#tamika wiggins
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sapphirebluephoenix · 3 months ago
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I think tamika's Pokemon team given the rules you yourself have created for this idea would be
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I don't know Tamika's character as well, so I'd love other people's opinions on if this is a fitting team- and an explanation too, if you're willing. It is a cool team!
And of course if anyone's curious I'd be willing to explain my thought processes for each of the characters I've given teams/pokémon to, too!
My own choices for Tamika are below (:
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An ace mega-Mawile, Medicham, Blaziken, Shiny Gardevoir (fits colour palette better), Absol and Banette.
Mostly fighting or fairy types, with Absol because I like it and think it'd be fitting for her to have had an insanely powerful pokemon, maybe as her first? and Banette to represent her overcoming her fear of dolls.
Once again though, would love everyone's thoughts!
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therummonster · 1 year ago
happy bnuuy
here's the full image!
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they hopefully have all been scattered across the inboxes, but here's the full version i made!
i had to quadruple my usual drawing board for this-
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also i wanted to add a link to everyone that's A) received bnuuy, and B) answered to bnuuy.
Alexis, Sterling, & Astra (Blue Jade, Lorel)
Unice Versai (Humdrum)
B Team (Lemongal)
Glowstone (Lorel)
Clayton, Tamika, & Cosmara (12cluh, Fig)
Archie and Zashi (Ammonite)
Seabeast (Pirate Fish)
Panini Trio (Cat Party, Tadpole)
Heath & Naseko (Masquerade)
Tayrun & Kayla ()
Sci-5 (Sapphire)
Eloise & Harold (Moonpizza)
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incorectmvt · 3 months ago
Grace: mama what do you want for Christmas
Tamika: honestly I just want Clayton to get run over by a reindeer
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figitorynonsense · 1 year ago
I swear. the MOMENT we get an official design for Tamika, I’m gonna be drawing a catified design and a piece of fanart of her saying “not today, Satan!”
hell yea
i have so many scenes of her that i need to draw right now I NEED THE DESIGN GRAHHHHH
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thepiratefish · 1 year ago
Benny to Tamika: I like you I'm glad you put that arrogant Clayton in his place
They take turns parenting Mara <3
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l3m0ngal5 · 11 months ago
Dabble idea Tamika takes a look at the menu and see that Eric has put her husband's favorite drink on the menu as the Mr Wiggins special
Tamika sat at the bar Her eyes glanced towards the menu and saw a big change The new Drink was called the Mr wiggins she looked at the ginger " I thought it would be a nice gift" tamika smile " How do you become such a good kid"
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incorectmvt · 4 months ago
Tamika to Paul: be there in a minute honey Clayton's being a real b-i-t-c-h
The phone:*incoherent angry yelling*
Tamika to Clayton on the phone: how was I supposed to know you can spell I've never seen you read
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therummonster · 1 year ago
imagining from across the house "MARA'S HERE"
and then no matter which one it is, they just slid across the floor before acting like they hadn't just been excitedly cleaning the place for the past few hours in anticipation.
Tamika and Benny would fight for custody over mara!
THEY WOULD ABSOLUTELY BE BEST FREINDS! Not only that but the idea of it playing out
Benny: "So yeah, this Tamika gal an me decided to share custody over Mara, so now I get to have custody over her for a whole week, then it swaps over to her n such."
Champange: ..... "what"
Tamika: "Yeha, remember that demon girl I told you about? Yeah, I am sharing custody of her with this mechanism guy just so you know"
Paul: -Confused Thumbs up-
Idk I wanna see em interact
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l3m0ngal5 · 11 months ago
Tamika talking to Alice: you know I could do you and Eric a big favor and kill your husband for you
Eric: Tamika please stop talking about committing murder or do I need to call Paul or Mara to take you home
Alice: you have to admit Eric your father's death is attempting idea and sense Mrs Wiggins isn't from our world she could just kill him leave and not be tried for the crime
Eric: how am I the only one who remembers that murder is illegal even if the person in question is garbage you two should both know better a part of me wants to believe this is the alcohol talking more than what you actually think
Gangadharan clearly drunk with a ton of Glee in his voice: you could just send him to my world see him turn into some gigantic monster and let the Van Helsing family deal with him
Eric: damn am I literally the only person in this bar with any common sense maybe that's because I'm the only one who's not drinking
Yes Eric that is the reason although your father is awful
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l3m0ngal5 · 11 months ago
Dabble idea Eric meets a new barfly Tamika Wiggins
Eric smiled walking up to the lady " Hi, I'm Eric so.What do you do in your universe" She smiled at the boy " I'm a demon hunter My world is full of them.The daughter will a lot of different kinds of demon hunters Is there good ones and And There's clayton " Eric giggled and said " Maybe I should make a drink called the i hate clayton".
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l3m0ngal5 · 11 months ago
I've developed this idea that after Eric develops The amazing Grace cocktail that becomes tamika's favorite along with the Mr Wiggins special when he adds that to the menu which winds up becoming the only thing she ever orders along with an amazing Grace and a dabble where another bar fly say gal comments on it and asks her about it
Gangadharan Was usually very happy to stick to himself.But today he chose to talk to tamika " This seems to be only 2 drinks you order.Why is that" She looked at him with kind eyes " The first one is named after my child.The second one My husband's favorite drink before he died" He looked at her and nodded before turning back to his book.
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l3m0ngal5 · 11 months ago
*Tamika is drinking a Mr Wiggins special while talking to Alice who is drinking and I hate Baldwin*
Tamika: question girl how did you get that crazy psycho husband of yours to not name your son after himself
Alice: to tell you the truth Miss Wiggins Eric is named after my father and even after he passed Baldwin was insistent on naming our son Baldwin Jr it was largely thanks to a kind sympathetic nurse who let me have the birth certificate before he got his hands on it so I could put in the name I wanted
Tamika: well I'm glad she did and I'm pretty sure Eric is too
Eric: that's true
The whole universe is
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