#takayuki kawaguchi
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nobuyukikakigi · 2 years ago
早いもので3月も終わりに近づいてきました。温暖化の影響か、年を追うごとに開花が早まっている桜が見ごろを迎えようとしています。ウクライナでの戦争が一年を超えて続いていることをはじめ、世界を覆い、人々の生を蝕む闇の深まりを感じさせる出来事の報せを耳にすることが多い今日この頃��すが、自然の生きものたちが明るさを増していく風景のなか、彩り豊かに生命を繰り広げていることが感じられる時季は巡ってきます。その様子に心が開かれるとき、少し力づけられる気がします。 新しい散歩道で見かけた桜 さて、この3月より福岡市の南部へ居を移しました。娘がこの地域にある高等学校に進学するのに伴い、家族と同居できるよう、また娘の通学の便がよくなるように、職場の近くから引っ越した次第です。大学へ通うのに時間がかかるようになりましたが、別れ別れの生活を余儀なくされている人々のことを顧みるなら、家族で暮らせるのはありがたい…
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voliol · 2 years ago
I got my hands on Comics Worlds & the World of Comics - Global Manga Studies, vol.1, and consequently read parts of it. Below are comments on the chapters I read, in rough order of how good/interesting/enjoyable I found them:
Dōjinshi research as a site of opportunity for Manga Studies, by Nele Noppe, is surely my favorite out of the bunch. A primer on manga fan works (dōjinshi), copyright, and the act of creation, along a plea to make art easier to partake in and research. Normally I would not say so, but READ THIS!
Theorizing comics/manga genre as a productive forum: yaoi and beyond, by Akiko Mizoguchi, is recommended for being an enjoyable read. I am personally not inclined towards most BL, but it is always fun to read about. Plus this chapter includes terms such as "virtual lesbians" and "minority sexuality of yaoi" (which does not refer to male homosexuality). I imagine it's a very Tumblr chapter.
When a "male" reads shōjo manga, by Kimio Itō, is bite-sized - only 7 pages! Somehow this account of an older man feels novel. Probably because this Itō is from sociology, and not from manga studies nor any other kind of humanities.
BD in young girl-oriented magazines in France, by Noriko Inomata, is surprisingly about French comics and not manga (though a comparison is drawn). It is kind of text on a niche, under-researched topic which (imho) is healthy to read a lot of. You get a rounded view of things.
Manga truisms: On the insularity of Japanese manga discourse, by Hiroshi Odagiri, was not too easy to get through. It is likely the most meta of these chapters, but if you are interested in the discourse or academia surrounding manga as such (I am) here's a recommendation.
Barefoot Gen and "A-bomb literature - Re-collecting the nuclear experience, by Takayuki Kawaguchi, and How emotions work: The politics of vision in Nakazawa Keiji's Barefoot Gen, by Kenji Kajiya, both highlight the quality of Keiji Nakazawa's Barefoot Gen. This makes them somewhat superfluous, since that work speaks for itself. The other works spoken of in contrast make them more interesting reads, though.
And that's about it. There are other chapter of course but I haven't read them (and probably won't unless I encounter them some other time) so commenting on them would be difficult and silly.
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k2i · 12 days ago
true/本当のこと_Reveal (システム解説) from Kinsei R&D | FUJIMOTO Takayuki on Vimeo.
A system commentary video of the multimedia interactive performance "true/本当のこと" that premiered in 2007 and continued the world tour until 2012.
