#tag her as her dad ig ive lost her moms tag
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poorly-drawn-akira · 2 years ago
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Day 2: Subculture
Ibuki Sato the resident rockabilly gal on her way to her date with the local mall goth for @fashion4standusers fashion week
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cestacruz · 10 months ago
I want to learn more about the master Artoria Au
It's quite more extensive than Just the Holy Grail War
The lineup until now is
Saber: Musashi and Iori Miyamoto (Master(s) in the works)
Archer: James Moriarty (Master is Cassidy, i already posted something bout her)
Lancer: (Might be) Qin Liangyu (master in the works)
Rider: Ludwig van Beethoven (I already have her master but i refuse to post about them for now. I need dignity. I'll say two words to describe them tho: Hatsune Miku)
Caster: Zeno of Elea (no master yet)
Assassin: Hassan of the Shining Star (no master yet either) (also funnily enough, ive had Shining Star in this AU since two years ago, so imagine my surprise when he got released LMAO)
And well, Berserker: Queen Guinevere (and yknow, master Arturia)
It's sorta a modern AU but not at the same time, i'll put a cut here because its long and i ramble
It's not a Forced project to bring Arthur back like with Gray but the alternate name i use for this AU in my notes is "The Once and Future King" so...
History repeating itself sorta thing but without the doomed narrative (unless.) (Haha just kidding...) (...unle--)
The "pendragon|orkney" family does exist (as in mom(igraine)(she's alive), dad(uther)(he left them), morgan and lot, and nephews and nieces (morgan lost a bet to 5 year old arturia and had to name her kids after the knights) and more arthuriana characters are scattered around too, but they dont have an importance to the HGW part of the AU, with the exception of a few
They still call her Arturia (TECHNICALLY they call her Arthuria, because i love that name and no one will take it from me) because the few years that Uther was with them, he called Arturia "Arthur" because he wanted a boy and he couldnt cope (theres the History repeats itself motif and also misogynistic men like that still exist), so Morgan used Arthur*ia* as a nickname, and it stuck
This is where i will confess that im thinking of using a different name for Arturia, i already Kinda do in my notes. As in legal name (thinking of Aurlyn, which is similar but different enough). I would be doing the same with some of the Orkney siblings whose names would not be as common in the modern world or too obvious a reference, while still being named after the knights (Gareth would stay as Gareth cuz thats literally still a mormal name people use, but a name like Agravain or Mordred arent as common, ig. Or Gawain. And Gaheris. Actually only Gareth has a mormal fcking name)
ALSO mordred is Morgan and Lot's kid in this. No weird cloning in my modern AU. Genetics from the pendragon hit hard tho, they still look like Arturia
Actually idk what else to say rn, theres some more stuff but its escaping my mind, so little random stuff
Arturia's family has little to no mage relation currently, but they still have mage blood and sht
Also Merlin manipulated Morgan(modern) using her literal dreams, into freeing him from Avalon and he used to that hang out with little kid Arturia at the park (everyone hates him/chases him away)
The reason why Cath Palug is there is because this AU follows the F/SN timeline, which is a timeline in which Chaldeas never formed. Therefore, Fou never learned to love people, teehee. He only learned to hate Merlin and King Arthur (?)
Also theres a modern Guinevere, tho her name is literally just Gwen, and Arturia and her met during high school Time but they werent Actually classmates (think like, tournaments or trips to other school/places). I called her "arturia's high school crush" in the tags of a previous ask but they are still friends and talk a lot
And yeah , thank u and i am, Very happy that you asked bout it
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preciousnerd · 8 years ago
A “should we know us a little better” tag
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people 
Tagged by @lil-loki THE LAST: 
 1. Drink: mountain dew 
2. Phone call: my dad whoops  
3. Text message: kasey!! 
 4. Song you listened to: uuhhhh Youre Mine by Lola Marsh 5. Time you cried: idk probably like,,3 days ago? 
6. Dated someone twice: yes, with multiple people but also with the guy I’m with now!  
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: maaany times lma o 8. Been cheated on: yes multiple times  9. Lost someone special: of course, who hasn’t? 
