protagonistas de celebradas novelas de Lorenzo Silva, pero con diálogos más americanos y mayor perfil psicológico (el sólido protagonismo de estos dos personajes eclipsa la descripción social del espacio urbano de provincias en el que sucede todo, pues el trasfondo ideológico de esta novela queda para las subtramas que nos hablan de corruptelas institucionales, paraísos fiscales, especulación inmobiliaria y demás estragos políticos de la vida contemporánea).
Pronto vemos a esa pareja de investigadores enfrentándose al misterio de la muerte de Orion, y conocemos el pasado que les vincula, y asistimos a cómo se les une de modo inopinado Silvia Manzanares al material investigado (pues ella, además de hija del asesinado, es una de las sospechosas): juntos nos irán llevando, a base de capítulos cortos, diálogos fluidos y puntos de giro epatantes, por esta historia de venganza repleta de suspense.
No podemos decir que sea una obra original o con clima propio (creemos que el autor tampoco lo pretende), pero sí una muy meritoria primera novela con una trama bien planteada, con dotes para la ironía corrosiva, alergia a los artificios, buen oído para los diálogos, elegancia y contención prosística, capacidad de observación del medioambiente moral, un modo curioso de presentar juntos la corrupción y la santidad (mediante los apuntes hagiográficos del atrabiliario policía) para hacernos ver que entre el bien y el mal hay fronteras difusas e intercambiables y, especialmente, un sentido del ritmo narrativo que va a dar mucho que a hablar.
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rendezvousroger · 6 years
“You’re My Best Friend” Part 7 - Ben!Roger x Reader
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
TW: slight hints of sexual assault.
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“What’s wrong with you?” Roger spat at Freddie before making his way out of the flat to follow you.
Freddie just stared at him and carefully watched him leave.
“Freddie,” Brian said, making Freddie look at him, “are you aware of what you just did?”
Freddie said nothing.
He knew very well what he had done, how he had made you feel, and he had seen the pain in your eyes when he was saying those words to you, but he couldn’t stop himself. It was something that always happened to him whenever he had too much to drink, and he hated it. But this time he knew he had crossed the line.
“Are you jealous of them being together?” John said.
“That’s a stupid question to ask Deaky.” Freddie snapped. 
“Then why are you acting like this?” 
“Like what?”
“You just told your best friend of years to literally fuck off!” Brian exclaimed and Freddie looked down at the floor.
“Because she lied to me.” He breathed.
“No, that’s not it,” Brian desperately ran his fingers through his curly hair, wanting this to be over already, “it’s something else.”
“Oh yeah?” Freddie started, “if you think you know me better than I know myself then tell me what is it!”
“You need to stop being selfish.”
“Selfish? Darling, please, if I were selfi-“
“He is right,” Deaky cut him off, “maybe what Y/N and Roger have, has nothing to do with you.”
Brian nodded at John’s words and Freddie just stared at both of them, feeling undefeated. He had mixed feelings about all of this, he knew he had hurt you and he wasn’t proud of his actions, but he also wanted someone to understand why he was feeling this way, but he knew no one but you would understand.
“Stay out of my business.” He spat at both of them and left to his room.
You couldn’t believe what just happened. You were convinced Freddie hated you and you couldn’t stand it. Your eyes were clouded with tears and you were not at your best to drive, so you just stayed outside Roger and Freddie’s flat and sat down on the floor.
You were a mess, and you felt like it.
You covered your face with your hands and let it all out, still hearing Freddie’s words in your head. 
The sound of the door opening made you jump and quickly wipe away your tears, you didn’t even want to look at the person standing by your side since you knew you looked vulnerable.
“It’s alright.” Roger’s voice somehow soothed you, and he sat down next to you.
He wrapped his arms around you and you let out a few more tears, your head hurting from having cried too much already. He softly played with your hair, trying to calm you down, and it reminded you of that one time you fell asleep with him while he was doing that, and how comfortable and safe you felt.
“He didn’t mean it.” He whispered.
“He did,” You looked at him and he gently wiped a few tears away from your face. “this is all my fault.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I should’ve said something to him before.”
“Y/N, he doesn’t own you, you don’t have to tell him every-“
“It’s not that Roger!” You stood up.
“Then what is it?” He said as he stood up to stand in front of you.
“He’s just looking out for me.” You said quietly.
“So I don’t get hurt.” 
“Why would you get hurt?”
You said nothing, and avoided looking at him.
“It’s because of me, isn’t it?” He asked.
And when you remained silent, he began to lose his patience.
“God Y/N! I already told you I stopped sleeping around with girls!” His voice grew louder, “It’s you who I want, not a bunch of groupies for the night!”
“Well congratulations for not satisfying your needs for a week!” You scoffed.
“What do you want then?”
“I just want you to understand alr-“
“Understand what?” Roger began, “Because I don’t know what I have to do to prove that I rea-“
“That I’ve been through some shit Roger, alright?!” You cut him off and you felt tears stream down your face again.
Roger’s eyes softened as he saw your tears, and he was quick to cup your face and wipe away some of them. 
“Would you help me understand?” He whispered as he stared at your glossy eyes.
You nodded and the both of you sat down on the floor again, Roger never letting go of your hand.
You took your time to speak, since it was the first time you were talking to someone that wasn’t Freddie about this. Roger saw by the look on your face that it was something important, something that mattered a lot to you.
“Before I went to study abroad in America, I had sort of a thing with a guy,” you started, “he was in a band, he played the guitar and girls drooled over him.”
You stared at Roger’s eyes, he was looking at you carefully and paying attention to every word you were saying.
“And I was young, innocent and naive, but he was the first guy who really paid attention to me, or so I thought,” you fake laughed, “I thought we were in love and all that shit, but I was so unexperienced and since I wasn’t willing to do a lot of the things he wanted to do with me, he constantly cheated.” 
