#tales of oscana
talesofaekalar · 2 years
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https://docs.google.com/document/d/14rAS-tmVEDUWqn_va3YH2fUGpF1mKnMLalJs1u4Aq6s/edit?usp=sharingCalling all D&D and TTRPG fans! Tales of Aekalar+ is looking for people to voice act characters within our new web podcast series (unlike live-play, we do voiced reenactments of our sessions through script form like a show)! We are looking for dedicated members willing to put in the work, act out the characters, and join us on this fun adventure! The work is UNPAID, but, you will be fully credited with your own spot on our website, in the section of videos, our social media, AND if you stick around as a dedicated member you can get your own Tales of Aekalar+ team member shirt personalized to your name! Not able to make the commitment for one of the main characters? No worries! Reach out and let us know you're interested in voicing a major NPC (like one of the villains). Less of a commitment, but still an important, anticipated role. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns- don't feel afraid to reach out here, talesofaeakalar on Twitter, or Beacon_CW#5248 on Discord! If interested, read below: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14rAS-tmVEDUWqn_va3YH2fUGpF1mKnMLalJs1u4Aq6s/edit?usp=sharing
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nissafletcher · 4 years
(alexandra dowling, 24, cis female) Is that (NISSA FLETCHER) walking through the castle halls? (SHE) hails from (OSCANA) and is known as a (COURTESAN). Word around the castle is that (SHE) is (INTELLIGENT & BRAVE) but can be (STUBBORN & DECEITFUL) if crossed. (ooc: becky, 25, gmt, she/her, no triggers)
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TW: implied prostitution
+ Nissa was orphaned young, has no memories of her parents left, and very little awareness of exactly who she’d been before a travelling band of performers and artists took her in. She pulled her weight with her voice--sweet, innocent little songbird made a decent revenue in the towns and cities they haunted. 
+ At nineteen she had her introduction to court life through sheer chance. A girl in the Oscanan palace had caught her eye, so naturally she’d decided it was in her best interests to woo her. Cut to them being caught in the act by the girl’s fiance, met by an insurmountable rage from the young lordling that could’ve ended much worse had Madam Macre not stepped in. A handful of gold and some carefully chosen words. 
+ Nissa was saved from the punishment and inducted herself into Macre’s service out of admiration for the woman. Madam Macre’s position as a stewardess was a starting point for learning the ins and outs of the people around her. Nissa formed a bond with the woman that lasted past her time working under her. Even once she’d moved on and carved a spot as a successful courtesan, she continued to visit her for all manner of fickle reasons. Rather than admit to her attachment, Nissa claims its simply because she still feels indebted to her. 
+ She found she quite enjoyed life in the court. Learned quickly to use her looks and subtle actions to make her life easier, how to become a favourite to the right people and earn coin and gifts to see her status elevated. 
+ At 22 she was approached with the proposal to be a spy in Ryhule, took the job more for the chance to act than for the money. Nissa was sick of sitting back and hearing of the adventures of others without having the chance for her own. Whether it was bravery or stupidity that she disregarded the whispered tales of the things which happened to spies when caught is still up for debate. 
+ While she caters towards clients of all genders for her business, Nissa’s romantic inclinations have always been toward women. She daydreams at being married someday and living off her love of music and performance. 
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captain-westley · 4 years
Westley Davenport
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(DANIEL SHARMAN, 30, CISMALE) Is that (WESTLEY ‘WES’ DAVENPORT) walking through the castle halls? (HE) hails from (OSCANA) and is known as a (PRIVATEER). Word around the castle is that (HE) is (CHARISMATIC & AMBITIOUS) but can be (IMPULSIVE, COCKY, & RUTHLESS) if crossed. (ooc: kayla, 23, pst, she/her, no triggers)
Hello hi hey!! It’s ya girl, Kayla!! And now I shall introduce you to my fave boy!! Pls hit me up if you’d like to plot with him ♡
Basics ☆
He was born and raised in a commoner village in Capital City. His father was a shipwright and his mother was a seamstress. He had very humble upbringings but that did not mean he didn’t have a thirst for adventure and riches. He loved the sea but he loved it in a different way than his father; he wanted to explore it and experience the crash of waves for himself. Of course, that wasn’t what his parents had planned for him. They expected Westley to continue living the way they were; surviving but not thriving. He didn’t want that. So, at the young age of fifteen, he left. To this day, he has not spoken to his parents. He doesn’t even know if they’re still around, honestly. Though, he does miss them deeply.
