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Oooh. For the prompts 22. Playful arguments please!
Let's do it! I'm being romantic about summer and baseball rn so here we go.
Children splashed in the Talucci pool with alternating shrieks and giggles, the displacement of water creating cool air where the July sun had been only oppressive when everyone had first arrived. Jane hadn’t been around that many Italians since her cousin Rita’s wedding three years prior, and she was drunk on familiarity, on culture comforts.
And also, honestly, on beer.
And when Jane was drunk on beer, in the summer, surrounded by Italians, she liked to argue. Good naturedly, of course, and with anyone that would give her the time of day. Tommy was up flirting with the roommate that Marisa Talucci brought over, two med school girls he had zero chance with, so it wouldn’t be him, and Frankie sat right next to Jane, but he was also drunk and when drunk he liked to laugh. So he was a no go.
That didn’t matter, however, because this Independence Day, while cousin Danny and his kid stuffed their faces at the table next to her, Jane had the perfect interlocutor right across. She pointed the rim of her half-drained bottle in that direction. “I think you’re nuts,” she said, continuing the banter she’d started a few minutes before.
Maura, who had indulged Jane because she too may have had one too many beers and one too few glasses of water, gasped. She folded her arms over her bikini top and leaned in, tossing one of the peanuts in the bowl near the center of the table at Jane’s face. It landed, and Jane’s reflexes were too delayed to stop it. Frankie bellowed out a laugh. “How could you possibly counter? OPS combines two of the most basic offensive metrics in one to provide one of the strongest predictors of production! Only the top one half of one percent of the league has a superior OPS. Every single one of those players are perennial all-stars!” Maura shouted, though the din of family fun and sizzling barbecue tempered the sharpness of it.
“I dunno Janie, I think she’s got you. Remember when Mookie led the AL in OPS? MVP caliber year,” Cousin Danny said around a mouthful of hot dog.
“Who asked you?” Jane whipped around, motioning for him to zip it. But when she turned her sights back on Maura, she grinned wickedly. She wore her navy road alternate jersey, the one she didn’t mind getting dirty, unbuttoned over her own bikini top, simple black to Maura’s deep, rich red. She leaned back when Maura leaned in, and probably on purpose: it showed off all the musculature she worked so hard for, the musculature that often set Maura off-kilter. “Anyway, here’s what I’m saying: you have a stat that has been around since the beginning of time that basically tells you the same damn thing.”
“Oh?” asked Maura, dripping with superiority. She held back a scoff only because she wanted another sip.
Jane sucked her teeth at the daintiness of that sip. At the pink pout cradling the lip of the bottle.
“Yeah - total bases,” she said as if Maura should have thought of it before. “The more total bases the better. Ya don’t need equations or averages or any of that. Ya just need to know how many knocks a guy got and how many bases each knock counted for. I guarantee ya that tells ya as much as a guy’s slug.”
Maura paused, blinked, clearly unsure if she saw Jane’s point or if the alcohol was seeing it for her. “Well, I…”
At that moment, a particularly large twelve year old kid cannonballed into the deep end just a few feet away, and the water on everyone’s feet at the table gave Jane a wet idea. “Wanna bet? Let’s go inside. I know Carla’s got the family computer in Marisa’s old room. We can do a whole spreadsheet right. Fuckin’. Now.”
Maura dropped her mouth open at the audacity, and then at the implication. They’d be alone. In a bedroom. Collecting data sets. Arguing. “I do want to bet. Lead the way.”
Frankie only rolled his eyes when they shot up from the table and burst through the sliding glass door to the house. Another beer it was, then.
#ask anthrofreshtodeath#otp prompts april 2023#rizzoli and isles#lauren writes rizzoli and isles fanfiction#will the rizzoli and isles tag swallow my posts like it has in the past? we shall see 😂
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 90's The Sak Multi Color Crochet Bag.