Roger kept all of his attention on you, not once looking away from your eyes.
“I knew he was cheating, and I let it keep happening because I didn’t want to lose him,” you looked down at the floor, ashamed of how stupid you were at that time, “but then he got bored of me not wanting to do anything more than kissing, so he threatened to leave me.” 
You bit your lip and avoided looking at Roger, you were nervous of telling him everything, but you knew he had to know so he could understand. And you wanted him to know.
“So my stupid younger self begged him to stay, and I let him do things I wasn’t ready to do,” your voice trembled, “and that I didn’t want to do.”
You hadn’t noticed your hands were shaking until Roger held them up to his lips to kiss them softly. He cupped your face and stared directly into your eyes, you noticed his eyes were glossy as if he were about to cry. You had never seen him like this before. 
“Y/N, I promise I would never, ever do anything to hurt you.” He whispered, his voice was trembling too.
You could see truth in his eyes, and you softly pressed your lips against his.
“And when Freddie found out, he wanted to kill him,” you continued, “he was furious and he blamed himself for it because he was the one who had dragged me to the gigs and that’s how I met the guy, so he promised he would never let anything like that happen to me again, he even made me promise I wouldn’t have anything with guys like him and that if I ever did, I would let him know, just so he could look after me.” 
“I get it now,” Roger nodded and gently lifted your chin up so you could look at him, “but believe me when I say, that you mean everything to me, and I know I give off the vibe of being like that asshole, but I’m not like him. I would never do anything to hurt you. I respect you and I care deeply about you. All I want is to be with you.” 
“I want to be with you too.” You said, staring into his eyes.
“Let me talk to Freddie about this,” he stroked your cheek, “but don’t leave.”
“I won’t.” 
He stood up and reached his hand out to help you stand up. You felt relieved for having told Roger everything, you trusted him and you knew he cared about you. 
“Y/N,” Roger said before opening the door to his flat.
He turned to look at you and you saw tears in his eyes, it surprised you to see Roger like this, being so vulnerable in front of you. You’d always had this image of him being so content with himself and his life, not one to break in front of people, not one to show his feelings so openly. 
“Thank you for telling me about,” he paused, “you know.”
You nodded at him.
“I hope you know you can always trust me.” 
“You can always trust me too, Roger.” You smiled at him and he smiled back.
“I’ll always take care of you.” He said, and now it was your turn to wipe away the few tears that were streaming down his face.
And in that moment you knew you were really in love with Roger Taylor, and he was in love with you too.
- I really don’t know how to feel about this part but I hope everything starts making sense as to why Freddie is the way that he is, your thoughts on this will always be welcome. sending love, L. - 
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gear-project · 5 years
SNK References in ARCSys Games
Besides the Samurai Spirits references I mentioned earlier, someone asked me to list as many SNK references as I knew exist in ARC System Works games, so here goes:
---In GG1 the “Tournament was held just to revive Justice” is a nod to some of the more dubious King of Fighters games where the “fight energy” was used to power up the game’s boss.
---Axl Low’s a walking Billy Kane reference, but his stage is a Fatal Fury reference, complete with Terry, Joe, and Andy in the background.
---Baiken’s Hanafuda Card counters are a nod to Kibagami Genjuro, also Leo Whitefang’s Cold Flurry Ein/Zweit/Dritt attacks are also based off Genjuro’s famous move.
---Johnny’s “Ensenga” uses the same characters as Tachibana Ukyo’s “Tsubamegaeshi”, though Johnny’s is more of a parody since he slices a bottle of whiskey.  Mist Finer Level 3 also used to do rapid-fire slashes like Ukyo’s Sasameyuki Snowflake Shower Slashes.  Instead of throwing an apple, Johnny throws a coin!
---Kagura Mutsuki’s Motorcycle Intro in BlazBlue is a nod to Ryo Sakazaki’s Motorcycle in Art of Fighting.  He also inherits Robert Garcia’s penchant for ogling women.
---Izanami has a Sutra stance that could be likened to the victory pose boss Orochi takes.  Susanooh’s victory pose where he summons his defeated opponent’s soul and crushes it is also a nod to Orochi.
---Faust’s crouching stance is a nod to TamTam’s, as well as a few other battle stances.
---Testament’s Raven familiar EXE-Beast is also a nod to Mamahaha, Nakoruru’s Hawk friend.
---Kum Haehyun’s Dust Attack where he shouts KATSU! is a nod to Caffeine Gaira.  Kum also has kick attacks that reference Kim Kaphwan as well.
---If you use Adult Jack-O’ as the announcer, she will uses phrases like “Iza Jin Jou Ni-- Shoubu!”.  Also, Hakumen says “Iza Jin Jou Ni” when activating his Overdrive against Izayoi in BlazBlue.
---Sol Badguy’s Gunflame, Bandit Revolver, Bandit Bringer, etc are all nods to Terry Bogard of Fatal Fury.
---Hakumen’s Zanshin ability is a nod to Geese Howard’s ability to grab and counter with a body slam, likewise Susanooh’s abilities include a God Press like Rugal Bernstein can do!  In fact, Susanooh’s unlocked reversal attack is a miniature version of Geese’s Raging Storm.
---Venom’s intro where he removes his vest and tie is also a slight nod to Geese in his old white suit, vest, and white tie in Art of Fighting!
---Noel Vermillion, Order-Sol, and Unlimited Izayoi can all do their own version of Geese Howard’s Deadly Rave.  Noel’s is the only one that can be controlled while it’s active!
---Answer has an Izuna drop just like Hattori Hanzo and Galford can do.
---Kurogane Naoto’s “momentum-based” special attacks are a nod to how special moves could be enhanced in Samurai Shodown just by running forward, for example Haohmaru’s Kougetsu-zan slash uppercut.
---Raven’s fully-powered Overdrive attack where he pokes his opponent some 40 times is also a subtle nod to Kyokugen style’s Zanretsuken high-speed punches.  Kuradoberi Jam had a similar technique in older games.
