#takao kazunari x you
mcverse · 9 months
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☆ 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝: 𝐘𝐞𝐬/𝐍𝐨
☆ 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
☆ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐠 𝟏𝟑
☆ 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐫: 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 & 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧, 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐬 : ))))
☆ ​𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
𝐏𝐥𝐬 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝: 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝟏𝟖+
𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 & 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝
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You felt incredibly dumb. The whole incident that landed you in the hospital at this very moment was embarrassing. And it's all because of your habit of playing otome games.
Typically, they're harmless, but the one you're currently immersed in forces you to stay up at odd hours or forego sleep to ensure you don't miss anything important.
The issue is that you rely heavily on sleep. When you told people that your favorite thing to do was sleep, it wasn't a lie. If you don't get enough sleep, you experience phantom pains and anxiety spikes, which creates a messy situation.
But this time, it was a completely different story. Your unfortunate sleep deprivation caused you to stumble and tumble down a staircase while heading to the gym for your manager responsibilities.
Yes, you know, sounds fucking crazy right?!
The flight of stairs wasn't particularly long, thankfully. However, the gash on your head had everyone in the vicinity fretting over you like mother hens, to the point where you were embarrassingly transported away by an ambulance instead of heading to the infirmary.
You felt it was your responsibility to inform the coach, right? While you anticipated her to relay the message to the team, you weren't prepared for their intense reaction, leading them to rush to the hospital right after finishing practice.
Squeezing a group of grown men into a hospital room as small as yours was both comical and a bit of a challenge, but they managed it, crowding together just to receive an update on your condition. They could have simply sent a text, but it was genuinely thoughtful of them to come in person.
You flinch slightly as a small pink teddy bear lands in your lap. The person responsible is Midorima, who, as always, appears annoyed. You get the sense it's because of you, and his next words only confirm your suspicion.
"If you had your lucky item, none of this would be happening, nanodayo," he scolds you, his tone grumbling as he adds, "Why do I have to keep reminding everyone?"
A hand firmly grabs Midorima's shoulder and gently moves him aside, revealing Takao, who's beaming at you and pointing at himself. "I helped pick it out—and paid for it," he says, his voice trailing off into a mumble as he side-eyes Midorima.
Then, he resumes with an upbeat tone, "Midorima was going to get you something ugly. I thought it should be something cute for someone as cute as you, yeah?"
His words and the meticulous attention he and even Midorima, who isn't known for caring about others to this extent, had put into their actions make your face flush withwarmth.
"Thanks, to both of you. I really appreciate it," you exclaim while cradling the gift. "You're both so thoughtful. But honestly, my fall wasn't bad luck; it was my own fault, and it's a bit embarrassing so I’m not saying why," you add quickly, cutting off the boys who were about to ask for details.
"I could have found you a better one of those, you know," One of them asserts, capturing everyone's attention and sparking a playful debate about who could give the best plushy.
A few minutes into it, your mind begins to wander, and your gaze fixates on Takao. His words continue to echo in your head as you observe his interactions with the others.
Could ‘something cute for someone cute' mean something deeper?’ you wonder, but you're careful not to let your thoughts run too far ahead. You're hesitant to go down that path once more with another crush.
While you're lost in thought, trying to talk yourself down from your inner turmoil to prevent spoiling the wholesome moment for everyone, you fail to notice Takao turning towards you because he's noticed your sudden silence.
He blinks owlishly when he notices you're already looking at him, even though you don't appear entirely present. A smile etches onto his face as he finds your absentminded expression cute.
The moment you do notice him, a wave of panic washes over you, leaving your mouth dry and your face flushed with heat that extends to the rest of your body. Your gaze quickly shifts to the heart monitor beside you as its beeping starts to intensify, adding to the embarrassment of being caught staring.
The sound grabs the attention of those around you, prompting concern and a touch of panic. Questions like, "What's happening? (Surname)-chan, are you okay?" are rapidly fired your way. Among the group of players, Takao's smile persists and even grows as the scene escalates when one of them suggests getting a nurse.
"No!" you blurt out, almost wishing the bed could swallow you up, leaving you to wither away. "I'm fine. There's no need for that."
"But your heart rate is—"
You cut them off, saying, "It's normal. I'm not dying." They should drop it, for your sake and your pride.
Takao looks smug now, mischief dancing in his eyes as he takes your words and uses them against you. "She's not dying; she just feels like it right now, isn't that right, (Surname)-chan?" he teases.
You avert your gaze, attempting to conceal your face as Midorima steps up and asks, "Are you being dramatic?" He arches an eyebrow, displaying his lack of amusement.
"My feelings aren't dramatic!" you argue, shooting him a glare, feeling deeply offended. It's the most irritating thing you've ever heard; your emotions deserve more validation than that.
Takao abruptly stops smiling, his mouth agape, "Feelings?!" A blush spreads across his face, "Feeling feelings?" He looks at you expectantly, and you can't bring yourself to meet his gaze, especially with everyone's attention now focused on you.
"What's happening..." one of the teammates asks, echoing the confusion of everyone else as they watch the scene unfold.
"What's going on?!" a masculine voice exclaims from behind the group, and you've never been so relieved to see a hospital staff member in your life. The nurse raises an eyebrow as he enters the room, stating firmly, "You all cannot be in here. Who gave permission for this?"
Half of the boys stand tongue-tied, and the other half fumble to come up with an excuse. They fail to provide a reasonable explanation, and the nurse sternly tells them to leave, ignoring their protests.
Takao stays behind, the last to leave. He takes a moment to approach you, covering his mouth with a hand as he says, "I'll text you... we should talk about ‘your feelings’ more." He ends with a snicker before finally leaving, being dragged away by the nurse. Midorima's scolding voice becomes audible as soon as they exit the room.
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I wanna see Takao and Midorima with sassy reader❤❤❤ *slides French fries* for the payment as well
Takao Kazunari, Midorima Shintarō, Miyaji Kiyoshi, and Miyaji Yūya with S/O Who Have a Sassy Personality
A/N: Hello there Anon! Thank you for the French Fries ☚(*´∀`☚) and from now on the payment to request headcanons for me is by giving me food XDDDD. Anyway, thank you for the request, this is such a great idea for me because I can relate to someone who is sassy. I hope you like it
Waning: (Y/N) being mean and body shame
Takao Kazunari - Shutoku
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If you have watched the anime. You know Takao can handle Midorima's harsh words as he knows how tsundere he is and I believe he would love Sassy S/O.
Hear me out, I can see his love language also being sassy back at you so the two of you had a playful banter together where the two of you going to end up with stomach cramps for laughing too much.
He is definitely amused with your sass and since his love language is teasing the hell out of you and sometimes he would even steal your words to out sass other people, especially Midorima.
So, don't worry about getting sassy with him. He is not too sensitive that he cannot handle your sass. In fact, he could even outwit you back and make you freeze on the ground because out of shock.
Of course your reaction is only going to make Takao laughing his ass off and pointing his finger at you since you just stood there like a statue and not expecting him to fight you back.
Also, Takao sometimes would help you on your side when you are debating with other people by adding even more sass and making the Karen or the asshole ashamed or angry at you two.
Afterwards, the two of you going to give each other a high five and laugh with each other, joking about those Karens or assholes when they were gone.
There would be times he would lightly bonk your head if he realizes that your sass was out of the line and hurting innocent people and looking at you with disapproval and telling you to be careful with your words because some words can be really hurt.
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Sounds of chattering in the hallway get louder and louder as students from all of the classes get out of their classes. Walking together with their friend or alone while going to their locker to get their things including the person with a pair of (E/C) eye colors, (S/C) skin color, and (H/C) Hair color.
