#tadao hitokuchi
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This meme is no longer relevant but do I care? No. Tadao deserves to show off his stellar tits
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Tadao breasting boobily across your page <3 link to hornier version under cut
here or just at my ns fw blog @lightningfervor (18+ ONLY obviously, plz & thx)
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Tadao and Aiko sketches just ‘cause
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Wake up babes, new Aiko and Tadao art dropped
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You’re so Cool by Nicole Dollanganger is Suteki highkey pining over Tadao
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He has freckles!
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Class 3-A
Hikari Etsuko: Japanese. Cis woman. She/her. Bisexual. 18. 5'6" Hero name: Headlights. Quirk: Flashlight. Her eyes and the spots on her cheeks emit light. She can focus this light into beams of light and can manipulate the brightness of the light she emits. After using her quirk, she’s temporarily blind. Using her quirk for too long can dry out her eyes or permanently blind her. She's partially blind from misusing her quirk as a child.
Unko Fudaka: Japanese/Vietnamese. Nonbinary. They/them. Pan Asexual. 17. 5'11" Hero Name: Matchstick. Quirk: Matchstick. They resemble a match. They produce smoke from their matchstick head and can light their head on fire. However, they require a special strike pad to set their head on fire, they cannot strike their head on anything else and produce fire. The fire and smoke they produce from their head can be manipulated as they choose. Using their quirk for too long can burn them. Their eyesight is very bad from using their quirk recklessly as a child. They must consume chemicals present in safety matches to restore their matchstick head. Consuming these chemicals does not harm them.
Tadao Hitokuchi: Japanese/American. Cis man. He/him. Queer. 18. 6'4" Hero Name: Jawbreaker. Quirk: Snake/Crocodile. Much like a python, he can unhinge his jaw and his lower jaw is split in two. He has a biting strength of 5000 pounds per square inch, however, his mouth can be held shut fairly easily. His teeth are very strong as well. Due to his quirk he also suffers from lockjaw. He also has a very powerful crocodile tail that allows him to swim up to speeds of 10 mph.
Satoshi Ijichi: Japanese. Demigirl. They/she. Sapphic. 19. 5'3" Hero Name: Photographer. Quirk: Camera. Their large, cyclops eye takes pictures of their surroundings and enemies. They can lower the “quality” (effectiveness of a quirk, strength of a structure, etc.) of an enemy/object or erase a quirk/object entirely. They dispense a photo of the enemy/object through their mouth. The effects of their quirk goes away once the photo they produce is destroyed or damaged. The better quality of their photo, the stronger the effect on a quirk/object. They can also use a flash, but it leaves them disoriented for a few seconds. Their “ear” structures contain stored chemicals to produce the photos they make. They must consume objects/chemicals needed to produce photos. Consuming these chemicals does not harm them.
Koma Junsui: Japanese/Irish. Demigirl. She/they. Pan demisexual. 18. 6'3" Hero Name: Yeah 🅱oye. Quirk: Wholesome Meme. Hearing or saying a phrase or visualizing a wholesome meme will give her a heightened physical attribute or additional power. Oftentimes, these memes will paralyze or stun an enemy/target. Overuse of wholesome memes will cause uncontrollable laughter, extreme exhaustion, or unconsciousness. A negative meme will drain her strength, paralyze her, or cause her to cry uncontrollably.
Suteki Juryoku: Japanese/French. Cis man. He/him. Bisexual. 18. 5'11" Hero Name: Gravitron. Quirk: Gravity manipulation. He can manipulate the pressure of gravity within a (maximum) 25ft. radius. He can manipulate the pressure of gravity on himself, naturally adjusting to the change. However, after five minutes, he can no longer naturally adjust to the pressure/lack of pressure, which can cause bone/muscle damage. Using his quirk for long periods of time or manipulating heavy objects/enemies over 200 lbs. causes him to become sick or can physically harm him.
Ika Kaiyo: Japanese. Androgyne. He/she/they. Queer. 19. 5'8" Hero Name: Squiddy. Quirk: Squid. He is a squid humanoid. His bones are made of cartilage, and is very flexible. His “hair” is several tentacles that he can stretch and stick to things. His teeth are very sharp. His gills are located on the sides of his body, where his ribcage is located. Out of the water, he must have special water systems attached to his gills. He can spit ink but it leaves a bad taste in his mouth. His camouflage is more effective in the water than out. He can swim up to speeds of 25 mph. He must consume a lot of fish or he will become lethargic and fatigued.