Wes had no destination but he is a rather ambitious man and his perseverance always pushes through. He had a stroke of luck after a week of sleeping outside of taverns when a grand pirate ship came to port. He knew this was his chance to live the life he dreamed of. So, he snuck onto the pirate ship without a second thought.
When he was found on board of The Marauder, he thought he would be hanging from the gallows for sure. However, that wasn’t the case. The old captain was much less cruel than the tales that were told on land. At least to his own crew they were. From that day on, he began his life as a pirate.
He became the captain of the vessel only five years later, when he was twenty years old. He did this by staging the natural death of the former captain, using a highly potent poison he had come across during their voyages.
Westley visits Oscana court very often; something the former captain rarely ever did. He doesn’t want to be seen as a lowly criminal so, he shares the wealth he comes by when pillaging enemy kingdom’s ships. He especially loves parties and banquets for the free food, alcohol, and of course, the noblewomen.
Speaking of, noblewomen can’t seem to get enough of him. Which he doesn’t mind one bit. While their husbands are busy tending to the royals, he tends to their wives. He doesn’t seem to take much shame in it, but he makes sure to be as discreet as possible. If he does get caught, he could usually just go on a six-month long voyage until things blow over.
He comes from humble upbringings but he has grown into a man of pride and cockiness. He flaunts his riches and has absolutely no shame in it at all.
He has actually had his heart broken by a noblewoman. Which is why he tends to be more promiscuous these days. Westley met her on one of his visits to the castle. He was prepared to leave the life at sea for her. That is, until he found her tangled in the sheets with a royal guard.
He is quite skilled in combat and can wield a sword effortlessly. His body count is much too high for him to ever remember but he usually feels no remorse. In his head, they would have done the same exact thing to him for the treasure.
Although he is usually surrounded by others, Westley feels desperately lonely at times. Like there’s a void in his chest that no amount of gold could ever fill. He obviously keeps this to himself.
Wanted Connections ☆
Flings/FWB’s: Give this dude all the girls to hook up with. He frequents Oscana court between voyages so I’d love for him to have a lady or two to entertain him while he’s around. He has a very fleeting personality and that could be the perfect recipe for so much A N G S T.
Crew Mates: I would love to see some of his crew from The Marauder here! They’re pretty close knit and probably get drunk on rum together all the time.
Ex-Lover: If any of the noblewomen here want to be the girl that broke his heart a few years ago, I WOULD LOVE THAT. I NEED ANGST AND MAYBE MUTUAL PINING?? She can be younger or older, I really don’t mind!
Literally anything else pls just give me plots for him!!
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aurora-windsor · 4 years
Lady Aurora Windsor
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(ADELAIDE KANE, 24, CISFEMALE) Is that (AURORA ‘RORA’ WINDSOR) walking through the castle halls? (SHE) hails from (OSCANA) and is known as a (LADY IN WAITING FOR THE CROWN PRINCESS). Word around the castle is that (SHE) is (SOPHISTICATED & ALLURING) but can be (CUNNING & RUTHLESS) if crossed. (ooc: kayla, 23, pst, she/her, no triggers)
TW: Pregnancy.
Hey everyone! Kayla here, and I’m so excited for you all to meet my fave girl!! These are just some basics for plotting purposes and I will have a fully fleshed out bio page up for her soon! Hit me up for any and all plots ♡
Basics ♡
Aurora, or just Rora for short, is the first daughter of the Baron and Baroness of the Swamplands in Oscana. Although Barony is a lower rank of nobility, that did not mean much to the Windsor family; Oscana was a prosperous land that thrived and her hefty dowry proved just that.
She grew up studying diplomacy, etiquette, history, Latin, embroidery, dance and music. She excelled at every single subject and Rora was sure this was a huge factor of Queen Deidre picking her to be a Lady-In-Waiting for Princess Sylvia.