---Raven also has a command throw that animates very similarly to Vice’s.
---Rachel Alucard’s lightning bolt move Sword Iris is a nod to Goenitz’ mini tornadoes.
---Bullet has several moves borrowed from Blue Mary and Angel, to name a few.
---Prior to getting nerfed, Valkenhayn R. Hellsing had several kick moves very similar to Rugal’s Genocide Cutter kicks!
---If you look carefully at Justice’ Respect Animation and Michael Sword attack, they reference the same animations used by Minazuki Zankuro.
---Robo-Ky himself is a slight nod to Riot-of-the-Blood Wild Iori Yagami, right down to the slouching animation and incomprehensible stuttering.
I could probably confirm more, but this list is pretty long as it is... but it should give you some idea of how much love for fighting games ARCSys has.
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katatty · 6 years
late Chloe/Nina Valentine’s fic for @tamtam-go92, haha
Nina had never been much of a Valentine’s Day person. Fluffy pink negligees, with her red hair? Not a good look. She couldn’t stand the teddy bears (what was she, five?) and just thinking about the candy and all those calories gave her diabetes.
Dina used to love Valentine’s, of course. She loved anything romantic, girly or blatantly consumerist. As kids she’d always rent out a bunch of romcoms and the twins would marathon them together, Dina sighing wistfully as she hoovered up a box of chocolates.  Even when she grew up, she was always in pursuit of that fairy-tale happily ever after...
Even after all these years, it still hurt to think about Dina.
But Nina had to try and channel her sister today. Prickly, rude and sarcastic as she was, Chloe was definitely a Valentine’s Day person underneath it all and Nina would need to make some sort of gesture if she didn’t want to look like a total bitch. But it was new territory for her, really. Like, as if she ever made any big, romantic gestures for Don? The very idea was laughable. But Chloe was different. They were going to get married, for God’s sake!
*** She decided to press her co-workers for ideas.
“What are you and Florence doing tomorrow night, Antonio?”
“Ah! We’re going to stay in and cook dinner together.”
“You’re giving her a cooking lesson?”
“No, no. She’s talented in her own right! Not as talented as you, my beautiful head chef. But her rose hip pasta is to die for.”
“Heh. I don’t think Chloe and me mesh too well in the kitchen. She always wrecks my tools! The force that woman uses with the kitchen knife, it goes blunt so quickly… and don’t get me started on the cast iron.”
Antonio sighed. “A true culinary crime.”
Brandi poked her head around the door. “Maybe you should go out somewhere! Me and Darren are going to the theatre. Oh, and the customer at table three wants vanilla ice cream for desert.”
“Coming right up! I don’t know, I guess that could work. We do both love an excuse to dress up fancy. It seems too formulaic, though. Shouldn’t we do something unique and special?”
“Eh. Sometimes the classics are the best!!”
The classics, huh.
Nina arrived home on Valentine’s night with a single rose. Was this too cheesy? Too cliché? She felt kind of stupid – there was no way she could pull off this traditional romantic crap.
But as soon as she presented Chloe with the rose her fiancée’s face lit up.
“For me? Babe!!! This is so cute.”
“I made us reservations at Londoste.”
“Oooooh, fancy! What’s the occasion?”
Nina raised an eyebrow. “It’s Valentine’s Day?”
Chloe’s expression was replaced with a look of horror. “Valentine’s Day??? Shit!! Why didn’t you warn me?”
“I assumed you knew! How can you forget? All the shops are full of Valentine’s crap.”
“I haven’t been outside much this week!” Chloe wailed, “I was watching Netflix.”
Nina couldn’t help but laugh. She’d been stressing out about this for an entire week, and Chloe hadn’t even remembered? “You’re hopeless, Clo. C’mon, let’s go get changed before the taxi gets here.”
“But babe! I haven’t got you anything!”
“You can make it up to me when we get home later...”
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cookiesupplier · 1 month
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Fifty-Two
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues, conspiracy theories.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: So, being so close to the finishing Roses, its getting so much of my mindddd, and focus, I apologize to all my Demon Verse followers! I am still writing and it will get finished... there are plans, I promise! But I'm just going to keep updating Roses until I'm done!
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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“You’ve been acting weird all morning, what is with you?”
Talia glanced over at Ava as she pulled her car into the driveway, as she pulled the brake and stopped the car. Ava had, she’d been weird all morning, right down to the fact she’d insisted that she not drop her back home with Vinny but to come over to hers for more girl time. She wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon together. While that wasn’t unusual on its own, it was the fact that she was just so insistent without any reason, especially after spending the entire morning together. Usually there was a reason, sure there was just hanging out, but they still both had so much to do, Ava had even received a shipping alert while they were out. She would no doubt have more to unpack when she got home, something that would any other day have her in a tizzy, still, she insisted on coming home with Talia, it was so strange.
“Really, is it so wrong that I want to spend the afternoon with you?”
Looking at her, her eyes narrowing for a second,
“It wouldn’t be, if you hadn’t been so strange already all day, I know you, I know when you are being weird, and you are being weird.”
Climbing out of the car, it was still Ricky’s but considering they were all moving in together, he was insisting it was pretty much Talia’s now. Told her that considering how often they were on tour, her getting another car, and this one sitting here unused, it would go to waste, so this way, it would be better for everyone. They could both use it while he was home, and they also had Chris’ car as well. A two car household was perfect overall, and that was just fine by her. 
Talia shook her head before walking up towards the house with Ava following along beside her. At least they were both nice, and refreshed now, after their time at the spa. Just as they were approaching the front door, Vinny’s car was pulling up in the drive next to Rick’s, and they turned to see Vinny and Ricky both climb out of the machine. Talia smiled, watching them as she leaned her shoulder against the front stoop while they waited for them for a moment, both of them laughing about something. 