Mitsuru Kobayashi: Japanese/Saudi Arabian. Genderfluid. He/she. Pansexual. 18. 5'10" Hero Name: Rooted. Quirk: Plant manipulation. He can manipulate plant life around him and grow plants using strands of his hair. Growing plants with strands of hair takes a few seconds. Any loose strand of hair will become some sort of plant, but he can choose whatever plant grows from a strand of hair if he pulls it out himself. The more of the root intact, the stronger the plant grown will be. Losing too much hair can cause bleeding or temporary balding. He requires a lot of sunlight (that he absorbs with his hair) and sugar.
Aiko Maboroshi: Japanese/Spanish. Agender. They/them. Queer. 19. 7’ Hero Name: Dissociation. Quirk: Puppet/Illusion. By making eye contact with an enemy, they have complete physical control over the target. If used for an extended period of time, their control is likely to waver and the enemy has a better chance of breaking free. Control can only be broken by lost focus, or if they touch the enemy. Side effects of extended use are trouble focusing, spacing out, dissociation, or unconsciousness. Ingesting an item from the target’s body (hair, blood, limbs, etc.) causes the victim to experience vivid illusions. Illusions can cause the target to physically harm themselves or others. They have complete control over the target’s illusions. The more significant an item from the victim’s body (limb, organ), the more vivid an illusion will be. Overuse results in night terrors, illusions, lethargy, or paralysis.
Kinshou Manaboshi: Japanese/African. Nonbinary. They/he. Demiromantic Pansexual. 18. 6’ Hero Name: Phoenix. Quirk: Fire/Shapeshift. An organ replacing the pancreas produces a bile-like substance that ignites as it touches the air. They can secrete this substance through any opening in their body, as a sweat, saliva, or projectile fluid. Overuse can deplete the bile producing organ and cause cramps. They can alter their bone and muscle structure, but cannot remove any existing organs. They must have a reference to function and structure in mind otherwise shapeshifting can harm them. Due to overuse/misuse of their quirk as a child they have chronic pain and arthritis.
Jiki Miki: Japanese/Italian. Cis girl. She/her. Bisexual. 18. 9" Hero Name: Mini. Quirk: Tiny/Strength. She is very small and can fit into tight spaces. She has very strong bones. She can manipulate her strength and muscle mass. She can lift up to a maximum of one ton. Overuse of her quirk can result in muscle damage.
Kohaku Muruyama: Japanese/American. Demigender. She/they. Polysexual. 19. 8’6” Hero Name: Bug Out. Quirk: Millipede/Healing. She has a very long millipede body, with tens of little legs to help her move around quickly. She can climb up walls and hang upside down with no problem. She has a very hard, nearly impenetrable shell and a soft underbelly. Her antennae are very sensitive to touch and sounds. A pinch from her top set of pincers can heal injuries using the target’s stamina. She has poor eyesight and must eat a lot of calories.
Nezumi Nanako: Japanese/Australian. Genderfluid. He/she. Pansexual. 18. 5’3” Hero Name: Play Dead. Quirk: Opossum. He is an opossum. He’s very good at climbing trees and sniffing out a target. One bite from his sharp teeth paralyzes a target. His eyesight is very poor but he wears contacts to correct it.
Eiji Ro: Japanese/American. Trans man. He/him. Bisexual. 18. 5’8” Hero Name: Clay Fist. Quirk: Putty. He can mold any part of his body into any shape he chooses. His body is very pliable and firm. He can detach parts of his body and stick them to surfaces or manipulate them how he chooses. His body parts will grow back after a period of time, but removing too much of his body at once will cause him to lose blood.
Amaya Shimizu: Japanese/African. Trans woman. She/her. Lesbian. 19. 5’10” Hero Name: Tearful. Quirk: Crying. Any strong emotion will cause her to burst into tears. A gallon of her body’s water can be lost until she begins to cry her own blood. She must consume a lot of water to compensate. She can consume any foreign liquid to produce tears. These liquids will always be used before her body’s water. Her esophagus, stomach, and any other organs needed for consumption or tear production have a strong lining that prevents foreign liquids from harming her. She can manipulate the tears she produces as she chooses. She has chronic dry eye because of overuse/misuse of her quirk as a child.