Direction/Lighting Design: FUJIMOTO Takayuki (Kinsei R&D, Dumb Type) Choreography/Dance: SHIRAI Tsuyoshi (AbsT/baneto) Choreography/Text/Dance: KAWAGUCHI Takao (Dumb Type) Music/Video/Visual Design: MINAMI Takuya (Softpad) Music/Oscillation/Programming: MANABE Daito (Rhizomatiks) Video/Programming/web: HORII Satoshi (Rhizomatiks) Table Design & Mechanics: SAITO Seiichi & ISHIBASHI Motoi (Rhizomatiks) Myoelectric sensing & Vibration mechanism support: TERUOKA Masaki (VPP) Costume Design: KITAMURA Noriko
Technical support: YCAM InterLab, Color Kinetics Japan Incorporated, TamaTechLab, Rhizomatiks, DGN
Video editing: FUJIMOTO Takayuki
Kinsei R&D: kinsei.asia/ facebook.com/KinseiRD/ #KinseiRD
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albedofantastica · 3 years ago
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Albedo Gravitas NEW RELEASE Albedo Gravitas / Eihwaz アルベド・グラヴィタス/エイワズ
artist: Albedo Gravitas title: Eihwaz label: An’archives num:  [An’24]Free Wind Mood series price: 24EUR, 28USD, 3200yen LP ltd to 285, silkscreened jacket with obi (red or black), inserts and postcardLiner notes by Jon Dale Keiko Higuchi voice, drums, pianoSachiko voice, electronics, percussion, melodicaShizuo Uchida bass
Albedo Gravitas is an extension of Albedo Fantastica (released on An’archives in 2018), the duo of Keiko Higuchi and Sachiko (Kousokuya, Overhang Party, Vava Kitora). Both of them are well known names to those who are evolving in the Japanese underground waters since each has been involved in many projects and each has a consisting discography on labels as Musik Atlach, Improvising Beings, Utech. Their respective backgrounds are maybe a little bit different but they share a common interest in different genres from jazz and rock to free improvisation and have collaborated with a cast of various musicians in the likes of Cris X, Fukuoka Rinji, Kawaguchi Masami, Shin-Ichiro Kanda…For Albedo Gravitas, Shizuo Uchida joins on bass. A peripatetic member of the Japanese underground, having played with groups such as Nord, Onna-Kodomo, Hasegawa-Shizuo, Kito Mizukumi Rouber and Keiji Haino’s Nijiumu, he most recently turned up on An’archives as one half of UH, alongside sax player Takayuki Hashimoto (of KMR and .es).While this is Albedo Gravitas’s first album, they play together with intelligence and sensitivity, but also with a strong capacity for the unexpected; there are many moments here where you’re wrongfooted,caught askance by the way the music comes together, and comes apart.Higuchi’s and Sachiko’s instrumental armory is multiple : piano, drums, melodica, electronics. Maybe their most remarkable presence, though, comes through voice – the glottal contortions, heart-rending sighs and moans, and chopped’n’screwed real-time vox improvs that soar across the album’s unpredictable musical terrain. Uchida works here with temporal disruption, there with heavyweight bass punctuation; drums plot out the most welcome rudimentary anti-rhythms, as electronics and melodica shoot arcs of white light through the air, lending an avant-chamber charm to the music here.Most startling are the dynamics of the two side-long pieces, and the way the group use silence and stilted landscapes to suggest all kinds of routes previously unnavigated. In its capacity for disorientation, it feels indeed like a surprising kind of psychedelia, one far from generic constraint, and much closer to the sidereal suspension that that most overused of terms should rend through your head.
