#tadc time capsule
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Re-bloging because this is still my proudest peice. The design is old but MAN and I still so proud of how it turned out.
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Welcome to the Anniversary of the Time Capsule! Come take a seat and enjoy the show!
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wondwaeland · 4 months ago
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"Sorry, but my hands are tied."
**Ya'll should check out @the-amazing-digital-time-capsule hinthintwinkwonk**
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thescarletnargacuga · 5 months ago
Time Capsule fic request!
Someone entered the capsule and is in love with Pomni (he actually is a chill and overall nice guy) and later on him and Pomni becoming best friends (maybe he plays the flute and they perform duets a lot)
Caine get jealous but has trouble saying he’s jealous until he overhears the new person confess to Pomni. Caine has now a choice to make…confess to Pomni and whisk her away from this new guy or let Pomni be taken from him.
AU credit @mangotangerinepastry @the-amazing-digital-time-capsule
WARNING: hurt/comfort, jealousy, alcohol, chain smoking
Pomni danced across the stage, around the flutist she was dueting with. While the flutist stayed mostly in place to maintain control of their breathing, Pomni spun and kicked and swayed. The melodies from their individual instruments flowed together like musical ribbons in the wind. A truly awe inspiring performance.
Caine stood in the shadows just off stage, smiling dreamily at Pomni. The music was almost as beautiful as she was. He did his best to catch as many performances as possible. The focus and poise demonstrated by her was captivating.
The music ended with both performers striking dramatic poses, holding them for the applause. Then, they took their bows and exit stage right. Pomni smiled when she saw Caine.
He had been lightly applauding with a returned smile in his eyes. "Very well done, Pomni." He praised quietly as he walked past her to the stage. He straightened up and threw his hands out, stage voice on. "Wasn't that wonderful, ladies and gentlemen? Let's hear another round of applause for our intrepid orchestral duo!"
Pomni and the flutist had big drinks of water and put away their instruments as Caine introduced the next act. Pomni propped her leg up on a bench and stretched her hamstring. "Ugh, almost gave myself a cramp on that last spin. I don't know why I can't just play. I shouldn't have to dance around like a monkey."
The flutist shrugged. "Audiences demanded it. You know how it is." He locked up his flute case. "Hey, uh, since we're waiting for Gangle to finish, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something." He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.
Pomni put her leg down and straightened her jacket. "Sure. Everything okay?"
"Yeah, can we..." The flutist looked around. "Speak privately?" He gestured further backstage where they wouldn't be seen by anyone that came through the staff door.
"Okay..?" Pomni followed him to the secluded corner. She anxiously swung her arms at her side. "So, what's up?"
The flutist took a deep breath. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you..."
Pomni froze, eyes widening a little. Oh no.
Caine exited the stage as Gangle entered in a flourish to give her performance. "Jagoffs." He muttered under his breath. The audience deadpan stares always bore into his skin when he did the announcements. He could feel their judging eyes and disdain for those they saw as beneath them. They sickened him.
Looking around he didn't see Pomni, but her violin was still backstage. She wouldn't have left without it. He heard quiet voices coming from the back, barely over the music from Gangle's performance. He walked over with intent to investigate, but paused when he heard the flutist.
"...I enjoy being your friend, and I hope to stay as such even if you say no, but I wanted to tell you that lately I've been feeling- or rather hoping, that we could...be more than that?" The flutist nervously fidgeted in place, struggling to maintain eye contact.
Pomni cringed. Not from the confession, but from how awkward she felt dealing with this kind of conversation. "Oh....um....heh....."
"It's just, I think you're really cool and smart and- and pretty. You're the most amazing woman I've ever met." The flutist was blushing, grateful for the low light. "There are not a lot of options for dates, but maybe we could go for a walk in the botanical gardens? Later today, maybe?"
Caine's mind could barely process what was happening. This wasn't happening. It couldn't. The way Pomni looks and talks to him led him to believe....was he seeing something that was never there?
