without-ado · 1 year
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l 데니 태극기 Denny's Taegeukgi (left): the oldest one among Taegeukgi flags found in Korea. This was given to O. N. Denny (1838-1900, an American diplomatic advisor) by King Gojong of Korean Empire (cr. 문화재청)
815 광복절 Happy National Liberation Day of Korea!
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“I want our nation to be the most beautiful in the world. By this I do not mean the most powerful nation. Because I have felt the pain of being invaded by another nation, I do not want my nation to invade others. It is sufficient that our wealth makes our lives abundant; it is sufficient that our strength is able to prevent foreign invasions. The only thing that I desire in infinite quantity is the power of a noble culture. This is because the power of culture both makes ourselves happy and gives happiness to others.” —Kim Gu 백범 김구 cr.
l 광복(restoration of light) means the end of the darkness of Japan’s rule over the Korean peninsula
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introdcungkculture · 9 months
What is the Korean flag, Taegeukgi?
What is the Korean flag, Taegeukgi?
What is the Korean flag, Taegeukgi? The Korean flag is known as Taegeukgi (太極旗). Taegeukgi is the national flag of Korea and is used as the national flag of the Republic of Korea. This flag consists of distinctive shapes and colors. Taegeukgi, the national flag of Korea, is composed of the Taegeuk symbol in the center and the four geongongamri (乾坤坎離) four trigrams on a white background. The…
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wildissylupus · 2 months
Ok something I have never seen anyone talk about is that D.Va needs glasses?? And is most likely wearing contacts?? Cause this;
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Is a canon skin;
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This is what she looked like in highschool. So she likely needs glasses or contacts cause I don't think Hana would wear glasses for a fashion statement, especially when at school. She most likely wears contacts most of the time because of her being a pilot and just the fact that neither her default skins or her Taegeukgi skin feature her wearing glasses, though she would likely wear them casually.
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jasonraish · 11 months
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I've been working on this for way too long after our trip to Korea this summer. I was born there, studied abroad at Yonsei University in Seoul in 2001, and have been back many times and am always inspired but never do anything with that inspiration until this time. I wanted to show the mix of traditional and modern. Jeonmo paper hats and janggu drums with black combat boots and double dutch braids. We played yut nori 윷놀이 (game with 4 wooden sticks you toss in there air like dice) with my in laws. I got my first tattoo there this summer amidst the rising tattoo culture in Seoul (I first got my stone name stamp 도장 in hangul the Korean alphabet and then a tattoo of that). The mountains depicted are from Irworobongdo, a folding screen painting featuring the 5 famous peaks of Korea (4 are in South Korea) and the sun and the moon and was always behind the king's throne during the Joseon era. We didn't hike any of the 5 famous peaks but we did hike beautiful Chiaksan to Seryeom falls, and drank lots of soju from modern green bottles and kimchi from onggi 옹기 clay pots. We rode the high speed KTX Eum train at 260km/h from Seoul to Wonju. We saw ocean waves at Gangmun beach and modern hanbok 한복 dresses (this one has short sleeves and a defined waist) worn around Gyeongbokgung 경복궁 royal palace in Seoul. Koreans adorn the shrines, temples, and hermitages with colorful dancheong 단청 design motifs. And of course we saw a lot of the taegeukgi 태극기, the South Korean flag with the red and blue 태극 swirl and 4 black trigrams in the corners. Everything I just mentioned is in this poster and if you haven't already, go visit Korea, especially since the won is so weak and currencies like the US dollar can buy so much there. And finally, heres the Vogue travel cover from 1918 that was my inspiration which oozes way more style and dynamism than I could ever hope for. Why can't we have covers like this anymore? You can buy this 24x36" poster HERE on my Society6 page, or in other sizes too. Thanks for looking and reading 감사합니다!
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Lore post ! I don’t know where else to put this but did you know that the Korean translation of Hana’s Academy cosmetic lore implies she actually won the world championship with D.Mon and King (presumably in a World Cup for team Korea; the latter was still her archrival likely on another team)? I’ve always assumed she beat out Kyung-soo, but the wording is so fundamentally different in Korean—in English, note that it says she surpassed both of these people to win (though we knew she was on the same team as Yuna). Below is a translation of the Korean version:
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My partner is big into esports (and also just the best gamer I know LOL) and said that this actually makes the art from shooting star of D.Va kissing the trophy alone make more sense because it was likely an MVP award, which goes to just one person in a competition. So, yes her stats and prestige likely outranked King and D.Mon (surpassed them, if you will) but they played together? And during the regular season were probably on separate teams hence the “arch rivalry”.
