#tads Kaufmo
utroalariom · 9 months
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Как по мне, они довольно милая пара 😊
I think they're a pretty cute couple 😊
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shellstudios · 4 months
Why the internet can't establish an Amazing Digital Swap (Swap AU) that we all can agree on.
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funkylilblob · 9 months
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No you don’t understand I need them
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impishjesters · 11 months
hii can you please do jax x shapeshifter reader hcs/short story (your choice)... like they dont have a "normal" form nn can turn into anything they wanted to i think thatd be cool /nf
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warning(s): Jax, mentioned using someone's fear as a prank note(s): I wasn't sure how to list the prank, it's probably considered particularly cruel given it's using Ragatha's fear of centipedes as entertainment A/N: I think having the ability to shape-shift and be friends with Jax is such a violently chaotic blend, and honestly I'm here for it. Gotta get your fun somehow.
To be honest, Jax questions whether you’re actually a human or not at first
It wouldn’t be the first time Caine decided to throw something new at them, though usually it’s a game or activity and not another…person?
Like obviously you don’t look like the wooden doll NPCs, but you can just uh, change what you wanna look like?
He’s entirely convinced you’re just some fancier NPC for a hot minute before you start to react in a very non-NPC way
Those wooden dolls don’t particularly do much, and they sure as hell can’t speak
The first thing Jax tries to do is rope you into his messing around with the others—just think of it, you can turn into whatever you want which means even more hilarious possibilities for pranking the others!
Now if you aren’t like Jax and deny helping him, he’ll still find ways to use your shape-shifting abilities to his enjoyment.
Even if it doesn’t result in a prank, it’d still be hilarious to see you shift into something that ends up scaring someone else or just overall causing chaos to whatever awful domino effect might happen (I mean look at the Kaufmo situation, shit went downhill real fast unintentionally)
He’s not going to be aggressive or forceful but he’ll still throw out that the two of you would make a great team in entertainment
And if you like causing hell then this baby is just like a kid on Christmas, as mentioned above he’ll use your ability to shape-shift into things that’ll entertain him—and well by proxy you
Like the time you guys fucked with Kinger
He had you shape-shift to look like himself and engage in a convo with Kinger, and when the convo ended he came over and started up a conversation, acting as if he hadn’t seen the old coot in a hot minute. Kinger was very very lost—Ragatha didn’t find it that funny
Nor did she find it funny the time you turned into a large centipede-like creature and scared the ever-loving shit out of her
Okay maybe you felt a tad bad, and sure it definitely had her loathing you for a bit—but she’s definitely grown more on guard with you around
Overall Jax finds it kind of interesting that unlike them, you are able to sort of pick and choose what you wanna look like. The two of you no doubt spent hours just watching you cycle through and test just what kind of stuff you could change into.
Caine still isn’t sure how that happened to be completely honest, you’re an enigma to him and he doesn’t like that
Jax won’t say it but he’s only a little weirded out when you’ve made yourself look like him, he knows what he looks like—there are reflective surfaces, but it’s just…weird
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writerquil · 11 months
A platonic Kinger oneshot plzzzz🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Platonic Kinger x Reader (GN READER)
When you first met Kinger, you were a little frightened of him. And the feeling was pretty much mutual.
Ragatha reassured you that he always acted like this and would probably warm up to you overtime but even after being trapped in this hell of a circus for two months... (or maybe just one, time was difficult to keep track of here), he was still timid around you.
Whenever you came around he'd either dive into his pillow fortress or if Jax had kicked it down beforehand, he'd start to frantically reconstruct the fortress so he could dive into it.
At first you could endure it, after all, you had bigger problems anyway, like being stuck in a 3D digital words full of maniacs. But gradually as you'd grown to accept your fate, you began to care a tad bit more about how everyone here perceived you.
Pomni was always a bundle of jitters and nerves, but for a while you guys were assisting each other in a determined mission to find the exit, which made you decent friends.
Ragatha was friendly, and you were friendly back. And she considered you guys friends too, so that was kind of that.
Gangle was also friendly... when her overlaid mask wasn't broken, then she was a mixture of sobs and sulking. And Zooble always spoke to you in a monotone agitated deadpan, but they overall seemed to somewhat like you.
Jax looked down on you, but he looked down on everyone so you didn't take it too personally.
But Kinger just seemed to avoid you.
And it was beginning to get annoying.
So the next time you saw him, trying to bundle himself deep into his mounds of pillows, you reached a hesitant hand over and tapped him right on the shoulder.
His reaction was immediate. He yelped in fear, a pillow flinging from his hands and nailing Ragatha right in the back of the head. Which probably would've been a soft blow if it hadn't flown so far across the tent.
"Sorry!" You stammered.
You internally cussed to yourself. Ugh, you should've known better.
Kinger coughed nervously to himself.
"O-Oh it's just you, I thought you were Kaufmo."
You resisted the temptation to scrunch your face up in bewilderment.
"...Why would I be Kaufmo...?"
"Never mind that!" Kinger said hurriedly, turning back to his fortress and beginning to rebuild it again urgently.
You considered just leaving but you couldn't just leave without forming a temporary friendship of some kind at the very least, especially if he were to be stuck here forever.
"Why are you avoiding me?" You asked a little helplessly. "It's weird."
Kinger froze and turned around slowly to stare at you.
Now you were really considering leaving.
"I didn't mean to offend you..." Kinger protested, fiddling with his fingers. "I'm just unwilling to get very close to anyone else after Q- after Kaufmo."
"Oh." You said with understanding, nodding. "Well, that makes sense..."
There was a pause filled with awkward silence.
"Uh okay... well I'm going to go look at the digital insects outside then..." You finally decided.
Kinger perked up at this.
"Insects? Did you just say insects?"
