#takes place a day after sonic turns back into the werehog
blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1027: And the Whole Family Found Out (SSBU X Sonic)
6:34 p.m. at the Smash Mansion........
Mario, wearing a Mile Morales' Spiderman costume, looks at himself in the mirror and then down at his stomach before letting out a sigh.
Peach: (Places her Hands Onto Mario's Shoulders While Wearing Her Spider Gwen Costume) Still worried about your weight, sweetie?
Mario: Yeah. It's been months since I've started my diet routine, and I feel like not a lot have changed at all. (Crosses his Arms) Maybe I'm not trying hard enough?
Peach: Oh, I wouldn't say not a lot has changed. You seemed to be able to fit into a lot more clothes than last year.
Mario: Hm. That is true.....(Looks Back Dpwn on his Costume Before Twisting Himself Back and Forth a Bit) And I hardly had any problems getting into this bad boy.
Peach: Exactly! (Starts Smirking Seductively as She Uses her Fingers to Playfully Rub Under Mario's Chin) And I must say that you are looking mighty stunning this spooky evening~
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly By the Flirting) Thanks. But I wouldn't say this is anything to write home about. (Lays his Back of his Head Onto Peach's Chest) At least, not compared to yours~
Peach: (Giggles Softly) Really now?~ (Hugs Mario Lovingly) Would a bit of affection from your loving princess convince you otherwise?~
Mario: (Smirks Back at Peach) Well, I don't opposed to the idea. (Kiss the Top of Peach's Hand) If that's what you're thinking?~
Peach: Good~
Peach and Mario begins to make out with one another affectionately as Shadow, dress as Doc Ock, walks into the room and turns to the kissing couple before clearing his throat.
Mario/Peach: (Eyes Immediately Begins Widened as They Stop What They Were Doing and Turn Their Heads Towards.....) S-SHADOW!
Mario: (Chuckles Awkwardly) Uhh....Don't mind us! We were just.....finishing up is all.
Peach: (Rapidly Nodded With an Awkward yet Somewhat Sincere Smile on her Face) Mmhmm. We love your costume by the way~ Did your sister finish putting on hers as well?
Shadow: Riiight....And thank you. They only have two mechanical tentacles at the costume store, so I wouldn't say this costume is complete in any capacity. As for Hat Kid, I say sees wearing the most terrifying costume of all them all.
Hat Kid jumps out into the room with her hands on her hips, as.....
Mario/Peach: Ooooooh~
Peach: Very spooky~
Mario: And unique too.
Hat Kid: (Happily Bows at her Two Parents) Thank you.
Shadow: (Holds Up his Phone) I've also received a text from Sonic saying he's on his way coming here.
Peach: ('Sighs in Relief') Oh that's good to hear....(Frowns Worryingly) I haven't heard from him all morning or the night he left the mansion. (Eyes Widened in Fear and More Concern) He's not hurt, is he? Did your brother mentioned ANYTHING about getting himself into trouble, Shadow!?-
Mario: (Places his Hands on Peach's Shoulders and Gently Massages Them) Now, Peach, honey, just try and take some deep breaths, okay? You don't want to get yourself a heart attack before we start trick-or-treating tonight, do you?
Peach: ('Sighs in Defeat') No, I don't.......
As Peach begins to breath in and out, the doorbell begins to ring and echoed through the room.
Mario: And you have nothing to worry about here. (Opens the Door) I'm sure is Sonic is safe and sound where he- (Turns to See Who is at the Door Before his Eyes Begins to Widened in Fear and Starts Backing Away) I-I-I-I-I-Is????
Peach: Mario? (Makes her Way to the Door Along With Shadow and Hat Kid) Who's at the door, swee- (Eyes Begins to Widened Again in Complete Fear) Tiiiiiiiiie......!
Hat Kid: (Eyes Widened in Awe at What is in Front if Her) Wooooooooah..........
Shadow: What...exactly are we looking at right now?
A large, ten foot, muscular werehog, wearing a blue long sleeved dress coat, yellow shirt, and black pants, stares down at the (mostly) frightened family as he rubs the back of his quills back and forth while letting out an awkard chuckle.
?????: ('Heh 'Heh') Uh......Surprise?
Mario and Peach begins to scream their lungs out as the latter picks Hat Kid up and hugs her to dear life, all while Shadow quickly moves in front of them, pointing a gun at the werehog's chest, glaring at him in his sights.
?????: Waiwaiwait! Guys, it's me, Soni- (Looks Down at the Gun in Front of Him Before Looking Back at Shadow With a Deadpinned Look on his Face) An Ultimate Lifeform using a gun? Seriously?
Shadow: It's only for self-defense and- Wait a minute. That voice......(Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise at the Werehog in Front of Him) Is that really you, Sonic?
Mario/Hat Kid: Sonic!?
Peach: MY BABY!?
Sonic: The one and only.
Amy: (Pops her Head into the Door and Waves at the Gang While Wearing a Yellow, Puffy Dress) I'm here too by the way!~
Mario: Son.....(Slowly Makes his Way Towards Sonic) What happened to you?
Peach: How did you turned yourself into a....giant werewolf!?
Sonic: (Points his Finger Up a Little) Werehog actually. And do you guys remember that time I told you how I was able to save world in my universe from being completely separated? And how egghead trapped into one of his robot thing-a-majigs to turn him into this thing?
Shadow: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Yeah.....I think I remembered you telling us something like this a long time ago....Is this the doctor's doing?
Peach: Where is he?
Hat Kid: (Pummeled her Fist into the Palm of her Hand With an Angry Look on her Face)
Sonic: (Places his Hands Up in Defense) H-Hang on now! This isn't Eggman's doing! I mean, he was the reason why i transformed into this the first time around....But I swear this all came out of nowhere last night!
Amy: It's true, ma'am and sir. Your son came over to my house and told me he got turned into the werehog the minute he stepped out of the mansion. So I let him stay with me for the night.
Peach: ('Sighs in Relief') Oh thank goodness that explains everything....But...wait. If that's the case, then why haven't you've answered my calls this morning?
Sonic/Amy: (Starts Looking Away From Peach a Tad Bit Nervously) Uhhhhhh......
Flashback Back in Amy's House.......
Sonic Phone: Follow me! Set me free! Trust me and we will....(Continues to Go Off)
Sonic: : (Half Awake) Uggggh....Ames....I think someone's calling my phone......
Amy: (Hugging and Half Sleeping On Top of Sonic's Werehog Belly While) Let it ring itself to oblivion.....('YAWN') I want more sleep!......
Sonic: ('Yawn') 'Kay.
End of Flashback
Sonic: My......Phone was dead at the time? (Smiles Awkwardly Along with Amy)
Peach: (Raises an Eyebrow at the Young Couple) Uh...huh....(Sighs Once More) Well, as long as your back home safe and sound, I shouldn't have anything else to worry about this evening (Walks Up and Gives Sonic a Loving Hug) Just call me back next time, okay? My big, sweet baby boy~
Sonic: (Chuckles Lightly) Well do, ma. Sorry I made guys worried all day.
Mario: (Softly Smile) Oh there's no need to apologize. I'm just glad that nothing too serious has happened to you last night. You know we'll always love you no matter how different you look, right?
Hat Kid happily nodded as she joins in on the werehog hugfest along with Amy.
Sonic: I know now. I love you guys too-
The gang turn their attention onto Wolf 'O Donell making his way towards the werehog in question with Leon following behind.
Wolf: Step away from the beast.
Leon: ('Sigh') Is this really necessary, Wolf?
Wolf: The hell it is! I am sick and tired of seeing these second rate hacks on our big screen!
Peach: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Boys, what is going on here?
Leon: Apologies for the sudden intrusion, your highness. It seems my leader has took noticed of your werewolf companion from afar.
Sonic: Werehog, dude. There's a different. (Places his Finger Onto his Chin) At least, I think it is.
Wolf: (Picks Up One of Sonic's Large Arms) Hmm....Big arms....Legit fur.....Razor sharp teeth.....(Smirks Triumphantly) Grab your phone, Leon. I think we found ourselves the real deal on our-
A bright light suddenly surrounds for a brief second before he magically turns back to his normal, hedgehog self, as he quickly catches his pants from falling over, blushing in the progress. This also causes Shadow to cover Hat Kid's eyes.
Wolf: Oh. Nevermind. It's just a hedgehog. (Starts Walking Away) What a letdown.
Leon: (Follows Wolf Woth a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Why must you waste my time like this, boy?
Amy: (Starts Blushing at the Sight of Sonic (Barely Covered) Rear End) W-Well...so much for the perfect Beauty & the Beast recreation this year....gosh...~
Peach: I'll find you a pants that fit your sizes, sweetie.
Sonic: ('Sigh') Thanks, mom. And Amy, stop staring.
Amy: (Immediately Looks Away, Covering her Eyes as her Bluses Gets More Redder) I WASN'T LOOKING I SWEAR!!!!
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midnightshard06 · 5 months
STH Rarepair Week Day 4: Seasons
You can check it out on ao3 here if you prefer.
Summary: Sonic and Silver decide to spend the day with Tails after Shadow is called on a mission rather early in the day. When they get home though they decide to surprise their third partner. With fresh snow on the ground what could be better than a snowball fight?
Pairing: Sonic/Shadow/Silver
Warnings: None to be had
Word Count: ~2700 words
AN: Ah yes... the only ship I've actually written prior to this week before lol. On that note this thing takes place post this fic, but it's not necessary to read it before this. Only sort of important thing to know I suppose is that Sonic is turning into the werehog at night here.
Sonic pressed himself further into the warmth at his side. As he did he felt an arm wrap around him. Now this was a great way to wake up. Honestly he didn’t really wanna get up yet. As far as he knew there wasn’t anything he needed to do today, unless Eggman decided to randomly cause trouble, so he was more than happy to just enjoy the warmth of his partners and the almost too much bedding they had. As he shuffled into a slightly more comfortable position he heard Silver yawn softly. Sonic smiled to himself at the frankly adorable noise. "Morning." Silver sleepily called.
Sonic hummed in acknowledgement. "Mornin." Sleepily he reached out to his other side and frowned when he was only met with sheets. "Where's Shads?" Sonic finally cracked his eyes open and glanced at Silver.
"Left for work. Rouge contacted him pretty early about a mission, you were passed out and he didn't want to wake you up." Silver explained with a yawn.
"Ah." Sonic responded, mildly disappointed as he buried his face into Silver's chest fur.
There was a peaceful silence between the two for a bit, the only sound the duo's even breathing and the shifting of bedding. "We should probably get up." Silver said eventually, although he seemed reluctant. Clearly the white hedgehog was enjoying the warmth just as much as Sonic was. Maybe even more because of the cold weather.
"Yeah probably." Sonic grumbled into the other hedgehog's chest before pulling himself away with a dramatic sigh. Silver chuckled as the two extracted themselves from the covers. Once the two were up Sonic slung an arm around Silver's shoulders and started to gently run a hand through the white hedgehog's quills. He happily leaned into the touch.
The morning was pretty standard even with the absence of their third. The one major difference was breakfast. Admittedly the duo weren't the best chefs; they mostly left any cooking up to Shadow for a reason. They could manage simple things though; Shadow had been pretty adamant the two could do at least that. They ended up just making some eggs, but at least nothing went wrong.
“Sooo any plans for the day Silvs?” Sonic glanced up from his food.
The other hedgehog hummed as he put down his fork. “Not really. What about you?”
“Well I was thinking of visiting Tails. He’d probably be happy to see you if you wanted to come with.” Sonic smiled. 
Silver returned the smile. “I’d be happy to come. When were you planning on going?”
“Mmmm probably after a quick run, that way I can make sure he’s actually had breakfast and not been working all morning.” He chuckled fondly. “I know he tells me he’s taking breaks and eating enough but I know my little bro. He sometimes needs a little pestering to take care of himself.”
“Sounds good.” Silver nodded. “I’ll deal with the dishes while you run.”
Sonic gave him a quick salute. “Be back in a flash.” With that he was gone. It felt good to feel the wind whip through his quills, even if it reminded him that Winter was here in full force. Things had been good, no great since the trip he, Shadow, and Silver had around the world. It had taken him a while to settle, but he got there eventually. Heck he’d even fully accepted the werehog thing coming back, even if it still would be nice to know why. Once the three had returned from their trip Shadow and Silver had forced him to come clean to the others. It hadn’t been nearly as bad as he’d thought it would be. Sure they’d been upset since he didn’t tell them sooner, but in the end they’d just been happy he was ok.
By the time he got back Silver was properly bundled up against the cold and waiting for him outside. “Hope I didn’t keep you waiting.” Sonic grinned.
“Nope, just came outside.” Silver adjusted his scarf. 
“Good, let’s make the trip over there quick though.” Sonic picked up Silver before the other hedgehog could say anything and took off toward Tails’. It only took a couple minutes to arrive at the door where Sonic put Silver down. “Your stop.” He walked up to the door to knock. After a moment of hearing nothing on the other side Sonic figured it was time to evoke his big brother privileges. “One sec.” Sonic held up a hand. Silver gave him a look that was something between confused and amused. “Alright Tails I’m coming in and you can’t stop me!” He shouted before dashing into the house and heading straight for Tails’ workshop.
Tails yipped in surprise as Sonic scooped him up and brought him to the front where Silver was waiting. “Little brother secured!” Sonic grinned, keeping Tails slung over his shoulder. “We can head inside now.”
“Was that really necessary?” Silver looked amused.
“If you had a sibling you’d understand Silvs.” Sonic used his free hand to pat Silver’s shoulder.
“You can put me down now Sonic.” Tails sighed.
“Only if you promise to pause whatever you were working on, eat something, and hang out with us for a bit.” Sonic turned a smug look on the fox, even if he wouldn’t be able to see it.
“How did you know I hadn’t eaten yet?” Tails asked.
“You just told me.” Sonic chuckled. “But you can also call it my big bro intuition.”
“I don’t think that’s a real thing but… fine. I agree to your terms.” Tails sighed, and Sonic obliged by putting him down.
Grabbing Silver’s hand, Sonic led them back inside. Thankfully Tails dutifully went to the kitchen to grab something to eat without any further prodding. “Do you have to do that a lot?” Silver asked as he pulled away from Sonic to take his jacket and scarf off.
“More often than I’d like.” Sonic hummed. “But he’s done it for me plenty of times too, so I guess we’re even.” Once Tails returned from the kitchen Sonic made sure to kidnap him again, just to make sure he didn’t try to run off. There was a lot of exaggerated protesting and fake struggles, both of which apparently amused Silver. The look on his partner’s face had a warm feeling settling into his chest. It was nice.
