#tamayo sama
rairacrow · 2 years
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Primer encuentro entre protagonista y antagonista jsjsjsj.
1. Las weas naranjas en el fondo son personas, así hago a los extras. Figuras simples que llenan el escenario para no dejarlo vacío, pero que no necesito detallar pq sería innecesario.
2. Si Tamayo toma el lugar de Muzan ¿Qué papel juega él en esta historia? Probablemente lo veamos pronto.
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demonslayedher · 9 months
A brief AU idea: Double Kochou
Ok, but like... an AU in which Flower Pillar Kochou Kanae and Insect Pillar Kochou Shinobu are concurrently a thing? Like, before Muichiro comes in, there would be enough spots for that many Pillars, and since they are of different Breaths it wouldn't be like, say, Kyojuro politely waiting in line to take up the Flame Pillar role. Shinobu, despite being a Pillar with her own Pillar missions, would still practically be attached at the hip to Kanae when they are at Pillar meetings, everyone else would see them like a "someone will die... of fun!" set. Iguro might even get annoyed enough to ask if they really have nine Pillars or just 8 and a parasite. Which Shinobu would not take to well. If this a chance for open animosity between Shinobu and the other Pillars? Ahahaha. HAHAHAHAH. As long as Kanae is still there to be Kanae, Shinobu would have no reason to hold back her angry truth. Like, I think she'd still totally befriend Mitsuri, but would also have very little understanding for Mitsuri's desire for romantic partnership, which just leaves Mitsuri flustered and even more troubled in explaining herself. Oyakata-sama would still send Shinobu and Giyuu on a lot of missions together. Shinobu, who has to stake some pride on establishing herself as a Pillar not simply a parasite to her sister (whom she would rather be on missions with if she needs to team up), would probably feel a bit like this is babysitting. She'd probably take this out on Giyuu, and Giyuu might get annoyed enough with her less-than-polite bullying that he chides her more harshly. He knows to stand up for himself, after all. That "no one likes you" exchange is still bound to happen in some form. Uzui would pick up on her being sensitive to the "parasite" thing and he would have fun rubbing it in. Enough that Kanae might take him aside and sternly tell him to stop. Rengoku, of course, if he picks up on it at all, would probably be a stop to it all with his earnest admiration for Shinobu having earned the Pillar position in spite of her size, and how great it is for the two sisters to work together! (Iguro might bring it up again though when Oyakata-sama suggests having ten Pillars instead of the typical nine.) Undecided on if they would have matching haori, since Shinobu would not feel any need to take up any of Kanae's role in the world. Kanao, having the stable presence of Kanae around, might not be as motivated to join the Final Selection, but she'd probably pick up Flower Breath even faster/better with Kanae's ongoing example. It's possible two watchful sisters might better prevent Kanao from heading out, but it's also possible that two busy sisters had no idea and Kanao was just that much better at swiftly sneaking away. She'd wind up being Kanae's Tsuguko, since they have the same Breath. And on Tanjiro's trial, maybe she and Kanae wind up arguing about how much mercy to show Tanjiro (even as Shinobu is forcefully feeding Tanjiro's medicine for his injuries). Kanae would be totally excited to befriend Nezuko and Shinobu might shoot daggers from her eyes and warn Tanjiro not to let Kanae down. Whether Nezuko eventually wiggles her way into Shinobu's heart, or whether Shinobu's hardens her heart more thinking she has to protect her sister from cruel disappointment, it's anyone's guess. For fun, let's say it's the latter. Also, Shinobu would find Zenitsu and Inosuke super irritating, but since Shinobu is so good at teaching, Kanae would ask her to help them with their Breath training. So with Shinobu being so on guard, she's probably resistant at first to working with Tamayo, but maybe some sweet talking from Oyakata-sama about how she's always had her own skills totally unique and valuable and that this is how the Corp needs her more than Kanae needs her. Oh, and they get to beat up Douma together. Sweet.
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marurumai · 3 months
i am going insane i can't even pinpoint i single scene because everything had me crying. oh my god ufotable oh my fucking god why would you do this dear lord what is wrong with you.
i am sobbing actually. everything, the part of the ubuyashiki children playing and singing, reminds you they are children. fucking heartbreaking. amane holding kagaya and placing her hand on his chest on their final moments made me sick. oyakata-sama's whole speech drove right into my heart. the animation and expression were so great i could feel as if i was there with them in the middle of the shambles. the hashira's desperation, oyakata-sama only telling himejima about the plan because he KNEW no other hashira would accept it. the flash of kagaya and amane surrounded by the fallen demon slayers' graves. the cut when sanemi was saying how he'd arrive in time just to show the explotion. everyone calling for oyakata-sama. "the smell of burning flesh". tamayo's whole scene. himejimas monologue, his scream "it's muzan!" was so raw i cried. everyone attacking at once, just for the sound of nakime's biwa to break through. every single demon slayer sudenly falling into the demon's lair with no warning. kanao's "hold on tight". giyuu calling out to tanjirou. "you'll be the one going to hell, muzan". "do it if you can, kamado tanjirou" oh gods im sick.
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capobegone · 1 year
Can you do headcanons of Kiriya Ubuyashiki and his grandkids???
Hello anon!! I would love to! I’ve thought about this a couple times in the past, I hope that Kiriya had a wonderful life after the events of canon. As for headcanons:
-He lives with his sisters in a much more humble estate after their previous home was destroyed. Because it’s no longer being used as a headquarters, there really is no need to live in a mansion, so they settle down in a nice house close to the Butterfly Estate.
-Kiriya is an academic through and through, just like his father. He spends much of his young adult years recording as much as he can possibly remember of his family history to make up for what was lost in the explosion.
-After becoming Oyakata-sama, Kiriya saw visions of his father telling him to trust in Nezuko. He still sees them to this day, as is common for the Ubuyashiki heads.
-Every once and awhile, he’ll be laughing with his sisters or wife only to look up and see his mom or dad watching fondly in the corner :’) <3
-He remained in touch with Yushiro after it all. They have not seen each other in person since Kiriya was a young man in his twenties, but they regularly exchange letters. Kiriya is very hopeful that Tamayo will be reincarnated soon so that Yushiro may finally find peace.
As for his grandkids:
Our boy Kiriya is the oldest man in Japan in chapter 205 of the manga. Assuming that it takes place 100 years after Muzan’s death, placing it in the modern era, Kiriya would be ~108. A manga extra tells us that on the night he turned 30, he was convinced that he would die of the curse. He stayed up with his wife, sisters, and children, expecting to pass away that night, but he lived and was overcome with emotion. This means he had kids by 30, and most likely grandkids by 50. By the time he is 108, he probably has great and great-great grandkids.
-One of his grandsons moved to America in the 1970s with one of the Rengoku boys (their families remained very close after the war on demons). They attended college there together and remained very close, and there is now an American branch of the Ubuyashiki and Rengoku families. They come to visit every now and then, and are very excited to see their extended family.
-One of his granddaughters has a very successful career as a musician. They say that her voice has the power to move the masses.
-Kiriya’s grandkids all adore him. For the most part, they think of the war on demons as a tall tale their grandfather spun when they were young, but he doesn’t mind it that way. It proves that nature has finally heals, and he has the truth recorded in records anyway should it ever be needed.
-Kiriya burst into tears the first time he held his great-grandson, who stared up at him in wonder rather than crying. As he grew into a young man, his personality remained gentle and empathetic, but there is a strange wisdom to him that reaches beyond his years. Each time Kiriya sees him, he is overcome by the similarity between his bright young descendent and his own late father. He secretly wonders if his father’s spirit has been reincarnated.
-Kiriya named his first daughter after his mother, and when she had daughters of her own, they were given the names Hinaki and Nichika.
Anyway that’s what I’ve got!! Thanks for the opportunity to talk about the Ubuyashiki family, I love them dearly. And sorry for the late response!! I take a bit to get around to answering asks but I truly do enjoy it so thank you for sliding into the inbox :D
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creative-kny-fics · 1 year
(Not for the tickletober)
Do you think you could take a Lee Yushiro, Ler Tamayo please? According to me it would be something nice to imagine between those 2
I think it's the first time I've read a request like this... But of course! Everyone is free to make any request!
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Lee: Yushiro
Ler: Tamayo
'We're making good progress, this drug thing will work'
'I trust it', Shinobu smiled but yawned and rubbed his eyes. 'I think you should go rest, I'll continue with this. Thank you for the help today Shinobu - San'
'Thank you very much Tamayo - San', Shinobu took his things and said goodbye.
'Yushiro!', just by hearing the initial of his name, he ran downstairs as fast as he could.
'Yes, Tamayo-Sama?'
'Yushiro, I need you to help me finish this. There are some notes that Shinobu-San made, please bring them'
'Tamayo-Sama, is it necessary for that 'woman' to always come? Disrupt our time...'
'Yushiro, I've already told you before. It's necessary if we want to defeat Muzan', Yushiro growled, he hated Shinobu's presence, he couldn't stand her being close to Lady Tamayo.
'Yushiro?', was ignored, Tamayo got worried, it wasn't normal.
She remembered something, something she did when her children saw her sad. 'Ayiah!', Yushiro was startled when Tamayo gently pressed his neck, it was unexpected and totally new.
'Lahady Tamayo!'
'So, are you ticklish?'
'Mahaybe!', well, he couldn't tell her to stop, it was something new and he felt that at that moment he had Lady Tamayo's full attention.
'It seems so, come on Yushiro, stop being jealous', Tamayo lowered his hands to his hips, smiling when Yushiro was startled again.
'OkaHAHAY! MMM! I prohoMIHIse!', Tamayo stopped and stroked Yushiro's hair, they still had a hard job to do
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lesbianasfuckwomen · 9 months
Inosuke could only stare.
He could only stare at what he had dared to call his friend.
Genya Shinazugawa was his first friend in the corps, the first person to look at him, the first person to make an effort to be his friend. Tears threatened to come out of his emerald eyes, but he wouldn’t give the satisfaction of successfully making him sad.
“I know it looks weird, and you're probably about to curse my mother's grave or something, but let me explain-”
How dare he?
How dare he act so nonchalant about this entire situation?
How dare he act so normal?
“What’s there to explain? You’re a demon. Probably a spy for Ubuyashiki or something. Was your goal to get close to Douma-san so you could kill him?”
So much venom was laced into the words spat out. Inosuke won’t deny that he felt a bit good when he saw Genya wince.
It was a laughable situation, really. How had he not noticed? Now that Inosuke looked back, he could see the small things Genya did that made him a demon.
Genya never went out in the sun. Whenever Inosuke saw him, it was either indoors or at night. He also never ate food. Zenitsu would sometimes bring it up whenever they talked. Probably the most notable difference was that Genya never came to the Lotus Mansion to heal. He came to visit Inosuke. And Inosuke had never seen the man hurt.
A sharp cackle was heard. It took Inosuke a moment to realize that it came from him. He relished in delight when Genya winced again.
“I’m so stupid! How could I not have noticed? You’re clever, you know that? Managed to gain my trust so what’s stopping you from gaining Gyutaro-nii’s trust?
More cackling. It wasn’t a pleasant sound, and Inosuke was surprised he managed to get it out of his throat. Damn, his throat would definitely hurt later.
“If I was a bad demon, wouldn’t I have already eaten you?”
Could Genya somehow be like Tanjiro?
Inosuke quickly put that thought out of his head. There was no way. Tanjiro had a muzzle, and Genya had nothing on him. Tanjiro had… Wait. Actually, there were no differences between Tanjiro and Genya when it came to being a demon. Genya had been around human blood before, and he didn’t even flinch.
He took the needle off the shelf. The sharp metal exited his skin as abruptly as he put it in. The blood leaked out of the wound and fell to the floor.
Genya only stared.
He only stared at the blood on the floor.
“Now do you believe me? I had no intention of going after Douma-sama or Gyutaro-sama. My goal is just like the rest of them. To defeat the demon king.”
Inosuke gawked. Genya had just refused blood. He not only did that, but he didn’t even react to the blood.
Genya got up and taped his arm. Inosuke could see him grimacing at the blood. He’s always had a question for demons but they’d always been too bloodthirsty to answer.
“What’s it like to be a demon?”
He didn’t mean to say that out loud.
He saw Genya stiffen at the question. Inosuke could admit that it was a little amusing to see his headstrong, snarky, little shit of a friend so tense and shy, but he figured that it wasn’t the time to be thinking about that.
“When I was in Ubuyashiki’s control I always had a thirst for blood. It was like an itch you could never scratch. When I ran into Tamayo-san and got out of his control, I felt content.”