Albedo GravitasはヒグチケイコとSachiko (光束夜、Overhang Party、Vava Kitora)のデュオユニットであるAlbedo Fantastica(An’archivesから2018年にリリース)から派生。二人とも日本のアンダーグラウンドではよく知られていて、Musik AtlachやImprovising Beings、Utechなどから幾つかの作品をリリースしている。それぞれのバックグラウンドは違えど、ジャズやロックからフリー・インプロなどジャンルを跨いでの興味を持ち、さらにCris X、福岡林嗣、川口雅巳、神田晋一郎など様々なミュージシャンと共演している。Albedo Gravitasではベースの内田静男が参加���日本のアングラシーンでNord、Onna Kodomo、Hasegawa-Shizuo、Kito Mizukumi Rouberそして灰野敬二の滲有無など様々なバンドで演奏。最近での作品ではサックス奏者の橋本孝之(KMRや.es)とのUHとしてAn’archivesから音源が出ている。Albedo Gravitasとして初めてのリリースとなるこのアルバムは、ときに音楽の展開の仕方に疑問を持ったり不意打ちをくらったりするが、知性と繊細さを持ち合わせながらも予想だにせぬことへの要素が満載の演奏だ。ヒグチとSachikoの楽器庫にはピアノからドラム、メロディカやエレクトロニクスまでたくさん蓄えがある。だが、彼らを最も際立たせるのはヴォイスだろう。声門を歪めて心を引き裂くようなため息や唸り声、切り刻まれたリアルタイムでの即興ヴォイスはこのアルバム中、予測不能な音楽領域を跨いで駆け巡っている。内田はそこここで突如途絶したり、とてもヘヴィーなベースを聴かせたり、エレクトロニクスやメロディカが空中に白い光の弧を描く間ドラムが原始的なアンチリズムを叩き、アヴァン・チャンバーな魅力を醸し出している。An’archives Free Wind Mood シリーズに匹敵し、さらにその限界を広げるような、なんとも独特なインプロヴィゼーションといえる。特に両面に渡る長いテイクのダイナミクスは衝撃的で、彼らが静寂とさらには未知への景色を見せてくれたりする。 A面は時として激しく、トリオはエレクトロニクスの光る波に乗りながら、こちらは雹の嵐の最中にトタン屋根の下で荒らしが過ぎるのを待っているように、パーカッション、ベースそして、行き交うヴォイスがリスナーに降り続ける。B面では深い音響のベースやコードの流れが吹っ飛んだトーンと分岐し、ファズの波、ピアノからは哀愁漂いさまよう2つの音が鳴り響く。方向感覚も失い、これはまさに驚きのサイケデリア、凡庸な制約からはとうにかけ離れ、最も使い古されたshouldという言葉が頭をかき乱すだろう。
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keiko-higuchi · 2 years ago
ヒグチケイコ2月ライブのお知らせ keiko higuchi shows in February
●February 1st, 2023 (wed)
ルンペン倶楽部企画  @ 吉祥寺MANDA-LA2
宍戸 幸司(割礼)koji shishido (of katsurei)
ヒグチ ケイコ  keiko higuchi
コトナシソ+もりそう  kotonashiso + morisou
dj 藤本正平   shouhei fujimoto
open: 18:30: start: 19:30
charge: 2500 yen + drink
予約サイトURL   for reservation
MANDA-LA2: https://www.manda-la2.com/
東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺南町2-8-6-B1    tel: 0422-42-1579
●February 4th, 2023 (sat)
ROW project/archeus @ 阿佐ヶ谷Yellow Vision
・ROW project
[柳川芳命 home yanagawa (as) 臼井康浩 yasuhiro usui (g) 野々山玲子 reiko nonoyama (ds)]
[ヒグチケイコ keiko higuchi (vo) TOMO(hurdy gurdy) 内田静男 shizuo uchida (b)]
open 19:00/ start 19:30
charge: 3,000 yen + 1d order
Yellow Vision: http://www.yellowvision.jp/
東京都杉並区阿佐ヶ谷北2-2-2-B1   tel: 03-6794-8814 (担当: 小林)
●February 21st, 2023 (tue)
荻窪サイケデリック!@荻窪クラブドクター  ogikubo psychedelic! @ ogikubo club doctor
エレクトリック渦 electoric uzu (加藤崇之 takayuki kato、宅“シューミー”朱美 taku akemi (shoomy) 、藤巻鉄郎 tetsuro fujimaki)
vDBG(ヒグチケイコ keiko higuchi、内田静男 shizuo uchida 、川口雅巳 masami kawaguchi)
open: 19:00/ start: 19:30
charge: 2500 yen + drink
OGIKUBO club Doctor: https://3rushmusic.com/ogikubo_club_doctor.html
東京都杉並区上荻1-16-10-B1   tel: 03-3392-1877
●February 23rd, 2023 (thur/ holiday)
ヒグチケイコ  山㟁直人 CD発売記念ライブ keiko higuchi  naoto yamagishi  CD release party
@ギャラリィ&カフェ山猫軒(越生)gallery & cafe yamanekoken
Cafe opens: 11:00/ show starts: 18:00
charge: 2000 yen + drink
「ヒグチケイコ  山㟁直人」 2000 yen Wildcat House- 007
For more info & reservation: 049-292-3981   [email protected]
山猫軒 yamanekoken: https://www.yamaneko.info/
埼玉県入間郡越生町龍ヶ谷137-5   tel: 049-292-3981
●February 25th, 2023 (sat)
Albedo Fantastica Presents @ 大久保ひかりのうま hikari no uma
「新古今和歌集 巻第一 春歌上 0033」 前大僧正慈円
Albedo Gravitas
坂口光央 mitsuhisa sakaguchi
Kiyasu Orchestra
open: 19:00/ start: 19:30
charge: 2000 yen + drink
ひかりのうま hikari no uma: https://hikarinouma.blogspot.com/
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newsintheshell · 6 years ago
Frame Arms Girl: Kyakkyau Fufu na Wonderland, nuovo video promozionale per il film
La pellicola ricapitolerà gli eventi della serie animata, con l’aggiunta di scene inedite.  
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Diffuso un trailer esteso per “Frame Arms Girl: Kyakkyau Fufu na Wonderland”, pellicola che ricapitolerà gli eventi della serie animata andata in onda durante la primavera 2017, aggiungendo del materiale inedito. 