Pomni gulped. "Listen, I really like you. You're a good performer and an even better friend. You're fun to be around."
Caine heard enough. He couldn't stand listening to another word. Of course it had been wishful thinking. She was interested in someone less broken. Who could blame her? He stormed out the staff door, slamming it hard.
Pomni jumped at the sudden sound and looked around the crates that hid her and the flutist. There had only been one other person around the stage. "Caine?"
"Fun to be around. That's what she said!" Caine moped as he downed his drink, sitting at Kinger's bar after hours. "I'm fun! Certainly leaps and bounds beyond someone with a flute shoved up their nose every day!"
"Mmhm." Kinger nodded as he idly polished a glass. "And you overheard their whole conversation?"
"No! I wasn't going to stick around and listen to her fawn over him!" Caine tossed his cigarette butt into the ashtray and immediately lit up another. "I don't care if she likes someone else-"
Kinger looked up from his glass, deadpan expression in his eyes.
"Shut up." Caine pointed at him. "I just wish she wouldn't lead ME on while she was at it!"
"What makes you say that? Pomni's a nice girl, I doubt she'd intentionally-"
"THAT'S JUST IT! She's not! Her feminine whiles are too much for me. The way she talks, the way she smiles, hell- even the way she stands while talking to me at any given time, about any given subject, screams interest." Caine finished his drink and tapped the glass on the bar for a refill.
Kinger obliged. "Caine, you're being ridiculous. I've seen the way you two interact. I doubt she's interested in the other guy. You should've stuck about for the but that was obviously coming."
Caine grumbled and drank. "I was kidding myself ever thinking she'd..." He trailed off, holding his head in his hand.
Kinger almost rolled his eyes. "When you're done having your pity party, go talk to her. You care about her don't you?"
Caine didn't answer, his frown only deepened.
Kinger sighed. "Look, whatever choice she made, that's her choice. You must respect that."
".....I do. But I can still be sad about it."
"Fair enough." Kinger could sympathize with heartbreak better than most.
Caine's condition did not improve over the coming days. In fact, it worsened. He avoided Pomni at every turn, and spent his off hours drunk off his ass at Kinger's bar and chain smoking like a chimney.
"Filler....up...." Caine slurred, pushing his glass towards Kinger. His head laid on the bar, a half burned cigarette between his teeth.
Kinger took the glass. "I'm cutting you off."
Caine gave a pathetic whine. "Not now...I've almost forgotten how much I....how much I...." Tears spilled out from his teeth.
Kinger wiped down his bar. "If you would just talk to her-"
"I CAN'T!!" Caine spat out his cigarette, scattering ashes. "She won't- she'll just-"
"Stop making assumptions." Kinger said sternly, cleaning up the ashes with some annoyance. "Have you really forgotten the Anniversary Ball already? The way you two danced was like nothing I saw before. And, come on, the bush incident is rather infamous." He chuckled.
"....the....what?" Caine lifted his head slightly. It's dense structure makes his neck droop. "Bush..?"
"Wow, you must be really far gone to not remember the bush. How disheveled and covered in dirt you two were? You're lucky all the guests were too drunk to care."
Caine's bloodshot eyes widened. "You-"
"Oh yeah, we noticed. Plus, Gangle told us all about how she found you. I applaud you, really, gutsy move to do that at an event as important as the anniversary ball."
Caine didn't know how to respond. His memory was fogged by the intense alcohol consumption, but he could just make out the vision of having Pomni beneath him. Her pulling him closer by his tie. His heart racing.
"That was....I don't know what..." Caine grew frustrated and closed his teeth. He held his head in his hands, unsure if he was about to cry again or throw up. The volatile mix of nicotine and alcohol in his system wasn't helping.
Kinger shook his head. "You should really-"
"Meh, meh, meh. I'm Kinger and I know everything about women." Caine childishly mocked. "Just stop. I'm not here for advice. I'm here to pretend I can't feel how much everything hurts."
"I was just going to tell you to look to your right." Kinger nodded to the side.
