#tales of the wanderers
mynabirb · 2 months
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the temple of silence would probably be very interested in mysterious realms and baby dragons
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jad3-d · 2 months
nahida, after scara returns from simulanka: umm whatcha got there?
scara, with a cup in one hand and mini durin in the other: a smoothie
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redzeverin · 2 months
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Wanderer gets more flying friends to join him on his journey :D
Ok but fr tho,… I CRIED so much on the Simulanka story with Wanderer and Durin. I'm so proud of how far he's come… And his story isn't over too!! I look forward to what they have for us in the future (ominous)
Twitter post Hoyolab post
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Genshin Impact | Summertide Scales and Tales | Cutscenes (1/2)
Download Link (Google Drive)
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spookyoffduty · 2 months
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AAA SUMMER EVENT!! I'm late to it (18 days remaining as of today) but I really enjoyed it and wanted to draw something for it as the summer events are always my favorite ones💕🫶🫶
so yeah here's some silly doodles of character interactions
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n4tsum1-san · 2 months
fun character interactions! (minor 4.8 spoilers)
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it's good to see there's no bad blood between collei and kaeya. also i forgot to take a screenshot but kaeya drank the magic tonic, rip his taste buds
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fischl: GREETINGS O NIGHT DRAGON FROM THE LAND OF THE THOUSAND STARS, oh and your hat-wearing servant too
wanderer: what the fuck did you just call me
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KLEE CALLING MINI DURIN HER BIG BROTHER AWWW!!! and then klee, mini durin, and fischl all play hide-and-seek together :')
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scarabedo interaction was not on my 2024 bingo card... also POSSIBLE DURIN RESURRECTION???? i think i know what mondstadt's next expansion will be about
and just like other big events, you can find the characters in the open world: wanderer & nahida in the akademiya, nilou & her forest friends in zubayr theater, kirara in inazuma city, navia & clorinde & chiori by chioriya boutique, and fischl & oz in the broken sea
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moon-song-and-star · 2 months
So many friends and yet,
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Not a single one a normal human being
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xiaoaetherposts · 2 months
The Aether effect on Xiao and Scara:
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Twitter(X): @xiaoaetherposts
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happytobus · 1 year
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This is the most insane crossover I’ve ever seen in my entire life
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battleonthebigbridge · 2 months
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Pats his head
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twistedappletree · 11 months
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zweetpea · 2 months
The Hatchling and The Cursed Princess
For @liuaneee
Once upon a time there was a princess-
“Hold on hold on! That’s so cliche!” Scara had the audacity to interrupt me. Anyway so it all started a long time ago-
“Audacity? This is my love story!”
Excuse you? Boy sit down before I make you sleep on the couch!
Anyway… where was I?
“Not so long ago?” He reminded.
Fine (¬_¬) it wasn’t so long ago. An old witch had been snubbed- really? Not gonna say anything?
“Nah, you’re spitting facts.”
Okay so the old hag had not been invited to the baby shower of the princess. 6 other Mages and their familiars were invited. They all gave the princess lovely gifts.
Venti and the dragon of the Winds gave the princess a beautiful voice. Zhongli and the drake of the Earth gave the princess the gift of loyalty. Nahida and the Aranara of the Flora gave the princess an exceptional mind (both brilliant and wise). Furina and the dragon of the Waters gave her beauty both inside and out. Murata and her dragon of flames gave her strength of will. And The Tsarista and her jester gave her true love.
Everyone was- boy what are you smirking at?
“nothing.” Scara barely tried to hid his smirk. “Hey! Don’t call me out.” He chuckled.
Anyway everyone was laughing and cheering and just when all the gifts had been handed out the Witch of the land far far away had appeared in a cloud of purple mist.
“A party? Without me?” She glared at the king and queen.
“We were very frightened.” Thanks mom. Note the sarcasm.
So the old ugly witch walked over to the king and queen who held their baby. Her familiar the Kitsune of lightning sat on her shoulder. She held out her hand and recited a spell.
“On the girl’s 20th birthday she will prick herself on an Electrograna thorn and die!”
Everyone cried out in horror as she summoned a strike of lightning and disappeared. The king and queen were devastated. They resolved not to loose their baby so they burned all the electrograna in the land and kept their baby under 24 hour surveillance at the castle.
“Because seriously, who decides “oh yeah let’s keep her safe by sending her away where we can’t look after her”?” Scara spitting facts there.
