ross-nekochan · 1 year
9-10 Settembre 2023
Ho scalato il monte Fuji.
C'era chi ce lo ha raccontato come niente di che e normale e chi con strazio e difficoltà.
Beh, i primi hanno chiaramente mentito.
Non ho mai scalato una montagna, sono solo andata sul Vesuvio e un'altra volta sono stata sul monte Takao qui in Giappone, ma non sapevo chiaramente cosa aspettarmi dallo scalare una montagna. Ero in parte preoccupata e in parte pronta perché mi aspettavo una passeggiata terribile di ben 8 ore, ma comunque una passeggiata. E invece non è stato niente di tutto questo.
Il monte Fuji è alto quasi 3800 metri e le stazioni totali per raggiungere la cima sono 9. Il bus ti lascia alla quinta stazione e da quel momento in poi inizia la vera scalata. La sesta stazione era abbastanza vicina e per raggiungerla si è trattato di una passeggiata in pendenza. Il bello è arrivato dopo.
Infatti dalla sesta in poi le stazioni sono divise da 1h o 1h30min di scalata, non passeggiata. Più si sale e più quello che ti trovi sotto i piedi sono rocce, non terreno. Rocce ovviamente enormi quindi devi capire dove mettere i piedi e le mani per poter andare avanti, essere coordinato e stare attento. Alla settima stazione io e un mio amico italiano abbiamo lasciato la coppia indiana indietro perché oggettivamente molto lenta e affaticata. Il progetto era di arrivare in cima per vedere l'alba che era intorno alle 5:00 del mattino e alle 22:00 eravamo già a metà strada. Così abbiamo deciso di prenderci una pausa di un'oretta.
Peccato che la montagna giapponese non è come quella italiana. Non esistono baite, ma solo luoghi per sostare a dormire (e che noi abbiamo deciso di non fare per risparmiare) e qualche sorta di chiosco con lo sportello per poter mangiare qualcosa. I prezzi al limite della denuncia: un caffè sporco o qualsiasi altra bevanda 4€ e un ramen istantaneo che in un supermercato normale costerebbe tra 1-2€ lì ne costava 8€. Per non parlare dei bagni: in Giappone i bagni non si pagano mai eppure lì 2€. L'ho trovato un comportamento schifoso e approfittatore a livelli estremi.
Quindi io e il mio amico abbiamo aspettato circa 1h al freddo con la sola fortuna di esserci messi in un angolino dell'entrata dei bagni dove il vento arrivava meno forte. A un certo punto, abbiamo cominciato a tremare con foglie e siamo stati costretti a continuare.
L'ottava stazione non era migliore. C'era una sorta di piazzale e i luoghi per ripararsi almeno un pizzico dal vento, che si faceva sempre più forte e freddo, erano quasi nulli. Lì mi sono lasciata tentare da un caffè latte caldo che mi ha aiutata un pochino a scaldarmi.
L'ultimo pezzo è stato quello più duro. Le rocce erano leggermente meno ma il sentiero era più stretto, il vento era fortissimo ma gelato e non smetteva nemmeno un secondo. Sapevo che sarebbe stato molto freddo, ma quando sei a 30°C non riesci a immaginare quanto freddo possa essere stare sotto lo zero. Non sentivo più nessuna parte del mio corpo, avevo addosso 2 maglie, un maglione, 2 felpe pesanti e non erano abbastanza nonostante mi stessi muovendo scalando, anche perché ci si fermava ogni minuto perché le persone continuavano a farsi foto ricordo bloccando la fila. Dato il poco ossigeno si faceva sempre più fatica, la testa faceva male anche perché era esausta e io ogni volta che ci fermavo mi appoggiavo la testa al braccio del mio amico pregando che finisse tutto il prima possibile. Continuavo solo perché non avevo altra scelta, non potevo rimanere lì in mezzo alle rocce quando già morivo di freddo muovendomi.
Quando siamo arrivati in cima non ci potevamo credere. Ci siamo messi un attimo dentro un edificio che vendeva souvenir per riprendere un po' di calore. L'alba stava già iniziando quindi siamo usciti fuori e di nuovo ci siamo messi a tremare perché il vento continuava a soffiare freddo e forte.
Siamo riusciti a vedere il sole che, al contrario di quanto ho visto spesso, invece di scendere, saliva minuto dopo minuto. Di nuovo faceva talmente freddo che cominciare a scendere era impossibile. Ci siamo riuniti con la coppia indiana e ci siamo rintanati prima in un angolo nel negozio di souvenir (che poi ci ha cacciato) e poi siamo stati nel ristorante a porte aperte dove abbiamo preso giusto dei caffè latte per poter restare finché ci sarebbe stato meno freddo.
La discesa non è stata meno complicata. Non era la stessa strada e non c'erano rocce ma era un percorso sdrucciolevole dove era difficile non scivolare e in continua pendenza. Era un percorso che durava la metà del tempo ma sembrava comunque infinito. Il sole ha cominciato a battere forte e mi sono anche bruciata la faccia nonostante il berretto. Le ginocchia mi hanno fatto male tutto il tempo e i piedi non stavano meglio. Quando finalmente siamo arrivati a destinazione io e il mio amico italiano non ci potevamo credere (la coppia indiana era rimasta di nuovo indietro).
Nel complesso è stata un'esperienza tremenda, che non penso rifarò mai più. È stato bellissimo vedere il cielo pulito e pieno di stelle, non l'avevo mai visto così. Come non avevo mai visto un paesaggio notturno da così in alto, ad un'altezza tale che la luna pareva starmi di fronte. Stare sopra le nuvole e poter vedere mezza regione del Kantō è stato bellissimo... ma nonostante tutto questo, la fatica messa non vale tutto quello che ho visto.
Quello che rimane è la soddisfazione di avercela fatta, di aver sfidato te stesso, il tuo corpo e il monte più alto di tutto il Giappone e di aver vinto. Per il resto: mai più.
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mamaito · 6 months
What are ur favorite mangas?? Love ur art btw🫶🏻
Sorry for the long reply, here it is. I'm pretty sure I have left out a lot of other manga, I can't remember the others I used to read… I'll update this list once I figure it out.. In the meantime, enjoy this collection:
Aku No Hana/Flower Of Evil/The Flowers Of Evil - Psychological/Drama, about a young man who constantly reads this foreign poetry book called, Les Fleurs du mal by Charle's Baudelaire. From the get go, you're introduced to him having an ego and looks down on others for not being in the same realm of intellect for not understanding the book he is into. The main character wants to stand out, but even he does not understand it himself.
He attaches himself to his classmate, Nanako, the top of her class. Because of her displayed intellect and proficiency in english, Takao assumes she is also different and would understand where he is coming from, placing her in a pedestal, the same way as she places him in the same light also. When his crush left her gym wear in the classroom, he decides to snoop in and wear it. Letting his perverted degeneracy take hold of his thoughts before getting found out by his classmate, Sawa, and all hell breaks lose. He is blackmailed and forced to do her bidding from here on out.
It may not seem like it as first glance but this is a love story that's not meant to be, two people who understand one another but they harm others around them in the process. The three characters that you'll be following are complex that it's hard to label them as this one thing, especially Sawa. You will have no clue what she's thinking, what she wants to do and what she's trying to say, and before you know it, you're just like the main character, wondering about her constantly.
It has an anime, but it's not well received due to it's unusual style which is rotoscoping rather than the usual anime style, but if you can't stomach the long pauses and the drag it brings I would suggest watching the live action instead.
Bradherley No Basha/Bradherley's Carriage/Bradherley's Coach - Historical/Tragedy, taking place around the 1800's, an aristocrat goes around in various orphanages to adopt young girls and train them to join his opera troupe. But upon coming with him, they make the discovery that the man's real intention is not to give them a good life..
It is a oneshot with a plot that must be pieced together to make a coherent storyline, each girl in question has their own story to tell and it is a depressing read, filled with mature subject matter so be warned if you're not good with such things. To me personally, this stuck with me and has taken my interest ever since.
Chi No Wadachi/Trail Of Blood - Or Blood on the tracks.. Psychological/Horror, it's about a mother and her son. One day, during a family gathering to the mountains, an incident happened in regards to the cousin and only Seichi and his mother, Seiko, knew of what actually happened. Throughout this entire manga, the young boy faces psychological torment through his mother and the certain day replays on his mind constantly..
What's great about this is that it let's you figure out what the characters are thinking, especially Seiko, who is the most mysterious character of this manga. There are also times where you're taken out of Seichi's perspective and left to observe his expressions and wonder what's going through his head. You're always left feeling dread because there's no way of knowing what's going to happen.
Collapse of the World as We Know It - Psychological/Horror, a collection of short stories. I'm not going to list it all here so if you wanna know what these stories are, go read it. It has marked it's place in my memory.
Daija Ni Totsudai Musume/The Great Daija's Bride/The Great Serpents Bride - Drama/Supernatural/Romance, written similarly to a folk story, this is about a human girl named Miyo who was given as a sacrifice to the lord of the mountain, Daija. And them learning to live together, they eventually fall in love and start a family. Yes, he is a large talking snake and no he will never become a humanoid. Yes, there are a lot of sex scenes between them lol but that's not the point.
This manga has a lot of plot twists and interesting characters, and deals with heavy subject matter like rape and abuse to gray morals in regards to Daija's relationship with the people who are worshipping him. It is befitting the atmosphere of that era and it feels like someone is writing their own folk story. This is a recent manga I am reading and it clearly stands out to other romance manga out there.
Inuyashiki - Science fiction/Thriller, an old man, down on his luck upon learning he has cancer and coming home to a cold family who could care less, decides to walk his dog to a park one night till he encounters a strange light in the sky and hits him. He was then transformed into this cyborg with powers capable of doing anything, while a young man who happens to be walking the same park was also hit and turned into one. The two of them will choose different paths and use their now owned powers for their own reasons.
Kimi Ni Aisarete Itakatta/I Want To Be Hurt By Love - Psychological/Drama, written by a disturbed loli doujin artist turned mangaka, good for her. It is about this girl named Kanae Kanai who is trying to be part of this group that's composed of the popular girls in the class just so she can say that she's needed and part of something. But she finds it hard to relate and go along with them, constantly needing to be reassured in her position within the group till she meets and catches the attention of the popular guy that they invited from another school named Hiroshi.