“The fuck does that mean?”
A smile came upon Genya’s lips. Inosuke was quick to hit him on the arm with the lines of “Bitch don’t give me a smile!”
“It means I felt satisfied. I finally scratched that itch.”
Inosuke was okay with that response. He sat back in his chair, sinking into the soft silk.
“Do you remember anything about your human life?”
A wave of fondness passed over Genya’s face, but it left as quickly as it came.
It was a blatant lie, but Inosuke wasn’t about to push it. If Genya wanted to keep secrets, let him.
“So who’s Tamayo?”
“Long story.”
“I got nothing but time.”
He lied.
Genya groaned into his futon.
It technically wasn’t a total lie; Genya didn’t remember a lot of stuff from being a human. There was just this one memory that bugged him 24/7. He could never make sense of it. He never recognized the people in the dream. Who the fuck was Nemi, and why did he keep haunting him?
The young boy's clothing had been covered in mud. Townspeople berated him for looking dirty. The poor boy had just wanted some food. The boy sighed and walked down the streets in sight of something edible. More people kicked him along the way, calling him a filthy animal. White covered his eyes as he was put in a warm embrace.
Nemi gave the boy a big smile. Even his clothes were dirty, yet he still had a bright smile that could light up anybody's day.
“Heya Gen! Did you look at the date? It’s your birthday!”
The boy- now known as Gen took a step back. His birthday had never been associated with anything good. It was just another day for Gen to get beat up until he couldn't move. Nemi frowned, noticing the drop in Gen’s mood.
“It’s okay Gen, dad’s no longer here.”
Ah. It all made sense now.
The kanji of Uppermoon Two burned holes into Genya’s back.
“I give you immortality and this is what you do! You tell the damn slayers where the Ryūgū-jō is?”
All of Genya’s life he wondered who that boy was. Now that he was here, it all made sense.
“Long time no see, Nemi.”
Ryūgū-jō = Dragon palace castle
Uncle Iguro runs it.
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koku-shibou · 10 months
Kokushibo-san I have a question, how did you, Enmu-san, Hantengu-san and Muzan-sama get your final forms?
I would not call ... mine ... a final form ... it was ... an abomination ... created from my body ... as it struggled ... not to die ... Perhaps is the same ... for Muzan-sama ... who changed after being poisoned ... by Tamayo ...
I suppose then ... you must be ... at the edge of death ... in order to find yourself in these ... "transformations" ...
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queen-slayer-13 · 3 months
Happy birthday to the brave, intelligent and beautiful Tamayo-sama. I love you, queen. 🛐💜
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ms-kio · 3 months
The Force of Tainted Blood: Redemption of Demons
Tamayo, Yushiro, Kokushibo, Akaza, Rui X Clone Wars! 2450 Words
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[Japanese], Galactic Basic (English)
Five demons had come and gone in Japan, and those five demons had peered into each other's lives within the blackness. So when cool night air touched their skin, opening their eyes to see stars through the high riding branches of trees, all five demons were silent. Tamayo was the first to speak, addressing the Kizuki. “[You want to be free, don’t you?]” She asked, referring to the curse. There was a hopeful glint in all three of their eyes, giving Tamayo her answer. So there, on the forest floor, she freed them.
Per Tamayo's request, the Kizuki slit their wrists and drank her blood, draining Muzans cells and intaking her own. The Kanji faded out of their eyes, clearing their minds and allowing them to take a clean breath of the free air.
~ ~ ~
Ordinarily, Yushiro would not let anyone within six feet of Tamayo. But, he too had glimpsed the tragedy of their own lives, and allowed the former Kizuki to be freed. Plus, Yushiro knew -from experience- that this would elicit die-hard loyalty from three of the most powerful demons in existence to Tamayo, giving her their protection. That, Yushiro would gladly accept.
Once the former Kizuki had bled out all of Muzans cells, nothing had visibly changed aside from the Kanji marking their rank, which simply changed to ‘Moon’. “[How do you feel?]” Tamayo asked softly, in her ever kind tone.
“[...Clear…]” Kokushibo was the only one to reply. All three bowed to the woman, their heads touching the floor. Tamayo, though, quickly had them sit up, telling them there was no need to bow.
~ ~ ~
After a while of walking through the dense forest, Rui looked up to see what looked like an abandoned village in the treetops. “[Look.]” He said, pointing up. Tamayo followed his gaze, smiling. “[It could stand to be cleaned up a bit, but it will do for a home, at least temporarily.]” The teed were dense enough not to let even a single ray of sunlight through, and the buildings looked odd, but fairly new. The four male demons cleaned the place up, insisting that Tamayo rests after giving up so much blood. Tamayo reluctantly did so, deciding to check out the small hospital wing. Rui then left to explore further out into the forest, stringing up the outskirts of the thickest parts of the forest, representing the border of their claimed land. The threads also served the purpose of protecting the area, Rui being able to manipulate the threads like Mother.
A few days had passed, and the demons had remained in the shadows. During the days, they remained in the thick forest within the border, sometimes sleeping. During the nights though, the demons would explore the area around them. The majority was forest, though there were a few clearings here and there, sometimes a river or lake. Rui would often patrol the treetops, while Akaza and Kokushibo traversed the forest floors. Tamayo and Yushiro however, mostly stayed within the borders, Tamayo keeping herself busy by experimenting on the various plants and reading any information on the projectors she found. Akaza, more often than not, would challenge Kokushibo to a fight in one of the further clearings.
One night, while Rui was walking on his threads over the forest, a scent came to his nose. Blood. It didn’t smell quite like a human, but it was similar. Rui followed the scent to what looked like a large furry human. It wasn’t dead, but heavily injured. He was aware Lady Tamayo wouldn’t approve of him taking the creatures blood the way he knew how, so he brought the being up, via his threads, and carried it back to the hospital wing where Tamayo was at. “[Tamayo-sama.]” Rui announced his arrival, walking into the room.
“[Ah, Rui. Put him down here.]” The mentioned demon said, motioning to one of the beds. Rui obeyed, Lady Tamayo looking the being over. She seemed to notice his curiosity, so Tamayo spoke up. “[This is a Wookie, one of the beings native to this planet. As I’ve researched, there seem to be ways to travel space, having access to nearly the entire galaxy. I apologize for not telling you this, I just found this out.]” Tamayo then turned back to the Wookie, examining the creature. “It’s mostly just flesh wounds, but he has a broken arm and a few fractured ribs. May you call Yushiro over?” She asked.
“[Of course, Tamayo-sama.]” Rui said. The woman had made many futile attempts to get them to stop adding ‘-sama’ to her name, but the four had been insistent. Yushiro was quick to arrive at the infirmary, helping Tamayo stabilize the Wookie. The duo realigned his arm, wrapping both the limb and his fractured limbs, followed by stitching up his deeper wounds with Ruis thread. They had decided that Tamayo should be the only one anyone else sees until further notice, since she looked the most ‘normal’.
Eventually, three days later, the Wookie woke up.
~ ~ ~
Kaan woke up to find himself in a bed, with a cast on his arm and his ribs wrapped. Wasn’t he supposed to be hunting far out from the village? The last thing he remembered was fending off a Tarentatek and bolting once he knew it was injured enough not to follow. The Wookie sat up to see a pale human woman sitting at a desk, turning when she heard him stir. Kaan turned on the translator around his neck, already knowing there was going to be a language barrier. “Where am I?” He asked the woman, who smiled.
“You’re in a small abandoned village, presumably built by your people. We found you northwest of here, if that helps your sense of direction.” She replied with a heavy accent, not one Kaan recognized. The woman continued, introducing herself. “My name is Tamayo. You’re welcome to stay here for a while, though I suggest you head back to your own village to examine your wounds. There’s limited supplies here.”
Kaan nodded, introducing himself in return. “My name is Kaan. Thank you for the offer, but I should be heading back. Thank you for looking after me. How long was I here?” He asked.
“Three days.” Tamayo replied.
“Good to know. Again, thank you.” Kaan said as he stood up. The woman simply nodded and Kaan left the room, exiting to the metal walkway outside. ‘The deep village.’ He thought as he slid down the pole to the forest floor, walking away from the thick forested area. ‘Wasn’t this place infested with Anakkona?’
A little over a day later, Kaan had reached his home village without running into any complications.
One of his good friends, Chara, was the first to notice him as he approached the village. “Kaan? You’re alive! What happened?”
“Long story.” Kaan replied. “But right now, I need to speak with chief Tarfful.”
Once Kaan had told the chief everything that had happened and about the woman who treated him, Kaan was sent to the infirmary, where the village doctor took a look at his medical condition. When the day was up, everything had been dealt with, Kaan was exhausted. So, once he shut his eyes, they stayed shut.
~ ~ ~
In the Jedi Council Chamber on Coruscant, all of the Jedi council members have either called or were in their respective seats. “Bring this to your attention, I feel I must.” Yoda was the first to speak. “A woman I have seen in my visions, an embodiment of pure shadow. I have sensed the darkside flowing through her.”
“I think I know who you’re talking about.” Fisto added. “I was shown a vision of the Deep Village on Kashyyyk, in which I saw a woman. She was wearing an odd dress, her eyes were deep soft purple, and her complexion was pale. To a non force-sensitive, the only way to tell her apart from being human would be her fangs, which are easily hidden.”
“Then some of us should go to Kyshyyyk.” Obi-Wan suggested “We wouldn’t want this getting out of hand. I suggest myself, Kit Fisto and Mace Windu go.” He said.
“Very well.” The mentioned said, standing up. “There’s no time like the present.” The other two followed suit, bowing out of the chamber.
~ ~ ~
A couple of weeks had passed since Kaan had been healed by Tamayo. A few had come after said event, either to make sure she wasn’t a threat, or for medical attention if she was closer than their main village. Earlier that day, Chief Tarfful had informed them via commlink that a group of Jedi wanted to meet Tamayo due to ‘sensing darkness’ from her. It was clear the Wookies only told them this as a sign of good faith, obviously trusting the Jedi more.
Currently, Kokushibo was sitting with his legs crossed and his eyes closed, listening to the heart of one of the Anakkona he had befriended who was coiled up around him.
Suddenly, the faint sound of engines entering orbit reached his ears. “Rui-san.” Kokushib said, his voice echoing through the forest and racing Rui, who soon came.
“Yes, Kokushibo-dono?” The younger asked.
“Our Jedi visitors are coming… You control the forest…” Rui simply nodded understandingly, walking to the border on his threads.
~ ~ ~
Rui stood on a tree branch, awaiting the Jedi where the forest began to thin. He quickly heard their speeders in the distance, heading towards him at rapid speeds. Soon enough, the four Jedi arrived; Two humans, one Ked Dor, and- oh shit- a Nautolian. Nautolianswere virtually impossible to hide from or lie to, because of the tentacles on their heads, which were sensory organs. They were able to pick up delicate cents and were able to read a minimal amount of brain waves, giving them an upper hand when it came to looking for someone or figuring out lies. But a Jedi? Their prowess combined with a Nautolians physiology was dangerous, to say the least.
The group of Jedi soon reached the Deep Forest of Kkyysshyk, where the demons were residing. “One of them is here, waiting for us.” The Nautolian mentioned, a tentative -yet curious- smile on his face. His presence was young, but power from the ‘force’ oozed from him.
“It’s a bit rude, don’t you think?” Rui asked, stepping out onto one of his threads, eliciting a creak. “Inviting yourself into someone else’s home?” The Jedi looked up, seeing Rui, who glared down at them. “The only reason I’m letting you live is because my lady would like to meet you.” He hissed. The one with the beard then spoke up, drawing his attention.
“If I may ask, who are you?” The man asked.
“You can call me Lower Moon Five.” Rui bit out, before dropping to the ground and turning away. “Follow me, and don’t stray from the path. You'll be caught in my lady's spell if you do, and there’s no escaping it.” He made his way and the Jedi obeyed, the Kel-Dor speaking up this time.
“If you will humor me, I have a few questions for you.”
“Keep in mind I’m not obliged to answer any of them.” Rui answered, glancing from the corner of his eye at the Jedi. “But first, tell me your names.”
“Very well, I am Plo Koon.”
“Kit Fisto.”
“Obi-Wan Kenobi”
And after a moment of hesitation; “Mace Windu.”
“Noted.” Rui nodded, stopping and raising his hands to clear some of the webs. “What are your questions?”
"We were brought due to dark presences residing here. Darker than we’ve sensed before. Will you elaborate?” Plo Koon asked.
