#tampa bay makeup
jessajaguar · 2 months
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Creating avant-garde makeup is an art form that pushes the boundaries of beauty. It’s a collaborative journey between the makeup artist and the model, where imagination and skill come together to craft a bold statement. Every brush stroke and color choice is a step toward a shared vision of creativity and innovation.
Ready to explore the extraordinary? Let’s turn your look into a masterpiece! 🎨✨
🔗 Book your appointment through the link in my bio!
Model: @maydaypole
Photographer: @snapzbytiemovez
Makeup Artist: Me @jessamariebeauty
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succubitch1 · 1 year
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I am officially 23. 🍾
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madhatterbri · 8 months
Valentine's Day Game | C.C.
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Summary: Going to Valentine's Day hockey game as friends. Only as friends, of course, and nothing else. 😉
I changed it a little bit cause I had an idea pop in my head, and I really like it. Sorry if it isn't what you envisioned.
Requested by: @adamcolesbaybay
"We are just friends," you reminded your friend for the hundredth time. She didn't believe you. It's just a hockey game that happened to be on Valentine's Day. This was no big deal. He has season tickets, and one of his friends backed out.
"Then why is my friend putting on makeup for a friendly outing?" Your friend asked, eyeing you suspiciously. She had a fair point. Makeup was a very rare occasion for you. Most of the time, you dressed in basketball shorts and a tank top. You opened your mouth to defend yourself yet checked the time.
"Would you look at that? I gotta go," you sang. Your friend rolled her eyes at you.
"This isn't over. I'll call you tomorrow. Have fun," she told you.
You hung up and finished getting ready in peace. After a few minutes, chimes rang from your alarm system to signal a visitor. You looked on the screen to see Christian walking towards your front door. You opened the door. "Surprise,"
"I could say the same for you," He moved his hands from behind his back. A bouquet of red roses appeared before you. He had a sheepish smile on his face. Your eyes widened in shock.
Friendship flowers, you immediately thought, definitely friendship flowers. Maybe it's a Canadian thing.
"They are beautiful," you gushed and grabbed the flowers from him. The smell of roses happened to be your favorite. "Come in. I'm going to put them in the vase,"
He stepped inside and followed you to the kitchen. You grabbed a vase from the cabinet and filled it with water. Your eyes wandered over to him. He was dressed in a long sleeve black shirt and jeans.
"Should I change? You look so prim and proper, and I'm dressed like a hockey fan," you laughed and looked down at your Tampa Bay Lightning jersey and jeans. You placed the flowers in the vase.
"You look fine, good, great even. You look great," he complimented, catching himself stumbling. Christian rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He tried to change the subject. "We should go,"
The drive to the arena was filled with excitement about the game. You noticed all his nervousness washed away when the two of you talked about similar interests. Both of your arms rested on the arm rest. Your fingers brushed together. Neither of you even bothered to move.
"And here we are," he spoke, pulling into a parking space. He looked at you, holding his gaze while you turned to look at him.
"Is there something on me?" You asked, pulling the car mirror down to check your face. Your makeup still looked flawless.
"Nah, I'm just really happy you agreed to go out with me," he answered softly. You could see the sincerity in his eyes.
The two of you walked inside the arena. The place was a little quiet, given that it was Valentine's Day. You stood in line to get drinks and snacks. He paid for you despite your insisting that you could pay for yourself. You promised you would pay for the food at the next game. He loved the sound of their being a next one.
The game was just about to start when you sat in your seats. You couldn't remember the last time you went to one this exciting. For a holiday of love, there were plenty of fights on the ice. The refs were certainly working for their paychecks today. Both sides seemed to be more focused on beating each other up than playing.
His eyes lit up, and he smiled every time you got into the match. Your arms rested on the armrest with your fingers close together once more. You shivered, feeling the spark from your fingers touching. He frowned and looked at you in concern.
"Are you cold?" He asked. You nodded, trying to recover from looking like a spaz. He moved his arm away from the armrest and pulled you close to him. He rubbed your upper arm as the two of you continued to watch the game. "Better?"
