#tagging this with future elements in the fic even if they're not in this chapter
The Big Picture
The Four Swords manga, adapted/retold using both canon and additional scenes, with a focus on Vio and Shadow's individual characters and ambiguous relationship.
Prologue: Evil Interview
He gains sentience inside an elevator.
He is a cloud of charcoal-colored smoke, taking solid form as the world moves beneath his feet. Feet—he has feet. He has legs. He has a torso. He has a chest, and a heart that beats within it... oh, that might become a problem.
Read the rest on ao3 or under the cut:
He gains sentience inside an elevator.
He is a cloud of charcoal-colored smoke, taking solid form as the world moves beneath his feet. Feet—he has feet. He has legs. He has a torso. He has a chest, and a heart that beats within it... oh, that might become a problem.
The top floor. He’s going to the top floor. It’s the only floor, the only button, lit up blood-red on the metal panel. Machinery churns as he’s lifted upwards, his pointed ears twitching at the unpleasant sound.
A body, a face, and a brain. Eyes, a nose. Hair—not blonde, he much prefers purple. A black tunic and hat like a gnarled phantom limb. It sways nervously behind him as the doors slide open.
The office lobby is dimly-lit, its sole window revealing an even darker landscape. A mountain range is silhouetted in the distance, the land beneath it peppered with dense forests and eerily glowing lakes. Over the trees he spots monstrous figures—dragons, he somehow knows—patrolling the air. It feels unlike daytime or nighttime (not that he's seen either), too unsettling to be calm but too calm to be unsettling.
He knows things, he's realizing, as the elevator doors close behind him. He is a new creation, yet he knows the difference between day and night.
He must have been here before. Not here, as in this lobby, but alive—knowledgeable about the world and his role within it. But that part of himself, the part that isn’t new, the part that simply understands how to exist… he can't fully access it. Not in a way that matters. Smoke still licking at his heels, he feels like an echo, a ghost, a—
“Shadow,” The hinox office receptionist scrutinizes him with one narrowed eye. “Shadow Link.”
He points to himself with a sharp-nailed finger. “Who, me?”
The receptionist sighs and points towards a wooden door. “They’re waiting for you in there.”
‘In there’ is a cavernous conference room, devoid of windows or overhead lights. He—Shadow Link—supposes he belongs in a place like this, illuminated only by tall pillar candles dripping wax onto the linoleum floor. The table in the center of the room could hypothetically seat about thirty people of his size, but only currently seats one. Shadow Link stares into the darkness beyond the candlelight’s reach, barely identifying a form at the table’s opposite end.
From what he can see, the form does not even remotely resemble his own. It has a circular body and several wings, an odd crescent shape on its head like a crown. Its stillness unnerves him, as does its silence. It’s only his best guess that he should take a seat at his own end of the table.
Once comfortable (enough), Shadow Link clears his throat. “Uh… hello?”
A large glowing eyeball opens in the distance, startling him to roll backward in his chair. Sheepishly, he scoots himself back into place.
“Shadow Link,” a voice says, reedy and dry with unmasked impatience. “I am sure you’re aware of why you’ve been brought here today.”
Not at all, he thinks, and wonders if he’s the kind of person who admits his own ignorance like a fool. Given that sentiment, he quickly decides he is not.
“Of course,” he says, clasping his hands on the table.
“I see,” says the giant eyeball, and Shadow Link actually finds that kind of funny, because it (he?) is literally a giant eyeball. “And you are smiling because…?”
Shadow Link stops smiling. It’s not that funny.
“I am impressed that you already understand your purpose, Shadow Link,” says a distinctly different voice. It’s deep and low, sourced from no particular direction but somehow filling the entire room. For some reason, Shadow Link knows he’s heard it before.
“Yeeeeaaah,” he says, his bravado quickly fading. “But I mean… you should probably still say why you think I’m here. Just to make sure we’re on the same page.”
This provokes a loud slam, like a fist on a desk. “You dare question me—Lord Ganon, King of Evil, and your very creator?”
Shadow Link winces. “Uh. Noooo?”
“Respectfully, Lord Ganon,” says the disrespectful eyeball, “this interview charade seems like an unwise use of our time. Did you not bring the applicant into existence to assume this exact position?”
“I did,” answers Lord Ganon, and Shadow Link feels the weight of those words on his shoulders. “So let us discuss what the position entails.”
Shadow Link wants to ask if he gets to be a Lord too, but decides against it. As far as he knows, ‘Shadow’ is already a title.
“We have much to discuss,” says Lord Ganon. “You have an important role to play, Shadow Link.”
He straightens in his chair. “So I got the job?”
Vaati’s eye rolls.
“Yes,” Lord Ganon says, “you got the job.”
He has the urge to shake someone’s hand—but Lord Vaati only has wings, Lord Ganon seems to be working remotely, and he himself only got hands like ten minutes ago, so he’d probably be pretty uncoordinated. Hopefully by the next time it’s appropriate to give a firm business handshake, he’ll be a little more experienced.
“Great,” Lord Vaati says with even greater annoyance. “I’m so glad I attended this important and necessary meeting.”
“Hold your tongue,” Lord Ganon warns. “Shadow Link will see you freed into the world of the light. If not for him, you would be trapped in the Dark World indefinitely.”
Shadow Link nods, relieved to be getting some idea of his assigned role. He isn’t sure which superior he prefers—the one who view him as a shameless nepotism hire, or the one who nepotism-hired him in a position far above his apparent qualifications. But then again, who’s to say he isn’t qualified for whatever purposes Ganon has yet to fully establish? He was created for them, after all!
“Yes, Shadow Link, you will do great things,” Ganon says, and his words invoke the oddest feeling. How can a compliment feel so much like a threat? “You will free the Wind Mage, wreak havoc on Hyrule, and pave the way for darkness to consume the light.”
“I see,” Shadow Link says, a small grin growing on his face. He’s not so sure about the Wind Mage stuff or the dark and light, but wreaking havoc does sound fun. Certainly more fun than the not-existing he’d been doing before.
Which… before. What had he been doing before? Not him, not really, but someone casting a shadow. A shadow that, to the original person’s knowledge or not, has been granted personhood of its own.
Shadow Link. He is Shadow Link.
“Before we discuss your employment,” Lord Ganon says, “it is customary to ask: Do you have any questions for us?”
Shadow—just Shadow now, he's decided—stares into the inscrutable darkness, his hat flicking behind his back.
“Yeah, I have a question: who the hell is Link?”
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rosesofenvy · 1 year
I was very inspired by @sha-biest goldenfuture au so I wrote a drabble for some of her most recent posts that I’m linking below! (they're also linked in the fic)
The arm incident
Check out the goldenfutureau tag if you’re confused!
I'll Be the Sweetest Thing To Ever Scare You (5350 words) by rosesofenvy Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018), Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Leonardo (TMNT)/Yuichi Usagi, Donatello/Kendra (TMNT) Characters: Leonardo (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT), Yuichi Usagi, Kendra (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), April O'Neil (TMNT), Cassandra Jones | Foot Recruit, Agent John Bishop (TMNT) Additional Tags: goldenfutureau, shabiest golden future, Post Movie, Violence, Loss of Limbs, bishop is a dick, kidnapped donnie, saving donnie from bishop, both leo and donnie lose an arm, Confessions, Hurt/Comfort, Lots of Hurt, lots of comfort, Nightmares, Injury Recovery, lowkey donnie whump, but kendra makes him laugh so it's all ok
Summary: Leo doesn't regret his choices to safe Donnie from Bishop, it just means a longer recovery for everyone involved.
Enjoy :)
Leo doesn’t regret his decision. 
Donnie had been missing for a week, a week of no contact, a week of frantic searches, and a week of desperate calls to every friend and enemy they had ever encountered. They spared no expense in their efforts to find him, but it was almost a slap in the face to find that Donnie had been so close to them all along - he hadn’t even been taken out of New York. The sudden burst of Donnie’s mystic energy, coordinates and maps tracing to his exact location had been a source of relief and frustration as they mobilized and moved out. 
Leo doesn’t regret moving when he did. 
Raph and Mikey were holding down the lower levels of the base, guaranteeing their escape route since their abilities were dampened by whatever that mad scientist Bishop had cooked up. Leo was in charge of the extraction of their brother since he was by far the fastest and they were relying on the element of surprise here. Someone who’d been able to take down Donnie without their knowledge wasn’t someone they were taking lightly. Whatever Bishop had installed in the building had disabled most of their mystic powers, he can’t even risk using his portals if he didn’t want to lose a limb. 