You nodded, and for the first time since you'd ever seen him, he seemed to relax.
"I've been wanting a large insect collection for quite some time now!" Kinger exclaimed.
"Really? I haven't met very many other people interested in insects, they all think they're gross." You admitted feebly.
"I love insects!" Kinger protested.
There was another pause as Kinger layered the final pillow atop his fortress and stared nervously at you.
"Uh, do you want to come inside? We can talk about more insects."
You smiled, already knowing your answer.
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skittleswrapper · 5 months
I feel like they changed Jax’s personality a tad.
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he didn’t seem that interested in guns and violence in the pilot, he was more focused on being a jerk. Now he’s.. kinda dumb, interested in violence, but not as much of a jerk.
I thought it was interesting, because none of the other characters changed at all. Why Jax in particular? Also rip Gummigoo and Kaufmo
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ask-kaufmotheclown · 10 months
Hello Kaufmo! You probably don't know me... But my name is Axel, but you can just call me A!
I see you are lost somewhere... And strangely, I can see where! But I am in your head, so you are safe from me.
The others are not. I request your assistance, Kaufmo.
Please let me know when you can talk about... well everyone. I would like to know as much as possible about all of them! Strengths, weaknesses, all that juicy stuff.
Yours truly, A
*Taps out “soon” in Morse code*
(I’ll actually do the Morse code later but rn I’m a tad lazy)
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impishjesters · 11 months
Gangle, Ragatha & Zooble's reaction to their s/o abstracting
warning(s): angst, hurt no comfort, self-blame, "death" of the reader, implied "death"/abstraction of other characters note(s): There's nothing incredibly heavy or detailed, just tread carefully if "death" is something you are sensitive to. A/N: Someone on AO3 wanted the rest of the gang so I tried my best. I can't really get a good feel for Zooble since there's so little we saw of them, so it's not the best. I'm not too proud of it but didn't wanna leave them out. here's a link to my "Abstracted" playlist on Spotify
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Gangle knew something was wrong but didn’t know what, she’s clingier than normal but she’s scared to leave you completely alone. Even during Caine’s little activities, she pairs up with you. Unfortunately, Caine’s adventures have a knack for going astray, forcing you to separate.
She’s not there when it happens and even though you can’t voice it your grateful she’s not.
You had a feeling this could happen one day and had gone to extra lengths to leave her a bunch of letters, a box she knew of but was kept under lock and key. Filled with all your thoughts and fond memories, sweet words, and praise for her to look back on when she was missing you or questioning the world around her. Anything you could think of to write down, you wrote to ease her future of missing you.
All her daily concerns leave her mind when they find you, or what’s left of you. Gangle lets herself get hurt trying to talk to you, as if it could undo the abstraction, even despite the others warning her to stay away.
She’s formed such a tightly-knit bond with you, unlike the others. You listen to her ramble for hours about the animes she loves, you never judge her for her drawings and you even help her when she writes out fanfiction or makes little OCs. You’re her partner, she loves you.
It’s a fine line that she’s riding on with this whole thing. Step back and let Caine toss you into the cellar, be alone again, nobody could replace you. Or to remain at your side and just…fall into abstraction with you…
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Abstraction feels inevitable to her, like a game that tests how long you can wait it out if you can wait it out. Just because she knows it’s coming doesn’t make it hurt any less when it happens to you.
The optimistic shtick goes out the window, no matter how long she’s been preparing for this or how hard she’s tried to not let it affect her, it hits her hard.
Even with you by her side, this place has taken its toll on her, but you being with her made the days just a tad more bearable to trudge through. She won’t sugarcoat it and say you made them better, but you were there for her and it’s something she had to look forward to.
Ragatha gets hurt by you, but not nearly as bad as her encounter with Kaufmo. Similarly to Gangle she tries to talk to you but it’s mostly for herself, spouting off how you weren’t supposed to abstract before her. How it was unfair of you to leave her like this, it’s a completely different side of her that the others have never seen.
Similarly to Gangle, it’s a fine line on this being what tips her off. She’s been stuck here on her own long before you showed up, she can do it again but it’s the question of if she wants to. Ragatha knows how long she’s been here, and how Kinger’s been here even longer—the hope of an exit has long since left her mind.
Or maybe, just maybe, you had the right idea—abstraction was a way out. Maybe it wouldn’t take her back to her old life, maybe it was just a death sentence. Maybe it’s just the hysteria getting to her, who knows?
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Zooble is an observer, words of comfort aren’t something they are great with—but boy do they wish they were, they knew something was up with you as of late but were hesitant to bring it up in a way that wouldn’t pressure you.
Nobody quite knows what Zooble is thinking on any given day (other than a firm “fuck off” mentality), but nobody especially knows what they are thinking when you abstract.
Unlike the others, Zooble doesn’t immediately react. There’s no crying, yelling, or trying to approach or talk to you, they just stand there lost and confused. Similarly to Pomni, they feel like they failed you a bit.
They know they are grouchy and seem standoffish, but that never deterred you before—you were patient with them, even though they didn’t open up about their emotions like you. Did they miss something? Did they miss it because they didn’t join in on Caine’s little stupid games and see how you were suffering?
Similarly to Jax, they aren’t quite the same afterward, Zooble is even more irritable and closed off than normal. A few others are worried but like with Jax, they try not to hold it against them. Zooble’s grieving and it’s worrying how—unaffected—they seem.
Though in privacy Zooble is a mess, from then on mention of you around Zooble is taboo. Zooble isn’t an impulsive person but when you’re mentioned in their presence they’ve been known to act out—they apologize later though, properly. (not half-assed like Jax does)
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ask-kaufmotheclown · 10 months
What about RM Pomni?
She’s just
oh my gosh
like just
*Kaufmo seems a tad flustered*
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