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yashmentor · 5 years ago
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Which one are you 😁 let me know your answer in the comments!! 🎯 - Tag someone who needs to see this!! 👇 - Follow 👉 @yashmentor 👈 Follow 👉 @yashmentor 👈 Follow 👉 @yashmentor 👈 . ❤️ Turn on post notifications 🔔 - - - 📸 Photo credits to @success.portal !! 🙏 - #workhardforwhatyouwant #workhardforit #workhardnow #workhardonly #workhardlivewell #workhardbenice #workhardeveryday #workhardseeresults #workhardtrainharder #fearlesslyindependent #fearlessforlea #fearlessfemales #totallyfearless #fearoflosing #fearofgodessentials #teamfearless #achievevewhatyouwant #fearless1s #fearlessera #fearlessness #fearlessly #grindfacetv #fearoffailure #dontfear #befearlessbefree #fearlesssquad #beefearless #tacklefear #successtips (at Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBnaIoUnFVl/?igshid=1vbjn8az5g0ey
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virtuouscreations · 9 years ago
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It's okay to be afraid just don't allow your fears to debilitate you. Don't let fear hold you back. Transform your fears into your fuel. If you feel it in your heart, do it. Go for it! Go trembling yet trusting. #tacklefear #facefear #doitanyway #fearisyourfriend #fearisfuel #fearless #fear
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justbrooksy · 12 years ago
What's your Goat?
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Mine are:
Strict Pull ups
Overhead Squat
Hand Stands
Last Summer I planned to tackle the pull up but my shoulder had other plans, I can do a few strict at a time and even weighted, but not where I should be at this point of the game.  Overhead squats again is a shoulder mobility issue.  Hand stands I think is a body weight/image thing.  I loathe having my shirt come over my head when I'm in a room of people (truth)  And pistols is just about putting in the time to be efficient at them.
I'm going to put in extra work on these over the next 6 weeks and see how far I can get.  Tired of running from em.
I've made a 10 week commitment to myself (starting yesterday) I could give you a list, but here's the summary.
BE A DOER, NOT A TALKER!  quit preaching and fkn do it.
That's all folks.
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
#by #the #way  .@fisa @fisa .@judge .@judges @law .@law @laws @harvard_law @lawyercom @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom  germans g randure nut things usually which are genuinely remarkable like magflight forinstance electric transmutation ringl attice algorithms so likely soon with LNL6 LNL7 newatom new electron same with the banks: ******* them see th e fortune but play daytime not taking it serious aeh enough..whenyou demand access toyour o wn realtime funds but then againgladly help em fraudaway half orjust wont return it if transferred away fromthem ******* itis arbitrarily willynilly  arbitrarily reint erpret things by gusto aslong as they can steal quell and make it seem like youre batshit nuts sgerman sgermany s simply howthemmmm do it  intheir dirty swamp shithole re alms they made themselves //// #intel #lullaby  it is an intellullaby ikept thesong to #howitallstarted #howitallbegan times a rubbertitts hell :  cherrylips from garbag e 2001 is an intel lullaby from brits to who? somekindof transvestite? @youtubemusic @d eezer @spotify outcast wholeworld intellullabytoo  /// the implication of hideous is just. not. the case. the germans implying things iwould h ide to germancure @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom .@law @laws .@harvard_law  that is just. not. the case itis deedt yped or its not the case because e v e r y f a r t is dee dtyped andoften readoutloud  t h a t it gets through on chambersurveillance for replac ed phones the opposite of hide it but youknow now h o w they try to fake what like yourenotyou tonaswinn trick t hey a l l are! themselves evenif playpretend theyre arnoldschwartzenrampbo to reounce pain or tacklefears the all a r e themselves allof em all 100cases e v e r //// lawyer s thisis germany thismeans that i earnedmyself 92billioneu ro orjust 62billion as my share only of 233billion wealth generated and that they avert immunisation formality to steal they shuffle proxie s and theyshuffleharms thegerman government +criminal tim econtrol accomplice  are  daytime charged and the fortu ne is daytimecourt demanded from 6ar50/19 in d74821 signb ankruptcy youhobo 1k347/18 financial court stuttgart taxb ullshit taxcredit eu humanrights court echr2800/10 fivetimes to 3781/20 fringe quell kill sexualassaultwith minors this allmeans they damage y ou to a hobo whenthey think its how it should be by howthey fraudyou intotheir edge of existence why dothey getaway withit ///// they sep arate the fortune a n d the performance because they usually and always gotaway with that trick tellme that trick isnew cmonnow they bum leech with magflightrises seewhichtrickworks tokeepitas dayfool+steal @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzc om .