#tag dump / female chars.
scoundrels-galaxy · 1 year
* ᅟ𝘁𝗮𝗴 ᅟ𝗱𝘂𝗺𝗽 ᅟ/ ᅟ𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
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˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖ valentine's day brings promises of chocolates and roses, hugs and kisses, smiles and laughter. but this year it also happens to bring along something more... bittersweet ˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖
welcome to dark chocolates, a multi-fandom valentine's day collab brought to you by the teahouse, a discord server ran by @petrichorium and myself. you will find stories of romance and love, yes, but with a twist!
the deadline for this collab is, of course, valentine's day, so expect pieces to be posted around then and subsequently updated on this masterlist! you can also track the #teahouse collab: dark chocolates tag for fics as they are uploaded.
please be mindful of the tags listed for each fic. we hope you enjoy all the following wonderful pieces written by the wonderful authors in the server. happy reading! ❦
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for you, anything by @tsukkismoonlight
pairing: nakedtoaster x reader
mentions: general warnings around breakups, thoughts/anxiety related to self image/self worth
summary: you've sworn off love. after the way your last ex treated you, after all of the heartbreak, and all of the nights you lost to someone who didn't care, you have had enough. or, that's what the plan had been. you wouldn't have guessed that a tiny fan server with less than ten members hid someone who made everything feel like all of that pain was worth it. and you, they'd do just about anything.
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idk man by @antheawritings
pairing: onion thief x reader
mentions: character death
summary: dead grandpa :( but it’s okay bc sexy onion man :)
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cacoethes by @venexus
pairing: aki hayakawa x reader
mentions: prior toxic relationship (reader & unnamed ex), romantic tension, smoking
summary: cacoethes (n.) - the urge to do something inadvisable.
alternatively: when you escape a toxic ex, your favourite work colleague is there to pick up the pieces.
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untitled by @petrichorium
pairing: diluc ragnvindr x reader
mentions: sfw, royal au, reader is explicitly female, canon typical violence, family death, mourning
summary: in which after five years spent rampaging amongst the frigid tundras and snowy forests of snezhnaya in the aftermath of his father’s death, crown prince diluc ragnvindr finally makes the journey home with a life-threatening injury—and an unanticipated companion.
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standing still by @lou-struck
pairing: wakatoshi ushijima x reader
mentions: breakup angst
summary: you have been together for years, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
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a persistent lack of follow through by CooPigeonCoo (ao3)
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
mentions: exes, breaking up & making up, angst with a happy ending, personal growth, drinking, sexual content, child abuse, humor, pining, natural disasters, serious injuries, domestic fluff
summary: shouto had learned a lot from his father; how to take a hit, how to pull himself back up, and how to hold a grudge.
but one thing endeavor could never teach his children was how to be a good partner.
shouto had to learn that particular skill the hard way.
he had spent long, sleepless nights reflecting on the things you had told him; the reasons you left. every moment of your acquaintance was turned over repeatedly in his head and examined until one devastating conclusion was reached:
"i was a bad boyfriend," shouto muttered dejectedly, idly picking at the label of the shochu bottle in the middle of the table.
----- a story where shouto loves, loses, and learns.
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the night train by @pikatsum (tumblr) / Undercover_Royalty (ao3)
pairing: midoriya izuku x reader
mentions: SFW, some angst, hurt/comfort, fem!reader
summary: “what, did we both get dumped, tonight?” you ask, ever tactless in the face of silence.
through the sniffles, the hooded man gives a little jolt that might have been a laugh. it’s a start, at least.
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when the night calls by @sipsteainanxiety
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
mentions: char death (bkg) but not reaaalllyyy, aged up chars (25+), supernatural elements in a pro-hero au, grief/mourning, horror-esque but it's romantic i promise, hurt/comfort
summary: you thought katsuki was gone—that he had abandoned you in this life to move on to the next. you saw his body—lifeless, cold, still. saw him get lowered into the ground in his dark casket enveloped in his hero colors. you stayed, for hours after the funeral, at his grave.
you thought he was dead. that he'd left you alone.
you were wrong.
