#take this with love. im trying to give you wise advice here
Am i allowed to put something long in your ask box or would that be annoying
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Daily pull-a-card reading
Daily pull-a-card, is a daily tarot reading in which ill pull one card for every group.
Disclaimer: sometimes i might pull an extra card or two that i wont mention but will definitely take into consideration.
Lots of grammar mistakes ahead bc fuck english.
For September 8-9th 2023
Group i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi
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The high priestess
U seem to be very connected and in touch with ur emotions, you are at ur peak intuition-wise but why do i see you doubting urself? Why are u so unsure? Almost ur not giving urself the benefit of the doubt, actually quite the opposite. You are not sure of urself whatsoever, but im here to tell what the universe (god, the angels or whatever u believe in) wants you to know : you are on the right path. U are exactly where u r meant to be. U are as connected to ur higher purpose as one can be. There is nothing to fear. You are on the right path. Your own path. Trust yourself a bit more.
A song recommendation (which i reallllllllly urge to listen to bc u cant imagine how strongly this came through, U MUST LISTEN TO IT) :
Ten of wands (r)
Let go of it. The burden you are carrying is not worth it, i don't exactly know what it is, it might or might not be important but here's the thing love, you are more important. U r really precious, u truly don't deserve to carry this baggage, it is just weighing you down. So free yourself, love. I know u can do it, you too know too. My bird of paradise, fly.
A song recommendation that i really wish u to listen to:
The world
My god, you are the girl. Darling you ARE THE GIRL. honestly i dont even need to advice u, all im gonna say, you are the girl. you are the one, i truly truly love your energy. Baddest bitch in the game lmaoo.
I said im not gonna advice you, but i cant stop me, so here it goes, STOP LOOKING INTO THE PAST. What's past is past. Fuck him, fuck them, they didnt deserve you. Look ahead so much is waiting for you, somewhere is waiting for you. And this time, they will deserve you. U will watch it begin again, only better.
A song recommendation that i NEED you to listen to (make sure u listen to taylor's version only tho 🔪🔪)
9 of swords
Hey love, listen to me very carefully, YOU CANT BALANCE IT ALL. whatever you are trying to balance, is taking a toll on you. It's too much work and it's fucking you up mentally. It's too much and read to this even more carefully YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME. Ur only human. Either give one of it up, or just free yourself from both( i suggest this). Life is much more than this situation that you are in. And there's better days to come. But you take this decision. U need to take this decision.
A song recommendation that im certain you already know but i think would a good awakening for u :
Knight of cups
He is very close. Nearly here. And my god, ur night in his shinning armor is one hell of a night ( THE BEST INTENTIONS LITERALLY ) . Idk girl what u have been manifesting, but that shit is CLOSE, very freaking close. My advice? Just keep doing whatever ur doing. U r doing good, and u will do even better.
Song recommendation(huh... interesting, idk i got this song, but it came very strongly, so listen u never know what's in it for u) / interestedly three things came on strong 1. "Combat" 2. " they see right through me, can you see right through me" 3. "Cause all my enemies started off as friends"
Page of wands
Oh my god, this was like the messiest group everrr! Here's the thing lmao u got many cards, but it just kept going back and forth but one thing im certain about is the page of wands energy all over you. So this group are just very young compared to the rest, or just not in control of their life whatsoever.
For some i see patents getting divorced, families arguing, not very good home environment. And then there's u, amidst all this mess, the shinning one. U have many goals, you are a seeker and a dreamer, u want more. Im hearing " an art deco, Shining like gun metal" and u want more. U want more for you, u want the light, the fame and everything else too. A hungry soul.
" i want my cake and i wanna eat it too"
My advice? It dont matter. U will do as u wish, no one can stop u nor change you. U remind me too much of myself, i know ur ache.
Your song recommendation? Art deco. That song describes you perfectly.
Anyways now that's over, y'all better follow me, i mean who will do u better than i?
Alsooo u can always submit what u want me to do a reading on next by simply commenting ur subject of interest ( no private readings bro i aint got no time for that)
Anyways peace out, bye.
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devilsrecreation · 16 days
i need to hear more about tamka and pua and their father-son (? correct me if im wrong) bond.. /no pressure
I talked a little bit about them in my Tamka hc post but here are some more!
- Nobody in the Pridelands have any idea how Pua and Tamka are related. They’re either really confused or straight up don’t believe it. Pua’s a humble, smart, wise leader who puts up a good fight and Tamka…is, well, the opposite: a cocky dumbass who goes down the minute you hit the top of his head 😭
- Pua loved Tamka as soon as he hatched from his egg. It was impossible for him not to. He was so innocent and full of spirit, just like his mother. And he reminds his son of that every chance he gets
- Tamka’s silliness was both funny and annoying. Pua would always laugh when Tamka tried to climb on his snout but his habit of trying to spar with/death roll his father’s tail wasn’t as much fun
- As mentioned before, it was Pua who first discovered that rubbing his son’s tummy made him fall asleep (a nod to Tamka’s “sure, I mean, it works on me!” comment in “The Zebra Mastermind”). Baby Tamka was being fussy and Pua was feeling frustrated since everything he tried failed to work, not to mention this wasn’t setting the best example to his float. So Kuimba suggested he tickle their son’s tummy with his tail and when he tried it—boom. It worked
- Tamka still remembers the lullabies Pua would sing to him and the other hatchlings, especially the ones at him. He loves them so much he sings them when he has hatchlings of his own
- Tamka used to sleep right next to his mother, but when she died, he started sleeping next to Pua. Up until his dad’s exile, Tamka would always be found snoozing away anywhere near him. Tamka still misses those days
- When Tamka was a kid, he would sometimes overhear Pua weeping late at night (the times when his closest friends died, to be exact). He cried the hardest when Kuimba and Piga died. Tamka usually isn’t very good at reading other animals but he could absolutely tell his father was pretending everything was fine when it wasn’t. But he always assumed his father knew best so he didn’t question it much
- Their reconciliation since the incident in the Dry Season was a somewhat slow process. At first, they were both upset/disappointed for different reasons: Pua because he couldn’t believe Tamka went through with something so stupid and Tamka because Pua always seemed to dismiss him and love the other hatchlings more than his own son due to having to raise them all (not true at all but it certainly looked like it). Pua was heartbroken after Tamka pushed him away, but decided to give him some time and space. Tamka eventually starts to miss talking to his father and finally decides to talk it out with him. It was a very long and emotional talk that ended with the both of them hugging, along with apologies on both ends. Pua teared up, Tamka was bawling his eyes out
- Despite taking more after his mother, Tamka DOES inherit Pua’s confidence, darker colors, and determination. Not to mention he sometimes has that same gentle smile Pua has.