Rora loves the outdoors and will find any excuse to be out in the sunlight. Growing up in the Swamplands, she always admired the hunters who traversed the area and this caused her to grow interested in archery. She had a true affinity for the craft and considered it her favorite hobby. She has been told her skill amounts to that of the royal guard. Some of her other hobbies include horseback riding, painting and the piano.
She is a very headstrong young woman. She often struggles with biting her tongue and could come off a little rude at times. However, she thinks she is honestly just speaking her mind. This has gotten her into a few confrontations within castle walls with different noblemen and women but it has never been anything too severe.
She is naturally curious, opinionated, confident, charismatic and incredibly empathetic to those deserving of it.
However, she can also be very cunning and ruthless if she, her family, or Sylvia is wronged in any way. There is nearly no line she won’t cross to get what she wants done. And she is a very firm believer of “if you want something done right, do it yourself”.
Aurora is fiercely loyal to the monarch of Oscana and dreams of holding a spot on Princess Sylvia’s privy council once she is the Queen. She believes she would make an excellent addition. Especially since she has already been by her side since they were little girls. She began working as one of Sylvia’s ladies when she was about ten years old and has been living at court since. She often visits the Swamplands; usually to obtain fresh silk for her lavish dresses.
Aurora favors the treaty. The Windsor family always has, in fact. Peace is something they believe will benefit their nation and make Oscana even more prosperous than it already is. However, her loyalty lies with her country and her future queen.
When Rora was about fifteen years old, she fell madly in love with a man who was of much lower station than she. Already being the daughter of Barony, she knew that if she did marry, it would be in her family’s best interest to wed someone of higher nobility. This did not stop the teenage girl, though, and the affair continued for the better part of a year.
It only ended when Aurora became pregnant. Everyone knew the monarchy kept scandals well underwrapped and this time was no exception. Being a favorite of Queen Deidre, all the Windsor family had to do was contribute a hefty donation to the Faith and the crown took care of keeping shame off the family name.
For nine months, she was hidden away in the Swamplands under the cover of her traveling to another kingdom to learn of their culture. When she gave birth, her child was taken in the cover of night to Ryhule to be left at the steps of a nunnery. This was not the original plan laid out by the Queen of Oscana and the Windsor family bribed the servants to keep quiet about it, going with the tale that the child passed during birth. 
The original plan was to pass the baby off as the child of a high-ranking noble couple, though young Aurora just couldn’t bear having her own flesh so close by without being able to know them as her own.
Wanted Connections ♡
First Love: He was of lower station than Aurora. They had quite a whirlwind romance; sneaking around castle corridors, stealing lustful glances at one another during dinner banquets, etc.. He could have been a kitchen boy, a commoner she met while outside of castle walls, or even a privateer who had prolonged business at court. He does not know about her pregnancy or their child.
Friends: She has been living at court for many years so I imagine she’s befriended quite a few people there. Other Ladies-In-Waiting, noblemen, and noblewomen would be great.
Flings: While she is not consistently looking for people to hook up with, I can’t say that it hasn’t happened before. She has most definitely hooked up with some noblemen or their sons. She is also secretly attracted to women and I would not oppose to her having a lady she’s crushing on/experimenting with.
Family: Her parents are Barony and I would looooove to see them around! She also has an older brother who is the the heir to the Baron of the Swamplands title. I figured she is quite close to her family and confides in them greatly.
*These are just some suggestions! By all means, if you have any other ideas, please let me know!!