“We are beings of darkness,” Rui confirmed, “You sensed me and the others coming here, it hasn’t been long since we left the protective border of our homeland.”
“Your homeland? What's it called?” Windu questioned.
“[Japan.]” Rui answered. “Though you would call it Japan. It was a small planet, which didn’t have a solar system. There was no light except for starlight, and the only creatures that could live there long-term were Japanese Oni, people like me.” Rui then lowered his hands, continuing forward. “The planet was destroyed by the first of our kin, we are the only survivors.” Rui then pulled down a few branches with his threads, one for each of them. “Grab on.” The demon instructed, the Jedi obeying before Rui let the threads go, laughing the group up to the higher branches and onto a platform, facing a door. “My Lady awaits you inside.” His eyes narrowed. “Don’t be rude.” and the boy stepped off the edge, falling and disappearing before the Jedi could see where he went.
~ ~ ~
Kit Fisto could sense the lie Lower Moon Five spoke, but the force told him not to say anything about it. From what the Jedi master could tell, what the boy used to explain where he came from was still technically true, just put in a way the Jedi could understand. As the group approached the door, they heard a soft voice sound from behind it.
“Come in.” She said, as if already knowing Obi-Wan was about to knock. She had the same unfamiliar accent as the boy, Kit noticed, expecting to see a paper white, blue eyed woman. Instead, she looked human, aside from the barely noticeable fangs and her eyes, which lacked pupils. “Good evening.” She greeted, her hands folded politely on her lap. “My name is Tamayo. You are the Jedi that came to visit us, yes?” The woman asked.
“Indeed.” Obi-Wan answered, being the most eloquent of the group. “My good friend Plo-Koon-” The Kel Dor dipped his head “-Had a vision of you, claiming to have sensed darkness in you, unparalleled by what any of us have seen before.”
A saddened look came across Tamayo's eyes, giving a small sigh. “I see…” She said, looking down. “I think I know what you sensed.” The woman continued, looking back up.
“Every one of us has an infection- or curse- of sorts…” The woman paused, seemingly debating whether she should continue. “It turns normal creatures- humans- into people like us…Demons.”
“You were once human?” Kit asked, to which Tamayo nodded.
“Though I’ve been a demon for over 500 years of my life, unfortunately. I hope you can understand we mean no harm.” She explained.
“I won’t hold your nature against you.” Obi-Wan assured. “However, The rest of the council would like to meet you. Would you come back to Coruscant with us?”
Tamayo hesitated, before speaking again. “I doubt the others would let me leave without them, so I’m afraid it will have to be all of us if you want me to come.”
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lesbiansanemi · 1 year
Blood Brothers
Here's Inosuke's backstory for the roleswap AU that is still being written horrifically out of order... whoops
Other installments: Kyojuro, Shinobu & Kanae, Obanai, Mitsuri, Tengen, Sanemi, Tanjiro & Nezuko
Squeezing her eyes shut and gritting her teeth, Aoi sliced the knife across the palm of her hand, and allowed her blood to drip onto the freshly clipped wisteria. She was no stranger to pain, but that didn’t mean she liked it, and she wished Shinobu would come up with a better method of communication between them. 
Especially since Kanae died… Even though she wasn’t a demon herself, Aoi thought it would be best for them to be better connected with the loss of their eldest sister. Kanae had saved her life, Kanae had practically raised her, and she… She still couldn’t quite believe she was gone. Demons were so timeless, so ethereal, so other. It had felt impossible for Tamayo and any of her demons to die, but… 
Aoi shook her head, and pulled her hand back from the flowers to bandage the cut on her palm. That should be enough blood and wisteria to draw the attention of whichever of her sisters were lurking in the area this new moon. Likely not Shinobu, ever since she became Upper Moon Four, she was always busy, and Kanao often shadowed her. So it would probably be one of the triplets. Checking in on her was pretty much their only duty. 
After her cut was cleaned and bandaged, she threw open the shutters, and placed the bloodied wisteria in the window sill. 
Now all she had to do was wait for one of her sisters to arrive. 
“Aoi!” Two tiny, clawed hands scrabbled at the window sill. “Aoi! It’s me! It’s Sumi!” 
Aoi chuckled and hurried to the open window, peering outside to see her little sister, forever too small to see inside the window, even on her tiptoes. “Hello, Sumi! Shinobu’s got you out running errands by yourself tonight, hm?” 
Sumi’s smile stretched so wide all four of her eyes crinkled. “Mmhm! She had to go take care of something for Tamayo-sama, and Kanao went with her.” 
Aoi crossed her arms and rested them in the window as she leaned out. “No Naho or Kiyo?” 
Sumi shook her head. “Kiyo is watching some boring flower drip in the lab for Shinobu, and Naho had plans with Senjuro tonight! Rengoku-san is taking them out to a little festival. He wanted to take all three of us, but me and Kiyo can’t hide our extra eyes yet…” she pouted. 
Aoi reached out to ruffle her hair. “Well, maybe you can’t be around other humans yet, but we can have a fun night together. C’mere.” She leaned over, hooked her arms in Sumi’s armpits, and heaved her through the open window. 
Sumi giggled and went limp in her hold, letting herself be hauled inside. 
As a teenager living in the Infinity Palace, Aoi had never been very strong, always spindly and scrawny, but living out here alone, gathering and farming her own food, she’d eventually packed on enough muscle to easily pick up her little sisters. 
“Why’d you leave out wisteria, though?” Sumi asked. “You only do that when you need something!” 
“It’s nothing too serious,” Aoi said as she set her down and ushered her to the table, where she’d already made tea, laced with blood and her sisters’ favorite flavors. “Just something I thought was a little odd. I thought Tamayo-sama might want to know about it.” 
Sumi squealed as she was handed her tea cup. “No one ever keeps tea back home!” she said. “It’s just blood. Which is good! But it’s not the same as your tea.” 
“Well…” Aoi lifted her own, non-blood laced, tea to her lips and took a sip. “You’re always welcome to come for tea any time you want. You don’t only have to come when I leave out the wisteria and blood.” 
Sumi shook her head. “Everyone says it’s too dangerous… Especially after—” Her eyes glossed over with tears and she sniffled. “Especially after Kanae… Shinobu doesn’t want to risk any slayers hurting you because they found out you were friendly with demons. We can’t lose another sister. Oh, won’t you just become a demon, Aoi?” 
Aoi sighed. That question was the one thing she hated about the younger girls coming by. They just never understood why she refused to turn. Honestly, Shinobu and Kanao didn’t either, but they knew better than to press. Kanae was the only one who had ever seemed to get it. “Oh, you know, Sumi!” she laughed with a wave of her hand. “I’m just not interested. And I’ve been dodging slayers for a decade now. There’s a reason I live out here in the middle of nowhere.” 
Sumi’s shoulders slumped, but she didn’t argue; by now, she seemed to have learned better. “Okay then… What was the odd thing? To tell Tamayo-sama about?” 
“Ah…” Aoi straightened up, and pointed in a vague direction to her left. “There’s a mountain several miles that way. Recently, slayers have started investigating it, but none of them ever come back down. I thought there might be a demon there worth looking into, if they’re killing slayers. Either they’re someone Tamayo-sama might be interested in, or they need to be dealt with before they start killing innocent people.” 
“There’s slayers in the area and you didn’t tell anyone before now!?” Sumi demanded with wide eyes. “What if they hurt you!? What if they—!?” 
Aoi hushed her with a soft smile. “I’m human, Sumi. They have no reason to suspect me. I’m just an antisocial hermit living in the woods. If I was in any sort of danger, I would tell you. I’m just suspicious of what’s going on on that mountain. So, do tell Tamayo-sama for me when you go home, please?” 
“Hey, think of it this way.” Aoi set her teacup down. “Once whatever is on that mountain is taken care of, slayers will have no reason to come here anymore. So you’ll be making me safer, okay?” 
Slowly, Sumi’s smile returned, and she eagerly returned to her tea, as easily distracted as any child, demon or human. “Okay!” 
“So…” Aoi fiddled with the hems of her sleeves. “You’re the new Kizuki…?” 
Sanemi Shinazugawa narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. “And you’re the little human bitch who can summon Kizuki.” 
Aoi worried her lip, and did her best not to let her nerves get the better of her. She’d hoped Tamayo would have sent someone she was close with, even if she couldn’t send Shinobu, or at least someone she knew.  
She also couldn’t believe someone so… menacing had taken Rengoku’s place as Upper Moon Two. Rengoku might have been overwhelming, but she’d never been scared of him. But this demon already made her skin crawl. “I don’t think—I wasn’t trying to summon you, I just thought Tamayo-sama should know about all the slayers around here!” 
Shinazugawa shrugged. “Whatever. I’ll kill ‘em and that’ll be the end of it. Tamayo said there wasn’t a demon on that mountain.” 
Aoi grimaced. “But then… Why would there be so many slayers going there? And why are none of them coming back?” 
“How the fuck should I know?” he demanded. “Point me in the direction of this mountain, and I’ll figure it out.” 
Aoi’s nose scrunched up in displeasure. How old was this man when he’d been turned? His early-twenties? Mid-twenties at the absolute latest. She was older than him. It had been strange, aging and suddenly being older than the people who raised her. Catching up to Shinobu and Kanae’s ages, before surpassing them as she approached her thirtieth birthday. Despite the fact that she was mentally and emotionally older than all of Tamayo’s demons now, it was strange to wrap her head around. 
But she’d never met Shinazugawa before now, and didn’t take well to young men being disrespectful for no reason! 
“You really should watch your language,” she scolded. “I’m just trying to be helpful, and even if this wasn’t something you wanted to deal with, you shouldn’t take it out on me. Didn’t your mother ever teach you to treat people kindly?” 
Shinazugawa blinked, before he bared monstrous fangs and a murderous snarl rumbled from his chest. “Shut the fuck up! Gods above, you’re definitely one of Shinobu’s goddamn brats.” 
Aoi took a deep breath and forced out the tension in her shoulders. “Can you please just do as Tamayo-sama asked, and deal with whatever is causing this? Considering how violent you all are, I figured you’d be chomping at the bit to kill some demon slayers.” 
Shinazugawa rolled his eyes and turned on his heel. “You gonna help?” 
“Absolutely not!” Aoi shook her head. “I refused to become a demon to avoid being involved in mass murdering. And the cannibalism. And being immortal. And dying in the sunlight. Oh, a lot of things really! But the point is, no, I’m not helping you murder people.” 
“What, too damn good for murder?” he drawled over his shoulder. 
“Obviously not. I’m pointing you in the direction of people to murder. I just never had the stomach for the act itself, which I don’t think is a bad thing.” She turned her palms up. “And you’re about to start walking towards the wrong mountain, by the way.” She turned and pointed north. “It’s that one. Few miles that way.” 
Shinazugawa’s snarl rumbled louder, but he turned and marched off in that direction. 
“Have fun!” Aoi called after him. “If you don’t want to come tell me what it was, at least have someone else do it! I’m curious!” 
Shinazugawa twisted around to throw up a vulgar gesture, and continued on his way. 
Aoi huffed. Where did Tamayo find these people? And hadn’t her sisters told her that the new Upper Moon had gotten romantically involved with Kanroji? Oh, she was sure Shinobu adored having him around and sharing her wife with him. 
Every time she interacted with someone other than her sisters, Aoi grew more and more relieved that she jumped Tamayo’s ship years ago. 
Oh well. Considering it was Upper Moon Two who had been sent, the little slayer problem in her patch of woods would be dealt with quickly. 
Sanemi grumbled a harsh string of swears beneath his breath as he marched up the damned mountain. Why Tamayo had sent him to deal with this, he didn’t understand. Sure, if he stumbled across any of the slayers that had been cropping up here, that would be wonderful, but if something here was already killing them, he wasn’t sure if he’d actually get the damn chance. 
And why Yushiro had sent him to that goddamn Aoi Kanzaki’s stupid-ass garden instead of the damn mountain where the problem was he didn’t fucking understand. Some bullshit about keeping her involved and in the loop because she was important to the Kocho sisters, and oh what-fucking-ever! If she wanted to be involved, she could become a demon and actually live with them. 
He didn’t get that woman. When he hadn’t wanted to become a demon, he’d had some actual reasons. Why didn’t Aoi want to be a demon? Just for the sake of being human? Why? She lived alone in the woods, it wasn’t like she was engaged with human society in any meaningful way. He just didn’t fucking get it. 