“What have you two been up to this morning?”
How could she resist asking as Ricky made his way up the path, as he made his way to her though, she didn’t resist to reach for him arms wrapped around his waist and pulling him closer to her. There was no hesitation as she pressed a quick kiss to his lips, lightly with a smile.
“Just some gaming, happily kicking Vin’s ass.”
“Oh bull, there was no way you did any ass kicking. You suck, stick to writing and videos.”
Talia glanced over to see Ava’s arms draped over Vinny’s shoulders and grinned, it was good to see them happy. Not to mention being at here the last couple of weeks had certainly taken the pressure off her mind that she might be getting in the way. No matter how much she told herself she wasn’t, that they told her she wasn’t, it always niggled at her. Had helped when she started dating herself if she was honest.
“Well, since Ava is insisting on hanging out for the afternoon, if you two don’t have anything planned, you could join us?”
Smiling as Ricky’s arm squeezed around her waist a little, feeling him tug her closer.
“We’d love too.”
Heading inside, both Ricky and Talia, however, completely missed the glance between Vinny and Ava behind them as they let themselves into the house.
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Ricky unlocked the front door, the first day that Talia had moved into the house, Chris had immediately gone out to get a set of keys cut for her so she wouldn’t feel like she didn’t belong there. He knew how she was, they both knew it, so it made sense that she should have a set first thing, it was her home now after all. Ricky technically still had his from when he had been living with him temporarily, Chris had never asked for them back. When he had moved back to his place, Rick had asked if he wanted them back, and Chris had just given him this look as if he was stupid. Then, Chris leaned into him, and brought his lips to his for a long, drawn out kiss.
“Don’t be an idiot, come over any time. My place is always yours.”
So, he had. He got it now. Now it was their place, for all three of them.
Leading them inside towards the living area, figuring they could probably just watch a movie, probably get something delivered for lunch while they hung out. As they made it into the house, however, it was when they made to the lounge that Ricky was surprised by multiple people.
Happy ‘BELATED’ Birthday
A few of his family, the band, the crew, a few people he didn’t know who they were until Talia let out a surprised gasp. “Jordan, Kyle!”
And then they made sense, too! Next thing he knew, Chris was wrapped around Ricky in a tight hug, and Rick sighed as Chris laughed after a moment as he pulled back, grinning.
“I couldn’t just forget it, even with everything that's happened, plus all the more reason to meet Talia’s friends, ya know?”
Shaking his head, and have another party. Chris had been wanting a reason to celebrate everything that had been happening for weeks, yet with the fact that they couldn’t really tell everyone the complete truth about their soulmate marks. It made a lot of things around their bond difficult. Here they were, Chris had found a way to celebrate just the same, even getting both their families involved, of a fashion. 
“You better have said no gifts.”
Hearing Chris laugh, he knew him.
“Don’t worry, I said no gifts, so if anyone got anything, it’s not because of me, I absolutely swear.”
With that, he gave him a simple quick kiss, and Ricky smiled against his lips. He knew Chris meant it, but it wasn’t like he could have stopped people from bringing presents, knowing half of their friends, they’d bring something. He could only hope it was something like food, rather than presents, or, well, something for the house. Most of them knew they were all moving in together after all, though, this was at minimum two houses into one, so, they didn’t need anything, at all, so anything they brought they likely had two of already. 
Still, as Ricky ended up with Chris’ arms wrapped around his shoulders from behind, he smiled, watching Talia talking excitedly with her friends that she’d missed. Rick only knew which was Kyle and Jordan from the Skype calls to ‘meet’ them with her over the past weeks. Jordan had insisted that he vet them to make sure that they were suitable, and Ricky couldn’t blame him after how shitty everything had started, he was protective. He would have been protective of Chris, too, finally meeting someone after everything that happened with his soulmate problems, if he hadn’t known exactly what was happening here.
Seeing her so happy to see them, that, was the perfect gift, if no other. 
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Chris was so happy that the party was going well, everyone was mingling and having a grand time, talking, laughing together. Excusing himself for a second from a chat for a moment, he slipped over to the tables to go grab another soda when he found Talia by the desserts and smirking at one of the ones she was picking up. Moving over to her, he nudged her gently before nodding towards Ricky with a tip of his head at the dessert, only to get a giggle from her… they had been talking about it, and it was perfect. When she nodded in agreement, he winked, now was just the time.
Walking over towards him, the small cake in Talia’s hand on one side of the guitarist, Chris swung his arm around Ricky’s shoulder on the other.
“Ricky, oh, Ricky… You know, JellyBean and I have noticed something, we both have nicknames, but you don’t. We just don’t think that’s fair of us, and don’t want you to feel left out, so-”
“Babe, I don’t feel-”
“Hold on, hold on, hear me out, we have just the one, Cupcake!”
Chris grinned as Talia shoved the little buttercream frosted cupcake into Ricky’s mouth, smearing the little icing across his lips a little bit as she shoved it in with a giggle before she kissed him with his muffled protest. He really didn’t get to say much at all, chewing quickly trying to get the small cake down to get his argument out as Chris leaned in next and planted a peck on his cheek at least.
“Come on Cupcake, you know you love it, so sweet.”
Squeezing Ricky around his shoulders, before the smaller man was trying to smack them both as they both laughed wildly as he finished choking down the cake.
“That’s it, you two are asking for it!”
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By the time the party had wound down, Ricky wasn’t disappointed in any of the party at all, he’d had a fantastic time, even when the two had gotten their joke in with the cupcake. Honestly, he was curious how long that nickname would hold on for, knowing those two, knowing Chris, maybe awhile. If it ended up on the message boards though, he was going to kill him, mark his words. Maybe he should warn Talia a little about JellyBean, and Spookie, but so far, it had only been personal names, so they were probably okay when it came to their fans. 