Il video contiene un estratto della canzone "Manjouicchi Love Energy", cantata dalle FA Girls, e conferma l’uscita del film prevista per giugno in Giappone.
La serie televisiva di 12 episodi, diretta da Keiichirou Kawaguchi e animata dallo studio Zexcs in collaborazione con Studio A-CAT, ha come protagoniste le action figure dell’omonima linea creata da Kotobukiya, lanciata nel 2015 e disegnata da Humikane Shimada (Busou Shinki,Strike Witches).
Il produttore aveva dichiarato inizialmente che il prossimo progetto animato del franchise sarebbe stato sì un lungometraggio, ma un sequel della serie. Era stata inoltre anticipata l’introduzione di un nuovo personaggio, chiamato Innocentia.
La linea si basa su quella dei modellini robotici disegnati da Takayuki Nanase (Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Eureka Seven), originariamente lanciata nel 2010 con il nome di Frame Arms. Le protagoniste prendono nome ed equipaggiamento dai primi modellini del franchise.
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musikatlach-sachiko · 3 years ago
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NEW RELEASE: Albedo Gravitas / Eihwaz
artist: Albedo Gravitas title: Eihwaz label: An’archives num:  [An’24] Free Wind Mood series Price: 24EUR, 28USD, 3200yen LP ltd to 285, silkscreened jacket with obi (red or black), inserts and postcard Liner notes by Jon Dale Keiko Higuchi voice, drums, piano Sachiko voice, electronics, percussion, melodica Shizuo Uchida bass Albedo Gravitas is an extension of Albedo Fantastica (released on An’archives in 2018), the duo of Keiko Higuchi and Sachiko (Kousokuya, Overhang Party, Vava Kitora). Both of them are well known names to those who are evolving in the Japanese underground waters since each has been involved in many projects and each has a consisting discography on labels as Musik Atlach, Improvising Beings, Utech. Their respective backgrounds are maybe a little bit different but they share a common interest in different genres from jazz and rock to free improvisation and have collaborated with a cast of various musicians in the likes of Cris X, Fukuoka Rinji, Kawaguchi Masami, Shin-Ichiro Kanda… For Albedo Gravitas, Shizuo Uchida joins on bass. A peripatetic member of the Japanese underground, having played with groups such as Nord, Onna-Kodomo, Hasegawa-Shizuo, Kito Mizukumi Rouber and Keiji Haino’s Nijiumu, he most recently turned up on An’archives as one half of UH, alongside sax player Takayuki Hashimoto (of KMR and .es). While this is Albedo Gravitas’s first album, they play together with intelligence and sensitivity, but also with a strong capacity for the unexpected; there are many moments here where you’re wrongfooted, caught askance by the way the music comes together, and comes apart. Higuchi’s and Sachiko’s instrumental armory is multiple : piano, drums, melodica, electronics. Maybe their most remarkable presence, though, comes through voice – the glottal contortions, heart-rending sighs and moans, and chopped’n’screwed real-time vox improvs that soar across the album’s unpredictable musical terrain. Uchida works here with temporal disruption, there with heavyweight bass punctuation; drums plot out the most welcome rudimentary anti-rhythms, as electronics and melodica shoot arcs of white light through the air, lending an avant-chamber charm to the music here. Most startling are the dynamics of the two side-long pieces, and the way the group use silence and stilted landscapes to suggest all kinds of routes previously unnavigated. In its capacity for disorientation, it feels indeed like a surprising kind of psychedelia, one far from generic constraint, and much closer to the sidereal suspension that that most overused of terms should rend through your head.
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zwentner · 5 years ago
Sega Mega Drive Super Medley
Sega Mega Drive/Genesis (enhanced) Chiptune Remix damals schon klassischer Games aus dem Jahr 2005. Das Teil ist seinerzeit auf CD erschienen und macht auch digital und heute noch eine menge Spaß!
Sega Mega Drive Super Medley is an EP that consists of three medleys with musical selections from 24 Mega Drive titles depicted on its cover. Track 1 is an arrangement of these themes produced by Takayuki Aihara, whilst track 2 is the same medley albeit utilizing the original tracks. Track 3 is a different arrangement produced by Hideaki Kobayashi under the alias Dr. COVA.
Sega Mega Drive Super Medley is an EP that consists of three medleys with musical selections from 24 Mega Drive titles depicted on its cover. Track 1 is an arrangement of these themes produced by Takayuki Aihara, whilst track 2 is the same medley albeit utilizing the original tracks. Track 3 is a different arrangement produced by Hideaki Kobayashi under the alias Dr. COVA.