The story is dark as you would imagine, there is bullying, revenge, abuse of various degree, sexual content, etc. And I know, a lot of people who read this will say that it is over the top but I digress because the things happening and the actions she is doing is reasonable and will reach to that extent if you were ever in her shoes.. People complained that she's unlikeable and horrible when that's the point. You're not supposed to relate, you're suppose to try and understand why she is thinking in this manner.
When she told Hiroshi to quit his dreams to play, you'd say you're stupid and crazy for suggesting that when in her case, that is a perfectly reasonable thing to do because that's all she does in her life. Kanae runs from her problems and when something as a little inconvenience doesn't go her way, she instantly goes to find something to dissociate herself from that problem.
If you've seen the doujins this author makes… Man, she knows how to make a scary scene. She's really using her experiences that she went through. And when I saw those two familiar characters from her doujin make an appearance my heart sank so hard I thought I was gonna have an heart attack. Also, the english title should've been "I want you to love me like it hurts".
Koko wa Ima kara Rinri Desu/From Now On, we Begin Ethics - Drama, an episodic manga featuring a teacher teaching students about ethics. It tackles different subjects and finishes them around a chapter or two, the students are not the normal characters that you should invest for a very long time as he teaches new characters and the years pass by as well, you'd also see them having character development even after their sole chapter ends. But let it be known that it centers towards only the teacher and the mystery surrounding him and why he even wants to teach it in the first place.
The students may or may no change and do not suddenly have a change of heart nor change their opinions about their beliefs, even some of the students I hate are unlikeable and my stance on them will remain that way but the point of the manga is that these are people and people do not change willy nilly. If you like such a concept then experience it for yourself. The english title should've been "Here, we will study ethics."
Made in Abyss - Dark Fantasy/Adventure, takes place in a fantasy world called Orth, a mining town surrounding a large hole that's deep within the earth itself. No one knows how deep it is exactly besides the map that has last been documented is around the 7th layer. Depending on how deep you are, the larger the effect of the abyss' curse has on you.
The two main characters, Reg and Riko decide to embark to find Riko's mother, Lyza from a presumed letter from her, saying that she is will be waiting for her at the very depths of the abyss.
This has the best worldbuilding I have ever laid my eyes upon, there are no main villains except the abyss itself and that's rather rare. Characters using their intellect and knowledge to avoid the curse and the animals inhabiting it, from uncovering the secrets it has. It sends you alongside the main characters in learning what the abyss has in store. If you want good storytelling then look no further, because I can't get enough of it.
Mr. Arashi's Amazing Freak Show/Shoujo Tsubaki - No surprise it's back again, check my previous post in regards to my favorite movies. I've said my case on why I am a fan of this movie and eroguro movement in general.
Nekojiru - Dark comedy, two anthropomorphic cats and their daily life. It's filled with casual child abuse, animal abuse, racism, vulgarity, and violence. All of this was inspired from the creators everyday life because she lives in a poor neighborhood and she wasalso abused so it's to no one's surprise her manga is also filled with it. Write what you know, as the saying goes.
I like collecting and reading these kind of things so this just fits in my forte, it also has a niche fandom. It has a psychological movie also, no dialogue, just straight up acid trip. Go check it out.
Oyasumi Punpun/Goodnight Punpun - Psychological/Drama, of a young boy named Punpun, drawn in this cartoonish anthropomorphic blob of a bird and his everyday life. He through the same as any boy would experience, school life and experiencing a crush for the first time. Till he comes home one day and finds the house a mess and his mother on the floor and his father stuttering to find an excuse.
The manga follows him till his adult life as his mental state deteriorates, trying to find reason to keep on living inspite of the harsh life he has experienced. He then eventually meets up once more with his childhood crush and together they embark to find even meaning in their relationship.
This holds a special place in my heart as this is the manga I've read that actually understands how I feel, watching his dreams shatter and coming home to a broken family, disassociating yourself to the world around you as this goal that you've always centered yourself around no longer bares meaning upon reaching adulthood. You won't find that feeling ever again..
Sentai Daishikkaku/Ranger Reject/Go Go Loser Ranger! - Action/Drama/Sci-Fi/Superhero, taking place 13 years after the defeat of executives, the boss monsters, the dragon keepers decided to leave the few remaining mob monsters called dusters alive and strike a deal with them to do a play every sunday where they are defeated by the keepers so that they can remain in power still and have their place in the world still relevant.
The world of keepers are filled with political and social power that makes them almost untouchable, and while they are seen as villains in the eyes of our MC, fighter D, the line between hero and villain is blurred completely. There are many plot twists and you will find it hard on who to root for.
Sundome - Psychological/Romance, about a young man who finds himself unfulfilled due to not finding someone who can fill his heart with what he actually needs till an exchange student comes around and changes his life. This is a love story between a masochist and a dominatrix, and them learning to trust one another on whether their feelings are genuine or not.
This is an ecchi manga so heads up, they deal with sexual situations that are downright degenerate but it's all in the manner of consent and trust between the two. The two are challenged constantly throughout the chapters, if this is just lust on his part of does he genuinely love her inspite of it.
This to me, I consider the best romance I've read so far but I did not like the ending, I have a lot to say about it too, but most of the time I pretend it didn't exist. But the rest of it is amazing and I don't think I will ever experience something like it again. I will thank the youtuber for introducing me to it but fuck him for mislabeling this manga as psychological horror.
Tonari no Seki no Hen na Senpai - Romance/Comedy, it is adult smut so if you're expecting a deep analysis of the story, I'm afraid this ain't it. This about two co-workers, mayumi knows what she wants, a handsome guy and she just so happens to be in the sales department filled with it, what luck! The guy in question is unfortunately a clingly stalker who's a pervert and he wants to get together with this woman who was nice to him.
Sexual hijinks ensues, and yes, there is dubcon. If you want something to have a laugh or shut your brain with then go read this lol
-- I'll type out my favorite mangaka's here instead as listing one by one their mangas is tiresome, besides, I like all of their work. Be warned, they are eroguro artists.
Suehiro Maru's Mangas - There's too many for me to list it all so just browse his name and you'll find all of his manga collection. He's very popular for his showa esque art style and the macabre surrealism of it all. Yes, he is the one responsible for making Mr. Arashi's Amazing Freak Show.
Shintaro Kago's Mangas - Another surreal eroguro artist, known for his bizarre one shots and grotesque imagery. Unlike Suehiro Maru, Shintaro displays fecal matter just because no one else likes to draw about it and leans more into dark comedy.
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dragon-ball-meta · 11 months
I really don't understand what the writers were thinking when they created Marron. Was she just a character lesson for Krillin to realize that an uneven relationship where the one is constantly giving while the other simply takes advantage is unhealthy?
Well, a lot of episodes featuring here were written by Takao Koyama, IIRC, and he loved picking on Krillin, making him clumsy, the butt of jokes, etc. So it's entirely possible her entire purpose was simply to make him the butt of a mean-spirited joke. Oddly enough though, she's the second filler love interest that bears resemblance to other girls Krillin had a crush on in the series. Maron has some resemblance to Bulma, and Mint, another girl Krillin had a crush on as a kid, bore some resemblance to Chi-Chi, whom he thirsted after pretty hard (albeit briefly) in the manga at around the same time.
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suvidrache · 1 year
Past‚ Present‚ & Future Character List
If the fandom or character does well, it will make a comeback and will be added to my permanent write list. More info here | Simple Version
* indicates a new fandom. | ☆ indicates a fandom I discontinued. | characters in bold are characters I discontinued. | no indicator is a current fandom I write for & have no intentions to discontinue.
* Ahiru No Sora - Chiaki, Fuwa, Kaname, Kenji, Momoharu, Shinichi, Tokina, Tokiwa, Yakuma, and Yukinara.
* Black Butler - Claude, Grelle, Sebastian, Undertaker, William (added to the list!)
Bleach - Äs Nödt, Byakuya Kuchiki, Gin Ichimaru, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Isshin Kurosaki, Izuru Kira, Jūshirō Ukitake, Kenpachi Zaraki, Kensei Muguruma, Kisuke Urahara, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Nnoitra Gilga, Renji Abarai, Shinji Hirako, Shūhei Hisagi, Shunsui Kyōraku, Sōsuke Aizen, Szayelaporro Granz, Ulquiorra Cifer, Uryu Ishida, Yasutora Sado, Yumichika Ayasegawa.
☆ Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Alejandro, Alex, John, Johnny, König, Phillip, Rodolfo, Simon. *Kyle
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness - Aki, Arrin, Asrif, Bale, Boar Clan Mage, Chelko, Dark, Detlan, Fin-Kedinn, Gaup, Hord, Iakim, Inuktiluk, Juksakai, Krukoslik, Kujai, Kyo, Maheegun, Narrander (The Walker), Orvo, Poi, Raut, Sialot, Tenris, Thiazzi, Thull, Tiu, Tseid, Yolun.
Devil May Cry - Dante, Nero, V, and Vergil.
Final Fantasy - Angeal Hewley, Cloud Strife, Genesis Rhapsodos, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Kadaj, Loz, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Reno Sinclair, Rufus Shinra, Sephiroth, Vincent Valentine, Yazoo, Zack Fair.
* Food Wars! - Akira Hayama, Eishi Tsukasa, Isami Aldini, Satoshi Isshiki, Takumi Aldini, Terunori Kuga.
Grand Theft Auto V - Ron Jakowski, Trevor Philips, and Wade Hebert.
Gone - Albert Hillsborough, Alex Mayle, Antoine, Caine Soren, Charles "Orc" Merriman, Drake Merwin, Edilio Escobar, Elwood Booker, Hunter Lefkowitz, Lance, Tony "Cookie" Gilder, Toto, Turk, Tyler "Bug", Paint, Panda, Quinn Gaither, Roger, Zil Sperry.
Haikyuu - Atsumu Miya, Daichi Sawamura, Eita Semi, Kei Tsukishima, Keiji Akaashi, Keishin Ukai, Kenma Kozume, Kōshi Sugawara, Kōtarō Bokuto, Lev Haiba, Osamu Miya, Rintarō Suna, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Satori Tendō, Shinsuke Kita, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Tetsurō Kuroo, Tobio Kageyama, Tōru Oikawa, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yū Nishinoya.
