#talon: i pity anyone who is NOT with me rn
gloomfaithed · 4 months
@barrackbvnny / Cont. X
"The base was overrun. I'm taking you to safety." This poor woman. She was doing her job and had no impact on how secure she truly was. She had to depend on the success of the troopers, to keep the bases they established during their campaigns safe.
This was the first time Talon had witnessed the Separatist droids gaining the upper hand and forcing such a stressful retreat. The entire base was being evacuated, and she didn't mind being one of the people staying behind to make sure everyone was brought away. In fact, Talon was the perfect woman to do so, frying any droid who was coming too close.
"I know this is harrowing but at least you're safer with me than any trooper out there who is on his own." There had been a rendesvouz point marked on the map. Talon had committed it to memory. "Do you have everything you need? We'll go north and meet up with the others there."
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