#takeover selena
kennak · 8 months
セキュリティ会社プルーフポイントの研究者らは月曜日、数十の組織から機密データや金融資産を盗むことを目的とした進行中のキャンペーンにおいて、一部は上級幹部のものを含む数百のMicrosoft Azureアカウントが未知の攻撃者の標的になっていると発表した。 このキャンペーンは、資格情報フィッシングとアカウント乗っ取りの手法を統合した電子メールをアカウント所有者に送信することにより、対象の Azure 環境を侵害しようとします。 攻撃者は、個別のフィッシング詐欺と共有ドキュメントを組み合わせて攻撃を行っています。 一部のドキュメントには、クリックするとユーザーをフィッシング Web ページにリダイレクトするリンクが埋め込まれています。 標的となった役割の広範さは、影響を受ける組織全体にわたるさまざまなリソースと責任にアクセスできるアカウントを侵害するという脅威アクターの戦略を示しています。 「脅威アクターは、さまざまな組織にわたってさまざまな肩書きを持つ幅広い個人に焦点を当てているようで、世界中の何百人ものユーザーに影響を与えている」とプルーフポイントの勧告は述べて いる 。 「影響を受けるユーザー ベースは幅広い役職に及び、セールス ディレクター、アカウント マネージャー、財務マネージャーなどが頻繁にターゲットとなります。 「運営担当副社長」、「最高財務責任者兼財務責任者」、「社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)」などの幹部職に就いている個人も標的に含まれていた。」 アカウントが侵害されると、脅威アクターはアカウントをさまざまな形式の多要素認証に登録することで保護します。 これにより、被害者がパスワードを変更したり、ダッシュボードにアクセスして最近のログインを調べたりすることが困難になる可能性があります。 場合によっては、使用される MFA は、テキスト メッセージまたは電話で送信されるワンタイム パスワードに依存します。 ただし、ほとんどの場合、攻撃者は通知とコードを備えた認証アプリを使用します。 拡大 / 侵害されたクラウド テナント内の攻撃者によって実行された MFA 操作イベントの例。 プルーフポイント Proofpoint は、次のような他の侵害後のアクションを観察しました。 データの引き出し。 攻撃者は、金融資産、内部セキュリティ プロトコル、ユーザー資格情報などの機密ファイルにアクセスしてダウンロードします。 内部および外部のフィッシング。 メールボックス アクセスは、影響を受ける組織内で横方向の移動を実施し、特定のユーザー アカウントをパーソナライズされたフィッシング脅威でターゲットにするために利用されます。 Financial fraud. In an effort to perpetrate financial fraud, internal email messages are dispatched to target Human Resources and Financial departments within affected organizations. Mailbox rules. Attackers create dedicated obfuscation rules intended to cover their tracks and erase all evidence of malicious activity from victims’ mailboxes. Advertisement Enlarge / Examples of obfuscation mailbox rules created by attackers following successful account takeover. Proofpoint The compromises are coming from several proxies that act as intermediaries between the attackers’ originating infrastructure and the accounts being targeted. The proxies help the attackers align the geographical location assigned to the connecting IP address with the region of the target. This helps to bypass various geofencing policies that restrict the number and location of IP addresses that can access the targeted system. The proxy services often change mid-campaign, a strategy that makes it harder for those defending against the attacks to block the IPs where the malicious activities originate. Other techniques designed to obfuscate the attackers' operational infrastructure include data hosting services and compromised domains. “Beyond the use of proxy services, we have seen attackers utilize certain local fixed-line ISPs, potentially exposing their geographical locations,” Monday’s post stated. “Notable among these non-proxy sources are the Russia-based 'Selena Telecom LLC', and Nigerian providers 'Airtel Networks Limited' and 'MTN Nigeria Communication Limited.' While Proofpoint has not currently attributed this campaign to any known threat actor, there is a possibility that Russian and Nigerian attackers may be involved, drawing parallels to previous cloud attacks.” How to check if you’re a target There are several telltale signs of targeting. The most helpful one is a specific user agent used during the access phase of the attack: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Attackers predominantly utilize this user-agent to access the 'OfficeHome' sign-in application along with unauthorized access to additional native Microsoft365 apps, such as: Office365 Shell WCSS-Client (indicative of browser access to Office365 applications) Office 365 Exchange Online (indicative of post-compromise mailbox abuse, data exfiltration, and email threats proliferation) My Signins (used by attackers for MFA manipulation) My Apps My Profile Proofpoint included the following Indicators of compromise: Indicator  Type  Description  Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 User Agent User Agent involved in attack’s access phase Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 User Agent User Agent involved in attack’s access and post-access phases Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 User Agent User Agent involved in attack’s access and post-access phases sachacel[.]ru Domain Domain used for targeted phishing threats lobnya[.]com Domain Source domain used as malicious infrastructure makeapp[.]today Domain Source domain used as malicious infrastructure alexhost[.]com Domain Source domain used as malicious infrastructure mol[.]ru Domain Source domain used as malicious infrastructure smartape[.]net Domain Source domain used as malicious infrastructure airtel[.]com Domain Source domain used as malicious infrastructure mtnonline[.]com Domain Source domain used as malicious infrastructure acedatacenter[.]com Domain Source domain used as malicious infrastructure Sokolov Dmitry Nikolaevich ISP Source ISP used as malicious infrastructure Dom Tehniki Ltd ISP Source ISP used as malicious infrastructure Selena Telecom LLC ISP Source ISP used as malicious infrastructure As the campaign is ongoing, Proofpoint may update the indicators as more become available. The company advised companies to pay close attention to the user agent and source domains of incoming connections to employee accounts. Other helpful defenses are employing security defenses that look for signs of both initial account compromise and post-compromise activities, identifying initial vectors of compromise such as phishing, malware, or impersonation, and putting in place auto-remediation policies to drive out attackers quickly in the event they get in.
