#tammy myers
joseartcenteno · 18 days
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Time for a well scare, Tammy...
Based on @parasomnico12's stuff...
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Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) signed a law on Monday that adds crucial protections for LGBTQ+ couples using fertility treatments to build a family.
The Michigan Family Protection Act includes a series of provisions to protect families of all kinds. Most notably for the LGBTQ+ community, it changes “outdated state law to treat LGBTQ+ families equally and eliminate the need for them to go through a costly and invasive process to get documentation confirming their parental status,” as a press release from the governor’s office explains, adding that “Even if they move to a state that does not respect these basic rights, these bills help ensure they cannot be denied their relationship to their child.”
The law also repeals a law that made Michigan the only state in the country to criminalize surrogacy contracts; increases protections for surrogates, parents, and children; ensures equal legal treatment of children born through surrogacy and assisted reproduction; and streamlines the process for families to establish legal connections to their children.
“The Michigan Family Protection Act takes commonsense, long-overdue action to repeal Michigan’s ban on surrogacy, protect families formed by IVF, and ensure LGBTQ+ parents are treated equally,” Gov. Whitmer said in a statement. “Your family’s decisions should be up to you, and my legislative partners and I will keep fighting like hell to protect reproductive freedom in Michigan and make our state the best place to start, raise, and grow your family.”
Stephanie Jones, founder of the Michigan Fertility Alliance, called the legislation “an incredible victory for all Michigan families formed through assisted reproduction, including IVF and surrogacy, and for LGBTQ+ families.”
The press release also acknowledged the attacks on reproductive rights taking place across the country, most notably the 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade and the 2024 Alabama Supreme Court’s declaration that embryos created through IVF have the same legal rights as children.
“As other states seek to restrict IVF, ban abortion, and make it harder to start a family, Michigan is supporting women and protecting reproductive freedoms for everyone,” the release stated.
One fierce advocate, Tammy Myers, has been fighting for the decriminalization of surrogacy in the state for the past four years. She told 7 Action News, “The tipping point, I think, is seeing that rights are being taken across the nation and we all need to fight for reproductive freedom.”
Polly Crozier, director of family advocacy at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), added in a statement, “Michigan has shown us what strengthening families should look like in 2024: making it more possible for people to fulfill their dreams of building a family and more accessible for all families, including LGBTQ+ families, to obtain the safety and stability that comes with legal parentage.”
“Amid efforts to restrict Americans’ reproductive freedom and roll back protections for LGBTQ+ people and their families, the Michigan Family Protection Act is an inspiring example for other states where gaps in parentage laws leave families vulnerable.”
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yoshimickster · 2 months
Apparently Tammy and Andrea were supposed to be the same character in the pilot!
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Which...HONESTLY makes a lot of sense, she definitely had "Main antagonist" energy in her intro episode and then she was NEVER seen again I don't think and ALL because the universe excised all of Andrea's full nastiness into Tammy.
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fantasm-art · 1 month
Tammy and her Lucille
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She grown up watching The Walking Dead
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shrozie · 8 months
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Artist: Honeymapache
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parasomnico12 · 2 years
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"Tammy Myers"
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alister312 · 2 years
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Get ready for a March Madness Tournament for all the kid characters who exist only in the background, or only once, or just not nearly enough times in South Park. Each poll will last a day, with multiple polls going every day (at least for the start). I tried my best to pick truly minor characters but if you think one isn't minor enough or are sad I forgot one... sorry I don't feel like rearranging the entire tournament at this point 😅
Each character has been sorted into seeds 1-16 based on how prevalent I think they still are in people's memories and then paired up just like regular March Madness (i.e. 1 vs 16, 2 vs 15, etc) so apologies if some early match ups seem unfair. It'll hopefully make any upsets that much more exciting!
And now... the bracket!
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See the match ups and follow the rounds below the cut.
