#tamina snuka x reader
bbygirlky18 · 1 year
Can you do an AJ Lee request where the reader fills in for Tamina and AJ Falls head over her. Name her whatever you want.
Sharing the ring with a legend! AJ Lee
AJ Lee x Tara Graves
Warnings: None!!
Word Count: 328
A/N: This is the first AJ Lee fanfic. This was requested by @bbygirlnessa18 so let's get into it.
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When Stephanie McMahon announced that the Divas of the WWE were getting a chance to share the ring for the first time ever with an all-female pay-per-view coming up, AJ Lee had to make sure she was going to make the most of this special opportunity. She requested Tamina Snuka to be her tag team partner, figuring the two could show the world what powerful female wrestling was all about.
Unfortunately, right before the show, Tamina was injured and could not compete. AJ was distraught, not wanting to let her fan base down. But then a mysterious fan stepped forward to fill in for Tamina, and her name was Tara Graves.
At first AJ was skeptical. Could this fan really step in to one of the most high-profile matches of all time and make it past her opponents? But after a few moments she realized how passionate and determined Tara was. Impressed by Tara's enthusiasm, AJ decided to let her tag with her.
Little did AJ know, this decision would make all the difference. During the wrestling match, it was obvious that AJ and Tara had a natural chemistry that had the crowd going wild. After the match, AJ couldn't contain her shock at the amount of energy flowing between them.
Before she knew it, AJ was head over heels for Tara. She couldn't explain it, but it didn't matter. AJ and Tara had a connection that couldn't be explained, and that was all that mattered.
To the surprise of both of them, AJ and Tara are now a well-known wrestling couple. They have been partners ever since that fateful night, and their chances of dominating the ring together are higher than ever.
So, if you are ever in the ring and you see AJ Lee, you’ll know why she was willing to take a chance on an unknown fan that day. Her connection with Tara goes far beyond the ring, and it’s a connection that won’t ever die.
-I hope you guys enjoyed this! I had fun writing it. I love you guys so so so so so so so so much. <33333
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Set Up (Tamina x Reader)
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“What’s with the face?” Nia asked you. You had come from a meeting with Stephanie about your direction with Raw. Apparently, your direction was to Smackdown, which meant that your challenge against Asuka was called off. 
“I’m not getting my match for the championship. They’re pulling me from Raw and putting me on Smackdown because apparently they think that’s where I’m better suited,” you told Nia. The two of you hadn’t always been friendly, but you’d come to an agreement of sorts. 
“I think you’d be fine with being over there if not for a certain woman in a suit,” Nia pointed out and you pouted. “You know how you could totally bug Sonya? Ask out Tamina finally.” 
“That’s low,” you said and Nia gave you a look. “I’m not asking Tamina out just to bother Sonya.” 
“Then do it because you obviously like her and she could use somebody who’d look out for her like you. I wouldn’t suggest you get anywhere near her if I didn’t think you’d treat her right,” Nia told you. You sighed heavily, which was when Nia rightly assumed she had won the conversation. “Remember, I’ll kill you if you pull any funny business.” 
“I am well aware, you aren’t the first person by any means to threaten me on Tamina’s behalf.” 
Asking Tamina out had been easier than you expected. Nia had spilled the beans to Tamina early. She had been more patient and somewhat softer when you went to talk to her. The two of you hung around together backstage after your matches and then when the whole show was over, she took you to get something quick to eat. 
“You know, it’s taken you a long time to ask me out,” Tamina said and you choked on your soda. “I mean, I get why you didn’t when you first came up, but it’s been a long time since you and Sonya broke up.” 
“We weren’t ever on the same brand and I know how hard it can be to build a relationship when you’ve got such different schedules,” you reasoned. “It was a little weird they just up and moved me like that, but I’m glad they did.” 
“I am certain that Paige and Nia had something to do with that,” Tamina said and you nodded. 
“Figures, the British bat has been really interested in my love life recently and I doubt it was because she wanted the starring role,” you joked. 
“This is a set up, which I’d rather it have not been, but I’m glad that Nia convinced you to talk to me.” 
“You could have always talked to me,” you pointed out. 
“I’ve tried, you are oblivious. Frustrating as hell, but endearing at the same time,” Tamina said with a small smile. 
“Oh, that’s my signature style,” you said, making her laugh a little. The two of you ended up staying out pretty much all night. You hadn’t had that much fun with somebody in forever. Maybe you’d have to thank Nia and whoever else was meddling with your career and lovelife.
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darktammy · 5 years
A secret from the Lunatic (part 4 Final chapter)
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Tag: @sassybrose @instantbouquetdestinysblog @myadm1234 @bluepunkrock @ambrollinsbabe @ambrollinsbot @stressed-out-heathen @malfoyy123 @thejulietfarciertlove @xsapphirerose @ambrosesnerd @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @balorbarnes @trashofambrolleigns @ambroseasylum022 @ambrosiac1993 @thelonelunatic @thatwrestlingfan91 @livlyf247 @living-the-life-1996 @demonkingsangel @fabulousrockstar @deanslildevil2019 @sithlita @vampfreak94-blog @bossjamie21 @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @dopeybubbles @shadowwgirl92
any else wanna be tag let me know (Enjoy) last chapter, but will be coming with more Dean stories.  
Everyone was in the hospital waiting room just so they can get any update on your condition. Dean being the one who was the most worried. “Yeah love her?” Renee said as she sat next to Dean. “Yeah I do, I love her a lot more than I love you.” Renee slap Dean in the face as she cried, Dean just look back at her. “You Renee if you was gonna cheat on me while I was recovering from my arm injury then you should have done a better job at it.” As he show her the pictures of her with Randy. Renee look down as she started to hold back her tears. Tamina, Roman, Seth, Randy, Naomi, Jimmy, and Jey all watch on.
Renee shook her head as she walk out of the ER in tears knowing that it was over. Dean look at everyone then at David. “Hey Dean…” Seth tried to talk, but Dean got up and walk off. Making everyone even Tamina sad. The doctor walk out as everyone got up. “Well Doc how is she?” Roman ask, “When she fell she hit her head pretty hard on the car, she in right now in coma as we speak.” Everyone in the room gasp as Tamina start to cry into Jey’s arms. “I’m sorry, but we don’t know how long it’s going to be until she wakes up.” Everyone nodded their heads knowing that for you to wake up was a long shot. “Thank you doc.” Roman said sitting down as he picks up David. “I’m gonna take David home everyone, I’ll be back in the morning to see her.” Everyone nodded as Naomi and Jimmy said the same. Randy on the other hand was looking for Renee. As for Tamina told Jey to go home which he did.