 10. Been depressed: lmao yeah  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope!  LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS:
 12-14: seafoam green, pastelier blues ? and uuhh,,purple because it reminds me of kasey  IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU:
 15. Made new friends: uhhh ye s I met Lana and Ty through our mutual hate of Kaleb!!  
16. Fallen out of love: nope I dont think so  
17. Laughed until you cried: probably pft 18. Found out someone was talking about you: in a bad way,,? Ig I did last night??? Idk I dont pay a lot of attention to that stuff  19. Met someone who changed you: in the past year,,no I haven’t  20. Found out who your friends are: I guess i found that out earlier than this past year so,,,no?  
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Cody isnt in my facebook list smh so no GENERAL: 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: uh,,,two of them i think?? kasey and my sister??  
23. Do you have any pets: two dogs atm but ive had more in the past  
24. Do you want to change your name: yes a million times yes
 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: uh nothing? We went to dinner downtown and ate cake and opened presents in my sisters dorm room  
26. What time did you wake up: at like 12:45 whoops  
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: uuhhh either watching youtube or playing gay wars with reb  
28. Name something you can’t wait for: for my boyfriend to not be be going through absolute hell in his life  
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like a minute ago she walked in and talked to me about who was playing a new autistic doctor in a show  30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i could change how codys life was going rn!!!  
31. What are you listening right now: nothing other than the distant sound of The Chew playing in the living room  32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no? i dont think so 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: when I dont think before I act and it causes other people to get hurt  
34. Most visited Website: idk probably youtube or hangouts  35. Mole/s: u  h none  36. Mark/s: some single lonely freckles on my arms,legs,feet, and hands, a really dark birthmark on my back, a lot of scars on my legs and arms and hands, stretch marks on my back and i,,,think thats it???  37. Childhood dream: idk small me probably wanted a husband/boyfriend and to not work and be a stay at home mom because thats what i grew up thinking i needed to be but that has changed lm ao 38. Hair color: uh its naturally dark brown but rn the shaved part is brown and the long part is blonde  
39. Long or short hair: definitely short but the longer part is very floofy :> 
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yeye my boyfriend 
41. What do you like about yourself: uh?? i really like my hair?? thats the main thing ig, and my hip/collar bones are nice  42. Piercings: lmao no never again 
43. Bloodtype: who actually knows this about themselves  44. Nickname: u h idk my sister calls me Arooooon (pronounced like,,maroon), some people call me hecker, i think my new nickname for loki was turdsnot, or we could change it too rufus, and kasey and my boyfriend call me a bunch of cute things like hun or babe or whatever but idk its hard to keep track of 45. Relationship status: taken 
46. Zodiac: aries 
 47. Pronouns: they/them 48. Favorite TV Show: hmmm..probably like,,jojos even though thats an anime  
49. Tattoos: i dont have any but i want them real bad  
50. Right or left hand: left for writing and eating stuff but i use my right for some things ?  
51. Surgery: havent gone through surgery and the thought scares me  52. Piercing: smh i see you asking double questions  
53. Sport: not a sporty person but im interested in going into dance?? especially contemporary  55. Vacation: at this point its always to Texas to see my bf and best friend  56. Pair of trainers: what does this even mean?? shoes?? favorite shoes??? i really like my heels ig??? ? ?? ?  ?
57. Eating: i was eating cinnamon toast crunch but i really want a rice bowl from a kobe place near me dfjfk 58. Drinking: mountain dew lmao 59. I’m about to: probably watch youtube and talk to kasey  
61. Waiting for: death?? but also my babe  62. Want: to move back to texas bluh  63. Get married: depends on who im with when i need to make that decision but im open to it and id definitely get married to cody in the future if he wanted  
64. Career: i dont really know anymore, body painter, special effects artist, journalist??artist??  something different?? idk! !  WHICH IS BETTER?: 
65. Hugs or kisses: uuhhh kisses but only with my bf  66. Lips or eyes: hmm..depends?? both are nice  67. Shorter or taller: both have their perks especially when dating either of them, like with cody he can pick me up and carry me around and i have to stand on my toes to kiss him and i love it but with shorter people they can sit in your lap and you can rest your head on theirs and bl uh idk bu t atm taller because i just want to be Held  
68. Older or younger: uuhh older cause im real young anyways but not like,,,too much older yknow,, 
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: uhh????? ?i dunno??? both are nice ig but neither are important to me?? ? 