Damien Thorn vs Katie Gelson
Annie Knitts vs Sally Darson
Bradley ("Cartman Sucks") vs Baahir Hassen Abdul Hakeem
Mark Cotswolds vs Thad Jarvis
Nelly vs Flora Larsen
Jason White vs Josh Myers
Lizzy vs Cartman's kids (Post Covid)
Charlotte vs Lexus
Gregory of Yardale vs Isiah Jordan
Gary Harrison vs Esther
Rebecca Cotswolds vs Alejandro White
Hebert Pocket vs Marcus Preston
Sophie Gray vs Heather Williams
Terrance Mephesto vs Corey Lanskin
Blanket vs Kyle's kids (Post Covid)
Mercedes vs New Kid/Douchebag
Tricia Tucker vs Davey Solokov
Christophe/Ze Mole vs Lisa Berger
Estella Havisham vs Yao
Kevin Stoley vs Bridon Gueermo
DogPoo Petsuski vs Larry Feegan
Lola vs Tammy Warner
Filmore Anderson vs Chris Donnely
Bill Allen vs Porsche
Leslie Meyers vs Kip Drordy
Thomas vs Brimmy
Trent Boyett vs Francis
Millie Larsen vs Gavin Throttle
David Rodriguez vs Tammy Nelson
Powder/Sally Turner vs Douglas
Kelly ("Rainforest Shmainforest") vs Jenny Simons
Fosse McDonald vs Ferrari
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blowflyfag · 5 months
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Compiled by Barbi Barker
When Diamond Dallas Page can find the time, he hits the road with his band of Jello Wrestlin’ Diamond Dolls. “Good Gawd!” Watch for these hot ladies on MTV’s Spring Break ‘89 along with coming to your town soon. Like Bill Cosby, D.D.P. says, “There’s always room for Jello!” 
D.D.P. and The Dolls out for a sunset cruise on Saibel Causeway, FL (with custom pink Harley and his ‘62 pink Caddy). They stop briefly so adoring fans can take some shots. 
Page at #1 radio station 96 K-ROCK (Ft. Myers, FL.). He is with good friend Brian Howe (center) who is lead singer of the band BAD CO. and #1 D.J. Swingin’ Dick Tyler. 
D.D.P. caught in a rare shot without shades along with e-Jet quarterback Matt Robinson and BAD CO. lead singer Brian Howe. Matt and Brian were at Norma Jean’s Dance Club to help Page judge a 1,000 hot legs contest. 
The day would not be complete without a daily workout at The Sports Connection “Pump up the Volume”. Diamond Doll Jennifer accompanies him to the gym to tend to his needs. 
Not only does Diamond Dallas Page deal in solid gold but his latest find, Hard Rock Rick, is physical gold that is soon to be released to the wrestling world. Ladies, you ain't seen nothin yet!
Diamond Dallas Page is Rock ‘N Wrestlin’ at its finest as he is sent here backstage after a POISON concert with (L-R) Gene Simmons look alike Bobby “Scar”, Diamond Doll Tammy, Bass player Bobby Hall, lead guitar C.C. Deville and favorite Doll Victoria.
Diamonds and gold are still nothing to ear! Page and the Dolls are pictured in his private office at Norma Jean’s.
A photo session would not be complete without a shot of Badd Company, Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond, and the A.W.A. Tag Team belts they currently hold. 
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aemiron-main · 2 months
Patty’s Weird Bathroom Scene Face/Mask (?), The Michael Myers Mask, Patty Being Blamed For Things, The Canker “Man,” Barb vs Patty, Doppelgangers and More
Patty’s Weird Face vs The Michael Myers Mask, Eddie Munson and Max
So, I’ve been thinking about how Patty’s weird face during the bathroom scene resembles the Michael Myers mask from S4 (it’s kind of hard to tell from these pictures, but Patty’s head/face also becomes weirdly oversized here, like the Michael Myers mask, and Patty’s hair also gets all weird and fluffed out/frizzy like the Michael Myers mask hair):
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Especially because when we look at Eddie Munson’s scene where he’s wearing the Michael Myers mask, there’s subtle connections to Patty in that scene.