☆ Halloween 1978 - Michael Myers
Hellboy - Abraham Sapien and Nuada Silverlance.
Hetalia Axis Powers - America, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kugelmugel, Ladonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Molossia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Prussia, Romania, Russia, Seborga, South Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
House of Wax - Bo, Lester, and Vincent. 
* Hunger Games - Darrius, Finnick Odair, Gale Hawthorne, Haymitch
* Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo, Hisoka, Illumi
* Jujutsu Kaisen - Choso, Geto, Nanami Kento.
Kuroko No Basket - Atsushi Murasakibara, Chihiro Mayuzumi, Daiki Aomine, Kazunari Takao, Kiyoshi Miyaji, Makoto Hanamiya, Reo Mibuchi, Shinji Koganei, Shintarō Midorima, Shoichi Imayoshi, Taiga Kagami, Tatsuya Himuro, Teppei Kiyoshi, Wei Liu.
Mortal Kombat - Baraka, Bi-Han, Dairou, Erron Black, Fujin, Hanzo Hasashi, Havik, Hotaru, Hsu Hao, Jarek, Johnny Cage, Kabal, Kano, Kenshi, Kobra, Kuai Liang, Kung Lao, Kurtis Stryker, Mavado, Quan Chi, Rain, Reiko, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Taven, Tomas Vrbada. Onaga, Reptile, Goro, Kintaro.
— All Mortal Kombat characters will be written from MK 11 and the past. I will not be writing for the new game. — Smut for animals is *not* allowed
My Hero Academia - Dabi, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Fumikage Tokoyami, Hanta Sero, Hitoshi Shinso, Hizashi Yamada, Izuku Midoriya, Kai Chisaki, Katsuki Bakugo, Keigo Takami, Mashirao Ojiro, Mezo Shoji, Mirio Togata, Neito Monoma, Shota Aizawa, Shoto Todoroki, Tamaki Amajiki, Tenya Iida, Tomura Shigaraki.
Naruto - Asuma Sarutobi, Deidara, Gaara, Genma Shiranui, Hashirama Senju, Hidan, Iruka Umino, Itachi Uchiha, Jiraiya, Kabuto Yakushi, Kakashi Hatake, Kakuzu, Kankurō, Kisame Hoshigaki, Kushimaru Kuriarare, Madara Uchiha, Might Guy, Minato Namikaze, Nagato (Pain), Neji Hyūga, Obito Uchiha, Orochimaru, Rock Lee, Sai, Sasori, Shikamaru Nara, Tobi, Tobirama Senju, Yamato, Zetsu.
☆ Nightmare on Elm - Freddy Krueger
* Shatter Me - Brendan, Winston.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Alfredo Sawyer, Edward "Tex" Saywer, Robert "Chop Top" Sawyer, and Nubbins Sawyer.
☆ The Boy - Brahms Heelshire
Tokyo Ghoul - Kishou Arima, Nimura Furuta, Renji Yomo, Uta. 
Tokyo Revengers - Chifuyu Matsuno, Keisuke Baji, Ken "Draken' Ryuguji, Manjiro "Mikey" Sano, Mitsuya Takashi, Nahoya "Smiley" Kawata, Ran Haitani, Shuji Hanma, Souya "Angry" Kawata.
* Yuri On Ice - Chris, Otabek, Viktor, Yuri P.
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irismfrost · 2 months
Independant Excursion 2: Soaring Dragon Fish Statue: Transforming Love River and Ports
My independent excursion surrounds the Soaring Dragon Fish statue at the Love River. This river has gone by many different names throughout Kaohsiung’s history and has been a central cultural icon for Kaohsiung citizens throughout the years. The bottom of the statue is a fish and the top is a dragon. It glows at night and changes colors, representing the changes that both Kaohsiung and its waters have gone through. 
I walked the river bank at night, admiring all of the glowing buildings, the bridges, and the beautifully clean and calm water. The slight breeze and clean streets only added to the peaceful, scenic, and vacant atmosphere. All I can do is take a deep breath and enjoy the moment. A couple river boats pass by and I smile as I watch the city’s culture unfold in front of me. For second, I feel as if I’ve become a part of the city - it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. As I approach the Soaring Dragon Fish statue, all I can see is a towering, glowing structure. I cross the street to get a better view and I am immersed in the statue’s changing rainbow colors. The statue represents the positive change Kaohsiung and Love River have gone through, and it only continues to improve. It inspires me to do the same.
For this section, I’d like to focus on how the Soaring Dragon Fish statue represents the history of Kaohsiung, the second largest city in Taiwan, known as the “birthplace of democracy” due to Kaohsiung’s resilient culture and role in establishing Taiwan’s democracy. Dragons represent prosperity and were usually reserved for royalty back in the day. 
The Soaring Dragon Fish statue was constructed to celebrate Kaohiung’s maritime strength and represents the change of the Love River (1). Over the last 5 years, the past 5 mayors of Kaohsiung have successfully implemented the first stage of the strategic plan (started in 1978)  made to revive the Love River (2). These mayors were a part of the “Special municipality era” of Kaohsiung politics (focused on consolidating the city) are: Chen Chi-mai, Yang Ming-jou, Han Kuo-yu, Hsu Li-ming, Hsu Li-ming. The river went from a public sewer used by both the public and industries to a beautiful attraction for tourists and locals alike, returning the river to its past. This transformation is exemplified in the statue and showcases Kaohsiung’s ability to overcome all odds. 
Kaohsiung has also gone through economic change. The port in Kaohsiung is a crucial part of the economy and has undergone significant changes. During its initial growth, it became a prime spot for shipping and industrial factories (2). Now the port is a place for minds to gather all across Asia, known for its cultural and business richness, with more diverse industries. In 2013, Kaohsiung hosted the Asian Pacific Cities Summit, with leaders from 104 cities across the world (3). The changes in Kaohsiung’s economic development are also represented by the Soaring Dragon Fish statue. 
As Taiwan went through different occupations, its occupiers forcefully changed the cultures of the people and geography. One example of this is the Love River. During the Qing Dynasty’s reign, the Love River went by “Dagou River” (4). This was later changed to “Takao River” by the Japanese, a name that originated from the Makatao indigenous tribe that lived in the area prior to the Qing (5). In 1948, when Chen Chiang-shen came into power, he renamed the iconic river, “Love River Cruise”. A typhoon ripped off the “Cruise” part and a reporter writing about it, mistook the name for “Love River” and it became a popular spot for lovers. It is also rumored (mostly by our amazing tour guide, Peter) that the article also included the story of two lovers whose families wouldn’t let them be together committed suicide in the river. It is debated whether one survived and had to live on without the other. But even now, lovers still sit by its shores, maybe in an attempt to honor their love. Nonetheless, the river went by many names and has now transformed into a place of love. The Soaring Dragon Fish statue also represents the changes in the cultures of these occupations by name changes. 
The statue represents Kaohsiung’s transformative culture centered around the Love River and its ports. 
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newswvn · 2 years
[Review] Kỳ này Strike The Blood SS3 sẽ mang đến gì cho fan?
Strike The Blood được biết đến là bộ anime chuyển thể từ truyện tranh cùng tên của tác giả Mikumo Gakuto. Ra mắt lần đầu tiên vào tháng 10/2013, cho đến nay anime đã đi được một chặng đường khá dài, để có thể tiếp tục cống hiến cho các fan, vào năm 2019 đạo diễn Sano Takao đã trình làng bộ Strike The Blood SS3 hứa hẹn sẽ mang đến cho các fan nhiều bất ngờ. Cùng theo dõi những review bên dưới của News-W để không bỏ lỡ những thước phim hay trong Strike The Blood SS3 nhé!
Poster anime Strike The Blood SS3 khiến fan phải mê mẩn
Giới thiệu về Strike The Blood
Tên truyện tiếng Nhật: ストライク・ザ・ブラッド Sutoraiku za Buraddo
Thể loại: Siêu nhiên, hành động
Tác giả: Mikumo Gakuto
Minh hoạ: Manyako
ASCII Media Works đã đăng loạt light novel Strike The Blood của Mikumo từ 5/2011 đến 8/2020. Light novel có tổng cộng 22 tập và 2 ngoại truyện, dưới ấn hiệu Dengeki Bunko. Sau đó, Yen Press đã đăng ký bản quyền phiên bản tiếng Anh của tiểu thuyết để tiến hành phân phối tại thị trường Bắc Mỹ, còn Kadokawa thì giữ bản quyền phân phối tại Đài Loan.
Danh sách 24 tập truyện của Strike The Blood:
The Right Arm Of The Saint
From The Warlord’s Empire
The Amphisbaena
Labyrinth Of The Blue Witch
Fiesta For The Observers
Return Of The Alchemist
Kaleid Blood
The Tyrant and The Fool
The Black Sword Shaman
Bride of the Dark God
The Fugitive Fourth Primogenitor
The Knight of the Sinful God
Tartarus Roses
Golden Days
The War Of Original Vampires
Holy Knight of the Sunset
Broken Holy Spear
Truth Theory・Kingdom of Valkyria
Never-ending Night Banquet
Reunion of Vampire Princess
Twelve True Beasts and Blood Squires
The Return of Akatsuki
The Legacy of the Doll Maker (Ngoại truyện)
Day and Night of the Arai Festival (Ngoại truyện)
Anime Strike The Blood được phát sóng từ 2013 – 2014, có tổng cộng 25 tập. Dựa trên thành công của anime, một OVA 2 tập có tựa đề Strike The Blood: Valkyria no Ōkoku-hen cũng ra mắt ngay sau đó vào năm 2015. Trong đó, Strike The Blood II được phát sóng từ 11/2016 đến 05/2017 và có tổng cộng 8 tập. Strike The Blood III độ dài 10 tập được phát sóng từ 12/2018 đến 09/2019. Một OVA khác có tựa đề Strike The Blood: Kieta Seisō-hen được phát hành vào 1/2020. Strike The Blood IV gần đây đã kết thúc phát sóng vào ngày 30 tháng 6 năm 2021 và có tổng cộng 12 tập.