So the princess grew up surrounded by love and protection. One day she met an adorable cat, his fur the color of midnight. “Hello little kitty.” She said and in response the kitty nuzzled his face into her hand. “I’m gonna keep you.” She picks him up and walks into her room. She named the cat midnight after its beautiful black fur.
She’d sneak him lots of fish but after a few days the cat revealed his true form as a young boy around the same age as her.
“please no more fish.” He whined. “No I didn’t!”
Yes you did!
“I do not whine.”
Fine you begged. “I don’t do that either!”
Do you want to tell the story?
“gladly. She fell in love at first sight with me and my awesome powers-”
Okay that’s enough! The cat boy asked for something other than fish.
So the princess and the boy snuck through the castle to get the boy some bread and eggs. “Midnight. Why are you human.”
“Mine name isn’t Midnight. It’s… Scaramouche.”
“Nice to meet your Scara.” She shook his hand.
“Nice for you to meet me too princess.” They smiled at each other.
Over the years the two of them became the closest of friends. She watched him study magic. And he would do tricks for her.
Around her 20th birthday-
“Wait wait wait! You’re going to skip 15 years?! But so much happened in that time! The time I almost died falling out of a tree and you caught me. The time I transformed into a black leopard and mauled a guy for kissing you. Your 18th birthday-”
We are not going to mention my 18th birthday.
“You looked pretty in pink lace though.”
Scara! Do not be a perv right now! Anyway it was around the princess’s 20th birthday-
“Okay skip the best part of that day but tell the rest of that story at least!”
The- the best part!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE BEST PART!!
“just saying.”
Stop being a perv or get out!
“Okay I’ll stop but tell the rest of the story!”
Okay, okay. “My dear scara comes back today!” The princess cheered as she ran through the halls. He had left three years before to go to this magic academy.
After the “incident” with him-
“the third greatest moment in my life.”
The princess and- third!?
“First is a three way tie between our wedding and the kids births”
So what’s the second?
“Our wedding night.”
Wipe that smirk off your face! Anyway the princess came to properly greet her friend after three years of being apart. Only to find another girl snuggling up to him, he however didn’t look all that pleased to be there.
“Scara? Who’s this?” Her smile was strained.
“I’m Mona. I’m courting him.” She said with a smirk.
“No she’s not!” “Well she wasn’t doing a very good job. I didn’t want her to.”
I know Scara. Anyway the princess smiled at her. “It’s nice to meet you Mona. I didn’t know women could court me.”
“It’s probably not something you need to think about considering you’ll have an arranged marriage. Who’s the viscount you’ll be marrying?” She asked insincerely.
“It’s me- “considering what happened this morning.”
Hey! I’m trying to tell the story.
“Well I remember what I said that day.”
Stop interrupting me! Anyway Scara assured the princess Mona was just a classmate. Barely an acquaintance of his.
Anyway on the-
“You’re not going to talk about how you beat the crap out of Mona when she kissed me?”
I did that to avenge you after her assault.
“It was just a kiss.”
That happened without your consent! That’s assault! Anyway So on the princess’s 20th birthday her parents held a party for her.
“My dear Scara. I do hope you’ll accompany me to my Party tonight.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He looked away ashamed. “Shut up.”
You did. Anyway the princess responded, “But, I really want to share this moment with you. Mother and Father said that after Tonight I could roam the world as I please. Tonight is my last night in the palace for a while. Plus I want the first face of the night to go to you. Please?”
“Fine.” He said against his better judgment.
“I thought it was worth it when she gave me a hug right after.” Cut it out you cheese ball.
It was later that night and the princess had dressed up in a beautiful purple dress to match Scaramouche’s purple suit. He took her hand in the ball room as many of the older nobles gasped and glared. She didn’t care, she was having the time of her life in his arms. Stop smirking Scara. Anyway after the dance the monarchs tore their daughter away from him.
“Get away from her you monster!” The King yelled.
“Father what are you doing?!”
“Sweetheart you don’t know what you’re doing. This is Kunikuzushi. He’s the son of The Witch Raiden! His mother cursed you to die today!” The king explained.
“Well he’s not her! He didn’t curse me!” She exclaimed. “I want him here!”
“WHY?!” The king exclaimed in terror.
“Because I love him!” The ballroom fell silent upon her declaration.
“I- I should go.” Scara looked down and walked away curling in on himself.
“Scara wait!” The princess called to him but it was too late. She started to run after him, but the guards kept her in place. “Let me go father!”
“You don’t know what you’re doing.”
“I do! I love him! I can’t live without him!” She shouted.