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And all of this is supported by her canon Taegeukgi skin, which states explicitly that she represented Korea worldwide! And Michael Chu saying (his words) that her and King were “neck-in-neck” rivals makes sense when you consider they likely won the same worldwide titles together on the Korean team.
I think it’s crazy how different the wording is between the two translations and that King and D.Va actually have shared history. I’d love to know what that meant for their rivals dynamic and if they were potentially friends before MEKA? Maybe I’ll draw something. Also this basically confirms that neither Overlord nor Casino played the same competitive game (Mecha Guardian V) as the rivals and Yuna. (Jae-eun was likely never a pro gamer guys I’m sorry gamer casino truthers but formula 1 is a full-time gig and since they’re likely around 23-24 it’s improbable that they did both 😭😭) + lots of little hints imply Seunghwa actually played StarCraft! If they played MGV, they would likely have also been mentioned in the lore blurb as they would also have been top Korean players who represented the country.
This is probably a bit silly but I thought somebody else might find it cool maybe? We have such limited explicitly-stated MEKA lore so I like to synthesize 🩵💕 maybe I’ll do it on something else sometime. And if you want me to talk about another MEKA-squad related topic or compile info abt it my ask box is open for others with worms in the brain LOL
Also hi :] I’m back on this account 😭 since my last post I found out I have autism and also have come to terms w the MEKA squad being my special interest for years now so I hope to be a lot more active. Idk if this goes anywhere but I’d love a space to post abt this stuff and am carving out this one ♡
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bananahkim · 1 year
Using this oc template
Soomin Lee, she/her
Motif: taegeukgi(national flag of Korea)+tiger stripes/tiger spider
Physical appearance:
Age: 16, looks 17 because of height
Eye color: dark brown
Sometimes wears glasses
Slender and toned. Broad shoulders
Skin: light, a mole on her left shoulder, a huge burn on her right arm
white, classical or lofi hiphop music, ddeokbokki, jjajiamgmyon, rice cakes, tea, a lucky day(운수 좋은 날)
Least favorites: neon colors, death metal, overly sweet food
Hobbies: Tae Kwon Do, watching anime
Spends rainy days making sure no one gets hurt. Or catching up on her studies
Hometown: born and raised in Seoul
Type of childhood: “average”, has an older and younger brother, has to take care of her younger brother by herself and endure the favoritism towards him by her parents. Emotionally neglected by them.
First memory: reading aloud books in front of her parents so that she could make them happy(age 2)
Important childhood memory that still impacts life: having to treat the spider bite and fever all by herself because the rest of the family were eating out(age 15), hot water spilled on her right arm while cooking food for her and her little brother(age 11). Both causes her to be overly cautious and suspicious when meeting new people, believing that nobody is to be trusted and will someday let you down.
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cokun · 1 year
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230815 code kunst ig post
어릴 적에 태극기를 잘 그리는 사람이 되고 싶어 많이 그렸었는데 아직도 이렇게 못 그리네요. 오늘은 광복절 78주년이라고 해요, 항상 아름답고 멋진 것들을 보며 자유롭게 생각하고 표현하는 삶을 살 수 있게 해주셔서 감사합니다 #nationalliberationdayofkorea
When I was young, I wanted to become someone who draws the Taegeukgi (Korean flag) well, so I drew it a lot, but as you can see I still can't draw it well. Today is the 78th anniversary of Korea's Liberation Day. Thank you for allowing me to live a life where I can always think and express freely while looking at beautiful and wonderful things. #nationalliberationdayofkorea
Trans. cr. 🐰 @ cokun.tumblr.com
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jinjusanhq · 1 year
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Gwangbokjeol, também conhecido como Dia da Libertação da Coreia, comemora a libertação das Coreias do domínio colonial japonês, após a vitória dos Aliados na Segunda Guerra Mundial. O dia 15 de agosto é feriado nacional, tanto na Coreia do Sul quanto na do Norte.  O dia 15 de Agosto é comemorado com uma série de festivais, cerimônias e paradas, e a Taegeukgi, a bandeira da Coreia do Sul, é içada para honrar os heróis que lutaram pela libertação da nação. Neste dia o governo concede também uma série de perdões especiais aos descendentes de ativistas pela independência, além de serem concedidas entradas grátis em museus e concertos.