Tóm lược nội dung anime Strike The Blood
Strike The Blood là câu chuyện xoay quanh một cậu bé có tên là Kojo Akatsuki, cậu được coi là “thuỷ tổ đời thứ tư” – một ma cà rồng mạnh nhất trên thế giới có khả năng triệu hồi những ma thú cực mạnh đang sống trên một thành phố nổi hiện đại, nơi mà các chủng tộc và sinh vật huyền thoại cùng sống hòa bình với con người. Cùng khi đó, xuất hiện một cô gái tên là Yukina Himeragi có khả năng chiến đấu rất giỏi với vũ khí là giáo, cô được giao nhiệm vụ canh chừng ma cà rồng và nếu cần, bắn hạ cậu ấy bất cứ lúc nào. Tuy nhiên câu chuyện lại không hề diễn ra như vậy, một bối cảnh khác đã xảy ra xoay quanh đôi bạn trẻ này. Vậy bối cảnh đó là gì, câu trả lời sẽ có trong các tập phim anime Strike The Blood.
Chi tiết cốt truyện anime Strike The Blood SS3
Trong Strike The Blood SS1, những sự việc kỳ lạ trên biển khiến đảo Itogami trở nên bị cô lập. Một nhóm khủng bố được gọi là Tartarus Lapse bắt đầu hoạt động trên đảo.
Qua Strike The Blood SS2, những kẻ khủng bố mở một cuộc tấn công vào khu nhà kho. Sau đó, Kojo và Himeragi gặp thủ lĩnh khủng bố, Senga Takehito, kẻ đang cố gắng chiêu mộ họ. Anh tiết lộ niềm tin của mình về bản chất thực sự của hòn đảo, mục đích hồi sinh Cain và kế hoạch của anh để chống lại điều này. Cuộc tấn công khủng bố cuối cùng bắt đầu với việc Carly định bắn Asagi.
Strike The Blood SS3 tiếp nối Strike The Blood SS2, theo sự thúc giục của Mogwai và với sự trợ giúp của Motoki, Asagi tìm đường đến Keystone Gate để kết thúc cuộc tấn công xâm nhập vào mạng của hòn đảo. Trong khi đó, Kojo và Himeragi yếu thế trước những con quỷ do bọn khủng bố tung ra. Sayaka và những người khác đến tham gia cuộc chiến. Kojo uống máu của Himeragi và Yuiri để tạo cho mình sức mạnh chiến thắng trận chiến. December tiết lộ bản chất thật của cô ấy. Giờ đây, Takehito đang một mình cố gắng phá hủy hòn đá tảng của hòn đảo nhưng thay vào đó, nỗi sợ hãi tồi tệ nhất của anh đã được nhận ra.
Hình ảnh tình bể bình của 2 nhân vật chính
Tại sao Strike The Blood SS3 có tựa là huyết chiến?
Những điểm mới lạ của dàn nhân vật
Bỏ qua vấn đề công thức cũ “giải quyết xung đột”, Strike The Blood SS3 sở hữu dàn nhân vật đặc sắc nhất trong tất cả, bởi chính khả năng lồng tiếng tuyệt vời đã làm cho những đoạn hội thoại tưởng chừng khá sến nghe hay hơn rất nhiều. 5 nhân vật mới trong Strike The Blood SS3 với nhiều tính cách bí ẩn, được nhận định sẽ khiến cho nhiều bản chất của các nhân vật khác phải bộc lộ rõ. 
Lộ diện là danh sách các diễn viên lồng tiếng cho nhóm nhân vật trong Strike The Blood SS3:
Yoshimasa Hosoya vào vai Kojō Akatsuki
Risa Taneda vào vai Yukina Himeragi
Asami Seto vào vai Asagi Aiba
Rina Hidaka vào vai Nagisa Akatsuki
Ikumi Hayama vào vai Sayaka Kirisaka
Ryota Ohsaka vào vai Motoki Yaze
Hisako Kanemoto vào vai Natsuki Minamiya
Yuka Iguchi vào vai Astarte
Sayaka Senbongi vào vai Yuiri Haba
Kaede Hondo vào vai Shio Hikawa
Misaki Watada vào vai Glenda
Lynn vào vai December (nhân vật mới)
Hikaru Akao vào vai Carly (nhân vật mới)
Shun Horie vào vai Rogi (nhân vật mới)
Anzu Haruno vào vai Raan (nhân vật mới)
Kousuke Toriumi vào vai Takehito Senga (nhân vật mới)
Hình ảnh mê mẩn
Ngay khi hãng Warner Brothers Nhật Bản công bố poster quảng bá cho phần thứ 3 của bộ anime Strike The Blood tại sự kiện Comic Market 94, liền sau đó, giới anime đã lập tức truyền tay nhau mạnh mẽ về hình ảnh của ba nhân vật chính của bộ phim bao gồm: Akatsuki Kojou, Himeragi Yukina, Aiba Asagi. Hình ảnh trong Strike The Blood SS3, phải khiến người xem thừa nhận rằng Connect Studio đã thực hiện rất tốt hình ảnh của anime, đặc biệt là các cảnh chiến đấu.
Cảnh chiến đấu mãn nhãn trong Strike The Blood SS3
Nhạc phim đặc sắc
Strike The Blood SS3 mở đầu bằng ca khúc “Blood and Emotions” thể hiện bởi nhóm Kishida Kyodan & The Akeboshi Rockets, và ca khúc kết thúc là “Love Stoic” thể hiện bởi Taneda Risa. Các ca khúc được sử dụng trong anime giống như một sự pha trộn và tất cả chúng thực sự phù hợp với chủ đề tổng thể.
Ngay sau Strike The Blood SS3, phần thứ 4 và phần thứ 5 cũng đã được công bố vào ngày 29 tháng 6 năm 2021. Sau 9 năm chinh phục khán giả, anime Strike The Blood đã chính thức khép lại với rất nhiều ấn tượng sâu sắc. Đây thực sự là tin tức khá buồn đối với khán giả cuồng nhiệt của bộ anime này. Thông tin về các bộ anime hay sẽ luôn được News-W cập nhật nhanh chóng, đừng quên theo dõi chúng mình thường xuyên để không bỏ lỡ bất kỳ bộ anime nào nhé!
Bài viết [Review] Kỳ này Strike The Blood SS3 sẽ mang đến gì cho fan? đã xuất hiện tại News-W
source https://news-w.com/strike-the-blood-ss3/
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aduah · 4 years
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Stuff I did for fun and coloring practice! Yup, they’re the moms of my bbys!
From left, Sasha, Lara and Mei Chi!
I actually was coloring Takao with Sonia too but inspiration left me and now there’s just the flat colors. Enjoy anyway!
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kiseki-no-scenarios · 4 years
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Omg this is such a cute request!! No worries anon, I understand you perfectly!
This will be separated into two parts, so part one will feature Rakuzan, Shutoku, and Kaijo.
Puppy Love! Part 1: Rakuzan, Shutoku, and Kaijo
Mibuchi shivers, wrapping his arms around his body. “…I feel like someone’s watching us.” he states, before eyeing Mayuzumi suspiciously.
“I’m not. You’re not my type.” Mayuzumi’s deadpan answer earns a snort from Nebuya.
“You afraid of ghosts or something, Reo?” Nebuya teases, laughing when the black haired basketball player humphs angrily, hands on his hips.
“I’m not scared of ghosts!”
“Reo-nee, ghosts are scary though!” Hayama shivers. “What if it’s a vengeful ghost that died in this gym or something years ago?!”
“They say if it knows your name, it’ll kill you.”
“Chi-chan??? Where’d you hear that?!” Mibuchi yelps, hands pressed to his chest. “No one say my name out loud!!”
“Mibuchi Reo.” Mayuzumi snaps, ignoring Mibuchi’s pained cry. “I read it in one of my light novels.”
“WAHHH!!!” Mibuchi screams, and Hayama manages to leap out of the way at the last minute before Mibuchi completely crashes into the shorter male.
“Reo-nee, what on earth…” Hayama laughs, before noticing the new arrival at the entrance of the gym. “Is that…a dog?”
“Arf.” The dog replies with a bark. It was hard to explain, but the dog appeared to be calmly appraising the scene, sitting back on its haunches.
“Woah, look at its eyes!” Nebuya raced forward, peering down at the dog. “It’s got a red eye and a yellow one!”
The others all observed the dog, finally noticing the mismatched, heterochromatic orbs.
“…It reminds me of Akashi.” Mayuzumi finally murmurs.
“Woah, he really does!!” Hayama agreed. There was something rather majestic in the way that the white german shepard carried itself.
“Comparing me to a dog now, are you?”
“Eek…” The members all froze as they heard their captain approaching them from behind. “But it’s cute, Sei-chan!”
“I recall leaving you all to your training.” Akashi’s eyes flash briefly as he meets Mibuchi’s gaze. “I expected Eikichi, Reo, and Hayama to be up to these ridiculous things…but you as well, Chihiro?”
“Hm. Get back to training, unless you’d like to stay for an extra set.”
The threat is powerful enough for the members to quickly return to their practice, while Akashi remains, looking over his team.
“You there.” Akashi’s eyes flicker downwards, meeting the heterochromatic eyes of the dog sitting in front of him. “I expect you to behave as well, if you wish to stay.”
“Shin-chan, over here!!”
“Woah, good hit Shin-chan!”
Midorima could feel his frustration growing as he shot the basketball in his hand, tsking at it glanced off the side of the rim before making it through the basket. “Must you guys continue calling it by that ridiculous name?”
“He likes it though!” Takao replied, holding up the dark haired puppy in his hands. “His eyes are sooooo cute!!”  
It was by chance that the Shutoku members had discovered the dark haired puppy lingering outside the gym. It was even more interesting when they watched the puppy blink, eyes as green as Midorima’s hair. And thus…
“We’ll call you Shin-chan!!!” Takao had declared, and the other Shutoku members only found the situation amusing. Well, everyone but the puppy’s name sake, of course.
“Everyone seems a bit more excited.” Otsubo comments, watching his team clamoring for the puppy’s attention. “It’s a morale booster. So, please put up with it.”
“Huh? Where ya going Shin-chan?” Takao questioned as the puppy wiggled out of his hold, jumping onto the ground.