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Le deliziose ricetta dolci napoletani con frolla
Le deliziose ricetta dolci napoletani con frolla
Le deliziose ricetta dolci della tradizione napoletana. Da quando mi sono trasferita in Toscana non ne avevo più assaggiato una, ma poi con la mia amica Lucia del blog Quella lucina nella cucina, abbiamo deciso di fare una diretta per preparare questo dolce con la pasta frolla e crema pasticcera. E’ semplice prepararle e sono di una bontà unica, su consiglio di Angelina Talucci, la mia…
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Andrea Talucci: “Alla Mundial Football Club sinergia tra professionisti del settore medico e sportivo” Proseguono i nostri approfondimenti su tutte le figure che fanno parte della Mundial Football Club, società nata da poco ma che ha voglia di raggiungere importanti obiettivi in ambito sportivo e non.
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Preti pedofili, "In Italia ce ne sono 200. Ecco chi sono". Fittipaldi ripecorre i casi emersi da cronache di provincia degli ultimi mesi, carte giudiziarie fresche di cancelleria e documenti parrocchiali. Il viaggio inizia dalla Calabria. "Vicino a Reggio, c'è don Antonello Tropea, già padre spirituale del seminario di Oppido Mamertina, che nel marzo 2015 viene trovato dalla polizia in un'auto con un diciassettenne conosciuto grazie alla app Grindr usata per incontri gay - racconta Fittipaldi su Repubblica -. Venti euro il costo della prestazione. Indagato per prostituzione minorile, il don continua a fare il prete, confidandosi di tanto in tanto con il suo vescovo, monsignor Francesco Milito. 'Evita di parlare con i carabinieri di queste cose', gli suggerisce il superiore senza sapere di essere ascoltato". Restando in Calabria, "nella diocesi di Locri, c'è il vescovo Francesco Oliva, nominato da Francesco nel 2014: è lui che nel 2015 manda in una parrocchia a Civitavecchia un suo sacerdote, don Francesco Rutigliano, che la Congregazione per la dottrina della fede ha in passato sospeso per quattro anni, nel 2011, per "abuso di minore con l'aggravante di abuso di dignità o ufficio, commesso nel periodo tra il 2006 e il 2008" obbligandolo alla "celebrazione di 12 Sante Messe con cadenza mensile a favore della vittima e della sua famiglia"". "A Ostuni - prosegue ancora Fittipaldi - c'è Franco Legrottaglie, condannato nel 2000 per atti di libidine violenta su due ragazzine, mai sfiorato da processi canonici, e in seguito designato nel 2010 dal vescovo emerito Rocco Talucci cappellano dell'ospedale e prete in una chiesa del paese: nel maggio 2016 è stato pizzicato con 2.500 immagini pedopornografiche conservate sul computer in cartelle con i nomi dei santi. Ha lanciato una moda: anche don Andrea Contin, indagato a Padova per induzione alla prostituzione, etichettava i filmini hard a cui partecipavano le sue amanti con i nomi dei papi". A Catania c'è "un sacerdote che ad agosto 2016, già sospeso dalla curia dalle attività pastorali, avrebbe minacciato con un coltello alla schiena un quindicenne costringendolo a rapporti sessuali. Poi c'è don Siro Invernizzi, che nel 2013 è stato mandato dal vescovo di Como a fare il viceparroco a Cugliate, vicino Varese, nonostante i due anni con la condizionale patteggiati per aver approcciato in strada un ragazzino rom di tredici anni che si prostituiva". E ancora, altri casi raccontati dall'autore di "Lussuria": "A Grosseto c'è un sacerdote rinviato a giudizio nel luglio 2016 per molestie a tre ragazzine, a cui avrebbe rivolto "attenzioni troppo intime". A Pietrasanta, in Versilia, dalla scorsa estate c'è un'altra indagine (ancora in corso) su un prete straniero appartenente all'ordine dei Carmelitani: la curia generalizia di Roma è stata citata in sede civile come responsabile dei danni per non aver esercitato il controllo sul religioso [...]". (affari italiani)
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TeamSystem: il gap digitale va superato e abbiamo la ricetta
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/UaaTPk
TeamSystem: il gap digitale va superato e abbiamo la ricetta
TeamSystem ha chiuso il 2019 con 550 milioni di euro di sell out totale di cui il 29% ricavi in cloud; 1,4 milioni di clienti e una fattura su quattro, in Italia, è transitata su piattaforma TeamSystem. Questo è il quadro disegnato da Federico Leproux, Ceo di TeamSystem, durante l’incontro virtuale nell’ambito dei Talks Digital.
