skippyv20 · 2 years
Fox Nation
Hello Ms Skippy:
Earlier today I wrote a post about feeling that perhaps Harry was just telling 'his truth', albeit H&M felt the WORLD needed to know and cared for some reason. I wrote that after all he's been through in his life, perhaps it is healing for him to finally get it ALLLLLLLLLLLLL out. But as the day went on, I must say... SHIT JUST GOT REAL. 
I've been navigating the very thin line of Days of Our Lives and Reality since this shit show got married. But today I've sincerely realized just how very sick H&M are and today they lit a serious reality fuse.  King Charles said it himself.." I should have gotten you the help you needed back then".  
These 2 have single handedly caused unmeasurable damage to the Royal Family in 2 years time. They have lied, schemed, deceived, lied, manipulated...and lied all in the name of $$$ deals, relevance, and retaliation. Today the fuse was lit with the 'Talliban' comment and friends, I think the backlash will be much more fierce than what any of us can imagine.  I pray for the Royals now, for their safety, as I truly believe life for them will never be the same after today. To think of all the work the Queen did the last 70 years... went up in flames today when Harold announced he killed the 25. These 2 are extreme sociopaths and need to be stopped before they do any more damage.
They are pure evil….❤️
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redactedc0re · 2 years
Attention real quick,,
This is not really much of a deal but still important in some of a way and sorry if my grammar dosen’t make any sense, I’m trying my best to explain this bullish//t that recently happened to me.
Also this thing includes mentions of r@p3, being gr00m3d and not so minor-friendly stuff.
Okay so lets just start from the beginning,
People who may not know,, I am still a minor and I get uncomfortable if someone mentions about trauma that I have had before.
The setting of this was in one of my friends discord server where everything was going fine until this one person joined, (and the name will not be mentioned for obvious reasons) lets just call them Mak or smth.
So Mak went to the chat channel where I and a mutual (Luv or my mum) was chatting with another person (Luv’s uncle becuase we had an online family which I am apart of) and decided to join the conversation. Mak was pretty funny and all until they replied to Luv’s uncle with something like this: “ Make sure to wear a c(nd0m when you meet with Luv “. As Luv being a minor like me I’m sure he felt uncomfortable at this point but we assumed they didn’t know that we had this family thing so we told them and they seemed clueless about it and apologized with a “ :( “ and a “ sorry “ but I am for sure this person wasn’t sorry AT ALL.
A few messages later they sent a pic of some food and followed along with the word “ eat “ but since it was a joke I didn’t take it that seriously and I said as a JOKE to catch up with the humor “ I’d rather slap ravioli on your face then to eat that then “ and this person decided to be a f//king menace to society and reply: “ Don’t make me call Tallibans to r@p3 you “.
And as a person who has the experience of being gr00m3d irl and online I snapped. I could be sorry about it but I swear this wasn’t a f//king joke anymore. But instead of going crazy I just said that they went too far and Luv agreed on my side because apparently he was raped as a child before and Mak didn’t take this seriously and said “ Sorry mommy “.
Honestly, I would say this f//ker thought they were SOOO funny by making people traumatized and thinking that trauma is a joke but yeah. That’s it for this bullish//t of drama. I won’t be leaving the server but I will block or at least get this person banned.
Overall, if you want to spread this then feel free to do so. Trauma isn’t a f//king joke and is not funny AT ALL.
Thank you for your time.
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lyrics365 · 27 days
[Текст песни “Talliban”] [Куплет] За*бался курить такие большие граммы Скоро в гландах вырастит гематома Или придут на концерт под мефедроном мои фаны Когда пил с директором кофе, это получил кофеин Как это так получилось, ты спросишь, я просто подмешал туда кодеин А мораль бл* такова: «Кури с курильщиками на Курилах xanax, а» Если перекуришь босса мафии в Гетто, то тебе будет обеспечена…
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hollyboy562 · 3 years
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9/11 #NeverForget #20YearsLater #TalliBan #MuriKa #BuyMoreGuns #RedWhiteAndBrews https://www.instagram.com/p/CTs_wNRl29T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rustykhann · 3 years
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getting ready for the BLM and the Talliban
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ciara-clycone · 3 years
My heart and prayers go out to all Americans and American Allies in Afghanistan that were abandoned and stranded by Biden and his administration.
And perhaps even worse our government gave the Taliban(a terrorist organization) a list of names and information of Americans that are in Afghanistan.
And the talliban have been known to kill Americans and people who have aided America in the previous years. (Not to mention the taliban went out to kill female judges cuz how dare females speak up for women and their rights)
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hadit93 · 3 years
Thoughts on the Afghanistan situation? Should Europe accept refugees?
It’s a complete mess. There were meant to be tools and procedures in place to prevent this sort of takeover happening.
