#pls go outside LMFAOOO😭😭
yuujiology ¡ 11 days
Lets remember that gumi is tojis son!! Thats not dark content thats wacko/fetish content!! Also not to mention incest, hope this helps!!👐💓
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this is gonna sound crazy but i dont give a fuck!! :3
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heesulovebot ¡ 1 year
tay i want to know all your observations and theories and thoughts and headcanons or WHATEVER about the eighth sense (i know there’s a movie version and that reaction video out there but i haven’t watched it so please humour me if you already have lololol)
crista my love!!! 🥹💕 omg i'm so glad ur also watching t8s i need everyone to watch it, it's just sO good. i'm also blushing twisting my feet twirling my hair that u want to hear me cry about this show because lmfaooo i'm the least coherent person to do this and so many wonderful things have already been said but i'll just reiterate some thoughts here since i just finished re-watching episodes 1 & 2 for the third time. this is way too long i’m so sorry bare w me pls:
i feel like the beginning sequence (before we are drawn to the present story) tells us everything and absolutely nothing at all. jaewon and jihyun sit on the beach, there’s a sound of a heart beat, their hands are touching, and then there’s a fading superimposition shot of the ocean waves. first of all, i love a good superimposition shot, not just because it’s nice to look at, but because these types of shots play with time and space. we then get that black and white shot of someone surfing, and then a cut to someone being pulled out from under the waves. another superimposition shot from the ocean to that scene back on the beach but jihyun is no longer there and we can hear the sound of sirens. i can see why there were death theories flowing around on twitter lol. from the shot of jihyun to no-jihyun it can allude to something like that but remember what i said about superimposition playing with time and space? the first shot is the future (or present, depending on where you’re looking at the story—perception is everything). the black-and-white shots were deliberate, though. those were in the past. and judging from the later conversation where jihyun trails off about a younger brother, it’s most likely jaewon pulling this younger-brother type person out of the water.
after the credits we get one of my favourite shots so far: a fish tank, taking up nearly half the screen in the foreground, and a blurry vision of the back of jaewon’s head in the background. as we get to know more about jaewon i’m really curious to know what this could be a metaphor for, but the most cliché metaphor for now is “fish out of water.” that seems to fit jihyun more, being a lil’ country kid in seoul, but i feel like for jaewon it’s more about the fact that he wears a mask of a confident person. and he’s damn good at masking. he let’s his friends carry on their double-edged conversation about how oh-so-easy his privileged life is and only gets angry when his friend crosses the line and pushes him over (because although jaewon might be easy-going, he is not a pushover).
jaewon and jihyun’s first exchange outside the pub is so good 😭 there’s banter—i love how sassy jihyun is and how it comes out in front of jaewon—but one thing is established in this scene: their interest in each other. for jihyun, it’s the fact that he was eavesdropping on jaewon and co.’s conversation and congratulated jaewon on completing his military service. jihyun also seemed a bit annoyed initially but he could’ve easily directed jaewon to the nearest convenience store to buy his own cigarettes, but jihyun brings jaewon two (which jaewon seems surprised about) and lights it for him. jaewon’s interest is solidified the moment jihyun slips him a lighter before he leaves. i went absolutely feral at the way their fingers lingered—far too long to be written off as just a small exchange. if a lingering touch isn’t the queerest thing you’ve ever seen, idk what is 😩
my favourite scene so far is their third encounter. i will never shut up about it tbh!!! pissed off by his friends crossing his boundaries and inviting his ex-gf to the pub (where he’d dragged them in because he was lowkey looking for jihyun 👀), jaewon goes outside for a smoke. jihyun follows him out and attempts to be brave: he tells him “my name is jihyun. i thought we should know each other’s names if we’re going to be friends” [cue tay screaming in the background]. the way jihyun looks at jaewon, the sincerity in those doe eyes, and jaewon’s shocked but absent expression is everything. i’ve already screamed about this in the tags but like i’ve said, jaewon is constantly putting on a mask for everyone around him—he’s nice, he’s got everything handed to him; he’s the quintessential golden boy. in all their encounters so far jaewon has been cheery and extroverted, but the fact that he doesn’t have the energy to put on a mask and doesn’t hide his expression from jihyun says a lot. jihyun will slowly become someone who jaewon can be 100% himself around and there is something so *sharp inhale* about that.
jaewon asks jihyun his name again on the bus to their surfing trip, and the little smile that is threatening to curl up on the corner of his lips absolutely killed me. sufa @heart-ming​ said it perfectly: jaewon knows his name, of course he knows his name. he’s been thinking about him (when he’s outside his family home as he smokes the second cigarette, or going into the bar to see if he’s working). jaewon’s obvious disappointment in seeing their sleeping arrangements is also funny, but that doesn’t stop jaewon. he practically begs the club president to let him teach jihyun, and the two continue whatever the hell it is they have going on on the beach; alone.