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sarcastic-doodle · 8 years
Epic rant ahead. In response to your comment on my post about jlockers in our tag @chinchillanna
I’d say something scathing cause this post was meant for the wankers but if you’ve never done it don’t take unnecessary offence. You don’t know how irritating it is from this side of the fandom. As for the rest, I’d say it’s a matter of difference in opinion of ships.
Unhealthy?- dont even open that bag of worms i dont even need to answer it.
One sided relationship? - I don’t thinks mutually caring for the other could be called one sided. we’ve had gradual growth in their friendship throughout the series please progress as the episodes do
hating himself for lying to her - it was definitely sherlock coming to terms with his feelings for Molly. First one was forced he doesn’t like being manipulated under duress but the second one was genuine he looks torn(he doesn’t look like he’s hating himself)that he had to say out loud the words he didn’t want to acknowledge. Though I’d give you this, this scene does depend on the vantage point of the viewer (aka. Shipper in this case) We’ve spent as much time on our ship as you’ve done on yours. Our assumptions/hc are just as valid as yours are. So don’t go around disregarding something that has more context than your subtext.
weak-dependent? - Molly? Are you serious?She is probably the sanest and the most level headed person on the show albeit with a soft spot for the detective but please don’t even say she isn’t strong?! Maybe it’s just me but Irrevocably loving someone doesn’t make you simpering or weak. Honestly it’s a quality I’ve always admired. Sort of like parental affection, I’d say genuine selfless unconditional love is something we’re always shortchanged in life. Its so easy to be selfish and just as difficult to be selfless and giving. And that’s only an inkling of a reason why I’ve always loved Molly. She is so much more than that. You say she deserves better- and yes she does - from you and everyone who claims she deserves better and then look down at her for exhibiting a human frailty which she transformed into an quiet integral strength - a vulnerability too (her boon and bane) that she is so well known for. Do you even realise how rare people like Molly IRL are? The unquestioning pillars of support without the assurance of it being a familial obligation? Hint : Very.
Damn right we will rejoice. Just like jlock did with the hug and adl0ck did with TLD.You know why? Because we love her for what she is,exactly how she is . Without judgement. She deserves the best because she is the best of people. I doubt anyone shipped sherlolly hard in s1 cos let’s be honest sherlock was a dick and molly needed to stop being mousey and frankly it always felt like infatuation nothing deeper that it later became. They needed personal growth which they got and you can’t possibly associate the people/relationship that used to be uptil this episode. They’ve changed. They’re interactions have evolved. Sherlock’s getting better with people too. And believe me nothing but the best for Molly. She is that sort of character. Unfortunately the writers only ever write her in the script in lieu of her affection of sherlock so if pansyboy is what makes her happy THEN pansyboy it is. take that into consideration too.
So no it wasn’t ‘fake’ or ‘forced’ in my opinion. I’m not saying it was the love confession I hoped for(I’d rather have it without the theatrics ) but it was certainly apt considering the shows premise of sentimental entanglement. Just the right amount of angst
So instead of dissing a ship on a post meant to call out people disregarding common courtesy (well hello exhibit A) you should probably- I honestly have nothing nice to say.
My ship is just as awesome as yours. My ship is just as ridiculous as yours. My ship is just as canon as yours(I might be biased but an I Love You does mean a lot more than a hug)(the hug - JL being my BrOtp I always saw that scene as a friend consoling a grieving friend…but as a shipper you might have perceived it in an entire different context.) See difference in opinions between different ship shippers. Although bashing and demeaning other ships because you were disappointed it didnt go your way is totally uncalled for.
P.S : It’s pretty obvious in the fandom that MoffTiss can’t write a female char a decent script without a dark/dead undertone to it. So honestly nobody had high hopes for proper female representation on the script. Its certainly better than the previous seasons but only marginally . In their defense they did promise a great crime drama starring SH and JW which they more than just delivered on. Canon Molly and Sherlolly isn’t as superficial and one dimensional as you think they are. They are more than just a CoolBoy/ShyGirl stereotype.Don’t dump your script-al(?) woes on the ship. Its just a fictional show and a fictional ship. Take it with a pinch of salt.Byeee
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