make a wish 。・:*˚:✧。
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morning-starlight · 1 month ago
Can I finally look back at the memories we've shared together and actually smile? Yeah. I can.
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morning-starlight · 2 months ago
I want to believe that things will get better. That this is only temporary, and I'm just lost. But at the same time, every time I think of a future wherein I'm happy, it's always short-lived. I thought I was better, or at least getting better, but it seems like that's just me lying to myself, again.
Yes, I accomplish a goal. What then? Make a new one? Until when?
Speaking of, I recently found out that if one was to say "What's the point of living when we're all meant to die anyway?" they immediately get flagged for depression. Here I thought I was only being realistic. Haha.
You know, tomorrow will be my 4th time watching Wicked, and as someone who doesn't like rewatching movies, that goes to show many emotions that film brings to my numbed insides. I'm desperate at this point, I guess.
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morning-starlight · 2 months ago
Honestly, I feel like I'm losing motivation and gaining more reasons to not stay alive every day. I'm tired. I feel empty. I've been empty. Only mangas fuel happiness in me.
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morning-starlight · 5 months ago
The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy
I tried to scroll past this. I really did
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morning-starlight · 7 months ago
What if I'm actually a lesbian.
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morning-starlight · 7 months ago
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morning-starlight · 7 months ago
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“I wish that Vax'ildan can say a few words at his sister's wedding.”-Scanlan Shorthalt
Scanlan’s Last Wish Dalen's Closet
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morning-starlight · 8 months ago
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morning-starlight · 8 months ago
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morning-starlight · 8 months ago
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morning-starlight · 8 months ago
I talked to one of my coworkers about this a few weeks ago, but I told her that I've always done this thing wherein I store pockets of memories in songs I listen to at the time that specific situation is happening—and that unfortunately goes both ways. I'm not sure what it's called, but I've always done it, which is why certain songs hit harder for me.
With that said, it's no surprise when I say that EXO has had a significant impact in my life growing up, and recently—like only earlier today—did I only realized that Boyfriend also holds the same impact, and quite possibly more than EXO. I never thought I repressed so many of my memories from my past until I listen to one of Boyfriend's albums and get reminded of some of them, hitting me like a freight train almost.
Needless to say, I never fail to overthink or spiral after listening to them.
But it's fascinating, and at the same time frustrating, how the brain does this; every single time I come across their songs, another memory comes up like those gatcha balls in arcades, but it opens up on their own, not knowing what I'll be hit with next... each one hurting like a bitch..
When faced with them, I honestly don't know what to do. I don't know how to process them. Do I cry? Do I want to cry? Do I want to scream for the old me who couldn't? Which part of it hurt me the most? Why did it hurt me that much? I don't know. I really don't. Is this a major reason why I am the way I am now, and all this time, I just didn't know of its existence? All I know was I loved so hard, it burned; it hurt. It destroyed a part of myself—which one? I don't know. Possibly the part of me who faced love with open arms? I don't know.
So many people I remember, but are now strangers.. That's wild.. "Part of growing up," they say; "you win some, you lose some."
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morning-starlight · 9 months ago
I have so many things in my mind, but I could barely voice out most of them. I hate it.
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morning-starlight · 9 months ago
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The trio :p
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morning-starlight · 9 months ago
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Let’s Dance
Part 9/12
Part 8
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morning-starlight · 9 months ago
I saw your callout in the Gale tag for that one user (no comment on them, tho ty for the callout bc i'd seen them in the notes of my fics) and was curious if you could elaborate on some of the Mystra incidents you described towards the end of the post? I'm new to the lore of the setting and find it hard to research (which makes sense given its importance to dnd), so I've heard a lot of conflicting things about Mystra's portrayal in the wider series. No pressure, obviously!
No problem! And yea, I've seen her arguing in the posts of a few people I follow or just Gale-related posts I find interesting. Usually I don't get involved in stuff like this, but I noticed a constant pattern and then all the homophobic shit so I went off a little.
Unfortunately it's hard to find exact examples of the Mystra lore because certain modules aren't very popular or even free to access, but if you're interested the best way to learn about her is by reading the Elminster novels. There's twelve total, dating all the way back to 1994, and they detail Elminster's adventures. I'll be honest though, some of them are a hard read and written through the lens of a man who's admitted very creative, but also has a lot of problematic ideas.
In the first book Elminster is a child. His entire town gets wiped out by mages, thereby making him hostile toward magic. He sneaks into Mystra's temple to deface her statue one night, but she appears before him and basically gaslights him into learning magic and becoming her rare Chosen. He becomes a wizard and cleric basically overnight, until eventually he multiclasses into pretty much every class type in DnD. As you can imagine a lot of players aren't too fond of Elminster, as he's a well known self-insert of the author and pretty annoying to run into during campaigns. None of my dungeon masters like him anyway.
He also becomes one of Mystra's most loyal followers, but she fucks with him over and over, turning him into a woman to teach him a lesson and SLEEPING with him in that form, berating him when he struggles with the torture he endures when he gets stuck in the hells, making him reproduce without his knowledge and getting jealous when he gives his partners more attention. Because she's a very jealous goddess, which I think the game vaguely touches on but not really.
