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It’s spooky season 🎃
Reposted @tess_at_brassfields
#gigharbor #tacomasalon #tacoma #highlight #pnwhair #brassfields #brassfieldssalonspa #redken #shadeseq #lakewoodsalon #lakewood #loreal #lorealpro #universityplace #fircrest #tacomahairtsylist #tacomahair #btc #balayagetacoma #balayage #highlights #piercecounty #gigharborsalon #stylistssupportingstylists
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imlashinout253 · 6 years ago
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Reminiscing on the progress made in 2018 + looking forward to THIS exciting expansion come the New Year 🖤☺️ . . . #imlashinout #tacomasmallbusiness #downtowntacoma #eyelashestacoma #tacomalashes #smallbusiness #tacomasalon #minnetonka #tacomaharmon #tacomawasington #construction #ohgeezherewego (at Tacoma, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsBkZD0gKoJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t90zpuopu2fq
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rrose80 · 7 years ago
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Repost @haleyvalentinehair Shine on shine on shine 💫 . #bombshellbalayage #imallaboutdahair #modernsalon #btcpics #americansalon #balayagedandpainted #hairpainters #puyallupsalon #tacomasalon #seattlesalon #seattleblogger #stylemissmolly #hairdressersthatslay #b3 #brazilianbondbuilder
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solatacoma-blog · 7 years ago
Snacks on snacks on snacks for the lovely, hard working professionals at #solatacoma! #sola #solasalons #solasalonstacoma #tacoma #tacomasalon #livethelifeyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #yourlifeyourstyle (at Sola Salon Studios Tacoma)
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selenadreamremyhair · 6 years ago
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Flash back on our beautiful brand photo shoot 15years ago. How time flies...but one thing is for sure quality never fades. [email protected] WhatsApp +86 187 5390 7600 https://www.facebook.com/selenadreamremyhairyougotit/ https://www.instagram.com/luxurioushairvendor/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRmYGj-468tCzgXVCIipRKA/videos @kymberleyboissiere @luxurioushairvendor @angelasstyles @iamroxeedenise @upscalevirginhair_atl_ @laidprettyboutique @glamolushbeautyb #wigs #lacewigs #babyhairs #frontalsewin #frontal #customizedfrontal #babyhair #laceclosuresewin #seattlehair #tacomahair #bundledeals #seattleweaves #oregonweaves #tacomaweaves #hairstyles #hairstylist #weaves #transformation #beforeandafter #jblmhairstylist #puyalluphairstylist #fortlewisbraider #rentonhairstylist #jblm #tacomasalon #tacomawashington #puyallupstylist (在 San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsufnDmhKNQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dutsb9jick93
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Grape jam . . . . . Reposted from @virde_vita (@get_regrann) - Dimensional Color & Long Layered Haircut! # 😍 Love Your Look! Live Colorfully! #tacomhairstylist #tacomagirls #tacomasalon (at Virde Salon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5JxuWNgR80/?igshid=1mj5z8yxfm07y
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Dee•NIGHTFALL 💙 . . . . . Reposted from @brassfieldssalonspa (@get_regrann) - [hair by] -- Dee • NIGHTFALL 💙 . Another amazing way to change your look for fall/winter. . Using @pulpriothair • #brassfields #brassfieldsfamily #brassfieldsloyal #tacomasalon #tacomadayspa #tacomawa #tacomahairstylist #tacomaesthetician #tacomahair #tacomawaxing #universityplacewa #universityplacesalon #universityplacedayspa #tacomabalayage #tacomablonde #tacomablondehair (at Tacoma, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4yoFnEpF4H/?igshid=74gkdl5hp92d
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• asymmetric bob • . . . . . Regrann from @brassfieldssalonspa - [hair by] — Arielle • asymmetric bob • #brassfieldsloyal #brassfieldsguest #brassfieldsfamily #tacomahair #tacomastylist #tacomasalon #tacomawa #balayage #loreal #redken #tacomadayspa #tacomahairstylist #gigharborhairstylist #gigharborhair #lakewoodsalon #gigharborsalon Call 253-565-9800 for a reservation (at Tacoma, Washington)
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Coral sunset 🌅 . . . . . Regrann from @hairbyshaybrown - Coral sunset 🌅 thanks to #pulpriot #pulpriothair this happened #tacomahair #tacomastylist #hairtrends #hairtrends2017 #gigharborhair #tacomasalon #styleinspiration #stylistshopconnect #redken #modersalon #brassfields #brassfieldssalon #brassfieldssalonandspa #universityplace #universityplacehair #tacomahairstylist #hair253 #olaplex #seattle #seattlehair #saloncentric #bestofhair #hairinspiration #redken #chambersbay #wholefoods (at Shay at Brassfields)
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imlashinout253 · 6 years ago
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Angles are everything! ◾️ 100% coverage on the inner and outer corners, ready to give that lift through the center! ♥️ I’ve been lashing for over 3 years now + a high density, volume set takes me about 3 hours. 🤔 Volume fills are 1-2 hours + new clients are booking over 2 months out (some realistic timing facts to think of, when researching an artist near you)! ◾️ Sorry guys + gals, but there’s only one of me! Shoot me a text to reserve your spot for the Spring! . . . . #imlashinout #mybrandlashes #lashartistswhocare #eblclearmagic #tacomalashes #tacomaeyelashes #washingtonlashes #washingtoneyelashes #pnwlashes #pnweyelashes #eyelashblog #healthylashesforever #seattlelashes #eyelasheducation #lashblog #eyelashtraining #slowandsteady #tacomasalon #tacomawashington #texturedlashes #staggeredlashes #seeitfromanotherangle #perspective @mybrandlashes @ebllashes (at I'm Lashin' Out) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br8Xs5xA_le/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ciphf4rlexyb