Dean heard everything on what the doctor said about you. He walk into your room as he entered he stop as he look at you with tears in his eyes. You was covered in wires and had a machine with a long tube down your throat. He close the door to your room as he walk over to your bed pulling up a chair then setting it next to your bed as he sat in it. Then he broke down as he put his head on your bed. “Y/n, I’m so so sorry for that night. I’m so sorry that I walk out on ya telling you that it was a mistake, when really it was not. We talk I remember talking to you for that moment on how much you cared about things.” Dean look at himself seeing that he was still covered in your blood. He look at you as he gave you a kiss, “I’ll be back in the morning to see you Y/n. Please try to wake up you have son who needs his mommy, as for his dad well that no good bastard is gonna miss out on a good time.” Dean got up and walk out of your room heading home.
One month has past since you was in coma from Nia’s attack, you face was no longer bruise up. You eye that was once swollen is now healed up, but still everyone was still had there worriers about you.
Dean was already mad at the fact that Renee did what she did, lied about everything even the part with her cheating on him with Randy. Randy was still a little shaken up about what happened to you, even send you flowers in hope that one day when you wake up you can see them here. Roman, Tamina and the rest of the family were just waiting for you to one day open your eyes just so this whole nightmare they had can come to any end.
One day Dean went to visit you while you was still in your coma state. He walk into your room as he close the door, he sigh as he sat down watching you laying in the hospital bed. “Damn Y/n I hate to see ya like this, I just hope one day when you wake up you’ll remember who you are and what you are. I’ve been keeped in the dark about your health since you know Tamina isn’t talking to me. Roman gave me a few updates about your health, but that’s it. So I just came here so I can see...what the fuck am I talking about your not any better you look like shit the next day when I came to see ya.” Dean said leaning forward. “You look much better now, your face is getting better and the swallowing it must have gone down right?” He said taking your hand.
“Damn it Y/n gave me sign that your alright. Something to tell me that you can hear me something?” Dean look down at your hand as you squeeze his hand tight making Dean jump a little. “Y/n?!” You slowly opened your eyes as you look over to see Dean looking down at you with a smile. “Y/n! Doll face your awake, your awake!” Dean said getting up.
The both of you heard the door open to see Roman and Tamina with David in the stroller. “Roman she’s awake Y/n’s awake.” The both walk over to the bed to see your eyes open as they all laugh. “Y/n your awake.” Roman said as he called for the doctor, Tamina walk over as she took your hand. “Y/n David is here his here look at him.” You moved your eyes down to see your son. You tried to reach for him, but you failed. Just then some doctors walk in as they told everyone to leave the room.
An hour past as Roman called everyone to tell them the good news that you was awake. Dean just stood here waiting for the doctors to give the ok just so they can all go back in to see you. “I’m still wondering why your here Dean?” Tamina ask Dean, “I just want to see how Y/n is that all.” She rolled her eyes at him as Roman walk back. “Yeah so everyone now is happy and they can wait until she comes back home.” They all smiled as the Doctor walk out of her room. “I see everyone is here, well you can go and see her now.” Everyone smiled as the all walk back into the room.
You held David close to your chest as you smiled looking around to see Dean, Roman and Tamina in the room with you. “Well guy I have to stay just a few more nights until everything is cleared. I’m just so happy, I barely remembered what happened?”  You look up at them as they all look at each other. “Don’t worry about dollface the only thing that matters is that your alive and that your well.” Dean said as he walk over to you. You look up at him confuse at first then it hit you you start to remember. “Your David’s…” you covered your mouth as you look at Roman and Tamina.
Dean look at you confuse, “What?” Roman walk over to Dean pulling him out of the room. “Hey man it’s nothing really she’s just confuse, remember she just woke up from her coma man it’s alright.” Dean look over Roman’s shoulder as he look into your room. “What does she mean ‘your David’s….I’m david’s what? His father?” Roman look at Dean in shock as he pat Dean’s shoulder. “No man not at all I mean why would you think that?” Dean look at Roman then back at Y/n holding David in her arms. “Alright, alright your right she just woke up so yeah ok.” Dean said making Roman sigh of relief.
   It was late visiting hours was over so Dean start to pack everything up while Tamina took David out of your arms and Roman took the stroller, as they all exited the room. Tamina, Roman and David all got into the car as Dean smiled at them waving them goodbye. Then Dean took out a spoon that you feed David knowing it had his DNA on it. Dean smiled as he toss out the the rest of the garbage. “Yeah now the truth will come out.” He look at the spoon as he puts in a small bag walking away.
Two days later you made it home with smile on your face. Your was happy as well as your father and mother. You all had a nice cookout in the backyard while you sat watching David playing in the pool with your dad. “It’s good to see you back home.” You look up to see Randy sitting down next to you. You smiled as you nodded your head. “Hey Randy wow I can’t believe your here.” You both laugh as he look at you with a smile. “Sweetheart come on look at you you look great I mean you survived that head drop from Nia and now look at ya, smiles and everything.” You laugh as you look at him, “I mean yeah true, but right now all that matters is just me trying to catch up on a month of me missing out on all the things that happened.” You said smiling at Randy.
Seth was in the kitchen when he look up he saw a smiling Dean walking in as he pat Seth in the back pretty hard. “Hey man I’m happy to, I mean she alive pretty much.” Dean shook his head as he removed his shades from his face. “Yeah I’m happy too Seth my brotha, man two days it’s been and I just got the best news ever of my life.” Seth laugh as he look at Dean, “Oh yeah what’s that?” Dean lean into Seth's ears as he whisper what it was making Seth’s smile drop from his face. Dean look at him, “So I guess this means you knew?” Seth shook his head, “I didn’t know that dude.” Dean laugh as he pat his back walking into the backyard. Seth pulled out his phone to text Roman about what Dean just told him. “DEAN KNOWS ABOUT DAVID!!”
You and Randy were sitting by the pool laughing as you both look over to see Dean walk right in. “Hey Dean my man what’s up?” Randy ask as he gave him hand shake. “Yeah well everything is great so far I’m one lucky man.” He said then he look over at you. “Hey Dean.”  You said, Dean smile as he gave you a big bear hug making you gasp for air. “Yo Dean-o!” Roman said calling Dean over. Dean let you go with a smile on his face as he walk away from you. “What was that all about?” You said looking at Randy.
Roman walk with Dean in the back as he look at him. “What ups with you man?” Dean laugh as he look at Roman, “Yeah I mean what’s up with you not telling me about David being my son?” Roman was in shock on how Dean found out about David. “Nah man I think you got it all wrong you're not the dad you….you see.” Dean shook his head as he look over to see Y/n and David playing in the pool together. “Tamina had a lot of nerves calling me out like that, only for the both of you to know about my son. I want to know how the hell did it happen.” Roman look down as he sign explaining to him everything that happened that night.
