#tamas x sabon x olem
feuer-bluete · 4 years
In a perfect aka not straight world, Tamas and Sabon have been together for years. But what about Erika you ask? She was in it of course. Three young powder mages, getting trained together, fighting together, savin each lifes, living together.
no one outside the powder mages knew, inside everyone knew. the only reason they are sure Taniel is Tamas kid is because Sabon was away for over half a year during the time Taniel was .. made. So Taniel might have a not so good relationship to his biological father but with his second father its all good.
Then Erika dies. and instead of the grieve bringing Tamas and Sabon together it drove them a bit apart. Officially Erika was Tamas’ wife only, they did that so Taniel was conceived in marriage and stuff so everyone was like, poor Tamas but noone, except for the powder mages had sympathie for Sabon.
Years pass and while Tamas and Sabon still love each other a lot, and slowly get closer again, there is still something, someone missing. They are just not used to it begin just the two of them.
Sabon is used to being away from Tamas for a while but not like when he send him on the mission to find and train more powder mages. He thinks its a punishment for whatever (its not, Sabon is just the only one Tamas would trust with such a job) but he still wants the love of his life protected so he recommends Olem as a bodyguard.
When he comes back for the first time he can see/feel the thing thats going on between Tamas and Olem and is like "DID HE REPLACE ME" but he doesn't say anything, is sad but keeps observing until he sees how great Olems looks after Tamas AND how Tamas is a lot more open to Sabon again "of couse you are staying with me while you are in the city again, don't be ridicoulus, you are still my husband (inofficial)"
With Olem in their life and having feelings for him, Tamas and Sabon also remember their feelings for each other (not that they would say any of that, they are military men but they have their own way to show their affection).  Olem is a bit confused at first but what can he do he really cares for those two old bickering idiots. Also its nice to talk to Sabon about how much of a stubborn ass Tamas can be.
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