#takahashi sayaka
password-is-idols · 11 months
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saitama-division · 1 month
Happy Pride Month!
Happy Pride Month! Be safe and have fun celebrating! You matter and who you love and who/what you identify matters too, you are completely and wholeheartedly valid. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖
In celebration, I decided to redo the romantic and sexual orientation of Femme Fatale! I had to do quite bit of soul searching and research but I finally feel like this is the most accurate results I could come up with. Enjoy!
— Sayaka
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Demiromantic Bisexual
After her husband’s death, Sayaka has been hesitant to fall in love again, at least without taking the proper time and effort to really get to know the person first, she highly values the emotional connection in a relationship and will only start to see a person in a romantic light once a strong bond is established.
Before meeting her husband and getting married, Sayaka did actually experiment with her sexuality during her younger years, though it was mostly intertwined with her rebellious phase, however, it wasn’t until the end of said phase that she realized that she did indeed liked both girls and boys, she just tended to lean more towards men more but would not mind getting together with a woman.
— Lola
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Aromantic Omnisexual
After years of on again and off again relationships, relationships that only lasted a month at the very most, forcing herself to find new eye and arm candy to satisfy the paparazzi, and after her recent and last relationship with Karada Kessaku of Aoyama, Lola has come to the definite conclusion that she truly is not cut out for romantic relationships and prefers not to be tied to anyone in a romantic sense. After publicly coming out, she has been met with nothing but love and support from her fans and those closest to her, despite not wanting romantic relationships, she is more than happy with platonic relationships and especially sexual ones.
Speaking of sex, Lola truly does not give a shit about what’s between a person’s legs. She has been sleeping around with people for as long as she could first properly take her first dicking down. If she finds them cute and they’re willing, she’ll give them a night they’ll never forget. Sex is easy, sex is familiar, and she has long accepted that it plays a bigger role in her life than love and romance.
— Kureha
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Panromantic Demisexual
After a long time of questioning herself and doing extensive research, Kureha has come to the conclusion that it doesn’t really matter what gender a person is to her, as long as she can really connect and build a proper bond with them, she’ll find herself liking them in a more intimate way. She doesn’t want to jump to any conclusions but so far there has been a certain someone that has caught her eye lately, just the mere mention of them has butterflies fluttering in her stomach much to her embarrassment.
As for sex and the like, it hasn’t changed from before but now she’s more convinced than ever that she’s just not interested in casual sex nor is she willing to sleep with anyone without getting to know them personally and feeling comfortable around them. That doesn’t mean that Kureha isn’t interested in sex in general, she just doesn’t want to give her virginity away on a whim and she hasn’t find the right person yet.
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fukuokanodivision · 2 months
Yuno’s Thoughts On Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
“Miyuki, She has a caring heart and spirit I will say. I know this may sound like idolizing, But I rather enjoy individuals with her said characteristic's. Kindness, Protection, the list goes on…Being a single mother must have some challenges, So I hope things turn out well for her. In some ways, Miyuki appears similar to my own mother, Running the family and all. However, I’ll be sure to improve so I can face her team head on, That will determine if she shows the prowess that her spirit holds…”
Lola Takahashi
“Aphrodite, Eko’s addressed her once or twice…So she’s a popular model, huh? I’m not fully surprised, With looks like that, A ton of individuals would be foaming at the mouth for her beauty…She does live up to her name truly well. Aside from her popular nature, I’m always thinking that an ulterior motive may come into play with her. There’s something about her that seems rather…Off. It’s no bother to worry about, So there’s no need for such thoughts to distract me…”
Kureha Koizumi
“Koizumi, Better known as ‘Eclipse’ if I am correct. How do I say this…Koizumi I guess is the one I know least about. It makes sense with her masking her identity online sometimes… I’ve seen her art pop up a few times, So she is not a complete stranger…Although that is all I really can pick up on. Aside from her ‘artistically prodigious talent’ and position on Femme Fatale, Nothing else rather jumps out on her. I guess it’s for the best, The DRB will have to bring out her true intentions anyways.”
Femme Fatale
“This team is quite the team, I hear. A gang of said ‘sisters’ protecting their livelihood from Chuohku…Not a bad concept at all. It’s rather a little boring that many teams have some dark pasts, Then again one without a dark past is considered boring. I enjoy them. Their leader, Miyuki having a similar personality to my own mother, How sweet it is indeed. I know I have to prepare myself, Though I’ll see if I can find some more information…Resting easy doesn’t sound like hot water OverDrive should catch themselves in, That is for sure.”