While most of their friends had left, and they were starting to clean up, Talia came over,
“Rick, I’m about to drive Jordan and Kyle back to their hotel, I’ll see you when I get back, Chris said there is some leftover pizza for dinner, don’t eat it all on me okay?”
Chuckling as he leaned to kiss her, assuring her with the gesture that he wouldn’t ever dare, he felt stuffed enough from what he’d eaten at the party anyway. If he ate any more he’d probably explode… then again, it was pizza. No, no, they could at least wait until she got home. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Sweetheart, I’m just going to be cleaning. Drive safe. Can’t wait to see them for brunch tomorrow.”
It had been good to find out that while Chris had used the party to get them out here, they were going to be staying for a bit of a vacation, a week. So, the five of them were going out for brunch tomorrow, to take some time to enjoy a bit quieter than today had been. Ricky was really looked forward to it. 
Tonight, though, as Talia left, Ricky kept cleaning, and awhile later Chris found him in the living room,
“Did you have fun today, Cupcake?”
Smirking as he looked over at Chris, Ricky couldn’t help but roll his eyes, just a little,
“Yea, Spookie, I did.”
Chris laughed and walked his way over to him reaching for the plates and cups he was picking up in his hands and setting them down on the coffee table before reaching for his waist and pulling him close.
“You promise.. It wasn’t too much?”
Leaning up he pulled Chris down into a kiss humming against his lips happily, his lips curving into a smile at how wonderful it felt in his arms. He couldn’t think of a better way to en-
A fiery, searing white-hot pain ran through his entire body staring directly at his neck. His whole body jolted like he’d been taken over as a marionette, holy shit. His eyes flew open as he pulled back from Chris, looking up at his equally completely horrified face, and he knew instantly he had felt it too.
“Call 9-1-1.”
Something had happened to Talia.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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dermontag · 3 years
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Anouschka Renzi zieht ihr Resümee über Reality-Stars, Manuel Flickinger wird vom "Erdmännchen zum Löwen" und Harald Glööcklers Mimosenhaftigkeit ist wenig pompös. Die Männer-WG gibt im Halbfinale noch einmal alles. Schwupp, da zog auch die letzte Frau von dannen. Jedoch nicht, ohne dem Publikum vorher noch einmal eine Kostprobe ihrer schauspielerischen Fähigkeiten zu präsentieren. Krank sei die Renzi plötzlich, sie müsse sofort ins Hotel und verzichte auch gern auf die "100.000 Mark". Wie kann das böse RTL nur von ihr verlangen, in einen Bottich voller Innereien zu steigen, das sei "entwürdigend" und für kein Geld der Welt verkaufe sie ihre Würde. Schnell stellt sich aber heraus, weder das Dschungel- noch das Zeckenfieber haben Anouschka ereilt, sondern es ist schlicht die Schwunglosigkeit, die sie zu dieser gespielten Theatralik bewegt. "Nie wieder mache ich so ein Format", gesteht die 57-Jährige, bevor sie dem Dschungel entschwebt wie eine Elfe, die zu lange auf Gargamels Dachboden weilte. Somit feiert diese Staffel die nächste Premiere. Es sind nur noch Männer am Lagerfeuer und die könnten jetzt auch, wie Filip freudestrahlend feststellt, nackig durchs Dickicht scharwenzeln. Einmal müssen wir noch ertragen, wie Eric irgendwelche bereits zigfach in der Presse durchgekauten Familienstorys für die Quote ausschlachtet: "Meine Frau ist ja bisexuell." Wie oft will er das noch erzählen? Es ist zusehends anstrengend, diesen Lebenssplitter-Erzählungen beizuwohnen. Und das liegt nicht daran, dass sie auserzählt sind, sondern an ihrer Thematik. Plötzlich ist da von USB-Sticks mit Pornografie die Rede, von Gerichtsprozessen und K.o.-Tropfen und im nächsten Moment soll man wieder zur Tagesordnung übergehen und Spaß beim Dschungelcamp gucken haben. Das funktioniert nicht! Und es mutet höchst befremdlich an, wenn da jemand solche Storys zum Besten gibt, während er gleichzeitig in der Hängematte liegt und schaukelt. Harald, Anouschka und die Reality-Sternchen Leider hat auch Harald auf den letzten Metern Sympathiepunkte verloren. Erst das Angezicke mit Renzi, die ihm sehr lieb unter vier Augen gesteht, ob seiner Dominanz des Öfteren eingeschüchtert zu sein, gefolgt von der Frotzelei über den immer selbstbewusster werdenden Manuel, der sich zu einem ernsthaften Konkurrenten gemausert hat. Und den man jetzt eben versucht, so ein bisschen durch die Blume wegzubeißen. Glööckler wirkte zuletzt eher mimosenhaft, was natürlich auch an seinen Schmerzen liegen kann. Und während Anouschka ihre Meinung frei heraussagte, nämlich: "Reality-Sternchen, das finde ich das Allerletzte", wirkt Harald geradezu überempfindlich, als die Gruppe nicht ihn, sondern Manuel zum Teamchef erklärt. Das "Erdmännchen" hat sich eben in "einen Löwen" verwandelt. So wurschtelt sich die Männer-WG mehr recht als schlecht durch den Tag. Die Kocherei geht nicht ganz so gut von der Hand, Peter und Filip balgen herum wie Jugendliche auf dem Bolzplatz und alles sieht ganz danach aus, als würde jeder der Verbliebenden denken, so ein einfaches, bescheidenes Leben im Wald mit ein paar freundlichen Parteigenossen um einen herum, daran könnte man sich durchaus gewöhnen. Voller Körpereinsatz im "Creek der Sterne" Das Schöne an diesem letzten Tag vor dem großen Finale kommt zum Schluss. Die komplette maskuline WG muss in die Dschungelprüfung "Creek der Sterne". Ein herrlicher Spaß! Nur in Badehöschen bekleidet strotzen die letzten fünf den Widrigkeiten. Wassermassen, Sturmböen und Schlotze prasseln auf sie nieder, während sich jeder einen Stern schnappen und auf einer ganz bestimmten Position ausharren muss. Voller Körpereinsatz ist jetzt gefragt. Nur nicht schwach oder müde werden! Man sieht den "Big Five" - wie sie sich selber nennen - an, wie das Adrenalin durch ihre Körper schießt und wie gut ihnen gleichzeitig diese letzte große Gaudi tut. Kein Gezeter, kein Tamtam. Alle für einen, einer für alle. Gemeinsam holen sie die fünf zu erspielenden Sterne. Die Freude in den Gesichtern macht den Stress der letzten Tage wohl auch ein bisschen vergessen. Dennoch ist am Ende dieses Tages für zwei der Camper das Abenteuer vorbei. Peter muss als Erster das Camp verlassen und auch Harald hat es nicht geschafft. Er selbst beteuert, dass es für ihn vollkommen okay sei. Die körperlichen Strapazen würden ihm ohnehin zu schaffen machen. So richtig abnehmen kann ihm der Zuschauer das jedoch nicht. Im Finale sind somit: Manuel Flickinger, Filip Pavlovic und Eric Stehfest. "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!": Daniel Hartwich und Sonja Zietlow führen wie gewohnt durch die Sendung, bis sich am 5. Februar entscheidet, wer Dschungelkönig oder Dschungelkönigin wird. Am 6. Februar findet das "Große Wiedersehen" aller Dschungel-Stars statt. Die Show ist auch auf RTL+ abrufbar.