Whatever. It wasn’t a demon on that mountain, but whatever it was, it was killing slayers. So long as Sanemi found something to kill here, he supposed it was worth it. He needed to get back to Mitsuri so they could finish planning the giant wedding she’d insisted upon. 
He really should have known better than to say he “didn’t care” about what kind of wedding they had when she asked… Now she and Tengen were putting together something horrifyingly elaborate. 
Maybe that was why Tamayo sent him to do this. Maybe she realized he needed a break from it all. Killing someone always helped calm him down, settled his jittering nerves. Maybe he could even bring back something for Mitsuri and Obanai to eat… It might help ease the feeling that he wasn’t doing a well enough job providing for them because he just didn’t know how to help with things like fucking weddings. 
A sword rammed its way through his chest. 
A nichirin sword rammed its way through his chest. 
Sanemi’s eyes blew wide, more from shock than pain. While this blow would kill a human, it was superficial to him. But he should have noticed the slayer approaching. He hadn’t smelled a damn thing, hadn’t heard anything, hadn’t sensed an enemy at all. 
And what fucking slayer didn’t go for a decapitation with the element of surprise? Fuck, if they had, Sanemi might have—
No, no, his body was too durable for that. A slayer decapitating him in a single stroke was practically goddamn impossible. 
He gasped and whirled around, his clawed fingers wrapping around the throat of the person with the sword and slamming them against the nearest tree trunk. 
The person— girl, Sanemi realized, as she wasn’t wearing a fucking shirt, choked as she was smashed against the tree bark and the breath was wrenched out of her. 
Sanemi fully intended to snap her damn neck then and there. Something nice and quick but that would still leave the body mostly intact for him to bring home to his fiance. Most slayers he liked dragging it out for, but this one… spooked him, and that couldn’t be allowed. 
But he halted, putting just enough pressure on her neck to cut off her airflow and keep her subdued. 
There was no way in hell this was a slayer. Never mind that a slayer would have gone for a decapitation, this girl was half fucking feral. The only thing she wore were tattered animal pelts haphazardly wrapped around her hips and waist. Nothing above, leaving her chest completely exposed, and nothing on her lower legs, not even shoes. The only other thing she wore was a goddamn boar’s head. 
What the fuck!? 
Sanemi loosened his grip, just enough for her to suck in a deep gasp. “Who the fuck are you?” he demanded. “Where’d you get nichirin? ‘Cause you’re sure as hell not a slayer.” 
She hissed. Hissed. The bitch goddamn hissed at him! A grating noise, mangled, in only the way a human throat could attempt to hiss, but that had clearly been the noise she was going for. 
“Hey!” Sanemi gave her throat another threatening squeeze before loosening it again. “I could kill your dumbass right fucking now. Answer me. Who the fuck are you?” 
Demented giggles escaped her next. “Name’s Inosuke Hashibira. And I’m King of the Mountain!” she declared. 
What? What!? 
“...Fucking what…?” 
The girl’s hands flew to Sanemi’s wrist, and she sank jagged nails into the skin, ripping and tearing with a fervor befitting an animal rather than a human. When the flesh easily healed, she growled in frustration. Frantic kicks joined the clawing, and she twisted her whole body, going so far as snapping bones out of place in an attempt to escape the grip. 
Sanemi narrowed his eyes, and let curiosity get the better of him. He wrenched the boar mask off. 
“Hey!” she shrieked. 
Oh she was a young girl. Tangled, knotted blue-tipped black hair tumbled around her shoulders, and her face was smeared with dirt and… possibly some dried blood, but that couldn’t distract from how young she appeared. She was probably about Genya’s age. 
Sanemi’s hand slipped away from her throat. 
Inosuke lunged, sword abandoned as it had slipped out of her grasp while being choked, and attempted to drive her fist into Sanemi’s jaw. He easily sidestepped the blow, and slammed his open palm between her shoulder blades with enough force she crumpled with a pained huff. 
“Alright, kiddo.” Sanemi sat down on her back, using his body weight to keep her in place despite her angry squirming. “I just gotta few questions, alright? I don’t hurt kids, and Tamayo would be pissed if I hurt them anyway. So answer me, and we can all get on with our own bullshit, m’kay?” 
Inosuke snarled and twisted to claw at Sanemi’s thigh. 
He rolled his eyes, and thumped the back of her head. “This isn’t a fight you’re gonna fucking win. Can’t you tell what I am? Or are you just fucking stupid?” 
“‘Course I know what you are!” Inosuke shouted, and fuck, did she always yell? “Demon! You’re a demon!” 
“Sure am.” Sanemi grabbed a handful of her matted hair. “I’m a Kizuki.” 
“The fuck’s that bullshit mean!?” 
Great. She didn't even know that much. “It means I’m a powerful demon. The third most powerful demon.” He bared his fangs, and let his smothering, demonic presence wash over the girl. He smothered it more often than not, even out in the wilderness like this, but if she was going to be difficult, he’d show her, exactly, who the fuck she was dealing with. 
Inosuke went still, her body going limp as she twisted her neck to stare at Sanemi with wide eyes. 
He leaned down, and snapped his jaws. 
Inosuke’s nose scrunched up in indignation, but she couldn’t completely disguise the fear in her eyes. 
“Right.” Sanemi sat up straight, and stretched his arms above his head. “Just so we’re aware of what’s going on. Now, spill it, kiddo. The fuck is going on? Where’d you get that sword?” 
“Some bastard in weird black clothes,” she said, voice sullen. “Killed him and took his sword.” 
“You… killed a demon slayer?” Sanemi said, unable to keep the shock out of his voice. 
“I’ve killed a lot of ‘em!” Inosuke declared, her previous bravado returning. “They’re in my territory, and Mama said not to trust anyone in uniforms like that!” 
“You’re the thing killing all these demon slayers?” 
“Yeah! ‘Cause I’m just that damn good!” she said with a grin. 
Sanemi’s frown deepened. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe the kid. (After all, he’d been killing slayers himself at a similar age. It’d been hard, but he managed it). But… 
“Where is your mom?” he asked, though considering the sorry state of her ‘clothes’ and the fact that she was alone on a mountain, he thought he already knew the answer. 
“Dead,” she said, like it was no big deal. “But she still told me.” 
Right. So she was crazy. That was fine. Sanemi had already come to that conclusion anyway. But that didn’t mean that he could leave her out on this mountain killing slayers in good conscience. Eventually, the Corps would send those of higher rank, or more than she could handle at a time, and she’d get herself killed. 
And fuck, as heartless as he was, Sanemi couldn’t handle any more dead kids on his conscience. Definitely not dead kids because of slayers. 
“They’re gonna send more of them and then you’re gonna get your stupid-ass killed,” Sanemi said. “Stop killing them. Hell, leave this mountain.” 
“Nuh uh!” Inosuke vehemently shook her head. “I’ve lived on this mountain my whole life! It’s my territory! They can leave!” 
“Fuck you! I’m not leaving!” 
“Mama brought me here! She said this would be a good place for me! I’m not leaving!” she shrieked. “I’m not! I’ll kill all the stupid—Whatever they were! Demon slayers! I’ll kill them all!” 
Sanemi groaned and pressed his hands to his face. Was this what he had sounded like as a teenager just after his family had died? Shit, probably. 
“I’m not leaving my mountain!” she continued. “She said to stay here! She said it was safe from them! She said to never let them get me!” 
Sanemi grimaced. Had her mother been killed by slayers? That seemed the most likely scenario. “They kill her? Your mom?” 
“I don’t—I dunno…” Inosuke admitted as her head thumped against the ground. “It was forever ago. But sometimes I hear her voice! And she tells me things!” 
Not just crazy. Fucking insane. 
But she certainly believed her dead mom was telling her shit about demon slayers and dropped her off on this mountain. 
None of that changed that she needed to get the fuck out of here or she was going to get herself killed. 
“Alright.” Sanemi reached his hand down, preparing to grab her and just have Yushiro send them somewhere far away from this mountain and she could figure her own shit out after that (after all, if she’d really been living out here her whole life, survival clearly wasn’t a problem) when she sank her teeth into his hand. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” He ripped his hand out of her teeth, leaving blood smeared on her lips. “Shit! Fuck! Do not swallow that! Spit it out! Spit it out!” 
Inosuke made a grand show of swallowing the blood in her mouth, throwing her head back and gulping it down. Then she cackled, “Fuck you! Don’t tell me what to do!” 
Sanemi’s mouth dropped open. 
Tamayo was going to kill him. 
He considered punching Inosuke hard enough in the stomach that she vomited, but did that matter? Demon blood took effect immediately, didn’t it? Fuck, he really should have paid more attention to Shinobu’s annoying-ass rambling! 
He scrambled off of Inosuke, and pulled her to her feet— 
She convulsed, crying out as she practically collapsed into Sanemi’s chest. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! 
“Hey, hey! Kiddo!” Sanemi jostled her as she clung onto him, nails sinking into his skin as she fought for something to hold onto. 
He knew this was painful. His own transformation hadn’t been that long ago, and he’d been braced for it, and guided through it by Tamayo. What the fuck was he supposed to do!? This was a kid who accidentally drank his blood! Not anyone prepared for this!
“Don���t touch me!” she growled, as if she wasn't the one clinging onto Sanemi. “It hurts!” 
“Fuck, Yushiro!” Sanemi shouted. “Get me home! Now!” 
Tamayo stared down at the writhing, convulsing child, crying out in pain as her body twisted and remolded itself. As she went through something no child should ever go through. 
“Sanemi…” she began, unable to keep the disappointment out of her voice. 
“I didn’t mean to!” Sanemi began as he held his hands out. It was strange. Tamayo did not think she’d ever seen Sanemi sorry for anything before, seen him worried and upset and fearing being reprimanded. “She fucking bit me! And I—I—” 
“You should have been more careful,” Tamayo said gently. “But, there’s nothing that can be done about this now. You turned her, so she is your responsibility.” 
“What!?” Sanemi demanded, the usual anger creeping back to his expression. “But I—I don’t know dick about this! Give her to Kyojuro! He likes this kinda shit!” 
Tamayo narrowed her eyes. “This isn’t a request, Sanemi. You made a mistake, therefore, you deal with it. You’re not pawning her off onto Kyojuro.” 
“But I’ve already got enough shit to deal with with the wedding coming up!” he argued. “You can’t—You can’t saddle me with a fuckin’ kid!” 
“I can, and I will,” Tamayo said, letting a growl creep into her words. She didn’t like using her power over her Kizuki, not in this way, but sometimes it became necessary. “You made a mistake. Now you will deal with it. Don’t let her go through this alone. Help her, and then make sure you feed her properly.” 
Sanemi turned to stare at Inosuke’s twitching body with wide eyes, and twinges of his fear and uncertainty filtered through their blood link. 
“She’s about the same age as your little brother would be, isn’t she?” Tamayo asked as she laid a calming hand on Sanemi’s shoulder. 
Wordlessly, he nodded. 
“Help her,” Tamayo insisted as she gave him a light nudge. “You know how to do this. You were a big brother for years. You’ll be okay.” 
Sanemi took a deep breath, stepped forward, kneeled down, and took Inosuke’s hand. 
Though she could admit she wasn’t thrilled about this, especially when they had a new demon settling in already with Nezuko’s arrival, she couldn’t help but smile as Sanemi muttered awkward and stilted encouragement. 
Maybe this would be good for him. 
At the least, it would distract from his stress about the wedding. 
“Oh, he’s so cute!” Mitsuri squealed as she tossed Inosuke another hunk of flesh, that he tore into with just as much fervor as the other meat he’d been fed. “Once we get him cleaned up, he’ll be absolutely adorable! Oh! Oh my gods! Maybe he’ll grow his hair out and we can have matching braids!” 
“I thought… he was a girl,” Sanemi said. “She—He—They? I don’t fuckin’ know, whatever, had… you know, lady tits when we met.” 
“Well he doesn’t right now,” Mitsuri said as she passed over another strip of muscle, which Inosuke hungrily tore from her fingers, his newfound fangs shearing through it with ease. “And Inosuke does seem a bit more like a boy’s name.” 
“Kinda still has a girl’s face though,” Sanemi said. “That didn’t change.” 
Mitsuri shrugged. “Sometimes demons just switch that stuff around when they transform. Kanao decided to be a girl when she transformed. And I think Sabito decided to switch some things around. And Tengen switches back and forth all the time! He’s probably like them. We can ask, when he’s less hungry.” 
“I think… he grew up in the woods,” Sanemi said. 