Caine looked, seeing Pomni sitting on the barstool next to him. "GAH!" His heavy head flew back and dragged his drunk body backwards off his stool. He laid on the floor, dizzy.
"Had enough to not run away this time?" Pomni stared.
Kinger served Pomni a Roy Rogers with a maraschino cherry on top. "Sorry about him, Pomni. He's having an...episode."
Pomni smirked. "Thank you. I'll handle him." She sipped her drink.
Caine rolled over, slowly getting to his knees and even more slowly climbing the bar to get back on his stool. He was hardly capable of coherent thought, let alone fast movements at this point. He thought for a second to summon BUBLE's teleport, he certainly wouldn't have felt it, but the way she looked at him was enough to convince him to stay. He'd missed those eyes.
"You've been avoiding me." Pomni's smirk faltered.
"You've noticed." Caine rubbed his bloodshot eyes.
"Didn't take much. You're not as subtle as you think you are."
Caine felt the hit to his ego all the way in his chest.
Kinger was struggling not to laugh as he cleaned glasses.
Caine dragged his hands down his face. "....why are you here?"
"You overhead me talking to the flutist, didn't you?"
"...yes." Caine eventually admitted.
"Did you hear me turn him down?"
"N- huh??" Caine's head did not like him looking at her so suddenly.
Pomni sipped her drink. "Yeah, I wasn't interested. We're still friends. He's a good guy, but my romantic intrigue lies elsewhere."
"You like someone else..?" Caine couldn't process her words. Too many thoughts were happening at once.
Pomni smiled. "Oh yeah. He's tall, handsome, runs a circus. You might know him?"
Caine stared. One eye blinked before the other. "....I run the circus."
Pomni's drink came out her nose, and Kinger couldn't hold back anymore. Both of them broke into fits of laughter. Kinger pounded his fist on the bar. Pomni coughed and held the cocktail napkin to her face.
Caine was taken aback. "What's so funny?"
"You- HA! You actual dumbass!" Kinger was crying with laughter.
Pomni wiped her face and coughed the rest of her soda out of her wind pipe. Her nose burned. "Caine," She giggled. "Of course it's you. I'm telling you: I like YOU. Honestly, I thought you already knew that."
"But, I haven't done anything. I haven't made the move yet."
Pomni gave him a sympathetic smile. "Times have changed. You don't have to make the first move. Though, if you insist, I'm waiting." She leans against the bar, giving him an inviting look.
Caine sits up, ramrod straight, and looks at Kinger. "Uhhh-"
Kinger put his six hands up, still half laughing. "Don't look at me. You're on your own with this." He wiped up the mess Pomni made and turned his back.
Caine swallowed hard. He wasn't sober enough for this. "Pomni, I... I'm sorry. I was- I AM such an idiot."
"Good start." Kinger said from the sink.
Kinger's shoulders shook as he chuckled.
"Go on, Caine. I'm listening." Pomni put her hand on his.
Caine could feel his heart hammering, his head swimming. "I can only ask for a chance. Will you allow me...to take you...on a date?"
Pomni grabbed his disheveled shirt and pulled him in to kiss the side of his lower jaw. "Yes."
Caine was stunned. "I love you." He drunkenly drolls out.
"Slow down, tiger." Pomni laughs.
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triangularitydubs · 6 months ago
The Wheel Of Aus?
This time it has chosen Jax
And what a coincidence I mention time, cuz
That's one of the aus.
The Amazing Digital Time Capsule belongs to @the-amazing-digital-time-capsule
Second au is the Arcade Party Au by @acstation206
I wish I was smart enough to do the pixel bit that's on Time Cap Jax. But it's okay, these two AUS merge perfectly
An old retro pac man ghost that likes to Boogie!
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AAHHH! What a dapper Little lady! I love her, her feathered mask is phenomenal, perfectly fit for the Capsule!
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so like
new oc
prefers to stay quiet
she likes helping the staff :>
Au by @mangotangerinepastry
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spyderlondon · 7 months ago
Could you write a showtime fic based off the non-canon kiss image from the time capsule au?