Taking out the notebooks from the locker and some important kinds of stuff, the bell turns off and (Y/N) (L/N) closes the door of the locker and turns the key around before leaving their/her/his locker along and walking to the gym to greet someone in there and maybe gives a little surprise for 'certain' someone.
(Y/N) could hear some giggles here and there and it was too familiar for you, internally groaning as the sound of the footsteps getting closer. It was the cheaper version of Regina George, she never interacts with you nor you interact with her but knowing this kind of female still exist makes your blood boil.
"Oh My God, don't you see that guy with silver blue-ish eyes? He's so gorgeous," the girl said.
"Yeah, that guy friend's too with the green hair although what a weirdo. Bringing frog's pocket everywhere," the other girl commented.
"I don't care about that guy. I'm more interested with that guy who has that sharp eyes and black hair," the girl putting out her lipstick before applying it.
"Could you stop talking about that guy? You three makes my ears bleed," You snapped out, slamming the locker shut and glaring at those girls.
The three of them did not expect you to hear their conversation, especially the girl on the middle with a beautiful long straight black hair that reaches the middle of her back, pale ivory skin-tone and a pair of lavender purple eyes. Despite looking beautiful like a doll, she was the most annoying one.
"Aww I'm sorry, do you want me to talk about it more~" the girl smirks, causing the other two of her friends giggles.
"You do have a nice voice... but it is nicer if you don't yap around like a chihuahua. All barks but not bite," you shrugs with the end of your lips tugged upwards.
All three of them gasps in surprise, offended with your insult as the girl on the middle face's getting more and more red and you swore you almost saw a steam getting out from her ears. "Y-YOU! AT LEAST I'M MORE BEAUTIFUL AND MORE POPULAR THAN YOU!" She shrieked, pointing her index finger at you.
Satisfied with the girl's reaction, you could not help but the grin on your face getting wider as you lean to the locker more and crossing both of your arms. "You are more beautiful than me but all of those are from plastic surgery, especially your nose job. So how much did your mommy and daddy pay for those? Also, you're more popular because you sell your body around to every guys in Shutoku. Let me guess, they paid you around 800-1000 yen? No wonder you're so rich!"
Every one in the hallway slowly surrounding the two of you, interested with the commotion as some people were cheering on you and the girl. Takao who also were walking side by side with Midorima saw the crowd from far away. He blinks repeatedly before he looks at green haired shooter.
"What the hell is going on?" Takao asks.
"I'm not sure but we need to check it out," Midorima walks closer.
Once they got closer, their eyes widened to see you standing with a smug grin at a girl with red face. The girl yanked the book out from her bag before throwing it to your face but you did not need to duck, tilting your head to the side. Her shoot already miss and making the popular girl even angrier than before.
Takao quickly steps aside with a fake smile on his face, "Hey ladies/gentleman. Let's just stop the fight and calm down," Takao tried to stop the fight.
"T-takao-kun! Thank you so much, t-this girl/guy/non-binary person was mocking me!" She tried to cling to Takao who are internally screaming since he doesn't know who's the person clinging to his arm whereas (Y/N) just roll her/his/their eyes. You pull yourself away from the locker and glance at Takao.
"She was talking about you right in front of me could you believe this girl? Talking about how much she wants to fuck you in front of me?" You smile innocently while pointing at the popular girl. You added a little lie to make it more dramatic and to make Takao on your sides.
"I-i'm sorry but I already have boyfriend/girlfriend and this is my partner," Takao stuttered a little bit. He knows your tendency to be a little bit piece of shit-
'"Tch! Whatever, I don't care about losers like you!" The girl storms away and everything was silent until the other students walking away one by one, leaving the scene. You could not help but laugh as well as Takao who joined the laughter, thinking it was hilarious to see you angered one of the most popular girl in the school.
"Glad I saw that," Takao wiped the tears after he laughing too much and patting your back.
"Me too, hun," You winked at him, still in the cheeky mood.
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Midorima Shintarō - Shutoku
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Froggit Midorima doesn't really have an opinion on sassy people or he's in the middle of 'I don't really like them' and 'I like them' if he had a Sassy S/O.
He does not find it amusing when you are getting too sassy to him and it made him annoyed whenever you talk back at him while he was scolding you.
Especially if you are not listening to him whenever he is lecturing you about something or your mistake but you just rolled your eyes and talking back at him.
He also doesn't really like it whenever you are commenting and teasing him out of nowhere because it reminded him of Takao when Takao annoys him.
However, it does not mean he hates you because there are lots of times he also finds your sassiness can be really amusing sometimes.
I am saying this because there were a lot of times you were being sassy back to Takao and making him lose an argument with you whereas Midorima was in the background silently snickering.
He doesn't admit it but he also enjoys watching you destroying your enemy with your wittiness and your words. Causing your rival to be embarrassed and back away
Midorima definitely going to silently and secretly learn from you but when Takao catches him that he is trying to be like you. He will immediately deny it.
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It was sunny on the outside and many people were out there doing their own thing and interacting with each other. The green hair shooter of Shutoku glances at the screen of his phone, clearly watching Oha Asa of today with a cute girl on the side of the screen explaining the faith of Cancer's today.
"Today is going to be a bad day for cancers! There will be lots of silly and bad accidents happen to you so please be careful today. Your lucky item for Cancers today are the small Beaver figurine from the antique shop! Next I am going to show (Your Zodiac)'s-" Midorima immediately closes the screen of his phone and grumbling he shouldn't be out today.
Before he plugs the earphone out from the phone and trying to insert it, a large figure almost as big as him accidentally made contact with him and the impact was quite hard, causing the two of them to drop the things on their hands together.
"H-hey dude! I'm sorry for crashing with you!" The guy crouches down.
However, it was as if the gods tries to make his life into a comedy because the guy tries to take Midorima's earphone and give it back to him. His large shoes accidentally stepped into one of the earbuds and crushed it in a pieces. Midorima and the stranger immediately internally screams about the sudden event before the man quickly stood up and bows down repeatedly to apologize for destroying the earphone.
It wasn't over just like that, the saddest thing was as the man stood up, his head accidentally hit something hard and triangle, causing the man to wince in pain as well as the green-haired basketball player who are holding his chin in pain. Midorima curses himself, thinking Oha Asa was right about the misfortune that will happen to him today.
"I-I AM SORRY SIR! I AM SO SORRY FOR MY ACTIONS!" The man apologizes once again and things get out of control.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
Standing in the middle of the aisle inside the antique shop, Midorima searched for a certain mini figure that Oha-Asa told, it was the small beaver figure and portable one since he needs to bring it around in the gym soon. His eyes laid on the last small stature of the before and his hands immediately reached it out to take it.
Another hand took the small figure of the small animal and his eyes widened in shock before it turned into annoyance and anger. Someone is taking his lucky item and judging the person in front of him. The person only smiles in a sardonic way, "Oh, you wanted this? I'm sorry but a loser with four eyes like you shouldn't even have this thing," It was clear it was just another asshole, the person didn't want the lucky item. They just want to be a jerk just to look cool since he can hear the unfamiliar laughter.
"Is that your insult? Why don't you try a better insult and something more fitting to you? Like all talk but no biting? Or maybe just a wannabe gangster? Mommy's boy?" A familiar sound appears from behind the jerk.
Midorima's green eyes were surprised to see you standing there with crossed arms and a smirk on your face. The jerk clicked his tongue at you "Tch! Scram brat! I bet if I punch you, you would be crying like a baby!" The man shouted.