That doesn’t matter, he didn’t need mystic powers. He would tear this building apart with his bare hands if that meant he’d get his brother back safe. Faceless scientists run screaming past him, those who attempt to stop his progression are swiftly taken care of. Whether or not those rebuffs are nonlethal doesn’t matter, what does matter is that he’s reached the main lab. Kendra had shown him the blueprints, this entire floor was a blackout but he could assume it followed the general path that the previous labs had. As he bounds up the stairwell - and enters the open floor plan, every sense screams to high alert. 
Even though Kendra was controlling every electrical aspect to the lab, this floor only had emergency lights. Even with the low glow of bulbs placed too far apart Leo’s senses are overwhelmed. There’s too much. Wires sparking from where they’d been torn from the wall blood on the floor static from a radio system now defunct thanks to Kendra’s interference blood on the wall his brother's blood everywhere. It reeks of iron and metal and sickness and despite the nausea curling in his gut Leo doesn’t hesitate to sprint forward because there’s his fucking brother. 
Leo doesn’t regret throwing himself directly into the path of danger despite every time he’s been told to stop being such a self sacrificial idiot. 
Donnie is crumpled near some sort of shadowed metal robot. Leo can’t quite make out the details with the intermittent flicker from the emergency lights, but it doesn’t matter as he darts across the length of the lab. He couldn’t see any humans in this room, something that made his scales itch with paranoia as he searched the dark corners of the lab for movement but he can’t afford to waste his attention on the absence of a being when what he came for is right in front of him. As he’s almost to Donnie, the robot his brother is kneeled in front of activates with a flash of red and a creaking of metal. 
Leo regrets not moving faster. 
There’s a blankness in Donnie’s gaze that makes Leo’s heart clench as the softshell staggers to his feet, clearly exhausted and with blood dripping from a number of wounds. Despite standing, he sways and Leo can see that Donnie doesn’t or maybe can’t register the danger directly to his right. Leo can’t tell if Donnie even recognizes him.
“Donnie! Move! ” Leo screams, finally getting in range of his brother, but it’s still not enough. There’s a red light shining over the both of them, a warning burst of heat just as Leo wraps his left arm around Donnie’s shell and uses his momentum to shove them both out of the way. The blaze that wraps around Leo’s shell and scorches his arm clean off is so sudden that he doesn’t register what had happened until Donnie is on the floor beneath him. Pain radiates from the remains of his arm and he gasps through clenched teeth as he takes in Donnie’s uncomprehending stare and the blood slowly seeping from the partially cauterized remains of the softshell's left arm. Leo slams his panic button as he takes in the physical wounds Donnie had suffered over the past week. 
“You gotta keep your eyes open for me, we gotta wait for Raph, no passin' out yet.” Leo pants desperately, trying to follow his own order as he practically collapses over Donnie, "Is anyone still here?” 
Donnie’s eyes flicker open, and Leo follows the path of his gaze up to where he recognizes an observational balcony. Leo didn't see it before in his desperation to grab Donnie, but there’s an outline of a man holding some sort of control panel. Bishop. Leo’s grip on Donnie’s shoulder tightens, but the human makes no move towards and instead sinks into the shadows where Leo couldn’t follow. The building shakes and Leo tries to lift Donnie, but it’s useless with the weakness that has filled his limbs. Pounding footsteps reach his ears and Leo turns to see Raph emerge from the same stairwell he had run up just moments earlier. 
“Leo, Donnie!” Raph’s voice is frantic as he runs into the room. Leo feels his muscles going limp despite his best efforts to remain conscious as their older brother scoops them both up, then punches the machine to destroy the glass embedded in the robot that had nearly killed them both. The floor splinters beneath their feet and Raph wastes no time making their escape. 
Leo regrets not being able to stay conscious during the destruction of the lab. He would’ve liked to revel in the downfall of one of Bishop’s pride and joys. 
Waking up in the med bay was unfortunately a familiar experience for Leo. The steady beep of a heart monitor - although it was doubled for some reason, the scent of antiseptic, and the herculean effort it took to pry open his eyelids. 
The light was nearly blinding as he tilted his head to the side, registering the flow of drugs from the IV drip making his limbs feel heavy and grimacing at the dryness of his mouth. Mikey was sitting in a chair at his bedside, and at his movement the box turtle leaps up and grips the bars to the bed. 
“Leo! Are you awake?” 
Leo can’t do much more than click in response, already wanting to go back to sleep but the stress in Mikey’s expression keeps him conscious. How long had he been out for Mikey to look so concerned? What had even happened this time? What were they all doing before…
“Here, I’ve got some water for ya,” Mikey says quickly, grabbing a cup and urging Leo to drink, “Do you want-” 
“Donnie?!” Leo interrupts, voice rough as the memory of his brother, bloody and bruised, surfaces. He realizes through the sludge of the painkillers that he’d managed to grab Mikey’s hand before he could help him with the water and his grip was trembling as he searched Mikey’s face for answers. “Is he here? Is he ok?” 
“Donnie’s fine,” Mikey reassures, pointing over Leo’s shoulder, “look he’s right there.” At Mikey’s gesture Leo lets his head fall to the other side and can see Donnie laying flat on his plastron still passed out. That nausea swirls again at the sight of all the bandages and wires that seemed to mirror what was hooked up to Leo so he tilts back towards Mikey with a small sigh of relief. 
“Does Yuichi know?” He asks after he takes a few sips of blessedly cool water and can talk without it feeling like his throat is being carved to pieces. 
“Can you worry about yourself for two seconds Leo?” Mikey murmurs miserably as he fidgets with Leo's blankets, “What do you remember? Raph didn’t see what happened and Kendra couldn’t pull cameras since Bishop had everything disabled on that floor.” 
“I had to get Donnie out of the way,” Leo replies with a frown, “If I didn’t then…” It all hits him at once. The scene in the lab, the blood, the pain of a part of him being rendered from existence. He rolls his gaze down to his right arm, feeling an odd choking feeling overtake him as he realizes that his arm ends at the bicep, wrapped tightly in stark white bandages. 
“Bishop had built something, I couldn’t see all of it since the power had been cut to most of the lab, but Donnie had just been left there. When I was trying to get to him, it lit up and I realized…” He trails off, swallowing hard as he recalls the sharp angles and the alien features of the robot, a shape that had often haunted nightmares, “If I didn’t get him out of the way, then he would’ve-” his words are cut off by his own choked sob. He’d been so close to losing his brother. Donnie was so close to being gone because of some stupid fucking scientist. 
“Ok ok I got it,” Mikey quickly says, trying to calm the rising heart rate of his older brother and prevent those pained noises from escalating.  
“You gotta tell Yuichi, Mikey you gotta call him, it’s been a week he’s probably worried sick, ” Leo gasps, tightening his grip on Mikey’s arm. The guilt of unintentionally keeping Yuichi in the dark was eating at every ounce of air in his chest. 
“I will, I’ll get Raph to do it right now ok?” promises replies, holding onto Leo’s hand with both of his until he can feel Leo’s grip loosening and can see his eyelids fluttering. 
“Okay,” Leo mumbles, the burst of energy leaving him as quickly as it had arrived. “Mikey imma sleep now ‘kay?” 
“That’s fine Leo, rest up,” Mikey whispers, patting Leo’s hand as the slider relaxes and almost instantly falls back asleep. Mikey breathes a sigh of relief once he’s sure Leo’s under then sends a text to Raph. 
Yuichi knew that it wasn’t necessarily uncommon for Leo to go radio silent on missions, it came with the territory of keeping the world safe. However, it’d been a week at this point and with the abruptness of Leo’s departure, he was anxiously pacing the length of his room and overthinking everything that could’ve gone wrong. It had become his habit within the week, spending his downtime in this way but the routine is interrupted when his phone begins buzzing. 
He leaps at where it had been set on his bedside table, dropping it on the floor once before he manages to hold onto it, seeing Leo’s caller ID and nearly crying with relief. 
“Leo! It’s been a week, are you ok? What happened to Donnie?” He rattles off once he answers, clutching his phone up to his ear and holding his breath for the response. 
There’s a beat of silence before Raph replies. 
“Hey Usagi, I don’t want you freaking out ok?” Raph greets gently, “I’m gonna tell you what happened and then Mikey’s gonna bring you over here.” 