So, let’s go through Eddie’s Michael Myers mask scene & all of the little connections to Patty, to demonstrate that the connection between Patty and the Michael Myers stuff goes beyond just the physical resemblance to the mask that she has during the bathroom scene/in the above image.
To start, during Eddie’s Michael Myers mask scene, we see a clear shot of the Winnebago that the gang is about to steal:
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And the “W” on the Winnebago reminds me quite a lot of the Wonder Woman W- which then connects to Patty because Patty is a huge Wonder Woman fan, gets called “Wonder Woman,” by Bob throughout TFS, and even dresses up as Wonder Woman during the church vision scene:
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And there’s also the shot of the word “wander” on the Winnebago’s Indiana license plate vs wonder woman:
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And then there’s also the shot of Eddie in the Michael Myers mask with the the Grand Ole Opry sticker on the Winnebago, which, a.) of course, rhe opera thing connects to Patty’s singing but also b.) the Grand Ole Opry is in Nashville, which then connects to Tammy Thompson, who is introduced as “all the way from Nashville”:
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Which, Tammy then connects to Patty because a.) Patty and Tammy are both singers (although Patty is good at it whereas Tammy is not), b.) Tammy’s singing takes place in the Hawkins High gym, which, is conveniently (and bizarrely) in the background when Patty’s singing during her church vision scene-
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-and c.) the Hawkins High principal that introduces Tammy reminds me of Mr Newby being the principal in TFS & he is also, of course, Patty’s adoptive father. And Tammy’s also got the cross earrings versus all of Patty’s religious stuff/Patty singing in the church choir/Mr Newby being both a priest and a principal & Patty’s church vision scene being a combination of the church and Hawkins High.
And then jumping away from Tammy and back go the Grand Ole Opry, there’s also the Opry versus the NINA opera stuff/Dalyrac’s NINA & the fact that Brenner mentions a train station during that exact scene where he’s talking about the opera, versus Henry talking to Patty about a train station:
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And then there’s also Patty’s other NINA connections like what I talked about in this post re: Patty, Suzie, NINA and small women.
And then as another little connection between the Opry and TFS in general, “Are You Afraid To Die?” by the Louvin Brothers plays in TFS at rhe police station with Jim and Hopper Sr- and the Louvin Brothers also performed at the Grand Ole Opry. And even though that song doesn’t play during a Patty scene, a.) this is just another point to connect this Eddie Munson mask scene to TFS as a whole, and b.) the religious nature of ”Are You Afraid To Die?” connects to all of Patty’s religious stuff/her being Mr Newby/Father Newby’s daughter, especially with that song playing during the fight between Hopper Sr and Hopper Jr vs Hopper Sr's parallels to Mr Newby.
And now, jumping away from the Grand Ole Opry & just going back to Eddie’s Michael Myers mask scene in general, Eddie says “that was suffocating” regarding the mask, which then connects to the fact that Henry literally chokes/tries to suffocate Vision Patty/Weird Mask Patty in TFS:
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And also, just to finish up this section, before Eddie actually wears the mask, he asks Max for some sort of mask/Max is the one that gives him the Michael Myers mask versus all of the parallels between Patty and Max (ie their shared love of comics and wonder woman, the whole “patty vs patrick” thing vs owens mistaking max for a boy etc etc).
Anyway! Now for the next section.
Patty’s Weird Face, Victor Creel vs Michael Myers and Patty Being Wrongfully Blamed For Things
And now, keeping in mind what I just said re: Patty’s weird face being similar to the Michael Myers mask, there’s also the fact that Victor gets directly compared to Michael Myers:
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Which, Wayne is saying this specifically in a context where be believes that Victor killed his family/is like Michael Myers, but the reality is that Victor wasn’t actually like Michael Myers, but instead, was wrongfully blamed for the Creel murders.
