#tailcanon [headcanon]
rubbarband · 10 months
Cooking mishaps- [Headcanon]
Desmond loves to cook however he's a bit controlling over how many chefs are helping him. He's bad with his tail and with communication so often Desmond prefers to do it alone. And Desmond doesn't go in half assed, if you tell Des to go it with something small, he can't stop himself for adding more dishes when the inspiration strikes. Oh Brussel sprouts? He can roast those. Pie? Well how many fruits are around? Maybe he can make two, he's got time. Oooh He can make some smoothies (Mostly for himself) It's almost impossible to get him to slow down. You'd tell him not to amp it up and he'd talk about how he's amped down while also putting on a hairnet and a headband.
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astercontrol · 8 months
If you have ever wished that the Cardassians in Deep Space Nine had reptile tails...
consider this headcanon.
(or perhaps tailcanon).
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They live under an aggressively conformist dictatorship.
So... in the same way that overly conformist environments for humans will often enforce short haircuts and shaven faces... most Cardassians are required (by workplace restrictions, federal law, or social pressure) to keep their tails cut.
The tail will grow back if left alone, but rarely does a Cardassian feel safe doing so.
There have been parts of human history when the work of barbers and surgeons overlapped-- partially due to both jobs requiring sharp instruments.
This was even more natural to Cardassians, because the regrowing nature of the tail means the minor surgery of removing it is comparable to a haircut.
However, multi-use instruments also play a role. Tail-surgeons-- already possessing the supplies for cutting and stitching-- would often branch out into any other field that could use that equipment.
Which, for Cardassians, can range from "espionage and violent interrogation techniques" to "garment repairs and alterations."
So. Garak knows whereof he speaks... when he calls himself
"a simple tailor."
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catella-ars · 2 years
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Decided to illustrate some headcanon (tailcanon) so y’all can see what I’m thinking when I write certain things.
He has feeling and control throughout the tail, which is pretty strong and dexterous. The tip has a similar sensitivity to that of a finger tip, but most of the length isn’t particularly erogenous; that’s mostly just the very base of the tail and the area of the back where it attaches.
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cat-arsenal · 3 years
GAVIN TAILCANON RAMBLE @metaredacted0201 @teddybasmanov + rest of server idk
The Freelancer sits in bed, reading a textbook and idly rubbing Gavin's back while he sprawls next to them, practically purring.  It had been a long day, but they were insistent about studying, so Gavin let them, and so far, he has only been minimally distracting.
But now his shirt is riding up, and they haven't understood the last few paragraphs.  They set the book aside, and he turns his head to look at them, eyes sleepy but interested.
"All done, my studious little deviant?"
"Maybe.  I don't know.  Can I try something?"
He smirks, but his face is smooshed against his arm, so the effect is more cute than sultry.
"What kind of something?"
"Can I...can I play with your tail?"  He blinks, pretends to mull it over.
"Sure.  I think that's about the only part of me you haven't played...with..."
He trails off, stricken by the sensation of their curious fingers on his tail.
They've touched it before--he's touched them with it--but mostly in passing, a tap or a brush, and never so close to the skin.  His eyes are wide, and he is, for once, at a loss for words.
The Freelancer is enchanted.  They're cautious but not hesitant, pressing firmly but gently along the length of his tail.  It feels a bit like a snake: warm and leathery and surprisingly muscular.  It narrows near the tip before blooming into the flattened spade he sometimes smacks them with, and thickens near the base where it blends seamlessly into his (increasingly) hot skin.
He's tensing in a way that by now they're very familiar with, and they decide to test a theory.  Biting back a laugh, they grip his tail near the base, and tug.
The shocked moan that punches out of him pulls the laugh out of them.  He looks back at them, feigning reproach, but the blush and grin (and the way his hips press into the mattress) gives it away.
"That good, huh?"
"That good.  Be a little rougher next time?"
"Anything for you."
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idoldragos · 5 years
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...I don’t know why I made this, but headcanons? Tailcanons? Yes, these are tailcanons!
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unkownknowledge · 2 years
Gorou is one big fluffy headcanon doncha think?
Nah he's more a fluffy tailcanon :3
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rubbarband · 1 year
What Kind of Touch Do You Possess?
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Warm Touch
You are the embodiment of a cozy blanket and warm sunshine on a cool day. You give the best hugs, they are truly powerful. You embrace others with your big heart and feel everything to the max. You have a gift for uplifting others and raising the mood of whatever situation you are in.
You can easily read the room and give your attention to who needs it the most. you are a joy to be around. Others feel at home around you, which leads to lasting meaningful relationships.