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mejumba · 6 years
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Youtube: ERIC CHINJE : "IL FAUT DEUX ETATS BASES SUR LE PLAN LINGUISTIQUE au CAMEROUN" 2/3(JMTV) : Dans cette seconde partie du "Bœuf-Politique" consacré à Eric Chinje le journaliste nous révèle une certaine nocivité de Jean Fochivé dans la vie politique camerounaise à la fin des années 80 notamment l'épisode de sa farouche opposition à la liberté de la presse. Il nous parle aussi des dessous de ses discussions avec Paul Biya président de la République camerounaisevisant à libérer l'espace publique audiovisuel pour l'opposition camerounaise au même moment mais durant ceci il lui fallut "faire des acrobaties" pour pouvoir diffuser des brèves sur les activités politiques de ceux-ci n'en diffusant régulièrement qu'en anglais et pas en français bien qu'étant rédacteur en chef. Eric Chinje explique également comment a obtenu sa bourse pour étudier à Havard la prestigieuse université américaine et aussi comment il a intégré la banque mondiale. L'ancien journaliste de la Cameroon Radion Television donne son avis sur le une phrase de son ancien confrère Charles Ndongo pour qui "la CRTV serait le tamtam de Paul Biya". Pour terminer cette seconde partie actualité oblige Eric Chije donne son avis sur la crise anglophone qui secoue son pays et explique les solutions qu'il avait proposées il y a quelques moisdans la lettre ouverte à Paul Biya il y a quelques mois. JMTV
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lorenzlund · 3 years
Gedanken machen mir seit heute aeber zunehmend auch einige der Nachnamen teils allerhoechster Staatsraepresentantenb in den letzten Jahrzehnten gerade bei uns wie Kohl und Koehler, oder Wulf aus Niedersachsen! Sie alle hatten oft eines gemeinsam: nach einem erneut ganz grossen Skandal, oft drehte er sich um ihr Finanzverhalten, es gab eine Affaere, und wochenlangen Zeitungsberichten traten sie jedesmal von ihren hohen Posten dann erneut zurueck! Meist wurde das begleiet dann von besonders viel wieder auch oeffentlichen "Tamtam". Auch Fernsehsender beteiligten sich erneut dann daran! Sollte auch er nun deswegen genauso zuruecktreten als Spitzenpolitiker in Berlin (oder Hannover!) oder ist er weiterhin vielleicht dennoch in seinem sehr hohen Staats-Amt als sehr hoher Wuerdentraeger und Vertreter Deutschlands auch nach aussen hin ueberhaupt so wieder auch haltbar! Am Ende traten sie dann alle zurueck! Dem direkten Nachfolger im Amt oder Nachfolgeri erging es dann nur fuer sehr oder relativ kurze Zeit vielleicht ein klein wenig besser, dann aber stuezte auch er! Wieder unter sehr viel Tamtam, auch der Presse! Der Deutsche kam erkennbar dann erneut dabei aus dem Luftholen oder dem kurzen Anhalten und Schnappen nach Luft so wie der Amerikaner auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks erkennbar manchmal auch erst so gar nicht wieder heraus zusammen mit auch seiner eigenen Ehefrau beim erneuten Aufschlagen der Zeitung waehrend der Einnahme auch ihres gemeinsamen morgendlichen Fruehstueckes als Paar! Es schien, als waere man erneut dabei direkt wieder bei den Kennedys aus den USA oder einem anderen enorm wichtigen amerikanischem Senator, um Senatorinnen handelte es sich dabei nur selten, dadurch selber ploetzlich erneut auch angelangt, sogar als Deutscher! So ist Wulf auch wieder kein sehr eher typischer Nachname wieder beim Deutschen, in der Regel heisst er so nur mit Vornamen, und in der Tat ist dieser Vorname dann bei ihm bis einschliesslich heute sehr weit verbreitet: Wulf! Sein Nachname lautet Wolf! Nicht Woolve, wie bei Virginia! (*"Wer hat Angst vor Virginia Woolve?" Amerikanischer Roman. Kann sein, der Deutsche hat sie oder entwickelt sie von heut an zunehmend auch!)
A. Reiter
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thomasroach · 5 years
Samurai Shodown Gets Tam Tam Character Spotlight
SNK has released a new trailer for Samurai Shodown today that puts the spotlight on the warrior Tam Tam.
