#talking bout some ‘gumi’ shit like you know him personally
yuujiology · 11 days
Lets remember that gumi is tojis son!! Thats not dark content thats wacko/fetish content!! Also not to mention incest, hope this helps!!👐💓
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this is gonna sound crazy but i dont give a fuck!! :3
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realmonstersrp · 6 years
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❛ don’t get cocky, don’t get clever, don’t get cheesy on me cheddar
(+) articulate, resourceful, astute (–) self-serving, vain, manipulative
300 kid : was the first label he’d learned to loathe. 300 kid, a child of the california court system, since his parents couldn’t keep their fists away from each other. they were deemed unfit for parenthood because of a house full of violence, but is it one hundred percent their fault if he’s the one in the background, pushing passive thought into motion and inciting idle hands into action? but is it really his fault if he doesn’t even know what he’s doing? if he doesn’t even know how to control it?
you always bring out the worst in people : learning to talk might have been the absolute worst thing for him. it’d be less damning if his ability had manifested during puberty (like you need those kinds of changes along with the ones already happening!), but he just wasn’t that lucky. foster home to group home to another, different, group home. he was never involved in any of the incidents that he was cited for, but when the chaos had been broken up–all parties always turned their fingers toward him. there were never any formal accusations; he was deemed low-risk and was never involved physically, so he slipped through the cracks of the united states criminal justice system.
shit happened how it happened so the past is perfect : his pre-teen years come, and with it a pair of foster parents that were different than any of the ones before. these two–they knew how to handle him, and he didn’t know how to handle that. most kids dream about a foster family that turns into a real one, but haesung didn’t know how to react when they reveal that they want to adopt him, permanently. but, what’s he got to lose? he leaves the us for south korea at fourteen with legal guardians that are intent on helping him control his ability. to haesung, it’s just another new place until he’s there for a year, then two, then three, and then it’s the closest thing to stable he’s ever had. his new legal “parents” both graduated from some place he only knows as gumi. college wasn’t too many years ago for them, so they’re more like older siblings than parents, but with the way they talk about it–haesung wonders if maybe he’ll be okay there.
trust no one that puts you in the wrong light : being the personal project of the two of them was refreshing but also suffocating, so when he was unleashed onto gumi, the freedom was almost overwhelming. at gumi, the idea of legacies were both familiar and strange all at once, but it was something he wanted to experience, even if briefly. alpha was a playground for someone of his type. pride, envy–all things he could work with. first year initiates were to be seen and not heard, so no one payed him any mind until it was too late (three upperclassmen alphas with latent grievances, pitted against each other by haesung, who whispered wrath cloaked in honey. the ensuing brawl was more than enough reason to throw him out–he’d barely made it into the legacy in the first place.) hellion was unfortunate enough to be his next target. there happened to be less of a specific concentration regarding vices, but everyone has their weaknesses. haesung, quite literally the definition of a ‘charity case,’ found more of a home in hellion, but even then his impulses outweighed his survival instinct. (here, he was more discreet, and his handiwork was spread out over a longer period of time. at the core of his abilities, self destruction is the ultimate endgame. but he would never take it that far–just enough to entertain. inevitably, once found, he was also stripped of membership from hellion.)
i hate the way the things i say incinerate a room : he hides any insecurities and shortcomings (of which there are many) with vanity and standoffish behavior. he lives off of reactions–with a constant chip on his shoulder and terrible impulse control, haesung thrives off attention, positive or negative. in fact, he seeks it out and craves it. sometimes he wished he’d made better decisions and cultivated better relationships, but the mini reputation he’d built in his short time at gumi is something he’s willing to shoulder if it means that people will look at him and pay attention.
vice inducement is the ability to evoke specific vices or sins that are contained within an individual’s soul. at it’s most powerful and potent (think demon), it calls forth the worst vices that plague a person or thing, which can cause them to chase this vice into self destruction (usually death or insanity).
***however, haesung’s power of vice inducement is always temporaryand not nearly strong enough to drive anyone to extremes, though the repercussions from those temporary states can sometimes be more damning than the actual inducement itself. mainly, he speaks the vices into the front of the conscious. though it is possible to use his ability through eye contact, his sway is significantly lower when conducted through this medium. the vices that haesung has sway over are envy, wrath, pride, sloth, and violence. when he is using his ability, a red outline forms around his pupils, seeping into the dark brown of his iris but never completely taking over the iris.
though everyone responds a little differently, these are the most common reactions that people have when haesung focuses his abilities onto them: envy: if a person’s main vice is envy, then it invites cruel and vindictive behavior towards those that the individual is envious of whether it is something as tangible as possessions or looks, or as intangible as achievements or reputation. wrath: those with wrath as their main vice usually hold some sort of lasting grudge. wrath inducement means the lowering of inhibitions and self-control, which in turn unleashes the full brunt of someone’s retaliatory, usually violent, instincts. pride: filters are often removed with vice inducement of  those with pride as their main vice. they will act as if they are above all those around them, asserting themselves inappropriately and overbearingly–the literal embodiment of a god-complex, if you will. sloth: targets of this vice oftentimes find themselves feeling extremely lethargic as well as feel a lack of motivation to do anything. they will oftentimes forget about things in favor of sleeping, sometimes forgetting to perform essential functions and therefore skip meals, etc. violence: while similar to wrath, this affects those with explosive personalities or tempers. the target often feels a sudden, murderous instinct and will oftentimes harm those around them without care. in the case of vice inducement in animals of monsters, this is oftentimes the vice that is easiest to induce in them.
physical flaw: the ability is easiest to wield when haesung can be heard. his ability is most effective when spoken in soft, relaxing tones over a period of time as this “coaxes” the soul into giving into the vice. if the surrounding area is loud or chaotic, and the need to shout arises, haesung’s accuracy is thrown off, and the inducement will usually fail unless he utilizes other means (for ex: eye contact).
range: while best utilized in close proximity (about 1 meter/3 feet), it is still possible to use his ability up to 2 meters/6.5 feet away from the target. anything further and disruptions or distractions commonly prohibit him from carrying out the full inducement.
eye contact: while it is possible to induce vices through eye contact, the chances of success are cut by about 50%. with humans, eye contact inducement is extremely difficult unless he knows a person’s weakness, and aims to target that vice specifically. with animals or monsters, inducement through eye contact is easier than their human counterparts because of their (usually) simpler range of desires and emotions.
potency: at most vice inducement encourages the lowering of the inhibitions and encourages self destructive behavior. it cannot drive anyone into actual insanity, or induce a vice that is not already a major weakness of the target.
time limit: the longest time someone has ever been under an inducement was about four hours, but they had haesung’s complete attention focused on them , and he would intermittently tamper with them throughout that time period. as it is, most commonly haesung’s power induces a temporary mindset of an hour in a conductive environment, but only 30 minutes in a less ideal environment for inducement.
exceptions: people with extreme levels of self-control or those with abilities related to virtue inducement are for the most part, immune to haesung’s tampering. those with abilities related to other mental inducements can usually break free from temptations due to the similar nature of the abilities, as they are more likely to recognize the intrusive thoughts and feelings of his vice inducement.
repercussions: as his abilities are not particularly physical in nature, he does not become physically drained with overuse. instead, if he overuses his ability he usually has intense bouts of vertigo that can render him immobile. he’s never actually lost his voice before, but if he’s been continuously tampering with someone, his voice has a tendency to go hoarse, but whether that’s a side effect of his ability or just general overuse has not been exactly determined.
for some reason he has immense eco-guilt without any particular inciting incident; once things settle and he has his own place he wants to start composting.
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