“What.” Midorima glared, staring down the puppy that had walked up to him, sitting at his feet.
“Arrf. Arrf.” The puppy seemed to chastise him, causing Midorima to bristle with annoyance. “I refuse to acknowledge you.” Midorima harrumph, pushing up his glasses with his left hand.
“Woah, look at that thing jump!” Miyaji’s voice was incredulous as the puppy managed to jump up, smacking his paw against Midorima’s left hand.
Midorima stared down at the puppy who was meeting his gaze with it’s large, emerald-green eyes.
Turning back to the basket, Midorima threw the ball, this time making a perfect swish as it fell through the net.
“Arf.” The puppy seemed to be proud of itself, and Midorima swore it was smirking
“It wasn’t because of you.”
“Aww, look at the two Shin-chans getting along!!”
“You’re so cute!!” Kise squealed, holding the golden-fur puppy in his arms.
“Arf arf!!” The puppy wagged its tail excitedly, golden orbs sparkling in delight as he licked Kise’s face.
Kise felt his heart swell at the ball of fluff that had appeared in their gym, barking and tail wagging as it enthusiastically ran around the gym with the team as they warmed up for practice.
Letting the puppy down, Kise watched as he started bumping the basketballs with its paws, swatting and pushing the ball along the floor.
“What an adorable puppy. Girls like puppies, don’t they?” Moriyama’s eyes glimmered in interested as he leaned down towards the excitable puppy. “You and I shall go and meet some girls!!”
“Don’t be teaching the puppy weird things, baka!” Kobori snarled, pushing the back of Moriyama’s head.
“Arf arf!”
“But it wants to go, don’t you?” Moriyama cooed as the puppy continued barking, it’s little body trembling in excitement.
“God, this thing’s even more hyper than you, Hayakawa!”
“I won’t lose!!”
“Don’t pick a fight with a puppy, damnit!” Kobori sighed, watching Hayakawa staring down at the puppy with angry eyes.
Completely ignorant of the death glare he was receiving, the puppy only continued bouncing around, tilting its head cutely as it looked up at the members surrounding it.
“So cute so cute so cute!!” Kise continued squealing, before looking for his phone. “I need pictures!!”
“What is the big deal here?!” Kise yelped as Kasamatsu kicked him in the back of his legs. “Get back to practice!”
“Puppy-chan, don’t go to the scary mean person!” Moriyama cried out as the puppy suddenly took off in Kasamatsu’s directly, immediately pawing at the captain’s shorts.
“Why is there a dog here…” Kasamatsu grumbled, picking up the puppy by its scruff as he held it in front of his face. Suddenly, the puppy stuck out its tongue, licking the captain’s nose again and again.
“Oh no!” Kise yelled, scared that Kasamatsu was going to hurt the puppy. Instead…
“Tickles…” Kasamatsu pulled away from the puppy, setting him on the floor gently. “Hm. Guess you’re not too bad.”
“Yip!” Running circles around Kasamatsu’s feet, the puppy barked happily.
“..No fair, why can’t you treat me like that?!?” Kise whined, narrowly dodging another one of Kasamatsu’s famous kicks.
“Because you’re an annoying dumbass!”
Send me a request!
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charredbrie · 5 years
Kurobas Valentine’s Day Event 2020 Day 7: MuraMido side AoKi
OMG I can’t believe I’ve already finished with this event and I am so happy to be able to participate in this event. Pardon the late post, I am in deep with The Untamed Fandom, I am quite distracted and it actually takes me quite a while to decide on which pairing I am going to use. For this, I’ve decided to use the LDR theme just because I certainly know how it feels to be in this type of relationship. Been there, done that and never again lol But this one comes with a happy ending. So without further ado, here’s the last installment. This event isn’t possible with @vanilla-daydreams and @theuglycrybaby, many thanks to you guys <3
Day 6 Prompt: Free (MuraMido side AoKi Future Fic, College Students AU)
Title: Valentines’ Promise
Summary: College students Midorima and Kise ponder about their long-distance relationship with their respective partners, the struggles of being in a long-distance relationship. 
Rating: T 
Also on Ao3
Shintaro stirs from his sleep induced self. The sun rays are peeking through his window as his alarm clock starts to ring. Slowly, he tries to sit up and snooze the alarm, grabs his glasses with his right hand as well as putting it back on his face, also with his right hand. He removes his nightcap and stretches his arms for a bit before standing up and unveils the curtains. It is a nice and sunny day but Shintaro can’t help but feel that this is gonna be a good day for Cancers. Carefully, he goes downstairs and fixes himself some breakfast. 
He is living alone in a condominium now for two years after he has graduated high school. Ever since he is a child, he always knows that he has wanted to be a doctor although he has to give up playing basketball. During his last year in high school, he has been offered to go pro to America. However, his father is against it and tells him that he should go to medical school instead of playing on the big stage. He has been heartbroken by that time. The other members of the Generation of Miracles get an offer too. Aomine and Akashi are currently in America playing on the big stage as well as Murasakibara. In Kise’s case, he has decided not to go because it is his lifetime dream to be a pilot so he has persuaded it instead. 
The two of them, Kise and him, have been attending the same university and he doesn’t know how it happens but both of them become close, closer than they’ll ever be. Maybe it’s for the reason that they both give up their dream of playing in the big stage as well as the fact that they are both in a long-distance relationship with their partners. 
He should be used to it by now given the fact that he and Murasakibara have already been through that stage back in high school. Him, being in Tokyo and Murasakibara at Akita. However, the proof of his long lost absence is the fact that before, he is just one train away but now, he is on the other side of the world. He also notices that before, he can just call him anytime after school or practice but now, because of the time difference as well as their intense training being the contributing factors, they haven’t really talked that much and it makes him upset. He knows he doesn’t need to blame Murasakibara for he knows that the taller guy needs his rest too. But sometimes, he just can’t help but feel that he has already forgotten about him. If before, they couldn’t go on a day without talking or messaging each other, but now, they can go on weeks without talking or messaging each other. 
And he misses him so much that it hurts. 
His classes have just ended when he receives a text from Kise saying that he will come to his house once his class is done. He replies okay to him instead of his usual “die” because he, himself needs some time to unwind and Kise is the perfect friend for it because he knows how he feels, in fact. Quickly putting all his stuff inside his bag, he smoothly goes out of the room as he is bidding goodbye to his colleagues on the way. He stops by the grocery store to buy ingredients for dinner or else, both Kise and him will starve to death because the blonde doesn’t know how to cook, much less handle a knife. He has been bad at cooking before but now that he has been living alone, he manages to learn with the help of Takao because he has gotten so sick of eating to-go food and finally convinces himself that cooking is not too bad, in fact. 
When he gathers all the ingredients for Nikujaga, he pays for it and proceeds home. He enters his quiet place and kind of sinks into loneliness again. He misses his sister’s boisterous greeting as well as his Mom’s gentle yet sarcastic attitude. He closes his eyes for a bit, trying to whisk away his thoughts. He strides towards the kitchen and starts with the preparation of the dish. An hour later, when the scent of the Nikujaga is filling the air, his doorbell rings, signaling that Kise has arrived.
He is greeted enthusiastically by the blond as he makes himself feel at home. 
“Kise, dinner is going to be ready soon. I am just reducing it.”
“Thank you, Midorimachi! What did you cook?”
“Nikujaga. Wait here, in fact. I will grab drinks. Do you want soda or tea?”
“Soda please.” The blonde answers as he goes to the kitchen to prepare their drinks. He hears Kise sighs loudly from the living room. He frowns a bit. Knowing his long time friend, Kise seldom sighs unless he is really bothered by something. Quickly, he fixes their drinks and goes to his friend. He puts the drink in front of the blonde as he sits opposite him.
“Let me guess, Aomine?”
He looks up at him as he reaches for the soda while silently mutter thanks. He looks at his friend, trying to read him. His eyes are a little bit swollen and he has dark circles under his eyes.
“Tell me, Midorimachi, when was the last time you speak with Murasakibarachi?”
Shintaro stops and tightens the grip on his shiruko can and thinks. When was the last time I talk to him? Suddenly he remembers their conversation that is a month ago.
Shintarou is getting ready for bed after hours of studying for his midterm exam when he hears his phone buzzes. Already cursing who the caller is in this wee hours at night. He looks at the caller id and his heart skips a beat seeing his long time boyfriend’s name. With shaking hands, he answers the phone.
“…Mido-chin? I’m glad you’re still awake.”
He tries to compose himself from saying everything on his mind. How come you only called now? I know you’re busy but can’t you see that my thoughts are filled with yours all the time? Why only call now? Why can’t we be like before? Why are you not here by my side? I’m getting frustrated because I don’t know what to do anymore.
How does this fool remain calm is definitely unthinkable when he has so many thoughts creeping in all the time. But instead, he answers in a calm manner as possible.
“I-I’m studying for my midterm exams and I just got done, in fact…How are you?”
He hears a long sigh from the other line before Murasakibara speaks, “…Mido-chin, I miss you.”
He tightens his hold on his phone, afraid of breaking out from all of his hidden emotions. “…Really?”
“Are you angry with me?”
“Why would I be angry?”
“Because we haven’t been talking for more than three weeks now.”
“Look, Murasakibara, I know you’re busy, in fact. You don’t need to feel guilty, in fact.”
“But…I want to talk to Mido-chin more.”
“I do too, in fact. Our time difference is a big factor and it’s not a walk in the park in the medical school as well. We both have our responsibilities and I don’t blame you for it, Murasakibara.”
He smiles as he hears the purple head munches on something, probably potato chips and lets out a heavy breath before speaking, “But Mido-chin, I want to cuddle with you! I want to see you so bad. The school here sucks and Mine-chin snores so loud! Training is also so hard! I wanna go back…”
“Murasakibara, what did you promise me before you leave?”
“…That I will see to it till the end? But Mido-chi-,” he cuts off his whine and says instead, “Didn’t you want to do it for me? That you’d reach my dream of being a pro in my stead?”
“…Fine. But keep your promise from me too, okay? Go sleep now, Mido-chin. I’ll go to school now. Love you~”
Suddenly, he feels his face getting hot by his statement. No matter how long they have been together, he can’t get used to Murasakibara conveying his feelings out of nowhere.