Hailing from a South American village called Green Hell, Tam Tam wears a divine mask and practices a fighting style that utilizes his signature Henge Hange Zange blade.
See him in action below:
Samurai Shodown – TamTam
The game will come out on June 25 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Source: Press Release
Latest Gaming News
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Samurai Shodown Gets Tam Tam Character Spotlight
SNK has released a new trailer for Samurai Shodown today that puts the spotlight on the warrior Tam Tam
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Super Smash Bros. Melee Custom Cabinets Created for High Scores Arcade
Ever wanted to test your Super Smash Bros. skills at the arcade? If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area, now’s your chance – the arcade High Scores has created their very own arcade cabinets for
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Persona 5 Royal Gets Kasumi Yoshizawa Trailer
To drum up attention for Persona 5 Royal, Atlus has released a new trailer that focuses on newcomer Kasumi Yoshizawa
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Darksiders Genesis Gets Cinematic Teaser Trailer
THQNordic and Airship Syndicate have released a cinematic teaser trailer for their top-down, Diablo-style action-RPG spinoff Darksiders Genesis
The post Samurai Shodown Gets Tam Tam Character Spotlight appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Samurai Shodown Gets Tam Tam Character Spotlight published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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dailydoss · 8 years
New Post has been published on Dailydoss
New Post has been published on http://www.dailydoss.com/vin-diesel-deepika-padukone-kiss-public/
VIDEO: Vin Diesel & Deepika Padukone KISS In Public
Watch out video Vin Diesel & Deepika Padukone KISS In Public at xXx: Return Of Xander Cage press conference. Deepika’s Reaction Will Blow Your Mind
Look what happens when Vin Diesel and Deepika Padukone kiss xXx: Return of Xander Cage Press Conference.
The superstar of Hollywood in the city with a lot of tamtam, along with the actress.
Two, soon to see :, then to a shopping center under the heading “xXx Return of Xander Cage” expected to communicate with fans, who came in great numbers to witness the phenomenal union of two superstars.
A very easy to impress wine, which since childhood, was very, a dream to visit India housed, too, impressed by the crowd.
He also gave praise to his co-actress, and could not help admiring her beauty.
However, who the actor could hardly contain his love for DP, kissed her cheeks redden as director DJ Caruso looked timidly away.
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cookiesupplier · 2 months
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Forty-Seven
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues, conspiracy theories.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: BACK FROM HIATUS! SO, I'm not 100% my health is still very touch and go, but I am taking this very slowly. We are on the FINAL stretch for Roses... I actually now know how many chapters are left... I know its both sad and amazing... so hold on!
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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Chris woke slowly the next morning, he was more than happy to be in his toasty bed this early, he had no desire to change anything. Talia was snuggled against his chest and the feeling of her small warm body pressed against him made him smile softly against the top of her head. Breathing in, he sighed against her hair happily, it had been so long since it had felt so good to wake up like this. After a moment, Chris was reaching for Rick too, Rick, where the hell had he disappeared off to? Tilting his head, groaning softly, damn coffee addict, yeah, he probably knew where he’d gone at this hour, too fucking early Ricky, come on already, come on. Turning his head, he glanced at his bedside table where the alarm clock sat, the one he never set, who didn’t use their phone as their alarm clock these days? Sure enough, just as he suspected, it was way too damn early for this nonsense. He was going to kick his ass when he got back here, he’d have to have the best damn coffee in the world to bribe him, and even then, thin ice!
As Talia shifted against him, at first he just sighed against her shoulder, happy to hold her. A moment later, her ass was rubbing against him just a little bit too distinctly for him to think it was an accident. Chris smiled slightly, oh, she was being cheeky this morning, as he couldn’t help but let out a moan, the sound coupled with the press of a soft kiss of his lips to the side of her neck. His lips brushed against her skin as he enjoyed the blissful feeling of the morning warmth of her skin before he murmured low.
“Careful there, JellyBean, might actually think you’re awake doing that.”
Oh, he knew she was awake already with her movements against him, but he could play her game. Chris sneaked his arm around her waist, smooth wrapping himself around her body, pulling her back against him  properly, rolling his hips against her more. As he did, he knew she could feel his morning wood quite easily if she hadn’t already from the way she’d been shifting against him before. His rough voice whispering low, breath dancing across her skin.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
It was then, he heard what he heard an almost affronted gasp coming from her as she twisted around to look at him. The look on her face was incredulous.
“Christopher Cerulli!”
Chuckling to himself, shit, okay, he knew the moment she said that he was in for it, even if her tone was nothing but amused. There was also the way she was pressing her thigh right against his cock, waking his half aroused morning wood to full hardness, no question there, what she wanted now.
“Does it really seem like this is something that I can’t finish?”
Chris couldn’t help but moan at the way she continued to rock her hips, so her thigh would rub against his cock and show her exactly just how much she meant those words. With their bodies covered up under the blankets of the bed, they were pretty much wrapped up together, it would have been all three of them if Rick hadn’t absconded. Her warmth was kicking up his heat even more, and Chris couldn’t get enough of her.
“Someone is certainly cheeky this morning, Baby.”
Oh, how delicious she looked right now, with the way her cheeks flushed when he called her on it. Of course, pairing it with the way their tattoos flared up, and the way her hips stuttered in their movements against him, he had a feeling nothing about how she felt about him calling her on it, was truly upset. Smiling with a gasp at the feeling of both, he couldn’t help but thrust his hips a bit back against hers, pushing her back against the bed now, shifting over her finally. 
Chris brought his lips to hers with a groan as he felt the way her hands started running up his back, her nails scrapping slowly over his skin, digging in ever so lightly. He just savoured the way she started to draw patterns in his skin, she wasn’t even tracing his tattoos, considering she couldn’t see them from under him, no, she was just feeling his skin. She was enjoying his body, his touch, just as he was hers, her legs wrapped around him, as he shifted his hips, and his cock lined up and so slowly, pressed deep inside of her.