進行中のキャンペーンにより上級幹部の Azure アカウントが侵害され、MFA を使用してアカウントがロックされる | アルス テクニカ
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Sodomy Is Illegal In All States And Districts
According to men's statistics in men's magazine only 28% of females like giving oral sex. Which is illegal in every single state and the USA constitution by the way. No amendment has been passed or is allowed to be passed that allows oral sex defined as sodomy(anal sex/or blow jobs to the croch/ beastiality sex). No state can overthrow those laws according to federal laws. Yet the Christian s might say otherwise. This is in collaboration of men's health and good girl takeover, as I call it. More males are into sodomy/ sucking dick then females. Schools teaching oral sex should be sued for allowing and teaching sodomy, students forced to learn should picket the schools education during school hours with no oral sex no sodomy and enter this into parades from child parades to adult and festival parades. On behalf of myself the people and my wives Ariana Grande, Britney Spears, and Selena Gomez from your loving husband Isaac Daniel Shoff.
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countessogilvy · 5 years
a goddamn CLASSIC
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simons-purplehoodie · 2 years
I don't know if you're familiar with the move Princess Protection Program but I think a Wilmon AU would be so cute!! Like Willhem has to go into witness protection because something goes down with the monarchy so he stays with Simon and his family and has to learn to blend in with normal kids.
Hi my friend! I’ve finally finished completing your ask, so I hope you like it! I present to you,
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Wilmon Protection Program
Read chapter 1 here on AO3
Summary: Simon is a small-town boy and couldn't be more different from Wilhelm, a Prince from the country of Costa Luna. The boys are thrown together after Simon’s mother, an agent in the covert Prince Protection Program, rescues Wilhelm from a military takeover. It's now up to the two to devise a plan to take down Costa Luna's dictator and return Wilhelm to his rule.
But will Simon and Wilhelm be able to set aside their differences and tolerate each other for the sake of the plan? And what will they do once they realize they don’t hate each other nearly as much as they thought. In fact, they feel quite the opposite.
TLDR: A Wilmon au of the 2009 movie “Princess Protection Program” starring Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato.
If there’s a fic you want me to write, request it here!
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A masterlist of all the times BTS showed Taylor Swift their love and support
1. In 2014, a BTS member posted a screenshot of their playlist and you can see “Ours” on it
2. In 2015, Taehyung posted a screenshot of his playlist and “Enchanted” is the first song seen in the first picture
3. In 2015, Jimin was asked what song never leaves his playlist and he said “Never Grow Up”. He also recommended the song to his fans on fancafe
4. In 2017, Jimin added “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever” to his playlist and Taehyung also added the song to his playlist too
5. BTS added “End Game” to their spotify playlist
6. BTS were jamming to Kelly Clarkson singing “Look What You Made Me Do” during the opening medley performance for the 2018 BBMAs
7. BTS gave Taylor a standing ovation for her winning top female artist at the 2018 BBMAs
8. A video of Taylor and BTS meeting at the 2018 BBMAs and you can see them being starstruck and happy that she went to go personally meet them
9. They posted their picture with Taylor after meeting her at the 2018 BBMAs on twitter
10. During a livestream, BTS mentioned how honored they were of meeting Taylor
11. Hoseok talked about how they met artists who they’ve always admired and Taylor is the first name mentioned
12. Jin mentioned how meeting Taylor was an honor and also amusing
13. Before the 2019 BBMAs, BTS were asked who they were most excited to see and Namjoon said Taylor Swift
14. BTS are seen watching Taylor’s performance of “ME!” with Brendon Urie at the 2019 BBMAs and were absolutely loving every second of it. Here’s another close up look of them being totally amazed by her performance
15. BTS did a livestream after the 2019 BBMAs and talked about Taylor’s performance and you can hear Namjoon calling Taylor “noona” which is a respectful way in korean for a male to address an older female friend/sister
16. Jin added both “ME!” and “You Need To Calm Down” to his spotify playlist
17. In Hoseok’s youtube vlog, he is seen listening to Taylor’s Apple playlist and you can hear him listening to “The Archer”
18. BTS did an interview with Paper Magazine and they were asked what songs are on their personal playlists and Jin mentioned “ME!”. He said the song has a bright energy and lifts his mood and that he would like to try that kind of music too
19. BTS wished Taylor a happy 30th birthday
