boricuacherry-blog · 7 months
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Picture: Tahirih's Martyrdom
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ramonswriting · 2 years
Solace of My Eyes (Tahirih)
Thoroughly beautiful in mind, she envisioned, Oh Qurratu’l’Ayn
Saw the effulgence of His face, a visage that could not be contained.
Arduous steps she set forth to spread His Faith
With a courage so steeped by a hundred swords, it would not fade.
The promised Qaim has come, and this is the wondrous day
The only women in the circle of Hurrif ‘I’ Hay.
A single banner was raised in the conference of Badahst
Breaking the fetters of inequality asunder falling in waters of past.
Taking your veil off, bold, something to behold, a potent notion
Declaring the emancipation of women, the impulse was set in motion.
Fixed eyes gazed hesitantly upon your uncovered face
While the veil lay motionless, rendered useless in its place.
Fixed eyes, most appalled had their irises filled with unchaste darkness.
The act wrote lines in the crest of mankind’s heart, Oh young poetess.
On the worlds stage you commanded attention for the long streaming tears of your sex
The many faces unaware to orders established for your peers unable to contest.
But women shared in spirit, forming rivulets on their long forgotten countenances.
Happiness overwhelmed them from their representative who announces:
“This day is the day of festivity and universal rejoicing… Let those who have shared in this great achievement arise and embrace each other.”
From flames and ashes, Tahirih was newly bestowed upon your life as your name.
How fitting as you walked among earth unspoiled, thus it is forever your claim.
You soared unabashed through tumultuous winds and landed with conviction on fertile ground
Knowing that the hands of persecution with untamed palms will abound.
Countless times they asked for you to recant because they could not see the Truth.
Instead, you fearlessly voiced nothing else to naysayers, but to ears undeniable religious proofs.
They tried to quiet you, but silence had never taken ahold of your seamless narrative
As you fastened your approach on life’s beauty as a prerogative.
The dictating system tried to stamp out the unerring illuminating light of a women’s heart
But your unfailing vocation of Love and Justice for Persia withstood and never tore apart.
Ere you left this country of hidden beauties, the veils were set afire
Not so long you prophesied to meet your Creator as you dressed in connubial attire.
You entered the viridescent gardens content, uttering neither weep nor mirth
Walking through the grass you felt the coldness of this unkind earth.
Feverish and foolish they grabbed your garment with an unrestrained authority
And sought to extinguish the Voice, but with a last breath you spoke with such fluency.
“You can kill me as soon as you like, but you cannot stop the emancipation of women.”
Woe betide the blind and ignorant who hardly saw what they had done
To dismiss her regal self and be impudent to He who is the Sun.
What has been acknowledged from the first step to your last breath
Was that the soul celestial endures after embracing an early death.
Now upon the soil of east and then to the west, you fortified a spiritual Charter
Remembered as a woman who fought for all and chose to be a Martyr.
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suiciderape · 1 year
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zeus. daddy said do it again
no shes not being mean fuck yoo! bitchs geto skank nah shes scared geto whooo ew ur faggot bitchs slurp! desaae ew geto! its choi paranoid ew faggot bitchs damn ur maney hollins? ew ur a faggot bitchs watching 90s duck dick ew ur geto hollins hahaha what? 1990s chinese movies chinese horror cut sk nega lake zoo zoo tribe what the fuck bitch ghetto hollins ew manga fairy who is zoo zoo tribe? we dont know them yes we do no we dont fuck u bitchs um whos poo poo tribe? i hate them they killed my grandma literally on mlk and pawpaw fucked them shes not my friend tho and i dont know him he just dezmond! gives me money used toMm sold chile evil? im in the family chanhee loser bitch fuck u spogebob cunt horror razor u took my money away bc i solved grandmas murder? fuck rape fuck u family tahiree we were gonna give u money! manga 4ever tahirih magee another the most maney black fan fiction from mars
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profeminist · 4 months
Is child marriage legal in 38 states?
Unchained At Last, a nonprofit dedicated to ending child marriage in the U.S.
Tahirih Justice Center
Equality Now, a nonprofit womens’ right organization
MOST Policy Initiative, a Missouri-based nonprofit corporation that provides science policy research to policymakers
The General Court of New Hampshire
State laws
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Yes, legal exceptions allow people under 18 to marry in 38 states as of May 7, 2024.
