#tag ur faves lmfaoooo
a-wynterwonderland · 1 year
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heesulovebot · 2 years
bl/gl tag game
i was tagged by the lovely @gunsatthaphan​ thank u!!!! even tho this was the hardest thing ever lol i loved it 💕
your all time favourite bl character and why.
i’m just going to ignore the lack of plurals in that question and go with my top 5 faves (i’m a libra i can’t choose just one sobs). in no particular order:
tine teepakorn - i have never related to a bisexual character more. also he is sO dumb it hurts how much i love him dsknfkjdnf
kurosawa yuichi - he is the softest man, the biggest dork, and those smile whiskers literally cured my depression. idk man i just think he’s neat :(💕
kang seojun - there’s something inherently sad about seojun but the fact that he smiles through everything.... *head in fucking hands*
cha siwon - queen dasuel really knows how to write sympathetic-pathetic charas so well lmfao like, the secondhand embarrassment i got from him and the fact that i still adored him through it all. iconic, truly. another insecure character i relate to on a deeply personal level 🤪🤙
aoki sota - insecure bisexual.... holy shit i’m sensing a pattern here. he is pure of heart, dumb of ass, and i would kill a man for him and hashimoto
what’s your one character from a bl you wanted to punt into the stratosphere (you only get one so choose wisely).
aj i love you but i wanted to punt non so bad in dbk lmfaoooo
the best music moment from a bl.
wait idk what music moment means so uhm if we’re talking theme songs i still bump to gen y’s ost to this day an absolute banger. if we’re talking music in a scene... hands down scrubbs!!! still remember how the fandom lost it @ the headphone sharing concert scene in ep. 4 and it was all JA TUM TOOK TOOK YAANG 🗣️ ever since 
what’s a popular heterosexual text that you would like to see adapted into a bl/gl?
i’ll take any 90s rom-com but make it ✨queer✨ also: any jane austen!!  
a scene from a bl that always makes you laugh.
the white lion gang— particularly any line boss had (which you just know was a gunsmile adlib) but also the scene in s2g when the cake goes on fire and boss, the freak that he is, is like “cool!” whilst everyone else is freaking out around him jsdnfjdksn also i nearly died laughing when we walk into one of the scenes and boss is telling phukong “i knew your brother when he was this big [motions fist] and now he’s this big [slides hand down fist]” idkidk it’s just gunsmile’s expressions kill me. also: all of adachi’s spastic outbursts (esp when he’s with tsuge outside his apartment and then kurosawa’s ‘eh?’... omg also tsuge and adachi’s telepathic conversation in front of kurosawa dskjfnjfdnndksdjn) and green’s “what?!?!?!” lives rent-free in my head 24/7 
biggest disappointment.
tonhon chonlatee..... i don’t wanna talk about how bad that show was 😭😭😭 (and how i even managed to finish it,,, she’s a masochist, ur honour). RIP podd’s bl career 🙏 poddearth whEN
what two random bl/gl characters would make hilarious exes?
YIHWA AND FAI!!!! we_could_of_had_it_all.mp3 sobs
who would be the funniest person to watch a bl in its entirety and which one would you make them watch.
re-watching twm with @patspran​ was a hilarious ride 10/10 would do it again. as for making someone watch a bl, if i had to make anyone watch a bl i would probs make them watch light on me because it’s pretty much a hi-teen web drama and i feel like that’d be an easy way to ease someone into bls,,, slowly make our way up to thai bls lmfao 
best wardrobe moment/or character wardrobe from a bl.
miss yihwa was killing the game back in 2017 ur faves could never 😌 also everything nunew wears in that cutie pie show he is adorable. oh, also jang jaeyoung’s all-red tracksuit. simply iconic
tagging!🌈💕✨: @patspran @billlkin @itoldsunset @tehohaews @taeminie @mrdumpling @tontawantu @rashfcrd @earthfluuke @aquynh (only if you want to!!!)