Order of Theme Appearance: 
01) Galaxy Desert (From Alien Soldier – Norio Hanzawa)
02) Step on Beat (From OutRun – Frederic Hahn & Hiroshi Miyauchi & Jason C. Brooke)
03) Harrier Saga (From Space Harrier II – Matt Furniss)
04) Dilapidated Town (From Streets of Rage – Yuzo Koshiro)
05) Stages 2 & 6 (From Bio-Hazard Battle – K.N.U)
06) Arabesque Court in Dream (From Monster World IV – Jin Watanabe)
07) Islands (From Wonder Boy in Monster World – Shinichi Sakamoto)
08) Shooting Ristar (From Ristar – Tomoko Sisaki)
09) Good Evening! (From Super Fantasy Zone – Naoki Kodaka & Hiroshi Kawaguchi)
10) Neo Tokyo (From Pulseman – Michael Nyman)
11) Ninja Step (From Revenge of Shinobi – K.N.U)
12) Opening Theme (From Ecco the Dolphin – )
13) Empire: The Final Assault (From Gunstar Heroes – Norio Hanzawa)
14) Title Theme (From Sword of Vermilion – Hiroshi Kawaguchi)
15) Ravaged Village (From Golden Axe II – Naofumi Hataya & Tatsuyuki Maeda)
16) The Ancient Temple (From Shining in the Darkness – Masahiko Yoshimura)
17) Youkina Machikado (From Shining Force – Masahiko Yoshimura)
18) Bustling Street (From Landstalker – Motoaki Takenouchi)
19) Opening Theme (From Phantasy Star III – Izuho Takeuchi)
20) Phantasy (From Phantasy Star II – Tokuhiko Uwabo)
21) Finale (From Battle Golfer Yui – Naka-Chan 3-Sai & Kenta-Kun)
22) Paradise Picture Scroll (From Shikinjo – Yada! & Maru-Chan Wa Omotta & Kyoporiran)
23) Crimson Praise (From Ninja Buraiden – Hiroshi Kawaguchi)
24) Fight, Rent-a-Hero!! (From Rent-a-Hero – Hannes Seifert & Werner Hink & Peter Melchart)
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  from ZWENTNER.com https://ift.tt/3amMYX1 via IFTTT
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crazyasianlove · 7 years ago
Isshuukan Friends (JM, 2017) (Sub. Español)
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Título: Isshuukan Friends También conocida como: One Week Friends Género: Escolar, adolescente Duración: 120 min. Fecha de estreno: 18 de febrero, 2017 Dirección: Murakami Shosuke Guion: Hazuki Matcha (manga), Izumisawa Yoko Producción: Ishizuka Yoshitaka, Teranishi Fumi, Sekiya Masayuki SINOPSIS El alumno de instituto Hase Yuki quiere acercarse a su compañera de clase Fujimiya Kaori que siempre está sola. Fujimiya Kaori se niega a acercarse a Hase Yuki, porque olvida a sus amigos cada nuevo lunes. A pesar de que Kaori le dice a Yuki por qué no quiere que sean amigos, Yuki sigue queriendo acercarse a ella. CAST Kawaguchi Haruna como Fujimiya Kaori Yamazaki Kento como Hase Yuki Matsuo Takashi como Kiryu Shogo Uesugi Shuhei como Kujo Hajime Takahashi Haori como Yamagishi Saki Furuhata Seika como Kondo Mayu Itoh Sairi como Fumi Komoto Masahiro como Fujimiya Takayuki Kokusho Sayuri como Fujimiya Shiog Iwase Ryo como Dr. Kanzaki Totsugi Shigeyuki como Inoue Jun Okada Keisuke como Profesor Kobun 
TRÁILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNAh3ps_TKU
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k2i · 21 days ago
true/本当のこと (2007 - 2012) from Kinsei R&D | Fujimoto Takayuki on Vimeo.
A full-length uncut version of "true/本当のこと." A record performance in Montreal in 2011.
This performance premiered in 2007 and continued the world tour until 2012.
*この記録映像の本編 51分10秒から54分10秒までの音声は、使用していたスタンダードな楽曲の権利処理の問題から、編集にあたり音源を差し替えました。 *Due to rights issues with the standard music used in the video, the audio from 51:10 to 54:10 has been replaced in the editing process.