The two of them ended up spending the whole day with Tails. They had intended to leave earlier  but they’d gotten an unfortunate message from Shadow informing them he wouldn’t be back until later. Apparently he’d been put on dreaded paperwork duty after his mission and was determined to get it all done now. That was fine though, it had been a good day spent with his brother and one of his partners, so Sonic couldn’t really complain.
Once sunset was rapidly approaching Sonic and Silver decided to head back. It wasn’t that he minded Tails seeing him in his werehog form; it was more that he didn’t wanna end up as a pillow for his brother. He did actually want to see Shadow at some point tonight. It was good timing too since pretty much the moment he and Silver walked outside he was transforming.
Sonic sighed in relief as the chill of the Winter night was chased away by his now much thicker fur. Without a word he picked up Silver and pulled him close. Reflexively the other hedgehog moved closer. “Well even if I can’t get us back nearly as fast at least I can keep you warm. Heh.” Sonic chuckled.
Silver sighed contentedly. “There won’t be any complaints from me.” Sonic just laughed as he started to walk the two of them home. It was no secret that both his partners enjoyed the extra fluff of his werehog form, but there was no debate that Silver enjoyed it the most. The poor guy had a terrible tolerance for the cold, and Sonic could easily keep him warm at night. Plus there was something gratifying about being able to help with such a simple thing. 
About halfway through the walk home, it started to snow. Sonic watched in mild fascination as snowbanks began to form. It was nice, and it was peaceful. Even if the snow was cold, Sonic knew it fascinated Silver as well since he watched in amusement as Silver did his best to watch the falling snow from his position. Mostly because before deciding to stay in their time he hadn’t seen it much. “Shads didn’t take his bike did he?” Sonic asked, shaking his head when a snowflake landed on his nose.
“I’m… not sure.” Silver hummed. “With the snow I hope not.” Sonic shared that sentiment.
The two lapsed into comfortable silence until their house was in sight, because it was then that Sonic got an idea. “Hey Silver?” A mischievous smile crept onto Sonic’s muzzle. “I have a fun idea…”
Shadow sighed as he stopped in front of home at last. If the commander ever tried to push paperwork like that on him again he was going to be sharing some very choice words. If anything at all positive had come from the day it was him getting to spend most of it with Rouge, but he probably hadn’t been the most enjoyable person to be around the latter part of the day.
At least now it was all over. As he breathed out he noticed it was cold enough to see his breath. No doubt Silver and Sonic would be inside, Silver trying to bury himself in Sonic’s fun in order to keep warm. His confidence in this was why it was such a shock when a snowball impacted the back of his head. He was quick to whip around to see who dared to do that, but he was met with Sonic and Silver. Sonic was tossing a snowball in the air repeatedly, a confident smirk on his face. Meanwhile Silver held several snowballs aloft with his psychokinesis
“And just what do you two think you’re doing?” Shadow eyed the two of them wearily, only just now noticing the snow fort behind them.
Sonic chuckled, before showing off his sharp teeth in a wider smirk. “You’ve got functioning eyes Shads. You know what this is.” He narrowed his eyes and Shadow did his best to ignore the rapid beating of his heart. How Sonic looked was making him feel… well something. “I’d suggest you start running.”
That was the last warning he got before a barrage of snowballs were launched at him. Shadow dashed out of the way of most of them though a couple impacted him. He sent his partners a challenging look. “I see the only way you can hope to match me is by ganging up on me. Allow me to show you my power.” He formed some snowballs of his own and returned fire. Sonic and Silver scattered to avoid the icy projectiles.
There was some simple back and forth for a while, neither side gaining any ground. That was until Sonic and Silver dove behind the fort they’d made. “Silver! Initiate the plan!” Sonic shouted.
“Rodger!” Silver’s voice answered. Shadow tensed. What did they have planned now? That question was answered rather quickly when both hedgehogs reemerged from behind their fort. Sonic hefting a massive ball of snow over his head and Silver doing the same with his powers.
“Prepare to meet your end Shadow the hedgehog!” Sonic barred his teeth in another confident smirk. “Because…”
“It’s no use!” Silver completed for Sonic before the two launched the massive snowballs at Shadow. A shame he wasn’t going to let them actually land. A quick chaos control landed him behind his partners, with them none the wiser for the moment.
“Excellent work partner.” Sonic clapped Silver on the shoulder. “We have achieved our long sought after victory. Shadow has been defeated.” He was barely keeping a laugh out of his voice.
“Are you so sure about that?” Shadow smirked as the other hedgehog’s heads whipped around to look at him, twin looks of shock on their faces. “I’m afraid this ends here. Farewell.” He launched a single snowball at Silver.
Silver seemed too shocked to act, so Shadow was sure the snowball would hit its mark. Though it seemed Sonic was much quicker to get over his shock as he dramatically jumped in front of the snowball, taking the hit for Silver. He fell to the ground, scattering snow where he impacted. His mouth was open and he allowed his tongue to hang out. “Silver…” He called out weakly. “You must live on for me. Finish what we started…” His eyes slipped closed.
Slowly Silver’s eyes trailed over to Shadow. “You will pay dearly for this.” Shadow’s eyes widened as Silver lifted a, frankly unnecessary, amount of snow above his head. “You won’t escape my justice!”
Shadow accepted his fate a moment before the snow impacted and buried him. If he had to go out any way, at least it was to a show of overwhelming force like that. After a moment he poked his head out of the snow he’d been buried under. Sonic was up and laughing alongside Silver by the time he’d freed himself. “Are you two proud of yourselves?” Shadow rose a brow and crossed his arms.
“Very.” Sonic chuckled. It was a good sound. “Thought you could use something to help you destress after your day.”
“It was Sonic’s idea.” Silver laughed. “He just managed to rope me into it.” 
“You say that like I forced you Silvs.” Sonic laughed before pulling him close. “It’s not like you put up a fight!”
Shadow embraced the warm feeling in his chest as he watched the exchange. Even if he hadn’t been able to be with them today they still had done their best to cheer him up once he got back. It was… nice. “We should head inside now.” He smiled at them, they both smiled back. “I’ll make us some hot drinks.”
“Oh!” Sonic’s tail wagged. “Sounds great. Heh. Thanks Shads.”
“Thank you Shadow.” Silver reached for his hand. Although it was awkward to grab Silver’s hand at the moment Shadow did so. “Of course.” The three started to walk towards the door. “Thank you both as well.”
“Anytime. You can thank good old nature for the idea though.” Sonic smiled up at the sky.
“It was fun, but I’m still excited for Winter to be over.” Silver sighed in relief as they entered their warm house.
“Eh fair enough.” Sonic shrugged. “Not looking forward to Summer nights with this extra fur though.”
“Perhaps you’ll shed to have a lighter coat.” Shadow suggested as he started to boil water.
“I mean maybe? Didn’t have to deal with this long enough last time to find out.” Sonic hummed. “Guess we’ll just have to wait for Summer to roll around and see.”
The three were quiet again until the water finished boiling and Shadow began to prepare their mugs. “Dibs on not having to clean that up if Sonic does end up shedding.” Silver said, humor tinting his voice as he took the mug of tea Shadow offered him.
“I believe it can be left as Sonic’s problem.” Shadow felt a small smile twitch onto his face.
“Yeesh no help from my own partners huh? Rough.” Sonic sighed dramatically before taking the mug of tea Shadow offered him.
“We’ll figure it out if it happens.” Shadow said evenly, before taking a sip of his own tea. “For now we should all get some rest. After we finish of course.”
“I don’t thi-” Sonic yawned mid sentence. Shadow gave him a smug look, and Sonic pointed at him. “Not a word.” 
The three finished their tea in comfortable silence. Then once their mugs were safely in the sink Sonic scooped up Shadow and Silver in order to carry them to bed. Neither fought it, since this had become their nighttime routine. Sonic collapsed into bed and held his partners down for a moment. Shadow pushed his arm off playfully so they could actually arrange themselves comfortably. It took a bit of shifting but eventually everyone was comfortable and presumably drifting off to sleep. Despite the day Shadow had, at least it had ended well. Burying himself further into Sonic’s fur he let himself drift off to sleep.
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
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 Combiny the prompties~
I’m a big fan of you, Precious Anon~ <(=//nwn//=)>
“How could this have happened!?” Sonic swiped the air with his claw, as a full-on wolf with bright red spikes that rattled like a snake’s tail reached up and tried to snap at him.
Getting knocked down, she paced around the tree, growling... she was huge! Bigger than Sonic, but while collecting the moons and suns, Professor Pickle and Amy had tried to experiment with taking out Sonic’s Dark Gaia infulence... unfortunately, the chaotic energy transferred to Amy, and while Sonic was still a werehog... she now carried half his curse.
“Oh dear, this is dreadful. A real conundrum, a hoshposh of dark energy mixed with that poor girl’s soul. Oh dear. Oh, my. How can I be thinking of cucumber sandwitches at a time like this!?” Professor Pickle was beside himself, having a sandwitch in his hand and placing it back on his plate while he now used both hands to type furiously with Tails backing him up.
“We have to reverse all energy back to Sonic!” Tails exclaimed, “Amy’s not even able to keep her conciousness!”
“Something must have happened when that good-for-nothing, pish-posh Doctor or whatever, Evil bad egg, for sure, made that device to inflict Sonic. I have a small theory, you know, that that machine was probably made to instill the tiniest fragments of light from the Chaos Emeralds used to sustain the Doctor’s experiment... a mad quack, if you ask me.” Professor Pickle looked over at the window, “Oh my!” seeing Sonic stretch out his hand to drag the pink wolf’s snarling muzzle against the barrier between the lab and the outside world.
“Any time now, Professor!” Sonic grabbed one of her front legs and threw her away from the laboratory.
“This could take all day, I can’t work under these stressful conditions-! Ohh!” he ducked his head and stopped typing, causing Tails to also look distracted and turn to the window.
“Ohh... Sonic!” He raced to the door, opening it as Sonic had two hands keeping the Wolf-Hedgehog hybrid’s mouth open to not clamp down on him, her clawed paws digging into the ground. “You need to get her out of here!” He hollered, “I know it’s unfair, but we need time!”
“What!? Time!?” Sonic threw her face down to the ground, climbing up to shove his whole weight onto it and keep her down as she scraped against the ground. “Great. Chip?” He looked up, “I need you to play the bait!”
“Bait!?” Chip faltered in the air, “No way! Nuh-huh! She was such a sweet girl, too, b-b-but-!” before he could sway his arms around and protest any further, Sonic gruffed and got the other Werehog in a headlock, but she looked so different from his transformation...
“Grr... Chip!” Sonic cried out, almost begging.
“Ahhh... Ohhh..!!! Alright! Here, poochie, poochie!” He flew like a sprite over to Amy’s vision, her large, narrowed wolf eyes looked over to see him, and Sonic slowly released his arm after seeing her eyes dart about with Chip’s sparatic movements.
“This way, yoohoo! Bleh, Bleh~” he patted his bum and lowered his bottom eyelid with his finger, then stuck out his tongue and winked. “Bet’cha can’t catch me! Yipes!” he tucked his bum up in front of himself when she snapped the air and pawed, whimpering to chase him. “YAAHHH-HAHA-AHHH!!! Soooniiiccc!!!” Chip ran in the air a moment before flying off, bobbing up and down every now and then as she tried to jump for him, leading them away from the lab.
Sonic, exhausted in his werehog form, already having been experimented on, looked over his shoulder with a wobbly step of his legs, “Tails... You stay with Professor Pickle... I’ll be back by dusk...”
“Got it!” Tails formed a fist and pumped it in the air to show his determination. “What will you do?”
“I’ll... ughh... keep her distracted.” He shook out his shoulders and then rolled them back, “Alright... let’s play ball...” He raced forward, reaching out a hand and stretching it to catch Chip as he tried to flinch and duck from Amy’s lunge up into the sky, her mouth drooling as he pulled his friend protectively to his chest, then held out a hand to Werehog Amy. “That’s enough!” he kept his hand out, “Amy... I know you’re still in there...”
She just looked around in the air, confused where Chip had gone before turning around and barring her teeth, slowly circling Sonic...
Chip whimpered and kicked out his feet to dive deeper into Sonic’s arm, shivering at her large and imposing size compared to him and Sonic.
“I know what you’re thinking...” Sonic spoke to Chip, but didn’t look away from Amy... just kept turning his body to wherever she was... as she barked every now and then as though to pounce, but seeing Sonic ready for it, bracing his stance, she would go back to circling... and Sonic would keep his hand up and eyes threatening that he’d go if she went. “How are we gonna keep her distracted till dusk?”
“Dusk!?” Chip angrily flew up and grabbed one of Sonic’s cheeks, shaking and tugging on it in his fury, “Why would you have us near death for so long!!!???”
Amy bit the air and Chip cried out and flew back into Sonic’s protective arm.
“Be brave, Chip.” Sonic then lowered him down to the ground, “Don’t fly... it seems to get her too excited.” He stated, and slowly began to approach her, “Easy, Amy... Easy...” his monsterous eyes grew softer, revealing the hidden hero within them. “Amy... It’s me... I know I...” He looked over himself, swaying his head to look down at his new form. “Don’t... appear the same... but you said it yourself,” he gestured out to her, “That no matter what I am... you’d be there for me... Well, it’s only common courtsey to do the same.”
She growled and tilted her head, her eyes scanning for either an opening... or maybe... understanding?
“Amy... are you in there?” He tried to reach out for her, but she lowered her form and gave every indictation that she’d bit if he touched her.
He slowly withdrew his hand, “Ohhh...” He let out a disappointed groan, but Chip piped in.
“Sonic, maybe... if you act like a monster, she will think you’re just like her!” he made his hands go up like claws, “Rawr, rawr, grr! Like that!” he gritted his teeth and hopped a little left and right, before spreading his arms and body out wide, as though thinking he had the perfect idea...
Sonic sweatdropped a little off the side of his face but turned to Amy and... slowly... lowered himself to all fours.
He figured, it must be worth a shot, since the ‘human approach’ wasn’t doing any good...
He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a split second to try and swallow his pride back for a moment, and bent his ears back to show he meant business.
The snarling and growling stopped, and Amy looked intriqued.
He then postured himself up almost like a gorilla, being on his knuckles, and held out his chest.
“Ah! A gesture of superiority!” Chip cheered, throwing his arms up with different punches to the sky. “Yeah, yeah! Show her you’re the top dog, Sonic!”
Sonic looked back at Chip awkwardly with his eyes, but then widened them when Amy’s muzzle and nose sniffed at his chest, as though checking out if he really was strong... or all bark and no bite.
She huffed to the side and circled him more with a bounce in her stride, as though inspecting him further.
“Ah, hey, why- no!” she went under his arm and sniffed before he pushed her away, and she growled and he bonked her on the nose and the two were battling again.