“What went wrong? Is Leo hurt?” Usagi questions anxiously, feeling his phone beginning to creak with how tightly he was holding it. All of the worst case scenarios he’d been considering claw their way to the forefront of his mind. 
“Leo and Donnie were both seriously injured in the escape from the lab that Donnie was being held in, but they’re both alive and recovering,” Raph reports, “Leo’s been in and out of consciousness for the past day and he just woke up for longer than just a few minutes. He’s been asking for you. Are you ok to come over?” 
“Yes yes of course,” Usagi replies quickly, darting around to grab his katana and tug on his shoes, “Get me over there.” 
A golden portal opens in front of him as he’s pocketing his phone and Usagi doesn’t hesitate to step through. Once the spots clear from his vision he sees that Mikey had pulled him into the atrium of their lair, both Mikey and Raph waiting for him. He can see the exhaustion in their expressions and it makes the anxiety that had been simmering begin to boil over. 
“Where is he?” Usagi demands, dropping his katana onto the nearest empty surface and flicking his ears to see if he can catch any sound of the slider. He can hear the slightly raised heartbeats of the brothers in front of him before he catches the steady electrical beeps further into the lair.
“I’ll take you to him,” Mikey says, raising his hands in a placating gesture, “He’s still kind of out of it from the painkillers, but he’s been asking about you since he woke up.” 
Usagi knows that’s supposed to reassure him but it just makes his heart beat harder as he follows Mikey to the medical bay. He’s seen Leo hurt before, but it was very rare that he or any of the brothers had to be completely hospitalized. Their healing factors often kicked in before it was needed, so the thought of both of them being injured badly enough to need serious painkillers was nerve wracking. Since Donnie was on the far side of the room, Usagi’s gaze catches on the softshell before he fully enters and turns to see Leo. 
He’s not sure what to look at first, eyes flickering from the bruises under Leo’s eyes to the bandages wrapping around his upper chest and his right arm - his right arm that was gone from the elbow down. He can’t help his gasp, moving quickly to Leo���s bedside. Leo opens his eyes at the vocalization, gaze taking a moment to focus before he smiles gently. 
“Yuichi,” He says, voice soft but clearly rough from disuse as Usagi scans the lines of IV’s and wires before leaning over and cradling Leo’s head. He wraps his arms as gently as he could, tucking Leo’s head against his own as he whispers his name. He waits until he can hear the steadiness of Leo’s heartbeat before he takes a shuddered breath and shifts to hide his face against Leo.  
“‘Chi?” Leo inquires, drawing back a bit as he can feel the heat of Yuichi’s tears against the side of his neck. 
Yuichi moves back just enough to meet Leo’s eyes as he bites back the angry choking thing that wants to scream about unfairness and instead presses his cheek against Leo’s, seeing the tears budding in the slider’s eyes. 
“Don’t you dare do this again,” He whispers fiercely, “Next time you leave, I’m coming with you.” He can feel Leo’s tears mingling with his own, and it takes only a tilt of his head to connect the two of them in a kiss. Usagi would normally worry about the fact that Leo’s brothers were likely still nearby, and would be concerned if Leo was in any pain with the proximity, but all he can think about is how he nearly lost the slider and he would’ve only known when his brothers had been able to contact him. He curls the fingers he has cradling the back of Leo’s neck, feeling the slider sigh into his mouth before he pulls back and searches out Yuichi’s hand with his remaining one. Once their fingers are intertwined, Leo visibly relaxes. 
“I won’t Yuichi, promise.” 
“Damn straight,” Yuichi says firmly, “And if you think I’m leaving anytime in the near future you’d be sorely mistaken.” 
“Well the angle you’re standing at doesn’t look comfortable,” Leo offers quietly, “Care to join me?” 
Yuichi frowns at the number of wires that Leo was connected to before carefully arranging himself on the bed beside Leo. He can feel the tension fade as he carefully tangles their legs and props his head against the side of Leo’s. The slider melts into his side, sighing in comfort and it brings Usagi back to many of their sleepovers. If there wasn’t the scent of antiseptic and the sounds of heart rate monitors, he’d be able to pretend that it was just another night after coming back from a mission. The sleepless nights spent worrying over Leo’s condition catch up to him, and he allows himself to rest with Leo tucked into his arms. 
Kendra had seen a lot in her time. Being a teenage hacker often meant seeing things that she really wasn’t supposed to. Sometimes it was what the neighbors Tuesday afternoon drunken parties entailed, sometimes it was the ledgers of foreign governments and lists of experiments that were far from ethical. 
Helping two of the Hamato’s through their amputations? That was new. She can’t help but thank her instinct to pursue medicine (sure it was veterinary medicine but it had helped them out here hadn’t it?) as she clears away the materials she’d used for stitches.
She wasn’t sure what to think when she was first contacted about Donatello being missing. It seemed that the Hamato’s had just been going through each of Donnie’s contacts to see if they’d heard anything. She wasn’t sure if she was surprised that she was one of the first on his list since she was contacted mere hours after his disappearance, but she was not ashamed to admit that she threw herself back into her computer hacking days to provide her services. 
It was odd, returning to watching cameras and scanning security footage for any signs of the freakishly large turtle instead of attending to her much more morally correct job of a veterinarian. When Donnie’s systems finally pinged his location and the brothers had ran in yelling about his mystic energy, she remained as the “woman in the chair” despite every instinct to strap on one of Donnie’s battleshells and join the fight herself. 
She watched through security cameras while she remotely detonated the lab’s systems - reveling in the panic on the scientists faces as they realized that rooms were locked and sirens were growing louder thanks to her call to every station in the area regarding illegal experimentation and unauthorized lab usage. They wouldn’t be able to access the building until she opened the doors, but it was good to rile them up. The building would be going down regardless thanks to April and Casey’s actions to rig the foundations with Purple Dragon grade explosives. She had already evacuated nearby blocks, the only danger was to those that had chosen to imprison and experiment on Donnie and whatever other poor mutants Bishop had gotten his slimy hands on. Unfortunately the only area she wasn’t able to see, much to her and everyone else’s frustration, was the lab that Donnie was being kept in. 
This means that the only thing she sees when the battle ends is Leo and Donnie being carried out by Raph before she loses access to her systems as the cameras explode into a golden light. Whatever Raph had done to that lab had disabled what was hindering their powers then if Mikey was able to begin the detonation process. She hurries to the med bay, keeping her panic tucked away as the blood that had been trailing the trio flickers through her mind. There’s another flash of golden light just as she’s set up the beds and the brothers appear through Mikey’s portal. 
She still doesn’t allow herself to panic as she helps with the surgery, an odd mix of modern medicine and magic keeping the two brothers alive and stable until she steps back and deems it all they can do for the moment. Through numb lips she explains the aftercare and the Hamato’s set up schedules and watches. She should be surprised that she’s included in these, but she also knows that the only way she’s leaving Donnie’s side is if she’s dragged out. Well, after she scrubs their blood from her clothes anyway. She borrows some of Donnie’s while hers are being treated, drawing comfort in the too large hoodie as she sets up post beside Donnie’s bed. 
Leo wakes up first, unsurprising since he hadn’t been locked away for a week in a psychopath's care. Their healing factor has clearly kicked in as within a day Leo is taken off the heavy painkillers and requests to move back to his room. Kendra tries not to be impatient as she routinely checks on the stitches, monitoring for infection between her shifts with Donnie. The brothers regularly switched off with Kendra - barring Leo since he was bed bound - but Kendra insisted on spending as much time as possible with Donnie. He should be waking up soon after all and if she didn’t get to tell that stupid idiot her true feelings she’s going to lose it. 
It’s late on day two when she hears movement, glancing over to see Donnie’s eyes open wide and staring at her uncomprehending. She freezes, staring back and not even daring to blink as she waits for understanding to wash over Donatello’s expression. 
It doesn’t. 
Instead he snarls, lips drawing back to expose sharp teeth and she scrambles to press the call button (more of a localized panic button for the med bay) before Donatello tries to sit up, becoming off balance and falling to his side as he tries to balance with an arm he doesn’t have. “You’ll hurt yourself,” Kendra barks, hands going to help him sit up when he snaps at her arms, then hissing a warning when she doesn’t immediately draw back. She is so not qualified to deal with a hostile mutant turtle who had probably been through an excess of uncertified medical procedures over the past week if his injuries were anything to go by. Thankfully she doesn’t have to worry about her hand being bitten off as Raph and Mikey come running in. 