“Se i primi due mesi del 2020 hanno visto una partenza sprint – spiega il ceo – la tempesta e la forte discontinuità dei mesi seguenti ci ha costretti a reagire e dare prova di resilienza che ci ha aiutati”.
Stefano Roversi, sales executive director TeamSystem
L’incidenza sul gap digitale in Italia
Secondo Leproux, in ogni caso, il sistema economico in Italia non ha chiuso del tutto dato che, secondo il ceo, “mentre eravamo tutti a casa, almeno il 65% delle fatture circolava sulla piattaforma”. Mantenendo in movimento il flusso di approvvigionamento e di investimento per il futuro, grazie alle acquisizioni fatte che hanno accresciuto la capacità di TeamSystem di portare innovazione in tecnologia portando a bordo competenze e skill, TeamSystem sottolinea di aver chiuso delle nuove partnership e di aver rilasciato prodotti.
Leproux ha poi segnalato due momenti importanti. “Abbiamo chiesto alla base clienti cosa si portassero a casa da questo shock e l’86% pensa che il digitale sia più importante di quanto non lo fosse tre mesi prima della pandemia”. Vorrebbe dire che la propensione alle soluzioni digitali è raddoppiata o giù di lì negli ultimi due mesi, in particolare soluzioni cloud e soluzioni specifiche per i professionisti al fine di intrattenere collaborazioni digitali con i propri clienti. “Questo è uno stimolo e un dato su cui costruire”, spiega Leproux.
In seconda battuta, con la collaborazione del Politecnico di Milano, TeamSystem ha voluto ‘pungolare’ il tessuto aziendale italiano e, in particolare quello delle Pmi, per capire come il digitale possa essere l’ago che faccia propendere la bilancia verso una soluzione al gap digitale con il resto d’Europa.
Si è scoperto che se si riuscisse a colmare il gap sulla digitalizzazione portando l’indice ai livelli della Spagna, il nostro Pil crescerebbe del 3%, mentre crescerebbe addirittura del 7% se realizzassimo lo stesso esercizio sulla Germania.
Enrico Causero, micro e cloud business executive director TeamSystem
Insomma, dopo i dati e le classifiche Desi che hanno colpito il paese Italia facendolo retrocedere pesantemente nella classifica dei paesi più digitalizzati, uno sforzo e una indicazione come quella emersa da questo studio non sarebbe da sottovalutare. Insomma, TeamSystem sottolinea come il gap digitale va superato e ha la ricetta.
Fulvio Talucci, product solutions executive director TeamSystem
I nuovi prodotti
L’offerta commerciale di TeamSystem si distingue in tre filoni: Digital life, salute finanziaria e salute dei dipendenti. Se nel primo caso, balza all’occhio il concetto di smart working e di tutte le tipologie di soluzioni che abbiano portato un beneficio per il dipendente e l’azienda.
Sul fronte della salute finanziaria, Fulvio Talucci, product solutions executive director ed Enrico Causero, micro & cloud business executive director, hanno evidenziato strumenti di monitoraggio della situazione finanziaria, ossia utilizzati per le aziende dagli studi professionali che potranno: monitorare costantemente i parametri economico-finanziari; intercettare le necessità legate a situazioni di fabbisogno finanziario e valutando le opportunità di finanziamento più adatte; istituire le pratiche da consegnare agli istituti di credito.
Inoltre, il lancio di una opportunità che prevederebbe la cessione delle fatture con soluzione di incasso immediato, uno strumento finalizzato ad approvvigionarsi di liquidità. Infine, per quanto riguarda la salute dei dipendenti, la società sta lavorando per mettere l’intelligenza artificiale nei gestionali dei clienti aiutando sia il professionista sia l’azienda a fare meglio il proprio lavoro. Infine, soluzioni per pagamenti integrati con i sistemi gestionali, si tratta di una nuova offerta.