And that then brings us to the idea of Patty, like Victor, being blamed for things she didn’t do- like, not only does Bathroom Scene Patty/“Not Patty,” having the weird Michael Myers face vs that then connecting to Victor (who was being wrongfully blamed) being compared to Michael Myers vs the scenes where Patty acts weird but also seemingly aren’t explicitly vision scenes/she’s not actively rotting vs the way that even during “vision” scenes, Not Patty does look normal initially but is just acting weird/odd mannerisms vs the idea of Patty getting blamed for things that were actually done by Not Patty/the idea of certain scenes in TFS that seem to be Patty actually not being Patty (which then also has me staring at this post that I made & the stuff there re: the odd connections between Patty and Brenner vs what i’m going to talk about in a second in this post re: Brenner jumping to blame Patty for things).
And hell, Patty’s very first scene has her being blamed for something that isn’t entirely her fault- Mr Newby gets on her case about reading a comic, which are forbidden, but the comic actually belongs to Bob, not Patty:
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And then Patty also initially gets blamed by Mr Newby for holding Henry’s hand in the attic, but she can’t let go/Henry is actually the one holding onto her:
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And then Patty has also been wrongfully blamed for Mr Newby’s wife leaving him:
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And Brenner (whether wrongfully or not) blames Patty/“the anomaly,” for his experiment on Henry failing/blames Patty for Henry not connecting with the MF during the experiment:
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And then during that same scene/section, Brenner also jumps to blaming Patty for the fact that Henry wants to leave the lab (again, Patty does play a role in Henry wanting to leave the lab, but Brenner immediately jumps to blaming Patty instead of going “gee, maybe Henry wants to leave the lab because I keep screaming in his face,” or “gee, maybe Henry wants to leave the lab because the latest experiment almost killed him,” etc):
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Like, it’s just interesting that there’s this pattern of people quickly jumping to blame Patty for things, especially with stuff that definitely isn’t her fault (see: Mr Newby’s wife leaving him). (Not to mention the way that Virginia also blames Patty/thats about “that girl” re: Henry etc)
And also, jumping back to Victor, when we look at TFS Victor, there’s a whole scene where Lonnie gets mistaken for Victor when Jim is trying to catch & interrogate Victor because he believes Victor’s the reason for the animal deaths & also believes that Victor’s the reason for Henry disappearing (versus that then paralleling Brenner blaming Patty/thinking Patty’s the reason why Henry wants to leave the lab/“disappear” from the lab), and Jim mistakes Lonnie for Victor because Jim put a bag over Lonnie’s head & didn’t double check who “Victor” actually was.
And that bag over Lonnie/“Victor’s” head reminds me quite a lot of the S4 Michael Myers mask scene AND of Patty’s weird bathroom scene face/“mask,” and how we get a scene of Jim physically struggling with Lonnie to put the bag over his head vs Henry physically struggling with Patty right when her weird face suddenly shows up:
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And Lonnie and Victor were both being blamed for things the didn’t do- even though Victor DID bomb the farmhouse & so Joyce & Jim’s assumption that he killed the animals was based on something that Victor Did do (although there’s so much to be said there re: whether or not that was actually Victor’s Fault esp considering the diffs between in-show victor vs TFS Victor bur anyway), but Victor didn’t actually kill the animals & was being wrongfully blamed and Lonnie wasnt actually Victor & was being wrongfully blamed for that.
And then just to wrap this first section up, there’s also what I talked about in this post re: how Victor’s reflection in the water in the Creel bathroom makes his actual face resemble the Michael Myers mask- which then makes me think about the way that Patty’s face seemingly transforms into that weird Michael Myers-esque look in the school bathroom in TFS vs this now becoming a pattern of peoples’ faces looking like Michael Myers masks/yet another connection between Victor and Patty, and specifically a connection in the context of Michael Myers, whom Victor is wrongfully blamed for being like/further connects Patty to “being blamed for stuff”.
Patty’s Weird Face, Before I Wake, The Canker “Man,” Manifesting Nightmares, Doppelgangers and Barb
And also, in addition to everything I just talked about, Patty’s weird face also REALLY resembles The Canker Man from Before I Wake (2016):
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And the Canker Man is initally presented to us as a monster that shows up in the nightmares of a young adopted boy, Cody, whose nightmares come to life- the Canker Man absorbs people (staring at “when One kills he consumes” & at DND Doppelgangers absorbing/consuming peoples’ personalities memories etc) and had killed Cody’s previous adoptive parents.