Seriously, same energy
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- Pua gives his son even more examples why they’re more similar than he thinks, such as the fact they were both banished from the float and how they both meet/mate with beautiful females that are 10x out of their league
- Speaking of females, Tamka once went to him for advice about how to court Erevu. Best he could do is tell him to keep doing what he’s doing cuz he must be doing something right if she likes him back. He loves her btw, thinks she’s perfect for his son
- While Pua has no idea how he managed to win Kuimba’s heart, he does remember how they met and how he fell in love. It’s Tamka’s favorite story
- While they have reconciled, they still have misunderstandings every now and then. The first time Tamka saw Pua hanging out with Kongwe, he thought they were a couple. He goes through a whole process where he thinks his dad was trying to replace his mom, tries to make himself a third wheel, but then comes to accept the relationship if it makes him happy. Pua had to explain to him how it was purely platonic (lmao oh Tamka)
Pua was everyone’s dad figure but most importantly, he was Tamka’s
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dwtdog · 6 months
im really really stressed about how it will go,
i dont i just, support system wise i have almost nothing
these guys are kinda it and one person whos neutral
its just the aftermath, i dont know if everything will be okay and i get so stressed about it
my tummy issues been fucking me up man
anon :( i'll do my best to give u some general advice, but if u need anything please don't be afraid to dm me <3
the thing that really helps me through these type of situations is sitting with myself and thinking okay, what's the most likely thing that's going to happen, and how am i going to feel about that.
to start with what i think will be the outcome, the only things we know for certain that are going to happen are caiti's final statement/stream, and george's final statement.
based on what caiti has said, her final stream is going to be more general, and i assume she's going to discuss the problems with misogyny within the mcyt space, or something similar, along with the future of her content. i do not think she will say anything more directly about the situation, and if she does i don't think it will be new information, except to maybe clear up the story ghostie told
for george's statement, judging by what the rational sides of the internet are calling for and his most recent tweet, i think he is going to give a sincere apology, no matter what form that may come in, along with some sort of private, personal apology to caiti that we may never see. some people will accept what he has to say, and others will continue to call him terrible names that do not fit the situation at all. and from there, we move onward (press w :3)
i can't predict how you're going to react to these events happening, but if a look at myself, i know that i'll probably watch caiti's stream as a vod, so i can give myself time to pause and take breaks. i want to try to watch the stream before seeing others input, so i can form my own opinions without going in feeling overly negative/positive.
worse case scenario- she says something that completely puts me off the space as a whole. i don't know what that would be, maybe just some observations she's made as a female creator in the space that puts a bad taste in my mouth, and i no longer feel comfortable being here at all. in that case, i disengage completely, or let myself sit and think on it for a bit before coming to a final decision
best case scenario (realistically)- caiti does her stream, and she talks about many of the things we already know about as problems with the space, and we take that as closure from the whole thing, and send our love and support.
when george's response comes, rinse and repeat. take the time to read/watch through it without the influence of others, and come to you own conclusion before looking what anyone else has to say. do not look at twitter. if you feel that his response is satisfying to you- however that may be- than assess how active you wish to be in the community going forward, what you want to spend your time doing online. and then we heal together, as a community.
and eventually, things will get better. dream and george might take hiatuses, but i find it very, very unlikely they'll quit entirely. eventually, we'll get titan videos and the plethora of shorts and content that dream has planned, even if a wrench has been thrown into the plans
obviously, we can never predict unexpected elements, but i genuinely believe that if something big were going to drop, it would have already. don't let the behind the scenes bullshit get you down, because it always comes from ccs who either hold grudges or are trying to save their own skin/get views
hope this helps at least a little bit, but please, please reach out if you need anything. no matter the responses caiti and george give, i'll stick around to talk to u guys
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judgedarts · 7 months
hi!! proud owner of i think 5 atp jojo chibi charms and VERY new artist alley vendor here and i was just wondering, how do you budget/manage costs for non local cons that might have high transportation costs or more expensive tables? do you usually make back what you spent on transport + table/tickets + merch production/ordering + etc at the con or is there a slight loss? this is mainly for my own reference asking someone successful so ty for answering!!!
hey! congratulations on becoming an AA vendor :,) im very honored that you've bought from me before and that you consider me a 'successful' vendor haha!
i'm really passionate when it comes to talking about AA stuff so I'll be putting my answer in the read more since it's pretty long lol!