A/N: Anon, I could kiss you for this request! /lh I was just telling Mango that I was gonna sneak that kiss into the 1957.
This is non-canon so I'm gonna do stuff that Mango has told me doesn't happen lol
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Time Capsule AU and art by @the-amazing-digital-time-capsule @mangotangerinepastry
Song in Harmony
Music swirled around the air as a young jester played her violin for a crowd while dancing around the stage before going down off the stage and continued her dance on the circus floor. As she performed, as another girl approached her to take over the dancing as the violinist let herself stand still as the welcomed red silken dancer went to the center of the circus' grounds to perform their dance- having the audience's eyes move from the violinist to the dancer which allowed Pomni to breathe a sigh of relief at the way all the eyes left her.
Well, that was except for two eyes that she could feel watching only her from the shadows. While still letting her bow glide and her fingers dance on the instrument, she looked over her shoulder to see The Ringmaster staring right at her, watching her every move. The shadows blocked his expression but she believed she could almost see his fingers moving as if playing along with her on his piano. She smiled warmly at the movements before she flinched as she saw his fingers suddenly contort in a painful fashion making him forcefully halt what he was doing. She didn't miss the painful, saddened look that caused him to have.
The violinist's head turned back to her violin as she went back to focusing on her performance, hiding a grimace behind her smile. She didn't want the guests to complain to an already hurt and depressed Ringmaster. She took a breath before increasing the tempo as she did a crescendo to a fortissimo as above of her a couple acrobats began to swing on the trapezes on beat with her music and a couple silk dancers joined Gangle in her performance.
Pomni's bow began to have some of its hair snap in half with the intensity and speed that she was playing at. Her eyes closed as she just listened purely to the music, imagining Caine's gorgeous piano playing right along with her which increased her passion even further.
The crowd was entirely silent for once as the song got closer to its finale, the trapeze artists both flipped high in the air to prepare for end of the song. Gangle began to dance closer to Pomni as she joined in on the dance once more, her eyes opening while smiling at the masked girl.
The bow slammed on the strings just hard enough to do a subito fortissimo a few times while one of the trapeze artists' expertly grabbed onto the ankles of the second one right before the latter of the two grabbed the incoming trapeze bar, all before the violinist ended on a decrescendo that ended at a mezzo forte whole note that she made sure to punctuate with a nice vibrato. By then, the trapeze artists both landed on their separate platforms.
There was silence all through the circus as the audience just stared with their expressionless masks and the performers who had ended on their final poses were breathing heavily after a long and successful performance.
It wasn't until about thirty seconds later that the crowd erupted into boisterous cheering and excitement over such a thrilling act that was put on by everyone.
While the rest of the performers were waving and grinning at the audience, the violinist's attention was towards the shadows where she was able to see that The Ringmaster, Caine, actually had his eyes wide open with an actual sparkle of life inside of them as he clapped just as, maybe even harder, than the audience members while staring straight into her eyes with such pride and adoration that her heart couldn't help but swell in her own pride.
Gangle paused as she saw her friend staring off at the shadows and followed her gaze before chuckling to herself. She gently pried away the violin and bow from her, "Go on. We both know what you are so desperate to do." She whispered to her with a knowing smile.
Pomni blushed a bit at that statement but simply muttered a quiet thank you before racing off towards the man standing in the shadows with a large, bright smile on her face. She ran as fast as she could that her jester hat blew right off of her head but she couldn't care less as she leapt straight into The Ringmaster's arms where he caught her in surprise but held her high to his face as her knees touched in a way that wrapped around his torso, both knowing exactly what they craved.
Caine closed his teeth as she placed her hands underneath his jaw before she leaned in and kissed him with her eyes fluttering shut in her passion. They both felt nothing but complete adoration for each other that The Ringmaster even fought off the AI that tried to force him away from her since the guests were still in the audience.