But then, it’s revealed that the Canker “Man” was actually a woman, and specifically, was the manifestation of Cody’s memories of his birth mother, who had died from cancer, which Cody had mispronounced as “Canker,” hence the “Canker Man,” which again, wasn’t a man at all, and was actually based on the appearance of Cody’s birth mother when she died from cancer.
And that makes me think of Patty’s mother, and how even though Patty’s mother didn’t die from cancer, Patty still lost her/was stolen from her, especially considering both Patty and Cody being adopted (which, Cody is also extremely paralleled to Henward, but is also paralleled to Patty/is paralleled to both of them, esp considering how Cody can also make nice dreams/visions come to life for people vs the nice church scene vision in TFS & the lines during that scene about how it’s both Patty and Henrys dream), and also makes me think pf how the Canker Man was actually a distorted version of Cody’s birth mother vs Patty’s mom showing up all distorted/rotten (much like bathroom scene Patty) throughout TFS in visions.
And also, it’s interesting to me that it’s revealed that the Canker “Man,” was actually a woman vs the whole gender swapped names thing with Patty/Patrick vs Patty and the “who is Henry Creel? He isn’t a chick-” scene in TFS. Plus, the Canker Man being revealed to actually be Cody’s memories of his mother/not be some inherently evil creature reminds me of what I talked about earlier re: Patty being blamed for things.
And also, Cody being able to bring his nightmares to life (even though he’s not doing it on purpose) has me staring at TFS Henry talking to Patty in the church about how he thinks he can make his nightmares become real vs the way that the Canker Man is a nightmare-turned-real vs Not Patty’s whole bathroom scene being very nightmare-turned-real-esque.
And then there’s also the fact that Brenner says that TFS Henry doesn’t sleep vs Cody trying to constantly keep himself awake so that his nightmares don’t start manifesting while he sleeps.
And also, the Canker Man also reminds me a lot of the Demogorgon from ST (and also reminds me of the DND Doppelgangers, which definitely inspired the ST Demogorgon), especially with the shot of the Canker Man in the classroom vs the show of the Demogorgon in the classroom:
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And then there’s the Canker Man vs the ST Demogorgon vs Patty’s weird face vs the whole Demogorgon-DND Doppelganger thing/the idea of the ST Demogorgon as some sort of shapeshifting Doppelganger creature &vs a.) Patty’s changeling and shapeshifting references in TFS, including her parallels to Mystra from DND, who was a shapeshifter, and b.) the literal Barb Doppelganger that Nancy sees in S2 vs Patty’s parallels to Barb (ie Patty having a direct parallel to Barb’s “this isn’t you,” line and Patty playing Barbara Allen in The Dark of the Moon):
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And also, the whole “Patty’s weird face vs Canker Man vs Demogorgon/Doppelganger” thing has me staring at what I talked about earlier re: the weird connections between Patty and Brenner & weird shared dialogue and mannerisms between them in certain scenes vs all of the Brennergorgon stuff & the idea of one of the Brenners being some sort of shapeshifting Doppelganger creature…. Which also then has me staring at Brecna & the fact that both the Canker Man and Vecna seem to absorb people vs some of the concept art for Vecna looking a lot like the Canker Man, ans the way that Vecna stands also being VERY similar to the shots of the Canker Man (which also has me staring at the Canker Man actually being Cody’s mother vs Vecna dressing up as mothers all the time):
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Anyway! Lots to think about.
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Molly: "Wow, Andrea, you really have your whole life planned out, huh?"
Andrea: "Sure do."
Molly: "So, what happens after your business merging marriage?" (Reaches for the phone)
Andrea: "MOLLY WAIT--"
(Molly swipes to the next slide where she sees a "Plan B" scenario where Andrea marries her and she grew up to be mayor of Brighton)
Molly: O///O ?!
Andrea: "...A girl's gotta cover all her bases...right?"