The day was turning into night everyone of your guest was leaving as you took David into his room just so he can sleep. You went back down the stairs to see Roman, Seth, Dean, Tamina all sitting on the couch. “So I guess we can called it a night?” You said. “Nah I have a game I wanna play it’s called guess who?” You laugh as you look around seeing everyone else was not laughing. “Uh yeah you need the board game with the cards to play that game.” You said. “Not this one.” Seth said, “Ok then let's play guess who? then.” You sat down on the floor looking at everyone.
“Does this person have dark blond hair?” Dean look up at you, “well yeah one dose.” He smiled as he look at you again, “Does this person have blue eyes?” “Yes” You said now getting confuse with the game. “Does this person know who his daddy is?” You look at Dean then at everyone else. “What the hell Dean?” He got sitting on the floor right in front of you. “Does this person have the most beautiful mother in world, but couldn’t tell the man she slept with because he was with someone who want to take away the most important thing?” You start to put two and two together. “Oh god.” You move back from him. “You know Dean?” He smiled at you as he took out the paper that show the DNA test. “Why did you keep that from me?” 
 You heart was pounding hard in your chest as you look around to see everyone was silent. “I did because you said it was mistake what to us that night, and plus you was with Renee.” Dean took your hand into his as he squeeze you hand. “I know what I said, but now I seen that was mistake as well. Plus you had my son David I mean that’s amazing. You didn’t even get an abortion ether babe I’m so happy for you.” You start to cry as Dean pulled you into a hug. “Shhh… don’t cry Y/n please I’m here now ok?” You nodded as you look up at while Dean look down at you with a smile kissing you on your lips. “Well I guess everything work out for the better.” Dean look up at Tamina, “really?” Dean said, Tamina gave Dean the death stair. Seth laugh while Roman sigh. “Well everyone lets get some sleep please we have a long day tomorrow.” Everyone nodded as they got up, “Oh Dean your not staying here.” “Sis please just let Dean stay for night plus I did keep him away from his son long enough.” Tamina rolled her eyes as she sigh. “Alright but the door stays open.” You smiled as you and Dean walk up the stairs to your bedroom.
Both you and Dean were in bed as you look over to see David sleeping. “I can’t believe his my son.” You look over at him with a smile, “Yeah he is your son Dean, but you also have to remember he's gonna be the only child we have because you know.” Dean smiled at you as got out of bed closing the door. David is fast asleep right?” You look over to see, “yeah he is why?” Dean lock the door as he walk up to you pulling you out of bed and into the bathroom closing the door. “Now this may sound crazy, but it’s time for me to have a daughter are you down doll face?” You laugh a little as you nodded your head kissing Dean on the lips.
Roman, Tamina, Seth, Chris, Sharon, and Dean were all in the devilry room waiting for your newest member of the family to come. “You know Dean you could have wait maybe two or three years.” Tamina said with her arms cross. “Hey what can I say I couldn’t wait I need to have a daughter.” Everyone laugh as Sharon was hold David who was now a year and half. “But you know what the sooner the better for the other babies to come.” The nurse wheeled you in with your daughter Emma in her arms. “Were here everyone.” You said with a smile on your face. Everyone walk over to see Emma in your arms. “Aww look at her she looks just like her daddy.” You look up at your father Chris, “Yeah dad to much like her father.” “Hey” Dean said, but you laugh it off. “Hey there pretty girl were your uncles my name is Seth and this is Roman.” She smile as she heard the names making everyone awww. “And this big guy right here is your brother David.” Sharon said, “Mommy why she looks funny?” Everyone laugh as Dean look at him. “Well son she’s was just born so her face looks like that.” David look at her then look back up at his father. “I don’t like it.” Everyone laugh, “Well I love you both no matter what.” Dean said as you pick up David then he walk next to you giving you a sofa kiss on the lips. “I love you Dean.” He smiled, “I love you too Y/n.”  
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Dating Tamina Would Include
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You two work together for years, but you never really interacted much
Then, you get brought in on a storyline together and start spending time together
You develop a crush, but you don’t think she likes you, so you leave it be
Several people straight-up tell you that Tamina likes you and that you should go for it
However, it isn’t until she kisses you that it settles in your head
“You like me?” “Yes, I like you. I wouldn’t have kissed you if I didn’t.” 
Your first date is a picnic at a park before a show
The two of you keep your relationship a secret for a long time
People perceive your dates as hangouts because they still think neither of you ever made a move
The shakeup separates the two of you and that’s really hard for you
She calls you on the days you absolutely can’t see each other
When you get an injury, you don’t see it as awful, you see it as an opportunity to see Tamina more often
You surprise her at a show and she tells you that she loves you and how worried she was about you
Everybody seems shocked when you kiss her and tell her that you love her too
People are staring, but neither of you care
“We’ve been dating guys.” 
While you recover, you travel with her and she keeps up with your doctor’s appointments
She’s very caring and nurturing, even when you think you don’t deserve it
When it’s time for you to start training again, Tamina takes a break to make sure she’s 100% there for you
The week you get cleared has to be one of the best weeks of your entire life
First, you get the clearance to perform, then Tamina asks you to move in with her, and you get moved to the same brand as her again. 
She lets you get a dog and really works to integrate you into her family
Once everybody who needs to know you, gets to know you, the two of you talk marriage
You don’t want to rush things, so you decide to plan the wedding and let your families in on it too just to prolong things. 
It takes almost a year before everything is done, but the day is worth the wait of a lifetime
Her family lets you in on the wrestling dynasty and they offer to show you some “family moves” 
The reception party is wild and you end up hungover for the first night of your honeymoon, but that doesn’t deter you in the slightest 
In fact, it just means that you’re even less likely to go out where the sunlight is
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Champion’s Agenda (Tamina x Reader)
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You waited patiently for Tamina to get done with her match. Your match had been the opening and hers was the second to last one. It was supposed to be a promo run-in turned into the start of a feud. You were happy about it, especially since she was going to get to feud with Bayley. In all of the time that you’d worked at the WWE, you’d never seen Tamina really pushed towards a title and you believed that she more than deserved it. 
“You look a little nervous,” Nia said and you turned around to look at the other woman. “She’s gonna do fine. This is long overdue, she’s been ready.” 
“I know that, but are they ready for her?” The question had meant a lot, but wasn’t really aimed anywhere. It was just something that you had to ask because it’d been burning on the tip of your tongue since Tamina told you about the story line. 