Daniele Lombardo, marketing digital director TesmSystem
Clienti e partner
Daniele Lombardo, marketing e digital director, ha sottolineato come in questi ultimi mesi “si sia trasformato il modo di comunicare con i clienti e i partner, con uno sforzo verso la comunicazione digitale. Questo aspetto ha aperto gli occhi sul fatto che si sia rafforzato questo modello di relazione mettendo al centro proprio gli strumenti digitali che sono diventati una opportunità di business”.
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102-Year-Old’s Secret To Longevity: Don’t Diet
With the holiday pounds already starting to creep on, let’s heed the wisdom of Concetta Talucci, who turned 102 on Friday. “Just don’t diet. Eat! Eat everything you see,” the centenarian said when asked her secret to longevity by CBS Philly. She did add “…but not overeat” to that sentence, but we had our hands over our ears at the time. Actually our hands were reaching for some peppermint bark, but let’s not split hairs.
Talucci, who is known as “Connie” in the assisted living facility in Cherry Hill, N.J. where she lives, was joined by her baby sister 99-years-old at the party.
We’ve heard lots of longevity advice from centenarians some of it logical and some of it not-so-much. The UK’s oldest man who was 108 at the time, said his prescription for long life was a greasy, English breakfast complete with fried eggs and sausages. A 102-year-old woman from South Carolina pointed to the pint of beer she drinks every day. And a Scottish woman credited reaching 109-years-old to a lifetime of avoiding men.
But given that this is the season of overindulgence, we just wanted to thank Talucci and dedicate our next batch of egg nog to her wisdom!
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/102-year-olds-secret-to-longevity-dont-diet/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/175088386592
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No New Friends 5 and 21
@linbooks and @myfairmeryl requested some NNF prompts, so here we go.
No New Friends 5
“You did what?!” Maura shouts in the middle of stirring a giant pot of red sauce. She turns so quickly that the wooden spoon clatters to the spoonrest on the stove and splatters droplets on Jane’s face.
Jane flinches, then darts her tongue out to taste. Clearly, Maura is madder than she thought she would be, but damn the sauce is tasty. She wonders if she’ll be allowed to have any, or if her dinner will be cold cereal. Or even worse, if she’ll have to drive out to her mother’s to eat. “I sold the Nantucket house?” she says like a question this time.
“And, why, pray tell, would you do that, especially without consulting me first?!” Maura asks through gritted teeth, pulling the towel off of her shoulder and rubbing it with violence over Jane’s face, until she’s satisifed that it’s clean.
Jane spits out towel fibers and sniffs loudly. “We haven’t been there in years! We were payin’ more to the management place than we were gettin’ in rent!”
“You know I loved that property,” Maura points a finger right into Jane’s shoulder. Jane took it dutifully. “You know my parents loved that property,” she is back to deadly quiet, because the children are just in the other room watching Netflix.
“Would you rather me have sold the P-Town house? Huh? You’re always sayin’ it’s your one week a year to feel gay!” Jane shoots back, her whisper loud enough to be comical.
Maura flushes. “It is! The other fifty-one we practically live in 1923! Everything’s omertà and murder! Which believe me, I enjoy as much as the next person. But Nantucket-”
Jane interrupts her to make a tangential point. “We’re gay married, Maura. You should feel gay all the weeks in the year! You should feel gay everytime we have sex! Which, by the way, is a lot-”
Maura interrupts right back because she can never leave a slight unreturned. “Ugh. I loved that house, and you knew I loved that house, and you sold it anyway!” she shouts, now back to regular shouting volume.
“T’s goin’ off to college, to Harvard of all places, and we need liquid capital, Maura!” Jane argues back, her nose brushing Maura’s. “I kept the place we go more often - the tuition isn’t just gonna pay for itself!”