“You said that?” Shut up.
She slipped away from the guards and ran out to look for him. “Scara! Scaramouche! Come back please!” But it was too late. He was gone and she was taken back to her room by the guards.
After a while of the princess crying a woman appeared on her balcony. “My my. What a cute little pet my son has.” She came over to the princess.
“Stay away!” She scooted to the back of her bed.
“tsk tsk tsk. Silly girl I’m here to help. Your father slighted me 20 years ago and when I called him out for it he made up lies about me. Why do you think you’ve never heard anyone tell you about a curse before?”
“I… I don’t know?”
“You said you love my baby, right?”
“I do! I love Scara- Kuni more than anything. More than my own life.”
The witch grinned at this. “Then give me your hand and I shall take you to him.” Without a second thought the princess reached out and took the witch’s hand.
“ow!” She shrieked as the witch revealed a small Electrograna thorn in her hand. The world became dark. The witch cackled as she ran everyone else out of the castle.
A few hours later Scara showed up to save the princess! It wasn’t easy and (he had to kill his mom who’d turned herself into a dragon) but it was worth it in the end.
Until he got to the tower and saw her lying on the ground. He tried an assortment of different spells to revive her. He hadn’t known one had worked and so he held her in his arms and placed one kiss on her lips. A final farewell to his love.
“That’s weak for a first kiss. How about you come over here and give me a proper one?”
“You’re alive!” He exclaimed and hugged her.
“All thanks to you.” She kissed him again.
“Okay why is what I did fine but what Mona did is Assault?” I told you I loved you a few hours beforehand, you had my consent. You always have my consent to kiss me.
Anyway so the King and Queen came back and accepted Scaramouche as one of their own citizens. Then a few months later the two got married.
“And that is how your father and I got together.”
“Happy birthday Mama!” The children cheered in unison. Their mother opened up the box to find a Lolita style pink lacy dress. They had the idea because of what their dad said in the story. However he was referring to different garments at the time, though they’d have no way of knowing that.
Needless to say she was not pleased.
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rocketeerie · 1 month
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the hero and dragon of simulanka
i don’t want simulanka to go just yet! (or ever)
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umbra-vine · 2 months
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might disappear for a lil while bc i havent had much motivation to draw recently so hopefully a lil break might help the artblock
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freudenstein · 1 month
Simulanka fed us so well that was great....a W for the scara fans especially. The parallelism with Durin linking important pieces of the lore together while creating a heartwarming storyline with a solid message made for a pretty worthwhile investment.
The crumbs regarding Scaramouche's personal feelings and his lingering scars and insecurities, the subtle hints towards future plots that remain unresolved, and Scara's character development as overseen by traveler and Paimon were satisfying. Moments like when the traveler silently gave him a VERY loaded look after someone mentioned the hero of simulanka, and his snide and dodgy responses, his awkwardness and avoidance and Traveler's giddyness, absolutely sent me lol. The idea of making Scara act kinder to himself via extending kindness to his thematic match is pretty good, and having Durin put more words to the pain they share was nice. Scara is a refreshing hero to follow because he's self-aware and is more savvy than the other characters, so he comes off grounded and easy to empathize with in a more profound sense and he cuts through the bullshit and gets to the heart of things efficiently. I think it's cool and good writing that Scara was the hero of Simulanka because of his strong sense of compassion, one willing to show bravery in following that big heart of his. Coming immediately after the Sumeru archon all I can say is that his characterization is solid and very consistent. Plus, he's very fun when he's being mean, and while he shows that he knows what to do in his self-aware state of villain redemption limbo, he still acts in ways that make Paimon yell at him LOL.
Plus seeing scaramouche get flustered and angry because he's acting nice was like, crack cocaine, so.
It was very nice to see Navia and Nilou and Kirara as well. Surprisingly enough, this ragtag group of people worked well together. In my opinion, Kirara's presence was the weakest, but the Narrator Footnotes story was very, very fun to play through with the 4th wall breaking stuff and bright sense of humor. The themes in this event were rather interesting and heavily pandered towards some theories I've held about Teyvat its lore. I'm still confused about a lot of the lore drops so I gotta check out what the theorycrafters and meta posters are cooking up about this event. Nilou's chapter felt the weakest but she as a character came off pleasant still. Navia was gorgeous and I took a hundred screenshots wherever she was on screen.
That's about it for my thoughts I guess.
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haniebnie · 7 months
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// i'm not calling you a ghost
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// just stop haunting me
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