In that one moment, both of them just felt nothing but their warm, loving hearts beating to the song of their love.
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mixmatchdominoes · 7 months ago
Fae Wild Zooble V.S Time Capsule Pomni
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Feel free to skip after the versus part because the rest is just what OST I thought would match it. The OST is called “ Crystal Forest” by Arc System Works
Creators of these Cool Aus are @cocomocomochi and @the-amazing-digital-time-capsule
After running out of ideas to make fan art for people’s aus, I’ve decided to make more of these! I’m really obsessed with blazblue so I had fun with these!
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just-mary-ann · 7 months ago
Carnival: basically flirty non-sentient Pomni.
Freakshow: She would have brought Pomni to her grave because she would have flirted with Caine and been rude to Able.
Time capsule: neoclassical violinist.
Boxer: She woud be the pro in dodging punches.
Raceway: a cheerleader (she doesn't know how to drive)
Pokémon: Ruby Cream Alcremie
Kindom: she would act more like a princess. A sassy princess.
Do you know any other AUs? Tell me about them!
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sinorjack19961226 · 5 months ago
I may have not gotten all they’re names right but I’m not searching the deep web to find the correct names
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First Performance (Unfinished)
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Old unfinished comic that I might redo for reasons that will come out soon.
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shiftytheshift · 2 months ago
Liam character ref sheet (New TADC OC)
One of the new TADC OCs I have been working on. Meet Liam! An introverted, reserved individual who surprisingly remembers his name unlike the others
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Gender: Male
Age: 30
Avatar: pill capsule head with glasses and blue doctor coat.
Characteristics: Apathetic, blunt,reserved, serious,awkward, perceptive
Likes: Anatomy, coffee, cats, personal-space, chicken parm
Dislikes: people who waste his time, pointless drama, trouble makers, Idiots
Additional facts:-Liam is the only one that remembers his real name, so when he first met everyone they were shocked.
-Liam and Ragatha share the same Age of being 30 but between them he's a year older
-the glasses on his face is actually apart of his avatar
-despite having the appearance of a pill capsule for a head and a blue doctor coat Liam is actually a doctor in the real world
-the therapist friend of the group (not like he asked)
-when Liam holds his breathe the colors on his face swap and he gains black pupils.
Character inspiration for Liam:
Dr. Mario
Black jack
Mordecai heller
Egon Spangler
Teacher from murder drones
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Ahhhh such cool designs and background lore to your characters! I hope they don't hate being trapped in the Capsule too much!
This is so cute it made my day!
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Rosie and Ingo time capsule au
Rosie is a fashion designer from 1991 she was well known for her signature taste in Lovecore and for mixing darker and lighter colors she is usually sewing beautiful gowns and clothes for the other residents respective era she is mischievous and kinda of prankster she is close friends with Jax and Gangle generally hates Jax’s treatment of gangle but generally doesn’t intervene she loves to prank Zooble and Pomni and cause some drama she generally doesn’t speak to the rest of them unless her best friend Ingo insists
Ingo is a child art prodigy from 1955 she is a well known painter and loves to sell her paintings to those who pass around the time capsule she is loved for artwork is well known for portraits she is probably the nicest person you’d ever met she is sweet and kind and is friendly towards everyone and she loves to watch Zooble work to her gives her inspiration and often paints after they are finished working she loves to visit Ragatha and sometimes calls her mom she is also big fan of Classical music and loves to listen to Pomni playing the violin ,she only avoids Jax and Gangle due to her not being a fan of their dancing and hates the constant insults Jax throws at Gangle
Time Capsule au by @the-amazing-digital-time-capsule
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spyderlondon · 7 months ago
A Mischievous Symphony (1927)
The Amazing Digital Time Capsule AU AND STORY ART by @the-amazing-digital-time-capsule @mangotangerinepastry (Given permission to write this. They've been super helpful in the making of this!)
THIS STORY IS SOFT CANON- ALTERNATE TIME PERIOD FROM THE ORIGINAL AU! I just had an idea of what to do and wanted to write this!
