#takes place sometime vaguely after tt03 88
roseworth · 2 years
Hey, so idk if this was on purpose or not but your prompts sheet doesn’t show up anymore after you moved accounts.
Anyway, I’d literally commit murder for your rosecassie stuff so idk if you’re still taking prompts but if you are rosecassie+whatever’s sixth on the list I guess
it was not on purpose lol i just never bothered to change the links whoops <3!!! here u go
prompts 🥰
Cassie stared down at her tea. She had hoped that it would help her fall asleep, but she wasn’t any more tired than she was an hour ago.
She wondered if Conner would be offended if she found somewhere else to sleep. Ever since he came back, they had fallen into the habit of sleeping in the same bed when they were in the Tower. The idea was nice, sure, but Cassie could never sleep well next to him. She wasn’t sure why. 
She wanted to say it was just space issues, but she and Cissie had always shared a bed when they used to have sleepovers, and Cassie had never had a problem then.
She tried not to think about it too hard.
Her tea was cold now. She took another sip anyways.
The moon was full, giving enough light through the window that Cassie didn’t bother turning any lights on. It would feel too much like giving up if she did.
She didn’t know how long she had been there before she heard quiet footsteps in the hall. She automatically assumed it was Tim; he was always up and wandering around at random hours, she had gotten used to it.
Cassie frowned and looked up. That definitely wasn’t Tim’s voice. “Rose? What are you doing here?”
“I live here,” Rose grunted, then added, “Much to your dismay, I’m sure.”
“I know you live here, I meant why are you in the kitchen at 3 am?”
“Why are you in the kitchen at 3 am?” Rose shot back.
Cassie shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Me neither,” Rose said, walking to the cabinet and grabbing a mug. “I’m making tea, you want any?”
“I already have some.”
She looked pointedly at Cassie’s mug and raised an eyebrow. “It looks cold.”
“It is,” Cassie admitted. “I’ve been down here a while.”
Rose grabbed the mug and poured the cold tea into the sink. “I’ll make you another.”
“Thank you,” Cassie said quietly.
“Whatever, I’m already making some,” Rose mumbled, turning away. “I wouldn’t be doing it if I wasn’t making it for myself.”
“I still appreciate it.”
Rose didn’t respond. They sat in the dark kitchen in silence until Rose set a mug in front of her, steam rising from the top.
“Thank you,” Cassie said again.
“Why are you up?” Cassie asked, taking a sip of her tea.
“I told you, I couldn’t sleep.”
“Why not?”
Rose shrugged and chewed on her lip. “No reason.”
“You’re not very convincing.”
“I made you tea, get off my back,” she groaned. “Even when I try to be nice, you’re still badgering me.”
“I’m not badgering, I’m just worried about you,” Cassie defended. “You don’t always have to make it so difficult for people that care about you.”
Rose blinked and look down at her tea. “Sorry,” she muttered.
“Come on," Cassie said, poking her arm lightly. "The key word there was that I care about you.”
“You’ve got one hell of a way of showing it.”
“Well, we’ve been here for almost 5 minutes and we’ve been mostly civil,” Cassie snorted. “That’s gotta count for something. Must be a new record for us.”
Rose snickered. “Not my fault you’re a bitch.”
“I’m kidding,” she laughed. “Mostly.”
“Okay, fine, maybe I haven’t always been nice to you, but you can’t act blameless.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’ve been nothing but a generous angel to you.”
“And I can’t help but notice you’ve dodged the question,” Cassie pointed out. “Why are you awake?”
Rose glared at her, then let her head drop back. “I had a nightmare,” she admitted quietly. “But if you tell anyone, I’ll deny it then kill you.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” Cassie smirked. “I know your badass reputation will never recover if anyone finds out you have feelings.”
“Thanks,” Rose deadpanned, rolling her eyes.
Cassie rested her head on her hand and smiled, then let her face fall into a more serious expression. “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked.
“You sure? I promise I can be a good listener.”
“I don’t want to think about it,” Rose mumbled. “Besides, it’s your turn.”
“What do you mean it’s my turn?”
“Why are you awake?”
Cassie bit her lip and let her gaze fall to the floor. “I just wasn’t tired, I guess.”
“Bullshit, I told you my reason,” Rose scoffed, crossing her arms. “You have to tell me yours.”
“It’s just…” Cassie sighed. “I have trouble sleeping in the same bed as Conner.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Cassie mumbled.
“Of course not,” Rose assured her. “So you want personal space, it’s not a problem.”
“It’s not that,” Cassie whispered.
“Oh," she said again. "Then what is it?”
“I don’t know.”
Rose shrugged and swirled her tea. “He was gone a long time, maybe things have changed with both of you.”
“He’s not really my boyfriend anymore,” Cassie said. She wasn’t sure why she felt the need to point it out, but she wanted to say it. “We talked about it. We don't want to be ‘official’ right now.”
Rose glanced up at her. “Do you love him?”
“Of course I love him, he’s one of my best friends.”
“So you love him as a friend?”
Cassie frowned. “I... I guess. I don't know.”
Rose hummed in response. Cassie held her mug tighter, taking a long sip.
“I don’t think I know how to love,” Cassie said softly, staring down at her tea. “I thought I loved Tim because I felt the same way about him that I did about Kon, but…”
But she had been using Tim to cover up how she felt without even realizing it. She still didn’t know how to say that out loud without feeling like a monster.
And she especially didn’t know what that said about her and Kon.
Rose huffed. “I don’t think I can help with any love problems, I’ve never been very good at it,” she told her. Her voice sounded half-amused, but her eyes looked sad.
“Did you love Eddie?” Cassie asked.
Rose swallowed thickly and pushed her hair out of her face. “As a friend, I think,” she answered, her voice noticeably lower than before. “He’s… he was sweet. But I don’t think I could ever love him in the way he wanted.”
“Did you ever tell him that?”
Rose shook her head. “I convinced myself that if I just waited, I might come to my senses, or something,” she said. “I guess I thought if I tried, I really could be in love with him. Guess I waited too long.”
“Sounds like me and Conner,” Cassie mumbled into her tea.
“When was the last time you told him you love him?” Rose asked.
“Um… a couple days ago, I think.”
“When was the last time you meant it?”
Cassie twisted her mug, staring down into her tea as if it could change the answer for her. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I don’t know if I ever did.”
Rose stared at her, a sad and distant look in her eyes that Cassie couldn’t quite place. Cassie gazed back, her hands still gripped tightly around her mug even though the tea was nearly finished.
“I’m gonna go for a walk,” Rose said after a moment. “You can take my bed for the night, if you want.”
“Thanks,” Cassie said softly. “Are you… are you gonna be okay?”
Rose nodded. “I’ve been through worse than a little insomnia.”
She got up and poured her tea out into the sink. Cassie raised an eyebrow. “You barely drank any of your tea.”
Rose shrugged on her way out the door. “I don’t like tea,” she replied, then left without another word.
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