You could barely hear him with how loud your heart pounded in your chest. Maybe this wasn't two friends with some serious tension just enjoying a hockey game. Your face paled, realizing how blind you are, and nodded.
All the good morning and good night calls and texts. The witty banter and going back and forth. The comfort the two of you had at your body's touching. The way his eyes would linger on you and allow you to catch him watching you.
Here goes nothing!
You rested your head against his shoulder. He rested his head against yours. His lips brushed the top of your head. Your fingers locked together. His thumb traced small circles against your skin.
The two of you remained this way throughout the game, never wanting to part. When it was clear, the Tampa Bay Lightning was going to win the two of you left. You walked out of the arena hand in hand towards his car.
"You know, I think we could make a pretty great team. We should stick together," he smiled and leaned against his car. His hand letting yours go. You scrunched your nose and smiled.
"You belong in the penalty box for that one," you giggled and leaned against his car next to him. Your eyes locked, and the two of you kissed softly.
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joy-of-life88 · 1 year
Can I love again? [a Roman Reigns story] 20 I can love again
I stood at the window and let my eyes travel around. He was such a beautiful place. I was glad we had found it.
"Nervous?" asked Renée as she handed me my bouquet.
"Not at all." I replied with a smile as Dean entered the room.
"Is the bride ready? It's almost time." he said, giving his wife a quick kiss.
"Yes, I'm ready. How is he?" I wanted to know.
"He's excited. And I'm sure he'll cry at the sight of you." said Dean, smiling.
"Aww! Are you saying I look good?" I asked laughing.
"You do. I'm glad you guys found each other." he replied.
"Thank you, Dean. For everything." I said and had to pull myself together so I wouldn't start crying. Besides, I didn't want to mess up my makeup.
"Nah, not for that. But remind me again... why does Seth get to do the cooler job?" he wanted to know, pouting a little.
"Well, we thought you'd have a hard time not making inappropriate comments," I explained again.
"She's got a point, babe." giggled Renée.
"Maybe you're right." he grumbled.
"And your job is pretty damn important, too. For today, you're my dad. You have to make sure I don't trip. It's your job to give me to Roman. But if it makes you feel any better.... if Roman doesn't cry or if Seth says something inappropriate, you can kick them," I replied.
"That sounds good. Then let's go. The sunset waits for no one," he said and then held out his arm for me to join him.
As Roman and I talked about our ideas for our wedding, we realized almost immediately that we wanted to keep it as small and intimate as possible. We'd both had big, elaborate weddings. Now we wanted to focus on just us. We would have preferred to do it all by ourselves, but we both knew that wouldn't have gone over well with his mom.
And here we were. On our wedding day in January. We found this beautiful white gazebo that had a gorgeous view over the Tampa Bay. It was perfect for us and our 25 guests.
Everything, just everything had gone smoothly during the preparations. I had found a dress right away. It was a knee length, ivory lace dress. The location didn't have a reservation that very day and everyone who was invited had time.
I was convinced that our angels had something to do with it. They watched over us and helped us to do everything as we imagined it. Today they were very close to us. I just felt that.
Renée gave the signal to the guitar player to start playing. The classical Canon in D by Pachelbel. I have always loved that.
On Dean's arm I slowly walked towards the gazebo where Roman would be waiting for me. As soon as our eyes met, I saw him start to smile happily, but at the same time the first tears glistened in his beautiful eyes.
"Looks like he won't get a kick." Dean whispered to me as we arrived by my future husband.
He then gave me a kiss on the cheek and placed my hand in Roman's meaningfully.
"You look stunning, angel," he breathed.
"You look stunning too, Romeo," I replied.
"Dearly beloved guests. We are gathered here today to celebrate love with Roman and Y/N. I am sure you will all agree with me when I say that no one deserves it more than these two.
I was there when Roman saw Y/N for the first time. And let me tell you, from the first moment on he was smitten. The two were meant to find each other. It was destined and no matter what obstacles they have faced or will face, I just know that they are strong enough to make it through.