“No it’s not, but of course it couldn’t come from the Fenway condo!” Maura bites, and it leaves a mark with the way Jane stares at her. “No, because that’s your favorite propert-”
Jane envelops her like a shadow, taller, raining down on and around her. Suddenly, Maura is engulfed, and Jane’s hands latch painfully onto her shoulders, her back, while Jane’s lips latch onto hers. Just to make sure she doesn’t lose the upper hand, Maura kisses back, adding teeth and dragging them across Jane’s lower lip, pulling it toward her. That sends Jane’s fingers to Maura’s ass, gripping it, lifting it until Maura sits on the kitchen table and opens her legs for Jane to stand between. They kiss like they hate one another, seeking to fuse into one just so they don’t have to look at each other anymore.
Maura’s off-the-shoulder sweater flies over her head to some corner behind them and that’s when she regains a modicum of awareness. “Stop, stop,” she demands. “Dinner. And the kids are watching tv.”
Jane yanks Maura up until there are legs around her waist and she is carrying her toward the stairs. “So? I’ll turn off the stove. And we’ll take this to the room. We need to hash this out like adults.”
Maura knows exactly what Jane means and she pulls her into another bruising kiss, a prelude to the wrestling match they are about to have between their sheets.
The conversation is far from over.
No New Friends 21
Maura, a month from marrying Jane, is attending her first Rizzoli Christmas party at Angela’s home just outside the city. The house is quaint and quiet, a lot like the one she grew up in, but it smells like tomato sauce and good company when she walks up to the porch with Jane’s hand in hers. The lights catch the snow in Jane’s dark hair, and Maura takes some solace in that.
Jane leans in, a good four inches taller when they’re both wearing flat shoes, and kisses the side of Maura’s head. “They don’t bite,” she says. “Well, most of ‘em don’t. Carlo barks, but his ma is the one you have to look out for. She’s a real piece of-”
“Janie!” Frankie greets her when he opens the door with his arms wide open and a beer in his right hand. “You made it! And you brought ya better half,” he says when he sees Maura. He pushes the screen door out of the way and Maura breaks her hold on Jane to hug him.
Jane narrows her gaze at him. “You bring your worse half?”
Frankie has one arm wrapped around Maura when he kisses the side of her head, but then he rolls his eyes. “Be nice,” he tells his sister. “And no, Theresa’s at her mother’s.”
“Good,” says Jane, “now let me in. It’s freezin’ out here.”
“Yeah,” Frankie tells her as he lets Maura go. “Do me a favor, huh? Me ‘n’ Alex are deep into a discussion about that time you kicked through a window at St. Joseph’s. She’s comin’ to your defense, of course,” he pauses to bat his eyes, which Maura catches. When he picks up again, she glares at Jane. “But I’m gonna need you to set the record straight.”
“If she’s on my side, why would I do that?” Jane muses through a smirk, taking Maura’s coat from her shoulders and then placing it next to hers on the coat rack right by the door. “She come alone?”
Frankie locks the front door and takes a sip of his beer. “Yeah,” he answers. “Johnny Valle’s a real asshole. Luckily she dumped him.”
“A Christmas miracle,” Jane jokes. “She’s way too good for his ass anyway.”
Maura watches their exchange with distaste and with interest. She fiddles with the Chanel earring on her left ear, then rubs her hands together for some warmth, her engagement ring knicking her skin as she does so, and then she forces a smile. “Who are we talking about?”
The siblings are roused as if they were miles away. “Uh, Alessandra, one of our childhood friends,” Jane answers. “I’d try to describe her, but I bet she’s in the kitchen. You could just meet her. C’mon.”
“You’ll love her, Maura,” says Frankie, in that way that people do without possibly being able to tell for sure. “She’s somethin’ else.”
Maura’s annoyance rises, and she very much doubts she’ll like anything about this woman. It’s confirmed when they enter the kitchen and she sees Alex for the first time, with her long, beautiful brown hair, her beautiful hourglass figure in a beautiful dress, and her beautiful smile that ascends into something celestial when it encounters Jane.
“Jane Rizzoli, as I live and breathe,” says Alex. There is definite sensuality in the way she opens her arms, like she longs to open other parts of her to Jane.