She backs off, only so that Donnie doesn’t feel overwhelmed and becomes more violent, but remains in eyesight in case he tries to rip out the IV’s. Mikey does disconnect the heart monitor since its high-pitched scream was doing none of them any favors and she could see how quickly Donnie relaxed at the quiet. It still clearly takes a moment for him to recognize where he was and who was around him with his brothers reassurances the only reason he’s willing to settle back onto the bed with a low whine. Kendra steps in, quickly checking fluids and changing out the painkillers since they were low. She can see the concern on both Mikey and Raph’s expressions, but completes everything clinically before returning to her spot at his bedside. 
“You can leave now, I can handle it,” She says only a bit harshly. It was true, she’s sure she can handle whatever reaction Donnie may have now that he’s aware of where he is. She knew the dangers of an unfamiliar face attempting to administer care, but now Donnie could see her and understood why he was hooked up to the various equipment. She had no concerns about her safety. 
“If you’re sure…” Raph says hesitantly, “You know how to get a hold of us.” 
“Yep, now go back to bed, you two are dead on your feet,” Kendra says, trying to be cold but it’s difficult when all she can do is trace the bandages wrapping Donatello’s shell. She hears the brothers leave and heaves a sigh of relief. From the glaze over Donnie’s eyes, she can tell the painkillers have a hold on him but she can't help but slowly reach out to grasp his left hand. 
“I know you’re probably loopy because those are high grade as shit,” She starts quietly, “But if I don’t get this off my chest before you fall asleep again I think I’ll actually lose my mind.” 
Donnie blinks slowly at her. 
“You’re an idiot,” She whispers harshly, “You scared the hell out of us you know? You scared the hell out of me.” She squeezes his hand, feeling him squeeze back before she can force herself to continue. “You know I didn’t even realize it until your brothers called me, but I care about you. I care about you, the guy who humiliated me every chance he could get, the dumb turtle who put a stop to a whole ass alien invasion, and the absolute dickhead who got kidnapped and hurt by an actually crazy scientist and leaving me behind.” 
She doesn’t know when she started crying. 
“You’re really making me say it, Donatello Hamato, but I like you, and if anything - I mean anything - happens to you again? I’m going to kill whoever did it with my bare hands.” 
She’s not sure if Donnie understands, but she can see the corner of his lips quirk slightly before his eyes slip shut and he stills. His breaths become deep with sleep but his hand still remains firmly grasped in Kendra’s. She doesn’t let go until Mikey comes in to take over. 
A week goes by in silence. Not from all of the Hamato’s, Kendra doesn’t think it’d be possible for them to be quiet for more than ten seconds. No. Donatello has not said a single word, or even made a noise of discomfort since he’d first woken up. He rarely even signs, much to the disappointment and worry of his brothers. He doesn’t ask for food or water, although they’re brought to him anyway, and he remains in his room nestled under his blankets and only moves when absolutely necessary. Despondent is the word that immediately springs to Kendra’s mind and she hates it. 
They retain their rotating shifts, although Kendra takes as many of them as she can. The last thing Donnie needs is an interrogation from his family, since it’s clear that he’s still gathering his thoughts over what had happened to him and shows discomfort any time his brothers try to remain alone with him. She justifies her veterinary knowledge, but she can also see Mikey whispering to Raph whenever the older brother looks like he’s going to protest. Thank whatever pizza thing they worship for the younger brother’s empathy. Kendra sets up a cot that Donnie had in his lab and sleeps across the room when she can. 
This is how she knows Donnie’s having a nightmare almost exactly a week after he’d moved back into his room. 
He didn’t sleep very often, fiddling at all hours with some form of tech since he had to avoid screens with his head injury or pretending to sleep as he laid on top of the mattress. Kendra’s relief at his breaths finally evening out is short lived as a few hours after he slipped under she hears him begin to thrash, then cries out in pain as he aggravates the wounds on his shell. She’s out of the cot and onto his bed in seconds, cupping her hands gently onto his face and tapping gently at his cheeks. His eyes snap open and for a moment she wonders if she’s going to lose a finger or two before clarity comes to his vision. For the first time in a week she feels like he recognizes her. 
She finds herself wrapped in an embrace, a surprising development but not one she’s going to take lightly as she feels Donnie trembling against her. She squeezes, not enough to hurt but enough to ground as Donnie’s forehead falls heavy to her shoulder. The two of them sit there, Kendra gently rubbing Donnie’s shell until she feels his breath hitch. 
“He…made a control panel…like the technodrome…” His voice is raspy from disuse and Kendra almost wants to stop him so he could get a drink or something, but she also understands that this is important both for Donatello to say and for her to hear. Regardless of how sick the thought of hearing what caused these wounds makes her feel. 
“Or…tried to…’t was…nothing like her…” 
Kendra recalls the ship that had hovered over New York. She thinks of its size and the terror it struck into its citizens. She couldn’t imagine anyone willingly recreating that, this Bishop Bastard was even worse than she thought. Mikey had told them a bit about how the ship had been controlled - access directly to the nervous system as far as they could tell. One sleepless night Donnie had even described what it had felt like to control the ship, Kendra never forgot the almost melancholic expression on his face as he recalled connecting to it. 
“There was no synergy…just pain…it tried to control…it tried to take…take… take ….” The anguish in Donnie’s voice has Kendra holding him all the tighter, burying her face in his shoulder in the only way she could try to comfort. The words are spilling out of him now, faster and every word sounds worse as he explains in fractured segments what Bishop had done. 
“...I felt violated …it tried to control me even though it was supposed to be controlled. Bishop was furious…he didn’t understand why it wasn’t working…” Donnie let out a broken laugh, “took it out on me…but it was nothing compared to it…nausea got worse…every time I was hooked up to it…”
She can feel him shudder at the memory and she squeezes him the best she can, hoping that the weight of her against him was helping to keep him grounded as he continued talking. 
“He kept upgrading it…and connecting me to it…” He pauses, exhaling hard and coughing a bit as he does so, “It noticed too late when I took control...That’s how I got the signal out. You already know the rest…”
Kendra can feel that he’s done, the way he slumps against her and the ragged breathing as he attempts to reign in his thoughts. She’s never been great at comforting people in the conventional sense, but she has a feeling she can share what she was feeling about the whole situation. 
“What an absolute shithead.” 
She feels him jolt in surprise before he snorts, finally finally returning her hold and tugging her closer to him as he laughs. It’s the best sound  she’s ever heard. 
“Yeah, he really was an absolute dick! A real piece of work, shit from the sewers!” Donnie manages to choke out between chuckles and Kendra can’t help but lean into his laughter. 
“So just to make sure I wasn’t just high on painkillers…you did say you liked me right?” Donnie murmurs after they’d both calmed down enough to lay comfortably on the bed. Donnie doesn’t let Kendra go, drawing comfort in her warmth as she messes absently with his hand. She pressed her palm against his own, twining and untwining their fingers until he spoke - then she abruptly dropped his hand. 
Kendra groans, rolling over to hide her face against the mattress despite their tangled legs keeping her mostly facing Donnie, “Yes, yes unfortunately I did.” 
“What was that? Could you repeat it?” Donnie asks cheekily, laughing again when Kendra lifts her face from the mattress to scowl at him. 
“Yes! I did! Got a problem with it ?” 
Donnie’s face is priceless, shifting from teasing to blushing in a way that makes Kendra smirk victoriously as she gently rubs his arm. 
“I…suppose…I like you too,” Donnie manages to stutter out. 
“You tell anyone I got mushy like that and I’ll strangle you,” Kendra mutters. 
Donnie barks out a laugh, “Wouldn’t dream of it Kendra.” 
Kendra knows deep down that this isn’t over. Bishop was still out there, a destroyed lab surely wouldn’t keep him down for long. For the moment however, she’s going to enjoy Donnie’s warm embrace and do what she can to help him feel safe even if that means tearing down the bastard herself.
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f1fanficrecs · 2 years
Maxiel Fic-Recommendation Master List:
These are recommendations sent to me by @zetagirly (I will update this as more recommendations are sent to me:
Fics with Explicit Ratings:
'Putting My Trust in You' by Quagswagging -- this fic is a one-part, 1.6k words with tags that include: first-time and friends with benefits.
'9 million followers and still all I want is you' by lewisshamilton -- this fic is completed with 32 chapters and about 76.5k words. It's an AU where Daniel and Max are both famous YouTubers and Daniel slides into Max's DMs. Tags include: Getting together and well as Jos Verstappen's A+ Parenting.