“Ahhhh... man, it almost looked like that worked.” Chip slumped forward, “Hmm...” He then quickly tapped his foot and put a hand to his chin as Amy and Sonic rolled around in a tussle, duking it out while Chip finally got another idea. “That’s it!” he snapped the air and both Amy and Sonic’s ears flicked towards it, stopping their fighting and rolling to where Amy’s wolf form was on top, and Sonic’s werehog form was on the bottom and they both turned to Chip. “You’ve gotta be the Alpha wolf!” he posed with his arms flexing up, then down again as he did a miniture jump as though showing off muscles he clearly didn’t have. “You’ve gotta be aggressive!” He clawed the air, “RAWRRR!! Agile!” he hopped like a bunny on the ground on all fours, “Speeeeed!” he then raced around, using his wings to make him ‘zip’ through the air. “And lastly, be... affectionate~ Awh~” he got back up on his bipetal legs, putting both hands together by his heart, and swaying his body left and right. “After all, Alphas are supposed to be protective of their packs. You’ve gotta make her realize you’re a friend, not a foe! A monster in company!” he balanced on one leg and spread his arms out wide. “Think that’s it?” He flew over to Sonic’s head before racing away as Amy nipped the air as though to eat Chip.
Sonic gently got her off of him as she backed off, grumbling in animal grunts while she sank away to dig her elongated muzzle into some trash...
“You really think I have to befriend her like a... like an animal?” Sonic brushed off his arms, then shook out his head and began lightly pulling the pink wolf-quills out of his own head of spines...
“Exactly!” Chip flew back to Sonic’s head, gesturing out before gently taking one of his small paws and putting them to Sonic’s cheek, “Trust me... It was really working just a second a ago! I think she’ll calm down and remain tame enough to where we can wait out the day for the Professor and your friend to be done!” he then shrugged with a friendly tilt towards Sonic, “Worth a solid effort, right?”
“Ehhh...” Sonic grimanced, looking back over to Amy as her dog tail wagged and she looked around for more trash food.
“If it’s for Amy... Then...” He sighed, gesturing out towards her, “I really don’t want her to get hurt... Or hurt anyone by mistake.”
A person screamed and dropped their groceries, seeing her as she raised her head and playfully chased after the flee human.
The two boys flinched and cried out, “Gah!” in surprise and hurriedly chased her to keep her from hurting the poor man.
“Chip, it’s a deal! We’ll give it a try!” Sonic called out, racing after Amy.
“Yea-yep!” Chip nodded, also hurrying to shake his fluffy tail in front of Amy, “Look girl, look! Flufffy~ Delicious~ Come and eat me!” he jumped in the air and shouted out, making her turn her attentions as he fleed back to Sonic, whincing as she dashed after him and snapped the air again. “Ahhh!!! Why am I always the bait!?”
Sonic smirked and cut her off, growling as he shred his massive hand into the ground and used his claws to drift, bringing him to a stop in front of her as she hard breaked and took a side-stance, barring her fangs again.
“You think you’ve got fangs, huh?” Sonic glared, and summoned himself up to his legs... then... moved out his arms as he summoned out a roar that left her stepping back, and lowering her head...
She whimpered, submissively.
“Hah... Hah... Hah,... Em. Sorry, Amy. But you’re kinda out of control right now.” He saw that she didn’t look hostile anymore, and gestured out a hand to her as though talking normally. “You know I would never yell at you... it’s not in my nature.” he then saw her snarl again when he was approaching her on two legs... remembering that, he looked down and got on all fours.
Her snarling stopped.
“You got this, Sonic!” Chip, hiding behind a building, just peeked his head out and cheered, before scurrying back behind the building.
“Awh... Okay.” Sonic nodded, but looked a little... sheepish.
“Uhh... Woof.” He looked adorably beaten, as though that very act had taken all of his pride and shoved it out the window.
Amy’s head tilted, then a wolfie smile as she panted and shook her dog tail.
“Ehem.” he cleared his voice, “... Bark?” he raised an eyebrow.
Chip eagerly leaned more away from his corner of protection, “It’s worrrrrking..!!!” He excitedly proclaimed.
Amy then got up and approached him, but Sonic moved back, “W-woa-woah, hang on- uhh...” he stopped as she rubbed her head against his, and he ducked his own as he tried to look back to Chip. “H-hey, uhh... Chip?”
“Haha! You look so shy!” Chip grabbed his stomach, kicking his legs out as he felt more safe to fly again.
Sonic groaned again in his werehog’s deep voice, using a hand to try and push her away from him. “This is even more awkward than when Amy normally does this kinda thing... but... you know... differently.” he stopped and looked down at her while she looked up.
The only thing that matched his image of Amy was her eyes and color palatte... everything else was...
“... Oh, Amy...” He gently put a hand to her head, “I never meant for this to happen to you as well... and even worse... I’m sorry.” he lowered his head, “I’m so sorry.” and shook it as he removed his hand and she stood a bit more friendly-like, wagging her tail.
She yipped, which shook Sonic out of his sulking to look back up at her, leaning forward, “Amy..?” He wondered if she was still in there, but she licked his nose and took off. “Augh!” He batted the air and whiped his nose on his arm. “Ugh, H-hey, wait!” he reached out for her... and the moment seemed... so familiar to him...
Instead of a prancing wolf dashing away, it was Amy... turning back to wave as she did when she first didn’t recongize him.
“...Amy...” his eyes drooped... he missed her... so much.
He put his hand to his chest, and let that feeling sink in... He closed his eyes, “If Amy is a monster because of me... I have to make it up to her. No matter what she is acting like... or if she’s even in there... or not... just sleeping, maybe... I still have to what I must... to keep her safe.” He opened his eyes and roared again, grabbing her attention.
He then scrapped up the ground and shook out his head with a huff, playing fully animalistic now.
Her ears perked and she opened her mouth as though an open-smile, and raced back to him.
The rest of the day was just trying to ‘walk your dog’ without it eating or pouncing on anyone or anything...
They played in the lake, Amy charging through as Sonic stayed on the shoreline, hearing her howl and joining in.
They laid down and she ducked her head under his own, and even though he looked a bit embarrassed to do so, he just sighed and laid his head over hers, resting...
Chip had gotten some chocolate ice cream sundays, but it almost spilled as he was spun about by Amy and Sonic running together through town, and any time she hyperfixated on a human, Sonic would use his mouth to gently ‘nip’ onto a spine and growl, pulling her back away from them.
Getting too noticable and public about his display... he opted to go into the forest, where they rolled around on the grass and in piles of leaves.
At one point... Chip tried to reach out a hesitating hand to her muzzle... and she lightly pushed it forward, making his little bunny tail wag and pet her gently.
She ‘groomed’ Sonic’s head as he looked like he was very much uncomfortable by it, as Chip laughed on the ground by his head while Amy’s monster drool dripped off one of his ‘througholy cleaned’ ears...
Suddenly, Chip wasn’t laughing, and whiping his own face in disgust before flying off.
When dawn arrived, Amy was put into the machine that Sonic was, taking one last glance at him and then licking his face to have him wiping it off, the sun coming up, Sonic transformed and Amy almost snapped.
“It’s me, It’s me!” Sonic tried to show her, “Darn, we missed dusk!” He tried to get on all fours, but was considerably smaller than her now, and she loomed over him... growling.
Professor Pickle and Tails held one another, as she planted her feet down firmly.
“Great.” Sonic looked disappointed, “Looks like the hard way...” He narrowed his eyes and jumped around on the walls in his super speed and all fours, barking and yapping as she tried to attack him, before finally getting back into the machine.
“Now, Tails!” He cried out, as Tails and Chip flew over and closed the door.
The machine shook furiously, and the two feared Sonic was being killed, hurrying to turn on the machine and reverse the effects... this time, Amy inside as well.
The machine exploded once it was completed... and as the dust settled, the three peeked their heads over the control panel... looking in...
Amy was using her foot to scratch her ear, sitting on Sonic’s back while he tapped the ground, annoyed.
“Anytime you’re ready... Amy...” He grumbled, as she suddenly stopped and looked around.
She gasped, “SONIC!” looking under her and jumping off. Her dress was tattered but not ripped, just a bit worse for wear. She jumped off of him and looked herself over, seeing leaves and twigs in her hair, and how messy she appeared to be. She spat out a blue quill and covered her mouth, her eyes widened and her face bright red.
“What... happened... to me?”
Sonic finally stood up, dusting himself off from the bite marks... “Someone’s back to normal...” He shook out the pink quills in his hair and Amy gasped again.
“Why is it morning!? Why aren’t you a Werehog anymore!? Why are we in this machine and looking like we did something!?!?” She... had the wrong idea, and Sonic was quick to explain and shake out his hands that it is NOT what she was thinking AT ALL!!!
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allsonicgames · 2 years
Sonic Unleashed
Original Platform: Xbox 360, PS3
Original release: 24th November 2008
Version Played Xbox 360
Available to buy: Yes
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After almost defeating Dr Robotnik but falling into a trap, energy is drained from Sonic to power a weapon that splits apart the planet and releases Dark Gaia. Sonic turns into a “werehog” and is sent tumbling down to the planet where he stumbles upon Chip, his new companion who has lost his memory.
In Sonic Unleashed, the stages take place in fictional locations that are inspired by real-life ones, and they all look stunning with wonderful music that mixes Sonic music with a style that matches the region the level is based on. There’s a lot of background detail, too, with lots of buildings – the European city inspired Spagonia had what looks like thousands of houses in the background as you ascend and drop down from a large clock tower.
Unleashed is split into day and night stages. In day, you play as Sonic, while night stages have you playing as his Werehog form (thankfully, the game never uses the Werehog term). The day stages are immensely fun, utilising the boost like Sonic Rush, but in this it’s gained from collecting rings. Another major change is that the homing attack now has a reticule (first doen in Sonic and the Secret Rings), which is a big improvement as you know you’re going to hit an enemy instead of flying to death because you weren’t targeting what you thought you were targeting.
The main stages are incredibly good fun, using a mixture of 3D parts with twist and turns, ones where you run straight and use the shoulder buttons to sidestep, 2D platforming sections that can be fast paced or more focused on precise platforming. It keeps the longer levels Unleashed has feel like they’re comprised of interesting segments. There are also some additional smaller levels which focus on singular mechanics and can be very difficult.
My main issue with the day stages are the quick time events. Quite often you’ll hit a big ramp and have to hit a series of buttons to reach the higher route. They seem to be there because everyone was doing QTEs back when this came out. Still, it’s just a minor flaw.
In the night stages, you play a God of War-like fighting game with Sonic in his Werehog form. I actually quite enjoy this, and I think it’s one of the better “non-Sonic-style” types of additional gameplay in Sonic games. Combat is satisfying to do, with lots of combos, being able to pick up enemies. It does have a QTE issue in that you can perform a finisher, which has a long animation. I found myself ignoring this quite a bit as it seemed quicker to just carry on pummeling some enemies (except for the evil wasp enemies, those were annoying to fight). The platforming sections of the night stages aren’t great, as the grab feels delayed and some camera angles make it incredibly difficult for you to aim your jump (the lack of a shadow beneath Sonic also makes it far more difficult). And some levels just have a lot of walking on narrow platforms.
The big problem with Sonic Unleashed is the pacing of it. Between levels, you have to explore multiple hub worlds. I do like the sections where you talk to people, do some side quests, as it makes the game feel big in scope. There’s a secondary hub area where the levels are located in “gaia gates”. You will have to locate these levels (some of which require specific abilities), but you need to meet certain conditions to enter. First, the level needs to be available at that point in the story (sometimes you need to speak to a professor to tell you to head there, and the level isn’t available unless you talk to him first), and secondly you need to gather enough Sun and Moon medals to access it. Unless you’re an expert who has played the game many times, this means a lot of replaying previous levels. The Night levels also seem to have the most medals and due to the pacing you can take your time exploring the level (whereas in the day stages, you mostly stumble upon them at random), so most of this repeated playthrough will be as the Werehog. Sometimes it can be hours between playing Sonic levels.
If the game properly directed you to the next level, and changed the Sun and Moon medals to unlocking extras, than Sonic Unleashed would be a brilliant game. Unfortunately, this incredibly dull padding sours the game quite a lot.
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lea-andres · 3 years
Here's what I remember:
So Eggman figured out a way to use the Chaos Emeralds to cause the Werehog transformation again without splitting apart the planet and awakening Dark Gaia. So he tricked Sonic, Shadow, and Silver into coming and facing off with him, trapped them, and successfully turned the three into Werehogs. And this time, unlike in Sonic Unleashed, they lose themselves to the transformation and become brainless rampaging monsters.
Eggman was prepared for Sonic and Silver, but he had failed to take into consideration what affect the Black Arms DNA in Shadow might have on his Werehog form.
Werehog Shadow turns out to be way stronger and WAY MORE AGGRESSIVE than Sonic AND Silver combined, and Eggman very quickly loses control of him and Shadow is able to escape. Sonic and Silver also get loose during the mayhem, and because Werehog Shadow's an aggressive and territorial piece of shit that will fight anything that as much as looks at him funny, and Werehog Sonic and Werehog Silver only get violent when provoked, the three end up destroying Eggman's lair fighting each other before escaping out into the world.
By day, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver are back to normal. They can't remember going to confront Eggman, and they can never remember the nights they spend rampaging around as Werehogs.
Reports of Werehog attacks start to spring up all over the place, cue the Restoration and GUN scrambling to remedy the situation.
(Note: This is NOT the catalyst for CS91. Trust me, that event is SO MUCH WORSE. But this is the event that caused GUN and the Restoration to hate each other. GUN wanted to shoot the Werehogs to solve the problem, Jewel was adamant [once it was discovered the Werehogs were Sonic, Shadow, and Silver] that shooting them would NOT be considered until all other possible solutions were attempted and failed. So the two groups started sabotaging each other's attempts to capture (Restoration) or eliminate (GUN) the Werehogs, and caused YEARS of business professional passive aggression between the two groups.)
Shadow was the first one discovered, but it took several attempts to successfully capture the guy because he was too strong and angry. I had how the Restoration finally got him under control, but sadly lost it to the void. 😭
Silver actually flew under the radar for a long time, because half the people trying to round up the Werehogs didn't even realize he was in the present until halfway through the whole thing, and he was the least aggressive of the three Werehogs to the point that his few attacks were being mislabeled as Sonic's. The Restoration didn't realize they were dealing with *3* Werehogs until Jewel and the Chaotix realized on one night three different attacks happened at almost the same time, so there HAD to be 3 Werehogs (Then Espio realized SECONDS before disaster struck that A: The third Werehog HAS TO BE Silver, and B: OH GOD SILVER'S IN THIS BUILDING WITH US AND THE SUN'S SETTING-
That goes kinda poorly, but they do successfully contain him in the end.)