"Me?? Crying?? Oh my?? Why do you think I am gonna cry when I see baby wipes on your pants? Why do I also see you red face after leaving the restaurant? Were you get angry when I saw you got rejected several hours ago by the waiters? How does that feel, getting rejected by everyone?" You snicker, causing the jerk even get angrier before he storms away.
"I'LL SHOW YOU! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!" The person said before the person leaves the antique shop.
Unknownbeast to you, Midorima was too shocked and speechless to see this kind of sight of you. He knows you have a tendency to act a little bit mean but this is the first time he sees you standing up for him with your sass. The green haired player could not help but glancing away, trying to hide his red face from you as he feel glad that you were standing up for him.
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Miyaji Kiyoshi - Shutoku
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Either you have a thing with someone who is strict and short-tempered or you have a strong mentality to face this kind of guy even though it can get annoying sometimes.
It's canon he often gets annoyed by Midorima's vagaries and sometimes by Takao's antics. He also often gets annoyed by your sarcasm and sassiness when he is scolding you.
It feels like you are not taking him seriously when you are getting sassy to him but unlike Midorima. He won't get too argumentative so once it get's heated up. He would just gonna sigh and let it be.
There's a lot of time he only watches you mouthing him or getting witty in the argument as he looks at you with unamused glances and crossed arms.
He is strict just like his brother and temperamental but he was a little bit more chill than his brother so there are some times he would just scoff at your remarks and walk away from you.
Many times he was also amused by your sarcasm and sass when facing some idiots. There would be a time he was even trying not to laugh but failed as he is holding his stomach.
I can see Kiyoshi would also record the fight you had with another idiot or asshole when you sassed the poor guy. As he records it, he would save it in his gallery and play it when there is no one around.
Just like Midorima. There are many times he is amused with this side of yours but also many times he is not amused, especially when you are getting too argumentative to him since he can be quite stubborn.
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Sounds of chattering can be heard as students from inside of the classroom are talking with their friends, sleeping on their table, reading some books from the library, or studying before the upcoming exam. (Y/N) (L/N) watches the sight outside of the window, glancing at the students that follow the instruction from the P.E. Teacher or play other sports.
The (H/C) haired student can be seen sitting near the window and feeling their/her/his stomach grumbling in hunger even though the bell has not rung yet. You forgot to eat breakfast from home because you were almost late as you had time to shower, use your uniform, feed your cats or dogs in the morning, and prepare the backpack by inserting the needed books.
(Y/N) eyes glance at the ceiling of the class and think about the mouth-watering bowl of beef over rice. A steamed warm rice topped with thinly sliced beef and tender onion, simmered in dashi broth, seasoned with a soy sauce as well as diced boiled eggs on top of it. It was one of the most in-demand lunches in the cafeteria.
Not long after, the sound of the bell rang, and (Y/N) quickly stood up so you can go take those lunch earlier since it's quite often that the cafeteria was full of hungry students and you did not want to miss any of those beef slices over rice. However, fate was not on your side because you stood up. Your body accidentally made harsh contact with another person.
"WATCH IT! FREAK!" The person says.
"I should have been the one who said that, you literally take all over the place," (Y/N) commented, rolling both of their/her/his eyes.
"You hear me, boo~" you said with the corner of your lips tugged upwards.
"A-AT LEAST I'M NOT A LONER FREAK!" The person screeches.
"I'm not a plastic though," (Y/N) shrugs, amused with the person in front of you as they are throwing tantrums like five-year-olds.
Sounds of cough can be heard, stopping the two of you and the stranger's argument before your eyes look up to see your boyfriend Miyaji Kiyoshi. The blonde and tall basketball player of Shutoku trudges silently before he went completely standing still next to you and eyes squinted at the person in front of you, arms crossed in an intimidating way.
"I believe you should be the one who needs to apologize instead of (Y/n). I saw the entire scene, you were the one who was walking while talking with your friend without noticing that (Y/N) just stood up from her/his/their sit," Kiyoshi defended you from the strange and entitled student.
"Tch, fine. You win this time but next time I will kick your ass," the person giving their last glare at you before they storm away with their friends following from behind.
One by one, the students that were watching the drama unfold in front of their eyes are leaving the classroom and letting what just happened to slide away. Kiyoshi Miyaji's eyes stare at you, rolling both of his eyes and taking a deeper breath before his hands reach up to your head, messing up your hair with the gentle noogie.
"You're reckless, you know that? Your mouth always getting into some troubles," he told you.
"I know, but you still love me," You cheekily smiled at him, receiving another eye rolls from him.
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Miyaji Yūya - Shutoku
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Just like his brother, Miyaji Yuya is as strict and temperamental as his brother and he is also as stubborn as his brother too.
Because of this, the two of you fight a lot and the two of you are getting mouthy with each other, trying to prove the two of you were right and the other wrong.
It's very common that you two are fighting as Yuya is a little bit more has more temper than his twin so it can be a competition between the two of you.
Just like his brother, there are many times he is not amused with your antics and sass. When that happens, he will stare straight into your face, cross his arms, glare at you, or look at you with anger in his eyes, and sometime he would shout back.
He also sometimes gets a little bit embarrassed when you had a fight with another person because of your sarcasm and sass. To the point, he would act as if he doesn't know who are you.
However not in all cases he would react like those because there is a time he would be amused and learn your sass whenever he sees you debating with other Karens or Assholes.
Sometimes he would join together with you but using his own words and would scare the perpetrator away who is trying to harass you.
Once the person gets away from the two of you, he would have a good laugh together with you and tell you about those moments when the two of you are going home from school or a date.
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It was not a surprise that Basketball players can be quite popular among every student, especially if the basketball players are good looking including your boyfriend Miyaji Yuuya. Miyaji Yuuya has an athletic and slim body, he also has dark blonde hair as well as a pair of eyes that are similar to his brother.
The dark blonde second-year basketball player glances at everyone training in the gym room where the seniors teach the new player how to shoot the balls into the hoops "C'MON! TRY HARDER! SOON WE ARE GOING TO FACE AGAINST SEIRIN! MIYAJI-SAN! COME HERE TO TEACH THE NEW PLAYERS!" The coach looks at him, calling him to show all of the new players how to shoot.
"Hai!" He puts the bottles away before jogging to the old man.
As he was going up to show the new players, he did not realize many pairs of eyes watching him playing, especially the student girls who were giggling from far away and watching him playing basketball and shooting the balls into the hoop.
"Miyaji-san is so cool!" One of the girls whispers.
"Yeah, he's so cool when playing basketball like that," another girl with a messy bun whispered back.
"He's so handsome," the girl with pigtails squeals silently.
"I know right. It's sad that everyone says he has a girlfriend/boyfriend/romantic partner. I wonder who they are," the girl with the navy hairband sighs.
"Maybe try to flirt with him when his girlfriend/boyfriend is not around," the girl with pigtails giggles.
None of the girls knows that the dark blonde second-year player is your boyfriend and your ears getting hotter and hotter each time they were squealing and whispering out loud. It was really obvious that those three have a crush on your boyfriend and they are acting very obnoxious.
Both of your eyes glanced at those girls before slamming the book out loud, causing them to jump in surprise before turning around to glare at you "C-can you quiet down! We are watching people playing basketball in here!" The girl with the navy hairband hisses.
"Watching people play basketball or staring at Yuya-san?" You cross your arms, still looking at them with a sharp glance.
"S-SHUT UP! Don't act like you're his girlfriend/boyfriend!" the girl hisses, pointing her index finger at your face rudely.