Sometimes, though, you neglect yourself by putting others first. You feel that you will not be loved if you don't care for others. It can be hard to constantly put up a happy facade, I know. but remember, you are worthy of love.
Tagged by: @chronicparagon
Tagging: @breakingisolation, @catsgotyourtongue, @angelicflurry, @amplifyingtrace, @tricoloredillusion, @round--face, @sultansdaughter, @ghostspxder, @ericense, @empressxchaos and etc
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rubbarband · 1 year
~ || Sleep Habits. ||
NAME:  Desmond Baker, Friends call him Des, Dessy, Deso, Rubbarband
RESIDENCE: Portland, Oregon
TYPE OF BED: Temperpedic, King sized bed with and extension for his tail
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: One blanket unless it's winter than three heavy blankets since he hates the code.
NUMBER OF PILLOWS:  Three, one special one, purple with lavender scent coming from it.
TYPE OF CLOTHING: Usually shirtless, silk long pants and hair under a bandana for protection.
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY?:  Des sleeps comfortably either way.
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP?:  Desmond can sleep on his couch, but it's easier for him on his own bed since he's so small.
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP?:  Mission reports, works out, watches TV, Goes down to his family farm to relax, plays video games etc.
FREQUENT DREAMS, NIGHTMARES:  Failing Danny otherwise his dreams are very peaceful.
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS:  Desmond prefers deep slumbers, curled up on his tail and it wagging away in his dreams.
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP:  About when the sun's gonna come up in a couple hours.
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP:  Loud noises probably, Movement, Kal-li.
EARLY OR LATE RISER:  Early riser- boy has too much energy.
Tagged by: @ama-tcra-su Tagging: @chronicparagon, @angelicflurry, @amplifyingtrace, @ghostspxder, @round--face, @nijimx, @team-vlts, @heavenslolita, @walkerofclouds, @lightning-arias, @bunpunch And anyone else reading it!
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rubbarband · 1 year
What Makes Your Muses Body Unique?
Simple premise. Give 5 (or more) headcanons about your muses' body. Hands, eyes, feet, birthmarks, tricks--anything!
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1 . Working out: Desmond enjoys working out, Des took track in high school getting second and occasionally first place from just his long legs and high energy alone. Des goes to the gym, swims and jogs with his friends every early Sunday. Des loves keeping in shape, a way to train himself to be a better hero and genuinely loves giving better hugs.
2 . Tail: unlike most people, Desmond's tail is unique to him, his grandfather and cousin have similar tails, but Desmond's tail is almost as long as himself and strong enough to lift multiple cars. Desmond's tail doesn't have fur like traditional tails, giving him the title of the 'Bungi-tailed' hero. His tail has made him quite iconic as a hero, recognizable among many people.
3 . Birthmark: On Desmond's left outer thigh, near his hip, he has a birthmark, that looks like a splotch that looks like a pawprint; only a few people know about it. Desmond hides it sometimes because people will call it a cutie mark or his mom used to poke it for a small tease.
4 . Hair: Desmond's choice of hairstyle is actually due to an idol of his, the number 2 and now number one hero. "Lady liberty' Desmond looks up to her highly, the first hero he related to as a child, due to this Des is very attached to his hair. He doesn't like it getting messed up or attacked and so on, one day Desmond hopes to get it as long as she has hers. Desmond can also stretch his dreads ; but refuses to use them in battle, not wanting them to be destroyed in the crossfire.
5 . Body: Considering Desmond's quirk he doesn't have the most normal body, still Desmond uses his stretching powers like a normal person extends their hands to reach for something or another would stretch their arms normally; it's not uncommon to find Desmond stretching over to reach something no normal person couldn't possibly reach, or would need another person to grab for them. When cooking or cleaning Desmond can stretch himself all over the room.
Tagged by: @chronicparagon (thank you)
Tagging: @ghostspxder, @walkerofclouds, @amplifyingtrace, @bellchimed, @fracturedempathy @gerudospiriit @itxybitxyspidey, @kellanvarastrarp, @kikuri-yomi-goddess, @mimingforjustice, @modeinthemiddle, @nijimx, @oc-menagerie(Tia pls) @sovereignreigned, @tricoloredillusion @princessquinnella
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rubbarband · 1 year
what does your heart look like ?
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a compass that doesn’t waver
You are someone who is certain of what you want. Maybe you always have been, or maybe you made a discovery that you haven’t been able to tear your eyes away from. Your heart is set and certain. You fight endlessly for your goals. Above all else, you know who you are and what you are trying to achieve. Just be careful not to tear yourself or others apart in pursuit of your ideals.