'fuck up my nights' by comeon_eileen -- this fic is completed with 3 chapters and about 30k words. The author describes it as a Max escort AU even though it started out as a Daniel Sugar Daddy AU. Tags include Mutual Pining, Fake Relationship, and Idiots in Love.
'Little Drops of Anguish' by semperama -- this fic is actually a sequel to a different fic however it's completed with 13 chapters and 45k words. It follows the events after a crash that leaves Max unable to race so he has to figure out what to do now. Tags include Major Character Injury, Injury Recovery, Getting Together, and Slow Burn.
Fics with Mature Ratings:
'Remember When..." by poemaboutcitylights -- this fic is completed with 11 chapters and has about 20k words. The premise is that Daniel crashes into Max. He wakes up thinking that he and Max are dating and Max is told to go along with it even though it's not true. Tags on this fic include: Temporary Amnesia, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff.
'i've always liked to play with fire' by lewisshamilton-- this fic is one part with 5k words. It is an Avatar AU where the drivers can control an element (but there is no Avatar, they're still F1 drivers). Tags include: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff/Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending and Jos Verstappen's A+ Parenting.
'you can pick me up and take me home again by wintrs -- this fic is completed with 7 chapters and 28k words. It's a future fic where Max decides not to race in 2027. Tags include: Getting Back Together, Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Quick Burn
'The No Good Very Bad Race Weekend' by unknownventure: this fic is completed with 6 chapters and just shy of 25k words. It is set in the A/B/O Universe that features Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics however there is no explicit content. Other tags include Adult themes- Discrimination and Daniel at Renault.
'Wipe Out' by suzielovesracing: This is a completed, 10 chapter fic with ~17k words. It's an AU where Max and Daniel have been best friends since childhood and now they own a farm together. Tags include: Falling in Love, Jealousy mistaken for homophobia, Confused Max.
Fics With a T Rating:
'Afterwards' by zig_zag_f1 : This is a completed fic with 2300 words. Max and Daniel have to face the truth about their relationship. Tags include Break Up, Emotional Hurt, Not Much Comfort, No Fluff.
'History, huh?' by greeny1710: This fic is completed with 5,442 words. It has a warning of Graphic Depictions of Violence. It's an AU where Max is the Prince of Belgium and Daniel is his head of security. The tags include Gun Violence, Fluff, and Angst with a Happy Ending.
'A Motorhome Named Martha' by Quagswagging: A completed 6 chapter, 14.7k fic. The fic's premise is Max and Daniel get a motorhome and drive it from Monte Carlo to Paris. Tags include Road Trips, Childhood Memories, and Falling in Love.
'you only have to ask' by toastandvegemite: This fic is a completed, four-chapter fic with 13k words. There are A/B/O dynamics and the fic's premise is centered around Daniel being left without an Alpha on the grid -- he cannot race without one and he refuses to consider the most obvious replacement. Tags include Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Getting Together, and Angst with a Happy Ending.
'summer sun after the rain' by gentleau: A completed fic with 11.7k words. It's a kidfic where Daniel's daughter meets Max. Tags include, children teaching everyone valuable lessons about being a person, Found Family, and Developing Relationship
'we should just kiss like real people do' by anonymous: A completed four-chapter fic with 13.1k words, the fic is a Regency/Bridgerton-esque AU. Tags include Marriage of Convenience.
'new wave (new emotion)' by nothoughtsjustvibes: This fic is a completed fic with three chapters and 7.4k words. The premise is that Max realizes he's in love with Daniel and flies to Colorado. Tags include light angst, sexuality crisis, Happy Ending.
Fics with a G Rating:
'Kiss it Better' by merlinspecter: A completed fic with 1,185 words where Daniel gets punched by Max and Max kisses it better. Tags include Fluff, First Kiss, Cute and Funny.
(darling I want) all the strings attached by monzas: This is a completed fic with 4.5k words. Daniel wants to propose to Max but Max doesn't Max it easy for him. Tags include Marriage Proposal, they're idiots ok
With You, Always by bonotje: A completed fic with 4.4k words that centers on Max being forced to come out. Additional tags include Coming out, Forced Coming out, Homophobia and Biphobia.
'Being a Friend' by rizz07: A completed fic with 4.8k words, the fic centers on Max meeting Daniel's friend Jean-Eric Vergne. Tags include established relationship, fluff and angst, relationship discussions, and friendship
'A latesummer in Amsterdam' by poemaboutcitylights: A completed 19 chapter fic with 37k words. A kindergarten teach AU where Daniel is the teacher and Max is the parent. Tags include Fluff, Max is basically living off Redbull energy drinks, and insomnia.
'The Moon' by extremesoft: This is a completed fic with 2.2k words that is a fluffy fic. Tags include Fluff and angst, secret relationship and Pizza.
'Going away is easy. Coming home is hard.' by mandzilkos, morisco: This fic is completed with 38.8k. It's a college-AU with tags that include: And then they were roommates, angst and past drug addiction. It is Lestappen endgame but has Maxiel in it.
'Baby I'll Rule (Let Me Live That Fantasy) by komkommertijd: This fic is completed, with 20 chapters and 45.5k words. It is a royalty AU. Additional tags include arranged marriage, strangers to lovers and slow burn.
Not Rated Fics:
'and now you're just a friend that once was mine' by halseys: A completed, three chapter fic with 4.8k words. Max is Carlos' best man so he and Daniel have to see each other. The tags are: homophobic language and break up.
'The clock is ticking, so stay' by greanpeas: This is a completed, 13-chapter fic with 58.7k words. It's a fake dating fic with additional tags of Friends to Loves, Sharing a Bed, Miscommunication and Stupid Boys being Stupid.
This is not an exhaustive list so please feel free to send me your recommendations and I will add them to this list!
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years
Hiii do you have any fic recs with Mister Bug and Lady Noire? Ideally ones where they aren't just temporary swaps and genuinely canon-divergent maaaybe without even having to reverse the love square? I love the very idea of that concept
So I did a lot of searching in response to this ask. There are only 13 pages of fics tagged both for the love square and for kwami swap on AO3. And of those, a lot involve different kinds of kwami swaps, and usually they're temporary swaps set in current canon. So what I'm doing is reccing the always swapped fics first followed by ones where they swap in current canon. Hope you enjoy!
Let's Get Territorial by therealjanebingley
Chat Noire and Wonder Bug talk about how their miraculous affect them.
He wants to eat aphids, and she wants to stake her claim.
Two-shot. What I like about this one is that it uses different names for the always swapped version of these two since, in canon, Mister Bug and Lady Noire came about because they're based on their original names. The first chapter here is my favourite. Although I'm generally not a huge fan of the "miraculous side effects" trope, the tension and pining here is so delicious and makes it all worth it. And then the second chapter really expands on the idea of their roles being swapped in this AU and we get some sweet hurt/comfort.
study schedules by @rosekasa
lady noire was painfully marinette around adrien, and adrien was painfully misterbug around lady noire.
One-shot. How about some kwami swapped ladrien? This one also gets into the way their roles would be swapped, but also the different way they'd both respond to that. (Also it's so freaking sweet!)
Ambience by takethembystorm
Chat Noire (secretly Marinette Dupain-Cheng, number one fangirl of Ladybug and secret crush of Adrien Agreste, secretly Ladybug) desperately wants to know one thing.
Would he do it again?
Takes place after AU!Dark Cupid.
One-shot. This was written early in fandom, so it's pre-Reflekdoll. This is reverse crush, which I know wasn't your preference, but it's super cute with an identity reveal.
A Sound of Thunder by Tempomental
“Bye-bye, little… actually, that’s your line, isn’t it? Sorry.”
Ladybug stared at the man in front of her. Tall. Shaggy, but not unkempt blond hair. Oh yeah, and he was wearing a Ladybug costume.
“Who - who are you?”
"Oh, right, sorry.” He drew himself up to his full height and proudly announced, “My name is Adrien Agreste, and I've come from the future to rescue you!"
Multi-chapter. Okay, I'm sure this wasn't at all what you had in mind with this request, but this fic is so good I'm reccing it anyway. In our time, Adrien and Marinette use their traditional miraculous. However, Adrien also comes back from the future to help out with the ladybug miraculous. It's extremely intense and well written and every time I thought I had spotted a problem in the writing, it turned out to be a plot element but holy shit I thought I was going to die with how intense this is. If you like plot, you will absolutely LOVE this fic.
switch it up by @captainkirkk
Adrien spun around, showing off the tight red suit, the yo-yo on his hip, and the red mask. His hair was swept back. There was a whirl of ribbon around his neck where a bell normally sat
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Adrien said, “I’m Chat Noir and I’ll be your designated Ladybug for this evening.”