20. In a video with iHeartRadio, they were asked to choose which music videos they thought is the best and Hoseok said “ME!” and Namjoon agreed, saying he loved “ME!” too. They were also asked to choose the best fan army and they chose their fans. Namjoon then apologized to Taylor, Selena and Shawn saying they can’t pick anyone else other than their own fans
21. During an iHeartRadio takeover, they selected their favourite songs to play and one of the songs they chose was “The Man”. You can hear Hoseok and Yoongi introducing the song
22. During a Grammy interview, BTS were asked which artists they would like to collaborate with and they all shouted different artists and Taylor was one of them. Namjoon then said to “call our label, please”
23. In an interview with E! news, they were asked who would be their dream collabs and Namjoon answered by saying he loves Taylor
24. BTS were asked in an interview with WBLI, who their current favourite artists are and Namjoon said “I’m listening to Taylor, still”
25. Hoseok and Jin are seen dancing to YNTCD during New Year’s Eve Rockin’ Eve 2020
26. Jin added Exile to his favorite tracks playlist on spotify
27. Jimin added Never Grow Up to his favorite tracks playlist on spotify
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zaynmalikupdates · 5 years
There’s a song called ‘Rumors’ and that’s featuring Zayn. I think it’s such a fun song. It feels good, it’s kinda sexy.
Selena Gomez is one of the celebrities who participated at BBC Radio 1′s Christmas Day Superstar Takeovers where she played her selection of festive tunes and personal favourites and one of these songs is “Rumors”. 
[To hear Selena talking about the track head over this link and skip to 35:31]
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stylesnews · 5 years
Selena Gomez has Watermelon Sugar on her BBC R1: Christmas Takeover Playlist.
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brandnewdress · 4 years
Her graduation speech was previously recorded before any of this horrendous stuff got to where it’s at today. That’s why we didn’t hear anything about BLM. I understand she’s not been the most outspoken lately, but I think her speech isn’t something to use as an example for it considering it was pre recorded.
Yes, but we also know everyone had the opportunity to re-record and multiple people did, including Alicia Keys. And even then there were still other things taylor could’ve talked about? Or at the very least not compared her situation to an actual global pandemic. Idk the speech and just her general silence on blm (because, let’s be real, 2 stories that disappear after 24 hours??? that’s not even the bare minimum). This then raises the question of her support of the lgbt community last year like did she support us so vocally to promote lover? I’m very worried that she did.....idk overall I expected MUCH more from her after miss Americana she has only herself to blame for the expectations placed upon her after literally saying multiple times that she ‘wants to be on the right side of history’ and ‘take the muzzle off’ and just be more vocal in general..she has such a huge platform..she could at the very least share some links to donations or petitions? She could amplify the voices of black people by letting them takeover her twitter or insta like Selena and Lady Gaga have been doing... there’s so much she could be doing! and yet she’s choosing to do basically nothing, and her silence speaks volumes
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Mac remember the late night takeover person we were talking about yesterday? W magazine confirmed it's Will Ferrell: "However, a source at a late night show revealed exclusively to W that the surprise guest is actually Will Ferrell in pre-recorded videos promoting his new podcast." wmagazine*com/story/taylor-swift-lover-album-rumors-selena-gomez-katy-perry
That’s hilarious
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searchingff-blog · 5 years
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The Night of the Shooting
Selena received the call that the job was done, and a devilish grin sparkled on her face. Payback was a bitch, and she knew that Azure was going to be a casualty of war, but to get tried like she did was unacceptable. The dumb bitch didn’t slice her face deep enough for it to leave a scar. In the end she was going to always come out victorious. Her celebratory moment was cut short with an interruption from her mother.
“We’re putting you on the bench.”
Selena placed her shot of Don Julio on the table, and looked at her mother as if she had two heads.
“Excuse me?”
She was in disbelief. The purpose of her mother coming to New York was to takeover, and spread the Santos name like wildfire. Unfortunately, it was Selena thats was creating a name for their family in the north. It tickled her to know that her mother thought she had the power to bench her.
“Papa agreed to it. This last hit was personal, not strategic.” Her mother looked down at her with disappointment in her eyes.
“Eres una decepción.”