“F-Fool, of course, I will keep the promise. Behave at school and just sleep earlier than Aomine if he snores so loud, in fact.”
“Okay~ don’t you have something to say to me too?”
A long-suffering sigh, “Can’t you drop your tsundere self for a bit?”
“S-Shut up, it’s not that I don’t want to say it, it’s just that you surprised me, in fact.”
“Really, Mido-chin? After all these years?”
“‘Kay, I won’t force you. Good night, Mido-chin.”
“W-Wait!…I..love..you too..”
Then he cuts off the call, not really waiting for Murasakibara’s reply because he knows that the taller boy will just tease him. Only for tonight, he will sleep with a peaceful mind.
After that, Murasakibara tries to call him at least every three days. And it is only this time that he’s been missing in action again as it drags on for two weeks without calling each other because the latter has a training camp.
“Two weeks ago, before he goes on a training camp.”
Kise gapes at him and asks, “Is Aominechi with him?”
“I think so, in fact.”
Kise slams his hand on the table with an obvious fury. Shintaro just looks at the blonde with bewilderment but reprimanded him nonetheless. “Kise, stop taking out your anger on my table.”
“T-That Ahomine….he hasn’t been calling me for a month! He didn’t even tell me that he’s going on a training camp!”
“Maybe he’s busy, in fact?”
“Midorimachi! He’s in America! Most of the ladies there are well endowed! What if he is cheating with me? What if he will get someone pregnant? Oh my gosh!!!!”
He tries to calm his friend down who is getting hysterical. I’m surrounded by idiots.
“Kise, calm down! I don’t think that Aomine is capable of doing that, in fact.”
Kise wails as he jumps to him and cries on his chest. Shintaro, being the tsundere that he is, is lost on how to calm the blonde down. He thinks that he can already pacify Kise in his every mood but he is too naive to think that. He groans painfully as he awkwardly pats Kise’s head for comfort. He waits for the blond to finally calm down before he lets go of him, helps him stand up and seats him comfortable at the couch. He goes to the kitchen to get him water and also check the Nikujaga. Once he sees that it is ready, he takes out two sets of plates and utensils and arranges the table. He calls Kise and he is thankful that the blonde is being obedient in spite of his outburst earlier. Together, they eat in silence. However, the blonde is still sniffing his tears. Not taking it anymore, Shintaro finally speaks.
“You know, you just have to trust on Aomine, in fact.”
“H-How? I mean, we don’t talk much. As well as you and Murasakibarachi.”
“Let’s just say that Murasakibara and I made a promise with each other.”
Kise’s ears perk up and divert his full attention to him.
“What is it?”
“It’s only between the two of us, in fact.”
“You know, Midorimachi, I don’t know how you do it but all these times, you’ve been in a long-distance relationship but have you ever thought of giving up? It’s hard to maintain.”
“Yes, it is, in fact. However, we both trust each other and I also know that Murasakibara is too lazy to flirt with others. I trust him that’s why I don’t have to know what he is doing all the time, in fact. Knowing his personality, he doesn’t want to be oppressed by what he wants to do. Although sometimes it makes me upset because I yearn for his presence but I can’t do anything about it, he is on the other side of the globe. It is hard to wait, in fact. I’ve thought a number of times that he might have been forgotten about me. I won’t even deny that, but as long as I know that his feelings are still the same, then I don’t have anything to worry about. It’s just harder now because of the time difference.”
He looks at the blonde who is in deep thinking. He speaks again in order to gain his companion’s attention, “I won’t say to you to do the same but you just have to trust Aomine. After all, you know him better than I do, in fact.”
Finally, he sees the blonde smile and looks at him, “Thank you, Midorimachi. But wow, I never knew you felt that way. You just look at me with a sour face every time I talk to you about my problem.”
He pushes his glasses up as he tries to hide his face from embarrassment of being pointed out, “S-Shut up, Kise! It’s not because you need some advice that I said that. I’m saying that because I don’t want you to have another outburst again, in fact.”
He hears the blonde chuckles as he continues to eat his dinner, “Whatever, Midorimachi! Such a tsundere~”
“Shut up and eat!”
It has been a week since his heartfelt conversation with Kise and he still cringes every time he thinks about it. Given, he just wants to cheer his friend up but it doesn’t occur to him that he will embarrass himself in the process. They still meet up regularly though, sometimes for coffee or for dinner. It has also been three weeks since he last hears from his lazy boyfriend. He is kind of worried if the taller boy hasn’t been taking care of himself lately. He misses him so much that even hearing his voice and making sure that he’s alright is enough to ease his worries.
And now, Valentines’ Day has arrived and Kise and himself have decided to have dinner together after school. Both of them have been feeling pensive. For the last two years, it is always been the two of them who spend the cursed day together in order to diminish their thoughts of their far-away partners, even for a while. Usually, they just go about the good old days and talk about senseless things. Throughout the years, Shintaro has learned by now that he has to be more open with other people but he only has a few of them who he can fully open up with and one of them is Kise.
After their class, they have met up with each other and go to a fancy Italian restaurant. They have accidentally met with Hayama Kotaro and Miyaji Kiyoshi in the middle of the date in the same restaurant, much to the dismay of his old senpai. Kise has been animatedly talking to Hayama and tries to pull him away as he can see the displeased expression of his senpai for being interrupted. They bid their goodbye and proceeded to have their own little world. 
After they’re done with their dinner, they both decide to separate since Kise has an early shoot tomorrow and he needs his beauty rest, much to the annoyance of Shintaro. But accepts it nonetheless. But before he goes on his way, Kise stops him and tells him, “Happy Valentine’s, Midorimachi! I’m glad you’re here. Didn’t even think we’d be this close thinking back.”
Shintaro gives him a small smile and turns around, afraid that Kise might see his ears getting red. “My pleasure as well, in fact. Take care.”
They both go on their own way with a smile plastered on their faces.
When Shintaro gets into his condominium complex, he noticed a capped boy crouching in front of his door. He can only make up his appearance from far away and also notices a big duffle bag by the mystery man’s feet. As he moves nearer, his heart is suddenly pumping faster as he fully recognizes the looming figure. The boy then looks at his direction when he senses his nearing footsteps and stands up, removes his cap to show his face and smiles lazily at him.
The man waiting for him is none other than Murasakibara Atsushi. His hair is longer and he has gotten a few inches taller yet again. His face is not quite the same for he has lost some baby fats on his cheeks and it makes him quite mature and more dashing, in fact. He still wears that bored expression but his purple irises are twinkling when he finally sees him.
And Shintaro can’t help his tears flowing freely from his eyes for it has been too long since he last sees him.
With heavy steps, Murasakibara moves closer to his side and hugs him tightly, “..Mido-chin, I miss you…” He whispers as he buries his head on the top of his head as he does the same but on the crook of his neck and inhales the always present smell of lavender and candy. They stay like that for a whole minute until they let go of each other and gaze lovingly at each other.
“W-What are you doing here, in fact?”
“They gave us two weeks of vacation after that intense training camp, so here I am, Mido-chin.” He takes Murasakibara’s arm like a kid and pulls him inside his condominium. He motions the taller boy to sit and he dashes straight to the kitchen to prepare tea as well as to calm himself down. He serves him the tea and he chooses to sit on the opposite single couch and looks at him, still not believing the fact that he is, in fact, here in front of him.
The taller boy sips on his tea and scrunches his face because of the bitterness. “Ne, Mido-chin, can you serve me anything sweet? You know bitter tea is not really to my liking.”
He still keeps his straight face as he continues staring at him as Murasakibara awkwardly squirms under his gaze.
“Ne, Mido-chin, are you not gonna say anything?”
“Eh? ‘Coz I miss you, isn’t it enough?” The taller boy’s face is crestfallen as he tries to steady himself without breaking out in another tear. True, he is anticipating the day that they will see each other again but what he doesn’t know is that his body will be a traitor like this. He has so many words to say and yet, here he is, being rooted in his place, unable to speak what is meant to be spoken.
He rolls his fist into a ball and forcefully tightens it as he gazes at the boy opposite him and tries to speak. He really wishes that he can be like Murasakibara who doesn’t have any qualms speaking his mind in the most direct way.
“I-I..I’m speechless…I didn’t think you’d appear now.”
“Why wouldn’t I? It’s Valentines’ Day. It’s been too long since I celebrated it with you.” He pulls out something from his duffle bag and Shintaro just looks at him. Suddenly, a surprise is written all over his face as he sees a Kerosuke plushie holding a chocolate bar in between his chest. Murasakibara then slowly walks until he is in front of him, kneels and hands out the plushie as he is looking up to him.
“Happy Valentines’ Day, Mido-chin~”
He blushes as he tries to avoid looking at Murasakibara’s eyes but accepted the gift nonetheless.
Murasakibara just smiles sluggishly at him and says, “Don’t I even get a welcome kiss?”
“S-Shut up, you imbecile! How am I supposed to react when you caught me off guard?”
“Eh??? No need to react so excitedly. After all, Mido-chin is Mido-chin. And comes with being Mido-chin is being a tsundere.”
Slowly, he moves his left hand to reach for his face and suddenly pinches his cheek hard, thinking that it will wake him up from this dream. After all, this isn’t the first that he dreams of Murasakibara being here with him. When he feels the stinging pain, that is the only time when he finally wakes up from being rooted.
“I’m really not dreaming, you are really here.”
“…Yes?” He sees the confusion on Murasakibara’s face as Shintaro abruptly bends his head down and gives the taller boy a sweet kiss.
“I promise you, I will wait for you no matter how it takes. Happy Valentines’ Day, Atsushi.” He murmurs on his lips after the sweet kiss, not breaking any contact as Murasakaibara speaks.
“And so do I.”
The next day, Shintaro wakes up because he feels his whole body is numb. He opens his eyes only to see that Murasakibara has yet again, made him his human pillow as his long limbs and arms are encasing him. He smiles as he studies the sleeping face of his boyfriend. It’s been a while since I’ve seen this. He is still drooling in his sleep.