“Oh, well then, I’m going to spoil him,” Mitsuri said as she patted Inosuke’s head, eliciting a pleased purr out of him. 
He really was lovely! She understood why Sanemi was so twitchy about him, given how unprepared he was to take in a new demon when he was still adjusting to this life himself, but she got the feeling Inosuke would be good for him! He’d do well to have a little brother he could take care of and dote on again. 
“I’m going to get him the best clothes,” Mitsuri said as she fed him a kidney, nearly having the tips of her fingers bitten off as she did so. “Maybe some stuff made from furs, like he’s used to! And I’m going to comb the tangles out of his beautiful hair. We can take him hunting with us. Oh! It’ll be just like having a kid!” 
The blood drained from Sanemi’s face. 
“Oh, dear, not like that!” Mitsuri said with a wild wave of her hand. “You know what I meant!” 
Sometimes she wished any of her three partners were interested in children, but she understood why they weren’t. Sure, there were the butterfly triplets, but those were Shinobu’s little sisters, and were largely self-sufficient despite their age. Then again… perhaps it was for the best that none of them wanted kids, considering demons couldn’t exactly have kids and Mitsuri wasn’t quite sure how she would deal with the disappointment of such a thing. 
Watching the Uzuis go through it had been difficult enough… she couldn’t imagine living through that herself… 
But! That did mean she would take every opportunity she could to spoil any children she came across! And sure, while Inosuke was well into his teens, he was Sanemi’s responsibility, and that made him her responsibility as well! Their wedding might still be months away, and they didn’t plan to initiate their mating bond until then as well, but it was all semantics. Sanemi was her husband already in every sense of the word, they just needed the ceremony to make things official. 
So! Inosuke was hers as well! And she would treat him as such! 
“I cannot believe I fucked up this badly…” Sanemi moaned as he held his face in his hands. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with him? He’s a fucking batshit feral kid! Am I supposed to take him with me to go mass murdering?” 
Mitsuri tilted her head. “Why can’t you?” 
“I don’t think you’re supposed to do that kinda shit with kids. I mean, I know my bonding time with Mom was a lot of serial killing, but look how I turned out. Not fucking great,” he said, before waving vaguely in Inosuke’s direction. “I’m gonna fuck him up!” 
Mitsuri held her index finger to her chin. “You know… He was already killing slayers, and like you said, grew up on a mountain. I don’t think there’s really anything for you to ruin. This is probably a good place for you to start! Isn’t it, Inosuke?” She leaned down to trail her fingers through the fur crawling down his spine. “You would probably enjoy hunts!” 
Inosuke’s head jerked up, the hazy hunger in his eyes finally beginning to fade. 
Mitsuri nudged a severed leg towards him, and stood up to press against Sanemi and lace their fingers together. “Dear… I know you’re stressed, but it will be okay. If he really was living all alone on a mountain, honestly, you probably helped him out in the long run. He can have a family here. With us. And he can meet Sen, and Mui, and Shinobu’s sisters, and that new Nezuko girl! So he can have friends his age, too! And I’ll always be here to help out with him. Obanai and Shinobu will, too. And if we really are just having a hard time helping him adjust, we can ask Kyojuro and Tamayo for help. You’re not alone in this.” She stood on her tiptoes to press a sweet kiss to his cheek. 
Slowly, the tension began to bleed out of Sanemi’s body. 
And well, if Mitsuri used her Blood Demon Art on him to help him calm down, who was going to point that out? 
“You know, I thought you were gonna fight me a lot more on this shit,” Sanemi said as he marched down the halls of the Infinity Palace, with Inosuke hot on his heels. “You don’t wanna go back to your mountain?”
Inosuke cackled and shoved his shoulder into Sanemi’s, like they’d known each other for years, like Sanemi hadn’t just accidentally turned him into a demon. 
Like Genya used to do when they walked together. 
“Mama says you’re good, so I’m gonna listen to her,” Inosuke said. “She’s never said someone’s good before.” 
Sanemi squeezed his eyes shut. He still didn’t know what the fuck to do about the voices Inosuke supposedly heard. Would it be better to point out they weren’t real? Should he go along with it? How the fuck should he know? 
But considering the voice of Inosuke’s dead mother supposedly liked Sanemi was making this easier for everyone, he should just go along with it, at least for now. 
Maybe he could ask Tamayo about it later. 
“And I like that Mimiko lady!” 
“Mitsuri,” Sanemi grumbled. “Her fucking name is Mitsuri.” 
“How the fuck did you get further away fro—You know what, never fucking mind.” One battle at a time. Inosuke’s complete inability to remember anyone’s name wasn’t a priority, and as far as how fucked up demons could get mentally, Sanemi supposed he should take this weird version of memory loss with little complaints. 
“Don’t worry, Sanemi!” Inosuke said as he slapped him on the back with enough force Sanemi’s spine cracked, and it seemed teaching him to reign in the demonic strength was first on the docket. “I’ll take care of ya!” 
“Take care of me?” he demanded. “This is the other way around!” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Inosuke said as he crossed his arms and turned his nose up. “I always take care of my underlings!” 
“You are literally under me in the goddamn hierarchy!” 
“No I’m not!” 
“Yes you are!” Sanemi hooked his arm around Inosuke’s shoulders and yanked him close, ruffling his hair as he did so, thinking very little about the old actions that came so easily to him. “You stubborn little brat!” 
“I’m not a brat!” Inosuke grabbed a fistful of Sanemi’s hair and yanked.  
Sanemi snorted with laughter and shoved him away. “Whatever you say, kid. I’ll kick your ass.” 
“You can try!” 
“I already did!” 
“We didn’t finish! I woulda won!” 
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rairacrow · 2 years
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Tanjiro y Tamayo, Demon Hunters -KNY AU-
Es necesario saber que yo soy una AMANTE de los universos alternativos (solo chequen mis galerías en mi deviantart), especialmente los aus roleswap. Por su parte, Kimetsu No Yaiba es mi segundo anime favorito, y al ver en él un gran potencial para un au roleswap... pues aproveché la oportunidad. 
 En este AU tanto Nezuko como Tanjiro intercambian lugares (osea, ella es la cazadora y él el demonio), sin embargo, eso no será todo; TODOS los personajes terminarán interpretando un papel que no les correspondía en la obra original (incluso si ese cambio carece de sentido a simple vista) y tendrá unos cuantos personajes originales.
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demonslayedher · 7 months
Shall we talk ☆Pillar Filler???☆
(As well as the rest of the episode?)
Keeping it behind a cut because it's not yet available for everybody and a lot of people will appreciate being surprised (I know I did)!
First, how about that new OP??
I love how it sets this arc up for being a pause in the constant life or death struggle (for the Pillars anyway, hahaha), and pricks at how the Pillars always feel they are struggling to compensate for their weaknesses, and the inky hatred that fills their hearts which Oyakata-sama knows they've channeled into defeating Kibutsuji Muzan at all costs. I also had a passing thought the other day about how so many Japanese legends of demon slaying require the hero to call upon a non-human higher power, or use something like a poison or alcohol to weaken a demon before they stand a chance of defeating it. In the end, the medicine that Tamayo and Shinobu develop does serve this crucial role (and the sun fulfills the role of a higher non-human power), but it's otherwise ironic that instead of temporarily weakening a demon to their own level, the usual course of action is to use Breath to temporarily increase their power to that of a demon.
Attaining a mark sure increases the role that "temporary" already played in their lives, and it's really no question that they would choose to pursue that option, even knowing the result.
So anyway, onto that filler!!
I loved it.
First, the nitpicking just to get it out of the way: why did a demon need to bother tying up a victim???? Whhhhy? Like, at least they didn't pull a Speedy with some contrived "this demon just toys with victims and leaves them injured instead of killing them" routine that makes for a happy low-stakes Piller Filler episode while showing utter disregard for what demons are and why the Corp risks themselves to stop them. (That said, I always love seeing other Corp members fulfill their own Corp duties with no relation whatsoever to Tanjiro, who is just one piece of a much, much larger whole.)
But rather than write what would ultimately be stupid dialogue with an insignificant filler demon, it's nice that Ufotable did not bother developing the Castle Demon. The totally undeveloped baddies are easy to cast off as Blood Technique (but maybe they could have looked a little cooler if, like, they were vaguely wearing samurai armor or something instead of just being in skin suits? Whatever, not important.) I appreciate that Ufotable did not bother to answer these questions of "why is the victim tied up" because the point of this scene was very obviously not about her or the demon. (I like to think Iguro cut the ropes and then told her to get to safety but just, like, left her there on the top roof).
So as for what this scene WAS for... hot dang, did it accomplish that!!!
The purpose was to make Sanemi and Iguro look cool, and it sure as hell did that. WHAT GOOD CHANBARA, those show-offy sword-play moves against a mob of nameless villains were just so deliciously well choreographed, and the people who can appreciate that were also likely to really appreciate the use of a castle as a purely fun battle setting. Ufotable was probably like, "Our biggest fans are nerds for KnY's touches of traditional Japanese folklore and culture, and for swords and swordplay, so you know what else will probably get them riled up? Yeah, let's give them a castle fortress."
And then everyone cheered, like, "Yes, yes, the fangirls like demonslayedher on Tumblr will never know what hit them."
But then some brilliant person spoke up and said, "You guys, I have the perfect finishing blow."
And everyone said, "What? How could we possibly top this scene that not only purely makes Sanemi & Iguro look cool, but also serves their characters and the plot nicely by showing how the Pillers don't feel they can rely on the other Corp members, and that even though they speak sharply to them they show concern for them by their actions? You know, especially slyly since anime-only fans will get to appreciate a new side of characters whom they haven't gotten to bond with much yet for only having seen their mean sides mostly and none of their battle coolness, and also slyly because the hardcore manga fans know that these two are buddies?"
And then the brilliant person says, "Let's give them that fortress."
The brilliant person was then crowned Ruler of Ufotableland and the fans lived happily ever after.
Speaking of Pillar Filler, I also want to point out how nice that opening exposition between Shinobu and Kanao was. First, what a nice way of incorporating Kanao into a nice episode that gives us a nice little dose of everyone in the Corp cast, even by adding that little scene of Amane and Ubuyashiki too. I loved the little touches that develop the Butterfly Mansion, like the fact that on the path there, they have a stone sign that says "Butterfly Mansion" and a line of carved Jizo statues (to protect travelers and (deceased) children) with little butterflies. And that moment of Nezuko frowning as the sunlight goes behind a cloud? Wonderful. And Shinobu essential saying to Kanao, "I trust you with defending everyone here in the now VERY LIKELY EVENT OF KIBUTSUJI MUZAN ATTACKING while I have to go off to a Pillar Meeting now that you're back"? I looooove iiiiiiiiit. That also says a lot about the trust other Pillars have in Shinobu to entrust her with Nezuko instead of putting any pressure on her to take part in Pillar Training, as clearly they don’t know about Tamayo, and it's really anyone's guess if they know about the poison or not (though the light novel implies Himejima might have an inkling but doesn't know). Being Pillars, though, I doubt any of them would tell her she's wrong for being prepared to take down a demon in any possible way.
I love, love, love, love the treatment of all the straight-from-the-manga scenes, like "Welcome home, Inosuke" (except for the added 'did you miss me, Aoi-chan' because canonically Aoi is the one kind of girl who is not his type), Tamayo speaking with Oyakata-sama's bird, Mitsuri's "explanation" of the mark, and every single Pillar interaction. I love the amount of respect they show to Himejima (and how Ufotable slightly expanded on this), and I am so excited for the extra Himejima content this season. In the new marketing materials released on the same day as the episode/movie, they make stark use of one of the kanji characters in his name ("cry out"), which is a very nice touch. And the use of BGM!!! Especially the touches of Giyuu's and Mitsuri's themes during the meeting!
*happy sigh*
It is nice to be a fandom citizen of Ufotableland.
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reijixia13 · 8 months
Believe in Me
||°|| KNY Oneshot ||°||
》It's Nice to see you Again
✍︎ It's Nice to see you Again
✍︎ Oneshots
✍︎ 𝑌𝑢𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑜
⚠︎Angst and Yushiro Ending Spoiler⚠︎
(I just re-read and- This has many unspeakable logics lol)
Yushiro has sworn his loyalty to Tamayo and had loved her for more than Hundred of years, But the time seems to stop when One day Tamayo had bought a kid at the age of A year, thin (H/C) haired.
"Tamayo-Sama, Why do you have a brat with you?" Yushiro asked in an rage voice,
One because if she did get preg he doesn't mind his just angry because she didn't tell him-
Two If it's not her what so special with it?