Venom dripped off each letter of each word. She was shocked that her mother, Gabriella, got into her father’s head. She had to go talk to him, and get him to see the truth. She began gathering her things.
“There’s no need. This decision is final.”
“No, I won’t allow you to turn another family member against me. First it was Sophia and now Dad. I’ve done nothing, but try to be a good daughter to you.”
Pent up emotions from childhood trauma were starting to erupt, and it wasn’t anything that was planned. Feeling as if her father never considered her side of things stirred up those emotions.
Yes, Sophia is a drug addict, but not being able to see her in the hospital was all her mother’s doing. She despised the sisterhood they had, and never understood why. Selena always thought it was because she was her parents first child, and when she came around her papa started loving on her more. He loved the idea of being a father.
“Your sister’s a crackhead.”
Selena shifted around, and slapped fire out of her. She wouldn’t allow anybody to speak ill of her baby sister. Gabrella gasped and held the left side of her face in shock, not believing that the little girl she carried would ever strike her.
Sophia was a soft spot for Selena for a number of reasons. That was her baby sister, only sister, and growing up she really was the protector of the two. There were numerous nights when they had to rely on each other to make it to the next day. Their childhood was rough but they had each other, so when the last time they spoke and Sophia stabbed their bond it messed Selena up. Sister’s fought, but that was different.
However, it was embedded in her to protect and she always would.
“I’m done with you.”
Selena walked to the front door and opened it for her mother, so she could exit.
Present Day
Sophia was completely clean, and was blessed to finally be out of rehab. It was a long journey, but being able to finally say she was sober felt good. The first couple of weeks she stayed at her mom’s place, and slept in. Her body needed to fully rest, and when she finally woke up she didn’t do it willingly.
She’d been talking to Selena via phone, because she refused to come over to her mother’s house to see her. Their fight crumbled the unspoken treaty of peace between the two of them. They had their own battles between them that she would never speak on, because it wasn’t her place. However, getting physical was one thing that wasn’t going to be tolerated.
Sophia sat on her side of the table and sipped on her water as she waited for Selena. They were meeting at a place in the city called Cantina Rooftop. She was apprehensive to see her big sister not only because of their situation, but because she knew how Selena operated. At times Selena only saw tunnel vision, and it took the extreme for her to see your point of view.
“Mi vida!!”
Selena screamed out in joy when she finally laid eyes on her sister. The two of them embraced each other like it had been five decades since the last they seen each other.
“You look good.” Selena stood back and smiled.
“Me?!” Sophia chuckled. “You’re this new model now, and all over the internet.
The two of them giggled and just smiled at each other. For a tiny moment it was like everything else deceased to matter, and the love they had for each other infiltrated the air.
“How are you?” Selena asked once they took their seats.
“I’m good.” Sophia smiled and relaxed.
“No like really, this is us talking.”
Selena wanted the raw truth. Sophia never had to give her the fluff, her mind needed to devour only the truth.
“Today…well this morning I would have to say was a little tough, and then waiting up here for you was really tempting me to fall right back off the cliff, but I’m going to a meeting after this, plus seeing you soothed things.”
Sophia didn’t want her to worry. She knew that rejoining the world was going to be tough, and that she was going to be hit with triggers all the time. It was up to her if she was going to lose sight of things, and she promised herself that she wasn’t. She was going to always do her steps when the situation got sticky.
“I’m happy to hear that at least.” Selena smiled softly.
“I’m sorry I put you through that, and that I allowed the addiction, my addiction, to attack our bond.”
“I’ve forgiven you.”
“It was a rough time for me. I was at my lowest then, and nobody around me knew anything. The day before I went on that binge I had a miscarriage, didn’t even know I was pregnant. With everything that was going on I knew that bringing a baby into this world was wrong, but that was the last thing I had of Robby. It just was a lot.”
Sophia picked up her napkin, and dabbed her face. Crying, or even saying what she did wasn’t planned. She did it, because she knew that in order for Selena to believe that she had a handle on this sickness Sophia had to be unapologetically honest.
“I had no idea you were going through that. I know how much being a mom and the whole all american family thing meant to you.” Selena reached over and grabbed her hand.
“My family is what helped me all this way, so I want to see everybody just enjoying each other’s space. I love you down, but you hit her.”
Selena knew baby girl was going to bring up the incident, because she was closest to their mother. It was a topic she rather not, but it was needed.
“I know…”
“Then why haven’t you apologized yet?”
“It’s complicated.”
“Then make it simple. That’s your mother, and you’re her daughter. At the end of the day who has been their more than not?”
“So stop acting as if you can’t go deep down into your soul, and ditch the pride for compassion.”
Selena glared at her sister with a smirk on her face.
“Those therapist really got you thinking you know some shit, huh?”
The two of them laughed.
“You know I’m right.”
Sophia opened up the menu, and looked at the options.