(Molly takes the phone and keeps swiping. She sees a plan C where Andrea marries Libby; who is a famous author, one with Ollie; who she helps make ghost movies, and even Tammy Myers; who grows up to be a professional baseball player)
Molly: "Tammy Myers?! Seriously?"
Andrea: "She has strong arms, ok?!"
That’s why u don’t let ppl hold ur phone when showing them things.
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joseartcenteno · 2 months
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Tammy’s just there for some reason lol
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dxivi · 2 years
So who do I write for you ask? Very good question. I'll throw in some fandoms and put in who I'll write for. (Ill forget to put fandoms in without a doubt so someone remind me of fandoms)
Also I write all three. M!reader, GN!reader and F!reader. (Yes, that includes trans!reader as well)
Criminal minds
Aaron Hotchner
David Rossi
Spencer Reid (That's still a bit doubtful but ill give it a try)
Simon "Ghost" Riley
John "Soap" MacTavish
John Price
I will only do Gaz and any of the others when in combo with the above.
3. NCIS/NCIS:LA/NCIS: New Orleans
No one probably knows of this fandom but here;
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Ziva David
Anthony Dinozzo
Abby Scuito
Mayyyybee Timothy Mcgee but doubtful
Dwayne Pride
Tammy Gregorio
Christopher LaSalle (i haven't watched ncis new orleans in a hot minute so shit might be very ooc)
Sam Hanna
Kensi Blye
G. Callen
Marty Deeks
4. Hawaii Five 0
Even less know abt this one but;
Steven J. Mcgarrett
Daniel Williams
Kono Kalakaua
Chin Ho Kelly
Catherine Rollins (if you dare ask me to paint her in a good light go screw yourself, she fucked up Steve so long. I will not alter her so shes suddenly amazing and heroic.)
5. Bones
Dr. Temperance Brennan aka Bones
Seeley Booth
James Aubrey
6. Top Gun/Top Gun: Maverick
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Nick "Goose" Bradshaw (his death + fanfics with mav absolutely ended me- I still didnt finish the most hurtful one and its been over a year now)
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Possibly: Phoenix
7. The Mentalist
Patrick Jane
8. Sherlock (bbc & movies)
Sherlock Holmes
James Moriarty
John Watson
9. Supernatural
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester (as a side character)
10. The Slasher Fandom
Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Freddy Krueger
Stu Matcher
Vincent Sinclair
(Probably more but I don't remember of the top of my head)
11. Marvel Universe
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff
Peter Parker (no smut, kids a fucking minor)
T'Challa (as a loving father type figure but it might be very ooc)
Clint Barton
Honerable mentions for movies/shows/books I don't have enough braincells for to put in but will possibly write for:
The Da Vinci Code
Angels and Demons
Dante's Peak
CSI: Miami
CSI: Las Vegas
Fbi: International
Law & Order: SVU
Bull (like the show, Dr. Bull)
Jason Bourne
House M.D.
The fallen triology (Olympus has fallen, London has fallen, Angel has fallen)
The Matrix
Rush Hour (i love them <3)
Michael Vey (book)
PJO fandom
HOO fandom
Without a trace
Hannibal (really depends, i only know fanfic of them)
Winx Club (not fate you heathen)
And uhhh- thats it i think? This probably isnt everything because im in so many fandoms of which I didnt watch/see anything besides the fandom itself but yeah- (many of which are on this list, why'd you think dr who isnt here)
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eddysocs · 2 months
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Introducing: Ari Bader
Fandom: Mom
Face Claim: Stephanie Beatriz
Full Name: Ari Gabriella Bader
Age: 31
Myers Briggs Type: ISTJ
Love Interest: Tammy Diffendorf
Occupation: Police Officer
Collections: Patches
Style/Clothing: She loves a vintage biker look moment, and it’s what she considers to be "dressed up". She’s not much for dresses, but a leather skirt she can work with. She likes to give off a badass kind of vibe.
Signature Quote: "I need to look intimidating. I’m a cop, I’m a tough chick that people don’t want to mess with. I wear pink and that’s all out the window."