71. Sensitive or loud: i dont know what this,,means?? like in a person??? it doesnt matter ig both have their perks and downsides to me 
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship, i cant stand the thought of hooking up with someone  
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: again, both are good and bad  HAVE YOU EVER: 
74. Kissed a stranger: not a complete stranger no but i wouldnt do it again  75. Drank hard liquor: lmao no ive only had a sip of a frozen daiquiri once  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i havent lost them to a point ive never found them but i slept with my glasses in my bed and couldnt find them for like an hour and cried about it after looking because i hated the feeling of not being able to see and it frustrated me a lot (this sounds like it happened when i was a small child but no it only happened like a year and a half ago)  77. Turned someone down: lmao yes ofc if i said yes to everyone who wanted to date me i would jump around so much and id hate it  78. Sex in the first date: uuhhhh questionably yes? but we had been dating for a long time before that it was just our first proper “go out and see each other” date cause we are long distance yknow  79. Broken someones heart: whoops yeah oh well  
80. Had your heart broken: yeyeye 81. Been arrested: lmAO n o 
82. Cried when someone died: yes  
83. Fallen for a friend: uuh yeah i guess thats what happened with jennie? but i wouldnt say i completely fell for her, ive only been in love once so idk, but i used to become interested in friends DO YOU BELIEVE IN:
 84. Yourself: lmao no not at all 85. Miracles: yes and no? but to keep it simple ill just stick with no  86. Love at first sight: uhhh i dont really know tbh, but i dont think i do 
87. Santa Claus: no :< 
88. Kiss in the first date: depends?? most of the time no tho 
89. Angels: dont believe in god so i dont believe in angels either whoops  OTHER:
 90. Current best friends name: kasey and cody 91. Eyecolor: brown 
92. Favorite movie(s): The Little Prince is one of my favorites, Song of the Sea, Moana, just a lot of animated kids movies are really g o od man  TAGGED: idk ig,,, @demonicfox15 ? sure you can do it kasey why not  this took me,,,so freaking long dkfmkmds
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cacowhistle · 8 years ago
ive been tagged for a thing by @fanghoul101 (aka most beautiful girl on the planet fight me) so ig?? ill do it
- Most Recent -
Drink: water, probably Phone call: my dad?? i think?? Text: to my mom, she was calling me downstairs lmao Song you listened to: defying gravity from wicked Time you cried: idk?? last time i remember actively crying was when i watched jacksepticeye’s playthrough of the last guardian lmao
- Have You Ever -
Dated someone twice: like one person twice? no Been cheated on: nope Kissed someone and regretted it: dont think so Lost someone special: as far as i can remember, no? i have a bad memory so like anything before 9 years old is like p damn hazy Been depressed: on occasion.  Been drunk and thrown up: no List 3 favorite colors: dark orangey-red, brown, green
- In The Last Year, Have You -
Made a new friend: ye Fallen out of love: nope Laughed until you cried: like a few days ago i did lmao Met someone who changed you: yes Found out who your true friends are: ive known that for a while Found out someone was talking about you: nope Has sex on the first date: no thank you how about never  Kissed anyone on your FB list: don’t have FB, so no
- Extras -
How many people from your FB list do you know IRL: don’t have FB Do you have any pets: small doggo who’s an idiot but i love him anyways (brussels griffon mixed with like an affenpinscher or smth) and then there’s the cat who i rarely see i think shes a cryptid except shes an ASSHOLE
Do you want to change your name: nope, i like my name thank u very much
What did you do for your birthday: went to alaska 
What time did you wake up today: jesus christ idk like five?? What were you doing last night at midnight: sleeping Name something you can’t wait for: valentine’s day, also probably this afternoon bc we might go sledding Last time you saw your mom: this morning What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope, dont think i have What’s getting on your nerves right now: im p content right now Blood Type: i dont know?? Nickname: dont really have one Relationship Status: in a v gay and good relationship >:D Pronouns: She/Her Long or short hair: longish, want it to be longer Height: im not sure but definitely taller than 5′ 4″ Do you have a crush on someone: i have the most wonderful gf :) What do you like about yourself: im a very good writer and i pride myself in that Right or left handed: right First surgery: had to get ear tubes so that was fun. First Best Friend: good question, i dont have an answer bc i cant remember First sport you joined: soccer when i was like three but i remember none of it. First Vacation: i dont know?? first one i remember is disneyland when i was like three - Right Now -
Eating: nothin, i just had some toast tho Drinking: nothin I’m about to: do pretty much nothing. maybe try rping with somebody (dunno who) Listening to: jacksepticeye scream over games Kids: idk how i feel about kids tbh. id be ok with adoption. preferably an older child, like 11-12 Get Married: things might change but theres a v lovely girl who i wouldnt mind spending the rest of my life with Career: writing. i wanna be an author.