My sympathies are with the normal men, women, and children who have to live there. I believe if they feel the need to flee they should do so and they should be aided in settling in and contributing to another country. Be that Europe or elsewhere.
Personally I would like to see the public take back their cities. But that could lead to a lot of death. The truth is there are more citizens than there are talliban. Terrorist groups need eradicating and I worry a mass exodus from the country is simply a sign that these people have won.
But again- how can we expect normal, untrained people to fight?
It’s a delicate situation and I lack the political insight to truly form an informed opinion.
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kdr3217 · 3 years
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Wenn Bürger für ihre Grundrechte demonstrieren ist es widerwärtig. Bei Politikern ist es in Ordnung. Politiker setzen sich auch mit Mördern wie den Talliban oder dem saudischen Prinzen an einen Verhandlungstisch.Das ist widerwärtig. Das dumme Wahlvieh hat in Deutschland nichts mehr zu melden. Von diesem Staat ist nichts mehr zu erwarten.
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Talliban.. largest producer of heroine in the world. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTQ68yTHGxE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Is it possible HCB was taken into custody for her own protection from talliban? I really don't think so, but just kicking ideas around like a dubonnet and gin is kicking me around.
Oh…she would love for people to think that….❤️
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weabbynormalblog · 3 years
Childhood trauma=Adult Survivor
The things we tell ourselves. Be careful for what you wish for. Its really important to stop crying over shit you can't change or control.
I know its hard. Don't do this don't do that etc. Suffering is necessary especially if your a Buddhist and certainly if your human.
The Sercret, The law of attraction, the latest buzz words, you'll catch more bees with honey, that's a fact. Act now! Try this! Find the easy way out? Is there an easy way? No decision is still a decision. Stay, go, turn in circles, pondering the all of its entirety. All vying as your solution. Yes like attracts Like. FACT Belief overules like. Thats why "This shit of attracting is all wrong!". " Hello? Belief is everything!" Its our level of personal experience that is my "now" domain. I'm the God here in my life in this body today. I believe what I believe till I believe otherwise...I say the human experience should be all-inclusive, empathetic, understanding and supportive. Most people and humanitarians would agree. That's not how nature works. Survival of the fitess. Do or die. Like attracts like and I get tackled and body slammed to the ground. Why? Am I a bad person because of "xyz"? Nope. Did I do something to someone else? No. This time it was all because I was mad, triggered and I exploded; had a verbal melt down. The neighbor was disturbed by my authentic emotions. No nukes were sent, no one is getting hurt here. Just venting and trying to work out my anger. Not to hold shit in and to stop the rings of abuse. Clearly the other person in the room was overwhelmed too. Im trying to solve some issues instead I get yelling and fuck yous. I know this is not my fault!!!??? I know the whatever happened to me. "Insert major life changing event here" I am changed there is no doubt...nothing worked out as I hopped or wished it. Even so I took all steps necessary and just the same outcome. Still void, suffering and unremarkable. Yet I am where I am. No further along or better or worst off. Cha cha cha! And I must do without and put up with injustice. Denied!!! All my emotions are tied up in a neat, tight, the most perfect, best ball of raw ugly emotions on a kitchen timer ever ...I can't talk to anyone about anything, thier shackles get up and they go on the defensive, then arguing and me walking away because again I am unable to communicate what I need and overwhelmed again by my situation. Unable to communicate what is necessary for us solve our issues to move on together or apart. Grrrrr This is so common for us with brain injury, PTSD and many other host of mental health issues. There is so much that needs to be said that it gets left unsaid. Often its too late for those in need. Its very difficult to relate and communicate effectively beyond our frustration with others. We don't have the copping tools or vocabulary to express it in times of great frustration or in dire situations specifically. Am I doing something wrong? How do I change it? I must also learn to protect myself as well. So I try to diffuse with humor. So hey dial it back a thousand buddy, calm down~ me im doing my breathing exercise "listen I got high blood pressure" in hopes they back down and talk calmly and nope. Another deep breath counting on the in to 5 hippopotamus hold 6 out 7 or 9 hippopotamus depending on my stress level at the time. Look I got a Brain injury, cant we get along? Meet half way? Can we talk later? When were not angry? No? Then just leave me alone and finally I get to walk away having dealt with someone within conflict as effective as possible. Progress for me even though nothing was resolved ~ yes theres more pain and more frustration. Live and try again tomorrow or move on. When being in a place of anger thats all you can relate to, you are not able to understand anything else? Some can some can't. Im working on my flexibility, trust, bettering my health, down to my now moment. They want some kind of resolution and they end up dragging me back under again with things that aren't helpful for me, no truth, no resolution and just more critism and blaming. Not productive. Toxic people thrive in thier emotional power. Next step then. If they can not find the same patience you need to work on "issues" then work on improving your boundaries. Refuse to discuss issues when angry, make time to talk to suit