Plot Summary: When Andy accidentally ropes himself into going on a double date with his coworker, Ari, he has to ask Jill to find someone to set her up with. After hearing a bit about Ari, Jill chooses to invite Tammy, but is surprised when the Ari that shows up is a woman, a fact that Andy neglected to mention. But Jill is even more surprised when Tammy and Ari hit it off.
Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile, @kenjioharashotspot, @hyperdrivve
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fantasm-art · 7 months
Tammy Katakuri
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Tammy as Charlotte Katakuri
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somediyprojects · 1 year
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Anniversaries of the Heart stitched by Tammy Myers-Steinbrook. Pattern designed by Blackbird Designs.
“Anniversaries of the Heart is complete. Started on 1/1/21. Stitched in 36 count R&R Olde Town Blend. I was really afraid this one would be set aside due to the need to chart the personalization but excel was my friend.
Thank you! Finished size with the border was 14 x 22.”
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holysanctum-a · 2 years
eddie kaspbrak
beverly marsh
richie tozier
patricia uris
audra phillips
ben hanscom
stan uris
carrie white
sue snell
wendy torrance
danny torrance
ronal of the metkayina
neytiri of the omaticaya
tsireya of the omaticaya
wednesday addams
enid sinclair
xavier thorpe
tyler galpin
bianca barclay
morticia addams
pubert addams
pugsley addams
ophelia frump
deborah jellinsky
steve harrington
nancy wheeler
eddie munson
robin buckley
chrissy cunningham
tammy thompson
jane ives hopper
will byers
jonathan byers
joyce byers
angela russell
alexei volkov
erica sinclair
lucas sinclair
max mayfield
dustin henderson
tina coleman
carol perkins
mike wheeler
eden bingham
suzie bingham
gareth hill
house of the dragon;
rhaenyra targaryen
alicent hightower
ser harwin strong
helaena targaryen
alys rivers
cleo sertori
rikki chadwick
emma gilbert
isabella hartley
cleo de nile
abbey abominable
spectra vondergeist
robecca steam
laura dracul
jinafire long
torelei stripes
clawdeen wolf
c.a cupid
lagoona blue
ghoulia yelps
scarah screams
rochelle goyle
katrina de-mew
viperine gorgon
venus mcflytrap
gigi grants
sidney prescott
tatum riley
charlie walker
kirby reed
laurie strode
annie brackett
lynda van der klok
allyson strode
michael myers
judith myers
ANOES 2010
nancy holbrook
quentin smith
kris fowles
gwen holbrook
zoe benson
violet harmon
madison montgomery
misty day
brooke thompson
montana duke
UNTIL DAWN ( adapted from canon. )
emily davis
ashley brown
jessica riley
sam giddings
beth washington
THE QUARRY ( adapted from canon. )
max brinly
emma mountebank
ryan erzahler
kaitlyn ka
jacob custos
abigail blyg
nicholas furcillo
pansy parkinson
lily evans / potter
narcissa black / malfoy
hannah abbott
ginny weasley
andromeda black / tonks
nymphadora tonks
zhang qiu
daphne greengrass
astoria greengrass
luna lovegood
fleur delacour
marlene mckinnon
dorcas meadowe
mary macdonald
molly weasley
katie bell
lavender brown
tracey davis
millicent bulstrode
susan bones
cedric diggory
helena ravenclaw
angelina johnson
alicia spinnet
parvati patil
anne sallow
sebastian sallow
poppy sweeting
adelaide oakes
charlie weasley
spencer hastings
allison dilaurentis
aria montgomery
hanna marin
klatniss everdeen
primrose everdeen
clove heidenriek
annie cresta
johanna mason
finnick odair
peeta mellark
jean grey
emma frost
gwen stacy
mary jane watson
peter parker
clint barton
pepper potts
kate bishop
anna marie
harleen quinzel
selina kyle
pamela isley
rachel roth
june moone / enchantress
bruce wayne
barbara gordon
dick grayson
jason todd
harvey dent
isabella swan
jane volturi
rosalie hale
alice cullen
emily petterson
victor van dort
victoria everglot
sally hardesty
dana polk
jules louden
sarah sanderson
winifred sanderson
mary sanderson
alison blythe
dani dennison
emily binx
sam fraser
deena johnson
simon kalivoda
sheila greene
hannah miller
sarah fier
corky corcoran
annie greene
becky hemmings
will goode
ziggy berman
cindy berman
joan kutcherson
alice gallagher
tiffany valentine
nancy downs
aquamarine brown
sandy olsen
betty rizzo
marty maraschino
frenchy conrad
marcia smith
cherry valance
daphne blake.