Em Jinjusan, não é diferente. Apesar das fracas pancadas de chuva, a cidade não se acovardou e montou uma parada cercada por várias atrações na rua principal, ou seja, a única rua exclusivamente comercial da vila. Neste ano de eleições, os dois deputados que disputam pelo título passeiam em carros alegóricos exibindo simbologias coreanas, como mugunghwa (rosa-silvestre), bulgasari (besta devoradora de ferro) e o bonghwang (fênix). É essencial vestir seu melhor hanbok e ouvir alguns dos talentosos musicistas da vila tocando gayageum (harpa) e janggu (tambor).
O feriado dura um dia, mas a cidade decidiu ficar em festa por dois! Durante 15 e 16 de agosto, o festival estará aberto para que os residentes aproveitem.
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Desfile da Liberdade: O evento começa com um desfile emocionante pelas ruas da cidade. Grupos de indivíduos com fantasias temáticas apresentam números: militares organizam marchas, dançarinos apresentam números de dança folclórica e até mesmo lutadores dão shows com golpes de taekwondo, kumdo e ssireum.
Comida Tradicional: Diversas barracas de comida oferecem pratos tradicionais com a colheita das fazendas locais. Os residentes podem se deleitar com kimchi, bulgogi, tteokbokki e outras delícias! Mais do que isso, podem eles mesmos montar suas barracas e anunciá-las.
Torneio de Arco e Flecha: Que tal testar suas habilidades de tiro com arco em um torneio amigável de gakgung (arco tradicional da Coreia)? Prêmios são concedidos aos melhores arqueiros, incluindo cestas de café da manhã, uma motocicleta e até mesmo um microondas novo em folha.
Espetáculo de Dança Hanbok: Um espetáculo de dança tradicional coreana é realizado no palco principal. Os residentes podem participar da atração ou até mesmo escolher apenas assistir.
Cerimônia da Lanterna: Ao entardecer, uma cerimônia de lanternas é realizada para homenagear os heróis da libertação. Os residentes podem criar suas próprias lanternas decorativas e soltá-las no rio, enquanto fazem pedidos, lembram eventos históricos e rezam por seus ancestrais, que também podem ter lutado na guerra.
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Concurso de Trajes Históricos: Os residentes são encorajados a vestir trajes históricos da época da libertação e participar de um concurso de moda. Os trajes mais autênticos e criativos recebem prêmios em dinheiro!
Exposições Culturais: Tendas com exposições culturais oferecidas pela biblioteca pública e o museu mostram informações sobre a história da Coreia e da libertação. Além disso, alguns moradores se dedicaram a montar um quiz sobre a história coreana para testar seus vizinhos!
Fogos de Artifício Finais: O evento culmina em uma deslumbrante exibição de fogos de artifício, simbolizando a liberdade e a esperança do povo coreano. Eles não possuem barulhos, visando o bem estar dos animais. Os residentes podem buscar o melhor lugar para sentar e assistir o espetáculo.
A celebração durará 2 dias: 15/08 e 16/08. Ela começa às 15h do dia 15/08 com o Desfile da Liberdade e finaliza às 21h do dia 16 com os fogos de artíficio, em teoria, mas teremos uma pequena interrupção amanhã à tarde!
Existe um canal especial para o evento no nosso servidor do Discord, onde os jogadores podem se reunir para algum turno em grupo durante o evento.
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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I can not give up the Taegeukgi ⁇ Miko Special Warfare ⁇ Kabaddi National Representative (Strong Heart)
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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wkddudtlf · 1 year
나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)
나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 링크<<
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나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)
나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)
나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)
나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)
나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)
The first work after returning was the first ice hockey drama, Icing, but it was frustrated by being pushed by I Report, which aired at the same time. In the end, he succeeds나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD) in transforming his acting by acting not as a youth, but as a professional character. His representative work is the 1997 drama, Brothers of the Righteous Family.
He also ventured into films and filmed Resurrection of Losers with Kim Hee-seon in 1997 and Yeonpung Love Song with Ko So-young in 1998, but there was a problem with th나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)e selection of works. While doing this, he receives real lessons about acting from Park Joong-hoon and Ahn Seong-ki. He says, "It was the most precious work of his acting career."