"Yushiro, It's A Baby not a Brat. And mostly because I was just walking when I noticed this baby in the alley, It has a diffrent Heart beat, Along with its aura" Tamayo said, Tamayo looked down at the Baby who looked at her before it giggled. Tamayo almost has tears pricking in her eyes as she remembers her own child she had killed.
"But Tamayo-Sama-" Yushiro tried to protect their alone time but it seems that he's been shut down by yours truly Tamayo goddess.
"Yushiro, She's just a baby, She needs someone who can take care of her till she can fight her own." Tamayo said, She carefully brushed the little girl's face before she felt something.
Frezzing on his spot as he notice how Tamayo look at the little baby girl with shock widening eyes.
"Tamayo-Sama?" Yushiro called out at the female, The female fliched and looked at Yushiro dead in the eyes.
"Yushiro, This child.. I was wrong.." Tamayo said, she looked at the ground and hugged the little baby closely with protectiveness, Ofcourse Yushiro doesn't give a fudge but was happy that Tamayo was GONNA agree with him. Before he could talk Tamayo said in her crying voice, "Let's Protect this child.. I was wrong..She doesn't have a heart....".
Everything and Anything he could do for Tamayo I mean he is simping for over 200 years-
Anyways, He sworn the look in Tamayo's eyes that said he should agree to protect the child.
Yushiro x Reader
Requested by: (No one since No one wants to request something TnT)
So like, I may or may not have burn one of my fingers....... Uhhhhmm.. I think it's good since it didn't bleed but it's hard to stretch sometimes-
Anyways hope you enjoy this
Oh yeah- This has a bit of Tanjiro x Reader fluff since Imma mke reader close to Tanjiro since his an angel♡
3 Years Later
(Y/N)'s 3yrs old ok?
"(Y/N)! Come here" Tamayo's voice can be heard in the hallway.
A little girl with (H/C) and (H/L) run down the hallway and to the person who called her, She smiled brightly as she see her Adopted Mom and Big Brother figure stood there.
"Yes Okaasan?" She looked up at her Adopted Mother with those semi smile with a little broken teeth in the side, Tamayo chuckled at the cuteness and patted her Adopted Child's head.
"We're gonna go to town, Do you wanna go?" Tamayo ask, The little girl took a glance at her brother figure to see him staring at her adoptive mom. (Y/N) shook her head variously as an answer, Tamayo and Yushiro are worried that the little girl's head can be a ball now.
"No! I wanna go try to draw the one I read last week!" (Y/N) said, She rushed to Yushiro with Determination, "Yushi-Niisan! Protect Okaasan out there ok? Onii-San is strong!" Innocent (Y/N) said as her eyes sparkled, Yushiro appreciated the little girl but was too tired to take in her hyperactiveness.
"Tch! Ofcourse I will, Tamayo-Sama is not alone" Yushiro said as he put his hands on his hips being proud.
Tamayo watched from afar as her Assistant and Adopted Daughter going on very well this pass few years, She wished she never had that sickness so she would have never Him and.. She sigh as she called out to Yushiro and made there way out the house.
(Y/N) was spacing out often, She keep thinking, Ever since she turned 13 she slowly realize that.... She couldn't see Yushiro as a brother anymore, She has this feeling of warmth everytime she noticed how worried Yoshiro was for her, but she think it was forbidden as she was only 13 years old and Yushiro and Tamayo? Yeah she doesn't want to interfere to that. She knows that Yushiro was inlove with her adoptive Mother but to think that she would fall in love in just one sided.
It's crazy to think that (Y/N) herself would fall in love even if she doesn't have a heart, She doesn't even know why she survive.
"(Y/N)!" A voice called out
(Y/N) shook her head and out of her daze to feel two hands on her sholder and a worried expression infront of her, Those hands and expressions was no other than him himself, Her one-sided love one. Yushiro.
"You keep dozing out lately, Are you sure you're ok?"
Those worried voice and expression written to his face, She hate it.. SHE HATE IT ALL. What's the reason to fall inlove when (Y/N) herself doesn't even feel her own heart?!
"Im fine" (Y/N) said in a distant voice, Yushiro was suprise and cut off guard but so those (Y/N), She didn't even know why she was being like this.
"(Y/N) Im here, So tell me what's your problem-" Yushiro said but was cut off guard once again as he saw (Y/N) suddenly standing up and look dead in his eyes.
"IM.FINE. Kurosai Yushiro-San"
Yushiro can feel that part of himself break, She run away like a wind and out of his sight, Yushiro can also feel himself freeze. She called him formally even if they both we're always together along with Tamayo on the house for the pass 13 years so why is she acting like this?
"What is happening… I hope you're doing fine but I didn't expect you to be like this.. tch"
Yushiro's didn't expected you to be like this, It's was just like yesterday when you we're bought here in the house, It was just also like yesterday when your first words was 'Oniichan' to him. He felt like his losing his mind with this simple thing.
12 Years Later
(Y/N)'s 15 yrs old
Tamayo and Yushiro was on their way home when they heard a commotion, The two look at each other before camly look at the scene. Both watch as a boy was yelling at someone, Tamayo's eyes widen before she composed herself and cutted on her arm, Flowers magically appeared and the people who sworn had smelled sweet bloosom smell fell to the groun and to a small deep sleep.
"That scent.. You guys are a demon aren't you?" A boy in (y/n)'s age asked, Tamayo asked and adviced the little boy and told him to meet them in their house to talk about the earlier's commotion.
~~Time skip (There's really nothing to put here so just magically skip where Tanjiro was seating himself along with Nezuko in Tamayo's house)~~
3rd POV
Tanjiro was seated infront of Tamayo, Beside Tamayo, Yushiro was their glaring at him and Nezuko who was happily sliding herself by the back on the floor.
Tanjiro and Tamayo was talking when they heard the door of the room open.
"Okaasan, I hope you don't mind me staying.." A girl with (H/L) and (H/C) said but stopped when she notice who her mother was talking to, "Tanjiro?" She asked confirming, She felt herself being hugged.
"(N/N)-Chan!" Tanjiro yelled out surprise, He watched as Nezuko patting her head with a happy expression. I mean what could he expect for a Kinoe*?
(Kinoe; Kinoe is the second highest to a Hashira or rather next Hashira
Ps. This is one of my biggest guess)
"You know them (Y/N)?" (Y/N) who was just there letting Nezuko pat her head with affection.
"Hai, I have a mission with them last time" (Y/N) said with a soft smile, She looked at Tanjiro, "Ohayo, Tanjiro-Kun, Nezuko-chan" She said before she walk towards where Tanjiro was seated and just plopped herself there and then.
"(N/N)-Chan helped us alot!" Tanjiro said with his infamous smile :D
But wait- Why the heck is Yushiro so red right now?
Yushiro watch the scene happend, Ever since (Y/N) became 13 and ranked up to Kinoe, She distanced herself from Yushiro, It was unfair for Yushiro as he was the one who babysit her godamn ass- I mean he took care of her as her 'Brother Figure' yeah.... He was just a Brother Figure nothing more..
All thoughts stop when he sense something. His Demon sense said there's something gonna happend and that is a Deja Vu.
"Everyone Get Down!!" Yushiro said, He ducked down Tamayos head by his hand in a protective matter and his other to reach for (Y/N) only to see Tanjiro on top of her like how he protectively put his hand on Tamayo but Tanjiro was hugging (Y/N).
Feeling himself wanna just kick that Tanjiro's butt, He was angry, That was his duty to protect Tamayo and (Y/N). Oh fudging stop Yushiro! This is no time to be making a plan to kill that boy later-
"(Y/N)-Chan are you ok!?" Tanjiro asked as he looked at any injuries, He was suddenly pushed by (Y/N) and watched as (Y/N) stumbled back and a Ball passed him with the speed of the wind.
"Yare yare Tanjiro-Kun, You should protect Nezuko-Chan. My rank is higher than yours" (Y/N) said in a sweet childish voice, she unsheltered her sword as she got up, "Now, No time to do this things Im still feeling Deja Vu here, GIVE ME ALL YOUR SHOTS TANJIRO!" She yelled and went after the demon who keeps playing with balls. (Why does that sound so ugly?-)
"Tamayo-Sama we should leave that boy and demon girl use them as bait!" Yushiro said with his proud voice, proudly presenting his plan.
"Yushiro are you insane?! Tanjiro, Nezuko and (Y/N) are fighting that demons!" Tamayo yelled at Yushiro disappointed lace in her voice.
"Well we can also take (Y/N)-" He stopped talking when he saw Nezuko kicking the other demon girl.
"Yushiro-San is Right! You should leave this to s Tamayo-San!" Tanjiro's yell echo, as Tanjiro said this he got distracted and stumbled to the ground.
"See!?" Yushiro said having SFX sparkles around him, He was smack at the back of his head.
"Were all being serious here Yushiro-San!" (Y/N) yelled as her hand was in air, She was the one who smacked his head, "Be serious! Tanjiro needs help!" She said as she ran again to help Tanjiro.
Yushiro give in after he was scolded by Tamayo, After giving his eye to Tanjiro, His head suddenly bounced off his body and like a ball it rolled down the ground.
"Oh my god-" (Y/N) commented, half concern half disappointed.
~Skip cause I don't know how to fighting scenes~
(Y/N)'s POV
I stumble a little after the fight, Okaasan, Yushiro, and Nezuko are inside the broken house, I watched as Tanjiro passed the ball to the demon girl. He sure have the heart of sympathy.
I got up and walked towards Tanjiro, I almost tripped but Catched myself, I bend in one knee.
"Come Tanjiro-Kun, I'll carry you inside" I said as I waited for Tanjiro.
"But I might be too heavy for you" Tanjiro said, I looked back at him before saying things that made him give up.
"Im not weak, Your still in Mizunoto rank, Mines higher which means I can carry you" I said and smiled a little back at him, I felt himself made himself up to my back and Carefully I stood up and walked inside the broken Home I grew up.
"Nee, Didn't you say that Yushiro-San was your crush?" Tanjiro asked with a teasing voice, I blushed at that. Well you see I grew attached to Tanjiro since he's around my age and his nice like duhh, So like we grew attached for a few weeks like we know each other for years!
I continue to walk, Knowing where they are I slowly walk down the stairs to the basement.
"Stop that Tanjiro, And here I thought your kind but so mean!" I said with a defeated voice, Tanjiro just laughed a little while I chuckled.
I continued to walk till we saw Okaasan and Yushiro walked out the room followed behind was a running Nezuko and Hugged Me.
"Nezuko!" Tanjiro happily called out to Nezuko, She patted my head as I put Tanjiro down so he could stand, He stumbled a litle but Nezuko and I catched him. Nezuko hugged him and Tanjiro was patting her head.
"Im relief you guys are ok" Okaasan said as she smiled, I smiled too as I see Nezuko running up to Okaasan and embraced her with a hug, She looked shocked and was about to cry.
Nezuko patted Yushiro's Head making him blush and rage but Nezuko returned to hugging Okaasan, Okaasan looked at Tanjiro.
"She sees Humans as Family and Demons as Enemies" Tanjiro said, I already knew this as he also said this.
"Yeah, Okaasan, Yushiro-San. Nezuko sees you as family!" I said with a happy voice, Nezuko run back to me and hugged me, OmFG we all are having a hugging session here.
"Would you like Nezuko to stay here with us or would you bring her with you?" Okaasan asked, Tanjiro thinks for A moment, I patted his back and nodded my head with a smile.
"No, I promise to protect her and Having her by my side made me want her to protect her more" Tanjiro said, He smiled as he turns around and took the box Nezuko stays in.
"Alright then" Okaasan said She turned to me, "Are you still staying (Y/N)?" She askes me, I shook my head.
"I think I found more paths to take Okaasan! I'll be helping Tanjiro-kun find a cure for Nezuko-chan!" I said with a smile, "Tanjiro and Nezuko are special so I'll be there to protect him!" I said again with a smile, I walk toward Tanjiro and Nezuko.
Tanjiro, Nezuko and I wave goodbye before Tanjiro was called by Yushiro.
"Wai- wait!" Yushiro called out, Tanjiro looked back and so does I because Im curious lol. "I think your sister is pretty after all" Yushiro said with a blush, I smiled alittle at what he had said, Im proud he said that because Tanjiro keeps complaining about him calling Nezuko ugly-
"Right, Should I give you another farewell smack for calling Nezuko ugly Yushiro-San?" My sweet sickly smile appeared, "Nezuko is as pretty as a flower" I said with another smile, I swear Im gonna be like Shinabou-Senpai.