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leejeongz · 4 years
ciipher hate where? you can’t just make up hate just because someone criticised a bad song lmfaoooo
i can tell you really thought you did something with this but? did you even bother to check tags... on here too now?? there’s tonnes of unnecessary comparisons to equally as talented groups? they insisted that ciipher used “too much auto tune” like it isn’t subjective? they 🥴 went on to say how xyz “publicly humiliated” ciipher 🥴 and worst of all haven’t even considered watching stages where the boys have all shown off their live vocals that they have clearly worked so hard on to perfect. kpop isn’t a competition and if u think ur helping ur faves while shitting on other groups u need a reality check. and it doesn’t give anyone a reason to hate on someone, even if you think it’s a “joke” cos luv... it’s not funny 🥴🥴🥴
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21 questions tag !
thanks so much for tagging me @deakyfordays ily wifey thank u for thinking of me :') <3
rules: answer 21 questions then tag 21 people you’d like to get to know better
nicknames: uhhh well my family calls me Eby because when my little bro was v little he couldn't pronounce Emily (my real name, and the name of approx. half of all other white girls lol), so I was Ayee and then Eby
zodiac sign: scorpio but I have no clue what that means I'm supposed to be like
height: 5'7
hogwarts house: I was a ravenclaw when I took the test like 5 years ago, and i made a massive fuckin ravenclaw crest poster (book not film colours!!1!) for my bedroom wall, HOWEVER I feel like I'm probably a hufflepuff now but I'm too scared to retake the test. that poster took weeks :/
last thing i googled: the chords for one of the pieces i study for my music gcse which is in 2 days aaaAAA
fave musicians: Queen duh their music owns my soul and literally changed my life.... i also really like Muse, imo they're producing some of the best music atm ((I always pull this but they formed at my school skkskdk !!!)) my god i want to go to one of their live shows SO FUCKING BAD!! THAT SHIT'S CRAZY look it up they have a giant robot alien
song stuck in your head: the star wars theme lmao it's another one of the pieces i study for my GCSE which I'm "revising" for rn
following: 55 lmao i cant deal with too much going on. if I follow u it's bc I think ur *really cool* (disclaimer! you're all really cool I'm just a lazy bitch)
followers: 629 !!!! I'd like to thank each and every one of you for putting up with me. I hope you're all having a lovely day!!
do you get asks: not until recently, but now I do and its literally the highlight of my day!! I love you all so much
amount of sleep: 9 hrs usually except last night when I was a Dumb Bitch and stayed up until the early hours of the morning trying to draw john deacon's eyes in detail from several painfully blurry pics, anyway more about that later!! ;)
lucky number: 69 ;;;) no im joking it's 420 (it's 3 but shh that's too boring)
what are you wearing: a red shirt which used to be my aunt's and jeans which used to be my mum's, I have Style (if u asked me yesterday I could have said my new yellow deaky-inspired shorts and queen tee shirt dammit)
dream job: making guitars babeyyy!!!
dream trip: I'd looove to go to Japan... it seems so beautiful and different from here and they love john deacon apparently
instruments: piano (and voice sort of), violin, bass (IM GETTING A BASS SOON YAYYY)
languages: English, a bit of Spanish from school (we'll wait to see if i pass my exams before i get too confident about that though)
favorite songs: oh hecc not this question
random fact: luke skywalker's theme is based primarily off the tonic and dominant of Bb major, the strongest notes in the key, and consequently makes frequent use of perfect cadence (V-I), giving it it's strong, heroic sound lmfaoooo
aesthetic: idk at this point. autumn? music? john richard deacon born 19th august 1951? who can say
now as we all know I'm a Pussy and don't tag people but same goes as usual - if you wanna do it consider yourself tagged
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souyaszn · 3 years
those damn tags is what i’ll always remeber you for :/ but midas for the fic 😁 it bumped the egg man up on my list of faves a little
LMFAOOOO i live in ur head rent free off some tags shi???
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