[Access:/ Host memories
Time period: 1927 during The Director's leadership]
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"No, no, no!" A harsh, male voice sounded out towards the man on the piano, "You can't just keep doing what you like, Caine! I gave you a certain way to play this piece and I very well won't allow you to mess this piece up!" He snarled in anger, almost sounding like he wanted to throw his baton at the pianist.
"Oh, come on, [REDACTED], can't you lighten up at least a little?" Caine could be heard laughing, his voice jovial as his eyes moved upwards to face The Director. From the sound of his tone of voice and how his teeth moved, the pianist had a smirk as he taunted the man scolding him. His vision suddenly went pitch black as a quick snap of teeth crashing together was heard right before something that could be perceived as hitting the front of the teeth from the outside- presumably the baton after the man conducting him finally got fed up with how he was acting. He opened his teeth a tiny bit to see The Director seething with rage despite how obviously whatever puppeteer controlling this place was currently puppeteering him as the leader of the capsule had the metaphorical strings held taut as to do avoid further damage.
The Director had to close his eyes to keep his anger from boiling over before he breathed out slowly- if Caine didn't know better, he could've sworn he saw steam leaving the man's mouth and ears. He chuckled softly to himself at the idea of that before suddenly shutting himself up as soon as he noticed the piecing glare that could've easily burnt holes through his teeth. The pair of dentures suddenly felt a tad threatened by the look- at least it meant he was doing a swell job in angering the leader, he supposed.
"Leave." The Director spoke finally, his tone was deathly calm- which admittedly, did strike him to the core with slight fear. As rebellious as the man was, he had to own up to the fact that this tone and posture being shown in front of him was a little bit terrifying, "Did you hear me, pianist? I said, LEAVE!" He demanded once more.
Caine frowned a bit but went silent as he moved the lid prop away and down before closing the lid carefully and had the cover of the keys placed on top of them. He huffed as he left the room before the leader had a chance to blow a gasket and actually tried to lunge at him. "At least this gets me away from [REDACTED]..." He huffed a bit as he headed towards his room.
Caine sighed, feeling a tad tired after dealing with The Director as long as he did. How could he be that uptight all the time? Was it really all because of the some weird puppeteer that controlled him? He shook his head- there was still so much he didn't know about the time capsule and whatever was keeping everyone here. What he did know is that he had to keep his personality intact as much as possible, he couldn't let this whole system get to him. He knows that there were people who couldn't take it anymore but... their names? Faces? He couldn't remember those details about them anymore... He hated that the most, no one deserves to be forgotten about- even that awful Director deserves to be remembered in some capacity.
As he got lost in his thoughts, he continued his path to his room while greeting a few of the other inhabitants in an aloof manner until he was alone in his room.
He sighed lightly as he leaned against the closed door, feeling a bit detached from reality as his thoughts continued to get away from him. That is, until he noticed his reflection in the full body mirror next to his dresser- it seemed to snap him out of his reverie as he stared at himself in the reflection.
The first and most obvious part of him was his head, or he supposed, the lack of head- instead of a head, he had dentures that had crozat braces connected on either side and the back to which kept him from opening too wide. The teeth of the dentures, he noticed, looked a bit like piano keys as if it were a cruel joke on his choice of instrument and role in the capsule. The next thing that was pretty hard to miss were his eyes that were connected by veins that attached to his upper jaw- they had two different colors: his left iris was a purplish-blue while his right one was olive green. Both of his eyes were bright and had a slight mischievous sparkle to them despite how they dulled a bit after his practice with The Director.
The pianist let his gaze drift down his reflection to look at his outfit next: he was adorned with simple white long sleeved shirt, the sleeves of which he had rolled up to his elbows which let his pale skin show from underneath and the collar of his shirt was lightly folded down to allow for his neck to be seen. Over his shirt were brown straps that connected to his navy blue slacks that had a small silver chain that was attached to a small army dog tag coming out from his right front pocket and the bottom part of his pants barely covered the top bit of his brown cap toe dress shoes that a tan bit where the toes were.