dorothy blake.
daisy blake.
delilah blake.
dawn blake.
velma dinkley.
sally mcknight.
dusk davenport.
luna reynolds.
marnie piper
sophie piper
scarlet sinister
vance hopper
finney blake
griffin stagg
maggie greene
beth greene
judith grimes
sophia peletier
carl grimes
rebecca chambers
jill valentine
claire redfield
leon kennedy
ada wong
sherry berkins
donna beneviento
bela dimitrescu
daniela dimitrescu
cassandra dimitrescu
piper halliwell
phoebe halliwell
prue halliwell
paige matthews
parker halliwell
p.j halliwell
tamora mitchell
kat mitchell
chris halliwell
lux lisbon
bonnie lisbon
mary lisbon
therese lisbon
cecilia lisbon
jane romero
lee yunjin
feng min
kimura yui
the onryo
the ghostface
the huntress
dwight fairfield
meg thomas
nea karlsson
claudette morel
kate denson
mikaela reid
the legion: julie kostenko
the legion: susie lavoie
the legion: joey campbell
the spirit
the nurse
the plague
zarina kassir
élodie rakoto
david king
adam francis
the pig
the trapper
the hillbilly
the doctor
the wraith
felix richter
jake park
the trickster
heather mason
yoichi asakawa
lisa garland
the executioner
alessa gillespie
mary sunderland
jodie mason
harry mason
rouge the bat — sonic universe
princess peach — mario universe
princess daisy — mario universe
princess rosalina — mario universd
barbie — barbie cinematic universe
abigail hobbs — hannibal ( soloblog @fawneyes )
veronica sawyer — heathers
lydia martin — teen wolf
allison argent — teen wolf
malia tate — teen wolf
faye chamberlain — the secret circle
martha may whovier — the grinch
rose cotter — smile 2022
jennifer check — jennifer's body ( pre-succubus. )
anita lesnicki — jennifer's body
colin gray — jennifer's body
layla williams — sky high
magenta hui — sky high
gwen grayson — sky high
penny lent — sky high
ginger fitzgerald — gingersnaps
patrick bateman — american psycho
sarah miller — tlou
dina — tlou
shauna shipman — yellowjackets
jackie taylor — yellowjackets
jade west — victorious
tori vega — victorious
cat valentine — victorious
elijah — midnight scenes : from the woods.
virginia — sons of the forrest.
mason wheeler — stranger things
spencer harrington — stranger things
priscilla munson — stranger things ( affiliated with @slaymetal )
kevin watson — stranger things
avonna-leigh millicent lane — stranger things ( affiliated with @hauntingh0ur )
ember riley smith
haerelian — affiliated with @seirsenes
cordelia syphe
princess saereliette of alryia — stardew valley
thorn winters — resident evil : village.
oleander sykes carson — pyreford mystery series.
marisol renatta lora — pyreford mystery series.
seraphina holly-grace saddler — pyreford mystery series.
marilyn victoire ophelia blackwell — fandomless with verses in teen wolf, stranger things and IT.
lauren richter — dead by daylight.
legion : bambi ( beatrice dane ) — dead by daylight.
milana renee van der kamp — stranger things ( affiliated with @jedova )
lorelei koen — the last of us.
isabelle walker — until dawn.
matilda greaves — emh / scream.
princess helanys — elden ring.
rosalind wilson — apocalypse based.
marina james — sons of the forrest.
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