#tailbaby is not down and out yet
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makethiscanon · 8 months ago
Am I having a meltdown that My Hero Academia is coming to a close and the fandom's gonna slowly trickle out like many before it? Very much so, yes.
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birinboom · 4 years ago
You knew I'd pop up eventually 👀
Please can I request a cute Ojiro x fem!reader on an unexpected cinema date?
I'm absolutely loving the stories you've put out so far 💖 I hope you're having fun with it 💖💖
I’m so sorry this took as long as it did! I hope I did your Tailbaby justice.
Note: this contains spoilers for the movie ‘Stardust’ (2007), as well as the book it’s based on, ‘Stardust’ by Neil Gaiman (1997). I have tried to keep the spoilers vague, except for some dialogue from the beginning of the movie as well as the ending.
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Falling Star
Ojiro x Fem!Reader on an unexpected movie date Fluff, romance 💌 1,397 words
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You almost skipped down the street, Ojiro’s hand clasped tightly in yours. It had been too long. You were both so busy lately that you hadn’t seen each other for more than a few hours here and there. And now you had a full day with him. A full day! There were so many things you wanted to do that you barely knew where to start.
Feeling something wet on the tip of your nose, you glanced up at the dark clouds. The forecast hadn’t mentioned anything but sunshine, so neither of you had thought to bring an umbrella. Whatever, a little bit of rain couldn’t ruin your date.
The rain didn’t seem like it agreed. It soon drove you to look for shelter. Ojiro pointed at an awning further down the street.
The two of you took off in a run, water splashing around your feet. You let out a screech as you felt yourself beginning to slip. Ojiro wrapped his tail around your middle, keeping you steady until you had regained your balance. Then you took off again.
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The awning belonged to a small movie theater. Ojiro nodded his head at the doors.
“Do you want to watch something while we wait for the rain to stop?”
You walked over to the posters displayed, then let out a gasp. “Stardust! That’s one of my favorites! I’ve been meaning to show it to you, but I kept forgetting.”
Ojiro joined you. “It starts in half an hour, that should give us plenty of time to buy some snacks.”
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You looked around the empty movie theater. “Are we really the only ones in here?”
“Seems so. Which means…” Ojiro looped an arm around your shoulders. “... no one should mind if I do this.” Then he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
You waved him away with a giggle. “Mashi, don’t, not here.”
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You sank deeper into your seat, cuddling up against Ojiro, as the lights dimmed and the music slowly started to swell. Then the narrator spoke.
“A philosopher once asked, ‘Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?’ Pointless, really. ‘Do the stars gaze back’, now that’s a question.”
You watched as a young man, Dunstan, snuck away from his village, and beyond the wall separating the magical world from the mundane, to spend a few hours in the kingdom of Stormhold.
Years passed within seconds, and soon you heard the now adult Dunstan remind his son, Tristan, to ‘not forget the flowers’. You frowned at Tristan’s reply. His voice sounded… odd. You mentally shrugged; it had to be the speakers in the theater.
The camera focused on a closed door, which soon opened and Tristan stepped out, a bright smile on his face. Yet it wasn’t the normal actor; it was Ojiro.
You let out a happy squeal as you pulled on Ojiro’s arm. “Mashi, did you plan all this?”
He didn’t reply. When you turned to look at him, his gaze was fixed on the movie. Your eyes returned to the screen, watching Tristan, now played by Ojiro, walk through the dark village of Wall, while the narrator talked about Tristan winning the heart of his one true love.
You watched, transfixed, as the Ojiro on screen picked up a pebble and threw it at a window. A group of girls beyond the window started to giggle as they got up to look. The window was thrown open, and one of the girls, Victoria, stuck her head out.
“Humphrey?” she said.
“Uh, no,” Ojiro replied, “it’s Tristan.”
Your head whipped around as you heard the line repeated next to you. Ojiro, your Ojiro, was mumbling along with Tristan’s lines delivered by the Ojiro on screen.
Your eyes flipped back and forth between the Ojiros as Tristan tried to duel with Humphrey over Victoria’s hand in marriage. It didn’t go well for Tristan. And all along, the Ojiro next to you kept whispering Tristan’s lines right as they were said in the movie. It was uncanny.