“I’ll cook on Sunday and I’ll invite you guys over.”
“Please just don’t make none of that healthy shit you models eat. I’m tryna get stacked like you.”
The two of them laughed together.
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x5red · 6 years
The lost Supergirl
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To its detractors the 1984 Helen Slater Supergirl is an underwhelming, disjointed, and self-contradictory attempt to profit from the Superman franchise beyond the Man of Steel. To its supporters the 1984 Supergirl is a much misunderstood blending of super-heroics and fairy-tales, creating a magical story of adventure and courage. But no matter what your take on this movie, no one can deny that it failed to meet box office expectations and did not garner anything like the same reputation as Chris Reeve’s first two iconic Superman outings.
But with the passing of time comicbook fans seem to have slowly mellowed towards Slater’s Supergirl. Sure, it may never be considered a classic, but many fans now acknowledge that Helen Slater’s time in the red cape has a lot of charming qualities, qualities that are sadly lacking in many of DC’s modern offerings.
So, what caused this shift in attitudes?
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Well, thanks to the internet, today’s fans have a greater awareness of the intentions of director Jeannot Szwarc, who (we now recognise) was pitching at a younger audience than the Superman movies -- hence the looser fairy-tale quality of the plot. But, more importantly, there’s also a growing awareness that many of the movie’s weaknesses were made far more glaring by the distributor’s brutal editing for US markets.
As more and more of the cutting room floor footage has been seen, so criticism has softened. Although still far from perfect, 2000′s extended 138 minute cut is generally recognised as a more balanced and coherent experience than 1984′s US theatrical version of just 105 minutes. But fans have speculated that yet more footage is still to be found. Rumours circulate on the far flung reaches of the internet concerning a possible 150 minute edit, smoothing over even more of the disjointed elements of the story.
In this article I want to first attempt a fact-packed recap of the editing history of the Supergirl movie, noting when and why its numerous cuts were created; then I want to briefly speculate on what might be in the still-missing 12 minutes (if indeed they exist), by pulling together the various rumours and looking at their evidence.
So, let’s begin...
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From silver screen to small screen
Supergirl got its debut in London on Thursday 19th July 1984, as part of a Royal Charity Premiere screening attended by Princess Michael of Kent (whose husband is the current Queen’s first cousin, as I’m sure everyone knows(!)) This UK version was distributed by Columbia-EMI-Warner and ran at 124 minutes. Initial critical reaction was mixed, leaning more towards underwhelmed.
As US fans waited for the Maid of Might to fly onto their cinema screens, the movie began to open around the world. Ireland and Japan got Supergirl just days after the UK, then August saw Supergirl open in the Philippines, Australia, and Spain. In October it was the turn of France and Canada. Meanwhile Kara Zor-El fans in her (adopted) home country had no choice but to wait... and wait... and wait... The delay in the US release was caused by Warner Bros. dropping out of negotiations to promote and distribute the film in US theatres midway through production. As the movie was in post production, and overseas distribution deals were being struck, the Salkind family (the producers) scrambled to find an alternative distributor for their biggest market.
Finally, on Wednesday 21st November 1984, the Maid of Might launched onto US screens thanks to TriStar Pictures, but the switch in distributor had not been without major consequences. American Supergirl fans were treated to an experience that had been cut down to just 105 minutes, removing key exposition scenes from a movie that was already criticised for struggling with plot coherence. Supergirl grossed $5.7m on its opening weekend, and went on bring in $13.6m in the US market. On an estimated production budget of $35m, it was not considered a success.
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At the same time as the US theatrical release, a 125 minute LaserDisc version appeared in Japan, marking the first time fans could watch the Girl of Steel in the comfort of their own Fortress of Solitude. The advertised 125 minute running time likely represents a rounding error rather than 1 minute of new material. Although not sold into US markets, some copies apparently did cross the Pacific. The LaserDisc version was likely a pan-and-scan copy (no documentation suggests widescreen), with Supergirl’s wide cinematic 2.35:1 image cropped drastically to fit television’s nearly square 4:3 ratio.
Pan-and-scan would also have been done to the initial VHS release into US markets by U.S.A. Home Video in 1985, which used the 105 minute cut that had appeared in US cinemas the year before. In 1987 a second pan-and-scan edit was created by TriStar for HBO‘s cable tv screenings, which was then used by the ABC Network when it broadcast a brutal 92 minute cut in February 1987. (It was common practice for ad-supported tv to heavily edit movies, making space for commercials without stretching the running time too far.) This super-slimline cut was later thrown together with other Superman movies into a tv syndication package by Viacom. The Internet Movie Database suggests that there was also a VHS cut that ran to just 89 minutes -- this may have been either the Avid Home Video release (1991) catalogued on the same site, or it may refer to an unknown overseas VHS release.