One-shot. This is PRPR and, be fair warned, there's no resolution there. However, the tension between them is delicious and I love the way they switch back and forth with the miraculous as needed. This is also an early fandom fic, written pre-Reflekdoll. (This is not rated but there's no adult content.)
a little change can be a good thing by @passionfruitbowls
After having to resort to swapping their Miraculous, Lady Noire and Mister Bug have a rooftop rendezvous that doesn’t quite go according to plan.
One-shot. This is a short and sweet little bit of flirting between Lady Noire and Mister Bug where we discover he can't take what he dishes out. It's just super cute and deserves way more love than it got.
You're It by @tsuki-chibi
Mister Bug and Lady Noire play tag.
One-shot. This is just super cute and fun and playful, and I loved how clever Marinette was in their little game.
The following fic is amazing and absolutely worth reading, but does feature sexual content, so minors beware.
Let Yourself Be Happy by @kasienda
Prompt: Plagg, fed up with Adrien’s pining over the girl who is in love with him, suggests a kwami swap for a bunch of sensible reasons that he thinks Marinette and Tikki will go for. Plagg then talks Marinette into going over to Adrien’s as Lady Noire and seducing him.
Basically, Plagg thinks everyone would be happier if they would just let themselves have what they want! Why is that so complicated?
Marinette wonders if she can even be that daring.
And Adrien is just tired.
Two-shot. Mind the tags in case that makes you uncomfortable and note that the second chapter features explicit sexual content. This is beautiful kwami swapped ladrien with an excellent portrayal of Plagg, lots of sex positivity and a fantastic identity reveal.
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stellocchia · 2 years
For the fanfic writer asks, I liked too many of them so you can pick which you want to answer
1) Who is your favorite character to write for and is this the character you find easiest to write for?
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
15) If you could only write one type of fic (angst, fluff, etc.) for the rest of your life what would it be?
17) Do you have any wips that you can tell us about? What are you most excited for in you wip?
19) What is some random info you happen to have that you used in a fic?
You know what? Why not all of them, I have some time to kill.
1 ) c!Tommy or c!Dream. I really don't have a preference between them, mostly because I enjoy writing them for different reasons.
With Tommy, I can do quite a bit more introspection and he's a fun character for when I want to write from a sympathetic perspective. He also brings a certain element of chaos and impulsivity to the mix which is always fun to incorporate.
With Dream, the appeal is exactly how unsympathetic he is and how flawed his reasoning is. You can present the story in an unsettling way by showing your pov character do, say, or think objectively immoral or creepy things while also showcasing how someone like that might justify them to themselves and it's fun.
They're also the easiest ones for me to write, yeah.
14 ) I think one of my favorite moments is the introduction to Wilbur in Tommy's Days of Future Past. Now, most people picked up the fact that he was the mystery voice I was introducing because of the context clues of the scene (aka, Tommy and future!Tubbo were standing in front of the portraits of the old Presidents of L'Manburg and talking about that), but I've had people also assume it was gonna be someone else, even if it was very few people that did.
15 ) Most likely hurt/comfort. I'm not the greatest with fluff, I've written a couple of fluff one-shots, but that's simply not my style. And, while I love angst, I always prefer to write good or at least hopeful endings. I like when there is some kind of reprieve from the hurt, both when I'm reading something as well as when I'm writing it. It's the reason why I generally avoid tags like "Major Character Death" or "Sad Ending" like the plague.
17 ) I've been very tired recently and struggling with writer's block so I haven't written very much tbh. But I do have 3 works in progress that I partially posted that I have every intention of finishing and another couple that have a couple of chapters already pre-written.
And, I gotta say, I can't wait to get back in the swing of things for the ones I've already started posting because I do have a ton of ideas for them. So, yeah, I guess what I'm looking forward for the most there is having the energy to write.
But about the two that haven't been posted yet, let's just say that both of them are some sort of crossover, but for two very different things. And one is mostly sbi focused while the other one is the first (I'm pretty sure at least) Tubbo-centric story I've written.
19 ) Flower meanings. It's something I've had an on and off passion for since I was very very young and I've managed to incorporate it in at least a couple of my fics. And I will probably incorporate it in more because it's something I simply like and find fun to do.
[Ask Game]
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vinniekpop · 4 years
Hello! I’m Vinnie. Welcome to my Kpop Writing Tumblr. Focus is mostly on ATEEZ at the moment, but I’ll be writing for other groups in the near future. There is definitely heavy 18+ fic content beyond the break so be advised.
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Title: Take Me Home
Rating: Explicit
Side Relationships: Jung Wooyoung/Choi San, Song Mingi/Jeong Yunho, Choi Jongho/Kang Yeosang
Format: One-Shot
WC: 12,358 (Completed)
Somebody, take me home I don't wanna be alone anymore That place of my dreams Somebody, take me there...
Tags: One Night Stands, Pining, Strangers to Lovers, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Light Bondage, Lingerie, Collars, Alcohol, Mild Breathplay, Semi-Public Sex (this tag is for woosan), Hongjoong Has Tattoos, Nipple Piercings (he has those too lmao)            
AO3 Link
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Title: Charnel
Rating: Mature
Side Relationships: Kang Yeosang/Jung Wooyoung
Format: Chaptered
WC: 16,760 (WIP/Hiatus)
Summary: Surgical Intern Kim Hongjoong, for the first time in his life, is living on his own. At twenty-six, this might seem like something that's been long over due... and Hongjoong couldn't agree more. He's managed to find a place close to work, family, and friends. Where he can finally have his dog, even. So what if his landlord, the mysterious Park Seonghwa, has forbidden him from ever going into the basement? He has a whole house all to himself! It's only after he starts having vivid hallucinations and finds himself inexplicably drawn to the locked basement door that he begins to worry.
Tags: Mystery, Horror, Psychological Horror, Thriller, Alternate Universe - Medical, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Psychic Abilities, Ghosts, Haunting, Unsolved Murder, Possession (Demonic and/or Spiritual), Medical Jargon, Medical Procedures, Witchcraft, Paganism, Losing Time, Gaps In Someone's Memory, Discussions of Mental Illness/Anxiety, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, No Major Character Death, Background Relationship: Yeosang/Wooyoung, They're Medical Students Y'all, No dogs were harmed in the writing of this fic, Hongjoong & Yeosang's Gay Moms, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
A/N: This fic is currently on hiatus while I focus on other commitments but it is not abandoned ♥
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Title: Phobos
Rating: Explicit
Side Relationships: Choi San/Kang Yeosang
Format: Chaptered
WC: 27,048
Summary: Jongho didn’t remember who he was before he died. Or even if he had died. He supposed he had to have died, or had to have been very near death, to agree to the pact that made him what he was. Part of the deal was forgetting everything about yourself, but what did it matter if you forgot? As long as you continued to live.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Witch!Jongho, Banshee!Wooyoung, Demon!San, Demon!Yeosang, Major Character Death - Temporary, techincally wooyoung is a banshee so he's already dead but his death is depicted on screen in a flashback, Immortal!Jongho, Illusions, Fear, Jongho is a bit of a morally grey character, the witches in this verse live off of fear, Dark Magic, Horror, Body Horror (some injuries that heal magically in a fairly gruesome way and of course Wooyoung is a banshee), Psychological Horror, Water Wraith!Wooyoung (oh look he has two tags what's that about), Abusive Relationships, Angst, Blood and Injury, Memory Loss, Banshees, Witches, Immortality, Demons, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Motorcycle Accident/Crash, Drowning, Spiders, Someone Falls Off A Bridge, Thunder and Lightning, Birds, Lots Of Wandering Lost In The Woods, idk if thats a phobia/trigger for some people but better safe than sorry, and then at the end!! Fluff and Smut, Love Confessions, and finally a Happy Ending :)
AO3 Link
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Title: Scream
Rating: Mature
Side Relationships: None (maybe a few are implied if you squint but :D)
Format: Chaptered
WC: 24,500 (Completed)
Summary: The boy laughed and threw an arm around Jongho’s shoulders like they’d known each other for years.“I’m Jung Wooyoung and I just saved your life.”“He wasn’t going to kill me.” Jongho rolled his eyes.“It’s a metaphor.”“A metaphor for what?”“Our relationship.”“We don’t have a relationship. I don’t even know you.”“Well let’s open that door and then you can buy me lunch.”