everyone. Agree to listen and then be heard. Set a timer. Be open, be reserved to be more distant from other people emotions and be more grounded with your own. Recognize and hone in on your own emotions. Practicing mindfulness, meditation, a healthful regime, socializing that benefits you too is necessary to being a good human. Im so tired of the fucking ripples that keep all my family apart already...All of it stems from the abuse and damage to the core of my soul that left rings on my childrens' lives as well. My Maternal Grandmother was in the Holocaust that tends to mare your parenting skills and the ripples expand. 3 to 4 generations of children no longer speaking to thier mothers. Im sure thier mothers were not to blame. No one protected me either. I was given up for adoption. I was abused. It happens.Thats ok I'll work with what I got. It can end there. No need to add to a bad situation. Maybe the 1person I sent off had my back. All because I promised Daddy Warbucks to make sure my best friend got on that plane. I understand I haven't been as good a friend to myself than I have to others. I was very self sacrificing like everything was my fault. Ive turned that bus around. At the end of the day you may think nothing matters. You matter! This world is nothing without your unique personality in it. Yet here you sit alone in fears with tears streaming down into rivers...I don't know about you but Im tired of wet feet. A lifetime of abuse and suffering very often at the hand of others. I over compensated for everything. Even my language supported it. It did surprised me on the face of Oliver that day. It was painful and it revealed more of the abuse of self to me often forgotten in the past similar moments of thier upbringings. Aha! PTSD, ADHT, me with Dyslexia no doubt I suffered along with my children. 11 years later we are finally starting to do the work that should of been done back then. No one was ready. I would of made my son sit at the table during dinner. Pressured my husband to enforce our agreed rules. Took time to feel and deal with the loss of Pearl, our marriage and business ...trying to understand our feelings, deal with our mental health issues Before seemed impossible, I never gave up on my family. i gave them the space they needed. Now theres Covid restrictions and passports. This stupid ass greedy human world. And now geography is still in our way. Its a lot and still only a fraction of what some humans suffer from the hands of other humans. Very sad. Friends will come and go. I know its what needs to happen. The toxic people have to learn thier lessons too. Next step is slow down give yourself some space and peace. Deep breathing till you feel you can respond when dealing with conflict. Or make another time to work on it. Do things at your own pace, no excuse needed they will wait, they feed off of it. Practice beneficial things. Like being self sufficient, its a struggle worthy of the time and effort. Im working to overcome my issues. I now know that's not the way that love or friendship should work. I ask why me what did I do to deserve such torture? I remind myself, it's only 1 part of the journey. Everyone hurts, cries and dies. Love should bring out the best. Not the worst. They are a lousy mirror right now. Thats ok we can still move forward. I can forgive them for what they were not capable of. I love them inspite of it all. As is, as it always has been. They were only capable of showing the negative even when I worked so hard to stay positive and be a good example. If not me then who? Critisim everywhere. No solutions only problems. They beat me down at every turn...I'm still breathing. Everything's a contest and no one ever wins. If you can't do this, then how are you going to do that? Why are you judging me and why do I care so much? I care not to be in conflict and this is what is driving or rather coloring my reality. I avoid conflict like Covid. My childhood trauma that I thought I dealt with years of therapy and moved on from was rearing its ugly head yet again. How
do I slay the beast for all time? My limiting behavior needed more help. So I needed to build a better foundation for myself. One built on everthing in its own time with practice, patience,acceptance, learning and more growth. So I won't have to walk away from conflict ever again. I can lean in and help us grow together as a couple or as a family or be what the other human needs positively in thier now moment. Sometimes its not about us, its about giving back with what we have learnt. I know it sucks that we have been thrown to the odds of fate to do better apart. Its not thier fault, or mine either. Yet heres me litterally paying for all of it. With my resources, energy, health and sanity. History has a way of slapping you in the face. Yes Im woke as fuck! Your opposition yes they too pay with thier blood, sweat and tears. Perhaps never on the same page or kiss or moment. At times my heart is so broken. Doubting thoughts need correcting. Like I want nothing much to do with the whole entire human race right now, I mean you no ill will. The Talliban kill with impunity, chaos and destruction in thier wake. Do they have no wants or desires but only destruction for what they can't have? Cant we teach them how to live, love and listen? Do they not want the same as others? A healthy family, a roof over ones head and food in our bellies? Are we not all from this world? I was told this duality is healthy. The human condition needs to see destruction to appreciate growth. I still don't know how this all will help that woman with the gun pointed at her head or to watch your family be slautered in front of your eyes. No human