That's all I got, the rest is just fragments that don't make sense without their context, and the context has been yeeted into the void by my dumb brain getting overwhelmed today. 😒
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maxerikson · 4 years
The Character Development of Sonic the Hedgehog: A Character Analysis
The Sonic the Hedgehog video game series is one that does not require very deep or complicated stories to go with their games. Due to the simplistic nature of the franchise, its characters are probably best described as two-dimensional, which would be fine, because they don’t require that third dimension of depth. The main character himself, Sonic the Hedgehog, doesn’t even have much character development throughout the series; at least at first glance that would seem to be the case, but I am here to tell you all that Sonic the Hedgehog has gone through a lot of character development throughout his adventures, making him very three-dimensional. There are four key character arcs that Sonic has gone through over the course of the main series, and I’m going to go over all of them while examining Sonic’s development in the major installments.
From Loner to Team Player
I believe at the very start of the series, Sonic the Hedgehog was a loner, who had trouble making friends and might have even closed himself off to others. In Sonic the Hedgehog 1, Sonic was the only playable character, and the only other character in the whole game was the villain, Dr. Eggman. More characters appeared in later titles, many more, but none of them are people Sonic knew before Sonic 1. They were all strangers to Sonic when they first appeared. Another piece of evidence comes from Amy Rose. Several years ago now, Sega did a mock Q&A with Sonic, and one of the questions asked of him was why he wasn’t interested in Amy. His answer was because he was too busy with his adventures to have a relationship (although there’s also an inappropriate age difference between the two, with Sonic being 15 years old, and Amy being 12).
It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to think that this makes it hard to form any relationship, whether romantic or platonic. Being able to move as fast as he can, the world around Sonic is just too slow for him, and the people that were in his life before Tails and Amy likely just couldn’t keep up. Not only that, but his powers and his status as a hero likely make him a target, which would make him dangerous to be around, as if his super speed didn’t make him dangerous enough already. However, Amy would force her way into Sonic’s life, not minding the danger, and in the Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic met Tails, who was able to keep up with him thanks to his propeller-like twin tails, and tagged along on his adventure to stop Eggman from destroying West Island in his search for the Chaos Emeralds. Tails may have been Sonic’s first real friend in who knows how long, maybe even ever.
That being said, Sonic still saw Tails and Amy as people he had to protect, and he had trouble getting along with people like Knuckles, who was also quite the loner, although much more so than Sonic. Then Sonic Adventure 1 took place, and it seemed like Sonic’s fears were coming true. When the Tornado 1 was shot down during the first attack on the Egg Carrier, Sonic and Tails were separated. Sonic had no idea if Tails was OK, so he needed to find him quickly, but Amy just had to show up asking for him to help a lost birdie. Sonic never agreed to this, but when Zero arrived to capture Amy and the bird, Sonic was determined to rescue them, but Zero escaped with them. Sonic had failed to protect his friends, and he wouldn’t have needed to if he was their friend in the first place.
Sonic didn’t have long to dwell on this failure, however, because Tails almost immediately appeared in his Tornado 2, which he and Sonic used to attack the Egg Carrier, and this time successfully made on board, where they find out that Amy had already escaped custody...with help from an Eggman robot, no less! In this moment, Sonic has learned that his friends can take care of themselves, meaning he can have friends without putting them in danger.
The story for Sonic Adventure 1 had a central theme that was used as the inspiration for the main song, Open Your Heart. The story was all about how you need to open your heart to others, because closing yourself off will create a cycle of pain and hatred. This lesson was put into words when Sonic gave his speech to Tikal before the final boss battle, telling her why they shouldn’t just seal Chaos back into the Master Emerald. I believe Sonic wouldn’t have been able to make this speech at the beginning of the game, because it’s a lesson he’s been learning since the beginning of the series, and it had just sunk in. That speech is the climax of Sonic letting his friends be part of his life, but it isn’t the finale.
In Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic found himself framed for a crime he didn’t commit and thrown in Prison Island. How did he escape? He didn’t—at least not by himself. It was actually Amy who released Sonic from his cell while Tails was keeping Dr. Eggman busy. Not only could Sonic’s friends take care of themselves, but they can even be relied on to save the day when Sonic can’t. Sonic is shown to have learned this lesson when he gets trapped on the ARK, and about to be jettisoned to his apparent death; during that scene he tells Tails to take care of Amy, letting him know that Sonic has full faith in him to be a hero in Sonic’s absence. By Sonic Heroes, Sonic has become a true team player, treating Tails and Knuckles as equals as they worked together to stop Eggman.
A lot of this is intertwined with the next area of development I’m about to talk about, which is….
Sonic’s Confidence
Sonic the Character is well known for his confidence. A lot of people view him as cocky, but I’ve never seen him as such. However, I believe that’s because by Sonic Adventure 1, he’s already lost a good chunk of that cockiness (all games before SA1 had what I like to call ‘video game stories’, with little-to-no dialogue or cutscenes). One way a person can combat loneliness is by convincing themselves that they don’t need other people in their lives—they’re awesome enough by themselves! Sonic in particular wouldn’t need to try that hard to convince himself of this. He was able to defeat Eggman and destroy his base in Sonic 1 all by himself, and no-one even died. He got some help from Tails in Sonic 2 and 3, but he was basically support. Speaking of Sonic 3, this game basically started with Sonic, as Super Sonic, getting the super knocked out of him when Knuckles caught him by surprise. That definitely would have been a blow to Sonic’s ego. First Metal Sonic and now this gullible Knucklehead? Sonic keeps finding opponents who can actually go toe-to-toe with him.
Still, as far as Sonic was concerned, he needed to be as unstoppable as he believed himself to be. No-one else can do what he can, which means saving the world was his responsibility alone. Now I would like to point out something I said in the previous section: “Sonic had failed to protect his friends” in Sonic Adventure 1. Sonic experienced his first real failure, and what happened? Tails and Amy turned up OK without Sonic saving them. Sonic doesn’t always need to protect them, something that is further proven in Sonic Adventure 2, which also featured more of Sonic’s failure. First, he’s captured by G.U.N. after being framed by theft, then he meets Shadow—the guy who framed him—and learns that this lookalike can outclass him. First Knuckles, now this faker? Sonic keeps meeting people who can make dents in his ego. Speaking of which, he’s immediately captured by G.U.N. again, and needs Tails and Amy to rescue him. Then there’s the final boss battle, during which Shadow—who was fighting alongside Sonic—apparently dies, and although the two of them saved the planet from destruction, Sonic couldn’t save Shadow.
Sonic has realized that he’s not invincible, but he also doesn’t need to carry the whole weight of the world on his shoulders, because his friends can help. We know Sonic has learned this lesson, because at the end of Team Sonic’s story in Sonic Heroes, Sonic admits to Knuckles that he wouldn’t have been able succeed in this journey without him and Tails, and thanks him; and you know this is a big deal because Knuckles responds with an expression of utter shock! Does this mean Sonic Heroes is the end of this particularly character arc for Sonic? No, because now Sonic was underconfident. Once someone realizes they’re not as amazing as they believed themselves to be, they begin feeling inadequate. This is best illustrated in Sonic Unleashed. At the beginning of this game, Sonic is at his lowest point. Eggman  not only defeated Sonic’s super form, but used the power from it to split the planet apart. As a result of this failure, Sonic was turned into a beastly werehog, and he accidentally gave someone amnesia (or so he believes).
Later in the game, Sonic is found by Amy, but she thinks she’s confused a stranger for Sonic, so she apologizes and runs off to find her crush. Considering how much Sonic finds Amy’s crush on him annoying, you’d think Sonic would be delighted by this, but nope! He’s clearly saddened by this, and we get a mopey werehog. That’s because his werehog form is a reminder of his failure, and of his self-perceived inadequacy; but then Chip regains his memories and reveals he’s actually Light Gaia. Sonic theorizes that this is why he’s still himself on the inside when he turns into a werehog, because Chip was with him that whole time, but Chip tells Sonic that it was all Sonic. It was Sonic’s own willpower that kept him sane. I would also like to point out that this is the first main series game in a long time in which Sonic is the only playable character. That’s why I think it’s very important that the main theme of this game’s story is about Sonic realizing the power he had inside himself all along, regaining his confidence and becoming Super Sonic once more to defeat Dark Gaia.
In short, Sonic went from being overconfident to underconfident to confident. However, he’s still very impulsive.
Chaos Impulse Control
It only makes sense that someone with super speed would lack patience, and while Sonic has always been shown to be pretty impatient, it wasn’t until Sonic Lost World that it came to be an important part of a game’s story, at least explicitly. I feel like there are examples throughout the main series where Sonic’s impulsiveness was reflected in gameplay and level design. The only examples I can think of from the top of my head though are two from Sonic Adventure 1. Perhaps one of the reasons that orca attacked was because it was startled by Sonic running through its enclosure at such high speeds? Maybe Sonic was the one who accidentally caused that avalanche he had to snowboard away from? Who knows? All I do know, is that Sonic Lost World was the first game that really made full use of Sonic’s impulsiveness.
In SLW, Sonic recklessly got rid of the conch Eggman was using to control the Deadly Six, which made things worse. Sonic’s impulsiveness then got Tails captured and almost roboticized. In the end, Sonic acknowledged his mistakes and apologized to Tail; so does that mean Sonic has learned his lesson? Well, yes, but I believe this will continue to happen. Allow me to repeat myself: Sonic has super speed. Living life with such a power is definitely going to be like living with attention deficiency and hyperactivity. The world is always going to feel too slow for Sonic, which means he’s always going to be in a rush to make things faster. It’s something he’s probably going to live with for most of his remaining life, even if he’s aware of it. Luckily, he has friends who can support him by helping him reign himself in, or by helping him fix his mistakes when he is unable to.
Before I move on to the fourth and final area of Sonic’s character development, you may have noticed that there are three major Sonic games I haven’t mentioned so far. That’s because Sonic doesn’t go through any development in Sonic Colors or Sonic Forces. On the surface, that seems to be the same for Sonic Generations, but just think about it for a few seconds: Sonic is traveling through his past during this game. He is seeing a lot of reminders of his past, which could make him think back and reflect on the lessons he’s learned since beginning his adventures on South Island, reaffirming those lessons onto himself; and don’t forget, there are two of him in this game. While Modern Sonic is reflecting on his past, Classic Sonic is getting a glimpse of his future; of the person he could eventually become and the lessons he’ll need to learn to reach that point.
Still, that’s mostly headcanon. It would have been nice if it were more explicit though, and Sonic actually talked about this stuff at least a little. At least we got Sonic telling his past self that his future “is going to be great,” clarifying that Sonic is happy with where he is in life, and that he doesn’t hold any regrets. Which begs the question: What else is there left for Sonic? Well, there is one more part of himself that Sonic is still learning about….
Sonic’s Powers
How is Sonic able to move so fast? So far, fans haven’t been given an answer, and Sonic doesn’t appear to know either. Remember when I said Sega did a mock Q&A with Sonic? Well, in that Q&A, Sonic revealed that he was able to run at super speed for as long as he could remember, with no idea how or why he has this power. Although we have yet to be given an answer in these games, we have  gotten at least one game where Sonic was shown to be thinking about it, and one where he might have been.
When Sonic and Shadow were working together during the final boss battle in Sonic Adventure 2, Shadow exclaimed that he figured out that Sonic is the ultimate lifeform, not Shadow. How...is this possible? Shadow was supposed to have been created by Prof. Robotnik to be the ultimate lifeform. There are hints in the game that Robotnik took inspiration from Angel Island’s hieroglyphs, which we know from Sonic & Knuckles depict Sonic, but I want to focus more on the game’s final scene, which shows Sonic thinking about what Shadow said, and how Prof. Robotnik was trying to create the ultimate lifeform.
“Am I really the ultimate lifeform? What does that mean exactly? Does it have anything to do with my speed?” These are likely the questions going through Sonic’s head after these events. That scene hinted at Sonic having questions about his own origins, and he might have been given his first real clue; but has this come up again at all during the series? Perhaps it did, in Sonic Unleashed.
Remember how Chip said Sonic was still Sonic even when he was a werehog because of the power inside of him? Is that just Sonic’s inner strength and willpower, or could it also have something to do with him being the ultimate lifeform? That’s probably what Sonic’s thinking at this time, but who knows?
Sonic began his adventures as an arrogant loner with impulse control issues, but over time he has grown into a humble team player with impulse control issues. It doesn’t seem like a huge difference, but I think it’s pretty important. The next, logical thing to do with Sonic as a character is to explore the origins of his powers, at least if we want to see more character development, but it isn’t the only option. Another path writers could take is relapse, and I think Sonic Forces has created an opportunity for this route, despite its awful story. At the beginning of this game, Sonic gets defeated and imprisoned for six months. During that time, Eggman conquered most of the world, all because Sonic was there, basically proving Sonic’s former belief that he needs to be the one to save everyone as correct.
If I had to choose though, I’d rather see more about Sonic’s powers. Still, what should Sega do if Sonic’s character becomes fully developed? Is it time for a reboot? No, not necessarily. There’s nothing wrong with a flat character arc, after all. Instead of having Sonic improve himself, future stories could exclusively portray the characters around them going through character arcs as a result of Sonic’s actions and his relationships with them. That’s technically already something we see in most Sonic games, but that’s while Sonic is going through his own character arcs, at least in the major installments. In minor main series Sonic games, like Sonic Rush, it doesn’t seem like Sonic goes through any development, but the characters around him do. That could become the norm if Sonic completes his development, and that’s OK.
Here’s the big question though: Was any of this character development intentional? Probably not. At the very least, I doubt it was planned by Sega’s higher-ups, and more like the result of individual writers each trying to create the best stories they can, and then all of that work put together created a happy accident. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. Sonic lived and learned to open his heart, and to work with his friends to become stronger together, while also acknowledging the endless possibility of what’s inside of him. Sonic the Hedgehog is my favorite video game character, and realizing all of this just makes him even better in my point of view. With this analysis, I hope I’ll get people to appreciate his character as much as I do.
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Curse of the Dark Emerald, chapter 1
Author's Notes: Hello everyone this is my first time writing for Sonic and tackling the idea of Sonic in the movie verse as a Werehog because since watching the film I think myself and a lot of others have been egging (no pun intended xD) to have a shot at this. So I hope as my first time it comes off good and not too terrible! Apologies for any story mistakes! Please enjoy and keeping it at around PG-13 rated.