Slowly, he tries to unravel himself from his strong grip but it seems to be futile. He thanks the heavens that today is Saturday and that he doesn’t have any school. With a struggle, he tries to reach for his glasses on his nightstand using his right hand and puts it back on his face. He then hears his phone buzzes and reaches for it as well. He flips it open and reads Kise’s message but instantly wants to throw his phone away after. He replies to Kise angrily and puts back his phone on the nightstand and just decides to cuddle with his big plushie today and no one can stop Shintaro from doing that.
What is Kise’s message you ask?
To: Midorimachi (つ▀¯▀)つ
From:  Kise Ryouta
Subject: OMFG
Message: Midorimachiiiiii O(≧∇≦)O Aominechi is here~ I heard from him that Murasakibarachi went straight to your condominium right after they got out of the airport…Aominechi surprised me as well~ σ(≧ε≦o) Omg I am so happy! You should be happy as well! Let’s meet up for dinner tonight at the usual place? I won’t take no for an answer! See you both later at 7! (╯✧∇✧)╯
P.S. Did you get some good v-day sexy time? (ノ≧∀≦)ノ
To: Kise Ryouta
From:  Midorimachi (つ▀¯▀)つ
Re: Subject: WTF
Message: DIE, KISE
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bohemianrhapsodyrpg · 4 years
¡Se abren reservas!
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Estamos a muy poco de abrir el foro, y por esa razón hemos decidido abrir reservas a partir de este momento. Se recibirán asks con el formulario que les daremos aquí mismo a partir de ahora y hasta el día 1 de julio. 
No se aceptarán reservas si no son enviadas a través de asks o mensaje privado, no submit. Trataremos de actualizar lo más rápido posible la lista de reservas para que no haya ningún problema. 
Al momento de abrir el foro, los usuarios que han realizado sus reservas tendrán un máximo de siete días para publicar su ficha terminada, de lo contrario cualquiera podrá reclamar el físico. 
Sólo se permitirán dos reservas por usuario.
Físico — Procedencia — Reservado por: Nick del personaje o apodo del usuario
Medidas para gráficos
Si desean comenzar a trabajar en sus gráficos, estas serán las medidas para ello:
Avatar: 250x500
Imágenes de perfil: 110x110 y 100x100
Banner de perfil: 800x150
Portada: 300x500
Lista de reservas
Murasakibara Atsushi — Kuroko no Basket — Reservado por:  Andrej F. Zdravko
Samatoki Aohitsugi — Hypnosis Mic — Reservado por: Francis F. Chastain
Gunji — Togainu no Chi — Reservado por: Aleksei V. Kollektivnyy
Dice Arisugawa — Hypnosis Mic —  Reservado por: Remy
Akira — Togainu no Chi — Reservado por:  Velkan J. Bridges
Miss Fortune — League of Legends — Reservado por: Issa
Katarina du Couteau — League of Legends — Reservado por: Sarah
Leona Kingscholar — Twisted Wonderland — Reservado por: River Longstride
Takao — Azur Lane — Reservado por: Agathe G. Dubois
Lind Tachibana — Dance with Devils — Reservado por: Thunder
Jinguji Ren — Uta no Prince-sama — Reservado por: Devon
Leon — Reine des Fleurs — Reservado por: Gotita
Mercy — Overwatch — Resevado por: Lorein A. Evans
Felicia Hardy — Marvel —  Reservado por: Corinne Skarsgård
Haruka Nanami — Uta no Prince-sama — Reservado por: Rosie 
Suzuhara Lulu — Nijisanji — Reservado por: Mika
Kagami Hayato — Nijisanji — Reservado por: Oswald
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anime-time-esp · 6 years
Mejores waifus del anime. Parte 2:
1. Momo Belia Deviluke - To love ru
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2. Ami Kawashima - Toradora
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3. Izumi Akazawa - Another
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4. Krista Lenz - Shingeki no kyojin
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5. Maki Nishikino - Love live! School idol project
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6. Mikuru Asahina - Suzumiya Haruhi no yuutsu
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7. Mami Tomoe - Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
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8. Hitagi Senjougahara - Monogatari series
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9. Nyarlathotep (Nyaruko) - Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
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10. Kaho Hinata - Blend S
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11. Kyou Fujibayashi - Clannad
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12. Yumeko Jabami - Kakegurui
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13. Tohru - Kobayashi-san chi no maid dragon
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14. Megumin - Konosuba
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15. Anna Nishikinomiya - Shimoneta
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16. Takao Bucho - D-Frag
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17. Nanami Aoyama - Sakurasou no pet na kanojo
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18. Ayano Sugiura - Yuru yuri
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19. Shimakaze - Kantai Collection
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20. Raphiel Shiraha Ainsworth - Gabriel Dropout
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dessi1998 · 6 years
2018 Drabble Challenge
Day 358 Bonus - Christmas
Christmas - time for giving, receiving and spending time with friends.
And Kuroko had a lot of friends. Again, they all decided to meet and spend some time together. But this time, out side, at a festival for the holiday. Everyone was dressed properly, the puppies calmly walking next to their humans so as not to get lost in the crowd. Only Aomine seemed a bit weird as he brought a basketball along with himself. Like always.
The friends went along the stands, being swept by the mass of people. Sometimes they would stop for food, other times to play a game.
"We should get together like that more often!" Kise proposed excitedly.
"We're in different schools with different schedules. It's kinda impossible." Aomine grumbled, spinning the ball on his finger.
"Dai-chan, will you stop playing with the ball?" Momoi pouted.
"And what, play along with you?" He asked, smirking. The girl rolled her eyes and hit him on the head.
"Behave." Midorima said. "Don't create a scene."
"Like this?" Kise asked, laughing as he jumped on Midorima's back. The boy just sighed.
"Yes Midorima, as a Christmas present, I want you two give me a piggy back ride everywhere." Takao also jumped on him. "I can't be the only one to drive you everywhere."
"I don't want to walk alongside such little kids as you." Kuroko deadpanned and Momoi was immediately running towards him, linking their arms.
"Let's go somewhere, just the two of us." She said cheerfully.
"Oi, don't steal her all to yourself, Kuroko!" Aomine yelled. The whole group of humans had suddenly gotten quite wild and noisy.
And their puppies weren't about to tolerate such behavior.
"Want to go somewhere else?" Yoshi asked the group.
"To the big shining tree!" Choco barked excitedly, jumping up and down. The others agreed and so six puppies weaved into the big sea of humans, turning their backs to their own humans.
But two humans saw them and decided to follow them.
"Where do you think they are going?" Riko asked, a bit shy since she wasn't that close to Murasakibara and suddenly the atmosphere was weird. To her at least. The boy, too focused on his food, didn't seem to notice.
"The Christmas tree. Choco really liked it when we passed it." He said nonchalantly. And the pups really walked in that direction.
Once there, as if they were little kids, they ran towards it, easily walking between people's legs and getting right under it. Murasakibara and Riko couldn't follow them though so they stayed behind, hoping the puppies wouldn't get lost.
"Don't worry." Murasakibara said. "If I yell 'chocolate chips' he will jump and bark unless I yell 'eaten'. It's our code when we need to find each other."
"Clever." Riko admitted.
"Hey, where is Riko?" Kagami suddenly asked.
"Murasakibara is gone too..." Tatsuya said.
"They went somewhere with the puppies." Akashi said calmly, eating a tangerine. Deciding that no one would get lost, the group decided to continue on with their walk. Momoi sent a message to Riko, just to be sure.
Fifteen minutes later the two groups were still separated. But there was a big change. Suddenly, something white began falling from the sky.
"Guys, snow!" Kise yelled excitedly.
"Snow! The white floating stuff." Choco barked.
Everyone looked to the sky, humans and puppies alike. There really were small floating things, cold and falling the the ground.
"Let's go have a snow fight!" Aomine proposed.
"You need more slow than this for that." Midorima rolled his eyes.
"There will be enough eventually. We can play basketball till then."
Riko got a message from Momoi, reading it and learning their plan.
"They are going to play basketball until there's enough snow to play with."
"Oh, good idea." Murasakibara said. Before he could yell for Choco, the pup himself let the puppies to them. And so they also went to where they friends were going.
By the time they got there, the snowing had gotten a lot stronger. It wasn't melting so the group of friends could actually make a few snow balls and fight with them. When Riko, Midorima and the puppies arrived, Aomine and Kise were actually making a small snowman. Yoshi jumped right at him and made it fall.
"It's time then." Aomine said.
"To battle!" Kise yelled as he made a ball and threw it as Midorima.
"Oi! Behave yourself." The boy shrieked from the cold.
"Your puppy ruined our snowman." Kise defended himself.
"It wasn't much of a snowman anyway." Murasakibara said. Which, of course, moved the attack to him.
There rarely was a white Christmas in Japan. But this group of friends made the most of it, enjoying every snowflake that fell to the ground. Or even if it didn't reach the ground. The puppies jumped at every small pile of snow, making themselves white with snow. Which then ended up on the humans anyway.
And through all of this, Chi preferred to hide in Midorima's (and on some instants, Akashi's and Kuroko's) collars. Snow wasn't really her thing, she liked the warm much better. And the puppies, for her liking.
Once the fireworks began, Midorima had to endure the pain of the kitten's claws, too. As if the children he was surrounded with weren't enough...
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and gif not mine, Santa gave it to me...
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twisting-vine-x · 6 years
Full list of fandoms and ships
Don't mind me, just putting this here because I want somewhere to link to from my bio.