"Oh, I am~" You smiled mockingly, causing the fangirl even angrier than before.
"PROVE IT!" She challenged.
"Sure," you shrug, eyes focusing on the match once again.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
Once the training was done, Yuuya was sweating like a bullet with eyes lide in exhaustion but that tired face was replaced with a smile as his eyes landed on you, waving his arm at you to greet you. His footsteps were getting closer and closer but before he could speak. His eyes widened with your action.
Out of the blue, your lips made a contact with the basketball player and causing the three girl's mouths to gasp in horror as well as the other players who just saw you just eat your boyfriend's face right in front of their faces. Yuuya blushes and kisses back for a few seconds before pulling away.
"Baby, what's gotten into you? You just kissed me out of nowhere and made my teammates watch the two of us kiss" He raised his eyebrows in confusion and slight irritation since he felt a little bit embarrassed by the sudden contact
"I just miss you a little bit and I was just trying to swat some bugs to get away from you," you innocently said.
He was still looking at you with confusion, not knowing what did you mean by 'bugs' until he sees three girls marching away in anger. It immediately clicked in his brain that you were jealous of those girls and you railed them on purpose. Yuuya could not help but sigh at (Y/N) antics before his eyes glancing at his S/O, flicking your forehead and making you wince in pain.
"Don't create a scene next time. Just tell me what the hell is going on and I can help you," he chides.
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yeosatinyngz · 2 years
Congratulations on anniversary! How about 7 with the usual cheeky Takao? Thanks! Also - your request rules page is not working so idk if you’re accepting his character or do only GoM. If no switch to anyone you feel like
Thank you so much, ah that’s for my general requests but thanks for keeping it in mind. I actually don’t write for Takao but I will write him for you as a special gift ;)
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#7: “You owe me a kiss.”
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Takao was practicing with you spectating. Out of nowhere he yells out at you. “If I make this in I get a kiss alright?” It was obvious that he was going to make it in so you decided to level up his challenge. “How about if you can make one in with your back towards the hoop from the halfcourt line?” “Deal!” He quickly jogged over to halfcourt line, turned around and tossed the ball over his head. The ball flew through the air, went into the hoop and landed on the floor bouncing up and down.
You wanted to tease Takao so you yelled out at him, “You missed loser” not forgetting to laugh to add on for dramatic effect. He looked back at you in shock, “What? I swear I calculated that correctly.” “I’m just joking around, you made it in.” Hearing this he ran over to you. “You owe me a kiss.” He said while pulling you close but you pulled away. “I am not kissing you when you’re sweating like crazy.” He didn’t bother to care about your complaint as he smashed his lips against yours. Despite you fighting for your life to get him off you he kept a firm grip on you so you gave up and just reciprocated the kiss.
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lamnwar · 2 years
Kind of sad today, well sad isn't the best way to describe it, either way kinda need that good ol' fanservice cause I kind of want to sleep but I can't so maybe sad but sleepy reader x Midorima, Kise and Takao fluffy goodness. I don't want to give more than three. Thank you if you accept.
Aw baby hope you've got some rest and feel better 💕 I'm gonna feed you some fluff, in hope that it helps, big love <3
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Context: how your s/o treats you when you're down and tired.
Pairing: Midorima + Kise + Takao x gn! Reader
Warning: 110% comfort and fluff because we all need it sometimes 💕
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Ok ok but let's start this by saying that he is a very observant boy
He may not speak a lot, but be assured that he notices the slight changes in your behaviour and expression that can indicate how you feel
So the second you come before him looking exhausted with life, he's noticed it already
He won't be upfront about it though
Don't expect him to say anything to cheer you up
He'll still help, but it's in the little things he does
He'll get you a cup of your favourite bevarage and maybe your favourite snack if you're hungry
If you wanna vent, he'll gladly listen
He's such a good listener omg
But if you're too tired to talk , he'll ask you to join him in bed while he reads you something
You'll just cuddle in him while his soothing voice calms you down
He's not really a physical person, but when you feel down he'll actually initiate contact with you
You're not even noticing but he's stroking your hair while he reads
And he'll wait till you're sound asleep
When he's sure that you are resting, he'll cover you up with his fluffiest blanket and he'll leave a sweet kiss on your forehead
He'll check on you in the morning by sending you your horoscope
Probably lying by saying that it's your lucky day just to cheer you up (but really, he'd only ever lie for you)
This boy didn't grow up to be the kind to care about others' feelings, but you?
As soon as he sees your tired face and that sad aura surrounding you, he turns on his protective mode
He'll get so worried
He has a hard time understanding that you actually don't wanna talk about it
But after a little while he'll calm down and will cater to your needs
He'll ask you what you want, and will get exactly that for you
Want food? He's already buying your favourite snacks
Want to take a bath? He's got the water running already and candles lit up in the bathroom
Want to cuddle? His arms are wide open for you
Want to cry? He's got boxes of tissues ready
Eventually, you tell him that you just want to sleep this away, and he's again supplying
He'll cover your bed with the comfiest blankets, has your favourite plushies around, and he's got some essential oils ready to rub them on your temples
He'll stay by your side as long as you need him and as long as it takes for you to fall asleep
And the second you wake up, he's here with a warm cup of your favourite beverage, asking if you're ok
He might be too much, but in moments like that you do really appreciate his presence
Omg this boy is usually so cheerful that you never expect him to catch on your moods
But like Midorima, he is very observant
Behind his teasing smiles and jokes, he actually takes note of every little thing about you
So when you show up in front of him, completely drained physically and emotionally
He knows he has to be serious for a moment there
It's kinda confusing, because his serious self is very different from what you are used to
Sure, if he feels like it's appropriate, he'll drop one or two jokes to see you smile
But since you are tired, he rather be more calm around you
He'll be all smile and sweetness
He's the kind to massage your shoulders to help you let out some tension
And he'll take this tone of voice that is so smooth just because he knows that it's like a lullaby to you
Talking of which, if you want him to sing you a lullaby, he 100% will
He'll lend you his hoodie for you to sleep in
And he'll join you in bed so he can hold you till you're asleep
Takao understands that you are really really tired, so he won't speak much
But he'll murmur some sweet words to you just to make you fall asleep
If you want him to stay the night with you, he'll gladly will
And if the next morning you are still tired, he'll make all the calls so you can stay home and rest a bit
And because he is such a service man, you won't have to move a single bit
He'll do everything for you: getting you food, doing chores, literally anything so that you don't have to lift a single finger
Honestly, he's the sweetest guy and you're lucky to have him around
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suvidrache · 1 year
Writer S/O
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 178 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad
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- Loves the fact that you write. He wishes he could write something as well, but probably wouldn't.
- Would read everything you write as soon as he can.
- Would help correct any spelling errors or typos.
- Would give a few tips here and there to make your writing better.
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- Would laugh at you for writing. There's no way you actually write.
- If you're serious about it, he'll apologize. It's just a habit for him to laugh about people's interests.
- You gave him your work to read? He's reading everything out loud. He can't be quiet.
- He'd give his opinion on it, nicely, cause he doesn't want you upset again.
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- He would skim over everything you wrote, "yeah it's good."
- Didn't bother reading it, even if there's a lot of typos.
- Don't give him your rough draft with spelling errors or typos. He's not helping to fix them.
- Would take weeks to fully read everything you wrote.
- Hates having to read stuff. If you think it's good, then it's good. You don't need his help or advice.
© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
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tetsunabouquet · 2 years
Takao’s love for singing (headcanon)
-Alright, this guy totally knows all the meme songs and sings them from time to time, (especially when he's messing with Midorima). -I wouldn’t be surprised if he and Kise tag along to the same karaoke party some day after Last Game.  -If they’re both legal adults, please cover your ear drums if you get close to the building. Their drunken singing (especially Takao’s), will make your ears bleed. -I feel sorry for the staff having to deal with these two. -If Takao had a s/o, they better have a great, resilient pair of ear drums because this boy will totally serenade you in romantic moments, whether you like it or not. -That one person at your work place who loves to sing, though they are actually terrible and everyone has literally forbidden them to sing? That’s Takao (as much as it is my mom). -Your wedding proposal? Oh dear, you better start praying to the heavens he’s not pulling out the big guns like a microphone and speakers to sing you a proposal song he made up for the special occasion. -Takao has one of the widest range of music on his playlist out of the KNB boys. He knows bands from all over the world. -Though I also can see him as the type who never researches what the foreign lyrics he’s singing actually mean. -Like singing that one popular, dirty German song, “Arsch Der Welt.” Yeah, he totally doesn’t understands. -Which only makes it even funnier. -That one tourist in Tokyo who overhears him and knows what he’s singing just staring at him, silently judging. -He’s definitely into karaoke dates. -If his s/o was just as terrible as he is and just as careless about it as he is, I pity your enviroment and their eardrums.  -Would prefer those who act like a clown as he sings, and join in on the fun regardless of them being as terrible as him though. -Like, he wants to be the clown shoes to your red clown nose. -If you’re into parody songs and you know a comedian-musician he doesn’t? Better introduce Takao to it. -He regularly uses gifs from music videos on his WhatsApp. -I can even see him introduce Reo Mibuchi to drag queen artists. -Those two singing ‘Let Me Be A Drag Queen’ by Sister Queen after a bottle of sake is my crackhead fantasy.
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vespersposts · 2 years
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Lovelies ,
🆘 Vesper needs your advice!
I'm getting stuck on this topic: Kise, Kagami, Takao, Midorima and Aomine at the wheel.
⛽(characters list is open of course!) ⛽
Who's a car freak? What car would they have? Would they let you drive their car? What would a trip with them be like? And what about the thingies?
Could it be a good idea for the next oneshots collection of mine? ( it won't be up soon, im just programming my autumn/winter projects).
🚨Which rating would you prefer? Fluffishly (?) smutty?
📩 Pfff, I'm so confused, send help!
love always,
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bokutosbiceps · 1 year
KnB headcanon ask. Kagami, Takao, Kasamatsu, Imayoshi, and Himuro react when they go to visit their s/o (both still in high school) only to find her BOLTING out the front door with bag of essentials and hear loud arguing and things being thrown in the house.
himuro tatsuya, kagami taiga, kasamatsu yukio, takao kazunari x f!reader (separately) | angst + fluff
warning: mentions of physical/psychological abuse, bad parent/child relationship
a/n: i’m leaving imayoshi out because i still cannot write for him. idk what it is but i’m always blocked for him 🙁 im sorry
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himuro tatsuya
he’d be at your side in a damn INSTANT. he wouldn’t even ask what was going on, he would just get you as far away from the situation as possible
once far enough away, he would wrap his arms around you + press your face into his chest in the most soothing hug while lightly running his fingers over your back
he would tell you that if you wanted to talk about it, he was here for you, but wouldn’t pressure you into talking about it if you didn’t want to
you didn’t really even have to ask if you could stay with him for a while, he just assumed that’s what you’d be doing
he takes you back to his dorm + lets you take a warm shower while he fixes a snack for the both of you, complete w lots of blankets + a warm cup of tea
he suggests watching your favorite movie/show to help take your mind off of things
doesn’t let you check your phone or anything because he doesn’t want you spiraling again
he’d definitely be the type to offer to go back w you if you needed anything from your house
you’re very safe w him
kagami taiga
he’s so confused, poor bby
he will still want to pop his head in to say hi to your parents but once he sees the state of the house, he quickly decides against making his presence known
then he notices the red mark on your cheek + it all makes sense to him
he’s angry. SUPER angry. you have to hold him back from marching straight into your house + telling your parents to go to hell
you ask him if you can stay w him for a while + he’s all over it
he thinks about buying more pillows for the future but he knows that tonight you probably just want to fall asleep + forget this ever happened
so he helps you do just that
upon entering his apartment he’s the “mi casa es su casa” type + tells you to literally do whatever you want
he asks if you want to sleep alone + offers you his bed but once you say you’d feel safe w him around, he’s curled around you on the bed
he holds + rocks your shaking crying form until he can lull you to sleep 
kasamatsu yukio
he tries to be level headed about it but after seeing your tear stained face he feels like he needs to do something
he marches right back into that house + politely greets your parents, then immediately goes into the absolute disrespect that they have shown you as their daughter + how anyone would be lucky to have you in their life
he has your parents told but v respectfully. he completes his speech w a deep bow + goes back outside to meet you
you heard everything he said to your parents + you feel honored that he would stand up to your parents like that in his defense
he’ll kiss you + say of course he did that, why wouldn’t he miss out on the opportunity to tell someone how great you were
he would immediately take you to his house + have you stay there w him for a while
his parents would understand completely after he explains everything to them
the first night that you’re sleeping in his room, he insists on sleeping on the floor for two reasons: he’s a nervous wreck + he wants to respect your privacy
but after that you convince him that you feel comfortable w him sleeping in the bed w you…but he’s still a nervous little mess
you’re adopted into the kasamatsu family for a little while + it’s just the thing you needed to build yourself back up again
takao kazunari (his first name is so cool i’m obsessed w it)
he also wants to fight your parents but he stops after seeing how upset you are
he realizes you just need to get as far away as possible from your place so he wraps his arm around you + walks across town until he finds a secluded spot where you guys can sit down + talk
he would really wanna know what happened but knows that you might need some time. he pressures just a tiny bit because he needs to know if you’re actually okay or not
you cry while you tell him what happened + he’s listening to you intently + he’s rubbing your knee the whole time to try to comfort you
seeing you cry makes him want to cry + he hatessss it when you’re sad
he’ll still wanna fight your parents but decides that your comfort is more important than them right now 
he texts his parents a quick explanation about what happened + they immediately prompt him to bring you to his house
they make sure you are all set up + comfortable in the guest room + check on you sooo often. they’re so doting
takao is a lil petty about them setting you up in the guest room + not letting you sleep in his room w him
he’ll sneak into the guest room once he’s sure his parents have gone to bed to cuddle you all night + make sure you feel better + know that he’ll always be there for you no matter what
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charswhore · 2 days
I’m in a dangerous mood, can you match my timing | Kuroko’s basketball 
*How the knb characters react to walking in on you dancing to the water choreography *
Dance reference in case you don't know
~ They know the choreography and join your practice. 
[Kise Ryōta, Kazunari Takao, & Kotarō Hayama]
~ Will dance with you after you show them the dance. 
[Reo Mibuchi, Daiki Aomine, & Makoto Hanamiya]
~ Gets really flustered and asks what you’re doing. You show them the choreography making them blush. 
[Taiga Kagami, Yukio Kasamatsu, Shintarō Midorima, Tatsuya Himuro]
~Has no reaction, and goes on as if they didn’t see anything
[Tetsuya Kuroko, Atsushi Murasakibara, Seijūrō Akashi, Teppei Kiyoshi, Tatsuya Himuro, Reo Mibuchi]
~ Is confused but supports you 
[Teppei Kiyoshi, Tatsuya Himuro, Seijūrō Akashi, Reo Mibuchi]
~ Gets turned on and will place their hands on your hips as you dance
[Makoto Hanamiya, Shōichi Imayoshi, & Daiki Aomine]
ik the dance went viral near the end of 2023 but an edit of her dancing is going viral causing another trend. I’m obsessed with her songs and choreographies so i thought it would be fun to have characters react to x reader doing the dance.