Tom Wachowski unlocked the door to his house, his body slumped involuntarily as he entered, it was a long, and dull uneventful day. He was tired from doing the usual patrolling of Green Hill and not much happened, which was pretty typical. Ozzy, his beloved golden retriever didn’t waste time greeting his owner and stood on his back legs lurching his upper body on Tom in the form of a hug.
“Hey, Oz! Good boy!”
Ozzy manages to leave a lick of drool on his face and instantly after receiving the affection, he settles down and sits at Tom’s feet. A neon, blue line zipped behind Ozzy.
“Hey, Donut Lord! You’re back!”
A young, blue hedgehog jumps onto Tom’s chest and and embraces him into a hug, Tom could feel his quills against his head bristling. Sonic’s cheeks were blushing from the joy to see his best friend back home. Electric green eyes meet Tom’s.
“Hey, bud, good to see you.”  Tom returns the hug and gently drops Sonic to the floor.
Sonic rests his fists on his sides, “You bring anything cool back? Like some food?” Sonic makes the brightest smile at Tom.
“Sorry, bud. Not this time.” Tom chuckled at Sonic, knowing him he was thinking he’d brought home a take out meal for free.
Sonic groaned, “Aww come on! I haven’t had a chili dog in like, forever!” He folds his arms and huffs at Tom.
“Hi, Tom.”
Maddie appears and made her greeting with a peck on the cheek for Tom. “Don’t worry about him, he’s been good today.”
“Oh I’m not worried about that,” Tom took off his coat and put it on the coat hanger, ''But I’m more worried about Mr. Flash here getting too fat, for sure!” He teases.
Sonic laughs, but pauses; and he furrows his eyes, “Hey!”
“Did you take your nap, earlier, Sonic? Tom gives Sonic a pat on his head before walking past him and going into the kitchen.
“Of course I did!” Sonic rolled his eyes.
“I made some soup and breadsticks, so no hot dogs Sonic.” Maddie winked at Sonic, she knew his bribery at Tom had failed.
“Yeah, yeah ,okay.” Sonic sighed in disappointment, and took a seat at the table.
“Hey Sonic, how’re your muscles feeling?” Maddie finished bringing all the utensils for Tom and Sonic and sat down, grinning at the hedgehog.
“Really sore.” Sonic moans a little and rubs his back, “That workout was a killer yesterday, I don’t think I’ll do it again.”
Both of them laughed to each other, Maddie took her turn to tease him.
Tom smiles to himself warmly, his job may be dull at times but it was a different story here at home, which he didn’t mind. He always felt happier and lighter seeing Sonic as the new member of the household, officially welcomed after he and Maddie made him his own room in the attic. That was only a few weeks ago, and October was just around the corner. Tom and Maddie had already mentioned to Sonic about Halloween, which of course the little hedgehog was excited for, but that would be discussed later on.
Sonic was his usual chipper self, talked about his day but also made sure to let his guardians speak as well. Which he was getting better at. Tom let himself to the daily newspaper while Sonic and Maddie made small talk, turning the thin pages from time to time, reading the daily funny comics, then the weather, then he remembered he forgot to even look at the front page, the title in black, bold letters read
“Trick of the Eyes? Or the new Montana’s “Northern Lights?”
Tom scans over the slightly blurred picture below the main headline, which was in color thankfully; showing that in the next town over, there were sights of odd, but dazzling green and blue rays reminiscent of the northern lights anyone was familiar with in the Northern continents, but different.
“Hey, wanna see something cool?”
Sonic’s lime-green orbs lit up at Tom, “Yeah, sure, what’s up?”
Tom folds the paper for him to see better, “Looks like you might not be the only alien thing around,” he jokes.
But the moment Sonic looked at the picture of the headline, his eyes went sharp and into a trance, he gingerly took the paper, read it over and didn’t say another word. Sonic’ss mouth hung agape a little, but made no sound.
Maddie and Tom glanced at each other, not knowing when or what to say at first, but Tom beats her to it, “Sonic? What’s the matter?”
Sonic blinked his eyes and finally made his gaze at them, “I’m okay! It really is cool, Tom.”
Sonic almost couldn't finish his sentence and was interrupted by a yawn. He shook his head to fight the sudden sleepiness.
“Are you all done with your food?” Maddie began taking dishes to the sink.
“Yep, I’m done.” Sonic gently pushed his plate away and got down, heading for his room.
Tom still kept watch on Sonic’s expression the whole time, he could tell the young hedgehog has something lingering in his mind, behind that smile. But, he thought, I’ll give him his space for now.
“Good night, Sonic!” Maddie gently shouts so she could overpower the sound of clinking dishes and running water.
“Goodnight!” Sonic makes a hasty wave at Tom and dashed to his room, opening the floor boarded door and closing it behind him.
“Ugh, I gotta..go..!”
Sonic fumbles with his words and thoughts, trying to think and properly conjure the crazy idea that he was about to do,
“That story in the paper...it felt so weird...and it's bugging me…”
Sonic tosses all his belongings that were on the floor which were just left scattered around messily, looking for the most important things to him, his brain couldn’t remember where he put them, until he checked the drawers and instantly, his pouch of Rings were there in his stash of socks.
“Cool beans, I gotcha! Now, I should...UGH I gotta go now! No no no, calm down and slow down, I can’t just go there yet…”
Sonic took a sharp breath in, and slowed his brain down to think more clearly, “I have to wait until they’re asleep. So they don’t worry.”
It was finally settled on what he had to do. While he waited for Tom and Maddie to get to bed and sleep, he made his quick preparations on what to take for this short journey to the town outside of Green Hill. Sonic looked out the upper window of his room, a near full moon glistened it’s face downwards with it’s light.
“Backpack, check. Flashlight, check.”
Sonic grabbed his Rings, took one out and held it firmly in his hand, and stashed the rest into his bigger bag. Happy with his things, he took a step towards the door,
A rustle of noises was heard outside, he whipped to see what it was from and thought he also saw a pair of red eyes peering from the same window. The years of old paranoia washed over and Sonic quickly checked outside on the roof, and he found nothing about that could be spying.
“Come on, let’s go already.” Sonic griped at himself to get going, shook his head, and went to his door, the house lights below were off and a dark staircase greeted him.
Sonic quietly tiptoed to Tom and Maddie’s room, and he was happy to find out his timing was good, they were preparing to go to sleep, but they spoke amongst themselves in their room which muffled both voices a little bit.
“He had a weird reaction to that story from  the paper, you think he’s okay?”- Maddie
“Not sure, but it might not be that big of a deal.”-Tom
A sigh was let out from one of them, though Sonic couldnt see who it was.
“You’re probably right, but I’m...a little worried.”
Tom took the covers and slipped on the bed, “I’ll admit I am a little too, but for now if Sonic wants to tell us what it is, let’s just wait.”
Sonic’s chest tightened, he felt a little guilty for what he was about to do and rethinks if telling both of them would be best, but he was happy to hear they were so concerned about him.
“Okay, Tom. I don’t want to press him either, but you’re totally right.”
They’ll be fine.
Sonic had heard just enough to put himself at ease, he heard the bedroom become silent not long after, that was the que to make his move.
He promised to himself, “I’ll be back before the sun comes up.”
Sonic went back upstairs to his room, took the golden ring in hand, tossed it and a whirl of energy and wind blows, the ring showcases a sea of green pine trees on the other side,
“Nothing wrong with a little adventure, right?” Sonic rubbed his gloves together, his nervousness had vanished with the thought of what could be on the other side, waiting for him.
He goes in and the ring closes. His room was now vacant. Until an arm pulls down the window pane on the ceiling...
A black clothed person carefully props himself to the floor, wearing red tinted goggles on his head and a black beanie to mask himself.
“Whew, close one.”
After getting his balance, the man moves his goggles up his face, Agent Stone had been following his target for the last few days. He scans the room for anything he could use to further his plans into action, the execution to start could now begin.
“What now..? Oh..?” Stone’s eyes catch onto something interesting,
A single gold ring glowed on the floor, he grinned playfully at the item, studying it.
“He used this to disappear? Hmm..”
He barely moved his fingers and the ring slips from his grasp, clumsily it falls back on the floor, opening a portal.
“Woah, what the-?” Stone stepped back, startled.
From what he could see it was the same place his target took off to, green forests of trees and he saw large footprints from where Sonic was headed.
“No time to waste, then.”
He had his mission to fulfill, and he took the jump inside the ring, and it closed from behind. Stone looked back expecting the bedroom to be there, but it wasn’t. Stone went into focus and followed Sonic’s footsteps.
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gay-yosuke · 4 years
alright its time for me to post about sonic now. nobody asked for this.
personally. i think that the decline of sonic games is. well. nonlinear of course but its a combination of a lot of things that have been present for a while. i started thinking about this because i had knight of the wind stuck in my head while i showered and i thought “yknow i dont think the storybook games were that bad” and it evolved from there. readmore’d cuz its a longass post
first off. one of the things that was present in the games people consider “bad” is eggman NOT being the primary antagonist. i mean. fundamentally this makes sense. eggman has always been the primary antagonist in the games since the beginning, so suddenly introducing these throwaway villains is kind of a shot in the foot. what comes to mind is sonic lost world and the zeti because its like. sega wants us so badly to care about zavok and the rest of them but its just kind of difficult when theyre from yknow. sonic lost world and, fundamentally, throwaway villains. now i thought about this because. sonic lost world ISNT objectively a bad game i dont think. it has bad parts and i think those bad parts are mostly linked to the zeti being the primary antagonists. now this isnt saying that any game with eggman as the primary antagonist is good (ill get to forces later) but it plays a part.
now i couldnt entirely tell you when “eggman ISNT the primary antagonist” first turned up. i would assume sonic adventure because of chaos? which funnily enough links into my next point. the introduction of a secondary antagonist who either a) becomes a primary antagonist in the same game or a later game they’re part of or b) is meant to be some kind of counter to sonic. you could say it started in sonic 3. since knuckles acts as a secondary antagonist for most of the game. funnily enough though hes actually one of the only that stops being an antagonist in the same damn game. hes like “wait a second ive been fucking tricked” and turns to sonic’s side after seeing eggman doing his bastardly actions. so i’d say it actually started in sonic cd with metal sonic. he’s a reoccurring antagonist (the good kind) and was made with the sole purpose of Beating Sonic. in sonic heroes he becomes a primary antagonist in the true ending and whatever. in sonic adventure there’s chaos who becomes the primary antagonist in the true ending as well. now again. none of these games are BAD because of this aspect. sonic 3 is good, as is cd, heroes, and i think sonic adventure has its moments. but again this is just another piece to the puzzle.
the next thing i think thats sort of added to the decline is the fact that. well. corporations. yknow how it is with game design. as a game design student i know that theres fucked up shit going on in a lot of places and sega wanted to make sonic like mario. nintendo knows they have brand loyalty, just like disney does. nintendo slaps mario or pikachu onto something and it’ll sell and they KNOW that. sonic, less so, because hes yknow. got Controversy. sparks arguments about good and bad games. im particularly thinking about sonic boom here because that game had such potential that was stripped away not only by corporate greed (it being forced to be published onto the wii u, which, ill be real with you, i forgot existed) and hardware limitations, but by a lack of commuication within the actual company about WHERE the game was being published to. also dont get me started on how sega shafted the storyline. thats for another day.
overarching plot in sonic games is kind of fun in my opinion. i like a story i can get invested in. one that makes sense and like. you know. adds to the game. and this is the part where i talk about sonic forces.
sonic forces is kind of the culmination of a lot of these things. its a pander to the audience who loves classic sonic (as in, putting classic there for no reason as a nudge towards sonic generations), it features a secondary antagonist who attempts to become a primary antagonist (infinite needs work) and like. objectively id say that the phantom ruby is a bigger antagonist than eggman is. all the things that he does is down to the phantom ruby, and i dont entirely know how the phantom ruby even like. started existing. but we’ll just skip over that for now.
so eggman has infinite who he powers up with the phantom ruby and he becomes the metal sonic-esque character of the game. he’s meant to be sonic’s direct counter which is shown with infinite beating sonic at the start. but infinite just kind of. exists. as a throwaway villain. and the thing with throwaway villains is that infinite creates clones of some other villains (zavok, shadow (????) chaos and metal sonic) and that kinda confused me like. okay so you create fake versions of all these villains who turned against you for various reasons and also metal sonic??? who you could just create again??? but im going on a tangent.
the one thing i listed that forces didnt really feature was eggman not being the primary antagonist. i liked that he was the primary antagonist in forces. i just wish the story was better. and now i get to talk about story problems in sonic games. and as a writer, youre not getting spared.
ive talked abt sonic forces and story. i havent talked about other games and their story. sonic 06′s story was weak because it was trying too hard. the storybook games were good because the story was THERE. sonic gets put into this position of being a character from myths and characters we already know are filling the other positions. it was fun. sonic lost world, i dont really know cuz i never played it but from what i understood, eggman took the zeti’s planet and controlled them with a magic conch, and then the conch gets broken and the zeti fight back?? i dont know why the zeti hate sonic or why they roboticized tails but whatever.
fundamentally. sonic games are go fast. stop eggman. platform. of course eggman can be substituted for other antagonists like in adventure’s case where it becomes stop chaos. everything else in it is adding to the story (or in a lot of cases where its trying too hard, it detracts from everything) and like. adding different things is kind of fun sometimes. people didnt like the clunky controls of the werehog but i thought it was fun having the differences between daytime and nighttime levels. i think werehog had potential.
its less related but i also kinda wish they did what they did in sonic x and had sonic exist in a world with a lot of anthro animal characters instead of humans. i think forces did that okay. a lot of games have human characters like 06 and adventure, and it kind of blurs things. it doesnt make it a bad game if theres human characters but its still kind of. weird.
but anyway this wasnt clear or concise at all i just had some thoughts. i thought some of the marketing for sonic forces was funny like the welcome to the eggman empire video so you dont have to take anything from me.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 5 years
and then years later, when amy finally catches him, he's equal parts surprised and equal parts absolutely ecstatic because wow!! she did it!!! he's so proud of her!!! but also a little bit sad because it's over.......until amy challenges him to a round 2 for a second date (pt 2)
I feel like this pretty much sums up the current status of their dynamic, because Sonic actually looks forward to have fun with her, and this “catch me if you can” type of challenge suits perfectly as the backbone of recent developments. Well, allow me to keep illustating this beautiful hc:
(Spagonia, night)
Amy: Oh, Sonic! I finally found you! You think you can get away from Amy Rose, don’t you?
Sonic Werehog: H-hey, let me go!
Amy: Wait, who are you? Aren’t you Sonic? I’m so sorry! I thought you were somebody else!
Sonic Werehog: Well…
Also Sonic: (wow, she actually got me this time, that’s an achievement! But wait, why is she running away? Oh, darn, she doesn’t recognize me… Am I that ugly? Oh…)
(Spagonia, next day)
Amy: YOU LIAR!!!