When Jongho was fifteen years old, he’d wanted nothing more than to grow up to become a Pro Hero. Somewhere along the line he lost sight of that dream, and he lost sight of Jung Wooyoung, too.
I wanna live, I wanna be right now I wanna scream 'til my lungs give out Oh, this is what it means to be alive
Tags: Alternate Universe - Quirks (My Hero Academia), Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Superpowers, Genre Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Set In The Same Universe As BNHA Just Takes Place in South Korea, Friends to Lovers to Strangers, We Used to Date But Then Things Got Complicated™, Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Character Death, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Ethics & Politics of a Superhuman Worlds as like....a genre lmao, Forgiveness & Self-Discovery            
AO3 Link
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OT8 Polyteez:
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Grow Up, Go Faster is an Alternate Universe - Canon Divergent series that explores the polyamorous relationship between the eight members of ATEEZ as they navigate being in a non-standard relationship alongside being idols, as well as exploring the ins-&-outs of BDSM. The series also heavily features the platonic BDSM relationship between San and his sub, Yeonjun (TXT), and Yeonjun’s relationship with his own boyfriend & bandmate, Soobin.
Grow Up, Go Faster is set up in a series of one-shots, however they are not meant to be stand alone. While you may read them out of order if you wish, there are definitely plot points that carry over from previous works in the series, so you might be confused. ♥
Part One:
Title: Sugar, Sweat, Sex, Spice
Rating: Explicit
Relationship Focus: Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun, Choi Yeonjun/Jung Wooyoung, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Choi Yeonjun/Choi San, Choi Yeonjun/Jung Wooyoung/Choi San      
Format: One-Shot
WC: 14,243 (Completed)
Summary: “I had something else in mind.” Wooyoung paused and then said, “I think it’s time you got a bit more acquainted with San.”
- - - - -
It was like an itch he couldn’t scratch. They never had enough time together, they always had to rush, and Soobin… he was too sweet. Yeonjun didn’t know how to tell the other boy that he needed him to be mean to him. Pull his hair, bite him, shove him around, push and pull him until he got Yeonjun exactly how he wanted him and then fuck him until he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He didn’t even know if Soobin… could do that. Soobin was kind. He went out of his way to make sure Yeonjun was comfortable. Soobin made love, he didn’t fuck. And what Yeonjun needed sometimes was to fuck. Sometimes it was the only thing he could think about, the only thing that seemed like it would chase away the tension screaming in his muscles and in his head. He wanted someone to make him forget his own name.
Tags: PWP, Porn with Feelings, Open Relationships, Polyamory, Kink Negotiation, Light Dom/sub Dynamics, Mild Angst, Rough Oral Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Mild Impact Play, Mild Face Slapping, Overstimulation, Hair Pulling, Biting (but just one bite lol), Bruising, Marking Kink, Dry Orgasm, Subspace, Aftercare
Part Two:
Title: Nobody Loves You (More Than Me Baby)
Rating: Explicit
Relationship Focus: Jung Wooyoung/Park Seonghwa, Choi Yeonjun/Jung Wooyoung, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun, Choi Yeonjun/Jung Wooyoung/Choi San, Choi Yeonjun/Choi San              
Format: One-Shot
WC: 13,267 (Completed)
Summary: Seonghwa never thought he’d have room enough in his heart for so many people. Sometimes it hurt, the way the members pushed and shoved at the walls of his chest, burrowing in and making homes for themselves. Putting down roots that Seonghwa knew he’d never be able to dig up.
He didn’t know how Wooyoung had any more room in his heart, but then Wooyoung had always had a bigger heart than most… and maybe Choi Yeonjun had been there long before any of them.
Wooyoung glanced up at Seonghwa nervously, “Maybe I was a little bit afraid that if I told anyone… you’d ask me to-to, I dunno, stop being friends with Yeonjun-”
“Wooyoung, I really can’t believe you would ever think such a thing.”
“Isn’t that normal, though? When you fall in love with someone else, your partner is supposed to want you to stop hanging around with them?”
“Normal?” Seonghwa repeated, the corner of his mouth twisting up in disbelief. “Wooyoung-ah, I don’t know where you’ve been the past few years but we’re pretty far from normal in this household.”
Tags: PWP, Porn with Feelings, Open Relationships, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Light Dom/sub Dynamics, Mild Angst, Unrequited Crush, Wooyoung's Old Feelings For Yeonjun Become A Problem, Hand Jobs, Possessive Sex, Slight Exhibitionism Kink, Control Kink, Intercrural Sex, Return Of The Biting Kink (Still Just One Bite), Marking Kink, Come Marking, Mild Degradation Kink, Seonghwa Talks To Wooyoung A Bit Mean But It's Done With Love (Also Wooyoung Likes It), Non-Romantic Dom/sub Dynamics
Part Three:
Title: I’m On My Knees, Freeze..
Rating: Explicit
Relationship Focus: Choi Yeonjun/Choi San, Choi Yeonjun/Jung Wooyoung, Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Choi Yeonjun/Jung Wooyoung/Choi San              
Format: One-Shot
WC: 10,637 (Completed)
Summary: “Yeonjun-ah,” San said, his voice sounded graveled and rough. “Do you want to try something new tonight? Could you handle that?”
Yeonjun looked up and met San’s steady gaze.
“Yeah, sure. Wh-what did you have in mind?”
San licked his lips, his fingers flexing around Yeonjun’s wrists. “What if I tied you up?”
And, oh, Yeonjun really couldn’t be blamed for the full-body shudder he gave at that. He nodded, his mouth gone so dry he could hardly speak.
“Yes?” San confirmed, “You like the sound of that?”
Tags: PWP, Porn with Feelings, Open Relationships, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Platonic BDSM, Light Dom/sub Dynamics, Light Bondage, Rope Bondage, Rough Oral Sex, Mild Exhibitionism Kink, Biting (More Than One Bite This Time), Mild Degradation Kink, Non-Romantic Dom/sub Dynamics, Hair Pulling, Consent & Boundaries Talks, Kink Negotiation, Mild Safeword Usage, Bruising, Marking Kink, Mild Angst, But San Is A Sweetheart So Like He TAKES CARE OF THAT REAL QUICK
Part Four:
Title: breathe out and exhale like
Rating: Explicit
Relationship Focus: Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun, Choi Yeonjun/Choi San
Format: One-Shot
WC: 11,683 (Completed)
Summary: “Do you think I could get away with kissing you right now?” Yeonjun whispered, chin tilted up so that their lips just barely brushed together. “God, I wanna kiss you...”
Tags: PWP, Porn with Feelings, Open Relationships, Kink Exploration, Light Dom/sub, Oral Sex, Rimming, Biting, Marking, Modesty Kink, But Like ??? Not That, Inspired By The Hip Cutouts on Yeonjun's Jeans in the Blue Hour MV, This is also ridiculouly sweet like ??? they're in love, Platonic BDSM, Non-Romantic Dom/sub Dynamics, Semi-Public Sex, Canon Compliant, Idolverse, Established Relationship, just a dash of Domestic Fluff, Yeonjun's Slightly Racy Yet Work Appropriate Undergarments           
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Part Five:
Title: You Make My Heart Shake (Bend and Break)
Rating: Explicit
Relationship Focus: Choi San/Kang Yeosang, Choi San/Jeong Yunho, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung/Kang Yeosang        
Format: One-Shot
WC: 17,360 (Completed)
Summary: Challenges weren’t something that intimidated him. Learning new things came second nature to him. Choi San didn’t scare easily. He and Yeosang were barreling towards the conclusion of their little game—a game more serious than they were pretending it was.
That was the thing about these scenes that they did, about practicing BDSM in general; everything about it made a person feel wickedly good in a way they couldn’t quite understand. Dark parts of the brain firing off signal after signal until everything seemed a bit bright, a bit fuzzy, like they were drunk.
A Dominant’s job was to remain in control of the situation and keep everyone safe, but right now San felt tempted to push limits, to lose control of himself. For just a moment, he felt like he needed an adult. Another Dom. Someone more adult and more Dom than him to step in and take the control away from him.