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Lurking in the depths of the vaults
By the late 1990s the full 124 minute cut of Supergirl had still never been legitimately made available in the US. The rights to the Supergirl movie had subsequently been snapped up as part of a bundle of films by Canal + Distribution in France, and they allowed Anchor Bay Entertainment to release the two hour so-called International Cut on VHS. Many Supergirl fans now thought that they, at last(!), had copies of the most complete version of the film. But rumours quickly started to circulate that this was far from the case.
Not long after the International Cut’s release, speculation began that Canal + had found something interesting lurking amidst the dusty film cans they’d acquired as part of their rights acquisitions. A previously unknown 138 minute cut of Supergirl featuring a mono soundtrack had been unearthed, which quickly acquired the moniker of the Director’s Cut.
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(Note: one citation-free internet comment suggests that the Director’s Cut was actually discovered at Pinewood Studios, in a box marked “do not use”. Although the early Superman / Supergirl movies were filmed at London’s Pinewood soundstages, it seems odd that a finished edit of the film, complete with soundtrack, would be discovered there.)
In mid-2000 Anchor Bay Entertainment released a two disc DVD set featuring both the 124 minute International Cut, and the new 138 minute Director’s Cut, both in widescreen format (2.35:1 letter-boxed to widescreen tv’s 16:9 ratio.)
So, thought fans, surely this is the definitive Helen Slater Supergirl... right..!?
Well, apparently, no..!
The rumours didn’t end with the Director’s Cut. Some evidence suggested that there were still scenes shot at Pinewood that didn’t make it into the 138 minute edit. Speculation was that somewhere in a rusting film can there might lie yet another 12 minutes of unseen footage, bringing the total running time of the film to a whopping 150 minutes -- that’s almost 50% more Supergirl than was seen by the original US theatrical audiences in November 1984.
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So, what’s missing..?
First, let us rule out what we can say with certainty is not in any potential missing footage.
The original script for Supergirl, penned by David Odell, made heavy use of Christopher Reeve’s Superman. According to director, Jeannot Szwarc, the main plot device always revolved around the recovery of the Omegahedron, but in early drafts Superman was to encounter Supergirl in space, and the pair were to share a heartwarming scene in which he teaches his cousin how to fly, involving dancing together in mid-air. At a later point in the script Supergirl was to rescue Superman from a prison, where he languished as an old man having lost his immorality.
Regrettably, the producer’s hopes of securing Chris Reeve fell apart not long before shooting began. Without Reeve, Odell’s script (which, Szwarc claims, had already suffered numerous rewrites at the behest of the Salkinds and/or original distributors Warner Bros.) underwent yet another a major overhaul. As such, we can say with absolute certainty that none of the possible missing footage includes Christopher Reeve’s Superman.
So what might it contain?
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A draft of the movie’s script, dated Monday 17th January 1983, is available online, and it seems to mention scenes that never appeared in any publicly available cut of the film, including the Director’s Cut. The draft’s date is just a few weeks away from the alleged filming dates: Monday 18th April 1983 to Thursday 11th August 1983. The script does follow the story line of the finished movie, although it is apparent that some action segments have been reworked and some of the dialogue is only vaguely similar to the filmed version.
A second source of information comes from an apparently test audience viewing in the US, with online accounts of this screening at sites like IMDB seeming to bear out the rumours that some of the elements in the draft script may have been filmed and included in this screening.
Speculation suggests that a number of clips featuring Selena are still lost. These include more material with Selena and the Omegahedron, and a clip during Selena’s takeover of Midvale in which the angry townspeople are cowered (except Lucy) by Selena when she uses an ice spell to kill a woman.
There’s also speculation that two short interactions with Linda at school are absent. The first involves Nigel quizzing Linda about her plans for the weekend (this happens immediately before the scene, 50 minutes in, with Linda sitting outside the school as other girls leave with their parents, when Lucy invites Linda to join her later in Midvale.) The second is a chat between Linda and Lucy about clothes and fitting in on Earth.
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One interaction that always seemed a bit odd in the movie takes place immediately after the shower sequence (when Kara uses her heat vision to punish the two school bullies.) Entering their shared dorm room, Linda asks Lucy to comment on her new hairdo -- Lucy replies that it looks the same as before. In the script however (and in accounts of the advance screening) there is a segment with Supergirl using heat vision and a bathroom mirror to cut her blonde hair, but she forgets that she has reverted to Linda’s brunette wig when Lucy offers her critique. The second half of this interaction appears in the movie (albeit with different dialogue to the script), so fans have speculated that the laser haircut footage may exist too.
The January 1983 script also does a better job of tidying up the story’s loose ends. For example, rather than have Linda Lee just vanish without explanation, school principal (Fred?) Danvers uncovers Linda’s secret identity after she fights the energy monster, explaining why he won’t be frantically searching for her once Supergirl returns to Argo City. No accounts, rumoured or otherwise, suggest that these segments were filmed, however.