Sonic: Huh? Me? Why?
Amy: That fluffy guy I catched last night was ACTUALLY YOU! Pickle told me everything, I can’t believe you CHEATED again, c’mon!
Sonic: Hey, I wasn’t the one that ran away that night. Tell ya what, last chance: let’s run the next time we meet up, all or nothing, alright?
Amy: I think you’re the one that is affraid to lose and take me to a nice place, but okay, I’ll bite. See you soon, Soniiic!
(Shamar, day)
Sonic: (to himself) Hmm, this bazaar sure is filled to the brim, how am I supposed to reach the Gaia Temple without causing a disaster?
Amy: What’s wrong, Sonic? Scared of losing?
Sonic: A-Amy?! W-when did you get here, and how??
Amy: Preparation, my darling. Should we run?
Sonic: Sure, whatever, I expect you to LOSE!
Amy: And I expect lots of flowers, movies and ice cream from you!
Sonic: Let’s dance, baby!
During the race, Sonic can be seen very concentrated, then happy… and a little sad. He pulled away quite early, but in the later stages of the Arid Sands Amy was quite close to him, sliding and bouncing up and down and all around the ruins. Sonic was quite impressed.
Sonic: (wow… look at her go! Heh, I guess this is what I get after many years of teasing… no, wait, I can still do this, can I? But I don’t want it to end… Err- focus, Sonic! Focus!)
The results are in: Amy turned the tides with an amazing display of speed and agility, and catches Sonic just before the temple!
Amy: Yay! I did it! I did it! I won and you lost! Annnnnnd it’s time for you to finally pay!
Sonic: Heh… Alright… I guess there’s nowhere to run for me now… … … …well done, Amy. You did good.
Amy: Of course I did well, LOSER! C’mon, get up and let’s have ice cream or something, it’s really hot here!
Sonic: Wait, I can’t go with you now.
Amy: Excuse me?!
Sonic: Yeah, sorry, I can’t go, I have to restore the world first. Could you wait a couple of days? Trust me, you won’t regret it…
Amy: Well… I could… but don’t try anything funny! You know I can perfectly catch you again!
I guess I don’t have to explain when I think the date took place, right?
Amy: Hey, why the long face? Did you remember that time I completely destroyed you in Shamar? Heehee!
Sonic: Uhh… what? I’m just a little tired, that last Eggman scheme really took a toll on my back…
Amy: Aww, you’re getting sloppy! Tell ya what, I know what will cheer you up!
Sonic: Sloppy? What are you trying to do?
Amy: What about another challenge? Like… the rematch of last time? Same conditions, you lose, you take me to somewhere nice. C’mon, I know you’ll love it!
Sonic: Heh, you sure never stop, Ames… Alright, I’ll take on your offer, but this time I’m not holding back!
Also Sonic: (gosh, she makes me so prou—FOCUS, SONIC!)
Amy: Me neither, Sonic… me neither.
HC theory time: One could say they kinda still have that second score to settle, due to the fact the 2011-2015 period was kinda a mess (Time eater, Deadly Six, Amy almost dying…), but maybe in recent years they have done it again. One thing for sure: Sonic is pretty confortable with this kind of challenge, and Amy has found a way to push herself over the limit time and time again, just by sheer determination.
Well, sorry if I drowned out your entire HC idea with all of this fluff, but I felt like it’s too awesome to not let my imagination run wild. Also sorry for the delay, I had to run to the store for some groceries; Doctor Huevo can’t live only with headcanons and AUs, lol.
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dizzydennis · 7 years
If the Storybook Series Continued...
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Sonic and the Emerald City
Imagine if the storybook series continued after Black Knight. Now imagine if it took place within The Wizard of Oz.
Sonic would be summoned into the world by the Witch of North who would be portrayed by Amy Rose. She would have used a spell to ask Sonic to help the world of Oz from the Emerald Wizard.
Sonic would have to follow the yellow brick road to get to the Emerald City to see what happened to the wizard. On the way, he would encounter a scarecrow that resembled Tails. Obviously, he would like a brain. Later on, the tin man would be portrayed by Knuckles. He would like a heart. Lastly, the cowardly lion would be portrayed by Big the Cat. He would like courage.
Toto would be the companion character who would be a cute puppy with a tough, rough voice! Probably very comedic like Caliburn.
The gameplay would be similar to the on-rails style of Secret Rings and Black Knight. However, Sonic would have ruby sneakers. With a press of a direction on the D-pad, Sonic could use powers from his friends that he met on the way.
Scarecrow Sonic - would allow Sonic to be made of straw. He would be cute, able to hover over gusts of wind, and could flatter to get through tight areas.
Tin Sonic - would be very heavy, but this would allow him to break through floors, deflect attacks, and sink underwater. He could even have access to a drop dash.
Lion Sonic - would be a bit different. Rather than just being a Lion-Sonic Hybrid, he would transform into a form like the Werehog. This would allow Sonic to have the might of the cowardly lion with some slight combat abilities. Aside from battling, he could grab ledges from far away, toss enemies, and move heavy switches.
Regular Sonic would have access to his homing attack as well as a speed break.
The stages could be varied and very fun. The Tiny Village, Haunted Forest, Emerald City, Witch Domain, and more could make for some really entertaining stages. It could combine all of the interesting aspects from the original Wizard of Oz books.
Upon getting to the Emerald City, Sonic and his friends would encounter the wizard, who is just a man behind a curtain. Who could it be?… It’s simply a man who Sonic perceives as Dr. Eggman! But he wasn’t the real villain, it turns out that the Wicked Witch of the West, Westra was the real villain.
Sonic himself could transform into Wizard Sonic. His new superform, to stop Westra from leaving the book and taking over Sonic’s planet. Upon saving the day, Sonic would return back to his home where he would wake up to find his friends checking up on him.
It’s formulaic, but I think it would’ve made for a very fun experience! I wish the Storybook Series didn’t end after only two games.
Please, let me know what you think about this idea. What direction would you have liked to see the Storybook Series go?
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sassyhedgie · 7 years
(Werehog!Sonic x Fem!Reader) Long time no see? (Pt. 1)
"Hey, (Y/n), you don't suppose you could deliver this last one before your shift ends, could you?" your manager asked, gesturing to the box in his hands.
You gave a bright smile and happily took the package from his grasp. "That's not a problem, sir. I'll have it done in no time," you practically sang as you skipped out from the store.
With a chuckle, your manager shook his head. How you had so much energy during such an hour was beyond him but he had no reason to complain about it. In fact, it was your high spirits and enthusiasm that kept the delivery business running so smoothly. Mr. Adams really wouldn't know what he'd do without you.
The sky was as clear as a freshly cleaned window, allowing your shining, (e/c) eyes to gaze upon the twinkling stars that shone through space. "Moony" also made an appearance up there with them and you so badly wanted to stop and admire the scenic town you loved but you had a job to do. Luckily, the residents who had ordered the antique pottery set all the way from Chun-Nan weren't based too far from your work place, making it a quick, easy delivery. You strolled leisurely along the cobblestone pathway by the sea. Fortunately, this precious box had arrived just before your gigantic, spherical home broke apart. It was crazy to think that the planet you inhabited had really split into several pieces but considering how much controversy there was, you couldn't help but believe the hype. Some of the townsfolk had been acting pretty strange as well, which was understandable with the current circumstances.
No matter.
Regardless of whether or not the planet was in shambles; you were still going to live every day as you normally would because why bother worrying when someone as brave and heroic as Sonic the hedgehog was around to protect everyone? You had your complete faith in him. After all, he was a good, true friend that you had known for many years. Unfortunately, due to how often he had to save the world, it had been a good, solid year at least since you last saw him. Sometimes (if you were lucky) you would receive a message from Tails on behalf of the blue speed demon, often asking the generic questions like, "how have you been? anything new going on? what's the weather like in Spagonia?". It was sweet to know that they were thinking about you but you missed seeing them in person.
Your thoughts were interrupted when a series of loud noises resounded from Spagonia University. Clangs and stomps shook the ground beneath you (not nearly as much as the splitting of the planet). Your body wavered before you sprung into action and started running towards the school, hoping no one was hurt or in danger. Or worse.
With the university not being too far, you got there fairly promptly but apparently you weren't fast enough. Whoever or whatever had struck the building left as quickly as they had arrived, leaving a gaping hole in one of the offices by the looks of it. You hurried over to get a better look, inspecting the damage that had been caused by Chaos knows what. Your heart sank when you searched through various documents that had be strewn about the room and discovered that it was Professor Pickles' office, which could only suggest that the professor in ancient literature had been kidnapped. If not for the dire seriousness of the situation, you would've pondered why such a thing had happened but other matters had to be addressed to; authorities had to be called and the poor assistant, who had been found trembling in the other room, was in major need of a blanket and a cup of tea. He was left in the hands of the paramedics that had arrived swiftly and you were advised to go back home for the night. Although, sleep wasn't something that came to you easy, your mind overflowing with questions and theories as to who had taken the poor man and why he was taken in the first place.
Morning eventually arrived before it shifted into the afternoon and you had only just awoken, the tossing and turning from the night before paying you no favours. If it weren't for the fact that it was a Sunday, you'd have surely lost your job. Yet again, with the planet split apart, there weren't many deliveries that could be made to the locals unless it was from the locals. Heaving yourself up from your mattress, you took a heavy, tired sigh and rubbed you eyes, trying to rid of the sleep from your sight. As soon as your mind re-calibrated and regathered all key thoughts and any important information, you kicked yourself into gear and hastily dressed and caught a quick bite to eat.
To the many citizens you had passed, your urgency was found to be most peculiar as you sprinted towards the university. The same assistant was there and he appeared to be a lot more calm compared to how you had found him the previous night. He explained how the professor had been kidnapped by a not-so-gentleman with a large moustache, accompanied by a huge pack of robots. You immediately knew it was the notorious Doctor Eggman just from the pure mention of his moustache and sought to further investigate. However, you were informed that no such help was necessary as there were already people on the case. You left it with a nod and chose not to further endorse yourself in the situation but you wanted to assist so badly. Standing by and watching made you feel utterly useless but you accepted that there was nothing you could do that would provide any significant benefits. After all, you were just a delivery girl.
The occasional sigh would escape from between your lips as you sat on a bench by the coast, watching the afternoon fade into evening and, eventually, early night. You knew damn well that you needed to get home and sleep in order to avoid another late start to the day, especially considering you actually had work, but your head was suffering the effects of a tornado with so many unanswered questions and not once had you thought of Sonic and his pals. Turns out the world you inhabited wasn't the only thing that had fallen apart.
With a shake of your head and a short burst of a huff, you pried your body from the bench and leisurely made your way back home. Once again, your mind drifted and you found yourself staring at your feet as you walked, paying no attention to anything around you, which included the object that had suddenly flown into you and knocked you off your feet. You fell hard on your bottom and winced slightly as you rubbed your head.
"Easy, Chip! This is why you shouldn't fly and eat ice cream at the same time."
That explained the freezing substance on your head.
"Hey, are you okay? Nothing broken?" that same gruff voice asked kindly.
You looked up to see a large, navy-blue Mobian with blazing green eyes. He extended a clawed hand out to you and you stared at it for quite a while in disbelief before taking it. Not once had you ever seen a Mobian quite like this one before, so to see one now obviously caused for some surprise. Now that you were stood up, you could get a better look at him, the height difference all the more evident and his sharp canines practically in your face. However, the main defining feature that really had you were his eyes - his bright, emerald green eyes. Somehow, you felt like you had seen them before but, for whatever reason, you just couldn't figure out where.
A violent shake of your head brought you back to the real world and you realised you hadn't actually answered the strange Mobian's question.
"Oh! Uhm, yes, I'm quite alright, thank you," you laughed nervously as you rubbed the back of your neck and it seemed you weren't the only one who was anxious.
Judging by the way this guy was avoiding eye contact and was now suddenly keeping a fair bit of distance between you two after helping you up, you could only guess that he was ashamed of his appearance. You cleared the sticky puddle from your head and held out your clean hand, smiling softly. He gave it a glance and went to hesitantly shake it before a small, burgundy and white creature flew up in front of you, the green bauble necklace adorning his furry chest immediately caught your attention.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, ma'am!" he bellowed as he tried to help clear away the melted ice cream, returning to his position in front of you and reaching back for something. "Here, let me make it up to you. Want some chocolate?"
He presented to you a bar of chocolate, eagerly grasping onto it with his tiny hands and staring you in the eyes, near close to tears. There's no way you could possibly find yourself being mad at such an adorable critter and you politely declined his offer - he needed it more than you did. As if nothing had happened, he thanked you and gorged on the sweet treat with a contagious smile (while also flying away to wherever) and you had almost forgotten about the tall gentleman. However, he had gone, along with the chocolate fanatic. Your form deflated and you let out what must've been the hundredth sigh that day before heading back home.
"Hey, Sonic, who was that girl? Do you know her?"
"No," Sonic lied, continuing his course to Tails' plane in the shadows to avoid being seen by that girl - by you - again.
In the midst of this crazy adventure, Sonic had failed to remember that you were living in Spagonia. He hadn't really realised how long it had been until he saw you; a whole year it had been and he didn't even make one call. He concluded with himself that this was the reason he escaped before you recognised him, that he'd be too ashamed to even say a simple "hey" when it had been so long without much contact. Hence why he pretended not to know you.
He was lying though. Deep down, it was obvious that the real reason for his sudden retreat was because of his horrific appearance. Or, at least, that's how he saw it and if that's how he perceived himself then there was no way he was going to stand around and wait for you to see the same abomination he did. Not you. Anyone but you.
"She's kinda' pretty," Chip blurted out before stuffing his face with chocolate.
"Yeah," he murmured to himself, "she is."
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midnightshard06 · 1 year
Flufftober Day 18
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50489362/chapters/128709667
Summary: Sonic and Knuckles decide to take a small break on their quest to find the Gaia Temples. Sonic gets a bit bummed out that he can't participate in the local festival going on and Knuckles apparently decides to do something about that.
Pairing: Sonic the Hedgehog/Knuckles the Echidna
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~1100 words
AN: Based in the same au as these doodles from this post- https://www.tumblr.com/midnightshard06/730864248738217984/so-my-brain-decided-to-oh-so-helpfully-have-me?source=share
Sonic looked around in wonder at the decorations of the town they’d found themselves in. He whistled appreciatively as he put his hands behind his head. “Wow they sure know how to dress up the place.” Him and Knuckles were currently just stopping at the town for a rest. They were both pretty sure there was a Gaia Temple near the next town over but the two had been traveling pretty much non stop and Sonic had finally managed to convince the echidna to let them have one day as a break. Plus who knew, some of those monsters could pop up here. The town apparently was in the middle of some sort of festival; after a bit of asking around they found out it was some sort of moon festival. Which did unfortunately mean all of the festivities were at night. Sonic did wish he could participate but the timing made that… difficult.