Long story short Yushiro's mind just exploded with lots of 'My' or Angry insult to poor shivering Tanjiro.
"Yushiro, Stop being in the daze and help me move the stuff. Muzan Already know our Location and it's still best to move" Tamayo snapped Yushiro out of his Insulting Tanjiro in mind, Yushiro Look at Tamayo who was helping the Woman earlier and sighed.
Yushiro took out some boxes and gone to Tamayo's testing room to boxed and rapped them, Once Yushiro was done he moved to one certain room. He opened the door to see the room ceiling still sparkling like a galaxy sky, The walls have clouds and few wall drawings on them, The desk that was abandoned their was still neat but dusty, The bed that hasn't been made for 3 years still as messy as ever. He saw one drawing close to a book shelf, He walk up to it and look closely.
Yushiro chuckled at a memory
A little girl with (H/C) was drawing at a certain wall, Her eyes sparkle at whatever she had thought.
"(Y/N)?" A femine voice can be heard as the voice called out to the little girl, the little girl with (H/C) looked to the side to see her mom.
"Okaa-San, Look! Look! I made a drawing of you and Yushi-NiiSan!" The little girl happily squealed, Tamayo smiles a little at the cute drawing before she reaize she's looking at a drawing in the wall.
"That's beautiful (Y/N) but walls aren't papers to draw, How about if you be a good girl and I'll buy you an art paper?" Tamayo said with a smile before scooping the little girl in her arms, "But before that, Let's go eat Dinner with Yushiro" Tamayo said as she smiled once again.
(A/N: I don't know what its called ok?)
Yushiro Watched from the other room before he moved to see the drawing and ofcourse not until the little girl an Tamayo was gone to the kitchen, He look closely that The small drawing of him and Tamayo was close but to the side he sees a little sad girl that look a little exactly like (Y/N)
As the memories gone far he slowly remember the small drawing but when he looked to the side where the drawing of a sad little girl was, It was scratched and nothing else, He sighed and thinking it was just his Imagination playing tricks again. He decided to box the old books an notebooks (Y/N) have on her dusty desk, Slowly and gently putting it in the boxes he doesn't even know why he was packing this when it was just abandoned, sighning again He put back every books and notebooks neatly on the box when something fell of the desk. The smll sound of a clink and thud was heard.
A small note book close to it was a broken neckless.. no it's locket
Yushiro crouches down to pick up the small but thick notebook, He also picked up the locket.
(That's the best I can do lol dont mind- skskkskejjdkwkke)
It was the three of them, He was sorta shocked since WHO THE HECK WOULD TAKE A PICTURE OF THEM WHILE TAMAYO WAS CUTTING HER WHIST-
Hayyts anyways, He look at the book and locket t the same time. Thinking it was wrong
"But It wouldn't hurt since it was already abandoned here" He said out loud, He hesitated to open the small note book but he got over it and open the first page.
(To people who can't see it
"Dear f̶u̶t̶o̶u̶r̶e̶ future,
Hello from the past! Im (Y/N) and I made this to show to Y̶u̶s̶h̶i̶-N̶i̶i̶s̶a̶n̶ Yushiro-San, That I have a tiny winnie c̶r̶a̶s̶h̶ Crush on him.
I would like to one day to c̶o̶n̶n̶f̶e̶s̶ Confess to him! but I was having a secong thought, Yushi has a crush on Okaa-San
I saw how the way he looks at Okaa-San, But when you c̶o̶m̶p̶e̶r̶e̶ Compare how he looks at me like im Litte sibling :(( " )
He was shocked to see and read this, And heck this was the very first page of the small notebook, Now looking back at how her behavior got to a loving sister bacame a cold person to him. Damn that made him sad. Just because him and Tamayo came from M̶i̶c̶h̶a̶e̶l̶ J̶a̶c̶k̶s̶o̶n̶ Muzan from their Deheemon squad doesn't mean they can't feel sad, This was the first time in 200 years he felt sad.
(Bruhh were on 3341 words why does this takes so freaking long?-)
~Time skip again by Author reading the manga part and to the part of the freaking fight (PS since I haven't fully read it I will be halfly making the end :")) )~
3rd POV
Tamayo was looking at Yushiro and Tanjiro's direction yelling at them to get as far as where they are now, But it was too late as Tamayo's neck was suddenly being held.
Tamayo look at the said Monster.
"Look at you now, You are still pathetic as ever aren't you Tamayo?" Muzan commented, Before Tamayo could retort back her neck was suddenly snapped, Her body gone limb to its knees and down the floor. Her eyes were getting heavier.
"NO! TAMAYO-SAMA!!" Yushiro yelled as tears were running down his cheeks beside him was Tanjiro who look lost at words as he saw one of the best people who help him turn nezuko back, He couldn't help but cry at the sight.
"Yu..shi..ro... Take..Tanjiro..away... and protect.. (Y../N)" Tamayo said before she took her last breath at the hands of the most lord Demon, cruel monster and the most person she despite the most.
Arriving at the time, (Y/N) saw this and couldn't help but screamed.
"OKAA-SAN!!" (Y/N) yelled tears of river down her apple cheeks holding her sword infront of Muzan (Hee-Hee Man) "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY OKAA-SAN!" Before she could go near the Lord of Demons, Her arms were Yanked away and to the door she came through before she got to the scene, The sound of the strings can be heard as the room was another scenario. She tried to fight back. "LET ME GO!" She yelled once more as tears were running through her eyes.
"(Y/N)-Chan.. Gomen.." A soothing voice said, She looks up at Tanjiro. Her eyes were dull, She felt a hand put on her hand, She looks back at Yushiro and at Tanjiro.
"Tanjiro..Yushiro.. Let's fight for Okaa-san.. For everyone who sacrificed themselves!" She yelled, Her voice cold, stern and harsh but nonetheless Yushiro and Tanjiro agree before splitting up.
(Y/N) lay there in the ground as Kakushis started to form around her.
"Fight (Y/N)-Sama! AID ARE COMING THIS WAY PLEASE!" Her kakushi said, Other Kakushi tried to cheer aswell.
Arriving at the time, (Y/N) saw this and couldn't help but screamed.
"OKAA-SAN!!" (Y/N) yelled tears of river down her apple cheeks holding her sword infront of Muzan (Hee-Hee Man) "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY OKAA-SAN!" Before she could go near the Lord of Demons, Her arms were Yanked away and to the door she came through before she got to the scene, The sound of the strings can be heard as the room was another scenario. She tried to fight back. "LET ME GO!" She yelled once more as tears were running through her eyes.
"(Y/N)-Chan.. Gomen.." A soothing voice said, She looks up at Tanjiro. Her eyes were dull, She felt a hand put on her hand, She looks back at Yushiro and at Tanjiro.
"Tanjiro..Yushiro.. Let's fight for Okaa-san.. For everyone who sacrificed themselves!" She yelled, Her voice cold, stern and harsh but nonetheless Yushiro and Tanjiro agree before splitting up.
(Y/N) lay there in the ground as Kakushis started to form around her.
"Fight (Y/N)-Sama! AID ARE COMING THIS WAY PLEASE!" Her kakushi said, Other Kakushi tried to cheer aswell.
"You can't leave us too!"
"(Y/N)-Sama we still want to do the honor to serve you!"
"There there.. Your ok (Y/N)-Sama.."
Comments flew and flew trying to distract her from closing her (E/C) eyes, They stop to look at her.
She was smiling. Tears we're in her eyes as she chuckle even though blood flood over her mouth and so does in her other body parts.
"..Are you all really looking down at me?.. Im yet to become your honoured Hashira that... your.." She paused as blood still flood her, Her eyes getting heavier. The kakushi look at her, "Ara....Im sleepy.. Can you put a blanket on me..when Im..c-cold?" She asks, Her kakushis all nodded as one got her a blanket. She smile.
"Please don't sleep yet my dear.." A Voice, She looks beside the Kakushi. Her eyes softened even more. Ayame-Sama. Beside her was a smiling healthy Kagaya along with their children smiling down at her.
"Umai! (Y/N) that's not how you gonna die right? Your still need to eat alot with my brother!" A loud comforting voice said. Kyoujuro-NiiSan.
"Haha..Gomenne Ayame-sama.. Oyakata-sama, Imoutos.. Kyou-NiiSan" She blankly look at them with her bloody teeth as a smile, Blood drool beside her upside lip. "I feel sleepy.." she said, her eyes blurry as her eye lids slowly closing.
The Kakushis listen to this, They watch as she slowly close her eyes just like the Honored Flame Pillar. Smiled in her last breath.
"(Y/N)-Sama.." A battle screamed of cries of the kakushis can be heard.
There was no way to see her Heartbeat.. because she doesn't have a Heart..... But it doesn't feel like that because she was the heart of the Demon Slaying Corps, Who was treasure amongst every single one.
As (Y/N) took her last breath, Yushiro sits upon infront of Tamayo's dead, cold body. In his arms was Tamayo's head.
"Tamayo-Sama.." His eyes watered like forever as it got blurry.
A light emerge beside the body infront of him, A vision of the Familiar loveable Female Demon doctor.
"Yushiro..Child..Take Care, (Y/N) is still waiting for you.. but please wait for her a little longer.." She said before walking away to the light waiting for her.
It was that day that every Slayer that has survived that war was honored as the Heroes.
But it was also That Day, That Yushiro realized what Tamayo had said, Determined to do her request. But stumbling by (Y/N)'s cold body as he walk through, Heard the cries.
He felt like the world was nothing but cruel, But this.. The only person who he now realize the person he really actually LOVED the MOST laying there in the ground, Smiling but not breathing.
The hard breaking truth hurt him
But he was Willing to wait
(A shi- here we go.. Uhm this is it guys get your tissues)
3rd POV
'I started to paint your figures because I don't want to forget neither of your faces.. One day.
I believe that, We're destined to meet again.'
Yushiro walked through the hallway, Painting of 2 figures in the wall. A Woman with beautiful Violet eyes with such beautiful black raven hair while the 2nd figure was a Teenage girl with a Beautiful sweet smile, sparkling (E/C) eyes and (H/C) shining through the lights.
Yushiro stopped in his tracks..
A woman with the same description of Raven Black hair and Violet lovely eyes stood at one of the paintings, Tears in her eyes. She noticed his presence and quickly wiped her tears.
Yushiro stood there, His hand on his heart.
'If she's here.. does that mean she has a high chance to be here too?..' His mind questions filling it before he snapped as he heard a high pinched voice of a child.
"Mom, Mom! Look!" The kid called out to the lady as the Lady scooped the child in her arms, "Doesn't the painting resembles you? OH and (Y/N)-Oneechan!" He said pointing at each paintings.
"Ara? Oh how gorgeous of this people" The lady said with a smile as the Kid continue to awed at the painting before a deep voice called out for them. Making their way to the Build up man before walking away.
Yushiro thought he could meet (Y/N) as the child called her, Older Sister.
His thoughts we're once again snapped as his cat, The only thing left from the two started to follow the 3 people... He smiled sadly before carrying the cat in his arms, and starts to walk away.
"Ack, Yui! Stop running around!" A girl's voice can be heard making Yushiro halt his walk, The cat in his arms look pass his sholder before wiggling out of his grip. "Yui! If you keep running around like that, Okaa-san, Otou-san and even my Oto-oto will be mad at us for missing out!" She scold, Her eyes widen a little at a familiar cat. She ducked down to look at it closely.
As this was happening, Yushiro slowly turn around. This time he can hear and feel his heartbeat ready to burst along with the long tears he wanna let go. He slowly walk to her before halting infront of her 2 meter away.
The Girl, Now looking closely has long (H/C) Hair, cute beaming (E/C) eyes. Her eyes slowly looked up at the foot sight, trailing it up before her eyes locked with Light purple eyes with clouds of tears forming. The girl kindly smiled at him before taking the familiar cat in her arms, As Yui put itself on her sholder hanging there as she stood up straight.
"It's Nice to see you Again, Yushiro" She said with a smile.
Yushiro's eyes finally gave out as he was now crying and embrace the girl infront of him.
The cat in her arms and sholder now jumped off at the side gaving the (H/C) haired girl hugged back at the male standing infront of her, Putting her face in his chest as little, Her own eyes was forming with tears.
"It has.. My Lady" He said.
'I thought that you would forget about me and everyone like Tamayo-sama but.. Im so happy to embrace you right now I don't know what to say...'