The movie carried on, Tristan once again throwing pebbles on Victoria’s window. Though this time, he managed to convince her to go on a late-night picnic with him. They talked about traveling, Victoria bragging that Humphrey was planning to go ‘all the way to Ipswich’ to buy her a ring.
“Ipswich?” Tristan laughed. “Victoria, I’m talking about London, or Paris, or...” He abruptly halted. “A ring? Why is he buy-- what kind of a ring?”
Victoria smirked at him. “The word is he’s planning to propose to me on my birthday.”
Tristan stared at her. “And you’re gonna say yes.”
You snuck a peek at the Ojiro next to you. Tristan’s disbelief was reflected in Ojiro’s eyes. Meanwhile, Victoria prattled on about how Humphrey would go ‘all the way to Ipswich’, so she couldn’t exactly say no to him.
“Victoria,” the Ojiro on screen said, your Ojiro mouthing along, “for your hand in marriage, I’d cross oceans or continents.”
It hurt. It hurt to watch him say things like these to someone else, even if you knew that he was just playing a role. But if your assumptions were correct, that would soon change.
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Tristan and Victoria watched as a star fell.
“Beautiful!” Victoria said.
“More beautiful than a fancy ring from Ipswich?”
Victoria looked at Tristan as if he’d gone crazy.
Tristan continued, “Victoria, for your hand in marriage, I’d cross the wall and I’d bring you back that fallen star.”
“You can’t cross the wall,” Victoria replied. “Nobody crosses the wall. Now you’re just being silly.”
“I’m not being silly. I’d do it. For you, I’d do anything.”
Ouch, you thought.
Victoria held out her glass. “It seems we have ourselves an agreement.” Tristan reached out to clink his glass with hers, but she pulled away, adding, “You have exactly one week, or I’m marrying Humphrey.” Then, she finally clinked her glass with Tristan’s, sealing their deal.
The camera panned away, following the flight of the star, and you felt something pulling on you. This was what you had hoped for. The star crashed into the ground and your eyes fell shut. When you blinked them open again, you were lying flat on your back in the middle of a crater, your body sore from the impact, your mind filled with annoyance over having been knocked out of the sky. You were now playing the role of Yvaine, the fallen star.
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The movie carried on, Tristan begging you to return with him to his village with a promise of getting you back to the sky once Victoria had seen you, while you were hunted by an evil prince who wanted the jewel you carried around your neck, as well as three witch sisters who wanted your heart for power.
Along the journey, Tristan slowly started realizing that Victoria was not his one true love. He realized that he’d fallen in love with you. And his feelings were made clear to you when he came to your rescue in the final showdown with the bad guys.
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“And they still live happily ever after.”
You felt yourself being pulled back into your body, the final words of the narrator ringing in your ears. Next to you, Ojiro let out a gasp, as if he had been holding his breath.
“What… happened?” he asked.
“We got transported into the movie,” you said. “Are you feeling alright?”
“A bit disoriented, but I’m fine.” Cracking a smile, he added, “It was kinda fun. I see why you like that movie so much.”
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The rain had stopped when you got outside, the sun breaking through the clouds and making everything shimmer.
You squeezed Ojiro’s hand. “You know, Mashi, you were very handsome as Tristan. You should wear suits more often.”
“And you,” he said, raising your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it, “made a breathtaking star. Victoria wasn’t wrong when she called you beautiful.”
“We should go back some day,” you said, glancing back over your shoulder, “maybe we could--”
Your eyebrows furrowed. Looking back, you only saw a storefront. The little movie theater had disappeared. You just shrugged; if you ever came across it again, you would definitely go experience another movie. But for now, you wanted to enjoy the rest of your date with Ojiro.
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Thank you so much for reading! Likes, comments, reblogs, and asks (on and off anon) are always greatly appreciated! If you like what you’ve read, please check out my other works. Love, Em 💖
Do not repost, redistribute, copy, modify, record, translate, or plagiarize my writing. If you see someone posting my writing claiming it as their own, or posting a narration of my writing, please let me know!
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