“If they aren’t, they’ll adapt,” Nia promised you. You nodded and turned your attention back to the monitor. Tamina came out to interrupt Bayley and it turned into a brawl a lot quicker than you’d expected. When it was all said and done, you waited for Tamina to come back to you. She seemed a little tired, but overjoyed at the same time. “You did good out there.” 
“Really?” Tamina asked and you nodded in agreement with Nia’s statement. Tamina smiled and wrapped her arms around you as she dragged you back to the locker room with her. “It’s gonna happen for me, it really is.” 
“You deserve it,” you told her. That optimism stayed as you helped her through the feud. It took longer than you thought it would to get to the PPV main event where Tamina would strip Bayley of the Smackdown Title with you by her side. You had never been so proud of her in your entire life and you had felt honored that she picked you to be by her side when she won the title. 
Backstage, everybody congratulated her and told her how much she deserved it. You were happy to get to be the quiet arm candy for the night. Tamina had appreciated the attention, but something was making her antsy. The two of you got out of there relatively quickly and when you were alone, you realized what it was. Luckily, the hotel within walking distance from where the PPV was being held. 
“I couldn’t ask for anybody else to be by my side,” Tamina said and you blushed. She kissed your cheek and you turned and kissed her. The two of you made out in the elevator, separating only once it stopped on your floor. There was a party, there always were after PPVs, but tonight the two of you skipped the festivities in exchange for a night alone. It was rarely quiet enough for the two of you to have moments like that and you had every intention of using it. 
“So what’s on the champion’s agenda for tonight?” you asked and Tamina picked you up bridal style. 
“There’s only one thing on my to-do list for tonight and I’m looking at her,” Tamina told you. You leaned in to kiss her and she closed the distance. She carried you to the bed and laid you down gently. Every move she made had a purpose, she wasn’t letting the adrenaline cut through her desire to savor this night with you. 
You got goosebumps when she dragged her hands down your arms or up your thighs. The feeling of her body on top of yours made you feel safe and loved because you knew you could count on her no matter what. As much as you wanted her to take your clothes off, you enjoyed the little touches and passionate kisses. Everything was building up to a moment and good things come to girls who wait. 
All of the lingering touches and slow kisses built up to something more heated. Her inhibitions thinned out as she removed your clothes. The restraint she’d been showing was disappearing and you’d never felt more wanted than in those moments. Once she was in between your legs, she took her time with you once again. Slowly, your moans filled the hotel room until you were screaming out her name in ecstasy. Afterwards, you laid back on the bed, panting, as she watched you with a small smile on her face. 
“Anything else on the champion’s agenda?” you asked and she shook her head. “Are you sure?” 
“I’m very sure. All I want now is to lay here with you and to sleep in as much as I can,” Tamina told you. You nodded and slipped out of bed to grab one of her shirts and a pair of underwear to sleep in. You laid back down with her and let yourself relax in her arms, knowing she wouldn’t sleep until you were asleep.
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darktammy · 5 years
A Secret From the Lunatic (Part 3)
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tag: @demonkingsangel @myadm1234 @living-the-life-1996 @instantbouquetdestinysblog @thejulietfarciertlove @thelonelunatic @sausagefest1996 @sassybrose @wwesarahjaneroszko @ambrollinsbabe @ambrosesnerd @ambrosiac1993 @sithlita @livlyf247 @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @bluepunkrock @balorbarnes @deanslildevil2019 @vampfreak94-blog @bossjamie21 @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @dopeybubbles @shadowwgirl92 @trashofambrolleigns @malfoyy123 @fabulousrockstar @stressed-out-heathen @xsapphirerose @thatwrestlingfan91
Anyone else want’s to be tag let me know and I’ll tag ya (Enjoy)
You look at you son with a smile on your face, as you held his little toy over his head shaking it. “Yeah David you like that don’t you my little man. Look at you already time has fly and already your almost 6 months old, your starting to look like your father as well.” As the smile almost drop from your face. “Who would thought you was going to come out so cute tho.” As you pick him up hold him in your arms. Your father Chris walk in with his new wife Sharon Tamina’s mom. “Well now look at this young man all big now.” Sharon took David from you as she gave him a kiss. “I know his big, but I’m just happy that his healthy and strong.” Chris your father had a smile on his face he took his hand. “He looks just like Dean now you look at it. You know Y/n sooner or later he's going to find out about David you know your gonna have to tell him.” You nodded your head.
During the show Renee ran into Nia as she smiled at her. “So is the plain ready?” Nia nodded her head as she look at Renee. “Are you sure this is going to work?” Renee smiled as she nodded, “Oh yes I made Dean sign all the paperwork so that way he can be the father of his own kid, even tho we both know he is the father, but the whole point is David is coming home to his father and his new mother.” She smiled as she look at Nia.
Later on that day you was finished feeding your son, you pick him up and put him in his playpen as you clean up the mess that he made. There was a loud knock on the door, your father ran to the door opening only to see a man standing there with two police officer. “Were here with child services, we got numerous calls about this place, about a child being dirty and being abuse.” The man walk right in with the officers. You walk out of the kitchen to see this man running to pick David up in his arms. “Hey! That’s my baby what are you doing?” You try to walk up to him, but the officer stop you. “That’s my baby what the hell?!” Sharon walk into the room as the other officer stop her. “This baby needs to be removed right now so if you don’t mind excuse me.” The man took little David away. Your father try to stop him by trying to grab David but the man push your father making him fall to the floor. “Chris!!” Sharon yelled out loud. You was screaming from the top of your lungs as you heard your son crying from what was going on. You try to fight off the officer, but he held you back as you keep screaming out David’s name.
Two days has past and Renee was home with your son David hold him in her arms. Dean came home with a smile as he look at Renee hold what he thought was another dog, but the smile drop on his face when he saw it was David. “Babe what the hell?” She smiled as she walk up to Dean giving him a kiss on his lips. “Yeah well this is David, David Ambrose our new baby.” Dean shook his head as he walk up the stairs thinking on what just happened. Renee still has a smile on her face. “Look at you little sweetheart, now your going to have your daddy and me as your new mommy.” She said kissing him.
You was still lying in bed holding yourself as your eyes red and puffy. Roman was down stairs with Tamina trying to make some calls while Seth called his buddy Josh to see if they know who was the man that toke David. “Nothing man.” Seth said as he covered his face trying to hold back his tears. “I’m going to see if Chris is alright mom ok.” She nodded her head as Tamina got up with her phone in hand making some calls. Sharon got up as she walk into the kitchen making some tea. “Hey man maybe we should call Dean see if he can help out.” Seth look over at Roman. “And let him know the truth that ‘hey man Y/n’s baby was taking and oh yeah the reason why we need your help is because your the father.’ Nah man we can’t, I already have my cousin Dwayne on the lookout plus he can found the guy who took David from Y/n.” Seth nodded as he went back to work.