@law @laws  btw lawyers you highlight e v e r y shred of our humanity we granted them used against us example wouldbe:  giving allkids from stolensperm- stol ensperm notevenspermdonnation letalone frivolousgains- grantingthem the same material backing as the kids with wife and no ranking would be hedged in o n e of them on e of 40 as a lawyer trick worked and then extra dirty t ries and then that money granted pyranha squandered onthem for dirtytricks this must not happen wesave the min ors but we dontlet scums sell us as crud //// ringlat tice algorithm helps tocancelout early false approximations itisntjust efficency @wired @wireduk @intel @apple @amd @sa msung @huawei @mathematics #ais #ai is about approximating away errors in a trillion tr ial+error /// hey #LNL6 #LNL7 #ai : whosyourdaddy?  w hooooos your daddy? highfive!! @stein32 @bild @bild_ de @phoenix_de diegedanken waren nie frei vor jahren jahrzehnten wurde im geheimdienst koma drogen eine weitere verabreicht mit der wiederholte man einfach auf koma was man v orher ohne coma dachte heute liest eine gehirnschere implantat aus was das gehirn dachte denkt und das realtime  99prozent der gehirne die das feuerten dachten rote socken gedanken ausgelesen ohne gehei mdientkoma zeit undohne babbel droge smashwords.com/book s/view/552210 I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independ ent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ In [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// #law yers iflocalbank tries totax those sums,byhalf,but doesnt give 70bucks to exist. itis cr iminal @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom  #lawyers pleasecmonn now. that civillian rescued xyz minors and repaired yzx humans without getting anything back fromit ever as randomacts of kindness efforting xyzy sum over yx years  notarstamp f acts. he did so mostly with support system by yxz percent as germans avert any options da ytime. fact and confirmed is xyz peoplelive becauseofthat and yxz minors amongthem id onttthink its show off ever  its forgotten andquelled and twisted with german sexcrimes o ngerman inteldrugs  the nextbest evil that did such athi ng was /// howmuch effort was to ignore and coverup t e n years intel hell. for early 2000s itwas psychological hercules #hercule @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @sno wden @haaretzcom letalone another tenyears on of that w heres the effort of ignorance count ifitisnt blindness to pathologise ///  itis o b v i o u s thereis no mechanism inplance whenthey re morons or wrong or biased they just weasel personal gain tricks to havebeen right u ntilthe next bullshit andits always been that way demess fooltemplating erasers or damamge turnbackclock and foolmesses forehead avert a n y bs and trick analysis is a superpower its always been a reasonable responsible disciplined sophisticated re fined person even askid uegiash okosh sensibelchen the child realmtime things three languages babyword on with fourth heavy accent classbest fi rst third only in second righton to third inthisland ins tead acclimatisation repeat - b b b s all in all the basis until age 10 ifthey measure their migrant kids is with modern science not possible that it remotely is their shitty stigmas forgotten twolanguages learned two new plus pian o withits notes plus computingbefore it was easyto use namely dos stuff as only infamily and bullshit like xmas recor ding the wish not fulfilled teased namely rulesofengagement2 because rulesofengagement1 was so awesome as the bold counterteasing  in simple a ll critical things like rebellions sophistication  discipl ine like newspaperjob fouryears or three allofthis stuff is notjust contradictory to most ofthe german shitballs it shows with factuality that they damage it regularly to have been right that noone only doesnt correcttheir shitballs but thatthey regularly d a m a g e it to have been right that it fits shitbal ls that are by factuality jsut. not. the case. not possible by any means factually. t hat they made a system where itis enough that a fool intel is reminded of sth  thenmesses to have been right as ift heres an incentive then or a punishment ifthey werent righ t ibet they getpaid inthe rain with the shit they do with civillians and now you I am Christian KISS BabyAWA CS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HE LLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWACS. com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Do nnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#by #the #way  .