The main technical systems used in this performance; Myoelectric sensor -> UHF radio -> Max/MSP | -> Sound sampling files -> Video -> Transducer (ButtKicker) + Scaffolding -> LED lighting + Circular truss -> Linear actuator + Electromagnet
Note: The first 6 min. 45 sec. They are almost silent. Then suddenly there is a loud noise ^_^
true/本当のこと Credit: Direction/Lighting Design: FUJIMOTO Takayuki (Kinsei R&D/Dumb Type) 企画演出/照明: 藤本隆行 Choreography/Dance: SHIRAI Tsuyoshi (AbsT/baneto) 振付/出演: 白井 剛 Choreography/Dance/Text: KAWAGUCHI Takao (Dumb Type) 振付/出演/テキスト: 川口隆夫 Sound/Video/Visual Design: MINAMI Takuya (Softpad) 音/映像/ビジュアルデザイン: 南 琢也 Sound/Integrated Programming: MANABE Daito (Rhizomatiks) 音/統合制御プログラ���ング: 真鍋大度 Video/Programming/web: HORII Satoshi (Rhizomatiks) 映像/プログラミング/ウェブ: 堀井哲史 Table Design & Mechanics: SAITO Seiichi・ISHIBASHI Motoi (Rhizomatiks) 装置: 齋藤精一 ・ 石橋 素 Myoelectric sensor & Oscillator support: TERUOKA Masaki (VPP) 筋電センサー製作、振動子監修: 照岡正樹 Costume Design: KITAMURA Noriko 衣装: 北村教子
Technical support: YCAM InterLab Color Kinetics Japan TamaTechLab Rhizomatiks DGN
Production management: HiWood - TAKAGI Koichiro, TSUCHIYA Ayako 制作: ハイウッド - 高樹光一郎、土屋彩子
EPAD version Sound work: IWATA Wataru 音響工作: 岩田渉
Video editing: FUJIMOTO Takayuki
Performance schedule record: 2007 01 Sep. World premiere Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM], StudioB Yamaguchi/Japan
08, 09 Dec. 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Theater 21 Kanazawa/Japan
14-16 Dec. Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No.1 Yokohama / Japan
2008 24-26 July Esplanade, Theatre Studio Singapore
13-15 Nov. Japan Society New York/USA
2009 06-09 Aug. Setagaya Public Theatre, Theatre Tram Tokyo/Japan
25, 26 Sep. Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam (SSBA) Amsterdam/Netherlands
29 Sep. Parktheater Eindhoven Eindhoven/Netherlands
03, 04 Oct. Tanzhaus NRW Dusseldorf Dusseldorf/Germany
09-10 Oct. Mousonturm Frankfurt/Germany
15-17 Oct. Maison de la culture du JAPON a Paris Paris / France
11, 12 Nov. Teatro Tom Jobim / Festival Panorama de Danca 2009 Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
18, 19 Nov. Teatro Peaulo Autran / SESC Pinheiros Sao Paulo/Brazil
2010 05 June Macao Cultural Centre, Small Auditorium Macao/China
18-20 June Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Studio Theatre Hong Kong/China (Organized by orleanlaiproject)
08, 09 Sep. EX-Alumix di Bolzano / TransART 2010 Bolzano/Italy
2011 27-29 Jan. Usine C Montreal/Canada
03-05 Feb. Cooperative Meduse/Mois-Multi Quebec/Canada
18-21 Mar. AI HALL/AI HALL Dance Collection vol.64 Hyogo/Japan
2012 08-09 Mar. LIG Art Hall Busan/Korea
Kinsei R&D: kinsei.asia/ facebook.com/KinseiRD/ #kinseiRD
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animeslovenija · 8 years ago
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Frame Arms Girl staff:
Director: Keiichiro Kawaguchi
Series composition: Deko Akao
Original Character design: Humikane Shimada
Mechanic design: Takayuki Yanase
Character design: Kōsuke Kawamura
CG Director: Yuichi Goto
Music: Keigo Hoashi (MONACA), Kakeru Ishihama (MONACA)
Sound director: Satoki Iida
Animation production: ZEXCS / studio A-CAT
Ao Gennai: Yōko Hikasa
Gorai: Narumi Kaho 
Stylet: Yuu Ayase
Baselard: Rika Nagae
Starts in April. PV:
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ljaesch · 8 years ago
Information on the Frame Arms Girl Anime
Information on the Frame Arms Girl Anime
The staff and cast have been announced for the forthcoming anime adaptation of the Frame Arms Girl model kit line. Keiichiro Kawaguchi is directing the anime at ZEXCS and Studio A-Cat. Deko Akao is supervising the series’ scripts. Kōsuke Kawamura is adapting Humikane Shimada’s original character designs for animation. Takayuki Yanase is credited for mechanical design. Keigo Hoashi and Kakeru…
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recentanimenews · 7 years ago
Pony Canyon Explains How to Open "Frame Arms Girl" TV Anime Blu-ray Box in Video
To promote the release in Japan tomorrow, Pony Canyon's official anime YouTube channel has posted a special video to explain how to open the Blu-ray box of the 12-episode TV anime Frame Arms Girls and to show its bonus contents: a 64-page booklet and a set of 12 illustrated cards.  