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smilocity · 8 days
Author’s List of Writing
Characters I write about (including games, animes, shows, etc)
I write for only x female readers (Sorry in advance!)
David "Hesh" Walker
Logan Walker
Keegan P. Russ
Captain Commander Thomas Merrick
MWI—MWIII (Old and new)
John "Soap" Mactavish
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Captain John Price
Alejandro Vargas
Rodolfo Parra
Alex "Echo 3-1" Keller
Karasuno High (Everyone except Ukai and Takeda, Kiyoko and Yachi)
Aoba Johsai
Nekoma High
Inarizaki High
Fukurōsani Academy
Kamomedai High
(I won’t write for EVERY character of these schools. There are many characters so I will be accepting them as long as I’m okay with it.)
One Piece
Roronoa Zoro
Vinsmoke Sanji
Monkey D. Luffy
Portgas D. Ace
Trafalgar D. Water Law
The Disastrous Life of Saiki. K
Saiki Kusuo
Kaido Shun
Kineshi Hairo
Kuboyasu Aren
Kuroko no Basket
Kuroko Tetsuya
Kagami Taiga
Kise Ryota
Midorima Shintaro
Aomine Daiki
Murasakibara Atsuhi
Akashi Seijuro
Kasamatsu Yukio
Hyuga Junpei
Izuki Shun
Takao Kazunari
Himuro Tatsuya
Hayama Kotaro
(I will not be writing about Lloyd since I don’t think he’s of "age" because of the whole aging potion thing.)
Cole Brookstone
Kai Smith
Jay Walker
Zane Julien
(I may just write head cannons of funny Drabbles.)
Young Justice
Robin Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Connor Kent — Superboy
Wally West — Kid Flash
Red Arrow Arsenal — ( (1st Clone) Roy Harper)
Red Robin - Tim Drake
(2nd) Robin Red Hood — Jason Todd
LEGO Monkie Kid
Sun Wukong
Six-Eared Macaque
(I know, I know…I’m all over the place…Trust me…I just got into 9-1-1…)
Any "weird/disturbing" asks will be deleted and you will be blocked!
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theholypeanut · 11 months
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♪ platonic ♫ romantic ♬ nsfw
Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event Masterlist
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Blue Lock
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Isagi Yoichi
- You Belong with Me (Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami x fake dating)♫
- Isagi x Friends to Lovers (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Bachira Meguru
- Sparks Fly ♫
- You Belong with Me (Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami x fake dating)♫
- Bachira comforts you after a nightmare from watching horrors ♫
Kunigami Rensuke
- You Belong with Me (Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami x fake dating)♫
Kurona Ranze:
- Planet Hotline Disaster ♫
- Being besties with Kurona, Hiori and Niko (as a nerd clique) ♪ (bonus smau of your group chat) ♪
Otoya Eita:
- To All The Girls You Loved Before ♫
- Otoya x Forced Proximity (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
- Otoya x Fake Dating (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
(Otoya is honourably bullied in almost every of my fics)
Yukimiya Kenyu:
- Big brother Yukimiya ♪
Tokimitsu Aoshi:
- Being besties with Tokimitsu, Aryu, Zantetsu and Raichi (separately) ♪
Aryu Jyubei:
- Being besties with Tokimitsu, Aryu, Zantetsu and Raichi (separately) ♪
Zantetsu Tsurugi:
- Being besties with Tokimitsu, Aryu, Zantetsu and Raichi (separately) ♪
Raichi Jingo:
- Being besties with Tokimitsu, Aryu, Zantetsu and Raichi (separately) ♪
Hiori Yo:
- Being besties with Kurona, Hiori and Niko (as a nerd clique) ♪ (bonus smau of your group chat) ♪
- Hiori x Grumpy and Sunshine (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Niko Ikki:
- Being besties with Kurona, Hiori and Niko (as a nerd clique) ♪ (bonus smau of your group chat) ♪
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- Blue Lock Dere (Which dere are they when they have a crush on you?) ♫
- Kuroko no Basket x Blue Lock Crossover Headcanon ♪
- Grumpy x Sunshine Multifandom ♫ ♪
- Being Ego Jinpachi’s smart daughter with zero athletic skills ♪
Meme value:
- Barbie or Oppenheimer? (Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, Kunigami, Rin, Reo, Nagi, Barou) ♪
- Barbie or Oppenheimer 2 (Shidou, Sae, Yukimiya, Karasu, Otoya, Aryu, Tokimitsu, Gagamaru, Niko, Kurona) ♪
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Tendou Satori:
- Tendou x Love at First Sight (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
- Tendou x Second Chances (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Hoshiumi Korai:
- Hoshiumi x Forced Proximity (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Haijime Iwaizumi:
- Iwaizumi x Forbidden Love (Peanut’s Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
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- Haikyuu boys as Taylor Swift songs ♪
- Haikyuu boys as Romance Tropes ♫
- Grumpy x Sunshine Multifandom ♫ ♪
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Kuroko No Basket
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Kuroko Tetsuya:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Kise Ryota:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
- Kise x Love at First Sight (Wheel of Fortune Event) ��
Midorima Shintarou:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Kagami Taiga:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Aomine Daiki:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Akashi Seijiuro:
- Akashi x reader reunited at the airport after time apart ♫ ♪
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Murasakibara Atsushi:
- Isekaied into Yōsen?! How I Became a Nanny to 208 cm Giant Baby part 1
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
Takao Kazunari:
- I Think He Knows (KNB boys with a tall gf) ♫
- Takao x Second Chances (Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Kiyoshi Teppei:
- Kiyoshi x Second Chances (Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
Satsuki Momoi:
- Satsuki x Enemies to lovers (wlw!) (Wheel of Fortune Event) ♫
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- Kuroko no Basket x Blue Lock Crossover Headcanon ♪
- Grumpy x Sunshine Multifandom ♫ ♪
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toyafreethoughts · 9 months
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Ladies, Gentlemen and Non-Binary Pals we interrupt your time on here with a special matchup trade with @everlastlady !!
A/N: Thank you so much again for doing a trade matchup with me (: it means a whole lot, coming from my heart ❤️ I’m also sorry if this is short! I did the best I could now, commençons!
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For your Hazbin Hotel Matchup you’ll be with…
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Now, I can see something between you two, let’s say it, I think he would like you being heated when your boundaries or whatever are being pushed to far and honestly good for you! he would like someone like that in a partner, someone who can stand up for themselves.
I also saw you like drinking wine, while husker likes drinking (pretty much anything ?) you guys can become drinking partners! he would also enjoy someone being able to take care of him, something he’s never had for so long.
Since you don’t like arguing I don’t think he would wanna argue either, it’s a waste of time anyways, he is sarcastic though so if it goes to far you may wanna say it and he’ll tone it down but I’m sure he’s gonna be soft around you anyways.
Bars are loud, maybe you can enjoy going to a bar but if you wanna just relax some place quieter then husker will be happy to do so! anything for his beloved anyways, he hopes that you guys won’t break up for a long time (or forever).
For your Black Butler Matchup you’ll be with…
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I can see some potential in you both! In fact I’d like to think he’d enjoy a partner like you, I mean your kind hearted and energetic! It’s perfect! He appreciates having conversations with you and he also enjoys your laughter too.