“I guess.” Knuckles glanced around, his arms crossed.
“C’mon lighten up some Knux.” Sonic chuckled. “We’re here to relax, act like it.”
“Well pardon me for not wanting to relax when the world’s at stake.” Knuckles growled.
“It’s been at stake for a while, even before I knew what I needed to do. It’ll be fine for an extra day.” Sonic waved him off. “Let’s just enjoy the atmosphere.”
“Fine. Just make sure you’re out of sight before the sun goes down.” Knuckles sighed. “I’ll meet back up with you later.”
“Going off on your own? How unlike you.” Sonic smirked, leaning into Knuckles’ space.
Knuckles shoved Sonic away. “Just don’t get into any trouble with me gone mutt.”
“Me get into trouble? Never.” Sonic put his hands behind his back. Knuckles simply shook his head before walking off. While Sonic was curious as to what the echidna was up to he could also appreciate the need for some alone time. That just meant he had to entertain himself for a few hours. No big deal he’d done it plenty before. Time to see what this town had to offer.
Sonic sighed as he watched the sun set from the rock he was sitting on, well outside of the town. Though he could still see it. See that people were getting ready to start the festivities. It wasn’t often that he disliked his lot in life but occasionally things like this made him almost wish he’d never been born a werehog. Shaking his head he relaxed to let the transformation happen. Even after his transformation he remained staring in the direction of the town, doing his best to ignore the thrumming energy inside him. 
“You just gonna sit there and mope all night?” Sonic didn’t need to turn around to know it was Knuckles. The two’s bond ensured they always knew where each other were. Made it sort of impossible to sneak up on each other.
“I’m not moping. Just… thinking.” Sonic pinned his ears down.
“That’s not what it looks like to me.” Knuckles walked over to stand next to the rock. 
“Well looks can be deceiving.” Sonic looked down at Knuckles, a playful smirk making its way onto his face. “Which you should know better than anyone.” Knuckles simply huffed, but if he was going to say anything he was interrupted by shouts coming from the town. “What are the odds that it’s those monsters attacking the town?” Sonic’s ears perked up.
“High. Let’s go.” Knuckles started running back towards the town, Sonic hot on his heels. As it turned out it was those odd monsters that no one but him, and Knuckles by extension, could hurt. Thankfully there weren’t many of them, so they were quick to deal with. There was minimal property damage too, so that was a plus! Now though, now he ran the risk of being potentially run out of town. Not everyone took kindly to him even after saving them, so it was always a toss up whether he was going to be greeted by an angry mob or thankful townsfolk. Unfortunately it was more often than not the former.
He tentatively turned around, trying to make himself as non threatening looking as possible. That was sort of hard considering the smackdown he’d just laid on those monsters but he could try. The townsfolk didn’t actually seem scared of him at all, they looked… sort of mesmerized. Finally one approached him, an older looking wolf. They smiled. “Thank you for saving us from those creatures. We are honored to be in the presence of someone like you.” He bowed his head slightly. “Please, now that you’ve saved us enjoy the festival. The least we can do is extend our hospitality to you.” 
Sonic simply stood there and blinked. Sure he’d received thanks before but no one had actually invited him to stick around. “Are you gonna accept that invitation or are you gonna keep staring all night?” Knuckles walked up to his side.
“O-oh uh…” It wasn’t often he was caught off guard like this. “I… humbly accept your offer. Thank you.” The wolf nodded and walked away. It looked like several other townsfolk wanted to approach him but held off for the time being. Sonic glanced over at Knuckles, the echidna had a smug energy about him. “You did something.”
“Did I?” Knuckles looked over at him, trying to pull the same innocent act Sonic often did. It was far less effective when the echidna was doing it.
“Did you plan for this to happen? Like somehow you knew not only that those monsters would attack the town but the townsfolk would invite me to stick around after.” Sonic narrowed his eyes.
Knuckles shrugged. “I did some research. Gathered information. Found out they’d been dealing with attacks the past few nights, so it seemed likely another would happen tonight.” He crossed his arms. “Based on my research it seems like this town has some sort of connection to your whole situation. At the very least they know about the prophecy. I just assumed they’d react kindly towards you because of that.”
Sonic rose a brow. “That’s all?”
“... I may have also told the town elder who you were and put in a good word.” Knuckles looked away.
Sonic smiled and pulled the echidna into a tight hug. “Thanks Knux.”
“Get off me mutt.” Knuckles’ voice had no bite to it. “Go enjoy yourself.”
Letting him go, Sonic grinned and held out his hand. “We can enjoy it together.”
Knuckles hesitated for a moment before taking the offered hand. “Fine, only because it’ll stop you from being annoying about it.”
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Hello Mayra! Hope you're doing well, perhaps a prompt to make you feel better? This is canon adjacent but also kind of AUish. Weresonamy but it takes place in the Storybook world (you knows those games). Sonic is now the big bad wolf and Amy is little red riding hood. At first she's afraid of him which hurts Sonic but there's a bigger threat and he jumps into action protecting little red. So the werehog saves the day and earns little reds trust and he realizes how much important Amy's support is
<3 I could always feel better lol But I’m doing great, thanks for asking! :Db
Also, still not sure if Canon Adjacent means Semi-Canon..? Eh? -help please I’m old and I don’t read fanfiction anymore lolol-
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PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN. You know the drill, don’t send any more prompts until they’re announced to be reopen again! :Db
My response and first impression of this prompt: Pajama Blogs - Prompt Requests Ep. 1 (x - 41:05)
I was told to immediately head to Miss Vanilla’s house with Cream and I’s cookies. I was holding her hand as the path grew dark and strange noises kept crushing the leaves that blew in the full moon night.
I heard grunting at different intervals, and as Cream clung close to me, I stroked her head but couldn’t find the strength inside myself to open my mouth and give her encouragement. Comfort... I greatly needed that too.
“M-Miss Riding Amy?”
She was a kind girl, Cream. A small rabbit, that any predator would make a gruesome snack out of. I was a traveling adventurer who just happened to be fortune telling when she asked me for this favor.
Her mother lived so far out into the enchanted woods... doesn’t she know the stories and rumors? Even in all my travels... I’ve never heard of a forest this dense with evil magic!
“What is it, Little Cream?” I asked, moving the basket from her arm and switching it to my other side, cradling her once burdened arm now tightly within my own.
Escorting was the easy part, but monsters were at the forefront of my worries.
“D-do you think mother is safe living so far from town?” She asked me.
‘How the heck would I know, kid?’ I made a sour face, but kept my slurring suspicions to myself. “She’s your mother, Cream.” I finished my thought out loud, even with the tone of my voice being rather foul. “Which means she’s got to be twice as strong and brave as you! Right?” I bounced her arm in mine, smiling down to her from my red hood with a white rim that coupled nicely with my dress. It was tied tightly around my neck and even looked good with my corset, something I had picked up along my travels. “Now then, stay close, and everything will be alright, okay?” I manipulated my voice to sound assured, the only comfort I had waited for my lips to speak seemed more for myself than anything else.
Still,... I wasn’t going to leave a helpless little bunny to the hands of these deadly forest.
I glared at them, as though warning them that at any wrong move, I’d hammer them!
We continued down the dark path before I couldn’t tell dirt from moss anymore, and the colors dulled into deep blues and blacks, the moonlight no longer helping from the shadow of the trees above...
“Hmm...” I frowned, trying to gauge by the wind if a storm was coming... I squinted my eyes through the cold and thought I saw a shadow turn and inch closer to a tree.
I took Cream’s hand tighter, “Let’s keep moving...” and continued my brisk steps towards where the compass pointed us too.
I didn’t see it till later... but scratch marks revealed the sign had been tampered with, and with the compass pointing north, but the sign saying that her Mother’s cabin was another way... I took the other path.
I shook the compass when it was clear we were walking on grass, with no more trodden down carriage routes, and then...
We heard the howl.
“Miss Riding Amy!” Cream jumped into an embrace at my waist, as I put an arm protectively to her back and looked around. I could hear soft, misty voices as creatures that looked like chameleons began to materialize as though invisible this whole time! Tracking us?! They crawled down the trees with hooks for feet, sharp bluish and purple bodies with horns, and their tongues flung out and wiggled themselves in front of us before they jumped to attack.
I summoned my hammer and threw Cream back behind me, and as my first powerful swing locked onto one of the nightly creatures, my hoodie flung off.
I also didn’t know... that a beast within the forest’s eyes dilated at seeing my face, who had secretly followed us in the hopes of guiding us back on the correct path... hidden this whole time as well, when he saw my face, he immediately disregarded his own reservations at staying out of sight, and used the cover of darkness to swing his massive fists, stretching far and wide, to make it look like my hammer throws were hitting them all.
I didn’t see through his illusion, instead, I thought I was whipping my hammer around so fast that the monsters couldn’t keep up, till one ducked and dodged both our tactics and walloped me right in the chin. I was flung back, with poor Cream’s basket getting thrown in the impact and landed with her cookies that we had spent so long making.
This quest was harder than I thought.
I scooted back on the ground as Cream cried out to me, but the monster tried to ready his tongue to lasso Cream, when an even larger beast finally sprung out into our sights, and began to throw a gorilla-like tantrum with his arms, banging the ground and causing it to shake.
He roared fiercely and grabbed the chameleon by it’s ankles, swinging him wildly as it looked like an unwanted carnival ride, round and round.
His fur shuffled in the wind as he finally released the foul terror and it slammed against a tree, twitching... before it’s misty hide disintegrated back into the forest’s magic power...
I quickly pulled myself up and gripped Cream in fright, but held my hammer out with harsh pants, still not fully quitting without a good struggle first.
The beast relaxed it’s shoulders... then slightly turned its head to us.
I continued to hold my hammer out, before shifting it behind my shoulder, ready to swing at any given notice.
He slowly reached his hand out, letting its true length be known and lifted it above my hammer as I swung to defend ourselves, but we were both surprised when he picked up the basket.
He then swiftly gathered up the cookies with precision in his claws and lengthy fingers, before withdrawing his arm back to it’s normal, monstrous-still size and presented it at our feet.
We were still both laying upon the ground, except my torso raised slightly, before he nodded and was about to walk away when we heard a woman’s voice shriek out in fright.
“Mother!” Cream called, looking behind me and taking off.
“Cream! Wait!” I didn’t even think about the basket, and took off after her. Dust in our wake, I suddenly looked back to see the blue, hairy monster carrying the basket in his mouth, and lowering his head, scooped me up and onto his back. “W-wo-AHH!!” I gripped his back like a baby monkey, just trying to not get jostled off as he raced on all fours with such velocity.
‘He doesn’t look to be hunting Cream.’ I surmised, and then for a moment, actually thought riding this beast was my calling... it was fun, it felt like I was meant to trust him... I only had this feeling when drawing tarot cards, and seeing the fortune of ‘Destined Love’ written upon it...
“I don’t know who you are-!” I immediately shouted out, positioning myself more comfortably upon his back as he dipped his head and was about to scoop up Cream to his back as well, “But let’s save this family!” before another even more frightening beast that looked like a phoenix swooped down and clamped its claws to her. “Ah!” I cried out in shock, it happening so fast.
“Oh no!” The burly voice of the monster had thrown the basket back up to me and I caught it instinctively, before seeing him reach out his hand to extend it again beyond normal means, and grab a branch.
Like a springboard, we were slingshotted to that branch as I let out another yelp of shock.
This... was surprisingly fun! If it didn’t mean my little friend and her mother were in danger.
“Can you go faster!?” I encouraged, and suddenly, the beast seemed to take offense to that.
“Hold on!” he called out, a harsh grumble in his voice he may have not meant to make, and immediately we began swinging and launching ourselves closer and closer to the flying bird creature, when I noticed another--adult--rabbit in it’s other talon.
“It’s got her mother!” I cried out, and his eyes seemed to bleed with the necessity to save them as well. 
“Do you trust a monster?” He asked, dropping to the ground after each failed jumped couldn’t get us close enough to reach them.
I held my hammer at the ready, looking to the strange beasts as though the term ‘monster’ didn’t suit how heroic he was being in trying to help us.
“N-no.” I stated, and he looked down a moment, as though disappointed. “I trust you.” I stated, boldly and point-blankly. “You’re willing to risk life and limb just for a couple of girls... I wouldn’t know a monster that noble, but I do know heroes that stalwart and true.”
His head rose and for the first time, I could see his full face. He looked touched by my words... before nodding with a narrowing of his eyes. “Alright then, Miss Rose Rider. Prepare to ride to wind!”
He shot his arms out and pulled himself back, just like a slingshot position!
“Ho, boy!” I bit on my hammer and kept it between my teeth, realizing I needed to hold onto this ride with both hands....
He strained, before finally whiplashing us both into the air.
“Now, go!” He reached back to grip me, as best he could without injuring me with his brute strength, and threw me like an arrow across the night sky to the belly of the beast.
“HHHAAAAA!!!!” I slammed my hammer into it’s gut and had it coughing up a storm, dropping it’s prey as the woman and her child screamed upon their descent.
“Hero!” I called out, deciding never to use the term ‘beast’ or ‘monster’ again for such a kind soul.
The Hero seemed to understand I was addressing him, and threw out his arms to grab the girls and tucked them into his chest... falling down... Oh no...
“NOO!!” He was taking the plunge for them!
I wasn’t able to think about it long though, as the dark phoenix cried out and came for me, but I whammed it’s beak away from devouring me and grabbed a talon, using its body to take the hit for me on the ground while I remained safe at the underbelly of it’s feathers.
Spitting out said feathers, I then frantically backed tracked further into the forest, before seeing Vanilla and her daughter crouched over the Hero, tears of regret in their eyes.
“He... He took the fall for us. All of it.” Vanilla admitted, seeing that I was the one with Cream.
“Oh, Miss Riding Amy...” Cream wiped her tears, holding her mother’s hand and pulling themselves away from him. “He was the bravest, nicest wolf I’ve ever known!” She then pulled me into that said hug, but my eyes never left the body of the Hero.
His fur swiveled in the breeze... and the forest moaned as if losing something precious.
“N-...No...” My cards never predicted this... I moved the grieving girl and mother apart from me,... crawling to the Hero’s fallen form. “Please... I still want to... I still want to know you... I want to thank you...” My voice began to break, gripping his fur in my white gloves. “I didn’t even know your name...” I sobbed more than I ever thought I could have...