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AKB48 真夏の Sounds Good! Type A scans. please like/reblog if you save!
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arakawa-division · 8 months
Alexis's Thoughts on Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
"Sayaka Miyuki, the woman responsible behind the formation of perhaps the most powerful Japanese rap group to ever spawn, TDD. Truthfully, the CIA's file on her is almost extensive, considering she was a former scientist for Chuohku and, as stated, because she helped create The Dirty Dawg. It's a shame she wasn't able to keep the group from splintering. If she had, perhaps things in Japan would not be so bad. But still, she is truly worthy of respect for all the work she has done."
"Besides that, she seems like a nice, kind-hearted woman. She forsook her career to be a housewife and a mother to her only child. Ha, she reminds me a lot of my sister in some ways. Ivelisse tells me she's a frequent student in her yoga class. I wonder if I meet her afterwards, would she be willing to talk? Perhaps doing so will help me find out more about what Chuohku is up to."
Lola Takahashi
"Lola Takahashi. I know of her for two reasons. One: because I know that she was formerly part of the Japanese/Russian mafia that held a lot of power here in Japan before it eventually crumbled. According to sources dug in from the CIA, she was a prominent member of the criminal organization before it fell. She often used her seductive skills and feminine wiles to get her enemies to lower her guard before she finished them off." Alexis looks off to the side. "She reminds me much of Dieu, in that regard..."
"Speaking of Dieu, that's the second reason I know her. Apparently, she, Lola and her partner, Kureha have some sort of history together. Knowing Dieu, she probably wound up betraying them for some obscure reason. After reading up on her and doing some research, it certainly wouldn't surprise me. Besides that, I hear that she and Ace Douglas's girlfriend, Evelyn Rose, have some a fierce rivalry with one another. ...I have to wonder, is this a common thing with most women? If so, I'm glad I avoided it."
Kureha Koizumi
"Kureha Koizumi. She is, perhaps, the most secretive and unknown member of this team. While it is known that she used to work for the Mafia under Lola, everything before that is a complete and utter mystery regarding her. It's known that she was previously in the hospital before then, but for what reason is unknown. After the fall of the Mafia, she was adopted by Sayaka Miyuki, becoming her adopted daughter. The two have a good mother-daughter relationship."
"Besides that, I hear she is quite famous in circles as a renowned painter. I wonder if there is a chance we could collaborate on a project. Although photography doesn't have much to do with painting, I feel we could still do something together. It's something to consider."
Femme Fatale
"Sayaka Miyuki has put together an impressive rap team. Even though they haven't fought as of yet, they are reputed to be the ones most likely to make it to the end of the D.R.B. That proves that we will have to be wary and cautious of them, especially considering that Sayaka was behind the TDD's formation. So she must have some knowledge on rapping. As stated, we'll have to be very cautious of this team going forward."
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real-life-senshi · 2 years
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Within the past 24 hours, we have been blessed with a Harimichi and PuuSata photos from the Satomi & Hotaru-Moon Sera Myu!
Shuu and Sayaka attended/visited backstage of the current Sera Myu event! Karin visited her Mikako mama at Mikako's current show!
Karin looks so much more grown up now! :')
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aoyama-division · 8 months
There were only a few hours left in the day and until Luis Kōkyū's birthday was over. Speaking of, the said birthday man was lounging in his living room nursing a glass of wine, relaxing in for what felt like forever. He had to admit, even through he would've wanted to work at his restaurant, it did feel nice to take a load off once in a while.
The sound of the doorbell knocked him out of his relaxed stupor and the tall man sighed, it was no doubt another present from someone from the other Divisions. It was a bit surprising that so many people were that considerate of him, either that or they were just trying to get on his good side which made him roll his eyes but he still got up from his seat and walked over to the door.
Sitting pretty outside were a group of presents, all wrapped in Pink wrapping paper and of course, addressed to him. Shrugging, Luis took all three gifts and brought them back inside, closing the door and set them on the coffee table. Grabbing one of them, he unwrapped the paper which revealed...
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A beautifully made painting of a location in the Mexican Countryside, it was so expertly detailed that Luis could almost feel himself in the place the painting was depicting. He blinked a few times to snap himself out of it before noticing that a letter was attached to it. Plucking it off, he read the letter.