Fate has not always been kind to them, but neither of them has let it destroy them. On the contrary, we have here two extraordinary people who together form an inseparable, strong unit.
Roman, please tell Y/N what she means to you," said Seth who officiated the ceremony.
"Y/N, my angel. Seth is right. As soon as I laid eyes on you I was smitten. I immediately felt the need to take you in my arms and comfort you. From that moment on, you had my full attention.
I didn't know it back then, but I found something in you that I wasn't even looking for. You taught me to enjoy life to the fullest, because none of us knows how much time we really have. With you by my side, life is so much more beautiful and precious. I promise to love and honor you. I will protect you. And I will be grateful to you every single day for bringing love back into my life.
You are truly a gift from the heavens. You are the strongest person I know. You are the sweetest thing I know. Y/N, you are the only woman who has touched my heart and at the same time you have healed my soul. I love you, Y/N. More every day." Roman said while holding my hand tightly, looking deep into my eyes and then sliding my wedding band on my finger.
"Roman, my Romeo. With you I feel safe. From the first time I leaned my head against your chest to fall asleep, I felt safe and comfortable. They say it's darkest before the dawn. And I can say that this is true. You came into my life as a shining light. A light that showed me that it is not only possible to move on, but that it is okay to do so.
You accepted my past and helped me to do the same. And although the pain will never go away completely, it is so much easier to bear as long as you are by my side. You make me happy. So incredibly happy. I am grateful to you for coming into my life and I am grateful to the angels who sent you to me. I can live again and more importantly, I can love again!
For your undying support and care alone, I will always be grateful. You healed my broken heart and soothed the pain in my soul. You are the love everyone deserves and seeks in their life. I love you and I will always love you," I said with tears running down my cheeks. I took a deep breath and then put Roman's ring on my finger.
We waited for Seth to continue, but nothing happened.
"Seth?" asked Roman, looking at him.
"What, oh yeah, sorry. That was beautiful." he sniffled and everything present had to laugh. I couldn't see it, but I was sure Dean was rolling his eyes.
"Do you, Roman Reigns, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?" asked Seth after clearing his throat.
"I do!" replied Roman in a firm voice.
"And you, Y/N L/N, do you take, Roman as your lawfully wedded husband?" he asked me.
"I do!" I answered, beaming.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Roman, you may kiss the bride." said Seth, sounding very proud.
Carefully, Roman took my face in his hands and gave me a loving kiss. The first kiss as my husband. Our first kiss as a married couple.
This right here was a sign that miracles really can happen.
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rayroa · 5 months
Allison Russell Q&A
Canadian songwriter, and Nashville resident, Allison Russell is coming to Tampa on May 11, 2024. Here's our Q&A, unedited mostly, as a reference for anyone who wanted to read beyond the story I did for Creative Loafing Tampa Bay.
I listened again to the record last night. I went for a midnight run for an hour and it was just hitting—it was wild. I live in Florida. One of my favorite things about the way you talk about activism is how often you always come back to just trying to change laws. Thinking about Nashville, the city that's given a lot to you, and obviously you've given so much back to Nashville in regards to your activism. And I was wondering how much do you have in your tank for other places? Can we get a "Florida Rise?" Because domestic legislative terrorism—it lives here, you know?
I know it's everywhere. I think I would love it if Florida artists adopted "Tennessee Rise" to "Florida Rise" and used it, I would be thrilled. We've been talking about the "Love Rising" benefit that we did here to push back against all of the horrific, unconstitutional laws targeting demonizing and criminalizing our LGBTQ+ community which I'm a part of—it's really our trans siblings who are just being assaulted left, right and center, you know, the most vulnerable among us—so we did this big benefit concert called Love Rising, that Hozier supported actually, and so did Hayley Williams and Brittany Howard and Sheryl Crow and Yola, and just all kinds of awesome people, Maren Morris. We raised, like, close to $600,000 for these wonderful organizations on the ground, sort of doing the work year round: Tennessee Equality Project, Inclusion Tennessee, Out Memphis, and the Tennessee Pride Chamber. What it really was, we did a ton of voter registration at that concert, that part of it was really successful as well.