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fabienmontassier · 4 years
(joey batey, 20, male) Is that (FABIEN MONTASSIER) walking through the castle halls? (HE) hails from (OSCANA) and is known as the (COURT’S MINSTREL.)  Word around the castle is that (HE) is (COMPASSIONATE, LOVING and CREATIVE)  but can be (CRUEL, ANXIOUS and MANIPULATIVE) if crossed. (ooc: george, gmt, he/they, 24, no triggers)
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Fabien was born into a minor noble family of little repute, who had made their fortune selling spices and traded goods. The youngest son of seven, he found himself often at his wit’s end, and with a softer demeanour than his older brothers, was often at the end of their training swords, taking a beating. The youngest of the Montassier boys found he did best when on display. When showing an easy mask, a charming smile, a performance crafted expertly and with precise intent could gain the exact result he wanted.  It started best around his mother. A soft pout under the dreamy brown curls, and the youngest son could have whatever he demanded. The best toys, a tight hug, a new lute. Anything he wanted could be so easily charmed out of others. Softness could be weaponised, turned sharper than steel. His tongue was a weapon, his smile, his naturally flirtatious attitude, all of it. All of it was to be used as his brothers would wield a sword. And soon, he would have what he wanted. The boy’s voice was like a lark, high, clear and near perfect. And once schooling was given, he would rise above all of his brothers to become a courtly favourite. Learning the ways of the minstrel,  Fabien became adept at courtly behaviour, at storytelling, poetry, music, art. As many ways as nobles could be entertained, he learned them. Even down to the gentle arts of love, and the courtesan’s ways. Not that he would use them openly, of course. But the quickest route to a lord’s heart was through his trousers, and there was far more information to be found when someone was willing to share with you their story. But as much as others would share with him, Fabien found himself sharing back, falling so easily in love throughout the court that it became a common discussion as to which young noble it was that had stolen the boy’s heart this week. Soon, he became the favourite of the court, other bards and performers turned away or shunned in favour of the young man with the angelic voice, and it became easy to see how power could really be wielded. Bards create reputation. That is easily forgotten by many. With a single song, a single misplaced poem or tale, and reputation and valor could be besmirched. It created Fabien a unique, almost immune position at court, though he still fears for himself amongst the chaos of the power struggle at present. But a heart so easily stolen is a weakness. A man from Ryhule with a gaze like sunlight met him one day, and walked away with the bard’s heart held tight in his hand, fluttering like a nightingale. And the minstrel doesn’t think it’s come back since. It was a whirlwind romance, secret and stolen kisses in corridors, trysts in the night time. And once he left, letters went unsent, stories told to a man who never responded. And the bard’s hand stayed wrapped around a small silver pendant with a house’s emblem wrought into the metal. He didn’t even know which Ryhulian family his love belonged to. Just that he had promised him this, and sworn his loyalty, before disappearing out into those gods-forsaken forests, never to return, or to write. There is a melancholy in the bard’s voice at the moment, something slightly off about him. But he sings like a lark, and will always turn a smile to those who need it. The castle is his stage, and all is a performance here in court. It’s just good to be aware of that fact, constantly. There is so much to unpick in the actors. wanted connections:
a lost love: obviously, I’d love my darling bard to be reunited with his greatest muse. or to have a family member break the news he fears most.
a courtly friend: somebody who sees behind the curtain, who knows Fabien as he actually is.
someone spurned by song: obviously, bards are satirists and gossips and general powerholders. songs can make or break a name. I’d love him to have trod on some toes. 
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shadesofxgrey · 4 years
BAD END- The bad guys win. Everything that can go wrong for my muse had gone wrong.
Jas and Syl marry before any agreement is cemented with Ryhule, enraging the neighboring country. No peace agreement is reached, and rather than step down and allow Sylvia to be forced into a marriage she does not want, Jas agrees to go to war. While he is away from the castle preparing the navy, Elisa stages her coup. Sylvia is taken prisoner.  Messengers and members of the royal army are sent to the naval ships to call off the attacks and put Jasper under arrest. He escapes with some of his loyal officers and spends months rallying those loyal to Sylvia to set her free and put her back on the crown. Before he can assemble a large enough group to storm the castle, Elisa marries Ayven. The Ryhulian guards kill Elisa on her wedding night and execute Rosamund and Sylvia the next day. Oscana is now under Ryhulian rule. Jasper and the loyalists attempt to take back the country, but are taken prisoner and become the stars of a warning tale of what happens to those who challenge the monarchy.
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romanwxrrior · 4 years
WENT DOWN IN HISTORY- Your muse’s story is passed down through the ages, sometimes being stretched or exaggerated in places until it becomes a legend told in storybooks and campfires as poems, tall tales, etc.
Roman follows through on his part of the deal the Ryhulian ambassador proposed before he left the country. Once the alliance is no more and war has broken out, he heads back to the battlefield. Unfortunately, the physicians were correct when they predicted that he would never be back to his former physical shape after his injury. After a year of suffering through the pain, Roman knew that this would be the last war he fought in.