I wish I had the time to flip through all the novels and give exact citations but the best I can do is suggest them, because they're so eye opening. She's considered a neutral good goddess, but neutral gods often do terrible things for the sake of their domain. I think it needs to be noted that Mystra, as with all gods in the pantheon, only cares about her portfolio. She isn't wrong for that, but it doesn't mean she's blameless when she messes with people's lives. She's done a lot of good but she's also made horrible decisions, especially where her followers are concerned.
For example, Elminster having children he doesn't know about. He has a daughter named Narnra. Her conception was... pretty fucked up. Basically a song dragon named Ammaratha Cyndusk was an occasional lover of Elminster's (he has a lot of those because of course he does) and she wanted to bear his child, but since he's a Chosen of Mystra he can control his fertility. Magic birth control, basically. He didn't want a kid so Ammaratha went behind his back to learn a counterspell that would make him fertile during sex. The man she asked refused to teach her because...duh that's messed up, but then Mystra intervened and told him to teach her the spell because she wanted Elminster's "seed to spread". Ammaratha never told him and neither did Mystra. No matter what the reasons, that was NOT consensual on Elminster's part, and it happened two more times, resulting in two more daughters with different women. If I remember correctly Elminster did eventually find out waaaaay later when they were all adults, but it never amounted to anything.
The sisters I was taking about are the Seven Sisters, Mystra's "daughters". And I put "daughters" in quotations because Mystra possessed the body of a woman named Elué and impregnated her without her consent. She slept with the woman's husband (again, while possessing her body) and made them sire seven children. This of course lead to Elué's death because the constant flow of magic in her body was too much for her to handle. Her grieving husband broke after she died and eventually left, abandoning his daughters and earning Mystra's if he was in the wrong. The sisters were then orphaned and raised by foster families.
That said, most of the awful things anyone can say about Mystra were the doings of her previous incarnations so ultimately it doesn't apply to the Mystra of BG3. In fact, this third Mystra is supposed to be a new and improved goddess who's nicer to her followers. So her portrayal in BG3 annoyed a lot of DnD fans. I should also point out that Mystra has two types of fans: ones who will defend everything she does, even when it's fucked up beyond all comprehension, and the ones who will tell you she's a true neutral goddess capable of good and bad. I'm the latter. There are plenty examples of Mystra sticking her neck out for innocents, but there's also examples of her doing the most horrendous shit imaginable.
A lot of veteran players, at least the ones I know, are upset with the portrayal of Mystra in BG3 because her plan to end the Absolute is, quite frankly, stupid. Your party is the best chance anyone has of ending the threat, but she asks Gale to nuke himself and possibly tens of thousands, which makes no sense because she could've just sent her mages/clerics to deal with the problem. And there was no guarantee the bomb would've worked anyway. She put all the responsibility on one man and it DEFINITELY comes off as vindictive. That isn't out if character for her but she's not SUPPOSED to be that bad anymore. For a lot of DnD players it felt like she was reverting back to her old habits.
I think there's also a part in the game where you can directly ask Gale why she doesn't just blip the Absolute out of existence and he says something like, "She could but Ao won't allow it." That was also really strange for a lot of veteran players to hear because Gale drops Ao's name like it's nothing. Most people (especially if they're new to the franchise) wouldn't know this but most people in Faerûn don't know who Ao is! Because he wiped people's memories of his existence! I suppose it does make sense for Gale to know that name, since Mystra probably explained the pantheon to him, but it's VERY unlikely tav would know it. So during that conversation all I could picture was tav tilting their head like, "Huh? Who? Whaaa?"
And on top of that......Ao absolutely WOULD allow it because the Absolute effects the Weave and every other god! It had the potential to ruin the balance of the universe, which makes Ao a very angry boy. Balance is one of the ONLY things he cares about. The Dead Three were stealing souls and worshippers, which gods needs to survive, and dying gods disrupts the balance. It's a whole circle of chaos. So the only conclusion left for me to extrapolate is this: Mystra just really, really wanted Gale to kill himself to prove his devotion to her. Which...isn't great. Bad look for her.
It's kind of like how Raphael thinks the Crown of Karsus is going to help him end the Blood War and take over the hells. DnD players laughed during his epilogue it won't lol. He doesn't stand a chance even with the crown. He's arrogant and he's gonna get slapped by his daddy and all the other archdevils, the same way Gale gets slapped by Mystra if he ascends. Even the Absolute ending of the game wouldn't last long because the gods would go to war with the Dead Three, wipe them out and rebuild Faerûn, which has happened many times in past DnD campaigns. Mystra alone has torn worlds apart and glued them back together. The main crisis of BG3 is saving the world you live in or everybody dies. For the gods it's just a Tuesday. I mean look at how Withers owns the Dead Three with a wave of his hand at the end of the game. Mystra COULD'VE killed the Absolute, just as she could've removed the orb from Gale's chest the moment it happened. She just didn't WANT to. She wanted him to die. She wanted him to chastise himself. She wanted him to suffer and come crawling back to her as an obedient follower. She wanted him to learn a harsh and honestly unfair lesson, which is a terrible throwback to her previous incarnations.
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morning-starlight · 9 months ago
Angel knows whats up
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morning-starlight · 9 months ago
"Back the fuck UP," he said.
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He has scary dog privileges
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