The other part was that people saw each other—progressive and moderate folks who believe in equal human rights found each other in Tennessee. And once you see each other and realize—so much of it people despair, they think that there's no way to change anything. Everything feels sort of impossible or something, but the reality is that in Tennessee, it's just gotten this bad because only 32% of registered voters are showing up at the polls, so it's completely skewed. It's not a super-majority. It's a super-minority government. If 80% of the population had shown up and voted to say this is what the majority of people here want—but that's not the case. And I suspect it's very similar in Florida. I don't know if your voter turnout is dismal as ours. 
Turnout is bad. I'm afraid that the registration numbers are getting harder, harder to overcome for the Democrats. I think they're almost at a million disadvantage as far as active registered voters—I looked this morning. We had Joe Biden in town to talk about Roe v. Wade and our six-week ban. Speaking to change the things I wanted to ask you kind of a silly question. Tokenism and this false narrative of scarcity and people being interchangeable—the divide and conquer kind of manipulation—all that's kind of quickly fading away. You mentioned all those people that came to love rising benefit. And it's cool that you don't even have to try to change the system so much anymore, because you're creating your own ecosystem that works for you. But then thinking about diversity and representation and those moments where you can look around and there's like this really uplifting makeup of people on stage, but I think you worked out of Henson recording studio. I was wondering about Kermit the Frog. I saw him play Newport with Jim James, when is it your turn to have a Kermit collaboration?
Oh my god. You don't know how much I want to collaborate with Kermit. Kermit is the reason I play banjo, before I knew anything about  the banjo being America's African instrument, brought over by the diaspora. Let me tell you, if “Sesame Street” ever comes calling, me and Kermit have a date.
Someone needs to reach out to Chris Funk at Newport Folk Festival and make that happen.
Help me out. Bring Kermit back.
Let me ask you about Hozier. I love the videos of you singing "Work Song." Sometimes, reading about you and the way you talk about Fred Hampton and the Young Lords and how he brought them together with the Young Patriots—how powerful Fred Hampton was in his ability to create that coalition. You have the Rainbow Coalition, your band. You have a body of fans. I was wondering how close do you think you get to Fred Hampton's vision of collaboration across really, really diverse sets of people? When you look out at your crowd, and you look at your fans, like, do you see maybe what Fred Hampton was building...
Yes, absolutely. Particularly, Hozier's audience. It’s so diverse. It's so gender diverse. Last night I think there were more queer young Black women in the audience than I've ever played to in my life. And it was so joyful. When we sang "Eve Was Black," there was a group of women right at the front, holding up these signs saying "Eve was Black, and so are we." I was crying because it was so beautiful. There really is. I feel like Gen Z gives me a lot of hope. They just seem to not have a lot of the same biases that have plagued previous generations, and they seem to have deep wells of empathy and compassion and care. And it just gives me a lot of hope. These shows have been—I mean, we were only two in—they've just been so joyful. Such diverse, big crowds, and very young—his audience is very young. It's been really, really putting a lot of fuel back in the tank, really giving me a lot of hope. I do see that rainbow coalition out. Really the Rainbow Coalition is everybody that believes in the basic principle of human equality of our one human family and the fact that like, we have a shared destiny on this one life bearing planet that we know of in the universe. We gotta show up for each other in better ways. 
I was watching your Instagram story and I did notice that there were a lot of young POC folks. "Eve Was Black" is one of those songs.  I'm a Filipino guy. I listened to "Eve Was Black" and in a lot of ways I can't relate in any way—but it's still so powerful. As somebody who's not in that demographic or category. I can't imagine how...