(also i could talk forever about the scene where jaewon helps jihyun into his wetsuit like—the way jihyun looks SO nervous and bare in front of jaewon, and the way jaewon puts on a soft and reassuring smile when they’re face to face, but the moment jihyun turns around, jaewon’s mask crumbles and we can see that he’s also nervous from their proximity. the intimacy of helping someone put something on is insane).
i’m fairly certain that kim jihyun is well aware of his sexuality (the boy is a girl group stan i mean c’mon). he might not be out, of course, but he’s been more straight forward about his intentions in pursuing his crush. jaewon on the other hand seems to be doing things not because he’s aware of his attraction to the same sex, but because he’s attracted to jihyun and a bit impulsive about this new-found attraction. there’s this magnetic pull the younger seems to have on the older, and for now, he’s kind of fallen into that trance. but from the synopsis we know that they will be sharing a kiss, and that jaewon will proceed to act as if nothing happened. i’m not ready for that angst next week 😭😭 but i’m actually curious if jaewon really isn’t aware, or he’s just afraid and in the closet??? is the “younger brother” he trailed off about actually his younger brother, or someone who he used to like????? i have so many questions about jaewon’s past that i need answering is it wednesday yet??????????
ok i’m talking too much about jaewon—that’s my blorbo, my baby girl, my cinnamon apple—but i also adore jihyun. he tells jaewon he’s trying to not be scared and he’s been doing some brave things the last two episodes i’m so proud of him :’) his braveness is quiet, like him. there’s something that was said to him by two different people that was pretty similar:                            
“at first, you’ll be clumsy and scared of everything, but that’s because you aren’t familiar with it.” “then are you afraid of many things? that’s just because you have many things you don’t know” 
the first quote was said by his boss when they were drinking, and the second was said by jaewon on the beach. i love these quotes and the fact that we heard them twice because besides being a romance, the eighth sense is very much a coming-of-age and about both of these young queer men coming into themselves. it's just uGH so great.  
icb i wrote so much and i didn’t even mention the surfing lesson or shower scene like........ there are just so many layers and nuance to this show and the storytelling, dialogue, and cinematography are all so good. i feel like the director captured the queer experience so well and i can’t wait to see what else is in store for us!! the korean theatrical release was heavily edited and cut down so i can’t wait to see it in it’s full form, how it was intended :’)
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sparklingpax ¡ 2 years
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This basically says, either "Our (or actually, given the lack of a possessive particle,) We Are [a] Cybertron[ian] Family!" SO IN SUMMARY, FOUND FAMILY FOR THE FUCKING WIN YALL
Next up, outfits. As in,,,,,WH??? HUH 💀
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aside from the fact that he looks so entirely dead inside, shoutout to Cloudburst for pulling the most Cloudburst move ever here, and not wearing something different than his usual outfit lmfaooo 💀
The heads-up in their groupchat from Hawk including like a "pls dress casual but nice" and Cloudburst either doesnt read the text or just straight-up decides it's too much effort to actually put on another outfit sooooooo.....they better be ok with what he's wearing now LOL
Anyways, next up, Waverider & Landmine, starting with Landmine lowkey stealing Waverider's hoodie look ajsdnjssj
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It's like the "can I copy ur homework" meme 💀💀💀 But props to him, he did pull it off! the black shirt is a nice combination with that shade of blue 😌👀 meanwhile Waverider:
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"beloved cabbage, i will be gentle with my knife"
Moving on,
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..............more coming later on whether I think the sweater (turtleneck??? But like material-wise, kinda same difference idk) he is wearing under this sweater (is it not just me who finds that so extra jdjsjs in the middle of what looks like literally Summer 💀💀) is:
A.) long-sleeve
B.) short-sleeve
C.) sleeveless 🫣
comment now to vote
I will say I really like the idea anyway?? and Hawk wears it well~ those colors compliment him ngl 👀✨😌👏
And I cant add another image because stupid image limit, but I wanted to add that it's slightly funny how Shuta always has outfits that are....normal but also weird atst? Not a bad thing, of course but like,,,lmfao *remembers that one time he had a blue fedora and pointy sunglasses over an outfit consisting of blue and white....with a suit and all......odd look sdjdjdsj*
Next up, this blurb here!