Read the full piece here: https://www.myfoxzone.com/article/news/verify/child-marriage-legal-38-states-fact-check/536-94938b8a-3ad8-480f-bfd2-0d53a26a235d
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spacedustpan · 1 year
Happy Angel by Jun and TAHIRIH
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yvetteyvette000 · 1 year
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¿En la cuna de la Libertad, la Democracia y los Hombres Valientes?
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Un hombre violento En muchas ocasiones, los matrimonios forzados tienen como víctimas a menores. No fue su caso, por poco. Reiss se casó a los 19 años con un hombre al que apenas conocía. Oponerse al enlace no era una opción, ni siquiera un plan que se le pasó por la cabeza. En la comunidad ultraortodoxa donde creció, las mujeres apenas tienen voz sobre su vida de pareja y los casamientos arreglados son la normalidad. Reiss recuerda que su boda fue un momento de alegría, de gozo familiar, casi infantil. Su marido no tardó en demostrarse como un hombre violento. Solo una semana después de su enlace, un enfado de su esposo sentó cómo sería el resto de su vida matrimonial. La gritó, la insultó y abrió un boquete en la pared de un puñetazo porque se había quedado dormido antes de ir al trabajo. Más tarde todo empeoró. «Me llegó a explicar con detalle cómo me iba a matar», explica. Salir de un infierno de malos tratos es difícil para cualquier mujer. En una comunidad como la suya, fue una odisea. La primera vez que denunció el caso ante los líderes de su comunidad, la respuesta fue que su marido era «un buen hombre» al que el temperamento le jugaba malas pasadas. Por fin, tras quince años de matrimonio, consiguió el divorcio y se marchó con sus dos hijas. Hace cinco años, mientras hacía malabarismos para conjugar dos trabajos y la educación de sus hijas, mientras descubría quién era Bruce Springsteen o qué es un McDonald’s, fundó Unchained at Last. Lo que pretendía convertirse en una pequeña herramienta de apoyo para un puñado de mujeres al año, se ha convertido en una organización que opera en varias ciudades de EE.UU. Reiss se dedica a ello a tiempo completo, ha contratado una empleada y han abierto una oficina para atender a los cientos de mujeres que acuden a ella cada año. De su experiencia en esta organización, asegura que el matrimonio forzado no es algo relacionado a religiones, culturas o niveles socioeconómicos específicos. «Nuestras clientes provienen de todas las grandes religiones, de todos los grupos étnicos, comunidades y tipos de familias que te puedas imaginas», dice y reconoce que en muchas ocasiones la gente se sorprende al saber que ella, de raza blanca, ha sido objeto de un matrimonio forzado. «Pasa en todos lados», insiste Reiss. Desde las limitaciones de su trabajo heroico, sin apenas medios, contra este fenómeno, Reiss no tiene datos concluyentes sobre la presencia de este fenómeno. Apunta a un estudio del Tahirih Justice Center de Baltimore, que contabilizó cerca de 3.000 casos de matrimonio forzado en EE.UU. entre 2009 y 2011.
Tres niñas de 12 años «Es la punta del iceberg», dice sin dudar Reiss, para quien uno de sus caballos de batalla es el matrimonio en menores de edad. «No todos los enlaces en los que está envuelto un menor son forzados», reconoce, pero son un caldo de cultivo para los abusos en la celebración de matrimonios. Reiss enumera cuatro razones para forzar el matrimonio de menores: cumplir una tradición, ya sea cultural o religiosa, como fue en su caso (aunque ella no era menor, por poco más de un año); usar el matrimonio para controlar el comportamiento de los hijos: cuándo tienen relaciones sexuales, con quién se emparejan, silenciar una inclinación homosexual o reaccionar a un embarazo; por dinero o estatus social, que se consigue con un matrimonio arreglado con una familia importante; o, últimamente, para conseguir la regularización de un inmigrante. En base a los registros en los juzgados, cerca de un cuarto de millón de menores se han casado en EE.UU. entre 2000 y 2010. Hay casos extremos, como tres niñas unidas en matrimonio cuando solo tenían doce años, sin que las autoridades lo impidieran. La legislación de la mayoría de los estados de EE.UU. impone los 18 años como la edad mínima para casarse. Sin embargo, casi todos ellos también tienen excepciones a ese límite, normalmente con el consentimiento paterno y la autorización judicial. «Unchained at Last» da cobertura legal y apoyo económico y terapéutico a las víctimas que tienen el coraje de escapar de un matrimonio no deseado. Una vida que Reiss dejó atrás hace mucho, pero de la que siempre guardará cicatrices. «Para mi familia yo estoy muerta», confiesa. «Echo de menos a mis hermanas, me cuesta no tener una madre. Pero nunca he mirado atrás».