And Jane opens her arms, too, wide, until she catches a glimpse of Maura’s rapidly glowering features, and then she lowers them a bit. “Hey, Alex,” Jane replies, and the hug she gives is perfunctory, quick and with a lot of back-patting. “What’s it been? A whole year?”
“Graduate school in New York may not have been my best choice, I admit,” says Alex, with a inquisitive eyebrow reaching for her hairline. “Especially since it keeps me from you guys most of the year. Who is this?” she asks, turning to Maura.
Maura makes sure to snatch Jane’s hand back as soon as it’s available. “This is uh, Maura. Maura Doyle. My fiancée,” Jane answers with no small amount of pride.
“Nice to meet you,” Maura says, and she doesn’t hold out her hand. When Alex’s face falls from desire to what looks like despondence, Maura almost feels bad for what she does next. She tugs on Jane until Jane turns to face her, and then she steps into Jane’s space. With her free hand, she pulls Jane close by the back of her head, and kisses her until she moans into Maura’s mouth. The kiss is supple, lips and tongue only, and Jane immediately reciprocates despite tongue being entirely inappropriate for the moment, the audience. When Maura feels Jane’s hand gripping her hip, threatening to move lower, she knows she’s made her statement. “I’m going to go find your mother, alright? Find me if you need me.”
Jane stands there, dumbfounded, rooted to her spot, watching Maura retreat under the fluorescents of the dated kitchen. “O-ok,” she stutters. “Actually, Maura-” she interrupts herself, turning to Alex. “Gimme a minute? Or two.”
Alex nods, but Jane doesn’t see it when she trots after Maura, following wherever she might lead.
#otp prompts march#otp prompts#lauren writes rizzoli and isles fanfiction#no new friends#no hard feelings to Alessandra Talucci#I really like her#so does maura eventually lol
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 90's The Sak Multi Color Crochet Bag.
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102-Year-Old’s Secret To Longevity: Don’t Diet
With the holiday pounds already starting to creep on, let’s heed the wisdom of Concetta Talucci, who turned 102 on Friday. “Just don’t diet. Eat! Eat everything you see,” the centenarian said when asked her secret to longevity by CBS Philly. She did add “…but not overeat” to that sentence, but we had our hands over our ears at the time. Actually our hands were reaching for some peppermint bark, but let’s not split hairs.
Talucci, who is known as “Connie” in the assisted living facility in Cherry Hill, N.J. where she lives, was joined by her baby sister 99-years-old at the party.
We’ve heard lots of longevity advice from centenarians some of it logical and some of it not-so-much. The UK’s oldest man who was 108 at the time, said his prescription for long life was a greasy, English breakfast complete with fried eggs and sausages. A 102-year-old woman from South Carolina pointed to the pint of beer she drinks every day. And a Scottish woman credited reaching 109-years-old to a lifetime of avoiding men.
But given that this is the season of overindulgence, we just wanted to thank Talucci and dedicate our next batch of egg nog to her wisdom!
Source: http://allofbeer.com/102-year-olds-secret-to-longevity-dont-diet/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/06/20/102-year-olds-secret-to-longevity-dont-diet/
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102-Year-Old’s Secret To Longevity: Don’t Diet
With the holiday pounds already starting to creep on, let’s heed the wisdom of Concetta Talucci, who turned 102 on Friday. “Just don’t diet. Eat! Eat everything you see,” the centenarian said when asked her secret to longevity by CBS Philly. She did add “…but not overeat” to that sentence, but we had our hands over our ears at the time. Actually our hands were reaching for some peppermint bark, but let’s not split hairs.
Talucci, who is known as “Connie” in the assisted living facility in Cherry Hill, N.J. where she lives, was joined by her baby sister 99-years-old at the party.
We’ve heard lots of longevity advice from centenarians some of it logical and some of it not-so-much. The UK’s oldest man who was 108 at the time, said his prescription for long life was a greasy, English breakfast complete with fried eggs and sausages. A 102-year-old woman from South Carolina pointed to the pint of beer she drinks every day. And a Scottish woman credited reaching 109-years-old to a lifetime of avoiding men.