But except you kind of are because—first of all mitochondrial Eve, look it up—we're one human species. We originated on the continent of Africa and then we migrated and we adapted to different environmental stressors. When we try and put some kind of supremacy on pale skin because some people went north where there wasn't a lot of sun and they had to maximize their vitamin D, it's absolutely nuts when you think of it that way. That anyone was ever like, "This means we're superior. It's so absurd. [Elenna Canlas] in our band is Filipinx as well. She's been teaching us a little Tagalog and she's been just talking about the revolutionary movements within the Philippines as well, and how it inspired Black revolutionaries—this was all sort of concurrently happening. I think any people that has ever been oppressed can relate to any other people that have been oppressed. You know what I mean? Because it's the same toxic hierarchies trying to divide and conquer in order to extract and hoard resources, basically. It's just the same story over and over and over again. People you know, we just have to stop falling for the divide and conquer.
You are so good at making people feel seen and welcome. So thank you for saying that because last night when it was really hitting I was like, "I can't, you know, like the imagery of swinging from the tree and all that stuff." It was so tough. Then like the critic mind me, it was like "It's like 'Strange Fruit,'" And I was like, "God, how stupid does that sound?" You know, like to try and say that from my standpoint—like what do I know about it. Yeah, I guess you just flipped that on its head a little bit. So thanks. 
I think you make art for survival. And you've talked about that a lot. But I think like refuge is a theme that's kind of baked into your music in a way. I don't know if we talk about it enough, but you grew up in Montreal. And you've talked about the things that helped you kind of escape even in the cold months, those student lounges, the chess matches, Persophone’s home and I think you had an apartment that you paid like $150 for and did telemarketing.
You've done a deep dive. How do you know all this?
I  want to ask you stuff that you've been asked before.
You've done your research. Yes, that's all true. You know what's wild. One of my dear childhood friends now works in Taylor Swift's camp. He worked on the "Fortnight" video with them doing art direction and stuff. Whenever I see these huge things he's doing I think about all of us little raggle, taggle misfits hanging out at that apartment, dreaming of being working artists one day. We're all doing it. It's so wild.
That is awesome. And none of it's like guaranteed but at least you guys had each other.
That's the thing—chosen family is everything to me.
So the pandemic, horrifying as it was on a global level, allowed you to pause like the substantive touring habit that you were in. You were on the edge of burnout. The pause let you find a great home for your record. And I know this run just started, but how do you take refuge these days in your own life?
It's really through community. I feel a sense of refuge in surrounding myself with a loving community and surrounding my daughter with that. And honestly playing and playing shows with my friends—I always think about Willie Nelson, "On the road again / The life I love is makin' music with my friends”—basically it's what I've always loved the most. We're able to do that, and my daughter is going to come out on parts of this run and that is just so joyful to me. And building these kinds of growing, loving circles bit by bit, thereby reducing harm in this world—that's what makes me feel happy and good and safe. I take comfort in growing circles of safety and understanding and connection. That makes me feel like I'm doing my small part to reduce harm in the world and leave it slightly better than I found it, and that gives me a lot of comfort.
Let me ask you about Ida since you brought her up. My wife and I were together for 16 years and also did not plan to have a child. You talked about your very joyful pregnancy, birth and the joyful, accidental nature of it all. And I know you've talked about your fears of motherhood. I mean, it's kind of baked into "Tennessee Rise," and breaking cycles, but I'm curious what has Ida taught you about life that you didn't already know?
Oh, my gosh, I feel like so much. Ida is remarkably fearless—not fearless, I shouldn't say that—a brave person. She's very aware of when she's afraid of something, and she'll do it anyway if it's something she really feels she needs to do. She'll joyfully try new things. She doesn't tell herself she can't do them. She is so loving with her friends and also doesn't take rejection badly. She handles rejection incredibly well—and actually, like, she tries again.
Like being told she can't have a cookie? That kind of rejection?
No, no. So Ida spent the first kind of five years of her life on the road with her dad and I. We were in a band called Birds of Chicago, so we were just in the van constantly, and on the road constantly, and so every day there would be  a new park in her life. A new group of kids. She would just joyfully go up to news circles of strangers and she would sometimes get rebuffed and rejected, and he wouldn't be daunted for very long—and often she would try again. She's made so many friends like where other people might just see or feel like they couldn't try again or take it to heart that they've been rejected. She has an endless curiosity about other people. She feels things really deeply. She can't understand why there's anyone that doesn't have a home in this world. She's like, "What is wrong? Why aren't we all doing something about this right now?" She just really motivates me to be more proactive in trying to change the things we can no longer stand.