@fisa @fisa .@judge .@judges @law .@law @laws @harvard_law @lawyercom @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom  germans g randure nut things usually which are genuinely remarkable like magflight forinstance electric transmutation ringl attice algorithms so likely soon with LNL6 LNL7 newatom new electron same with the banks: ******* them see th e fortune but play daytime not taking it serious aeh enough..whenyou demand access toyour o wn realtime funds but then againgladly help em fraudaway half orjust wont return it if transferred away fromthem ******* itis arbitrarily willynilly  arbitrarily reint erpret things by gusto aslong as they can steal quell and make it seem like youre batshit nuts sgerman sgermany s simply howthemmmm do it  intheir dirty swamp shithole re alms they made themselves //// #intel #lullaby  it is an intellullaby ikept thesong to #howitallstarted #howitallbegan times a rubbertitts hell :  cherrylips from garbag e 2001 is an intel lullaby from brits to who? somekindof transvestite? @youtubemusic @d eezer @spotify outcast wholeworld intellullabytoo  /// the implication of hideous is just. not. the case. the germans implying things iwould h ide to germancure @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom .@law @laws .@harvard_law  that is just. not. the case itis deedt yped or its not the case because e v e r y f a r t is dee dtyped andoften readoutloud  t h a t it gets through on chambersurveillance for replac ed phones the opposite of hide it but youknow now h o w they try to fake what like yourenotyou tonaswinn trick t hey a l l are! themselves evenif playpretend theyre arnoldschwartzenrampbo to reounce pain or tacklefears the all a r e themselves allof em all 100cases e v e r //// lawyer s thisis germany thismeans that i earnedmyself 92billioneu ro orjust 62billion as my share only of 233billion wealth generated and that they avert immunisation formality to steal they shuffle proxie s and theyshuffleharms thegerman government +criminal tim econtrol accomplice  are  daytime charged and the fortu ne is daytimecourt demanded from 6ar50/19 in d74821 signb ankruptcy youhobo 1k347/18 financial court stuttgart taxb ullshit taxcredit eu humanrights court echr2800/10 fivetimes to 3781/20 fringe quell kill sexualassaultwith minors this allmeans they damage y ou to a hobo whenthey think its how it should be by howthey fraudyou intotheir edge of existence why dothey getaway withit ///// they sep arate the fortune a n d the performance because they usually and always gotaway with that trick tellme that trick isnew cmonnow they bum leech with magflightrises seewhichtrickworks tokeepitas dayfool+steal @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzc om .@law @laws  btw lawyers you highlight e v e r y shred of our humanity we granted them used against us example wouldbe:  giving allkids from stolensperm- stol ensperm notevenspermdonnation letalone frivolousgains- grantingthem the same material backing as the kids with wife and no ranking would be hedged in o n e of them on e of 40 as a lawyer trick worked and then extra dirty t ries and then that money granted pyranha squandered onthem for dirtytricks this must not happen wesave the min ors but we dontlet scums sell us as crud //// ringlat tice algorithm helps tocancelout early false approximations itisntjust efficency @wired @wireduk @intel @apple @amd @sa msung @huawei @mathematics #ais #ai is about approximating away errors in a trillion tr ial+error /// hey #LNL6 #LNL7 #ai : whosyourdaddy?  w hooooos your daddy? highfive!! @stein32 @bild @bild_ de @phoenix_de diegedanken waren nie frei vor jahren jahrzehnten wurde im geheimdienst koma drogen eine weitere verabreicht mit der wiederholte man einfach auf koma was man v orher ohne coma dachte heute liest eine gehirnschere implantat aus was das gehirn dachte denkt und das realtime  99prozent der gehirne die das feuerten dachten rote socken gedanken ausgelesen ohne gehei mdientkoma zeit undohne babbel droge smashwords.com/book s/view/552210 I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independ ent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ In [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// #law yers iflocalbank tries totax those sums,byhalf,but doesnt give 70bucks to exist. itis cr iminal @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom  #lawyers pleasecmonn now. that civillian rescued xyz minors and repaired yzx humans without getting anything back fromit ever as randomacts of kindness efforting xyzy sum over yx years  notarstamp f acts. he did so mostly with support system by yxz percent as germans avert any options da ytime. fact and confirmed is xyz peoplelive becauseofthat and yxz minors amongthem id onttthink its show off ever  its forgotten andquelled and twisted with