Nia was out with her friends when she got the call about David being taken away. Nia knew about the whole thing. She even help Renee set the whole thing up by photo shop the pictures of David with bruises and making him look like he has not eaten in days. Nia knew this was bad, but she had to just to make up for what happened with Dean and Y/n. She was the reason for this whole mess, all because she just want to have a one nightstand with Dean. She look at her phone as Tamina told her about David, Nia only told her I’ll make some calls. She look at her dog then sigh. “I wonder if what I did was the right thing?” as she pets him over the head a few times.
Dean had a smile on his face while he was holding David in his arms. “Well little man I guess I’m your new dad, your cute kid I can tell you that.” He said with a smile. “You know I think I’ve seen you somewhere before. Did I seen you somewhere before?” Dean look at him closely as David laugh. Dean smiled as he sat down on the floor with him. “So what can you do uh? Like can you do some tricks or...can you talk?” David laugh he puts his fingers in his mouth. “Nah still to young, but I swear I think I’ve seen you before, I just can’t put my finger on it.” He start to play with David as Renee was looking on from the other room with a smile. She walk into the kitchen with a smile on her face. “Y/n you took away my one chance on having a family, to bad now I have my family.” Renee look out the window from there home with a smile.
Dwayne stop by as he got some news about the men who took David from you. “Alright so from what I got from what my people told me, that this guy the day he took David got fired because he send David off to family which is unknown.” You sat there on the sofa looking tired and pale. “Well what’s his name?” You ask softly, “He name is Robert the last place he was staying was here right before he was fired. Now we don’t know where he is.” Everyone one start to look at each other as you got up to look at the picture of Robert. “I think I know someone who can help with that man.” Jimmy said. “Oh nah man not him that’s the last we need right about now man.” Jey said. “Yeah but Jey my babe is right about this Randy is the only man who can help.” Naomi said as she stood right next to you. “Then we all go.” You said.
You follow Jimmy, Namio, and Jey as you all made it for the live show. Jimmy told you that he was take care of it. Once you guys found Randy Jimmy walk up to him and start ask him about this man name Robert. “Yeah you see this guy right here I know you know who he is cuz you talk about him one time.” Randy look at the photo, “Oh yeah I know him that’s Renee’s closes friend Robert.” Jimmy’s eyes widen as he heard the one name he didn’t think he was going to hear. “Did you say Renee?” Randy laugh as he look at him. “Yeah man I mean when me and Renee was messing around while Dean was out she told me about him you know.” Jimmy look at you funny, “Wait what? Nah man Renee with you?’ Randy laugh as he look at Jimmy. “Yeah man I mean good times, but after Dean came back she drop me like a bad habit.” Jimmy nodded his head as he thank him. “Hey man why did you even ask?’ Jimmy point over to where Jey Namio, and Y/n was standing. “Is that...Y/n?” Jimmy nodded, “yeah man this guy took her baby away, and since you gave me a heads up we now know who to talk to, again thanks.” Randy watch Jimmy walk back to the group as he keep his eyes on you. “Renee, Renee, Renee, I’m not helping you out on this one, but I can talk to Y/n.” Randy said drinking down his coffee.
Renee was in the locker room with Dean and David with a smile on her face. Dean look at his phone as he saw a text from Roman asking Dean if he’s around. Dean text back by telling him yeah and that he’ll meet up with him. “Babe I’ll be back.” Renee smiled as she watch him walk out the room. Renee puts David down in his playpen with a smile. “Y/n’s kid uh Renee?” Randy said making Renee look back. “No his my son now.” He shook his head as he walk in looking right a david. “Yeah he look just like Dean, damn your bitch Renee.” She look at him ready to scream. “You need to leave right now Randy or else I’ll call Dean right back in here!” Randy look at Renee blowing her kiss as he look back down at David with a smile, then he walk out of the room. Randy smile because he had an idea on how to help Y/n get David back.
Dean was already with Seth and Roman then from the corner of Dean’s eyes he saw you standing with Tamina. Dean was wondering what was wrong with you, but before he could walk up to you Seth call him over. “Yo Dean-o come here man, we need to talk.” Dean walk over to Seth and Roman while he still keep looking back at you. “Yeah what’s up you guys I can’t be away from Renee for to long.” Roman shook his head as he look back to see Randy walking in walking with Y/n. “Yeah man listen we need to have a talk, but like a long one because this has a lot to due with alot of shit that happened like way back then.” Dean rolled his eyes as he sat down. Then he look back to see only Tamina and Randy talking.
You started walking to the locker room that Randy told you about. “My baby David if his right if Randy is so right I’m gonna have to make it up to him.” You keep walking around just so you can find the locker room that David was in.
Nia walk into Renee’s locker room. “Hey we have big problem Renee.” She look up at Nia as she pulls her out of the room. “What David is sleeping right now.” Nia handed her some papers about Robert’s arrest yesterday. “If he runs his mouths about me and you were both done for, my cousin Dwayne got involved with this and you know how he knows people and somehow got your bro in jail for kidnapping.” Nia said making Renee nerves. “Ok you know what I’m gonna look for Dean and were leaving watch David for me will ya Nia.” She nodded her head as Renee ran off looking for Dean. You on the other hand was standing around the corner as you head everything those two where behind the whole thing. You look just see Nia standing by the door. You thought of something just so she can get away and that idea made you smile.
“Nia your match is up next you need to go now.” Naomi said pushing Nia away from the door, Nia try to protest, but couldn’t. That work as you walk to the door opening it then closing it right behind you. There….you saw him….your son David sound asleep. “My baby...my David!” You said picking him up slowly. You held him close to your heart as you rock him side to side with a smile on your face. You quickly grab his jacket putting it on him. You open the door looking at both sides as you walk right out the room closing the door right behind you.
Renee found Dean with the guys as she walk right in. “Dean we need to leave like right now.” Dean look at Renee as he stood up. “What what’s wrong?” Renee look up at Dean, “We need to go now it’s my mother she’s sick and she needs up so we have to go like right now.” She told Dean grabbing him by the arm and pulling him away. “Hey Renee hold up.” Dean said. Tamina, Namoi both walk right behind them as Seth and Roman followed right behind them.