Tagged by: @lightning-arias (Thank you)
Tagging: @umbranstilettos, @heavenslolita, @ama-tcra-su, @dirtypride, @lawxjudgement, @modeinthemiddle, @minds-interlinked, @team-vlts, @mysticjourneys, @round--face etc etc
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rubbarband · 2 years
when  you  get  this,  post  theme  songs  for  your  muse!
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standard theme: So Scandalous by Lotus juice
battle theme: The arena (naked mix) by Shoji meguro
emotion theme: I'm still standing! by Taron Egerton
boss battle theme: Shut me up! (instrumental) by Mindless self indulgence
Tagged by: @chronicparagon
Tagging: @tricoloredillusion, @nijimx, @huneibadger , @blackmage-lulu, @kikuri-yomi-goddess, @quirkthra, @umbranstilettos
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rubbarband · 2 months
14. how often did my character have sugar growing up? why or why not? is it the same as an adult?
🍥🍥🍰🍨the SWEETS headcanon meme!🍨🍰🍥🍥
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Desmond had sugar as much as the standard kid, one cookie per week after vegetables and so on, sometimes if he was good they'd go out for ice cream or he'd get candy. It wasn't until Des matured and was able to get an allowance at ten that suddenly he could do whatever he wanted...as long as his parents didn't know. That would prompt him to get alot more sugar as he grew up- snacks, snacks for cooking and being spoiled by his grandma.
If you showed him the cookie jar, he was climbing up to it if you took your eyes off him. As he became an adult, it just got worst, Des has an crazy sweet tooth and if he can get his hands on something sweet, he'll damn well try! But since he works out, and keeps healthy, no one can really stop him. Sometimes he has beef with a dentist but most of the time Des keeps his body toned. People seem to think it's to fuel his giant form and stretching energy which is why he intakes so much sugar. Who knows but he loves his sugary intake and sweets and the easiest way to his heart!//
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//Hey, is that a whole ass cake again Des!?
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//Drop it, give it here!
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Des runs for it!
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rubbarband · 2 months
20. What’s my character’s ice-cream shop order look like? how many scoops? what cone? what flavours and toppings?
🍥🍥🍰🍨the SWEETS headcanon meme!🍨🍰🍥🍥
-Des always gets a double scoop of orange cream and mint chip, if he gets a third good old strawberry helps even our all the flavors.
-Des would always go two scoops, three only if it's autumn so it doesn't melt fast- he'd HATE it melting and losing one of the flavors.
-It's always a waffle cone, he chomps down on it once the ice cream is devoured.
-Toppings are usually nuts, sprinkles, gummy bears or Oreos- with bananas , whip cream and a single cherry as the finished garnish.
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"God I want ice cream now!"
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rubbarband · 11 months
Sometimes it’s just difficult to get comfy with your wings folding oddly at your back or not sitting right when you’re trying to get to sleep.
Really useful for curling around yourself like a blanket though.
Does Dessy ever have that issue with his tail being a bit uncomfortable to maneuver around / get comfy with during bedtime?
Random ask ||Always accepting.
//Actually it's pretty easy for Desmond, not so easy when he's asleep with someone else and turns away. Desmond's tail is like rubber, so it's plush and bouncy- he uses it as a pillow! It helps that he's also a side sleeper so when he's sleeping, he's got his head on his tail and his mind in dreamland!
Desmond sometimes offers up his tail to others too, not very useful in hot summers but when you're cold, it helps having a pillow that can wrap around you if you're scared, or sad. The only problem arises when Desmond's got a interesting dream going on, and if you're behind him, well you're in for quite the storm of slaps XD But Des encourages that his significant other, family or friends grab the tail and lay on it to stop it.
And last to mention that Des has a bed specifically made that he can sleep on his back and not be hindered by his tail, beyond that bedtime's really easy for him, it's pretty much a cat's favorite activity and Des is no different! //
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Thanks for the ask!
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rubbarband · 11 months
What is your muse's favorite food dish? Are they able to make it themselves?
Untitled Headcanon Questions
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// Desmond's favorite dish are two simple things, Chili fries and Spicy Pumpkin chili, and you can bet your dollar that Desmond begged his mom before going into U.A how to make himself his favorite chili dishes! Desmond always had a passion for cooking, watching someone smile at the cookies he helped his mom make was enough to get him into the hobby full time.
So now Des can cook bout his favorite dishes, and many more things as well, and he loves experimenting and learning new dishes- which made him become quite the avid cook in his current age.//
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rubbarband · 1 year
For every 🌟 I receive, I’ll share one fun fact about the muse.
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Desmond's tail is mostly muscle and elastic material, and because of this unless forced under, it floats on top of any body of water, when Des is relaxing, he'll lazily float on his tail.
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