#tagging this to hell and back cos i want people to see ittttttttt
After 27 hours and 10 minutes of drawing (literally just drawing, the amount of time I had the file open is SO much longer) my art of Me, Habit and our boyfriends Sona in the TMA apocalypse is done. Hooray for this weird slenderverse, TMA, Sona and system appearances cross over 💀
I'm so fucking proud of it.
So fucking proud.
Full image will be under the thingy, because it probably still needs a trypopobia warning, because I drew Habit with a shit tonne of eyes all clustered together and they look kinda gross
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Warning again for trypopobia under the thingy bob
Me as an avatar of the vast and the dark
My boyfriends Sona as an avatar of the Stranger and the lonely
Habit as an avatar of the Hunt taken over by the eye
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And onto my favourite details, because I spent 27 hours on this thing damnit and I will tell you about my favourite tiny details in it:
Tiny Jonah as the pupil of the eye
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Space hair with stars leaking out of it and into the air around me. Also moon harness/rope tie thing. (Space vast stuff) Also also the dark halo that kinda looks like a black hole now I think about it
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Habit just in general. Like half of him is hidden with the other characters there so have him in fully. I love how he looks like he's glowing from the inside a bit, like a cotton wool cloud full of LED lights. Also the red pupils is super fun because it's like, sure the Eye has him, but the bloodlust of the Hunt is still at the centre of how he sees the world. (But like in sys, he's constantly keeping an eye on things now, but he still likes his source enough to be proud of some of the things he did—namely the whole Jeff torture thing and the baby eating, little freak just loves being a monster too much and we love him for it 💀—)
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Vin's little ballet shoes, because for some reason ballet feels very uncanny and Stranger coded to me. Also ball jointed doll, because Stranger again
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All the eyes are looking at the characters too. That's a fun detail.
God I'm proud of this art. I'm so fucking proud of t holy shit
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