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Even at 150 miniutes, Supergirl would still be a flawed movie. But then perhaps, as Jeannot Szwarc has noted, its intentions were never properly understood or promoted. The film isn’t trying to be the Christopher Reeve Superman, but rather a children’s fairy-tale in which the hero uses Kryptonian superpowers instead of magic. One internet commentator noted that Slater’s Supergirl is best enjoyed as a series of unconnected vignettes -- forget that the overall plot doesn’t make sense and just enjoy each scene on its own. I think there might be some truth in that analysis.
Despite its flaws, the 1984 Supergirl movie has amassed a loyal fanbase. The special effects are superb (even Richard Donner apparently admitted that the technique Szwarc used to make his Girl of Steel fly was superior to the zooming-lenses trick pioneered on Superman), the story is unapologetically lighthearted, and Helen Slater’s endearing portrayal as the Maid of Might is still considered by many to be the definitive live-action Supergirl.
Restoring the extra footage won’t overturn the movie’s shortcomings, but it will further soothe some of its inconsistencies, while sprinkling just a little more magic dust onto what its loyal fans already consider to be a charming and bewitching cinematic experience.
The movie’s heroine succeeds in her quest to find the Omegahedron and restore Argo City to its former glory -- we can but hope that one day her fans will find any missing footage, and restore her movie to its fullest length.
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124 min (2h 04m) international theatrical release, July 1984.
105 min (1h 45m) US theatrical release, November 1984.
125 min (2h 05m) Japanese LaserDisc, late 1984.
105 min (1h 45m) initial US VHS release, 1985.
92 min (1h 32m) HBO / ABC television cut, 1987.
89 min (1h 29m) VHS release, unknown date (1991 perhaps?)
124 min (1h 04m) Anchor Bay VHS release, 1998.
138 min (2 hrs 18 mins) Director’s Cut DVD release, Summer 2000.
150 min (2 hrs 30 mins) speculated original cut, as yet undiscovered.
imdb.com : Supergirl main page.
imdb.com : Supergirl alternative footage.
movie-censorship.com : Supergirl International vs Director’s Cut.
supermancinema.co.uk :  List of VHS and tv cuts.
maidofmight.net : Director Jeannot Szwarc interview.
Thanks to Corrine, aka supergirldiaries, for the initial inspiration.
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overlooked-tracks · 2 years
Here’s When BLACKPINK Will Be Back With New Music & A World Tour
The following article has been posted on July 06, 2022 at 02:19PM:
An Overlooked Tracks News Finding: Here’s an article you might have overlooked. Having a partnership with NewsAPI, we try to catch music entertainment news for you to view, read and possibly enjoy. We will continue to find what’s available in the world of music entertainment, concert information and music releases. But obviously you – the listener and reader are the biggest source for news in your area, so if you can share with us. For right now, look at what we found for you:
“From The Billboard Magazine Website – Here’s When BLACKPINK Will Be Back With New Music & A World Tour”
  BLACKPINK announced Tuesday (July 5) that they’ll return with new music in August — and the K-pop superstars will mount a world tour by the end of the year.
A press release from YG Entertainment announced that the quartet — Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa — are in the “final stages of recording a new album” and that their new music in August will kick off “a continuous large-scale project which will extend through the second half of the year.”
In addition, the release promised an international tour by the end of the year that would be the “largest world tour in the history of a K-pop girl group.”
“A lot of BLACKPINK-esque music has been prepared over a long period of time,” YG Entertainment says. “On top of new music and large-scale projects, BLACKPINK will also go on the largest world tour in the history of a K-pop girl group by the end of the year to expand their rapport with fans worldwide.”
A press release from YG Entertainment announced that the quartet — Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa — are in the “final stages of recording a new album.”
The K-pop foursome released their first full-length album — simply titled THE ALBUM — via Interscope in October 2020. The project peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard 200 and spent two weeks at No. 1 on the Top Album Sales chart. BLACKPINK have landed seven songs on the Billboard Hot 100, including the top 20 hit “Ice Cream” with Selena Gomez and a pair of top 40s: “Sour Candy” with Lady Gaga and “How You Like That.”
Just last week, BLACKPINK became the first musical act to reach 75 million subscribers on YouTube. The group earned the title of most-subscribed artist on the platform in September 2021, when they surpassed the 65.5 million mark and took over the lead from Justin Bieber.
Back in 2019, before THE ALBUM was released, BLACKPINK were featured on the cover of Billboard magazine, where they laid out their plans for a U.S. takeover. “You don’t have to understand Korean to understand the music, the visuals, the vibe,” Jisoo told Billboard at the time. Looks like she was right.