to be honest, I'm in a very lucky position to be able to travel to conventions beyond the east coast because it can really get expensive T_T i think the most honest answer i can give you is that your first couple of cons most likely are going to be a slight loss for you income wise if you are planning on traveling for a convention - tbh, i generally don't recommend doing a convention out of your state/out of your means if you're very new to tabling. my very first conventions were in driving/public transport distance (i love you new york and new jersey!!!) so i never spent money other than the table cost and ordering product. so if you're starting out and live in a state that has local cons, id HIGHLY recommend doing local events to get experience and cutting down costs as much as you can so you can get the most out of it! if you do intend on doing out-of-state cons because your state doesn't have many small local cons, i totally get it, but again, just try to keep your costs as low as possible. here are some suggestions and things to keep in mind:
1.split costs with a friend
split the table, split hotel fees, split ubers, etc! if you have family/friends in that state, consider crashing at their place for the weekend! maybe treat them to dinner haha
2. save up funds
honestly, there's really no getting around it - you might have to get income from somewhere else besides selling merch @ cons! i worked a part-time job throughout college, did commissions/freelance, and had my store open to save up for cons.
3. remember to deduct all expenses for your business
keep in mind that table fees/travel and hotel fees/products/meals are all deductible. these are considered investments for your business and they're completely necessary for you to run said business so when it comes tax time, you'll be able to breathe a little easier haha.
4. know your limits and be cautious
unfortunately, not all cons are going to be successful or will go your way no matter how much money you pour into it. if you know a convention is going to be out of your means, you can always apply the following year. I've had plenty of cons i couldn't go to because i simply couldn't afford it at the time, but the more money you save up, the more experience you get, and the more connections you make, you'll be able to afford to go and be successful! i'd also do plenty of research about the convention (especially the attendance #s, how previous vendors feel about the con, etc) before you decide to go. 5. have fun!
even though the upfront price can be intimidating, you are still paying the price to travel, visit a city you've never been to, meet new people, fans, your friends, and make connections! not to mention the really inspiring and motivating atmosphere that artist alley can be. i hope that regardless of the money you make you take the time to enjoy the experience to the fullest and appreciate that you are sharing your awesome art with others :,)! i try to make the best out of a con even if i barely make even, and make new friends and connections because trust me, they are so meaningful ^^<3!
besides all that, i highly recommend joining the Artist Alley Network discord if you haven't already - there's a plethora of info, advice, etc that you can take away from there. https://discord.gg/artistalleynetwork i hope this was helpful! if you have any more specific questions I'm more than happy to answer them for you. if they're too specific or i don't feel comfortable answering, i hope you can understand too! good luck with all your AA endeavors - i believe in you and i really hope we will table at the same con soon!
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infloresco · 10 months
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Hi, Janice here and I am finally writing some rules. It is a short thing, just putting things that I think that are very important. If I think of more, I will definitely add it here. I am a pretty nice and chill person. I love screaming about our muses and their interactions. I am an absolute angst lover.
General rules & quality of life.
This blog is semi-selective & independent. Activity varies from to to week basis since I don’t have a set work schedule. Most of the IC interaction will most like be with mutuals since it is better for me tracking wise.
AU and OC’s are always welcomed and encouraged, especially if we have discussed it previously. (I have yet to write down all the different verses Robin is part off, so If you ever have any questions about them, please don’t be afraid to ask.)
NSFW content is present in this blog. I will always try to tag everything accordingly but as a general rule interaction as will be discussed before hand. Because of that it is advice to be 18+ and over. Any interaction with a minor will lack any sensitive material. Anyone lying about their age in search of NFSW interaction will be blocked! On the tagging topic, for the most part I don’t have any triggers, but if you aren’t so sure about something and you wish to discuss it before hand you can always contact me. (the best way to do it is on discord. Tumblr IMS are glitchy for me tbh)
Very important, my inbox, asks are always welcome, IC (obviously if we are mutuals I will reply to it eventually) and OOC (especially if you wanna know more about my take on Robin). My anon are one but as a general rule: don’t abuse it. I’ve received a few ill intended messages. If they were to continue, I will definitely turn off anon.
For the most part this blog is multi-ship. I love discovering dynamics and if our muses click, expect me sending you cute lil things and musing about them. But if that’s something you aren’t too keen on, please let me know. The last thing I would like is to be a bother to you.
If I reply to an ask and you like to reply to it, please do. If you like it but you just want to reblog it, you are more than welcome to do so. I really don’t mind. And on that note, I’m not really on the reblog karma thing, If you want to reblog a meme from me, please do it. If you did it by accident? Please know I will not be made about it.
As established before, activity will vary weekly because of work but I will like to say that it will also be dependent on how I am feeling my muse. Hyper-fixation of certain topics prompt me to reply immediately, while sometimes I might not feel motivated to write. I try as much as I can to reply to all my drafts and inbox. Rarely do I clear my inbox so if you sent me something, I will most likely respond to it, eventually.
My mental health is slowly getting into a good place but sometimes the decline comes and my activity might become less. Even if I am not writing, I always love to discuss and plot, actually gives me motivation and serotonin to come back. But it is important that you know that I do this for fun, if you start pressuring me for replies I am going to call you out on it.
I love to write various different ships. I love the discovery of something new. That said, please don’t force any ships for my muse. Chemistry is very important in any type of relationship. Be the romantic type or even a friendship. I love it when our muses vibe.
Robin is written as demi-sexual. Connection is truly important and the first step to have any sort of relationship.
I am open to a list of dynamics, from slight toxic and age gaps (muses need to be of age of course) Enemies to lovers… anything that gives me drama and angst. When I think of more I’ll write it down.