'Happy Birthday, Kōkyū-san.
I hope you enjoyed the painting, it took me a while to finish but it was worth it. It was nice learning about Mexican culture and locations, I hope I did it justice. Also thank you for the delicious cakes you gave me through the years.
- Kureha Koizumi'
The second gift revealed to be an intricately made and beautiful lighter and a pack of cigarettes. Like the painting, this one also came with a letter.
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'Happy Birthday to my favorite chef!
Seriously though, a very happy birthday to you, my dear Luis! Hope you're enjoying yourself because you deserved to be celebrated! Anyways, I figured you already got a bunch of extravagant gifts so I'll keep mine short and sweet. Knowing you, I'm sure you'll make good use of it.
Until next time! <3
- Lola Takahashi'
The last gift revealed to be a pack of colorful fiesta decorated cupcakes and much like the other two gifts, this one as well had a letter attached to it.
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'A most joyous birthday to you, Kōkyū-san!
I hope your birthday is filled with nothing but love and happiness! Speaking of, I hope you enjoy these cupcakes I made, Kureha helped me with the design! I know they're nothing compared to a talented chef like you but I do hope they made your day brighter.
Best wishes!
- Sayaka Miyuki'
Happy Birthday Luis! ❤
Looking at the cigarettes the model had sent him, Luis took one out of the pack and popped it in his mouth. Walking out to the backyard of his house, he picked up his new lighter and lit the nicotine stick, inhaling it into his mouth. He took a moment to sample the flavor, and soon gave a slight nod.
"Not the best I've ever had, but far from being the worst," he said as he took another puff. "Lola's got good taste."
Finishing the cigarette, he placed the rest in his back pocket, along with his lighter, and looked at picture Kureha had painted for him. It truly captured the spirit of Mexican culture. He knew that, like him, his abuela was going to enjoy seeing this around the house.
"One of these days, I'm going to plan a vacation for the two of us to head back to Mexico." he thought, as he finally found a good spot to place the painting. After a few minutes of making sure it was hanging straight and perpendicular on the wall, he took a few more minutes to stare at it.
"Maybe I should get Tomi to introduce Kureha to some clients." he thought. "I know more than a few people in this city who would pay to have some art like hers in their houses."
Thinking on it, the chef then headed to the kitchen and picked up one of the cupcakes that Sayaka had prepared for him. Heading back to his spot on the couch in the living room, he picked up the wine he was enjoying before. Taking a sip, he then bit into the cupcake, and gave a satisfied hum. He wasn't surprised that Sayaka's food was delicious. She was one of the few people in Japan, along with Kanra from Edogawa, that actually had any real talent at cooking. As he finished the sweet pastry treat, only one thought was in his mind.
"If only days like these could last forever..."
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minato-division03 · 9 months
Queen Card’s Thoughts on Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
“Sayaka Miyuki… Age: late twenties, occupation: forensic scientist, only known family members are: Ritsuko Okada… older sister… and some children. She has had the honor of working alongside with me previously. Be grateful! I don’t like to prattle with fellows outside of my company. Quite the air-headed one… not to mention, that naïveté of hers truly is quite vexing. Vexing, she is. Though quite diligent with her work.”
“Now, your background, on the other hand…” the Queen said, licking her lips and smirking malevolently, “is rather fascinating…”
Lola Takahashi
“Lola Takahashi, real name: ██████, age: mid twenties, occupation: pop model and formerly a gang— no… from a fallen mafia family… Oh my? What is this I see here?”
She lifted up the photograph, practically dangling it from her fingers. She tilted her head, staring right into Lola’s cold blue eyes.
It may be a long shot… but perhaps she would be worth looking into… how very fascinating…!
Kureha Koizumi
“Kureha Koizumi, real name: ██████, age: late teens to early twenties, occupation: artist of some sort. It would seem that she and Lola Takahashi have known each other for quite some time and even served under the same mafia… and is now under the care of Sayaka Miyuki. Oh my… and it would appear that you may have some memories missing up in that brain of yours, but I…”
She dragged her nail over Kureha’s cheek, watching as her sharp nail tore into the photograph. “I see through all of you… all those things that you don’t know or understand about yourself… I know it all, my dear… And one of these days, perhaps I’ll give you all the answers you need. That much, I can do for you.”
Femme Fatale
The Queen chuckled softly. She threw her head back and bursted into a fit of laughter. “How interesting, Femme Fatale! How very, very interesting, indeed!”