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drelldreams · 9 months
Real human names that give drell vibes
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k12academics · 10 months
The Tahirih Pre-school program is our flagship initiative, and it is designed to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment for young children.
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We provide high-quality early childhood education while helping them to develop their social, emotional, and academic skills.
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The quality education program aims to provide all children, regardless of their socio-economic background, with access to quality education that promotes their intellectual, social, and emotional development.
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Through our program, we strive to empower students to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and responsible global citizens who are capable of contributing positively to their communities and the world. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment that values diversity, equity, and social justice, and to equipping our students with the skills, knowledge, and values they need to succeed in the 21st century.
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Wieczorna rozmowa dwóch młodych ludzi wiosną 1844 roku rozpoczęła nową erę rasy ludzkiej. W mieście Sziraz perski kupiec ogłosił pewnemu podróżnikowi, iż On sam jest Głosicielem Świętego Objawienia, którego celem jest przemiana duchowego życia społeczeństwa. Kupiec ten nazywał się Siyyid ‘Alí-Muhammad, ale w historii znany jest jako Báb (w języku arabskim słowo to oznacza „Brama”).
Połowa XIX wieku była jednym z najbardziej niespokojnych okresów w historii świata. Zbliżały się wielkie rewolucje. W Europie i w Ameryce Północnej przestarzałe społeczne struktury i relacje zostały postawione przed nagłymi i niezapowiedzianymi przemianami na polu rolnictwa, przemysłu i ekonomii. W tym samym czasie, na całym świecie, wyznawcy różnych religii dostrzegli, że ludzkość znajduje się w punkcie rozpoczynającym nowy etap swego rozwoju i wielu z nich szykowało się na bliskie nadejście Obiecanego, modląc się żarliwie, by móc Go rozpoznać.
Zadanie wypełnione
Młody uczony o imieniu Mulla Husayn był jedną z tych osób , które poświęcają życie na znalezienie odpowiedzi. Sziraz przyciągał go jak magnes. Sziraz – miasto słynące z pachnących róż oraz śpiewu słowików. Wieczorem 22 maja 1844 roku powitany on został przez płomiennego młodzieńca w zielonym turbanie. Ten nieznajomy przywitał się z Mullą Husaynem, jak gdyby znali się od lat.
„Młody mężczyzna, który przywitał mnie przed bramą Szirazu wypełnił moje serce ekspresją czułości i łagodnej dobroci” wspominał później Mulla Husayn. „Ciepłymi słowami zwrócił się do mnie, zapraszając, bym Go odwiedził i odświeżył się po trudach mojej podróży.”
Obydwaj mężczyźni spędzili całą noc pogrążeni w rozmowie. Mulla Husayn był zaskoczony, że wszystkie cechy, których oczekiwał u Obiecanego objawiły się w osobie tego młodego człowieka. Przed wyjściem, następnego dnia rano, Gospodarz zwrócił się do niego następującymi słowami: „O ty, który jesteś pierwszym, który we Mnie uwierzył! Zaprawdę, powiadam, Ja jestem Báb, Brama Boga… Osiemnaście dusz musi, z początku, spontanicznie i z własnej woli, zaakceptować Mnie i rozpoznać prawdę Mego Objawienia.”
W ciągu kilku tygodni od deklaracji Bába siedemnaście kolejnych dusz, dzięki swemu spontanicznemu wysiłkowi, rozpoznało Jego pozycję , porzuciło wygodę i bezpieczeństwo swego dotychczasowego życia i – uniezależnionych od wszelkich przywiązań – wyruszyło na misję szerzenia Jego nauk. Tych osiemnastu wyznawców Bába stało się znanych jako „Litery Żyjącego.”