NFSW memes are open to people I ship with.
I have a bias for these ships: LawBin and Frobin but that doesn’t mean I won’t write anything else. Frankly I’ve been wanting to write Robin x Crocodile.
I am probably missing some things, but I couldn't figure it out. I think I've said like a million times already, but I will add anything that comes to mind.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Hi hello I love your drawings, how do you make each character look different (in ways other than pelt colors) I've tried to replicate the way you use shape language but I can't get it right. Maybe it's because of my style, or how I use thicker/messier lines? Also how you draw the faces of cats, whenever I draw I get frustrated because it never looks right, especially front-facing. So how do you do it?
Ok idk how to really describe how i draw? I wish I could give som good advice, but idk wat im doin lol, here's some things I think about/do tho!
I always use references! to the point where I really need to start learning how to not be so dependent on them heh. They are super useful for making sure your pose and proportions are correct!! This is especially useful for drawing cat faces! look at pictures of cat faces! study them! I would suggest even taking the time to trace over cat faces and really think about how the face is laid out, this goes for anything you find difficult to draw, trace over pictures and study the anatomy and shapes!
Shape language wise.. I would suggest looking up some youtube vids describing shape language! There are some really good ones out there that can teach you about it better than me lol. Basically how I think about it is round = kind, soft, good fellow; sharp = mean, spikey personality; smooth forms are usually viewed as positive, sharp forms are usually viewed as negative (there are def exceptions to this though!) Like i said, I really suggest watching some shape language vids!
Related to the previous two: when I draw cat characters I find parts of a cat I can exaggerate to make them unique while still looking like a cat. For example, my firestar and Leafpool designs are supper round and chubby, but they still look like cats! I will sometimes make their ears extra big, or make their shapes more square, but I try to make sure they still look like cats. (sometimes I think i fail this with some designs heh, some of those guys are leaning into dog territory)
On the topic of youtube vids, I also suggest looking up other general character design vids, they go over important things that really make your character designs unique! I think Tenneleflowers actually has some cat character design vids! so those might be helpful!
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on-leatheredwings · 5 months
🌿, 🦷, 🛼, and 🪲 because we're thirsty for more
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
don't sweat it 99% of the time, ESPECIALLY. ESPECIALLY. IF YOU ARE NOT DOING THIS FOR MONEY/TO GET PUBLISHED LMAO.... fanfic should never be a pain ... writing is a discipline but it shouldn't be PAIN.... don't force it b/c you'll just burn yourself out worse in the end....
to get back in the groove, walk away from current interest, find something new and fun.... if no media is grabbing you, just fantasize about the life you'd love to live and write about that... usually that helps me...
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
trust ur instincts idk sometimes if u feel a bad vibe it's probably for a good reason.
uh. idk FGFIDJSIH i dont feel very wise! i'll say i'm currently unlearning guilt against having boundaries, so. don't have guilt for protecting yourself. it's your life/mind/body! ^_^
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
👅🧎🙏💔😢 im bad at this FGHJOFDSGHJ
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
my ass is not writing anything new rn so here's 100 words already written
tw/cw: heavy groping 18+ older! damian x reader
You crane your neck away, but he takes it as an invitation. 
“Damian, I…” you struggle. 
His hands slide forward underneath your arms, kneading your chest. It does feel good, you regret to admit. 
“Okay, okay,” you sigh, trying to inch away but his hands drag you back once more. Not by force, just by suggestion. By pulling the invisible strings that play your body like fiddle, and it seems this morning Damian wants it to play his favorite song. You shrugged on your flimsiest robe on your way out of bed this morning, and nothing else. So here you were, paying the consequences. 
“Mm, maybe later, Damian. I have–” you gasp at a wandering digit “–to run errands today.”
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bokutosbiceps · 11 months
[here for the matchup trade!'
fandoms i would like: same as yours, bsd and demon slayer. no preference as long as they arent too young!
prominent personality traits: passionate, levelheaded, contemplative, opinionated, honest (heart on my sleeve). realistic but optimistic about it. individualistic. i am an ambivert. sometimes my mouth runs and i trip up over what i am going to say, and i'm blunt. sx/sp. im a big person on wanting improvement and having ambition (mostly for myself, but i will encourage others).
hobbies/talents: i like to read and write and listen to music and taking walks. i draw too. i'm really good at explaining things in a very cohesive manner. my logic is really good, so my persuasion is extremely good too. im very efficient and creative, which i apply to many things in real life. i also have very good intuition.
-> appearance-wise, i’m east asian, with a wispy middle part and shoulder length black hair! i look more cute-sque than hot or whatnot.
thank you for this matchup exchange!
the PRESSURE !! after you wrote me that fantastic match up, i am feeling the p r e s s u r e … 😅 but i’ve got some spicy snacks + the motivation so here we go!! i hope you love your matches 😁
bungou stray dogs
i match you with DAZAI OSAMU 🖤
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you + dazai would just be two little peas in a pod. the thing he appreciates most about you is your appreciation for ambition, as well as how you can tell someone like it is! he hates people who beat around the bush, but he really revels in the fact that he’ll never have to worry about that with you. you guys rarely ever fight because every discussion is level headed + free of insults/trickery (on your part at least, we all know dazai can be a cunning man). dazai could sit + listen to you talk for h o u r s. he’ll be sitting there with his chin resting on his open palm, a small smirk on his lips as he listens to you talk about whatever you’re passionate about that day. after you’re done with your speech, he’ll just wrap his arms around your waist and give you a sweet smile and a kiss on the cheek.