- Which Is Better -
Lips or eyes: eyes are more expressive (and prettier) Hugs or Kisses: both are good Taller or shorter: dont really care?? altho all my friends are shorter than me lmao Older or Younger: younger Romantic or spontaneous: romantic Sensitive or loud: sensitive Hookup or relationship: relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
- Have You Ever -
Kissed a stranger: no Glasses/contacts: ye Broke someone’s heart: no Turned someone down: dont think so Cried when someone died: i dont think theres really anybody in my life whos died so far. or if they did, i was a lot younger. i cant remember Fallen for a friend: yeeeeees
- Do You Believe In -
Yourself: ye sure Miracles: i guess?? Love at first sight: not really Heaven: sure why not. not religious tho Kissing on the first date: if a person’s comfortable with it then sure?? idk idrc
ok who should i tag
gonna tag the SQUAD
@sensitiveguardian @wearethecrystalgays @succmet @snaw-me-up @ryuud3us 
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winter-19 · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @hawkins-bound ty💖
1.last drink: water
2.last phone call: my dad
3.last text message: “ok”
4.last song you listened to: El falsante-ozuna
5. last time you cried: yesterday
6.dated someone twice: no
7.kissed someone and regretted it: no
8.been cheated on: no
9.lost someone special: not really
10. been depressed: yup😕
1.:gotten drunk and thrown up: Never
12.fave colors: purple and yellow
13.made new friends: Yes at a poetry slam but I’m summer down to make some on her so just send a message my way
14.fallen out of love: I don’t feel like ive ever been in love with someone
15.laughed until you cried: yes all the time
16. found out someone was taking about you: yes and I don’t really care
17.met someone who changed you: yes my bestfriend
18.found out who your friends were: not recently
19.kissed someone on your facebook friends list: No
20.how many of your facebook friends so you know IRL: only close friends and family so not many
21: do you have pets: No but I really want a puppy
22.do you want to change your name: no I like my name it’s simple
23.what did you do for your last birthday: i went to micheals and bought myself art supplies
24.what time did you wake up today: 10 am
25.what were you doing at midnight last night: watching S.T
26.something that you can’t wait for: summer vacation
27.what are you listening to right now: my brothers tv
28.have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes
29:something getting on your nerves: when people ignore me
30.most visited website: tumblr.com
31.hair color: dark brown
32.long or short hair: longish it’s not supper long but not short so medium I guess
33. do you have a crush on someone: yes but I wish I didn’t bc I get too attached and she’s my friend too😪
34.what do you like about your self: I really like my hair and my creativity
35.want any piercings: yes I want to get my nose pierced but my mom said no
36.blood type: I have no idea
37.nicknames. Nope
38.relationship status: single as a Pringle
39.zodiac. Capricorn
40.pronouns: she/her/hers
41. fav tv shows: stranger things and the fosters
42.tattoos: no I’m too young only 16
46.right or left handed: right
47.ever had surgery: never
48. piercings: ears pierced
49.sport: Ig I like to dance sometimes
50.vacation: I’m going to domnican republic to see my family in the summer I’m supper excited
51. trainers:nope
52.eating: I ate mashed potatoes and chicken earlier
53. Drinking: water
54. I’m about to watch: cartoon bc I’m babysitting
55. Waiting for: my nephews and nieces to come over
56. Want: season three of st
57. Get married: I want to but I don’t want to rush into marriage
58. Career: I have no idea
59. Hugs or kisses: I like both but I love hugs so much
60. Lips or eyes: lips
61. Shorter or taller: any
62. Older or younger : I don’t really mind
63. Nice arms or stomach: stomach ig
64. Hook up or relationship: relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
66. Kissed a stranger: no
67. Drank hard liquor: a sip once It was bad
68. Lost glasses: yes I lose my glasses all the time
69. Turned someone down: yeah It was werid
70. Sex on first date: nopeeeeee
71. Broke someone’s heart: no
72. Had your heart broken: unfortunately yes
73. Been arrested: no I’m a child of god😂
74. Cried when someone died: yes
75. Fallen for a friend: I’ve only ever fallen for my friends which sucks
Do you believe