He would love drinking with you! Whatever it is coffee, tea, wine, etc it wouldn’t matter, I think you guys would have tea party dates and they would be romantical (but not overly-romantic if you prefer that.) he would love seeing you in dresses as well he loves to just dance with you and just compliment how good you look in whatever dress.
He would be a little concerned if you have a seizure around him, actually he’d be super worried he’ll probably make you rest while he’ll take care of you for the rest of the day (or make any of the butlers do it💀), anyways, he kind of teases you since your shorter then him, not in a bad way! he likes having a short partner, he won’t tease you for long with that anyways so no worries!
I don’t think he argues with people, actually no one, he’s a pretty chill dude so honestly I don’t see any arguing going on, unless if it’s really, REALLY bad but other then that I can barely see that happening, if a room is to loud (maybe parties or balls) then he’ll just take off for the night with you and just enjoy your company.
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Anime/Manga Matchups!
For your Neon Genesis Evangelion Matchup you’ll be with… Rei Ayanami
For your Bungo Stray Dogs Matchup you’ll be with… Doppo Kunikida
For your Demon Slayer matchup you’ll be with… Kyōjurō Rengoku
For your Tokyo Revengers Matchup you’ll be with… Izana Kurokawa
For your Toilet Bound Hanako Kun Matchup you’ll be with… Sakura Nanamine
For your Blue Lock Matchup you’ll be with… Seishiro Nagi
For Kuroko’s Basketball Matchup you’ll be with… Kazunari Takao
For your Promised Neverland Matchup you’ll be with… Isabella
For your Chainsaw Man Matchup you’ll be with… Aki Hayakawa
For your Heavens Offical Blessing Matchup you’ll be with… Lang Qianqiu
For your Death Note Matchup you’ll be with… Light Yagami
For your Spy X Family Matchup you’ll be with… Yuri Briar
For your Study Case Of Vanitas Matchup you’ll be with… Noé Archiviste
For your Haikyuu!! Matchup you’ll be with… Kōshi Sugawara
For your Buddy Daddies Matchup you’ll be with… Kazuki Kurusu
For your Jujustu Kaisen Matchup you’ll be with… Kento Nanami
For your Free! Matchup you’ll be with… Ikuya Kirishima
For your Hunter X Hunter Matchup you’ll be with… Jed
For your Oshi No Ko Matchup you’ll be with… Ai Hoshino
For your Assassination Classroom Matchup you’ll be with… Nagisa Shiota
For your Jojos Bizzare Adventure Matchup you’ll be with… Johnny Joestar
For your Saiki K Matchup you’ll be with… Kusuo Saiki
For your Fruits Basket Matchup you’ll be with… Saki Hanajima
For Your Lie In April Matchup you’ll be with… Kaori Miyazono
For your Toradora Matchup you’ll be with Ryuji Takasu
For your Violet Evergarden Matchup you’ll be with… Violet Evergarden
For your Kakeguri Matchup you’ll be with… Ririka Momobami
For your Devilman Crybaby Matchup you’ll be with… Miki Makimura
For your Banana Fish Matchup you’ll be with… Ash Lynx
For your Sasaki To Miyano Matchup you’ll be with… Hanzawa Masato
For your Yuri On Ice!! Matchup you’ll be with… Seung Gil Lee
For Your Name Matchup you’ll be with… Mitsuha Miyamizu
For your Silent Voice Matchup you’ll be with… Kazuki Shimada
For your Horimiya Matchup you’ll be with… Izumi Miyamura
For your Stars Align Matchup you’ll be with… Ryoma Shinjo
For your Attack On Titan Matchup you’ll be with… Armin Arlert
For your Akudama Drive Matchup you’ll be with… Courier
For your Sk8 The Infinity Matchup you’ll be with… Langa Hasegawa
For your Land Of Lustrous Matchup you’ll be with… Phosphophyllite
For your Iruma Kun! Welcome To Demon School Matchup you’ll be with… Demon King Derkila
For your One Piece Matchup you’ll be with… Nami
For your BNHA Matchup you’ll be with… Ochaco Uraraka
For your Tokyo Ghoul Matchup you’ll be with… Juuzou Suzuya
For your Bleach Matchup you’ll be with… Ichigo Kurosaki
For Your Soul Eater Matchup you’ll be with… Franken Stein
For your Monster Matchup you’ll be with… Johan Liebert
For your Serial Experiments Lain Matchup you’ll be with… Lain Iwakura
For your Food Wars! Matchup you’ll be with… Soma Yukihira
For your Gitatama Matchup you’ll be with… Leukocyte King
For your Fairy Tail Matchup you’ll be with… Jellal Fernandes
For your Nana Matchup you’ll be with… Reira Serizawa
For your Magical Girl: Madoka you’ll be with… Madoka Kaname
For your Hellsing Matchup you’ll be with… Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
For your Zom100 Matchup you’ll be with… Akira Tendou
For your No Game No Life Matchup you’ll be with… Sora
For your Kamisama Kiss Matchup you’ll be with… Mizuki
For your Seraph Of The End Matchup you’ll be with… Guren Ichinose
For your Fire Force Matchup you’ll be with… Iris
For your Ouran High School Host Club Matchup you’ll be with… Takashi Morinozuka
For your Charlotte Matchup you’ll be with… Nao Tomori
For your Erased Matchup you’ll be with… Satoru Fujinuma
For your Moriarty The Patriots Matchup you’ll be with… Louis James Moriarty
For your Wonder Egg Priority Matchup you’ll be with… Rika Kawai
For your Lucky Star Matchup you’ll be with… Akira Kogami
For your Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai Matchup you’ll be with… Sakuta Azusagawa
For your Rent A Girlfriend Matchup you’ll be with… Chizuru Ichinose
For your Quintessential Quintuplets Matchup you’ll be with… Yotsuba Nakano
For your Mushoku Teisei: Jobless Reincarnation Matchup you’ll be with… Rudeus Greyrat
For your Rising Of The Shield Hero Matchup you’ll be with… Naofumi Iwatani
For your Girl From The Other Side Matchup you’ll be with… Sensei
For your School Days Matchup you’ll be with… Makoto Itou
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For your Turn To Die Matchup you’ll be with… Shin Tsukimi
For your Danganronpa Matchup you’ll be with… Leon Kuwata
For your Persona Matchup you’ll be with… Haru Okumura
For your Genshin Impact Matchup you’ll be with… Xiao
For your Omori Matchup you’ll be with… Hero
For your Bayonetta Matchup you’ll be with… Balder
For your Honkai Star Rail Matchup you’ll be with… Gepard
For your FNAF Matchup you’ll be with… Micheal Afton
For your Obey Me Matchup you’ll be with… Simeon
For your Mystic Messenger Matchup you’ll be with… V
For your Resident Evil Matchup you’ll be with… Leon Kennedy
For your Honkai Impact 3rd Matchup you’ll be with… Kiana Kaslana
For your Tears Of Themis Matchup you’ll be with… Vyn Richter
For your Twisted Wonderland Matchup you’ll be with… Kalim Al-Asim
For your Hypnosis Mic Matchup you’ll be with… Jakurai Jinguji
For your Needy Streamer Girl Overdose Matchup you’ll be with… KAngel
For your Cookie Run Kingdom Matchup you’ll be with… Pure Vanilla Cookie
For your Ensemble Stars Matchup you’ll be with… Chiaki Morisawa
For your Project Sekai: Colorful Stage Matchup you’ll be with… Rui Kamishiro
For your BanG Dream Matchup you’ll be with… Kanon Matsubara
For your Identity V Matchup you’ll be with… Fiona
For your Final Fantasy 7 Matchup you’ll be with… Sephiroth
For your Quarry Matchup you’ll be with… Nicholas (Nick) Furcillo
For your NieR:Automata Matchup you’ll be with… Kainé
For your Drakengard Matchup you’ll be with… Zero
For Your Boyfriend Matchup you’ll be with… TK
For your Doki Doki Literature Club Matchup you’ll be with… Monika