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This was a blissful way to wake up in the morning, his body just rocking into hers, slow, and lazy, Talia was in no rush to speed up either as he kept kissing her. Humming against Chris lips as she let the kisses linger against his skin. Yes, he was so deep inside of her, but neither of them were in any hurry, nothing about this moment felt hasty, everything was so soothing, and peaceful. Yes, she’d been cheeky and goading him into it, but how could she resist him, when she had this gorgeous naked man laying with her in his bed. If Ricky had still been here, she’d likely be wrapped up in both of them right now, in one way or another. Resisting either of them last night had been impossible, this morning likely would have been no better.
It was funny, Talia usually thought she was a woman that had rather good restraint, but they were both proving her all kinds of wrong. It wasn’t just the effects of the tattoo either, right from just coming here, her afternoon coffees with Chris, she’d started falling right from the start looking back on them. She’d enjoyed each and every conversation with him, he had a way about him what just had her enthralled and wrapped up in his every whim. 
That much was more than just a little bit obvious now as his hips rocked into her body, drawing a moan out of her as his cocked stroked at her inner walls gently. 
“Fuck, Chris, just like that, Daddy, please.”
He’d curled his hips and now the head of his cock was just grazing her sweet spot inside of her. Sure, he could be hammering at it, and making her see stars, like fireworks going off, until she screamed the whole house down. Probably no doubt all his neighbours would know just what they were doing this early in the morning, noise complaints from the neighbours if they weren’t careful. Maybe her imagination was running away from her, it wasn’t like Talia had ever really been that adventurous before with her past lovers, but there had been moments. 
No, this was everything, the perfect feeling of lazy morning sex. A nuanced mix of gentle and slowly waking up to the world as it was brightening for the day. Oh, was Talia waking up with everything Chris was going to her. With every stoke of his cock inside of her, she was grasping into his body, gasping with little tiny whimper against his skin as she felt herself slowly inch higher and higher, tensing as her body coiled with her release. 
“Daddy, Chris, I’m so close.”
Moaning softly as her nails were digging in a little into the back of his shoulders, she panted against his mouth as he kissed her, teeth scraping against his lip, trying to ground herself. Arching up from the bed against him, her hips rising, with the ways her thighs had enveloped him, she was just rocking with him to get more friction. As much as she didn’t want to rush him, every morsel of her being was begging him, begging to let her fall, and to fall over that edge with her. 
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Hearing her moan, and those soft little whimpers like that, it was killing him to hear her beg like that and only going so slow, but it was perfection.. There was something about slow morning sex that was just so addictive. When he was on tour, and having to get off whenever he could, searching for the quick release, and just find a moment whenever he could.. But this, there was power in this for Chris, for both of them, and oh how he loved it. 
“I know, Baby, I know, you are being so good for me.”
As he rolled his hips again, thrusting into her slowly, deeper again, pulling another moan from her with his words and he shuddered, she was like putty right now. Looking down at her, how could anyone have resisted this woman for so long? He wasn’t judging Ricky, no, it was all the idiots that had turned her down for years for no reason other than not being their soul mate. Not ever giving her a change, not getting to know her. Worse than idiots. 
Feeling her clench around him, no, he couldn’t hold back any longer, no matter how much drawing out the moment made it even better, fuck.
“Okay, now, now you can cum for me Baby, go on. That's it, cum for Daddy.”
Hearing her whine as she gave in, the way she clenched around him, seeing the pleasure across her face the way he hadn’t been able to just the night before, it was blissful. Shit, and her clenching around his cock so tight had his thrusts turning so erratic as he chased his orgasm before he was cumming inside of her. Both of them wrapped up tight with each other as he filled her with his release, moaning her name as he did. 
They laid like that, cuddled up together, just lounging in the basking in the feeling of the glow their bodies wrapped up together. Sharing lazy kisses, hands running up and down their skin as they explored. Chris wasn’t sure how much long after they were done that he heard the front door, about time, smirking against Talia’s lips, Rick had just gotten back.
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When Ricky woke up, both Chris and Talia had still been completely asleep. Watching them for a moment, he knew he wanted to do something for them this morning, and he didn’t think his usual repertoire of burnt breakfast and coffee was going to cut it. Especially because one, Chris’ coffee machine sucked, something he’d reminded him of multiple time since staying here, and two, he didn’t know what he had to cook with. Fine, that made his choice easy, he’d got out and pick something up, quickly, hopefully before they woke up.
They woke up.
Oh, did they wake up.
He got back with the breakfasts and coffees to find them wrapped up in bed all cosy and warm, and very much finished having some early morning fun and smirked at the sight of them wrapped up in each other. Chuckling at them,
“Well, look at you two, seems like I missed out on all the fun.”
Raising an eyebrow as Chris just turned his head to him and threw back the covers, exposing their naked bodies to him,
“Let me remind you, you’re the idiot that left. Besides, nothing is stopping you from joining us for some more.”
Seeing that lazy smirk on his lips as Chris looked at him so tempting right then, Ricky just couldn’t help but groan at the prospect, but…
“And ruin breakfast?”
Chris just rolled his eyes, 
“Please, when have either of us ever turned down a cold breakfast?”
He wasn’t wrong, considering the multitudes of times they were dragging themselves up while they were on tour and living on the bus. Whether Talia knew what they were both thinking or not, she was giggling a little herself then,
“Not to mention, there is always reheating the food. Now are you going to join us or…”
Easier offers were never suggested with the two of them lying there like that, and Ricky couldn’t strip out of his clothes again fast enough now to join them in the bed. Neither Talia nor Chris seemed to mind waiting a little bit longer for anything to eat compared to being wrapped up in each other for a lazy day in bed. Why would they when now that they had Ricky back?
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics & @cafekitsune
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