getting to know dazai can be difficult, though, even if he loves you. he’s very closed off + protective of his feelings, so it takes a lot for him to be able to trust someone. when he met you, though, he could see that you were his twin flame. he felt as though you’d be able to understand the inner workings of his heart and mind, so he’d share them with you. you’re the one + only person he’d open up to like that, so be grateful! conversations with him can be so deep and provoking that you’ll both be left squinting at the sunlight streaming in through your windows, wrapped up in each other’s arms, after pulling an all-nighter just to talk.
dazai thinks you’re soooo intelligent, so he’ll often ask you for advice if there’s a situation at the detective agency that’s got him stumped. he’s so thankful to have you on his slide, because you truly can open his mind to perspectives he’s never seen. he also really admires the way you can bring things together to flow so smoothly, + he believes that this is truly a showing of just how smart you are! with that being said, dazai will constantly be trying to challenge your intelligence. whether that be with little riddles, pranks, games of chess/checkers, quizzes on random facts he’s picked up on—all of it, you gotta stay on your toes!
dazai’s favorite thing to do with you is to walks around downtown yokohama! he knows you love going for walks + he can identify with that, as walks usually help him clear his mind. you guys will stroll next to the river, in between the tall buildings, stopping at various food or knick knacks stalls just to see what there is to see. you guys pretty much have the entire city mapped out by heart from how many walks you go on. dazai tries to make it a nightly occurrence, only because he knows that work can keep him pretty busy, so being able to hear you, his favorite person, talk about your day while strolling around yokohama, his favorite city, is the best way he can think of to unwind after work.
demon slayer
i match you with RENGOKU KYOJURO 🧡
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rengoku love love LOVES your passionate + optimistic self! its something he admires so deeply about you, like he really couldn’t have chosen a better person for himself. he wouldn’t be able to get along with someone who’s closed minded or negative, but he always tries his best to befriend most people! he doesn’t have to try with you, though, it’s extremely natural for him. he also really admires that you’re always striving for improvement + that you have great ambition, because he can definitely relate to that. he loves that your relationship consists of building each other up + encouraging each other to do your best + give your all no matter what you do.
a relationship w rengoku would being by his side at all times. he never wants to let you out of his sight! whether he’s training, reading, sleeping, eating, he’ll want you to be there! on a cozy night, one could find you + rengoku cuddled up under a kotatsu, reading or writing, often interrupting each other to show off something one of you found interesting in your book or to get opinions on your writing. he’s the biggest cuddle bug in the world, so he absolutely loves any sort of physical contact or affections from you. in his perfect world, you’d always be underneath that kotatsu in the winter, or splayed out on a futon in the summer, with your fingers running through his fiery locks while he just listens to whatever is on your mind.
another thing about rengoku is that he always wants to make sure you’re taken care of. it’s always “have you eaten?” or “did you sleep well?” or “do you need help with anything?” he’s your number one fan + he always wants to make sure that you’re content in life. if there’s anything that’s upsetting you, he will coax you into telling him + then immediately figure out a way to solve it. if it’s something that he has no control over, the empath in him will take over + he will also be upset. sometimes even more upset than you are. we love showings of solidarity in a partner.
rengoku also really wants you to be safe at all times, even though he’s almost always around to protect you, he worries for the day that he won’t be around when you need him. with this being said, you two will spend countless hours training. he’ll teach you the basics + teach you special ways in which you can protect yourself until he’s absolutely satisfied. it’s a dangerous world out there, but rengoku will be damned if his girl can’t protect herself!
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a/n: idk how you managed to be matched w two of the hottest men in their respective franchises LOL it’s just what you deserve, what can i say 😉 anyways, i really hope you liked them !! thank you so much (again) for mine 😁
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plasmasimagination · 10 months
Hello, I'm here for the matchups!
The fandom I chose for is Danganronpa (V3), and I don't wish to be matched with Korekiyo and Tsumugi (sorry, personal vendettas)
Im 5"1 - 5"2, short black hair, brown eyes, and I'm basically fem representing (nonbinary). I have a little bit of chub but I hate it when people comment on it, since its something I have a sensitive spot on. Other than my appearance, I'm basically a victim of rbf (resting bitch face) syndrome and drive people away from it, alongside with looking scary appearance wise.
Despite this, I'm a kind person and very empathetic to those that I meet and am close to. I am loyal to my friends to a fault and if someone harms them, I end up standing by them in their stead to protect them. Although I have a bad temper and am extremely stubborn, which could lead to my misfortune at times when the situation calls for it.
I'm an Aries, and I enjoy a lot of hobbies— mostly writing, drawing, and even playing horror games! I have a knack with old horror RPG games because they are fun to solve with, even if I do get a little scared at times when it gets intense. I also enjoy VNs, my favorite being horror ones than romance (especially those with mysteries).
In my friend group, I'm the therapist friend and I accept that role wholeheartedly. I tend to be the one to give people advice, hear them out, and comfort them when needed be. Of course, it does lead to me burning out, but I shrug it off because it's something I can do on my own.
My favorites are definitely eating sweets, and being with my companions. I enjoy a good mystery as well, even if it wracks my brain. I don't enjoy riddles because I'm... Not too big brained for it (oops), and I don't enjoy blaming others for their mistakes.
I hope this is coherent orz, have a lovely day and keep up the good work!
— 🌸🍒
CUTIEEEPIEEE HAI HAI, this was easy to match hihi you didn't really mention if you want to get matched up with a guy or a gal for I'll just give you both ;D
Your match up is
Everyone needs a shuichi in their life, even you
I think shuichi would fit you very well, it's like that meme "he asked for no pickles" YKWIM?