Yeah, I do appreciate your stance on neutrality and options that we have, and things like that. Real quick. I want to ask you, how is dual citizenship going? Will you be able to vote here soon?
I hope so. I'm in the process of getting my American citizenship. Everything is so backed up, so we'll see. I don't know if I'll be able to vote this election cycle, but I'm certainly going to be able to by the next one. And I'm going to continue using my sphere of influence to encourage and plead with others to show up at the polls and remember that it's for the many. When people that have the privilege to vote, it's for every person who's underage. It's for every new immigrant for me who has a green card, but doesn't have citizenship yet. You're voting for your whole community.
There's this notion of being abused by ideology as a kid. You've talked a lot about ideological abuse and how it affects people, and the chain of abuse, but how far have you come in your understanding of true forgiveness?
I feel like I'm still working on it. And I think it's the most important thing we can learn how to do as human beings. It's in short shrift these days. There's a kind of an unfortunate kind of addiction to outrage that's that I see happening online. Definitely. I think it is really damaging and really harmful to our culture‚ the lack of forgiveness. Excommunicating anybody is really dangerous. To have a lack of forgiveness condemns us to an endless cycle of vengeance and violence and discord. I think that for me, one of the things that I have been working up my courage to do is to go see my abuser who is now an elderly ailing man. I'm gonna be in Toronto in June to open for Sarah McLachlan. And I'm going to try and go see him and just say, "I forgive you, go in peace," kind of thing. We'll see if I'm able to do it. I've been thinking about it so much. Especially in the context of—as we look at what's happening in the Middle East, what's happening in Sudan or Congo, or East Timor—I think about these cycles of unbelievable harm. People that have endured and meted out harm far greater than anything I've ever had to endure. And we're asking them as a global community to stop the violence, and we're asking them as a global community to change, to break the cycles. If I can't practice forgiveness in my own life, how can I be asking anybody else to do it right?
As a parting question, do you have anything you want Florida to understand as you make your way down here to the land where woke goes to die?
I want Florida to understand that we can't erase history by banning books. We can't break cycles of harm by pretending harm never happened. And that the only way out is through. And the only way through is together. We have to stop treating each other as enemies and the other—we are one human family on this precious beleaguered, under full-on assault by our worst practices, planet. We can change things together. We can grow circles of goodness together. We're so looking forward to playing and finding the Rainbow Coalition and finding each other.
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piadayspa · 11 months
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The Magic of Microblading: Your Ultimate Brow Game-Changer in Tampa Bay. Microblading is an excellent option for individuals who want to enhance their eyebrows without the daily hassle of applying makeup. It provides a long-lasting solution to achieve perfectly shaped and...
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estheticstylespa · 1 year
Discover Premier Eyelash Services Tampa FL
Tampa, FL is a place of services like Salons or spas for facials or other skin treatment. It is a place to get consistent top-level services from professionals. You may choose from the full range of beauty treatments, including lash extensions, facials, and makeup services — the Tampa FL, use of professional products all from high-quality brands. In Tampa, FL, you’ll get top-notch spas that enhance your features with the latest facial techniques or some significant tricks to improve your skin complexion or rejuvenate yourself. We in Tampa, FL can provide you services like Facials, Eyelash Services Tampa FL, Skin Care, Makeup Services, etc.