Jedna z nich, poetka Tahirih, miała odegrać zasadniczą rolę w zerwaniu z przeszłością, wzywając do pełnego równouprawnienia kobiet i mężczyzn. Ostatni członek grupy, młody człowiek, któremu nadano imię Quddus – oznaczające „Najświętszy” – wykazał poziom oddania i odwagi, które uczyniły go najbardziej czczonym z Liter Żyjącego.
Tamtej nocy, serce Mulli Husayna przepełnione było słowami wypływającymi od Bába. Báb ukazywał wewnętrzną mądrość, która nawet w okresie, gdy był dzieckiem napawała Jego rodzinę zdumieniem. „On nie powinien być traktowany jak zwykłe dziecko” mówił do nich Jego nauczyciel, „On, zaprawdę, nie potrzebuje nauczycieli takich jak ja”.
Misja Bába
Urodzony w Szirazie, mieście w południowym Iranie, 20 października 1819 roku, Báb był symboliczną bramą pomiędzy dawnymi wiekami proroctw, a nowym wiekiem spełnienia dla ludzkości. Jego głównym celem było wybudzenie ludzi na fakt, że rozpoczął się nowy okres w dziejach człowieka, okres, który doświadczy unifikacji całej rasy ludzkiej i wyłonienia się światowej cywilizacji duchowego i materialnego dobrobytu. Ten wielki dzień miał być ustanowiony za pomocą wpływu duchowego Nauczyciela, do którego Báb odnosił się jako do „Tego, którego Bóg objawi.” Jego własna misja była według Bába zapowiedzią nadejścia tego obiecanego Objawienia Boga. Báb wyjaśnił, że nowe Objawienie zaprowadzi wiek pokoju i sprawiedliwości, które były nadzieją każdego oczekującego serca i obietnicą każdej religii. Báb poinstruował swych wyznawców, by rozprzestrzeniali to przesłanie w całym kraju oraz by przygotowali ludzi na ten od dawna oczekiwany dzień.
Przesłanie Bába spowodowało wzrost nadziei i poruszenia wśród ludzi każdej pozycji społecznej. Mimo, iż wielu wybitnych muzułmańskich duchownych przyjęło Bába, wielu innych czuło niepewność i zagrożenie z powodu Jego wzrastającego wpływu oraz obawę, że ich uprzywilejowane pozycje będą zagrożone przez upodmiotowienie wiernych. Ogłosili oni nauki Bába jako heretyczne i wyruszyli, by go zniszczyć, podobnie jak Jego wyznawców. Spory rozgorzały w meczetach i szkołach, na ulicach i bazarach w całym kraju.
W rezultacie Báb był wygnany z miasta do miasta, z więzienia do więzienia. Jednak żaden plan opracowany przez Jego wrogów nie mógł powstrzymać rozprzestrzeniania się Jego wpływów. W każdym miejscu, do którego był zsyłany, Jego łaskawość i magnetyczne przyciąganie Jego osobowości zdobywało podziw miejscowych włodarzy i urzędników. Nieczuli naczelnicy więzień, a także żołnierze, którzy Go pilnowali, stawali się Jego wyznawcami. Za każdym razem, gdy rządzący wierzyli, że tłumią płomień Jego oddziaływania, tak naprawdę dolewali paliwa do Jego życiodajnego światła. Z czasem, popularność Bába wzrosła do takiego rozmiaru, że niektórzy wybitni duchowni zaapelowali do rządu, by skazano Go na śmierć. Babici oddzieleni od swego przywódcy odważnie bronili się przed pełną siłą państwa, która została zebrana, by ich zniszczyć. Tysiące Jego wyznawców – mężczyzn, kobiet i dzieci – poniosło okrutną i brutalną śmierć.
Egzekucja Bába
W 1850 roku Mirza Taqi Khan (Wielki Wezyr Szacha Nasirid-Dina) nakazał egzekucję Bába. Gdy strażnicy pojawili się, by Go zabrać w dniu egzekucji 9 lipca, Báb powiedział im, iż żadna „ziemska moc” nie może Go uciszyć, dopóki nie dokończy wszystkiego, co zamierza powiedzieć. Tysięczny tłum zapełnił dachy budynków otaczających plac koszar w Tabrizie, gdzie miała nastąpić egzekucja przez rozstrzelanie. W intensywnym popołudniowym słońcu został On, wraz z młodym wyznawcą, zawieszony przy pomocy lin przy ścianie koszarowego baraku. Regiment składający się z 750 żołnierzy otworzył ogień w trzech następujących po sobie salwach. Gdy dym i pył prochu strzelniczego opadł, okazało się, że Báb zniknął. Jego towarzysz stał żywy i niedraśnięty przy ścianie, do której byli wcześniej przymocowani. Liny, którymi byli przywiązani były rozerwane na strzępy. Bába odnaleziono w Jego celi kontynuującego rozmowę ze swoim sekretarzem, którą Mu wcześniej przerwano.