76. Yourself: not all the time
77. Miracles: yes
85. Fav actor: I can’t choose I have too many
78. Love at first sight: not really i believe in lust at first sight
79. Santa Claus:when I was really young
80. Kiss on first date: maybe
81. Angels: I’m not supper religious so maybe maybe not
82. Best friends name: Nathalie/Nathan
83. Eye colour: brown
84. Fandoms: stranger things, it,
I tag: @eliahtan @ramen-baby
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dyoxyys · 8 years ago
tagged by @falsettohmygod thanks!! im supposed to tag 20 people but um i dont know 20 people
@irlwhizzybrown @rated-r-for-grantaire @racetrackhuggins @trendjolras @unlikely-lover @stuff-and-shenanigans @dan-the-trashcan @jackscrutchie
uh is that enough
1. drink? milk
2. phone call? my dad ig
3. text message? my best friend
4. song you listened to? hymn by kesha on repeat
5. time you cried? who knows fam maybe today
Have you ever
6. dated someone twice? nah
7. kissed someone and regretted it? i havent ever kissed anyone
8. been cheated on? no i dont think
9. lost someone special? not to death, but to moving away 
10. gotten drunk and thrown up? NO
Favorite colors:
11. cerulean or most blues
12. umm red but like?? not all red
13. gold
In the last year have you
14. made new friends? yeah!!
15. fallen out of love? yeah lmao
16. laughed until you cried? ofc
17. found out someone was talking about you? ye
18. met someone who changed you? yeeeee
19. found out who your friends are? OH YEAH
20. kissed someone on your facebook list? ew facebook
21. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? ew facebook
22. do you have any pets? a kitty named sundance i love him
23. do you want to change your name? um sometimes yeah??? but idk
24. what did you do for your last birthday? i saw the emoji movie with some friends and then ate cake and watched the newsies proshoot
25. what time did you wake up? like 11 pm
26. what were you doing at midnight last night? who even knows fam idk
27. name something you cant wait for? school staring 
28. when was the last time you saw your mom? well i just looked to my left five seconds ago so,,, then
29. what are you listening to right now? gilmore girls ig
30. have you ever talked to a person named tom? yeah my grandpa
31. something that is getting on your nerves? this questionaire 
32. most visited website? probably tumblr or maybe ao3 or maYBE google docs
33. hair color? dark blue
34. long or short hair? short and half my head is shaved
35. do you have a crush on someone? not rn no
36. what do you like about yourself? im smart!!
37. piercings? just my ears 
38. bloodtype? idk bro
39. nickname? elle
40. relationship status? single
41. zodiac? cancer
42. pronouns? she/her
43. favorite tv show? i??? dunno?? whatever im currently watching so parks and rec and gilmore girls
44. tattoos? not yet
45. right or left handed? right
46. surgery? um ive never had surgery no??
47. sport? i used to do tae kwon do but i quit
48. vacation? um i guess i want to go up to the new england states?
49. pair of trainers? what um i wear a cute pair of floral converse?
More general
50. eating? ramen 
51. drinking? milk
52. im about to: make my mom turn off netflix
53. waiting for: death
54. want: a working cellphone
55. get married? i hope idk
56. career: i wanna be a senator and a lawyer
Which is better
57. hugs or kisses? hugs
58. lips or eyes? eyes!!
59. shorter or taller? shorter
60. older or younger? i dunno younger?
61. nice arms or nice stomach? i like arms idk
62. hook up or relationship? RELATIONSHIP
63. troublemaker or hesitant? idk?????????????????
Have you ever
64. kissed a stranger? no kiss
65. drank hard liquor? no alcohol
66. lost glasses/contacts? i lose glasses a lot but i always find them
67. turned someone down? nope
68. had sex on the first date? no!
69. broken someones heart? I dont suppose so
70. had your heart broken? no i dont think so
71. been arrested? no!
72. cried when someone died? um,,,, no?
73. fallen for a friend?,,,,,,,uh yeah accidentally but she was a bitch
Do you believe in
74. yourself? maybe
75. miracles? yeah but not like,,, religious miracles, like science miracles
76. love at first sight? nope!
77. santa? nah
78. kiss on the first date? i dont care
79. angels? no
80. current best friends name: irl? avery. online? liv.
81. eye color: amber
82. favorite movie: maybe uhh les mis or newsies or um??? legally blonde??
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