For your Deltarune Matchup you’ll be with… Kris
For your Sally Face Matchup you’ll be with… Larry Johnson
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For your Inside Job Matchup you’ll be with… Brett Hand
For your TAWOG Matchup you’ll be with… Richard Watterson
For your Gravity Falls Matchup you’ll be with… Wendy
For your Owl House Matchup you’ll be with… Lilith Clawthorne
For your Steven Universe Matchup you’ll be with… Lapis Lazuli
For your Clone High Matchup you’ll be with… Joan of Arc
For your Total Drama Llama Matchup you’ll be with… Chris
For your South Park Matchup you’ll be with… Heidi Turner (Platonic)
For your Family Guy Matchup you’ll be with… Megg Griffin
For your BoJack Horseman Matchup you’ll be with… Sarah Lynn
For your Big Mouth Matchup you’ll be with… Val Bilzerian
For your Amphibia Matchup you’ll be with… Sasha Waybright
For your Adventure Time Matchup you’ll be with… Marshall Lee
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For your Vocaloid/UTAU Matchup you’ll be with… Meiko
For your Breaking Bad Matchup you’ll be with… Jesse Pinkman
For your Stranger Things Matchup you’ll be with… Nancy Wheeler
For your AlRawabi School For Girls Matchup you’ll be with… Mariam
For your Marvel Matchup you’ll be with… Black Panther
For your Girl From Nowhere Matchup you’ll be with… Yuri
For your Eddsworld Matchup you’ll be with… Edd
For your Homestuck Matchup you’ll be with… Meulin Leijon
For your Creepypasta Matchup you’ll be with… Ani The Wight
For your Marble Hornets Matchup you’ll be with… Jay Merrick
For your K-pop Group Matchup you’ll be with… Hwang Hyunjin from Stray Kids
For your Vkei Group Matchup you’ll be with… i (哀) from Gulu Gulu
For your Walten Files Matchup you’ll be with… Sophie Walten
For your Evillious Chronicles Matchup you’ll be with… Eve Moonlit
For your Helluva Boss Matchup you’ll be with… Stolas Goetia
For your Murder Drones Matchup you’ll be with… Uzi Doorman
For your Mandela Catalogue Matchup you’ll be with… Toonbriel
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Blog Rules:
Links to Blog Features:
Writing Prompts Join My Taglist
Fandoms I will write for:
Demon Slayer
Kuroko's Basketball
High-Rise Invasion
Characters I will write for:
Kuroo Tetsurō
Suna Rintarō
Iwaizumi Hajime
Akaashi Keiji
Miya Atsumu
Miya Osamu
Oikawa Torū
Mattsukawa Issei
Tsukishima Kei
Semi Eita
Tendō Satori
Sakusa Kyoomi
Nishinoya Yū
Shirabu Kenjirō
Bokuto Kotarō
Kozume Kenma
Yamaguchi Tadashi (Platonic)
My Hero Academia:
Kaminari Denki
Shinso Hitoshi
Bakugou Katsuki
Kirishima Eijirou
Sero Hanta
Shigaraki Tomura
Demon Slayer:
Giyū Tomioka
Rengoku Kyojurō
Zenitsu Agatsuma (Platonic)
Kuroko's Basketball:
Daiki Aomine
Ryota Kise
Seijūrō Akashi
Kazunari Takao
Kakashi Hatake
Shikamaru Nara
Kiba Inuzuka
High-Rise Invasion:
Sniper Mask
Do not request from shows not listed (I'm still working on watching more things)
If a character isn't on my list you can request, but I'll either not have good grasp on them or I won't write them because I'm uncomfortable with the way they are portrayed
SFW requests only please
I can write character x reader, character x reader x character, or character x character (this one is new, be kind)
I can write for fem or gender neutral neutral readers
This list will grow as I get through more shows or connect with more characters, so please be patient
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suvidrache · 10 months
Can I request something for Takao and Kuroko putting flowers in their black s/o’s afro style hair?
Flower Crowns
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 26 | Read it on AO3
I do not write for Kuroko, but I do hope that you enjoy Takao. ♡
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Takao would enjoy decorating his s/o's hair with flowers! If you allowed him, he would also include butterfly clips. He would even make flower crowns.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris, @sunset-curve-boy / Join my tag list here!
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tetsunabouquet · 8 months
Tetsuna's Kinktober Finale: Shipping Edition
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hakusins · 18 days
ooo wait Kuroko's Basketball for the fandom ask 🤔
JHEBFJEBJRFHERF THANK YOU FOR THIS ANON!!!!!!!!! I miss KnB, I need to start re-reading fics from there soon.
send me a fandom!
Favourite Female: HJBERFBHJEBJHF this isn't even a question anymore. ITS ABSOLUTELY MOMOI !!! I LOVE A PINK GIRL !!!!!!!!!! MY SWEET GIRLFRIEND !!!!
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Favourite Male: HONESTLY THIS IS LIKE A TIE BETWEEN AKASHI AND KUROKO,,,, they're both my faves and i'm in love with both of them but i gotta put the wife first. so Kuroko it is!!!
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3 Other Favourite Characters: LORD DO I HAVE THEM READY !!!!!!!!
Akashi Seijuro!!!!!! HIS EMPEROR'S EYE IS SO SO SO COOL!!!!! I dont know I think I'm just into people who looks down on you. JNERFJERF
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KISE RYOUTA !!!! (I'm never beating the allegations am I) I think his arc was the most interesting for me. someone who gained a love of something bcos he finally found enough love to actually push through his limits and challenged himself.
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AOMINE !!!! I love him, he's such an ass (my love for bastards ig) HJBREBJFHE, there's not much that I can say other than he's a cunt but like he's hot so its okay.
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3 OTPs: HERFEJHBRFBHJERF honestly, I love Kuroko x the entire GoM!!!! It's cute you know!!!! but my all time favourites would be AkaKuro, AoKuro and NijiKuro, but sometimes I have a need for all sorts of ships bhERHJFBJERF
Notp: uhh, it used to be KagaKuro, but now i'm mostly just meh with it!
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Most Annoying Character: Haizaki. Bro is gross. I dont like him. (I still read HaiKuro fics though BHJERFBJHREF)
Most badass character: I honestly think a lot of them are badass as hell!!!! But if I have to choose it'd definitely be one of the seniors like!!!! they are going up against ACTUAL monsters but they stuck together and never lost hope!!!! I would've quitted after seeing Akashi and Aomine hbrefbjherf
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Character I’d like as my BFF: Kazunari Takao!! hOENSTLY the amount of bullshit midorima put this man through and HE IS STILL willing to go along with midorima's antics like, bro ??? I need kind of need this man
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Female Character I’d Marry: MOMOIIII AGAIN !!!!! Honestly, there is no one else but Momoi in my eyes, Momoi is love, Momoi is life. (Kuroko move aside)
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Male Character I’d Marry: NIJIMURA SHUZO!!!! literally the Skittles captain himself, he's dependable and handsome !!! and my type!!!! Definitely someone i'd marry HBJERFBJHR
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Character I hate/dislike/least like: Haizaki.
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