Tags: PWP, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, TOO MUCH PLOT WHAT HAPPENED HERE, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Light Dom/sub Dynamics, Mild Impact Play, Degradation Kink, Face Slapping, Safeword Use, Cock Warming, Frottage, Aftercare, Submission as a Form of Aftercare, Light Angst, Dom Drop, Subdrop, Kink Negotiation, Lots of Talk About Consent, Self-Esteem Issues, Mild Anxiety Attack, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, These Tags Sound Depressing I'm Sorry There Are Some Really Sweet Parts And Some Really Sad Parts, Gratuitous Haikyuu Reference, Lots of Cute Polyteez Moments In This One, Yeonjun and Changbin Make A Cameo, Reference to Yeonbin but They're Not Actually In This One, This Entire Fic Got Away From Me I'm So Sorry      
Part Six:
Title: my eyes on you
Rating: Explicit
Relationship Focus: Kim Hongjoong/Song Mingi, Choi San/Kim Hongjoong, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Park Seonghwa/Song Mingi, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Jung Wooyoung/Song Mingi, Choi San/Song Mingi, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung/Song Mingi, ATEEZ - OT8            
Format: Chaptered
WC: 25,208 (WIP)
Summary: Mingi would imagine the way San would swear sometimes, caught off guard by the way Hongjoong would fight back. The way Hongjoong would laugh and it sounded just one step shy of unhinged as Hongjoong would swear right back. The scratches curving over San’s shoulder that spoke of something a bit more deadly than simple passion. What if Mingi wanted that? He thought he wanted that. The first time he asked Hongjoong for that, Hongjoong told him no. 
Tags: PWP, Porn with Feelings, Polyamory, Kink Exploration, Kink Negotiation, Light Dom/sub, between minjoong, mentions of Heavy BDSM, between sanjoong, Switch!Mingi, Mingi is subbing physically but not mentally y'all, Sex Toys, Dildos, Cock Cages, Spreader Bars, Impact Play (Mentioned/Heard Off Screen), Voyeurism, Sadomasochism, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Coming Untouched, Mutual Masturbation, Threesome - M/M/M, Semi-Public Sex, Crying During Sex, Control Kink, Authority Kink, Hongjoong Just Really Likes It When People Listen To Him Lol, Oral Sex, Rimming, Biting, Marking, Prostate Milking, Mild Angst, Introspective Relationship Pondering, Polyamory Negotiations, Polyamory Dynamics, Hotel Sex, Sub Drop, Overstimulation, Edging, Light Bondage, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Disorder, Mental Health Issues, Mingi's Hiatus :(, Angst and Feels, the tags got depressing after the smutty ones i'm so sorry lmao, chapter three will be back to our regularly schedules shenanigans            
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Part Seven:
Title: Falling Up
Rating: Explicit
Relationship Focus: Choi Yeonjun/Jung Wooyoung, Jung Wooyoung/Kang Yeosang, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Choi San/Choi YeonjunChoi, Soobin/Choi Yeonjun, Choi Yeonjun/Jung Wooyoung/Choi San, Choi Yeonjun/Choi Soobin/Jung Wooyoung/Choi San, ATEEZ - OT8           
Format: Chaptered
WC: 23,295 (WIP)
Summary: When Wooyoung first started distancing himself, it hurt.And it was strange that it hurt, because Yeonjun almost felt like he had been dumped. Maybe it was because Yeonjun had never been dumped before that it hurt so much. Yeonjun had always been the one to call it quits on things; when he got bored, when things lost their spark, when it wasn’t fun anymore. Nothing had ever been too serious, and then there had been Soobin, so it hadn’t mattered. Now it mattered. 
Tags: Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Poly ATEEZ OT8, POV Multiple, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, Established Relationship, Open Relationships, Kink Negotiation, Platonic BDSM, Platonic Sex, Non-Romantic Dom/sub Dynamics, Light Dom/sub, A Little Bit of Dom Yeosang This Time :), Submission as a coping mechanism, Oral Sex, Edging, Edgeplay, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Mild Degradation, Like SO MILD really it's still praise lol, Overstimulation, Hand Jobs, Yeosang & Wooyoung Best Friends in Love (TRADEMARK), Aftercare, Mild Angst, Unrequited Crush, Feelings Realization, Idolverse, Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sexting, Sex Tapes, Chapter 2 is Yeonbin Centric feat Woosan, Biting, Marking, Rimming, technically a Foursome - M/M/M/M, but like is it really            
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                                                       ☽ ✮ ☾ 
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A series of fics set within the same canonverse a/b/o setting. All fics are within the same universe, though stand alone, so you don’t necessarily need to read every fic to understand each one. 
                                                      ☽ ✮ ☾
Title: Write your name, I can do the same
Rating: Explicit
Relationship Focus:  Jung Wooyoung/Lee Felix (Stray Kids), Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, ATEEZ - OT8, Stray Kids - OT8            
Format: One-Shot
WC: 11,118 (Completed)
Summary: Wooyoung, like most omegas, was a social creature by nature. Getting to work with other idols, and in this case other packs, was a welcome opportunity for him to stretch his social butterfly wings. Being presented with a chance to finally get to know them one-on-one was almost enough to have Wooyoung vibrating out of his own skin. Especially Felix.
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Pack Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Scent Marking, Mating Bites, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Open Relationships, Alternate Universe - Canon Compliant, Omega/Omega Relationships, Omega!Wooyoung, Omega!Felix, Attempted Sexual Assault, Hurt/Comfort, Wooyoung struggles with omega attraction            
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                                                      ☽ ✮ ☾
Title: The distance grew up like the night
Rating: Explicit
Relationship Focus: Stray Kids - OT8
Format: Chaptered
WC: 57,223 (WIP)
Summary: Bambam was shaking, pressed into Chan’s side like he could physically merge them into one, single person, press them together on an atomic level so nothing could separate them.None of that stopped Jaebeom’s next words from falling like stones. “You won’t be debuting with us, Chan-ah.”
Chan held his tongue, unsure of what to say to the boys in front of him, the boys he debuted with. The kids who meant the world to him, meant everything to him. He finally had his group, members he loved more than anyone, would do anything for. But here, faced with their expectant looks, Chan felt nothing short of unqualified. He felt an old panic claw at his throat, the hurt of a pack leaving him behind, aching like a wound that refused to heal. He wasn't ready. He turned away, stinging, ashamed and afraid.
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Canon Compliant, Slow Burn, Unrequited Love, Polyamorous Pack, Angst, Polyamory Negotiations, Growing Up, Childhood Friends, Heartbreak, Found Family, Developing Relationship, Alpha Bang Chan, Omega Kunpimook Bhuwakul | BamBam, Chan Grows Up With BamBam & Then Watches Him Move On Without Him, Stray Kids Make Bang Chan Stay, Pre-Debut to Present SKZ from Chan’s Perspective, Our First Stray Kid in Chapter Four, Alpha Seo Changbin , Read Authors Notes For Additional Warnings        
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Title: I’ve known you so long (and maybe too well)    
Rating: Explicit
Relationship Focus: Bang Chan/Han Jisung (Side: Lee Minho | Lee Know/Han Jisung, Stray Kids - OT8)
Format: One-Shot
WC: 15,294 (Completed)
Summary: Jisung couldn’t get enough, would never be able to get enough. He kissed Chan once, twice more because the taste of his lips was so addictive, like the warm, burning feeling he got in his chest when he breathed too deep next to a bonfire. Crisp, warm, rich, searing and a little dangerous but full of all the comforts of a cool fall evening filled with nostalgia and home. “Satisfied?” Chan asked, dragging Jisung’s head back as the omega stared up at him with glassy eyes.
Maybe for Chan and Jisung, falling in love wasn’t an unexpected fireworks display going off on the banks of the Han River, it was more like the growth of a tree. Like the cherry trees that grew along the banks. They grew for years before they blossomed for the first time. Maybe they were cherry blossoms. But Jisung forgot that cherry blossoms only bloom for a short time. And Lee Minho was fireworks on the banks of the Han River, bursting into life and lighting up the night sky unexpectedly, taking your breath away, rattling your chest, dazzling your eyes.  It turned out the dramas hadn’t been wrong after all, and falling in love like fireworks wasn’t something that was for other people, it was for Han Jisung, too.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Compliant, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Pack Dynamics, Scent Marking, Mating Bites, Polyamory, Pining, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Polyamorous Pack, Established Relationship, Complicated Relationships, Kink Exploration, Boot Worship, Light Dom/sub, Oral Sex, Light Subspace/Subdrop, Cock Stepping, References to Knotting, Alpha Bang Chan, Omega Han Jisung | Han, Alpha Lee Minho | Lee Know  
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