Randy was walking in the parking lot until he saw you hold David close to your chest. “Y/n what are you doing?” You look at him, “Randy, please, please don’t tell just please.” He shook his head as he walk up to you with a smile, “Hey I’ll help you, but not like this sweetheart.” You want to cry as you look back just hoping that Renee didn’t come back. “Please Randy just let me….” “Y/N!!” You and Randy look back to see Nia walking up to you. “You took David you bitch!” You handed David over to Randy as you walk up to Nia. “Oh yeah well you help Renee take my baby away for what just so you can get fuck by Dean!” You both stop right in the opening in the parking lot. “You know Nia I get it that you never like me, but guess what I don’t care, I was kind and loving to you only for you to stab me in the back!” You said, “Oh I’m so sorry miss ‘I’m better than you’, but guess what who cares. All you ever do is try to be the center of attention even since you had that baby, but I guess that didn’t work.” Nia said pushing back. “You know what Nia your nothing more than just a stupid fat ugly bitch and that’s why no man wants you!.” You tried to push her but instead Nia picks you up out of anger. “Nia!! STOP!!” Rand yelled as he watch you screaming. “Nia Stop!!!” Randy just stood there holding David in his arms as he watch Nia drop you hitting you head on the car then on the floor. Everyone ran to where the noise was coming from just  to see the horror.
Renee and Dean walk back into there locker room only to found David gone. “Where is he!” Dean said as he look around the room. “Where's who? Naomi said. “David our son.” Renee said making everyone in the look at her. “David?! You mean Y/n’s son?” Tamina said grabbing Renee by her arms. “I knew it I knew you was the one who was behind this.” Roman pulled Tamina away. “Hang on for a minute Renee you had David the whole?” Seth look at Dean then back at Renee. “That’s it Renee you had Robert take David away from Y/n.” Dean look at Seth confuse, but right before anyone could say anything they heard Randy yelling at Nia as everyone ran out the room. Everyone ran into the parking lot Dean seeing Nia dropping Y/n head first on the car. Then everyone else came after, Dean not wasting time he ran to you as he fell to his knees picking you up, but stopping as he saw blood gushing out from you head. “Y/N!! Oh god Y?N!!” Tamina covered her mouth as she look at you, Roman ran to Randy taking David out of his arms. “Call for help now!” He said. Dean already holding you in his arms, now not caring about who’s watching him. “Hey Y/n wake up, wake up sweetheart, please,please wake up oh god please don’t die on us, please.” As tears started to run down on Dean’s face. Tamina sat down next to him as she look on. “You see that Tamina do you see my face now! If Y/n dies i’m never gonna be the same, because I love her, I fucking love her, I love you Y/n!” as he lean his head close to yours.
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darktammy · 6 years
A secret from the Lunatic
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If anybody else want to be tag in let me know and I’ll add ya
Tag @instantbouquetdestinysblog @thelonelunatic @wwesarahjaneroszko @sassybrose @balorbarnes @softambrollins @bluepunkrock @livlyf247 @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @myadm1234 @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @ambrollinsbabe
You sat in the middle of your bedroom knees close to your chest head down crying your eyes out. You look down at the test pregnant, buy how the hell did that happened? You knew how you just  though did he use a condom? Didn’t he pull out on time? Whatever it was you are now pregnant with his child. You look up at your father who took the test to see. “It’s ok Y/n it’s ok you know you're my only child and if your going to have this baby then it would make me the happiest man on earth.” He said sitting next to you. You nodded your head, “Yeah but what about her?” Your father Chris sigh, “She’s not my wife nor will she ever will be because she needs to understand some things. I just want her for booty call.” You both laugh as you look up at your father. “Your mother was the only women for me and if she was alive I think she would have been the one here sitting next to you not me.” You smiled giving your father a hug.
You laid in the hospital bed holding your son David in your arms with a smile. “Look at you my baby boy look at you David, oh my god my son look at you sweetheart!” You gave your son a kiss on his little chubby cheeks. Your father Chris had tears coming down his face as he look at his grandson. “Ahh….David that’s the name your gonna give him?” You nodded your head as you cry tears of joy. You look back at your son seeing how he looks just like his father you just nodded your head as you gave him one last kiss.    
You was wide wake at 4am rocking your son to sleep all because he just want to be out of his crib. “I see your up at this time.” You look back to see your step-sister Tamina you rolled your eyes as you look back at the tv. “Yeah yeah leave me alone I’m tired I have headache right now and all I want to do is go back to sleep.” She laugh as she made some coffee, “You know your son is cute he looks his father more than you what’s his name again?” You look back at her, “Don’t worry about it he doesn't need to know about it, and I swear if you tell him…” She cuts you off. “Tell him, tell Dean that he has a son with my step-sister?”
You just look back at your son, Tamina walk over to you looking down at you. “Understand something Y/n, Dean needs to know sooner or later. If not from you then from Jimmy and Jey if not from them then Roman, and you know there bros at heart. If not from him then Nia plus we know it was her fault for this whole mess in the first place.” She sat down next to you taking David into her arms giving your arms a break. “Yeah, but it was my fault as well I mean I should have had a condom or something.” You said looking down at the floor. Timina shook her head at you with a smile, “Then David here wouldn’t have been born right?” Making you look at her as you laugh a bit. “Yeah true, let me put him back to bed so I can get some sleep because I know the rest of the family is coming over later on to see him.” Timina shook her head, “I’ll do it you get some rest remember the party start at 6 tonight.” You nodded your head as you walk back into your room just to get some sleep.
“You know David I hate to say it, but once your uncle Roman see you for the first time he’s gonna put two and two together and see that Dean is your father.” She look at him with a smile on her face. “Don’t worry tho we love you no matter what, well me that is because I’m your second mommy.” David smiled. “Hey I thought you was sleeping big boy!” She laugh.
Later on the night you had on a nice looking Dress while David had one his cute little suit on making everyone aww even your father. You held on to your son as Tamina stood next you with a smile. “You can hand him over if you want?” You smile as you look at her. “I think you done enough for us thanks sis.” You both laugh as she took him anyways hold him. You look over to see the big dog the one and only Roman walking into the room with a smile. “Alright where’s the little man at!” You and Tamina walk over to him, “Hey there Tamina Y/n how are two?” You both nodded as Roman took your son in his arms. “Hey there big man look at ya.” He laugh as you told Tamina you was going to the bathroom.
“So look at him his so cute Ro I can’t believe Y/n had her first child.” Roman laugh as he look at him. “Yeah to bad for his dad tho, his gonna miss out on all the good things with this little guy.” Tamina’s smile drop as she look the other way. “Yeah well have you seen Nia she never miss a party?” She look back Roman, “nah she said she couldn’t make it, she was sick or something like that.” Roman shrugs as he look back at David. “I see you made it big guy!” Both Roman and Tamina look over to see Dwayne walking over with big smile on his, plus with a big blue basket in hand. “Yeah man is this him? Aww look at him so cute Roman give him to me.” Dwayne said taking him out of his arms.