„Teraz możecie wykonać to, co zamierzaliście” powiedział Báb swym oprawcom. Ponownie przyprowadzono Go na egzekucję. Gdy pierwszy regiment odmówił ponownego udziału, zgromadzono inny i rozkazano strzelać. Tym razem ciała Bába i Jego młodego wyznawcy zostały rozszarpane. Trąba powietrzna wypełniła miasto kurzem, oddzielając je od światła słonecznego, aż do zmierzchu.
W 1909 roku, po ponad półwiecznym ukrywaniu, szczątki Bába ostatecznie spoczęły na Górze Karmel w Ziemi Świętej. Dziś złożone w znamienitej, pokrytej złotą kopułą Świątyni, otoczone spektakularnymi ogrodami tarasów oraz fontannami, ciało Bába spoczywa w oczywistej chwale i jest symbolem triumfu Sprawy, którą On zapowiedział, mimo najcięższego prześladowania. Na całym świecie miliony widzą w Bábie duchowo natchnionego herolda Wiary Bahá’i i zwracają się z pełną czcią do Jego Pism, by odkrywać „najokazalsze Boskie Światło”.
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ramonswriting · 1 year
The Lioness’ Of Shiraz
“I will not.” One after another the moving melody of the women’s words was made Sweeter like honey on their lips. When like peals rending asunder authority they routinely refused To give in for the nightingale’s destiny is to reach the Rose. “I will not.” At every sigh or tear, their inner mirth led to the Gate of Love and They entered; And to the Blessed Spot and Valley they journeyed. “I will not.” For the will was not theirs, and they knew For their words were a fire created in darkness by His Hand. “I will not.” Such was the litany of answers like they were one body, breathing In the Word of God to gain a devoted sustenance. “I will not.” And they smiled for every morn the obligatory prayer was recited; Each utterance, how great the quake in their hearts, How great the immersion that one can see the faces of union. “I will not.” It was their stage to command. No theatrics of lies, no remark, And curse, and no act turned them to turmoil For there was naught but His Presence and Words. “I will not.” They must have thought of Tahirih, the solace of their eyes. And Anis, the friend, Quddus, the letter, Badi, the bearer, And the Martyrs afore. Let their strength before the dawn be ours they said and it was. “I will not.” Holding each other’s hand, the feast of joy commenced, And the éclat of true wealth and with it true poverty was invoked. The Trumpet Blast sounded off— the look in their eyes, And in the women’s hearts, precious and free, The bird seeing out from the cage. “I will not.” Martyrdom, that declaration, to kiss its robe! To wear the beauty upon their skin! They chanted to its praise and its starry light, And looked upon it, smiling in that silent moment where self was no more; When the spirit ascends, witnessing the Threshold of His Abode, Keeping hold the ecstasy of the reverie of the next world. The silent contentment; of things made new;  of principals that were their Glory; The children they educated; the embracing of virtues as though time were limited; And mirroring the love of the thought of the Final embarkation towards the Plains of the Beloved. “I will not recant.”