Anime & Manga
• Shingeki no Kyojin (Levi/Eren, Erwin/Mike, Jean/Marco, Ymir/Historia, Hanji/Moblit) • Yuri!!! On Ice (Viktor/Yuuri) • Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle & Tsubasa: World Chronicle (Fai/Kurogane, Sakura/Syaoran, Touya/Yukito) • Free! (Makoto/Haruka, Makoto/Haruka/Rin, Nagisa/Rei, Rin/Ai, Rin/Sosuke) • Haikyuu!! (Takeda/Ukai, Hinata/Kageyama, Oikawa/Iwaizumi, Daichi/Sugawara, Nishinoya/Asahi, Kiyoko/Yachi, Kuroo/Kenma, Akaashi/Bokuto) • Hetalia (Germany/Italy) • Tokyo Ghoul (Kaneki/Hideyoshi, Kaneki/Hideyoshi/Touka, Amon/Akira) • Pokémon (Jessie/James) • Wolf's Rain (Cher/Hubb) • Fullmetal Alchemist (Roy/Edward, Roy/Edward/Riza, Maes/Gracia, Izumi/Sig) • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Roy/Edward, Roy/Edward/Riza, Trisha/Van, Maes/Gracia, Izumi/Sig, Ling/Lan Fan, Ling/Greed) • No. 6 (Nezumi/Shion) • Ouran High School Host Club (Tamaki/Kyoya, Tamaki/Haruhi) • Neon Genesis Evangelion (Shinji/Kaworu, Misato/Kaji) • Dramatical Murder (Aoba/Koujaku) • Samurai Flamenco (Gotou/Masayoshi) • Togainu no Chi (Keisuke/Akira) • Arakawa Under the Bridge (Nino/Kou) • UraBoku (Luka/Yuki, Shusei/Hotsuma) • Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! (En/Atsushi, Io/Ryuu) • Gangsta (Nicolas/Alex) • K (Shiro/Kuroh, Fushimi/Yata, Mikoto/Totsuka) • One Punch Man (Saitama/Genos) • Noragami (Yato/Hiyori, Kazuma/Bishamon) • Psycho-Pass (Akane/Korgami/Ginoza) • xxxHolic (Watanuki/Doumeki) • Cardcaptor Sakura (Syaoran/Sakura, Touya/Yukito/Yue) • Owari no Seraph (Mikaela/Yuichiro, Guren/Shinya) • Kuroko no Basuke (Midorima/Takao) • Code Geass (Lelouch/Suzaku) • Death Note • Kuroshitsuji Cartoon • Arcane (Viktor/Jacye, Caitlyn/Vi) • Voltron (Shiro/Lance/Keith, Krolia/Texas Kogane) • RWBY (Qrow/Ozpin, Blake/Sun, Jean/Pyrrha, Nora/Ren) • My Little Pony (Applejack/Rarity, Applejack/Rarity/Capper, Twilight Sparkle/Tempest, Cadence/Shining Armour, Rainbow Dash/Celaeno) • The Dragon Prince (Amaya/Gren) • Avatar: The Last Airbender Books • The Silmarillion (Beren/Lúthien, Glorfindel/Ecthelion, Fingon/Maedhros) • Dragonlance (Raistlin/Dalamar, Tanis/Laurana, Tanis/Raistlin, Caramon/Tika) • Otherland (Renie/!Xabbu, Orlando/Sam) • Good Omens (Crowley/Aziraphale) Live Action • The Witcher (Geralt/Jaskier) • Our Flag Means Death (Stede/Edward, Lucius/Black Pete) • Good Omens (Crowley/Aziraphale) • Rings of Power • House of the Dragon • The Lord of the Rings (Aragorn/Arwen/Legolas) • The Hobbit (Thorin/Bilbo, Thranduil/Bard) • Merlin (Arthur/Merlin) • Battlestar Gallactica (Lee/Kara, Bill/Laura, Sharon/Karl, Six/Gaius) • Supernatural (Dean/Castiel) • The Walking Dead (Daryl/Carol, Maggie/Glenn, Tara/Rosita, Aaron/Eric, Rick/Michonne) • Cabin Pressure (Martin/Douglas) • Sherlock (Sherlock/John, Lestrade/Mycroft) • Teen Wolf (Derek/Stiles, Sheriff Stilinski/Melissa McCall) • Star Trek (Kirk/Spock) • Doctor Who (Doctor/Rose, Doctor/Rose/Jack) • Torchwood (Jack/Ianto) • Harry Potter (Snape/Lupin, Snape/Harry) • Castle (Castle/Beckett) • Breaking Bad (Mike/Jesse) • Firefly (Simon/Malcolm, Simon/Kaylee, Wash/Zoe, Inara/Malcolm) • Marvel (Loki/Mobius, Tony/Loki, Peggy/Steve, Bucky/Steve, Loki/Mobius/Sylvie) • True Blood (Eric/Sookie) • X-Men (Erik/Charles, Erik/Raven, Logan/Jean, Logan/Rogue) • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Coulson/Daisy, Coulson/May, FitzSimmons, Bobbi/Hunter, Mack/Elena) • Dollhouse (Topher/Adelle, Caroline/Paul) • Game of Thrones (Sam/Gilly, Missandei/Grey Worm, Jon/Tormund) • In The Flesh (Simon/Kieren) • Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Amy/Jake, Raymond/Kevin) • Hannibal (Alana/Margot) • The Maze Runner (Thomas/Newt)• Agent Carter (Peggy/Edwin/Anna) • Sense8 (Sun/Mun, Wolfgang/Kala/Rajan, Nomi/Amanita, Lito/Hernando/Dani, Will/Riley) • Shadowhunters (Alec/Magnus, Luke/Jocelyn) • Riverdale (Archie/Veronica/Betty/Jughead)
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dragon-ball-meta · 4 years
How did Koyama treat Krilin? Sorry, it's been a long time since I've last watched the non-canon films.
OK, remember in Super Android 13 when Krillin ran off to peep in the women’s dressing room, got kicked in the butt and tossed around by Chi-Chi to go fight, and upon getting there did nothing but stare in awe at the Saiyans and provide slapstick? Or in Lord Slug, where even Chi-Chi got to see action but he got sent flying by one of Slug’s goons with one hit and was out of the movie? Or in the Bojack film where he lucked into progressing due to his waxed bald head and then basically forgot he could fly and was only saved by a ring-out from Piccolo, who was insulted and disgusted to have to fight HIM that he just forfeit? This being directly contrasted with a fight where Tien not only faced Trunks and made him work for it, but pushed him to transform to win? Even the times he can manage to do something, he’s usually depicted as clumsy, uncoordinated, and unskilled, just flinging himself at an enemy and hoping to connect, or only getting in his hits because he attacked an opponent from behind while they were distracted. (See: The World’s Strongest, Return of Cooler, Bio-Broly.) Takao Koyama basically made Krillin his punching bag for years, and sadly the stigma has stuck to the character. This is a large part of why you see people say he’s weak, nothing but comic relief, and can’t fight/has no skill. (Similarly, the movies are also the source of the claim that every arc has the same plot of everyone losing every fight til Goku comes in and saves the day.)
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meimi-haneoka · 6 years
Hello! I'm from Hong Kong, honored to be acquainted with you and I am very fond of CCS and Clamp. You too? I keep track of your Tumblr and your posts are great?I also enjoyed the CCS Seiyuu! And I'm also very curious about Kumai-san and Tange-san, would you tell me about them? Thank you for ask! :3
Hello, I’m the one honored for you keeping track of my tumblr blog!! ^_^ I LOVE CCS and CLAMP , as it’s pretty easy to understand from my never-ending babbling hahaha!
Well, what can I say about Kumai-san and Tange-san, let me see…
Sakura Tange was born in the prefecture of Aichi in 1973, her birthday is on March 24th! She’s a pretty popular voice actress and of course her most prominent role was (and still is) the one of Sakura Kinomoto in Cardcaptor Sakura.Going by director Morio Asaka’s words, Sakura Tange was chosen for the “addictive quality” to her voice, something that made Sakura Kinomoto’s voice unique and loved even today, and Sakura Tange herself said that she paid a lot of attention to not high-pitch her voice too much even if she was voicing such a young child.Sakura Tange is currently reading the Clear Card manga when the volumes come out (She doesn’t buy the Nakayoshi magazine, a thing Minori Suzuki -Akiho’s VA- is actually doing instead).Sakura Tange voiced also other popular anime characters, such as Suzu Sakuma in Marmelade Boy, MAICO in Android Ana Maico 2010, Lulu Takigawa in Duel Masters, and maybe the role that is giving her the most popularity alongside that of Sakura, that is Saber in Fate/Extra Last Encore.She took a period of hiatus from the voice acting world almost immediately after leaving the CCS world in 2000 to focus on the singing career, and went back to be a voice actress in late 2009!Tange-san lives with a pretty dog named Suzu-chan and hosts a digital radio show on A&G+ every Sunday!
Motoko Kumai, born on September 8th 1970 in Tokyo, is another popular voice actress. Her roles include mainly male characters, usually very young (younger than teenagers) and for this reason is often commented as being “a cute lady with the heart of a boy”. Her most popular character is without any doubt Syaoran Li from Cardcaptor Sakura, but she also voiced other popular characters such as Takao Kinomiya from Beyblade, Goro Honda from Major, Sumomo from Chobits, Gon from Gon, Kaoru Koganei from Flame of Recca, Nataku from X and lately is the voice of Kocchi in Koneko no Chi and Gelatoni, a cute cat character from Tokyo DisneySea!Motoko Kumai is usually surprised when she’s told that she and Syaoran are very much alike, personality-wise, but she’s actually very attached to him. She understands his psychology perfectly, and she always puts a lot of effort in trying to portray that. Her tweets on her Twitter account are always a blessing for the fandom!Her hobbies include motorcycles (she LOVES them), she’s got a degree that allows her to teach English in high school (hence her perfect English in Clear Card anime) and she can play the piano!
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evony-investment · 4 years
Tưởng vô lý nhưng lại rất thuyết phục: Uniqlo bắt đầu bán hoa tươi và sách ngay trong các cửa hàng quần áo.
Công ty mẹ Fast Retailing của Uniqlo đang trong quá trình chuyển đổi chính mình từ một cửa hàng quần áo đơn thuần sang “cơ sở hạ tầng xã hội”. Theo lời chủ tịch Tadashi Yanai, khi thế giới hướng tới sự bền vững, Uniqlo muốn cải tiến chính bản thân trở nên “có sự hiện diện xã hội nhiều hơn”.
“Tôi chưa từng tưởng tượng ra một Uniqlo như thế này”, theo một vị khách nữ đang mua sắm tại cửa hàng ở khu Harajuku, Tokyo vào ngày 2/12 trong sự kiện kỷ niệm 36 năm thành lập của Uniqlo. Những bó hoa tươi và sách được bán ngay trong một góc cửa hàng.
“2020 là một năm cực kỳ quan trọng với chúng tôi”, theo Takao Kuwahara – một lãnh đạo cấp cao, gia nhập Uniqlo từ năm 1994. Ông đã chứng kiến nhiều sự thay đổi của công ty.
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