It's like you're hot tempered type of person and he'll just follow you around standing behind you to support you no metter what ToT
And if you get in any trouble for it, don't worry shuichi is there to save you
As you said you tend to be the therapist friend I think that shuichi would actually enjoy having someone wise / someone that can get him on the right path from time to time
But ofcourse you won't have to be alone either, he's a great listener and will always try to offer help and comfort when you're feeling down or burnt out
Shuichi will also, after some time of being together, get into the type of games and stuff you like and find great interest in it, so for your next game session dont forget to invite him so you can solve those mysteries together >:)
Two cuties omg
It's honestly giving that dark goth girlfriend X pink aestethic girlfriend
I think of you guys as like kuromi and my melody (personality wise idk how you dress lmao 🥹)
While shuichi is the one who's there to need comfort sometimes from you, kaede will be the one comforting you🫵
Like she's gonna grab into your soul and take out all the problems you have and sort them one by one-
That sounds weird but I would say kaede wouldn't be exhausting to be around for y'all and that she would lift your spirit a bit
Also you don't like riddles? Don't worry take a kaede, kaede can help you solve it, or not ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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slashercult · 10 months
Hello. Thank you for the new year prediction game!
Something good that happened to me this year was that i processed some feelings i was holding onto. It was a tough but liberating moment. I learned the importance of reading psychological books as they help me go through life alot more smoothly.
A mini prediction for you next year is that a big or a good opportunity will come your way (be it career wise or take it as it resonates) , it will make you stressful ( i felt stress a bit while channeling ) but that feeling will pass and you'll feel great later on that you took this opportunity.
A youtube video that brings me comfort is "some rough advice for the real world" by vlogbrothers. I'm a teen ( soon to be an adult ) and that video comforts me alot. You can watch it anytime you want. But ig if you're adult and have already gone through stuffs and epiphanies then this might be a bit boring for you. So i have one more video suggestions for you and that is– "a girl proposes to a nurse on anesthesia" it's an adorable video.
The question i wanna ask is 🕯️- what should i focus on the next year?
I hope november is going nice for you. Take care
hello!! thank you for participating in this game! i hope the mini prediction that you had for me that more opportunities will come through. as for the video you sent, im not an adult yet as well, i use this blog to mainly give free readings and occasionally exchange readings to get more practice. tarot is a hobby for me and it makes me really happy to see the different ways that it has helped people. but im getting off track here - the video that you sent was really helpful, im at a weird time in my life where i am confused as to what i want for myself in the future so it really resonated, thank you! this is getting a bit too long so let's move on to your reading then shall we?
your energy as of right now: temperance, the fool, the devil (r) what should you focus on in 2024: three of cups, the star (r), nine of pentacles (r) oracle cards: the elk and the ash (strength)
i type and then pull out more cards when i usually do readings, so i don't know what will come next after im done typing something. it's almost like its my train of thought in a way, anyways i hope you enjoy. for your current energies, i got only major arcana cards, all of which carry really good news, so im seeing that you are at a really stable place right now. the image coming into mind is a very serene and calm scene at the beach right after a storm. the crabs and little creatures are ready to come out and explore all that the beach has to offer. the first card that you got was temperance, which shows me that you already have a vision of what it is you want to achieve from the new year. it's also showing that you have recently found peace within yourself and are putting your skills to good use. the fool is also saying that you are ready to embrace new changes in your life. you are at a point in your journey where you are ready to try new things and be more authentic to yourself. you're excited for the new opportunities that the new year has to offer. the devil reversed just confirms this even further, by showing that you are reclaiming your power. you are not going to back down again and let everything be swept away by the waves before you have the chance to be near it. the new year is the perfect opportunity to spend more time with family, friends, anyone that you really love and cherish. the cards are also telling me that you shouldn't feel afraid to turn to others for support when you need it, because im seeing that there are a lot of people who want you to succeed in the new year. there may be times in the new year where you feel as though everything is turned against you, but the cards assure that if you are able to keep being hopeful and surrounding ourselves with positive energy you will be able to effectively deal with this lack of motivation/creativity. 2024 is the time for you to take a few steps back from everything and relax and regain your strength. the oracles are guiding you to remember your strengths, because much like the elk and the ash, you are strong and are able to withstand the days when the weather is tough and harsh. that's all for your reading, please don't forget to leave feedback, i hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful new year!