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suiciderape · 1 year
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u mom? no keeho
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
Story at a glanceAbout 300,000 children and teens were legally married in the United States between 2000 and 2018, according to data from Unchained at Last, a nonprofit that works to help women and girls in forced marriages.At age 14, Genevieve Meyer began spending time with a neighbor to get a break from her hectic home life. Her relationship with the neighbor, a 42-year-old divorced father of two, soon turned sexual. Meyer’s mother eventually found out, and she called the police. But she believed that Meyer had “ruined this man’s life” by seducing him, according to Meyer, and the neighbor and Meyer’s mother ultimately decided that he and the teen would get married so that any criminal charges would be dropped. In return, Meyer’s mother would get a cut from the profits of the neighbor’s tree-trimming business. Meyer, now 43, was shocked when her mother told her about the deal.“My immediate response was 14-year-olds don’t get married,” Meyer said. “But I was wrong.”   Thousands of children and teens are legally wed in the United States each year: almost 300,000 minors got married between 2000 and 2018, according to one 2021 study by Unchained at Last, a nonprofit that helps women and girls get out of forced marriages. The nonprofit calculated these numbers using marriage certificate data.Most of those minors were 16 and 17 years old at the time they were wed, but children as young as 10 have been forced into marriage, according to Unchained at Last. Girls are far more likely than boys to be married before the age of 18. Out of all the minors that married between 2000 and 2018, 86 percent were girls and 14 percent were boys, per the nonprofit. Most of those girls married adult men. “This is happening every day,” said Fraidy Reiss, found of Unchained at Last. “And some of the reasons are because of these outdated, archaic and dangerous laws that encourage this.”  Marrying before the age of 18 was legal in all 50 states until 2017. Since then, 10 states have passed legislation banning the practice. In 2018, Delaware passed legislation raising the minimum age to marry to 18, becoming the first state to ban child marriage.  It was followed shortly by New Jersey, and since then Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Rhode Island, New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut and most recently Michigan have also raised the minimum age to legally wed to 18.    More than half of U.S. states still allow for 16- and 17-year-olds to get married with parental consent, however, according to Tahirih Justice Center, a nonprofit that works to protect women and girls facing gender-based violence. On top of that, 10 states allow children younger than 16 to get married with judicial approval, according to the center, while four will drop the minimum age for marriage if a girl is pregnant. And eight states — including California and Washington — have no age floor for marriage, according to the center. Legal loopholes at the federal level allow for child marriage to continue as well. For example, there is no minimum age requirement to petition for a foreign spouse or fiancé visa, according to the U.S. State Department.  As a result, Reiss said, many young girls in the United States are used to help older men living abroad to obtain a visa. And while some states have adopted laws to make it harder for minors to marry, passing those laws can be challenging. Legislation banning child marriage has struggled in some states due to backlash from both conservative and progressive voices.Earlier this year, for instance, a bill that would have prohibited minors from getting married in West Virginia was rejected by Republicans in the state Senate. Some opponents of the bill argued that teen marriage was part of West Virginia’s culture. West Virginia Sen. Mike Stuart (R) was among those who voted against the bill this past spring. He said that his mother was married when she was 16 and “six months later, I came along. I’m the luckiest guy in the world,” according to The Associated Press.
Wyoming Republicans, meanwhile, pushed back against state legislation raising the minimum age of marriage to 16 because they said it could limit parental rights and religious freedom. In 2017, then New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) similarly vetoed a bill banning marriage for anyone under 18in the state because “it would conflict with religious customs.” “There is some perceived threat to religious freedom,” said Ann Warner, interim CEO and president of the International Center for Research on Women, said of efforts to bar minors from legally marrying. She pushed back against that perception, however. “We are talking about human rights and human rights are not antithetical to religious freedom,” she argued. In California, in contrast, opposition to setting a minimum age for marriage has come from more progressive groups, including Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Children’s Law Center. These groups have contended that imposing an age requirement for marriage could lead to rollbacks of constitutional or reproductive rights.In 2017, the ACLU wrote in a letter of opposition to a California bill banning child marriage that the legislation “unnecessarily and unduly intrudes on the fundamental rights of marriage with sufficient cause,” according to PBS.Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California Spokesperson Jennifer Wonnacott said in a statement to The Hill that the organization “strongly supports protecting youth from abuse of all kinds and safeguarding their rights.”“We have supported previous efforts to create safeguards against exploitation while working with authors to ensure those protections do not impede on the reproductive rights of minors and their ability to decide what is best for them, their health, and their lives,” she added.Warner pushed back against this argument as well, arguing that rather than being an exercise of young people’s rights, marriages involving minors are being used as a guise for abuse and control of children.Minors need parental consent or judicial permission in order to get married, and many times children’s voices aren’t being heard as they stand before a clerk of the court or county registrar to be wed, she said. “This is not a youth right that is being exercised enthusiastically by young people,” said Warner. “This is a loophole in the law that is being used to exploit young people under the guise of marriage.”This was the case for Meyer, who said her mother gave her consent by signing something that “looked like a permission slip” and handing it to her daughter’s soon-to-be husband. Meyer and her former husband, who ultimately divorced when she was 22, got married in a Jackson, Miss., courthouse when most of the staff were on their lunch break, she said.She doesn’t remember signing a marriage certificate, but does have a copy of it.“It does have my little child’s signature on it, so I must have at some point,” she said. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill.