When her laughter died down, she sighed in relief and swiped the photographs away. “This is a first! Truly a miracle! This would be the first team to truly capture my attention like this!”
“Oh, my dear subjects of Saitama…! May you rejoice! And take pride knowing that your Queen has taken a liking to your representative team!”
And that they may just be the key to achieving all I need to achieve.
For everyone’s sake.
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akihabara-division03 · 10 months
Anika’s Thoughts on Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
“Ah, Miyuki-san— Shian’s worked with her a number of times! I’ve heard nothing but good things about her! I’ve been to Saitama plenty of times when I used to race, but I don’t think I’ve met Miyuki-san before… it was over a decade ago anyway, we both probably were drastically different. I hate to be the type of person to think about the past so much, but… maybe if we had more competent forensic scientists and detectives, I would have some of my unanswered questions… answered.”
Anika closed her eyes and all she could see was the color of blood-red. The rancid smell of human remains and the constant ringing in her ear. They never did find out what happened then, huh…?
She shook her head. “Oh well. Anyway, I’m glad to hear that Saitama is being represented through such a wonderful and dependable person.”
Lola Takahashi
“Ohhh wow! I’ve seen her on many ads, but I never knew what her name was. So, it’s Lola Takahashi-san, huh? She’s gorgeous! There’s a lot of models participating in this tournament, huh? Well, I gotta say, I’m kind of excited to see which model comes out on top in this tournament. Aren’t you?”
Kureha Koizumi
“Oh right, I’ve seen some of her art online, she does some great work. I didn’t think she’d be adopted by Sayaka Miyuki! Of course, every adopted child is different. But something tells me she and Makina would get along. The creative flow and the reserved nature of the two, I think they would get along!”
Femme Fatale
“Well, I’m glad that these spectacular ladies are going to represent Saitama.”
Anika’s smile faltered and she stacked the photos on top of each other. “At least that city will have a group of great group people looking after them after all is said and done. Because I can’t afford to lose this… Pixel Syndicate has to win this tournament… at all costs. I know everyone has their reasons for entering, but there’s too much on the line for me to lose. I don’t want to fight such a great lineup, but I don’t exactly have the say here. Maybe if under different circumstances, we all could’ve gotten along with no issues… If only…”
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akihabara-48 · 1 year
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password-is-idols · 11 months
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saitama-division · 2 months
Day in the Life: Femme Fatale’s Workplaces
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However, as of recently, Lola’s been trying her hand at making her own fashion line, so let’s see how that’s working out for her!
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fukuokanodivision · 2 months
Mai’s Thoughts On Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
“Miyuki-san, She’s a great person, No questions asked here. With the motherly bond and possessing the strength to lead her team, Those qualities I can respect. Femme Fatale is a popular division, So Miyuki-san having some popularity is, With all the good things she’s done and all…I really hope I can meet her sometime, Her sort of comfort is something I really need at the moment. Gender dysphoria really sucks…Maybe she can give some advice…? Someday, Possibly…”
Lola Takahashi
“Takahashi, Better known as “Aprodite…” She appears kind on the outside…However I sorta feel somethings off on the inside about her… Her and Onii-san appear very similarly, Having solid popularity and a two sorta faced personality sometimes… I don’t have any strong opinions on her, Though I’ll say she’s good at fashion choices. I’ll just have to see what the DRB brings, Maybe this model has some inner emotions she wants to draw out into the stadium…Only time will tell.”
Kureha Koizumi
“Koizumi…Ah, ‘Eclipse’, The artistic prodigy. She’s really living up to her title, Her art is crazy! Aside from her amazing art, She also appears as a good team member for Femme Fatale. Yeah, She’d be rather introverted, Although she might have some inner monster inside, Just waiting to crawl out? I’ll have to see if my theory gets debunked. Anyways, I guess I’ll keep checking out her art while I wait to see her in the DRB stadium, I can’t wait to get my own hands dirty…!”
Femme Fatale
“Saitama, They might be my best team so far. Miyuki-san, Takahashi, Koizumi…They appear to be quite the force out there. ‘These alluring beats will ensnare your mind’, Not a bad motto if I do say so myself~…I doubt these guys are a motivational group, But their skills are starting to motivate me a little. Well, If I knew who I was, Really… It’ll be fun to face them in the DRB, Seeing what their true sisterhood strength turns out to be…I’m getting excited thinking about it~!”