All three were having fun with David while you was in the bathroom crying your eyes out. “Oh my god please, please i’m begging you don’t let Roman put two and two together. I know he's not stupid.” You look at the mirror seeing your puffy and red. You wash your face and did your makeup over again before you walk back to the party.
You heard the door as you open it you saw Roman and Tamina standing by the door. “We heard you crying is everything ok?” Tamina walk in hugging you. “I think she was worried if I knew.” They both look up at him, as Roman nodded his head. “Yeah that little boy belongs to Dean alright, I mean come on he look just like him.” You start to cry once again as Tamina hugged you. “Please Roman don’t tell Dean, if he founds out who knows what he’ll do.” Roman nodded his head as he walk into the bathroom to sit on the edge of the tub. “I never keep secrets from my family never and you know that Tamina.” She nodded as she look at him. “Alright alright just this once I’ll keep my mouth shut about this one.” Tamina smiled as she gave Roman a big hug. “Now about you explain to me how Y/n ended up with Dean’s baby.” She nodded as she look at him.
After the party was over Tamina held on to David in her arms as you start to clean up the mess that was left. “You sure Roman is not going to tell Dean?” You said putting away the leftover food away. “Yes and plus were back on the road again so I’ll keep an eye on him as well.” You giggle a little as you finish with the rest of the stuff. “Alright well you two go to bed I’m going to clean up the rest of the trash that was left behind.” You said with a smile, Tamina start to walk up the stairs with David. “You smiled at the fact Roman knew and he was not going to tell made you so much better inside. Even tho your still mad at Nia for what she had done that night that night you remember it so well.
That night you, Tamina, Nia, and Naomi all went to the bar in the hotel that night. You all sat together laughing it up drinking down drinks as you all enjoyed yourselves. “So Y/n do you have a boyfriend yet?” Nia ask you and you told her, “Well no not really I mean I’m not ready for one, well not yet anyways.” Naomi laugh as she look at you. “Girl you better found one, because if not your going to be all alone forevea.” as they all laugh. Nia look over to see Seth, Roman and Dean walking in. “Oh look the boys just showed up.” Everyone look over to see the guys sitting at the bar. “He looks cute.” Nia look at you with a smile, “who?” You point at the one with the dirty blond hair with blue eyes. Then all the girls had a smile on here face. “Dean Ambrose!” Naomi hush Nia as they all turn here heads away. “Oh my god him Y/n him?” Timina ask.
You just smiled as you drank your drink down, you all laugh as Roman look back to see the girls sitting laughing with each other. Roman shook his head as him and guys start drinking there beer. Nia had an idea, but waited for the girls to be done which didn’t take that long. You and the rest of the girls headed into the hotel rooms you had your own room while Naomi went back to her husband and Tamina and Nia shared one. You was so drunk that you took off your clothes then turn on the shower, just then you heard a knock on the door. “Who?” Nothing then a knock on the door again this time harder than before. You walk to the door opening it not caring who sees you naked. “Hey wow you look hot!” Dean yelled out licking his lips. You pulled him in knowing how loud he was.
You look at him knowing his drink as hell then it hit you, you have nothing on and the shower was running. You turn around just to look for something to wear until Dean pulled you close to him. “Man you have to hots for me uh…?” You tried to fight him off but he was just to strong for ya. “Dean please stop it what are you doing?” Dean laughs as he picked you up then carried you into the bathroom where the water was running. “Nia told me all about it dollface, yeah she had you have the hots for me, and I guess I can say the same for you as well Y/n.” You turn your head to look at him. “What?” He smiled at you as he kissed your lips. “She told me that you love it when a men does this to you.” Dean slap your ass hard making you moan as you covered your mouth. He laugh as he did it again a few more times making you moan.
After a few more slaps you look back to see Dean already shirtless undoing his pants, all you could do is smile as you keep your lustful eyes on him. “I’m so ready for ya Dean.” He laugh as he start to rub his manhood a few times. “Oh yeah baby I can’t wait either, but first get your pretty little ass in that shower!” You laugh as you did what you was told. That night you both had what was to you the best mind blowing sex ever. After you both done in the shower due to the fact that it was got cold you finish it up in the bed. The next morning when you woke up you look around your hotel room. Clothes on the floor your shoes by the door along with some black boots? You turn to see Dean sleeping in the bed he woke up just to see you sitting up in shock by just happened. “Oh fuck, fuck fuck, shit this is not good not good at all.” Dean jump out of the bed as he start to put his clothes back on. “I swear to everything I love I won't tell.” You said looking up at him. He got his boots in his hand as he stop to look back at you, “uh yeah that’s cool, but I think this was a mistake I’m sorry, but I already have a girlfriend which I hope she doesn't kill me later.” That was the last time you saw Dean Ambrose that morning.
Now here you are laying in bed with your son in his crib sleeping. You had a smile on your face because of your baby, but sad because you knew Dean was with Renee and the best thing to do is just keep it quiet it’s all you can do. You still blame Nia for what she did that night, telling Dean that Renee was in the room that you was in, then spiking Dean’s drink. You laid in bed still mad at her for this. For ruining your life as you was one happy women.
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darktammy · 6 years
A secret from the lunatic (part 2)
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Tag: @instantbouquetdestinysblog @ambrollinsbabe @thelonelunatic @thejulietfarciertlove @sassybrose @livlyf247 @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @ambrosesnerd @myadm1234 @balorbarnes @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @thepalaceofmelanie @thejulietfarciertlove @demonkingsangel
Roman was in the back of the SUV while Seth was driving and Dean in the passenger side texting his girl. “Hey Ro how was the party?” Roman look at Seth with smile, “Yeah it was awesome man, David is cute kid. He already knows how to piss Y/n off.” Making everyone laugh as Seth look over at Dean. “Hey man you been text Renee for while just wait until we get to the hotel.” Roman look over to see Dean, “Yeah well she not answering, and also she’s been acting strange.” Seth nodded as he keep his eyes on the road. “Hey man maybe she needs some girl time that’s all.” Dean nodded, “Yeah anyways how was the little guy?” Dean said looking back at Roman. “Little man is just fine, if only his dad knew.”  Both men look at each other then Dean look back at Roman. “What do you mean?” Roman rolled his eyes as he look over at Dean. David’s father is a lunatic if he only knew how to keep it wrap up then he won't been born. He dad ran off on his mother because they had a one night stand in the hotel…” Roman stop as he look up at Dean who was confuse. “Never mind you guys that’s just me talking crazy.” Roman look out the window.