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imlashinout253 · 6 years ago
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Crawling outta the woodwork to showcase these beautiful, lightweight volume lashes 😬 I’ve been loving .03 sets lately for their flexibility + fluffiness! Plus I can go a lil longer without damaging your lashes. #winwin BUT! Here’s my Q of the day... ‘To filter, or not?’. 🤔 There’s something I love about the raw, unedited real ness of the unfiltered pic. 🖤 However! I’ve been seeing all sorts of filtered lash photos trending lately in the eyelash world, and I can’t lie. I liiiiike (some). As long as the lashes are untouched? What do ya’lls think? 🖤🖤 . . . #imlashinout #tacomalashes #volumelashes #washingtonlashes #volumenruso #253lashes #healthylashesforever #ebllashes #mybrandlashes #professionallashes #volumeeyelashes #cateyelashes #cateyeeyelash #pnwbeauty #tacomaeyelashes #lashartistswhocare #seattlelashes #seattleeyelashes #tacomasalon #tacomalashstudio #eyelashgoals #lashgoals #eyelashmagazine #fluffylashes #lightweightvolume (at Tacoma, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brk5onCA178/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fqi33dcobrm8
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imlashinout253 · 6 years ago
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✨ Donations, donations! ✨You’re coming out tomorrow to celebrate anyways, so bring an extra $20 to contribute towards our goal of raising $200 for @feed253! Every unopened food item or $5 donation awards you 1 raffle ticket. Acquire more tix by purchasing art from some rad local artists, participating in fun evening events + purchasing gifts at the party! Raffle prizes drawn from 8-9, but the party starts at 6! It’s a celebration, ya’ll! . . . #imlashinout #tacomalashes #washingtonlashes #uwtacoma #tacomasalon #tacomavolumelashes #pnwbeauty #eyelashblog #communityovercompetition #supportsmallbusiness #feed253 #tacomawa #tacomawashington #gigharborlashes #puyalluplashes #fircrestlashes #universityofpugetsound #gritcity #253 #253lashes #seattlelashes #tacoma #seattle #anniversaryparty #firstanniversary #firstbirthday #harmontacoma #breweryblockstacoma @imlashinout @holiday_haul_crawl @feed253 @meroardecor @aartis253 @harmonics.253 @caseycatherwood @tacoma_wa @southsoundmagazine (at I'm Lashin' Out) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrF0ExdABLg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cmp180dmjf2d
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Short, spunky curls . . . . . Regrann from @brassfieldssalonspa - [hair by] — Alyssa • Short, spunky curls • #brassfieldsloyal #brassfieldsguest #brassfieldsfamily #tacomahair #tacomastylist #tacomasalon #tacomawa #balayage #loreal #redken #tacomadayspa #tacomahairstylist #gigharborhairstylist #gigharborhair #lakewoodsalon #gigharborsalon Call 253-565-9800 for a reservation (at Tacoma, Washington)
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imlashinout253 · 7 years ago
◼️May 2018 ◽️Beautiful slow motion hybrid lashes to make your heart go pitter-pat! Filming these fluffy buddies was harder than it looks, but it was worth it 🖤 See how I can easily move her lashes around? You want to be able to comb through your lashes from root to end ◼️ . . . #imlashinout #mybrandlashes #encorerocks #lashartistswhocare #puyalluplashes #tacomalashes #eyelashgoals #fluffylashes #pnwlashes #washingtonlashes #workitmbl #mybrandlashes #lashesextension #lashartistswhocare #healthylashesarehappylashes #cleanlashes #healthylashextensions #eyelashblog #lashblog #tacomawa #tacomalash #tacomalashartist #tacomasalon #lashboss #lashaffair #borbybabe #eyelashgoals #lashaffairbyjparis #luxury #jbranded (at Tacoma, Washington)
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imlashinout253 · 7 years ago
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@mybrandlashes /@mybrandlashescanada Eyelash Extension Safe ACCENT Eyeliners are fresh in stock! Want one? Shoot me a DM + I’ll put one aside for ya! . . . #imlashinout #mybrandlashes #lashlife #lashlove #eyelashextensions #makeup #instock #tacoma #tacomalashes #tacomasalon #seattlelashes #pnwlashes #tacoma_wa #tacoma_eyelashes #tacoma_lashes (at I'm Lashin' Out)
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imlashinout253 · 7 years ago
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Pretty Cat Eye Volume Lashes on this babe for a fun weekend! Thank you!! . . Currently booking about 2 weeks out, so please get in contact ASAP for your early April appts!! . . . #imlashinout #tacomalashes #saturyay #sunnyweekend #volumelashes #lashartistswhocare #mybrandlashes #bellalash #lashfx #lashceo #lashboss #eyelashmagazine #lashinc #tacomalashartist #washingtonlashes #washingtoneyelashes #lashlove #lashlife #seattlelashes #federalwaylashes #puyalluplashes #uwtacoma #tacomaschoolofthearts #downtowntacoma #tacomasalon #eyelashblog #pnwlashes (at I'm Lashin' Out)
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