  The TV anime inspired by Kotobukiya's popular model kit series of the same name featuring robot girls equipped with various armor and weapon parts was animated by ZEXCS and studioA-CAT, and aired in Japan from April to June of 2017. The box includes the anime's whole 12 episodes, along with the creditless OP (early version) and ED movies. The box art is newly drawn by the anime character designer Kousuke Kawamura (OniAi, Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon). The price in Japan is 23,999 yen (about 226 US dollars).
    Box art
  【3/7BD-BOX発売】 いよいよ明後日発売『フレームアームズ・ガール』初の全話収録Blu-ray BOXは、描き下ろしケース/特製ブックレット/エンドカードブロマイドなど豪華封入特典満載‼️きゃにめ&コトブキヤショップ限定特典は"鍋敷き"です詳細はこちら⇒https://t.co/WXDvlvm66G #FAガール pic.twitter.com/Qb99MMYSvB
— 「フレームアームズ・ガール」アニメ公式 (@fagirl_official) 2018年3月5日
    TV anime 2nd PV with English subtitles
   Key visual
        Main Staff:
 Original Story: Kotobukiya
 FA Girls Base Designs: Fumikane Shimada (Strike Witches, Girls und Panzer), Takayuki Yanase
 Director: Keiichro Kawaguchi (Please Tell Me! Galko-chan)
 Series Composition: Deko Ako (Amanchu!, Urara Meirocho)
 Original Character Design: Fumikane Shimada
 Mechanic Design: Takayuki Yanase
 Anime Character Design: Kosuke Kawamura (Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon)
 CG Director: Yuichi Goto (studioA-CAT)
 Music: Keigo Hotari (MONACA), Sho Ishihama (MONACA)
 Sound Director: Riki Iida
 Production: Heart-Bit
 Anime Production: ZEXCS/studioA-CAT
 Project Production: Kotobukiya/FAGirl Project
     Main Voice Cast:
   Ao Gennai: Yoko Hikasa 
 Bikuko Kotobuki: Kanomi Izawa
 Gourai: Narumi Kaho 
 Stilett: Yu Ayase
 Baselard: Rika Nagae 
 Materia Black/White: Erii Yamazaki
 Architect: Hibiku Yamamura
 Hresvelger: Rika Abe
  Source: TV anime "Frame Arms Girl" official website
  ©KOTOBUKIYA / FAGirl Project
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newsintheshell · 7 years ago
Il sequel di “Frame Arms Girl” sarà un film
La linea di action figure ha già ispirato una serie anime.
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L’account Twitter di “Frame Arms Girl” ha annunciato che il sequel per la serie tv andata in onda la scorsa primavera sarà un film. Maggiori informazioni sul progetto saranno rivelate prossimamente.
La linea originale di action figure di Kotobukiya, lanciata nel 2015 e disegnata da Humikane Shimada (Busou Shinki,Strike Witches), ha ispirato una serie televisiva di 12 episodi, diretta da Keiichirou Kawaguchi e animata dallo studioZexcs in collaborazione con Studio A-CAT.
La linea si basa su quella dei modellini robotici disegnati da Takayuki Nanase (Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Eureka Seven), originariamente lanciata nel 2010 con il nome di Frame Arms.  Le protagoniste prendono nome ed equipaggiamento dai primi modellini del franchise.
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k2i · 5 years ago
true/本当のこと (2007 - 2012) from 藤本隆行 on Vimeo.
A full-length uncut version of "true/本当のこと." A record of performance in Montreal 2011.
This performance premiered in 2007 and continued the world tour until 2012.