A friend who gave up his star consciousness and decided to appear in the next film was director Kwak Gyeong-taek's winning bid. He is not the lead role, but a supporting charact나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)er, and plays a despicable gangster character who betrays his friend. At a time when the screen was still small, even though it was rated as prohibited for viewing by teenagers, it exceeded 8 million viewers, and even brought a retro craze to society, blooming the second act of his acting life.[6 ] After that, he appeared in a series of works with a stron나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)g masculine color, solidifying his macho image and completely dispelling the controversy over his acting ability.
As he gains confidence in acting, he makes various attempts, such as appearing in the shoreline of Kim Ki-duk, a나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)n auteurist director. Then, in the movie Taegeukgi, in which he and Won Bin were in charge of the visual duo, he became the main character of the second 10 million movie in Korean history, and became a top star with acting skills, box office success, looks and star qualities. After that, he became a member of the Hallyu Star Corps with Bae Yon나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)g-joon and Lee Byung-hun, filmed a martial arts with Chinese master director Chen Kaige, and went to Hollywood to star in a western called Warrior's Way directed by Korean director Lee Seung-moo, but it didn't have much fun.
In 2011, he gave up his movie appearances for a while, and in 2012, after a long time, he relaxed and became a나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD) comical middle-aged man. After transforming, she appeared in the drama A Gentleman's Dignity, and in the beginning, she created buzzwords in the form of '~girl' and succeeded in box office success. In 2014, he appeared in Crying Man, a follow-up to Lee Jung-beom, who made the movie The Man in the Box. At the press conference, he made a gag, "Wouldn't it be like a crying man if you appeared나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD) with Won Bin in your next film?"[7] But coolly ruined. And the movie V.I.P, which appeared after a long time in 2017, also failed at the box office, creating an image as a soup actor. His acting ability originally had no major problems, and even though he continues to rise in that state, his work itself continues to fail, and there is a problem with his selection 나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)of works. Even though his recent appearance, 7 Years Night, was criticized enough to question the quality of his directing, it is regrettable as a fan to see that Jang Dong-gun's acting and visuals have been well-received. Ultimately, this film also failed at the 나혼자산다 490회 다시 보기 490화 E490 (HD)box office.
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mauchais2 · 2 years
Historia y significado de la bandera de corea del sur
En este blog hablara sobre la HISTORIA Y SIGNIFICADO DE LA BANDERA DE COREA DEL SUR. Desde el significad de cada símbolo y color de la bandera. Hasta, la historia de ella
La bandera de Corea se llama Taegeukgi, fue ordenada por el Emperador Gojong, el último emperador de la dinastía Joseon y primer emperador del Imperio Coreano en 1882, sin embargo, sus símbolos se pueden encontrar en otros pendones antiguos de la península coreana.
La bandera de Corea del sur es de color blanco y lleva en su centro el yang y el yin. El yang (símbolo rojo) significa la luz y el calor, el yin (símbolo azul) representa la oscuridad y el frío. Los símbolos que rodean el yin-yang son cuatro de los taeguks, que simbolizan cielo, agua, fuego y tierra. El fondo blanco significa paz.
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elrenphoto · 2 years
#모슬포항#3.1절의 의미를 담은 태극기는  펄럭이고 비가 온다.#제주#대정 모슬포항
The Taegeukgi with the meaning of #Moseulpo Port #3.1 flutters and rains.#Jeju #Daejeong Moseulpo Port
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wildissylupus · 1 year
So.....like, do you any lore/headcanons on D.va skins? Like, academy, Taekeguki,(I spelled that wrong fur sure) Celestial, turtle ship, etc.
Ok I actually didn't know that Taegeukgi and the Academy skins were actually based on lore. So that's pretty cool! I honestly didn't think D.VA had any lore based skins (which upset me cause I think she deserves some), so finding this out just made my day!
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Let's start off with Taegeukgi!
The name of the skin is in reference to the Korean flag, which makes sense since this skin is representative of when she traveled around the world for gaming tournaments, representing Korea;
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Considering these descriptions on other heroes only happen on lore accurate skin (with a few exceptions) we can assume that Hana wore that jump suit to tournaments, which might seem a bit weird until you consider how much Hana loves her country and how much pride she takes in it. Hell in her journals we see her still thinking about what's happening in Korea and sending battle notes to her team. We don't see this happen with anyone else in the New Bloods, not even Zarya.
Honestly I think this skin shows how loyal and proud she is of were she came from.