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twins2994 · 1 year
Minnesota Twins-Tampa Bay Rays Series Preview
6.6.23-Louie Varland RHP (3-1) 3.51 ERA Vs. Zach Eflin (7-1) 3.30 ERA
6.7.23-Pablo Lopez RHP (3-3) 4.54 ERA Vs. TBA
6.8.23-Bailey Ober RHP (3-2) 2.33 ERA Vs. Tyler Glasnow RHP (0-0) 3.72 ERA
The Twins At A Glance- The Minnesota Twins get a much needed off day on Monday as injuries continue to pile up. Carlos Correa (plantar fasciitis) and Byron Buxton (bruised ribs) didn’t play over the weekend. Royce Lewis was in a collision at first base with Gabriel Arias late on Sunday in a scary incident. The Twins were playing with a one man bench for most of the weekend. The team now heads on a tough road trip with three games against the Rays then three versus the Jays. Donovan Solano has been hot with a .417 average in June. Kyle Farmer is hitting .364 so far in June as well. Kenta Maeda went three innings and gave up two runs in his second rehab start for the Saints. Caleb Thielbar returned from the injured list, but Cole Sands was put on the injured list with a shoulder injury. Jorge Lopez has struggled and has given up nine runs over his last six outings. Brock Stewart has stepped up in his absence with just two runs allowed over seventeen innings of work. 
The Rays At A Glance- The Rays had a nice finish to their weekend in Boston as they took three of four games from the Red Sox. The two teams stuck around Boston for another day to play Friday’s makeup game on Monday. Brandon Lowe was put on the injured list with a back injury. Vidal Brujan was called up from Durham. Tampa Bay had a Major League leading forty-three wins and a 4.5 game lead over Baltimore for first place in the American League East. Yandy Diaz leads the power attack with twelve homers and thirty-four RBI. Randy Arozarena had forty RBI to lead the team. Wander Franco is hitting .308 in his third year. The Rays have the best starting rotation in baseball with a 3.08 ERA. The Twins will miss Shane McClanahan, who is pitching great this season. The Rays bullpen is not as strong with a 4.38 ERA, which ranks 24th in baseball. Pete Fairbanks is out for now with a left hib injury. Former Twin Zack Littell has a shoulder injury and Josh Fleming just got put on the injured list with an elbow injury. Jason Adam is the current closer with nine saves. He has struck out thirty-five over 25 1/3 innings. 
What To Watch For- The Twins went (4-2) against the Rays in 2022. They took two out of three games at Target Field and Tropicana Field. Louie Varland and Bailey Ober have never faced the Rays before. Pablo Lopez is (1-3) with a 3.72 ERA in five games against the Rays. Zach Eflin gave up one run over seven innings in his lone start against the Twins. Tyler Glasnow allowed a run over three innings in his only game versus the Twins. The series finale features a good pitching match-up with Bailey Ober going against Tyler Glasnow. That will likely be a quick afternoon game. The Twins will get tested and hopefully they can be healthier against the best team in baseball this week. 
-Chris Kreibich-
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jessajaguar · 2 months
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Elevate your photoshoot with professional makeup artistry! 🌟💙 Whether it's a pole dance session or a boudoir shoot, I'll bring out your inner confidence and glamour.
Book your look today and I'll help you shine in front of the camera! ✨
Four Ways To Book For Your Convenience!
1) Fill out the contact form on my website
2) Book through the @glist_app
3) Click the BOOK NOW link on my profile
4) Send me a DM
You can also schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me if you'd like to see if we'd work well together first 💖
Model: @reikoredd
Photographer: @snapzbytiemovez
Makeup Artist: Me @jessamariebeauty
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succubitch1 · 1 year
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IG @reyy.vuitton
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Brows Fanatics Studio & More provides top-notch permanent makeup, microblading, tattoo removal, eyeliner, eyelash extension, lash lift and tinting services. All treatments are performed by certified artists and they always use safe techniques. We also offer trainings, courses and certification in microblading, lip blushing and ombre powder brows.
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Killer Frost ❄️💙🌬
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zazuskingdom · 4 years
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My sister does makeup and for those that live in Tampa and wanna get their makeup done for #superbowlweekend text her! You can see more of her makeup and pictures on her Instagram @exe_eve
You can also check her out on her website https://exeeve.com/
She can do all skin types/tones and make you look/feel beautiful!!!!
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bi-ic0n · 5 years
Anybody wanna talk?
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