But given that this is the season of overindulgence, we just wanted to thank Talucci and dedicate our next batch of egg nog to her wisdom!
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/102-year-olds-secret-to-longevity-dont-diet/
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26 maggio 2018: Vegas Jones fa scatenare il Subway di Viterbo
Vegas Jones è l'uomo dei miracoli, in pochissimo tempo ha scalato le classifiche di Spotify superando Ghali e Sfera Ebbasta, re indiscussi del genere trap e non solo.
Dopo lo straordinario successo del suo nuovo album Bellaria, uscito il 23 marzo scorso per Universal Music/Dogozilla Empire, l'artista salirà sul palco del Subway di Viterbo il 26 maggio 2018 per uno speciale dj set.
Vegas Jones torna alla ribalta con il suo disco a circa un anno dal singolo certificato platino, Yankee Candle e Trankilo. Rappresenta l'esempio riuscito di come le rime del rap tradizionale possano uniformarsi con la trap, raccontando storie quotidiane e di vita vissuta.Non poteva mancare nel noto locale di Viterbo, ormai divenuto quasi il punto di riferimento dei più grandi rapper e Dj italiani.
Fedez, Gabri Ponte, J Ax, Gigi D'Agostino, Gemitaiz, Capo Plaza, Achille Lauro, Noyz Narcos, Ghali e tanti altri, tutti nomi che hanno calcato il palco del Subway Viterbo, egregiamente diretto dal regista Mattia Marcucci, divenuto noto per la Game Series La Festa Triste, presto in tour nei più noti teatri di Roma e Napoli in anteprima, per poi partire con la vera e propria tournee in tutta Italia.
E' bastata la creazione dell'evento su Facebook per creare subito il panico delle prenotazioni, lasciando di stucco l'organizzazione. "Ci sono arrivate prenotazioni da molte città italiane - dichiara Mattia Marcucci – e moltissime da Roma e Napoli, ormai stiamo diventando come i locali della Versilia negli anni '80, quando le persone si mettevano in auto proprio da Napoli, Viterbo e andavano alle serate a Rimini o a Riccione, questo per noi è bello – prosegue Mattia – perchè almeno riusciamo a tenere alto il nome della nostra città, attirando sempre più persone e turismo".
Un modo originale nato per caso quello del Subway Viterbo che non solo cerca di far esibire artisti italiani, infatti Vegas Jones è italianissimo di Milano, ma anche di "trattenere" i nostri giovani nei locali della penisola, sono tanti infatti i ragazzi che nel fine settimana sfruttano i voli low cost per andare a ballare all'estero.
"Un grosso plauso da parte mia al Subway Viterbo – dichiara Luca Talucci, presidente provinciale Silb Viterbo – oggi ci vuole coraggio a fare serate del genere investendo nel divertimento sano, evitando quindi che i giovani si spostino nel fine settimana, poiché noi in Italia non abbiamo nulla da invidiare alle altre nazioni in materia di divertimento, in primis la Spagna".
Vegas Jones sarà nel noto locale viterbese il 26 maggio in una data praticamente unica per il centro e parte del sud Italia per accontentare non solo i viterbesi, ma appunto i tanti fans napoletani e romani del rapper che per quella sera già hanno prenotato il biglietto e come si suol dire, acceso i motori per riscaldare l'auto e mettersi in viaggio. La direzione artistica è curata da P.O.V. e Undersound Eventi, la comunicazione è affidata al portale discoteche.it, diretto dal napoletano Luigi Concilio.
Subway Viterbo Via Luigi Rossi Danielli, 4, 01100 Viterbo VT
info sull'evento su Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/209287049849685/
Diffuso da ltc per Discoteche.it
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19 MARZO 2018
Dialogo con Andrea Talucci, nonché mio amico.
M: "credo mi mangerò un'altra pastarella" A: "e mangiala" M: "ma così poi le finisco" A: "e tu mica sei a dieta; poi a noi piaci così: ciccione, corpulento, brufoloso, brutto e povero"
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