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Academy is her other lore based skin and it communicates a lot. The first thing I noticed was how bright it was, I look up irl Korean high school uniforms and none of them are as bright as Hana's, yes some of them have a splash of color but it was usually red or blue, not neon pink. Since we don't have any references other than this skin on what Hana's school was like we can assume one of two things, this is just the regular uniform, or two, Hana customized her uniform. Now I don't think the latter would typically be allowed but since Hana was representing the country's at this point I think the school would have made an exception.
Also the description of this skin does further imply that Dva was in high school when she joined the Korean military. At the very least she would have been 17, since her and the rest of the MEKA squad joining the military was a special case;
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Also, like with the Taegeukgi skin we can assume that the stuff she is wearing is cannon. Meaning it's quiet possible that D.VA needs glasses and/or contact lenses. Which I think is a nice little detail!
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enterenews · 2 years
Bae Jeong-nam, the story of becoming a patriot after filming 'Hero'
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“There is no other patriot like him.”
Actor Bae Jeong-nam, who plays the role of vitality with his delightful charm in each work. It seems that it is time for him to attach a new modifier. That's 'Patriot'. Bae Jeong-nam, who played the role of Jo Do-seon, the best marksman of the independence army with 100 shooting skills in the movie 'Hero', is practicing patriotism personally as if continuing the life of an independence activist even after filming. Bae Jeong-nam, who used to collect hip fashion items, is collecting old Taegeukgi one by one before he realizes it. He searches through history books to find out the achievements of independence activists who hurrayed for Korean independence, and preaches their achievements to his acquaintances.
In a recent meeting at a cafe in Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Bae Jeong-nam said, "The saying, 'A people who forget their history has no future' touched my heart while filming the movie 'Hero'." He said that after playing the role of the Independence Army on the screen for a while, he felt firsthand how intense their lives were, and he came to live with gratitude every day.
Bae Jeong-nam said that he had fun collecting Taegeukgi recently. While filming the movie, he became interested in Taegeukgi, and that interest led to actual collection and became a ‘Taegeukgi collector’.
“Until now, I was only interested in vintage items. Since filming the movie ‘Hero’, I have kept my eyes on the Taegeukgi and have been collecting it. Currently, I have about 20 Taegeukgi from the 1950s. During the Japanese colonial period, Taegeukgi was hard to find on the market and was precious, so most of them are in museums. So I started collecting Taegeukgi in earnest in the 1950s and 1960s. I have a lot of flags at home. haha."
Bae Jeong-nam confessed that he fell in love with studying history. Whenever I have time, I look for content related to the independence movement on YouTube, and when I have time, I find and read history books and study them. Even during the interview, Bae Jeong-nam confidently asked the reporters, "Does anyone know about Ahn Kyu-hong's righteous army?" As much as he was sincere in history.
“In the past, I just looked at magazines and books, but after filming ‘Hero,’ my interests changed dramatically. Recently, I am interested in Ahn Gyu-hong, the first volunteer soldier in Korea. There is a book called ‘Andamsari’ and there is also a webtoon. What's interesting about this person is that the year he was born and the year he passed away are the same as Dr. Ahn Jung-geun. Since he was from a farmhand, the nobles at first said, ‘What kind of independence movement are you? He came to think that his life was wonderful.”
Bae Jeong-nam said with confidence that he was able to claim the title of actor with the opportunity of 'Hero'. He started acting more than 10 years ago, but he laughs broadly, saying that now he feels like a real actor.
“When I first opened the script for ‘Hero,’ my heart was hot, perhaps because it was my first time to see such a work and character. In fact, since only similar characters come in, it is burdensome to cross the line from the existing characters. You know my subject. However, through this work, it seems that I have sufficiently shown that 'Bae Jung-nam can play this role too?' Now he can confidently say that he is an actor wherever he goes.”
Lastly, Bae Jeong-nam said there was something he really wanted to say to the audience who hadn't seen 'Hero' yet.
“I think our nation is a really great nation. ‘Hero’ is a work that gives a glimpse of how fiercely our ancestors fought for independence in the past. To those who haven't seen the movie yet, 'Avatar: Road to the Water' is good, but I would like to say that it would be nice if you could watch 'Hero' as well. I would like to say with confidence that Koreans must watch ‘Hero’.”
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barkingbonzo · 4 years
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ceph-lol-pog · 5 years
So uh,,,
What’s the best D.Va skin
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