The End
Note from wattpad
Ahh :")) Finally done, it's 12:33am and I still don't plan to sleep lol
(Ps one of my longest chapter since it's needed)
Me for 7 weeks writting this along with 2 more chapters: sheesh now I feel the pain of Oneshots.
Other authors I interact: You, Me both.
Anyways hope you enjoy♡
Me after totally..realizing that it took so long just to make this oneshot to be understand:
Words: 4911
Published here on tumblr: Jan 29, 2024
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shibemuses · 8 months
Tumblr media
further notes on canon divergent Nezuko
~ For the first 2 years of canon, when Tanjirou is training under Urokodaki, Nezuko sleeps. She prioritizes suppressing her urges for human flesh, beginning to put her energy into sleeping. However, when Urokodaki tries to hypnotize her into seeing humans as her family members, it backfires.
~ Instead, the memories of her family overwhelm her. She's forced to confront their murder, that horrible day, in her dreams. It almost consumes her, until a strange man with her brother's earrings comes to her and gives her the idea to burn through it all.
~ A day after Tanjirou leaves for Final Selection, Nezuko awakens. But she's really awake... Aware. She's horrified she slept for so long, that she had become such a creature. Urokodaki didn't expect her to awaken mentally, and is a little shaken that Nezuko was aware.
~ Stubborn as ever, Nezuko insists he teach her how to fight while Tanjirou is gone. Her determination allows her to learn proper defense, no longer resorting to kicking and scratching like an animal.
~ After passing her own Final Selection secretly before Oyakata-sama, refusing blood, she's given the approval to accompany Tanjirou on his demon slaying missions. Urokodaki gives her a warding kitsune mask just like Tanjirou's, but it's got carvings of her hemp flowers and vines to replace the sun mark Tanjirou's has.
~ Tanjirou is both exhilarated and upset that Nezuko has awakened, because now she's going to fight beside him... He can't just keep her cooped up in a box or in the protection of Tamayo or Urokodaki for her survival. Her stubbornness wins out, every time.
~ Nezuko's speech is impaired still. Some days, the anxiety and PTSD of the night her family died overtakes her, and she goes mute.
~ Her mask used to cover her entire face. However, when fighting Rui, half of it gets broken off. Urokodaki instead fixes the mask to be a half-mouth cover.
~ Her Advanced Demon form in the RLD and Swordsmith arcs more closely resembles a kitsune, with whipping nine tails and fur covering her extremities.
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intheclearblueskies · 9 months
They Get Injured in Battle
| Masterlist |
Depending on the injury, he's gonna ignore it. The boy's had worse from far worse, a simple cut or sprain isn't going to stop him when he's focused.
If he has to drop out of the fight, expect him to be stubborn about it. He wants to help you; it's gonna take a lot of convincing for him to stay back until he can get fixed up. Nezuko and the others are gonna be a lot of help if Tanjiro goes down. It takes a little longer to finish, but as soon as the demon dies you haul him off.
When he wakes up from his injuries, he'll be so apologetic about the whole thing, as if he accidentally tripped you instead of getting so hurt that he has to visit the Estate. No matter how much you scold him, he keeps that gentle smile on his face, still able to smell your worry for him. He's very touched by your concern.
Depending on the injury, she might not react much. Of course if Tanjiro gets swiped at, she's gonna get angrier at the demon in question. She can heal quicker than you or Tanjiro could, and to a point, she doesn't care about throwing herself in the way of danger -- if it's to save her friends, she'll do it, no matter how much you beg her not to.
If the injury is bad enough that she has to drop out of the fight, she won't stay back for long if she can help it. The only way to keep her from trying to join the fray again is to knock her out or hope she falls unconscious, because either way, she's probably planning to try something as a last-ditch effort, like using her Blood Art. Either way, after the fight is over, Tanjiro gets into contact with Lady Tamayo to see if she can help. If she recommends otherwise, then it's off to the Estate with your group.
Once she heals enough, expect her to be more affectionate than usual towards you: hugging you, leaning on you, maybe fussing with your hair. Nezuko feels awful that she made you so worried about her and will try to apologize by being with you. She can't promise that she'll practice better self-preservation ("Really, first Tanjiro, then you," you'd muttered in annoyance, "what's with you Kamados, anyway?"), but she tries not to worry you so much.
Either way, Zenitsu is going to panic a little. He'll most likely scream at first, catching you off-guard -- but he quickly gets back into battle. If it's bad enough that he needs to stop, he'll grow more serious as he watches you all fight. As soon as it's over, he'll be more than happy to soak up your presence while you carry him off to the Estate.
Once he wakes up in the morning, he cries a little, apologizing profusely for crippling you like that. Of course, he's happy if you express concern over him regardless, but it doesn't stop the guilt of having to drop out like that. He wishes he could do better to impress you.
Depending on the injury, he'll shrug it off -- he's lived in the mountains all by himself for years, he's had worse before. It would only serve to fuel his energy towards your opponent. If it's bad enough that he needs to drop out, expect him to be shouting encouragements (in his own brash way, of course) to the rest of you. Once the fight is over, you'll have to haul him off to the Estate. He'll most likely be stubborn about traveling, so depending on his injury, expect to at least be his crutch.
Once he wakes up in the morning, he'll be a little sulky about having to sit and watch as the rest of you defeated the demon. You'll have to give him lots of encouragements and praise to get him back to his usual self. Praise is a must with Inosuke, especially if you call him 'Inosuke-sama'.
Depending on the injury, he won't react much to it. He's had worse before; what's a simple scratch or bruise? But if it's bad enough that he needs to stop, he'll be very reluctant, but in the end he'll respect your pleas and watch from a distance. He may call for backup, depending on how tough your opponent is; he doesn't want to watch you fight someone like a Lower Moon alone. You aren't even a pillar, nor do you have any official training. You were just caught in a fight with nothing else but your budding (breath style) skills and your father's blade.
In the end, once the fight is done, you may have to be his crutch as you either head back to your parents' or to the Estate. Either way he's going to have to do some resting up, whether he wants to or not. He's surprisingly compliant with you, being too tired to argue his own well-being.
Once he's rested, he'll listen to your complaints about his overzealous behavior with a twinge of guilt. He doesn't want to trouble you any more than he already has to, yet he feels like he deserves the verbal lashing. Once you're done giving him a piece of your mind, you hug him tight, and it flusters him for a few moments before he tentatively hugs back.
Let's be honest: Kyojuro would try to keep going, even if he were really hurt. If your opponent was a little too challenging, he may consider a call for backup or even a tactical retreat, if it really called for it, but he's not going down without swinging.
If the injury was bad enough that he had to stop fighting, depending on the opponent he may be uneasy about you fighting alone. While you're incredibly skilled in (breath style), he knows that you have your limits. Either way, once the fight is done, he'll be extremely proud of you for managing and will accept your bid at being his crutch back to the Estate.
Once he's rested enough, he'll tell you about how proud he was of your feat. What's something like this to keep him down for long? He listens to your concerned rant with a soft smile, and when you're finished, he pats your head. You remind him much of his little brother, and it makes him want to shield you even more so that you can hone your skills with his protection.
Muichiro is going to keep fighting, no matter the injury... unless it knocks him out first. He's trained too hard and spent too much time honing his skills to run away from a fight. It's almost concerning about how little he cares for himself compared to his allies. Of course, if civilians are in the crossfire, he'll do what he can to direct the demon's attention elsewhere so that they can escape.
He doesn't want you to have to fight alone. Tanjiro did well to 'knock some sense into him', so to speak. You're his friend now, and he would never leave you to try and take down a demon by yourself. He recognizes your capability as a slayer, of course, but you're not a pillar yet -- technically speaking, he's still your superior, even if he is younger.
Once the fight is over (and well-fought), you'll probably have to act as his crutch to the Estate. Once he's rested, he may compliment your skills and thank you for bringing him to safety. His focus is no longer just on himself, but on others as well, and it warms your heart to know that he's a dependable ally now.
Shinobu can more than handle herself; she won't give injuries much thought unless they're poisoned in some way, and even then, she handles it quite well. If her wounds are bad enough that she needs to drop out of the fight, she does so with grace, possibly calling for backup so that she can get some medical help.
Once the fight is over, the two of you go back to the Estate, where she can rest up and where you can spend the night. When she's rested enough, she may good-naturedly poke at you for being so worried about her, but she does take your concerns seriously. She doesn't want to lose you either.
He's not going to go down without a fight, although he does acknowledge when he needs to back down. He's the strongest pillar by far, though. It's gonna take a lot to make him stay down.
When he does need to back out of the fight, he prays for your safety, watching as you work to kill the demon. When you do manage to kill it, he praises you, thanking the gods for your safety. The two of you either go to your parents' home or to the Estate. He doesn't mind if you stay with him while he rests up.
When he is rested, the two of you have a talk about your combined skills. He recognizes you as an up-and-coming fighter with good skills, although he feels rather uncomfortable leading you headlong into danger, moreso because he knows your parents quite well by now. Still, he accepts that you want to fight beside him and thanks you for being so committed.
Sanemi is stubborn as hell. He's not going down without swinging with all he's got. Sometimes you have to try and knock him out to get him to stay out of it... key word 'try'. He always pushes his limits when it comes to his opponents, preferring to taunt them and pick at their defenses until they give him what he calls a 'real fight'. Despite Nezuko proving herself to be trustworthy, he still hates demons with all his might and he will not go easy on them.
Still, in the very, very slim chance that he has to watch you fight from the sidelines, he'll be hollering a lot of encouragements, peppered with coarse language here and there. He worries a lot about you, and fighting a demon alone is nothing to sneeze at. He doesn't want you to get badly hurt, but he'll disguise it with heckling. Still, once the fight is over, he grumpily acknowledges that you've got skill and lets you drag him to the Estate to heal.
Once he's rested, you may get into an argument with him about backing down versus keeping on fighting when you're at your limit. He gets angrier than you, demanding that you mind your own business about his tactics and to let him do what he needs to do. More often than not, you have to leave and come back later to cool off, and when you do, he begrudgingly apologizes for what he said and accepts your worried feelings.
Akaza doesn't care much about getting little injuries in battle, because normally his opponents aren't that powerful. But sometimes he recognizes rather strong opponents and gets a little stressed out. He knows you really can't do much for him, but he appreciates your fussing over that large gash on his bicep, just a little. (Yes, you both realize that it's a little ironic that a human is worrying so much about someone they're supposed to kill, but you trust Akaza more than certain colleagues of yours, and that's the sad part.)
You already know Douma is a demon. You're unaware of him being a Kizuki, but you know he's one of the more powerful ones, so you know he can more than handle himself. One of the only ones you know who could ever kill him would be Shinobu, one of your superiors, but you did well to keep your friendship a secret. It's still very concerning, watching him come out of battle with injuries that would land you in a medical ward for a few weeks, but he allows you to watch as his wounds heal over because it fascinates you.
Pffft, hardly anyone is gonna lay a sizable scratch on Upper Kizuki One. It's nigh impossible. Plus, he heals freakishly quickly -- he got stabbed in the neck once, and you could only watch in horrified amazement as the wound closed in a few moments. He seemed more disgruntled at his own blood staining his kimono than being hit. Depending on the injury, however, he may need to feed on someone to recover more quickly. More than once, you offered your own blood to sate him, but sometimes you just have to go find a body. (Never one of your comrades, though -- you've been firm on that since the first time he had to eat someone.) ... use your imagination on just how exactly you managed that.
Let's be real: Muzan is not going down. He's simply too powerful for just any ol' sucker to take him down. Even if you, a girl with a little combat experience, went to his aid, he'd be left with a body and no wounds before you could even get a hit in.
Depending on the injury, you won't step in. You trust your friend and his abilities, and you know that not just any demon is gonna be able to take him down. There aren't very many times when he has to bow out, but when he does, it usually ends in you taking down the enemy with some difficulty and helping him off somewhere.
You're not quite as skilled in wrapping wounds, but you can manage well enough. He usually apologizes for getting so hurt, despite your objections.
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odinspattern · 2 years
Hear me out
Demon Slayer/Mononoke crossover
We know that Kusuriuri is still kicking around during the 1920’s. He isn’t a part of the Demon Slayer corps, they just occasionally bump into each other as the series progresses. Maybe he is introduced as he sells medicine to Oyakata-sama or maybe he is speaking to Tamayo
Of course Inosuke try to challenge Kusuriuri’s second form. The latter finds it very amusing.
Oh, and Kayo is in it. I do not care if she technically is not alive in that period, she kicks ass and is still around.
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