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what the fuck bitch? im cool certified but u chose to make me homeless for the rest of my life in a ghetto trapped room literally so undone to white washed in a suburban area i love her what the fuck bitch is that kind of language she is mrs. coolsheis so go home to cool! dang i found my wife shes nervous rn bc shes going home to daddy she cant live in asia without her life jackets yes we can write manga i love than death ok shes in love with meimasiansouthkorean1989ssuicideboyscool ok shes right theyre rocket power makeup cool! her comic books where she will make money yes thats cool ok so she wants to do a manga comic book with cool? why are they cool? yes were cool she got us out of hell today and she loves him for me! she was right to do thatneverdothateveragainewshescoolwriting ew shes cool with us more than cool and we love her for that ew shes writing with us! they are not cool theyre writing for raper artists ew shes ugly for meewshesnotuglyatallshesbeautiful shes ghetto suicide hookers ghetto suicide hookers! shes got our back and we love her for that ew she likes us! and shes cool ok so home roger that michael she can write really wwlwell so where did the paper go? this idiot stole my writing! shes going home tonight tool! she cant date keeho and thats cool with us! she will change her name to paranoid at some point or the deal is death wish list shes makes me write our pride shes going home with daddy ew she doesnt need a daddy but to be fed and clothed ok so she can do things on her own but she cant eat anything on her own? ew thats so cool ew she loved us thats cool for us shes still getting lots of money and a macbook pro for christmas yes thats cool with us no! its her daddy hahha no ur not in and shes going home to daddy an asian man ok shes not picky she likes her dressy dick downs she gets paid for comic books and manga that she puts on fanfiction.net and tumblr her mother tahirih or keeho her daddy calls in on her health yes shes cool elellleithwithmesheneedsmorehelp cool says its not enough so suicide boys take it in shes not bullied on the inner russian comia anymore and keeho never talks to her again and the suicide boys literally rape her every night and her room stays coolified until death do us part nvm she never pays rent on her own and her money lasts until eternity she doesnt always want a boyfriend she always has a phone and internet and wifi connection she stays on mt. olympus with neptune in the chanhee universe pictures are illegal and comic book manga are everday she always has money in her pocket and her family is in contstant communication no shes cool on that shes going home to daddy ew shes certified ew shmmmewishemadatmeyesiammadatyouyouthrewmypaperawayhercomicbooksmakesenseandalwayswillandthecsgsareonherphonetherussianintercomleavesheralonesheisintherowandtheystayinhereuntilsheleavesshehahhastheuniverseandshegoeshometoneptune ew she lovees us! ew she loveesusewshwockedouttakeusourhahha ew shes locked back in! ew shes back in forever without her daddy keeho hes the one thats not cool
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angelanatel · 1 year
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Informações mais detalhadas sobre Tāhirih (persa: طاهره, "A Pura"), nascida Fatemeh Baraghani, também conhecida como Qurrat ul-'Ayn (árabe: قرة العين "Solace/Consolação dos Olhos"), 1814 ou 1817 - 1852), "uma influente poeta, ativista dos direitos das mulheres e teóloga da fé bábí no Irã. Ela fazia parte das Cartas dos Vivos, o primeiro grupo de seguidores do Báb. Sua vida, influência e execução a tornaram uma figura-chave da religião. ... ela nasceu em uma das famílias mais proeminentes de sua época.
Quando jovem, foi educada em particular por seu pai e se mostrou uma escritora talentosa. Ainda na adolescência, casou-se com o filho de seu tio, com quem teve um casamento difícil. No início da década de 1840, tornou-se seguidora do xeique Ahmad e iniciou uma correspondência secreta com seu sucessor, Kazim Rashti. Táhirih viajou para a cidade sagrada xiita de Karbala para encontrar Kazim Rashti, mas ele morreu alguns dias antes de sua chegada.