Konchu Suzumebachi: Japanese. Agender. They/them. Pan Asexual. 18. 5’5” Hero Name: Swarm. Quirk: Colony. They are a colony of Japanese giant hornets under a thin, black layer of skin. Their consciousness rests in a larger hornet that acts as a "brain," but may move around the body. They may release hornets from tears in their skin or openings in their body to spy or attack on enemies. If hornets are separated from the "brain" for too long, they lose the colony and can die. Unlike traditional Japanese hornets, these hornets can produce the material their skin is made of to use as protective layers or restraints. This material is generally thin, but very strong. It can be made into different thicknesses and durability. These hornets are venomous and dangerous, but generally docile unless threatened. Instead of European bees, their diet consists of any nutrient rich foods. They must consume a lot of food to feed the hornets they are made of.
Tsuchihoko Takenaka: Japanese/Korean. Nonbinary. They/she. Aro Demisexual. 19. 5’11” Hero Name: Hair Raiser. Quirk: Weaponized hair. They can manipulate and grow their hair out to their will. They can create weapons using strands of hair. The longer the hair that is removed, the bigger the weapon. Any loose strand of hair will become a weapon, but they can choose what kind of weapon depending on the length. Loose strands of hair will become useless needles or other sharp objects. For an effective weapon, hair must be willingly removed from their head. Removing too much hair or growing it too long at a time will cause temporary balding or bleeding. They cannot make their hair shorter without cutting it. Their hair is very strong and heavy.
Mamoru Tako: Japanese/Polynesian. Genderfluid. He/she/they. Pan Demisexual. 18. 6’7” Hero Name: Tako. Quirk: Tentacle. His hair is several octopus tentacles that are very strong. He can manipulate their size and actions at will. His tentacles can stick to nearly every surface and are very resilient. He can lift himself up with his tentacles but it may cause headaches. His tentacles are simply like extra limbs. He has gills and lungs, and can switch between the use of one or the other. His camouflage is more effective in the water than out. He can swim up to speeds of 15 mph. He must consume a lot of fish or he will become lethargic and fatigued.
Katsumi Tanken: Japanese. Demiboy. They/he. Bi Asexual. 19. 5’6” Hero Name: Samurai. Quirk: Knives. They can create knives and swords from their skin using the iron in their blood. They require a lot of iron rich foods in their diet and extensive knowledge on how knives and swords are made. Making too many knives at a time will make them temporarily anaemic and cause any more swords or knives made to cut him.
Inju Yanagi: Japanese/Pakistani. Cis woman. She/her. Bisexual. 19. 6’6” Hero Name: شريط (Sharit). Quirk: Ribbons. She can create any fabric from her body. She required extensive knowledge on how the fabric she creates are made up. She requires a lot if nutrient rich food to keep her quirk going. Overuse will cause light headedness or starvation. She has weight related health issues from overuse/misuse of her quirk as a child.
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Some aesthetics for my class 3-a kids Tried to use images that fit their quirks, aesthetics, and personalities. More to come!
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Suteki has had a HUGE fucking crush on Tadao since junior high. He once overheard Tadao talking about how much he loves guys in makeup and so stole his mothers' makeup, god knowing he had no idea how to fucking apply it, walked into class looking like a fucking disaster. Tadao took pity on the poor boy and fixed him up, complimenting how soft his skin was (Suteki screaming internally bc my crush is touching me AAAA!!!) and sent him on his way.
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Tadao's favourite musician is Marina and the Diamonds, he thinks makeup is super ba and is SO WEAK for big muscly guys wearing makeup.
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Tadao's mother is a crocodile and his father is a humanoid snake. Todao has a snake tongue and a crocodile tail lol
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I don't think I've ever actually mentioned it but Aiko and Tadao are dating
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Tbh Tadao is basically my fanon not asshole different quirk version of Bakugo bc I hate Bakugo for being an abusive dickback but like him as a character
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I'm gonna draw Aiko and Tadao flexing with shirts that say "this machine destroys fascists" because that's 100% them
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