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setagaya-division · 1 year
Mina's Thoughts on Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
"She seems... like a really nice person. That's what Kureha-chan tells me... when we speak... sometimes. She said that Sayaka-san is her mother, though they're... not related by blood. There's nothing wrong with that, though. I have... two younger brothers, both of whom... aren't related to me in any sense. But... I love both of them as if they were my... real younger brothers. ...I wonder... what it would be like to be born into a family like that..."
Lola Takahashi
"I've never... met her, obviously. That's no real surprise, considering... she's a famous model, and I'm... a nobody. Yorii says he's spoken to her... once or twice. He said she was nice but... he didn't really expound any further. He said she said something that... annoyed him. He didn't say what, though. I wonder what it was..."
"This wench... she did something to Yorii. He seemed so irritable the few days after he met her. If I ever come across her, I'll bleed this wench dry for hurting him!"
Kureha Koizumi
"Kureha-chan... she's one of my... acquaintances at school. She's kinda like me... we're both quiet and don't really look for... social interaction. I don't even know... how we started talking to each other. I think... Elliot may have something to do with it. If so... that wouldn't surprise me. He's admitted that he... really likes Kureha-chan. I think that's kind of... sweet. I hope he can tell her how he feel about her someday..."
"Besides that, why the hell does this chick look so fuckin' familiar? I've never seen her before, but... I can't help but feel like I've seen her face somewhere before. Argh, why the hell can't I remember?! Bah, whatever! That doesn't matter! What does is this: if she does anything to hurt Elliot, intentional or not, I'm bleeding her dry! Honestly, I'm kinda curious to know what Goth blood tastes like."
Femme Fatale
"This team... they're one of the earliest ones from what I've read. I think... they may have a shot at winning, but... there are a lot of other divisions out there, so... it's kinda hard to say. If we face them, I... I hope they'll go easy on us."
"Easy on us? Yeah right! They should be asking us to go easy on them! I swear, you are such a coward sometimes! I thought Elliot was supposed to be the chicken among our group! Relax, as long as I'm here, I'm not going to let any team, even this one beat us!"
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AKB48 "Flying Get" Type A scans (+ a special slip cover that I think came from a magazine? idk I got a bunch of them off mercari). Please like/reblog if you save!
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arakawa-division · 8 months
Dieu's Thoughts on Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
"Ah, the spiritual butterfly. Even back in China, we've heard tales of this woman and how she formed The Dirty Dawg. Many of the Triad members wanted to kidnap her and use her ability and knowledge of the Hypnosis Microphones for the good of the Triad. However, the smarter of us knew that no good would come of making an enemy of both Chuohku and Japan. ...At least, not back then. Now, however... well, suffice to say, it has little to do with me. Still, you have to admire her brilliance."
Lola Takahashi
"Ah, Angel. It is good to see her again. I know our last meeting left some... unresolved feelings and explanations. But I hope she realizes that it was nothing personal. It was just business. For what it's worth, I truly did feel bad about leaving her and young Kureha behind, but my client would not have been so forgiving if I didn't fulfill my objective. As I stated, it was nothing personal, my dear. Simply business. ...But of course, knowing you, you're probably not one to easily forgive and forget. So... come what may, I shall deal with it. And I hope once you've gotten your frustrations out, we will go back to being the best of friends. Agreed?"
Kureha Koizumi
"Oh, young Kureha! She has certainly grown since I've seen her last. I see her disposition hasn't improved none, though. She always was a bit quiet and withdrawn. It didn't make her many friends, but I think that was the point she was trying to get across. As I stated with Angel, it wasn't anything personal when I betrayed you and the Mafia. I had another job to fulfill and you two made it easy to fulfill, so... I hope you will be more accepting of Angel when it comes to forgiving me. If not... well, you can't say I didn't try."
Femme Fatale
"I must say, when I heard rumors that the Mafia had fallen, I'd never expected to see either Lola or Kureha again. I'm quite happy to see that they both survived! A part of me would have been positively upset if they had gone down like the rest of their organization. The two of them were too good for that group, but I suppose that is none of my business. Still, I know that the two of them have a lot they want to see to me."
"Quite fitting that we are in a rap tournament, don't you think? You two will have all the time you want to get whatever you want to say to me off of your shoulders. I just advise you think carefully about what you want to say. Why? Because you'll only get one chance..."
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