“I... I love you... Mr. Wolf, sir.” Cream began, “Thank you... for saving both me, my mother... and my friend.”
I shook my head, “You and I... we fought like a supersonic comet... that bird didn’t know what hit’em.”
While the sun began to rise... his form twitched and rumbled as though something was happening.
I pulled away only when a bright light flashed and yellow streams of golden ribbons flew around him.
He was lifted into the air and the golden streams wrapped around him before revealing a handsome--more beautiful hedgehog man than I’ve ever seen in all my life--slowly floating down to the ground before blinking his eyes open.
“Who...” he began, rubbing his head and shaking it as he got upright, spooking us all as we were jaw struck. “Who said my name..? And that they... could love a beast?”
We had a big party that night at Vanilla and Cream’s home. Cream explained her mother didn’t like her walking the path at night, due to the trickery of the forest dwelling monsters, but that she always knew a kind, mysterious figure protected her and her daughter every time they crossed.
On this particular day, Cream was attending the Chao Kindergarten in the village and had played so long with the Chao, had forgotten the time. Vanilla was so worried she went in search of Cream, finding the wolf and asking if he was the one that kept them safe all those many years they lived there.
He agreed to go on ahead before finding Riding Amy with Cream, and stalked them to make sure they got to safety, but was too afraid to reveal his cursed form.
The curse could only be broken by someone speaking his name after a declaration of admiration and love. 
“That’s... amazing.” I was still in awe at how handsome the young hedgehog man looked. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, but when he looked at me, my heart raced and I had to look away, pulling up my hood so he couldn’t see my blushing cheeks. “You should-! Ehem.” I was getting too excited... “You should come with me on my travels. I’m sure you could do a lot of good now that you’re not so afraid of what others may think of you.” I explained.
Though, in my heart, no matter what box this beautiful man came in... he was still a hero... just... more dashing in this form!
He smiled to me, and I felt my soul withdraw into his arms at such a sunny-disposition.
“I’ve always wanted to see the world, so that sounds great! But...” He looked to Vanilla.
“We’ll be fine.” She patted his arm. “You’ve been watching over us all in the village for far too long, time we took precautions for ourselves!”
We both didn’t realize that the Chao were formidable fighters... and ended up joining with each villager to protect them come night time, where their little forms could judo slam any monster that tried to trick in the night!
Sonic and I... We... hehe!
Well... The cards are never wrong.
I was destined to ride alongside the spirit of the wind!
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
Hey there Cutegirlmayra, I was wondering if you would like to do this fanfic. In Sonic Unleashed, Sonic and Amy are married with kids ( they are now adults in this fic ) before Sonic goes to stop Dr. Eggman, his kids were cheering him on and say "Your our hero, Dad!!! You never fail to save the day!!" then Sonic's reply with a wink, "I'll come back home before you know it!!!"... But he failed and changed form, "What will my kids think of me now?"
I would love to do this fanfiction, thank you for the opportunity!
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PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN! Do not submit any prompts! the grand reopening has yet to be announced, please wait patiently until then, my faithful Cuties!
“Take him down, Dad!”
“Left kick, then hit him with the right!”
“Woooahhhh, so cool!”
The three triplet boys all climbed and weighed on their Mother, who patiently, but clearly feeling uncomfortable seemed to enjoy the boys enthusiasm over their father’s victory on the television.
“Blast that-!”
“HEDGEHOG!” the three children mimicked, laughing and mocking Eggman as the youngest two slid down the couch and landed beside Amy, giggling as she ticked them in their excitement.
What a joyful family moment.
Her oldest was laid on her head, pushing himself up constantly by having his hand slack down and then smush her face with his continual attempts to remain on top.
“Alright, boys. That’s enough t.v for one day.” She picked the boy up off of her head and placed him on her lap, smiling, “Your dad still is pretty cool, isn’t he?”
“Yeah!” the three boys exclaimed before looking over her shoulder and gasping. “Daddy’s home!!!”
“Hey! Did you see the news?” Sonic, who had zipped in like a gust of wind from the window, made his triumphant entrance known as his hands held to his hips.
Hanging from his arms, grocery bags.
But not for long.
“Daddy!!!” The kids all clambered over the other to get a better view of him behind the couch, “Kisses, daddy, kisses!”
Sonic moved over to Amy and gave her an affection head bump on her forehead before rubbing the kids’s head.
“Kisses?” He scoffed, “Since when?”
The kids all giggled and quickly scrambled over to the other side of the couch, but he ran quickly to the side they were once on, and they all piled over the other to get to him first.
“Kisses, Daddy, kisses!!!”
Amy gave Sonic a sly look with a smirk, as though he wasn’t going to get out of this one, especially since it was the kids asking.
Sonic faked a long sigh, bending his knees and leaning back a bit to over-exaggerate as the kids all laughed at his antics.
“Fine.” he pretended to ‘ignite’ his lips like you would a car engine, then fully got it in throttle and began zipping around, threatening to overwhelm them with kisses as they all hurried away in a game of chase.
He didn’t pursue though, after giving them each one kiss he came back to the couch, “You better hide! Cause you can’t run!”
The giggles gave them away but Amy just got up from the couch and readjusted her clothes that were stretched from all the kids climbing over her.
“I haven’t seen that engine revved up in a long time.” She teased, looking a little pitiful but failing to keep up the appearance.
She blushed and smiled when he pivoted his form to her and took a macho step forward before swaggering closer over to her.
“A while? I’d say you were the one that got it started.” he gave her a look she knew too well at this point but taunted him by flinging her face to the side and tilting her body, just giving him her cheek.
“Ah! The rejection!” he dramatically held his chest as though his heart was breaking. “Such a cruel wife.”
“Such a monster of a husband!” she grabbed the tuff of quills that were positioned on the top of his head, forcing him to stay put. “You left to fight Eggman without so much as eating a bite of dinner!”
“I took a nibble,” he argued, trying to submit a little more to her brute strength and not fight her on this one. He knew by now, too, that this was her way of showing affection. “And I’m about to take a bite! Rawr!” he had feigned submission!
“Ah! Sonic! Ahh! No, wait, what if the kids-Eeee~!” In a loving tussle, Sonic got the upper hand. It’s clear the relationship with the family was strong, but then there was a sudden alarm that came from the still playing television.
The kids all peeked their heads out, one at a time, trying to spy on their mother and father before seeing them still slightly holding one another while their full attentions were on the news.
“Dark Gaia? That can’t be. He shouldn’t be awakened, not for a couple of thousand or so years, a millennia even, right? Oh, I forget after this long.” Amy tried to remember, lightly hitting her head before looking worriedly up at Sonic.
“Last time… you became-”
“Not again,” Sonic’s eyes glared forward. “I won’t turn into that thing again.”
Amy saw the hatred in Sonic’s eyes… she knew he lost a friend that day, but also couldn’t fight well enough to protect him. Light Gaia… Or chip, as Sonic knew him… used his own power to stop Dark Gaia.
“Wouldn’t that mean Chip’s back too?”
Sonic knew she was reaching for hope, it was one of her many great qualities, but that didn’t seem likely.
He didn’t want to worry her either…
In typical Sonic style, he remained silent a moment, in serious contemplation, before turning back to her and smiling warmly with an air of comfort about him.
He placed his hands lightly to her arms, “It’ll be okay.” He assured her, “You keep the kids safe, I’ll deal with Eggman.” he lightly kissed her and sped off.
“Your our hero, Dad!!!” A child ran out the door after him, but clearly couldn’t keep up just yet. “You never fail to save the day!!” Another child exclaimed, having been scooped up by Amy who held him on her side in her arms.
She looked out with that same loving worry on her face.
With an infamous cocky attitude, Sonic’s reply was nothing that wasn’t expected. “I’ll come back home before you know it!!!” He winked, hearing his children cheer him on in glee.
3 months later…
Huffing like a train that had just breaked at the right moment, Sonic’s werehog form fell to its knees and watched as Dark Gaia slowly fell back into the earth…
“Gotta find… gah… Chip.” He moved his hands out in front of him and struggled to push up from the edge of the broken world.
Tails had found evidence that Chip was still asleep, without him, he couldn’t put Dark Gaia to rest again… he needed his old friend, but this time, for more than just the world.
“How’s my family, Tails?” Sonic put a hand to his ear, a small device inside of it. “Tails? What’s the reading on Chip? Have you located him? Is he close to waking up? Tails? Tails?! Answer me!”
When nothing came back, he slowly lowered his hand… but the worst-case scenario zapped into his mind like a raging bullet, and he quickly drew it up again, “Tails! Please! Is Amy and the kids okay!?”
No response…
He groaned, walking back before pacing back to the cliff, “I can’t show up to the house looking like… like this!” he looked over his claws, his large stature. “Ugh!” he swiped his head back, “But I have to know if they’re safe…” He kept walking but stopped again. “No… I should trust Amy! She can handle it.” He paced back to the edge, looking down at Dark Gaia regaining consciousness, roaring a piercing cry, and slithering down into the earth’s core again.
“He’ll be back… I’ve only agitated him.” Sonic thought out loud, moving back away from the edge. “I can’t find Chip without Tails giving me a location. And in order to find Tails… Home is on the way…” he made a fist with one of his hands, fighting his own pride on the matter.
“I’ll just take a peek. I’m not as fast as I once was in my day form, but this is all it takes… one second to see them all safe and sound. One moment to know I did good, that everything’s alright still… Eggman… If you did anything to my family… you can do whatever you want to me! But when you jeopardize the world and people that I love-!” he almost looked angry, turning his fangs to the sky as he gritted his teeth, feeling like he was making a vow to the universe or something now… “I won’t forgive you so easily.” he narrowed his sights… and ran on all fours, stretching his arm out to swing all the way int the direction of home.
Upon arriving, he was surprised. The lights were on and music was playing.
Amy’s typical ‘good motherly instincts’ telling her to keep everything lively and happy while Sonic was away, not wanting to distress the kids too much…
He smiled, “Good on ya, Amy…” Though he knew her reasoning,… the warm atmosphere of home drew him to crawl closer to the window, going for a peek.
When he did, he saw Amy dancing with one of the boys, the other two were keeping the rhythm going. One was clapping while the other insisted on hitting pots and pans like a drummer, wanting to be in a band.
Sonic’s heart softened from it’s raging thumping to one of a still beat, glad to see his worries were for nothing.
“What am I doing? This is too risky. They’re safe. That’s all I needed to know so…”
He kept staring in on the happy home, wishing he was apart of it too.
“Why do I feel this isn’t enough?”
He blinked his eyes and looked down.
“GAH!” he quickly stood up, flinching back in surprise at seeing his kid.
“AHHH!!! THE MONSTER!” the boy screamed and drew down the curtain, while Sonic’s balance was put off, his eyebrows also bent in hurt.
“M…Monster? Wa-ah!” he fell on his back. “Ouch.” he rubbed his head and tried to get up, but in the middle of the night, Amy with her powerful Piko Piko Hammer stepped outside to look around in the bushes.
“A-Amy! Wait!” PIKO!
As Sonic awoke the next day, the kids were amazed the monster was actually their father.
Embarrassed, Sonic dashed off to find Tails.
However… that night…
“It’s alright, It’s daddy.” Amy coaxed her oldest towards Sonic.
“H-how did you know I was..?” Sonic, backing away, looked to Amy but saw out of the corner of his eye–Professor Pickle nodding to him. “But… why?!” He glared slightly, “Amy, this isn’t-!”
He stomped his foot down, something that should have been light in his old appearance, just as yesterday’s surprise fall should have made the kids roll on the ground with laughter.
But instead… this spooked his oldest, who went running back behind his mother.
“N-no… Kid, I’m sorry…” he outreached his hand to him, but pulled it back. He pressed his eyes shut and turned away from them, “Get out of here… all of you.” he tightened his fist, but then loosened them in defeat. “Your dad has to save the world, keep you all safe… just forget you ever saw this… this monster and get going. Listen to your mother and head straight home.”
With that growling voice, the children were still hesitant. But the oldest heard something in that voice differently. It stood out to him, when his father used to tell him stories and the hero’s fall would be followed by a swift revival of righteous virtues that would put an end to injustice.
He slowly approached the monster’s back… then, tilting his head, he sniffed as his nose bounced around.
His eyes brightened a moment, and he held his arms up to his father, “Daddy..!”
As he stumbled forward, he called again, seeing Sonic’s eyes turn back to him, amazed by his son’s courage to see past the frightful appearance, especially for a child.
“Daddy! Daddy, up!” he groped the air as a child his age would, bouncing up and down excitedly.
Sonic’s shoulders slumped and his heart melted yet again to the sound of his children wanting his attention.
“Alright… one up, then you have to go home.” He gave in, hoisting his son up.
The child laughed, but as he was being pulled back down, he gripped Sonic’s hair and began to poke around in it. “Daddy got hairy.”
“Daddy has to shave?” The middlest child stuck his head out from behind his mother. “Daddy grew a beard?”
“All over his body!!!” the youngest overly pointed out and laughed, running over to his father, “Daddy, daddy, you’re a beard monster!”
“Daddy’s not a monster!” The oldest snapped back, “He’s just gotta get a haircut…” He continued to fiddle with his father’s hair.
“I like it! He’s fluffy now! Up, daddy!” The youngest jumped to his arm, feeling the new size and texture of it before jumping as though on a ride, waiting for the coin to slide in Sonic’s heart and help him jump start the small entertainment.
“Me too, up daddy! I want up too!” The middlest ran over and at this point, Sonic was too choked up to say anything.
“Daddy!” “Dada!” “Daddy’s crying!”
“I am not!” Sonic lifted his arm up, the one where his youngest was, who ‘weee!’d at the movement as Sonic draped his arm over his eyes, leaning his head back. “Daddy’s just happy.” he sniffed, “To have amazing and empathic kids like you.”
“We’re empty?”
“No, honey.” Amy giggled, also emotional as her hands covered her smiling mouth. “The complete opposite.” she was tearing up too.
The acceptance of his children, playing with them in this new form and really making the game ‘monster chasing us’ a new thrill, Sonic learned that it wasn’t just his friends who chose to see him differently…
His children would always love their affectionate, and heroic, father. Regardless what he looked like, they would always accept him as the greatest hero in their lives.
“Are these your kids?”
The kids all dog-piled Chip who was hovering in the air.
“Woah, hey! No biting! Easy on the tail!” he was kicking his legs out everywhere as the kids all loved on him.
When he finally got away, he pulled out some chocolate, “I LOOOOOOVEEE them! Hey, who wants chocolate? Who wants chocolate~? Anyone? Oh you do~ and you, and you~ Hey, give me that chocolate bar back! I want some too! Heeeyyy~” He flew after them as they laughed and played keep-away.
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