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chloeangelic · 11 months
Girl the way I want you to drop your working out routine and diet…
Hiiii okay very late answer below SORRY
CW exercise, food/diet, all that. If you have an issue with me posting or talking about this, dont click the read more and then complain about it, capiche? :))))  just move along, nothing to see here
I know a lot of people would answer stuff like this with “i am not a professional” however i am actually an exercise professional with several certifications and licenses, so this is not me giving advice or telling you what you should do, this is just what i personally do. i have a very positive relationship to food and exercise after working out for a decade so im pretty laid back about all of it  
Exercise wise, i lift 3x a week and i pole dance 1-2x a week. As for lifting, i do full body every time, all free weights and no machines. I dont do cardio or abs cause i think its boring and i dont track how many calories i burn cause i dont care. I find it boring to do upper body/leg days so i prefer doing a mix. My set and rep range is anywhere from 3x3 to 4x18 depending on the exercise. I do progressive overload, meaning i do the same 3 sets of different exercises every week but it gets a little more intense every time either in terms of weight increasing or reps increasing. The only exercise i do twice a week is hip thrust. My goals are to build strength and muscle and this has worked well for me so im happy. Sometimes i ditch working out or pole to write but i stay mostly consistent 
Diet wise, i have celiac disease and i dont eat out very often, so those are kinda the two main things. I make all my own food cause i have no other options haha 
The best diet advice i ever received was to have a source of protein, fat and carbs in every meal and thats what i follow. This is gonna sound boring but the things i eat the most are gf bread, eggs, chicken sausages, generic brand nutella, greek yogurt, granola, berries, different varieties of pasta, chicken, fish, beef, prawns, rice, veggies, granola bars, dark chocolate and ice cream (a pint can last me a long time cause i find it v filling for some reason). I usually make the same type of stuff my mom made growing up which is kind of a mix of different stuff. When i have the time, i like making lebanese or palestinian food (my fav food ever is shish tawook), and I also like to put toum (whipped garlic sauce) on everything. When i go out with my friends or order in, i tend to get fried chicken, sushi or middle eastern food. i love candy, cake, cookies and all other desserts yum yum yum i eat dessert every day and idc if anyone has an issue w it
Im the type who loses my appetite if im stressed, and my metabolism has gotten high from working out for so long that it can be difficult to eat enough, especially protein, and that always leaves me feeling v tired and shitty the next day cause i cant sustain the energy expenditure, so i try to make my meals very calorically dense cause theres just a limit to how much i can chew and swallow. i often drink blackberry/cranberry canada dry ginger ale cause they fucking SLAP and also its extra carbs i dont have to shove down my gullet
Thats pretty much it. I take creatine but thats the only supplement i take cause protein powder tastes terrible. I got an ask about creatine and will respond to that soon as well :p
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ybetzarts · 2 hours
I'm a traditional artist who is having trouble adjusting to digital. I know carrer-wise its going to be really useful, but i dont know how to go about acclimating to it. I really love your art and i was wondering if you have any advice for me- of course if you want to! Thank you regardless (dont forget to drink water and take breaks!)
Thank youu! Am doing quite alright HAHA First off, don't worry!... Youre not alone. Umm, took a LONG time to answer this (im sorryyy), my advice might not be that useful to you anymore lol. If you'd still like to know them then,
(see below the break👇)
Just from my experience... here are a few i can think of right now: 1️⃣You can draw something you're already passionate about. If there are certain styles that pique your interest, you can practice doing them. 2️⃣Digital illustration apps/softwares/websites might overwhelm you with their tons of tools and features, experiment and then, maybe, pick the ones that suit your style first. You can experiment with more tools and features later on. You can customize your drawing tools to your liking as well! 3️⃣OH! also, layer stylesss(or layer blend modes), learn how to use them (theyll help you a LOT). 4️⃣Use shortcut keys/keyboard shortcuts (I say this coz i draw using my laptop), you can customize your shortcut keys to make them easier for you.
5️⃣Mirror your work (hngg).
6️⃣You can try setting your pixels to 300 dpi/ppi, and set your canvas size to at least 3000 px/4000 px and above (as long as your device can manage it) so drawings come out crisp even when zoomed in/printed (umm, you can search this up. Other peeps might be able to give you even better advice for this).
7️⃣Use RGB color mode for drawings that you want to post online, Hmm, folks on youtube/the internet can help you with understanding color modes better. theres RGB and CMYK(for works to be printed).
8️⃣Uploading digital works can be a little tricky too, You can search this up:)). I still struggle with uploading clear and uncompressed works online hehe.
My theres just so manyy, Soooo manyy!... just keep experimenting. Read/watch for more tips. Good luck! 🌟
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esoteriamaya · 11 months
Hello! You seem like a very wise and awakened young woman and I was wondering if you could give me some advice on calling my power back? Just for context I've been with my boyfriend for about a year and a half now and it started off very toxic. He cheated on me BAD for the first half of our relationship. Now he's had this "epiphany" and he's gotten back to this "loving, caring" person who he's always been and now after he's ready to commit and do things right (his words). I can't help but feel like he's thriving off of my energy. I'm still hurting from the things that transpired and I'm trying my hardest to forgive and start with a clean slate but I'm holding a lot of resentment toward him because I'm dealing with health issues (mental and physical) while he's thriving and my self esteem was pretty wrecked but I'm working to repair it. He also mirrors and copies me a lot and will pretend that it came from him. I don't like that and a part of me feels like he's thriving off of my energy. I haven't been myself in awhile and of course I know the first step is breaking up with him which I plan on doing soon but it doesn't feel right that he's thriving after all that he's done now he's going around saying that if people still see him as the old version of himself that's not his concern which doesn't sit right. I don't know how to approach this.
Hey my love ! Ive been meaning to get to your post for a while, and im sorry you went thru all of this. im not sure when exactly you sent this but here is what i gotta say:
you call in your power by remembering who the fuck you are! he was a user and im glad you finally got to a greater understanding to who he really is about. he is NOT a loving and caring individual this is usally a cope out to make himself look good.