Tamina was in the women's locker room getting ready for her tag team match with Nia, “Hey how did the party go?” Nia said. “It was great we all had fun Dwayne got David a big basket of baby things. Roman got some clothes and other baby stuff.” She said looking up at her. “Yeah well I’m glad you guys had great time too bad to couldn’t make it cuz you I was sick.” Tamina nodded her head as she sigh getting up. “I’m ready for our match are you?” Nia nodded her head as they both walk out of the locker room.
Roman had a smile on his face while looking at the picture of him and David. “Hey cute kid she had.” Roman look up at Seth with a smile, “Yeah I still can’t believe it, Y/n had her first baby now she happy as a clam.” Seth laugh as Roman put his phone away. “Hey Roman I can’t help, but to wonder something.” Roman look at Seth, “David looks just like Dean.” Roman flinch as he look at Seth. “What nah man no way.” Seth shook his head. “Come on man I’m not that stupid Dean went to Y/n hotel room that night then she turn up pregnant, like only a dumb ass will not know that.” Roman look at Seth funny. “Ok well Dean I guess, but come on man.” Roman look down. “Just don’t tell Dean ok?” Seth nodded his head as they both got ready for there match.
Dean was walking with Renee in the back as they both laugh and kiss each other. “You know what babe?” Renee smile up at Dean, “We should get married.” Renee had a big smile on her face. “Really babe?” He nodded his head as they both hug then kiss each other. “Oh my god I can’t…..” Dean kiss Renee again. In the back Randy was standing here angry with what he heard about Renee. “I can’t believe this shit.” Randy walking away.
After Raw everyone was at there hotel rooms ether talking or rest just so they can get ready for the road tomorrow. Tamina was on video chat with you and David. “Look at my big man look who’s giving mommy a hard time to sleep.” She coo on the screen. You laugh as you keep the phone in your hand chatting with her. “Yeah he’s been a hand full since you left,but now his good.” You said laughing. Tamina smiled as you both keep on talking away about what you both will do once she came home. You stop laughing as you look right behind her. Your face turning pale. “Oh hey Dean.” Tamina look behind her just to see Dean standing here. “Hey Y/n how’s…” You ended the call making Tamina mad. “Really Dean? Don’t you have Renee to suck your dick for your enjoyment?” She walk away from Dean as he look at her confuse but also mad. Dean just want to know how you was doing after what happened that night when he walk out on you.
The next day everyone was on the road driving to the next town to start to show. Tamina was in the back with Roman while Dean was in the front and Seth was driving. Roman was looking at Tamina while she keep on texting you back about the baby. “You know you can keep us in the loop. Some of us want to know how little David is doing.” Seth said, Roman look at him, “Y/n said all David keeps on doing is kicking her in the face after giving him a bath.” Everyone in the car laugh. “How cute, how is she anyways?” Dean look back at Tamina, who look up at him. “She fine Dean never been better after becoming a mom she been pretty good.” She look back at her phone as she saw a picture of David came up making her aww. Dean keep his eyes on her.
“You know I’m not gonna lie, I like your sister Y/n.” Tamina, Roman look at Dean while Seth said “what?” Dean nodded his head as he look back at the road. After what happened that night I felt bad about it. Then over time from what I heard from you Tamina how sweet she was I start to like her.” She look at Dean as she rolled her eyes. “Yeah but after you took her virginity that night she has never been the same. So please tell me Dean do you like Y/n only because you pop her cherry?, or because your getting tired of Renee because her cherry was already pop along time ago?” Tamina with a attitude looking at Dean. Roman look at Tamina, “Hey come on now chill out.” Seth agreed, “Yeah Tam, just relax.” She rolled her eyes as Dean just puts his headphone on. Little did anyone know Dean did fall for you, after that one night after you both made out you both talk as you had sex once again.
Live show was great everyone had fun Nia with Tamina the boys in the Shield everyone had fun. They all went to the bar to celebrate after the show. Dean was sitting with Renee while the rest was at the bar drinking. “So Dean about the whole marriage thing, how are we going to do it?” She had a smile on her face. Dean smiled back giving her a kiss. “Hopefully once were done with this whole tour then we get back home relax and plain out the wedding.” Randy who was sitting right behind them was not to happy. “If you only knew Dean if you only knew what Renee did.” He start to drink his beer.
After the bar Nia bump into Renee as she smiled at her. “Hey Renee how are ya?” She smiled as she jump a little with joy. “I’m great you have no idea. Dean was talking about marrying me.” They both start to jump as they yelled. “So when is the wedding?” Renee laugh, “Were planning it all out.” They both start to laugh after that, “Hey Renee I’m glad you got over what Dean did with my step-cousin that night.” She rolled her eyes as she look at Nia. “Oh please Y/n that’s all she wanted was some hot guy like my Dean to just get in there pants that’s all.” Nia nodded her head as she look down. Nia remember that night very well. “Yeah well Y/n she can be a hand full, but hey i’m glad your both over it so now you both can move on.” Renee smiled as she gave Nia a hug. Then both walk back to there rooms as Nia entered her hotel room as she sat down on her bed and start to think about what happened that night.
All of you were sitting at the round table Nia Tamina, Naomi having fun. Nia was going to get the drinks Nia order up another round of drinks while she look over to see Dean with Renee making her mad. So she got an Idea she took out a small roofie out of her pocket then told the man to order a beer for Dean and to make sure he take this ‘candy’ that he loves. Nia smiled as she was bring the drinks back to the table. Later that night Nia waited for Dean to come over into her room. Nothing happened so just got ready for bed. Then she heard some funny noise coming in the other side of the wall. “Oh my god is that….Dean….and….Y/n?” Nia sat up as she heard the moaning and name calling. “No.” She said as tears started to rolled down her face.
Everyone was getting ready to head home Tamina was ready to head home just so she can see you and David. “I can’ wait to see them uh I miss them so much.” She said with a smile on her face. “Yeah I know and I can’t wait until he gets older so that way I can show him how to be a real man.” Roman said. They all laugh as they all got on the airplane to head back home. Renee and Dean made back home as she start to unpack she found a letter from Nia telling her what had happened that night at the bar. Renee sat down on her bed as she read the letter that Nia left for her.
“Renee I’m so sorry about what I did to Dean. It was supposed to a joke, but for him to end up with Y/n in that room that night I’ll take the blame for that. Then after that night I mean come on we both know Y/n was pregnant after let’s so the math here. We know the baby David belongs to Dean. I’m so sorry on how you had to found out about this. Tamina is the only one who knows about Dean being the father, but please, please try not to do anything crazy about this. Remember this Dean is the father so why not try to figure something out.”
Renee had tears in her eyes, as she finished reading the letter. She start to think about David then an idea came to her. “Oh I know what to do I know exactly what I’m going to do. Dean won’t know about it until after it’s over, but Nia is going to help me.” As she started to crumble up the paper.  
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