He felt himself calm down a bit as he took in his appearance through the mirror's reflection- just remembering who he was helped him feel sane at the end of the day. He may be stuck in this odd place for who knows how long but it didn't mean he had to lose his sense of self even if others have.
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Caine shook his head as he stretched his arms forward a bit. Everyone else should still be at work doing whatever The Director was, well, directing them to do. He was pretty sure that he was the only inhabitant that was kicked out. He hummed as he decided to lay in his bed to take a nap, kicking off his shoes to the ground before he got under the covers.
A pattern of knocks on the door woke the pair of dentures from his slumber- although, it was more of a rather light sleep as he couldn't stop his mind from racing the entire time. The knocking sounded again except a bit louder this time and a voice came with it, "I know you're awake, Caine!" A male voice came through the door as the pianist rolled his eyes and sat up, slipping on his shoes.
Caine opened the door right when his friend was about to knock on the door a third time which ended with a fist hitting the pianist squarely on his olive green eye. The tap dancer quickly pulled his fist away, "You really chose a bad time to answer the door-" He cleared his throat apologetically, moving back a step and averting his gaze.
Caine placed a hand on his, now swollen, eye and sent the man in front of him a look, "Care to explain why you were knocking on my door in the first place, [CLASSIFIED]?" He questioned flatly, a bit of annoyance in his tone after the accidental punch in the eye. He began to walk off to get some ice with the tap dancer coming from behind him and to his side.
"Oh, right!" The tap dancer blinked as he was reminded that he wanted something from his friend, "I was just wondering if you wanted to help me practice my tap dancing routine with your piano as my music?" He questioned with a smile.
"After you hit-"
"I will also buy you dinner and some whiskey!" The man was quick to interject before his friend could refuse his request, knowing he couldn't very well reject an offer like that.
Caine stopped mid sentence as he heard the rest of the deal before scoffing a bit, "You're lucky I see you like an older brother, you [%$^$*$@]." He pushed him lightheartedly, teasing him a bit.
"Yes!" The tap dancer pumped his fist with a grin, excited to spend time with Caine despite how they hang out a lot anyways.
Clicks and taps of a pair of shoes could be heard on the stage as the tap dancer of the capsule practiced his routine while piano music filled the air from the pianist sitting at the grand piano that sat next to the stage. Fingers danced across the keys with practiced taps and strokes, nothing like how he played for The Director, the music here was elegant and went well with the beat of the taps.
Caine looked up from the piano as he played, his fingers still expertly pressing every key correctly and in time despite not being watched, and smiled as he enjoyed the scene of his best friend dancing away without a care in the world. The pianist could help but to feel the beat of the song just from the tap dancer's metal from the soles of the shoes hitting the wooden stage, his friend always performed extremely well with little to no mistakes that he was always in awe every time he watched him or even just listened.
The pianist moved his head back towards the piano as he closed his eyes, just listening. All the sounds on the outside- the piano playing its classical music, the taps and clicks from the stage and even the chatter amongst those just watching and listening from afar- all of it sounded like a symphony to him.
He just wanted to live in this moment as long as possible.
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[Stop the log]
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The first real Conversation...
no text below
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Welcome Caine!
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Thank you so much for 300 followers! As a little celebration here is the new Time Capsule Caine! I wanted to redesign the whole cast (and the capsule itself), but I don't know how long that will take soooo have Caine first!
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Oh my! Oh my! Oh my, ahhhhh! This looks incredible oh my goodness!!! The look of fear and panic is his eyes, and THE CAPTION!!! SUCH A GOOD TITLE!! I'm having a little panic, oh my WORD I LOVE THIS SO MUCH.
His red strings holding him back mmmmmmmmm. You honestly don't know how happy this makes me!!!! I'm saving this right now!!
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"Sorry, but my hands are tied."
**Ya'll should check out @the-amazing-digital-time-capsule hinthintwinkwonk**
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