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and can be found on the Overlooked Tracks website: https://ift.tt/n3vzFY6. Check out more music news from Overlooked Tracks! Billboard, Music from Korea, Music Headline News, K-Pop, Music Releases
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hamdaissasalwe · 6 years
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Hamda Issa-Salwe featured in ‘How I got my first job in: Music Merch and Branding’ by Dusty Baxter-Wright for Cosmopolitan
Hamda Issa-Salwe is the Sales and Marketing coordinator at Bravado, Universal Music’s merchandise and branding company, who create merch for artists like Selena Gomez, Guns N’Roses and Justin Bieber amongst other. She works on incredible projects like Kanye West’s Life of Pablo pop-up shops or most recently, The Rolling Stones takeover at Selfridges. This display features archive pieces from the band, alongside retail collaboration pieces from the likes of Commes des Garcons and Levi’s... Read more
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Download R3hab - CYB3RPVNK Radio 447 for free now!
Artist: R3hab Show: R3hab – CYB3RPVNK Radio 447 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Electro Source: RSS
R3HAB will be HERE every week taking you on a musical journey with tracks from his label CYB3RPVNK and some of his favorite releases from other artists. Plus R3HAB has some incredible artist takeovers planned for you. Get ready for another amazing year of music with R3HAB on CYB3RPVNK Radio! Tune in to CYB3RPVNK Radio 447 now!
Discover more R3hab live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more CYB3RPVNK Radio episodes HERE
R3hab – CYB3RPVNK Radio 447 Tracklist
1) R3HAB x Luis Fonsi x Sean Paul – PUES
2) Royal Hustle – Without You
3) BIJOU & Lucille Croft feat. Marco XO – Lost
4) SIDEPIECE – Acrobatic
5) Nico Zandolino – Good Time
6) Cirillo JR & Eugenio Colombo – Rebound
7) Wenzday – Actin’ Up
8) Bingo Players & Oomloud – Touch & Go
9) Cat Dealers feat. Amanda Collis – Hypnotized
10) R3HAB – Stars Align (Alle Farben Remix)
11) Cheyenne Giles – Jump Around
12) Cloverdale, Bassani & Rise of the Jellyfish – Always
13) Sidney Samson & Bowman & Bleam feat. Marboo – Hurricane
14) Jauri – Now You’re Gone
15) OOTORO – Hit Em
16) Felix Cartal & Kiiara – Happy Hour (Wh0 Festival Remix)
17) Dj Snake & Selena Gomez – Selfish Love (Tiësto Remix)
18) Paradoks – Flourish
The podcast R3HAB – CYB3RPVNK Radio is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 3 years
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Listen or download R3hab - CYB3RPVNK Radio 447 for free now!
Artist: R3hab Show: R3hab – CYB3RPVNK Radio 447 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Electro Source: RSS
R3HAB will be HERE every week taking you on a musical journey with tracks from his label CYB3RPVNK and some of his favorite releases from other artists. Plus R3HAB has some incredible artist takeovers planned for you. Get ready for another amazing year of music with R3HAB on CYB3RPVNK Radio! Tune in to CYB3RPVNK Radio 447 now!
Discover more R3hab live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more CYB3RPVNK Radio episodes HERE
R3hab – CYB3RPVNK Radio 447 Tracklist
1) R3HAB x Luis Fonsi x Sean Paul – PUES
2) Royal Hustle – Without You
3) BIJOU & Lucille Croft feat. Marco XO – Lost
4) SIDEPIECE – Acrobatic
5) Nico Zandolino – Good Time
6) Cirillo JR & Eugenio Colombo – Rebound
7) Wenzday – Actin’ Up
8) Bingo Players & Oomloud – Touch & Go
9) Cat Dealers feat. Amanda Collis – Hypnotized
10) R3HAB – Stars Align (Alle Farben Remix)
11) Cheyenne Giles – Jump Around
12) Cloverdale, Bassani & Rise of the Jellyfish – Always
13) Sidney Samson & Bowman & Bleam feat. Marboo – Hurricane
14) Jauri – Now You’re Gone
15) OOTORO – Hit Em
16) Felix Cartal & Kiiara – Happy Hour (Wh0 Festival Remix)
17) Dj Snake & Selena Gomez – Selfish Love (Tiësto Remix)
18) Paradoks – Flourish
The podcast R3HAB – CYB3RPVNK Radio is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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jotequila · 4 years
Selena Gómez: take over en Apple Music.
Selena Gómez: take over en Apple Music.
Tras el reciente lanzamiento de su nuevo sencillo ‘De Una Vez’, hoy Selena Gómez hará un takeover del playlist Puro Pop de Apple Music para compartir con sus fans una selección de sus canciones favoritas, que incluyen algunos títulos clásicos como otros más contemporáneos.   Abajo te comparto una cita de Selena, junto al link y la imagen de portada del playlist. “’De Una Vez’ es una canción tan…
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