The main technical systems used in this performance; Myoelectric sensor >> UHF radio >> Max/MSP >> Sound sampling files >> Video >> Transducer (ButtKicker) + Scaffolding >> LED lighting + Circular truss >> Linear actuator + Electromagnet
Note: The first 6 min. 45 sec. Are almost silent. Then suddenly there is a loud noise ^_^
true/本当のこと Credit:
Direction/Lighting Design: Takayuki Fujimoto (Kinsei R&D/Dumb Type) 企画演出/照明: 藤本隆行
Choreography/Dance: Tsuyoshi Shirai (AbsT/baneto) 振付/出演: 白井 剛
Choreography/Dance/Text: Takao Kawaguchi (Dumb Type) 振付/出演/テキスト: 川口隆夫
Sound/Video/Visual Design: Takuya Minami (Softpad) 音/映像/ビジュアルデザイン: 南 琢也
Sound/Integrated Programming: Daito Manabe (Rhizomatiks) 音/統合制御プログラミング: 真鍋大度
Video/Programming/web: Satoshi Horii (Rhizomatiks) 映像/プログラミング/ウェブ: 堀井哲史
Table Design & Mechanics: Seiichi Saito・Motoi Ishibashi (Rhizomatiks) 装置: 齋藤精一・石橋 素
Myoelectric sensor & Oscillator support: Masaki Teruoka (VPP) 筋電センサー製作、振動子監修: 照岡正樹
Costume Design: Noriko Kitamura 衣装: 北村教子
Technical support: YCAM InterLab Color Kinetics Japan TamaTechLab Rhizomatiks DGN
Production management: HiWood - Koichiro Takagi, Ayako Tuchiya 制作: ハイウッド - 高樹光一郎、土屋彩子
Video editing: Takayuki Fujimoto
2007 01 Sep. World premiere Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM], StudioB Yamaguchi/Japan
08, 09 Dec. 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Theater 21 Kanazawa/Japan
14-16 Dec. Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No.1 Yokohama / Japan
2008 24-26 July Esplanade, Theatre Studio Singapore
13-15 Nov. Japan Society New York/USA
2009 06-09 Aug. Setagaya Public Theatre, Theatre Tram Tokyo/Japan
25, 26 Sep. Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam (SSBA) Amsterdam/Netherlands
29 Sep. Parktheater Eindhoven Eindhoven/Netherlands
03, 04 Oct. Tanzhaus NRW Dusseldorf Dusseldorf/Germany
09-10 Oct. Mousonturm Frankfurt/Germany
15-17 Oct. Maison de la culture du JAPON a Paris Paris / France
11, 12 Nov. Teatro Tom Jobim / Festival Panorama de Danca 2009 Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
18, 19 Nov. Teatro Peaulo Autran / SESC Pinheiros Sao Paulo/Brazil
2010 05 June Macao Cultural Centre, Small Auditorium Macao/China
18-20 June Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Studio Theatre Hong Kong/China (Organized by orleanlaiproject)
08, 09 Sep. EX-Alumix di Bolzano / TransART 2010 Bolzano/Italy
2011 27-29 Jan. Usine C Montreal/Canada
03-05 Feb. Cooperative Meduse/Mois-Multi Quebec/Canada
18-21 Mar. AI HALL/AI HALL Dance Collection vol.64 Hyogo/Japan
2012 08-09 Mar. LIG Art Hall Busan/Korea
Kinsei R&D: kinsei.asia/ facebook.com/KinseiRD/
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newsintheshell · 6 years ago
Frame Arms Girl: Kyakkyau Fufu na Wonderland, il film si mostra in un nuovo trailer
La pellicola approderà nelle sale giapponesi il 29 giugno.
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Diffuso un nuovo trailer esteso per “Frame Arms Girl: Kyakkyau Fufu na Wonderland”, pellicola che andrà a ricapitolare gli eventi della serie animata andata in onda durante la primavera 2017, aggiungendo del materiale inedito.
Il video contiene un estratto della canzone “Manjouicchi Love Energy”, cantata dalle FA Girls, e conferma l’uscita del film prevista per il 29 giugno in Giappone.
La serie televisiva di 12 episodi, diretta da Keiichirou Kawaguchi e animata dallo studio Zexcs in collaborazione con Studio A-CAT, ha come protagoniste le action figure dell’omonima linea creata da Kotobukiya, lanciata nel 2015 e disegnata da Humikane Shimada (Busou Shinki,Strike Witches).
La linea si basa su quella dei modellini robotici disegnati da Takayuki Nanase (Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Eureka Seven), originariamente lanciata nel 2010 con il nome di Frame Arms. Le protagoniste prendono nome ed equipaggiamento dai primi modellini del franchise.
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