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-Phoenix (Cloudburst) and "the others" are in an "outside country" and "came to Japan to play" which (perhaps randomly) got me thinking about whether Hawk specifically and in regards to Japan, where he's been for ages at this point (but more all of them I guess)--could be considered a part of the countries they've been stationed in or are considered foreigners no matter what. Legal stuff aside, obviously they're citizens in their countries with all the right paperwork and such; they have jobs and function in normal society, how could they not. But....they are from another planet so it begs the question whether or not they can be considered foreigners or of that country--technically speaking they don't really belong to any nationality too...? I guess that's why the wording of "in an outside country" "came to Japan" was used....and Idk if I'm wording this right but that sentence got me thinking about that. Maybe as a tangent. 👀
It's mainly a description of what's going on, "on a day where the weather is nice, cab is together with the pretenders and the three headmaster jrs in front of his hut," (first sentence) and so I'm only 80% sure of my translation abilities here but I'll point out a couple things anyway:
-"Today is a lovely Sunday" I just like this. They're giving. Today is a good day. Always love that for them 😌
-theyre having a garden party (it literally says "garden party" in katakana). But...in a FOREST? Is it even still a garden party anymore??? Can you have a garden party in a non-garden?? I think I'm missing the point here but uH help?????????? (/j don't take this super seriously dhshsjsj)
-Cab was sent that huge heap of "delicious fruit" from his island, Minerva's cooking her own stuff, I'm wondering if this meant there's two whole dishes being made of if this is a group effort 😹 maybe they're having a cook-off?? For funsies??? 👀
-it is Sunday. The fact that it is Sunday is listed twice on this poster actually, it's also written on the side in yellow, in a caption that reads "Cybertron's Sunday - Shuta's Diary" which in itself is interesting because no I'm wondering what the angle of this is specifically. Is this like, an entry in his diary or?? What is the perspective of this image now I mean sure I guess it's a promotional image that I shouldn't be analyzing to death like this but you don't need to tell me that and I still want answers
Alright next!!!! Another shout-out to the saddest-looking bottle of wine I have ever seen (complete with the crooked cork 😭💀)
-they are peacefully having fun.....literally says like it's a "fun time with the others in the quiet forest" and "a day of peace without fighting" and with an ellipsis AS THEY SHOULD OUHH IM SO HAPPY THEYRE VIBING LIKE THIS AAAA qwq 💗
-I guess I could translate the whole blurb but I think you get the idea: it's describing stuff that's happening, and that they're having a good time together....in their forest garden party.....I'm sorry I will never shut up about this
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"Ah yes, today I'm sharing one of my prized possessions, my favorite brand, "COU[indescribable scribble]" with an equally unreadable one and a half sentence description underneath. enjoy! ^^"
you best believe I didnt forget to notice the striking color of it because as you can see, Hawk is drinking some of it. Why is it SOLID, BRIGHT PINK. WINE DOESNT LOOK LIKE THAT?? I considered the possibility of it being energon, but....the wine bottle....especially looking at how much is gone and how much is in Hawk's glass....and how Landmine has a thing for wine and collecting it.....and also how in previous episodese they are all shown drinking actual alchohol.........yea but anyway, where the hell did this one come from--
So. In summary. This poster has a lot going on & it's admittedly kinda weird BUT YK WHAT THIS IS SUCH A RARE FIND AND I'M GONNA GO CRY BECAUSE LOOK AT ALL OF THEM BEING ALL HAPPY N STUFF THEY ARE A FAMILY & THIS IS WHOLESOME AND *loud sobbing* AAAA
Also if you read all of this I love you sm, please understand this was made with the energy from a lot of caffeine and not sleep so once again don't take this too seriously I am a little nuts and well?? Just thank you for caring about my dumbass ramblings while I procrastinate packing for an important thing I'm leaving for in literally a day sdkdsksdk
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