This man uses people and uses the feminine energy to get what he wants, then he leaves. seen this time and time again. When you focus on yourself and not think of this loser this is how your energy comes back to us. Pay them no mind. That feeling of resentment you have is due to staying so long until you were so low on energy
Because this is usually how guys are. Stay long enough until your physically and mentally not well , use up all your guidance, magic, love for self, energy etc and use it on the next queen. and do it all over again. Its okay that you feel that way just this time to feel those emotions and bring up whatever is in the shadow so you can learn to let go. Now i CAN give you some 'spells' aka burn rituals on how to do this. but i think if youre till wanting to talk aboutt this you can privately dm me.
im so sorry youre going through this. narcissist tend to feel good about themselves after they put you through a lot of pain. and if youre not feeling good while they are, they take it as an ego boost and go on about their day.
he stole your personality thats for sure, ive heard of this and SEEN it for myself in a relationship once.
if you wanna talk more about this please do dm me beautiful! we getting that energy back from that vampire
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theillest-tarot1 · 2 years
Wow Okay Here Ya Go Let’s See What Ya Soulmate Got Going On 💀 This Is Where It Get Heavyyyyyy 😳😵‍💫 This Person Has A Money Opportunity On The Way Amen For Them For That ! This Person Has Been Meditating So This Person Has Been Probably Thinking About You A lot And Missing You Collective You Know This Person , Spoke To This Person , Vibed With This Person Or Dealt With This Person Heavy. This Person Got The Five Of Swords Energy Indicating That This Person Has Been Around Someone That’s Lying To Them, (Or Your The Queen Of Cups) It’s The Queen Of Cups ; This Is A Kind Hearted , Loving , Generous Woman That Is Sympathetic To Others Emotions. (This Is The King Of Cups Match So That’s Probably What This Woman Is Lying About) Hmmm 🤔 At This Point Collective Give That Woman Her Man & Take Yours Cause Im Not Even Close To Done This Is Very Much Mixy As The Guy Downstairs 🫤💯 Yes Look , The Queen Of Cups Is Being Deceptive About A Third Party In Her Life 😮 (Oh) Okay This Person Needs To Be Directed Back To You Collective I Think They Confused. Lets See, Yeahh This Person Is In The King Of Pentacles Energy (Or You Are In This Energy To This Person) This Person Is A Provider , This Person Is Humble & Is Very Old Fashioned About Their Boundaries. This Person Is Also In Their Emperor Energy They Are Either A Father, Planning A Long Lasting Family Or Trying To Build Something Long Lasting In Their Life. This Person Has A Choice To Make Indicating That By The Two Of Swords Energy. There’s Conflict In Between Indicating By The Five Of Wands The Choice Is Between Two Womannnnnnnnnnnn WHATTTT WAIT 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 The Queen Of Wands : This Is A Woman Who Is Wise, Intuitive & Creative & Then Your Soulmate Match Is The Queen Of Swords Who Is A Woman Who Thinks Logical , Fights For What She Believes In , Is Very Intelligent & Stern (At This Point Ya Both Confused 😒😭😵‍💫 ) This Person Is Going Through A Financial Struggle Or Financial Worries At The Moment According To The Five Of Pentacles & This Person Is In Their Four Of Cups Energy Indicating That They Are Being Socially Distant From Others / Their Family Members And Loved Ones. This Person Is Being A Risk Taker Right Now / Also Being A Bit Of A Player Trying To Get It Wherever They Could Get It. This Person Has Received News Or A Receipt That Opened Their Eyes To A Situation This Made Them Think Differently. ADVICE : Collective It’s Giving You Need To Tell Your Man/Woman You The One For Them They Are Very Much Confused And Invading In Other Situations That Makes Them Look Real Nasty Toxic & Karmic 😂😂😂😂 Please Get Them ! Fr Whoever Is Awoke Fix It NOW cause This Is Madness 😳
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justhannigramfics · 2 years
Hi I was wondering, on your ao3 profile, you made it seem like you had just made it to read but found yourself inspired to start writing them as well. I've noticed that you have tons of WIPs that you frequently update, and I was wondering if you had any tips on planning and writing longfics. Im so amazed you're able to keep the plot organized for so many working pieces and would love to hear your advice on planning your plots. I find myself in the very same situation as you were, where I still love reading fanfic and now I find myself wanting to write fanfic for hannibal too but I've never written anything before. Thank you!
Hi! I hope you’re ready for a bit of a long response. I tend to ramble a bit. Hopefully you don’t mind.
Yes, that’s what happened. I hadn’t planned to write any fanfiction for the Hannibal fandom, but I wanted to read. I had written for other fandoms on fanfiction.net (fandom elder just about) but they hadn’t been for media as mature and complex as Hannibal. I found the idea intimidating, to say the least. After reading a good amount of fics, I had an idea I wasn’t satisfied to put into the world and hope someone else would pick up.
So I started writing.
I’m not sure how helpful I will be in the facet of giving advice. Perhaps you’ll understand why after I’ve rambled a bit more. I understand many authors write in a very different way than I do, at least method-wise.
The truth is that I almost never plan anything beforehand. The only time I remember planning a fic at all before I started writing is for my Fit for the Gods series, because I wanted continuity through all three stories. I usually just start writing, and see where it goes from there. I couldn’t even tell you what is going to happen in the next chapter of my fic unless I’ve already written it. I might have a vague idea, but that’s if I’ve been thinking about it more than the others.
As for keeping them organized, I am similarly unhelpful. I just remember what each fic is like. If it’s been a while since I worked on an idea, I’ll read some to refresh the story in my mind, but for the most part I just remember. It’s like having a bunch of cassettes (really making myself sound old here) and whenever I write, that’s the cassette playing. When I’m not working on them, the ideas go back on the shelf, and they keep their place for as long as it takes me to get back to it.
I’m sorry I’m not helpful for that. I almost feel like saying it is bragging, but I’m genuinely disappointed I can’t give advice to people who ask.
The best advice I can offer is to just start writing. Try different things until you find what works for you. I have a friend who plans out every detail of their fic before they so much as begin writing. They enjoy the process if planning more than the actual writing, which bewilders me whenever I think of it. Everyone writes differently, and the only way to find out how you do it is to do it.
I hope you will start writing, and that I’ll get to read your story. Any idea you have is worth sharing.
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