"m 1844, com cerca de 27 anos, em busca do Qa'im por meio dos ensinamentos islâmicos, ela descobriu seu paradeiro. Independentemente de qualquer indivíduo, ela se familiarizou com os ensinamentos do Báb e aceitou suas reivindicações religiosas como Qa'im. Logo ganhou fama e infâmia por seus ensinamentos zelosos de sua fé e "devoção destemida". Posteriormente, exilada de volta ao Irã, Táhirih ensinou sua fé em quase todas as oportunidades. O clero persa ficou ressentido com ela e ela foi detida várias vezes. Durante toda a sua vida, ela lutou com sua família, que queria que ela voltasse às suas crenças tradicionais.
Táhirih foi provavelmente mais lembrada por ter tirado seu véu em uma assembleia de homens durante a Conferência de Badasht. A desvelação causou muita controvérsia, mas Báha'u'lláh a chamou de Tahirih "a Pura" naquela Conferência. Após a histórica Conferência de Badasht, alguns dos participantes ficaram tão maravilhados com o destemor e a linguagem franca daquela heroína, que sentiram o dever de familiarizar o Báb com o caráter de seu comportamento surpreendente e sem precedentes. Eles se esforçaram para manchar a pureza de seu nome. Às suas acusações, o Báb respondeu: "O que devo dizer a respeito daquela que a Língua do Poder e da Glória chamou de Tahirih [a Pura]?"
Essas palavras foram suficientes para silenciar aqueles que se esforçaram para minar sua posição. Daquele momento em diante, ela foi designada pelos crentes como Tahirih. O Báb continuou a elogiar Táhirih e, em um de seus últimos escritos, equiparou a posição de Táhirih à das outras dezessete Cartas dos Vivos masculinas combinadas. Ela logo foi presa e colocada em prisão domiciliar em Teerã.
Em meados de 1852, ela foi executada em segredo [estrangulada com seu lenço de cabeça] por causa de sua fé bábi e de sua desvelação. Antes de sua morte, ela declarou: "Vocês podem me matar assim que quiserem, mas não podem impedir a emancipação das mulheres".
Desde sua morte, a literatura bábi e baháʼí a venerou ao nível de mártir, sendo descrita como "a primeira mulher mártir do sufrágio". Como uma bábí proeminente (ela foi a décima sétima discípula ou "Carta dos Vivos" do Báb), ela é altamente considerada pelos seguidores da Fé Bahá'í e Azalis e frequentemente mencionada na literatura bahá'í como um exemplo de coragem na luta pelos direitos das mulheres. Sua data de nascimento é incerta, pois os registros de nascimento foram destruídos durante sua execução." Eles tentaram apagar todos os registros dessa mulher”
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
PSAC strike: Maritimers feel impacts of federal strike
As 155,000 federal workers strike across Canada, Maritimers are feeling the effects.
At Halifax’s passport’s office, some travelers were able to pick already processed passports, others left empty-handed.
During the strike, Service Canada will only be processing domestic passport applications for emergency and humanitarian situations.
Tahirih Paul drove to the Halifax passport office from Cape Breton.
She planned to pay more money to fast-track her daughter’s passport renewal to take her to Disneyland next week.
On Wednesday she learned that couldn’t happen.
“I actually came up yesterday and I had the passport application but my husband didn’t sign it so I had to go all the way back to Cape Breton to get him to sign it,” she said, adding she is a strong supporter of public servants because she used to be one.
“I believe they do have the right to strike. I just I’m on the unfortunate end this time and I’ll have to activate my trip cancellation insurance,” Paul said.  
Paula MacDonald went to the passport office hoping to get hers renewed but left frustrated.
“I finally found a place to park in this Godforsaken one-way street area and I come all the way down here and I had no idea you would close down passport offices,” said MacDonald. “To me they’re essential service.”
The strike is happening at the height of tax season.
“What everybody is going to be concerned with is the refund. Will I get my refund?” said Keith MacIntyre, tax partner with Grant Thornton in Halifax.
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is bracing Canadians for delays, especially those filing taxes by paper.
MacIntyre believes the longer the string goes on, the greater effects will face.
He says he is concerned about delays in GST refunds.
“As a taxpayer we want that check to occur. As a business person we do not want refunds being held up,” MacIntyre said. “So that will probably be the trickiest thing for the government.”
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/pSinLON
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