should know this. Violence has always been a part of being human. We are a human animal. I protect my life and those that I love. Life and death I choose to fight for my life and thiers. I also choose to fight for others ...when in reality we are just fighting ourselves. I appreciate everything I lost and have. So I sit in what will be my art studio and den...I know my worth and how lucky I am. I look about all the things that are still here. Stuff holds space. Illusions fade. Love can hold space for others. Did they loved me enough to say your beautiful or even I love you? Or cared enough to be by your side during your worst moments. Perhaps a we'll get through this together? Good thing I never needed any of that. I was always able alone. I did need kindness, empathy, support and understanding. It was devastating to be met with violence. Everthing was a fight in my life. But isn't that the nature of living? Personally Im tired of the abuse. They throw it back in your face every chance they get. So it seems the lesson is to look at who Iam or are. After reflection its our belief of who they are and who we are in conflict that decides the winner. Can they learn to look beyond winners and loosers? Meet us half way? Walk a mile in my shoes. I know I can. Its going to take lots of patience, proactive support and some serious housework and cleaning to shape up humanity on this world. I'm doing my work. Im not on this rock to police or please others. What about these toxic people? Where are thier lessons? They need help too, no? Society and my answer to that, is you have to go! Then the police say no. Due to Pandemic Conditions; I am in utter disbelief but I do understand. Past abuse that was not legally recorded. Yadda, Yadda shwing shwing. What about my rights and issues? Legal up Baby! Money and the boys club is still king. Harsh as it was, there are many other moments in my life that hurt me way more. I will survive this and move well beyond. I will not let others narrow mindedness change who I am. Openess, understanding, no judgements here. Yet my generousity was used against me and in the worst way by people I love like no others. Betrayed again. 》Tip off here. Recurring themes. Betrayal can be healed. At the time you could have punched me in the stomach, I wouldn't, couldn't even feel it. There was nothing but numb and delayed reactions. "Let's face it, the best is never good enough when you
have suffered abuse and neglect." Its a deep riff and or trauma that someone else may be responsible for in your psychological makeup that makes and moulds us too. It happens a lot. Unfortunatly its more common than not. Childhood trauma. I get that. As an adult I know it's my cup to fill. Unknowingly I may have inflicted it onto others, for that I apologize. I'm still a work in progress, working on myself here. I'm the one falling, stumbling and then I get back up. The damage has been done. Please walk away, I got this now. They had affected everything I did. At the sink, the powder room, the work, the garage.....mess here and there, important things left undone...here's me trying to get them all done and save the world too in one breath. No wonder its too big, too heavy and we all need to lift. The first step is admiting ill be ok, I've got my back. I'll get through this like everything else with tears, journaling and a hot beverage. I send strength and courage to those in need. You will find a way to cope, help and move on. Believe! I'll leave that guitar right there as a reminder of my shit and thiers. Along with the 7k check and your ego at the door. Let go of all expectations, broken words and promises. The stuff they said they would do...that they never did. You want something done? Do it yourself. Can't do it all then get the professional that you need.
I understand you are broken, we all are. The catch is you have to fix it and fill it. Talk to someone you trust or write it down, talk it into a recording app...whatever help you need you deal with it in a positive way 7f you can't then look that shit up. Own your shit and get on with living! You can do this! If you live in fear find a way to empower and protect yourself. Just remember we are just human here, right now. No super powers, no agents for the world or our times. Be humble, be open, heal yourselves and then help heal others. 1 person and 1 step at a time. Like the green grass that's brown in the spring, with water, care and nutrients in the fall it will be a sea of green. Small steps add up to big changes over time. Break it down. Carve out time for happiness practice. 15 minutes a day just you sitting in peace and quiet. Every step you take from here on will go in a positive, proactive solution oriented manor or not at all. It's what you choose to do《Tip. Choose better thoughts and food choices. Work on 1 thing at a time. This is what micromanagement is good for; on yourself. Yes we can be success and happy in life without anyone, that doesn't mean we should. We need to trust eachother and work together. We learn so much from conflict so don't fear it. Its what helps us grow and learn when we become stagnant.
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arrahmahcom · 9 years
Mujahidin Imarah Islam Afghanistan berhasil bebaskan sejumlah area strategis di provinsi Saripul
Mujahidin Imarah Islam Afghanistan berhasil bebaskan sejumlah area strategis di provinsi Saripul
AFGHANISTAN (Arrahmah.com) – Laporan dari provinsi Saripul utara menyebutkan bahwa Mujahidin Imarah Islam Afghanistan (IIA) melancarkan serangan terhadap posisi musuh di sekitar pusat distrik Siyad pada Selasa malam (22/12/2015). Dalam operasi ini, Mujahidin berhasil memukul mundur pasukan musuh dari 4 area strategis, yaitu Aqsoi Sharqi, Aqsoi Gharbi, Nawadar dan Qarayi. Mujahidin juga menewaskan…
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