Late one night, Oscana’s navy made their way down the river and into Ryhule. They touched down on the shore and ambushed Roman’s company. Bravely, Roman sacrificed his life to save a dozen of his men, and he died a hero as his comrades escaped to get reinforcements. His sacrifice held off the Oscanian soldiers for a time. For years, the Ryhule military generals used his story as an example of the dedication and loyalty a soldier needs to show toward their comrades.
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darkagesrp · 4 years
(DANIEL SHARMAN, 30, CISMALE) Is that (WESTLEY ‘WES’ DAVENPORT) walking through the castle halls? (HE) hails from (OSCANA) and is known as a (PRIVATEER). Word around the castle is that (HE) is (CHARISMATIC & AMBITIOUS) but can be (IMPULSIVE, COCKY, & RUTHLESS) if crossed. (ooc: kayla, 23, pst, she/her, no triggers)
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Welcome to Oscana, WESTLEY DAVENPORT. Be sure to complete the checklist after you settle in. Don’t take too long! Life at court moves fast, and you won’t want to miss a thing.
“Why have you come to the court of Oscana?”
“Well, I always make it a point to stop by the castle between my long voyages,” Captain Westley let the corner of his lips curl up into a soft smirk as he sat back against the velvet chair, arms crossed over his chest. “I like to share my wealth with the people of Oscana,” he further explained. “And I assure you, it’s always a hefty haul with my crew.”
“Do you support the alliance between Oscana and Ryhule?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m indifferent to it at this point,” Wes reached for the silver goblet in front of him and took a sip of the warm mulled wine. “In my line of work, I suppose it’s in my favor to have more enemy ships to loot, aye?” The pirate chuckled and shook his head dismissively. “Only joking. Only joking…”
“What secret or scandal are you hiding?”
Westley raised a brow and eyed them up and down suspiciously. “Well, that is a rather bold question, don’t you think?” He said almost passive aggressively. “I staged my captain’s death so that I could obtain the title and his vessel as well as his gold. However, to the outside eye, he passed due to… natural causes. And you won’t hear otherwise from anyone. Dead men tell no tales, after all,” and with that, he bowed his head politely and took his leave.
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talesofaekalar · 2 years
Tales of Aekalar+ is proud to present that the Trailer for our Web Series will be premiering TOMORROW (Wednesday, January 18th) at 2:00PM EST for all to see!
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talesofaekalar · 2 years
⋆˙⟡♡Tales of Aekalar+♡⟡˙⋆
Tales of Aekalar+ is a Dungeons & Dragons web series production consisting of three campaigns;
⟡ Tales of Aekalar: Rebirth
⟡ Tales of Oscana: Sanctum
⟡ Tales of Graveldor: Metamorphosis
Our members consist of four LGBTQ+ nerds who all have different levels of experience when it comes to D&D, roleplaying, and other TTRPGs!
You can introduce yourselves to us and our characters on our website
-> https://talesofaekalar.wixsite.com/talesofaekalar
We upload content across social media platforms such as Tumblr, Twitter, Tiktok, Youtube, and more!
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talesofaekalar · 2 years
My DM has made a drastic mistake giving me control of this account, I'm going to turn it into a hellscape
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aurora-windsor · 4 years
WENT DOWN IN HISTORY- Your muse’s story is passed down through the ages, sometimes being stretched or exaggerated in places until it becomes a legend told in storybooks and campfires as poems, tall tales, etc.
When war breaks out between Oscana and Ryhule, Aurora is forced to watch from the sidelines in absolute horror. She is loyal to Sylvia and has never once regretted her position as a lady until now. She is restless and wants to make a difference. So, after leaving a note behind for Sylvia, she joins the Oscana armies on the front lines. She is skilled in archery and now swordsplay. Ironically, she learned the latter from the crown prince of Ryhule himself. The brunette is ruthless and steadfast and she fights alongside her brother and Keoni honorably.
Many battles are fought and countless lives are lost, but Oscana emerges victorious. Aurora Windsor’s name is known throughout the nation and she becomes a commander in the queensguard, still happily serving Sylvia as she takes the throne.
Her story is an inspiration to young women all across Oscana.
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