german sexcrimes o ngerman inteldrugs  the nextbest evil that did such athi ng was /// howmuch effort was to ignore and coverup t e n years intel hell. for early 2000s itwas psychological hercules #hercule @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @sno wden @haaretzcom letalone another tenyears on of that w heres the effort of ignorance count ifitisnt blindness to pathologise ///  itis o b v i o u s thereis no mechanism inplance whenthey re morons or wrong or biased they just weasel personal gain tricks to havebeen right u ntilthe next bullshit andits always been that way demess fooltemplating erasers or damamge turnbackclock and foolmesses forehead avert a n y bs and trick analysis is a superpower its always been a reasonable responsible disciplined sophisticated re fined person even askid uegiash okosh sensibelchen the child realmtime things three languages babyword on with fourth heavy accent classbest fi rst third only in second righton to third inthisland ins tead acclimatisation repeat – b b b s all in all the basis until age 10 ifthey measure their migrant kids is with modern science not possible that it remotely is their shitty stigmas forgotten twolanguages learned two new plus pian o withits notes plus computingbefore it was easyto use namely dos stuff as only infamily and bullshit like xmas recor ding the wish not fulfilled teased namely rulesofengagement2 because rulesofengagement1 was so awesome as the bold counterteasing  in simple a ll critical things like rebellions sophistication  discipl ine like newspaperjob fouryears or three allofthis stuff is notjust contradictory to most ofthe german shitballs it shows with factuality that they damage it regularly to have been right that noone only doesnt correcttheir shitballs but thatthey regularly d a m a g e it to have been right that it fits shitbal ls that are by factuality jsut. not. the case. not possible by any means factually. t hat they made a system where itis enough that a fool intel is reminded of sth  thenmesses to have been right as ift heres an incentive then or a punishment ifthey werent righ t ibet they getpaid inthe rain with the shit they do with civillians and now you I am Christian KISS BabyAWA CS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HE LLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWACS. com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Do nnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#by #the #way .@fisa @fisa .@judge .@judges @law .@law @laws @harvard_law @lawyercom @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom
germans grandure nut things usually which are genuinely remarkable
like magflight forinstance electric transmutation ringlattice algorithms
so likely soon with LNL6 LNL7 newatom new electron
same with the banks:
******* them see the fortune but play daytime not taking…
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
ohbhitte fuer euch ist doch jedes vorhang waschen eine schwerste ge isteskrankheit  @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundestag  weil es nur einmal im jahr vorkommt imsommer wennsie trocknen a ha selten also ploetzlich also ploetzliche umnachtung oder aha! nu r einmal imjahr batshit nuts ihr seid verachtenswert das sind geh eimdienstvergewaltigungen mit geheimdienst drogen und schaeden gifte   mengeles die wechseln sich beim kinderficken ab als deutsche endl oesung vergast sogar jetzt der batshit nuts trick ist eine schade fuer jede demokratie das erste was snowden erwartet hatte mit gut em grund ent-geheimdienstet erstmal euere aertze besonders da wo m an totale kontrolle ueber den menschen erhaelt genau darumgeht es na emlich immer kontrolle oder dasgeld geld oder kontrolle /// nach 1 anzeige in der selben kammer haette das wie geloest werdenmu essen. ihr seid uhrheber mit euren diensten. wie angezeigt ihr seid widerliche sexkakerlaken die sich gegenseitig alibis geben  um mehr sexkakerlakiges zutun und sich dann ein system drum gebastelt haben und sich dafuer gegenseitig gesetze zum sexkakerlakig sein gegeben haben wenns einer merkt: klapse oder tot ihrseid ve rachtenswert haetteich das wirklich auch 100mal anzeigen koennen /// #s #german #s #germany .@fisa @fisa .@judge .@judges @law .@law @laws @harvard_law @lawyercom @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haa retzcom itswhattheydidwith acivillian goodkid ohboohoo wasabit iso lated infront of computer dueto alone among assholes badclass t2arm y ratingbody from strong tall to rubbertitts short and drugweakened art ificially within weeks months liekthat overnight for a rubbertitt shitball it did start as intelmistake while these try to make ali bis what a transvestite thatguy is and therefore thecrimes not so ba d they did you a  aeh german favour itis asif lawyer flipshits tr y reinterpretations of just. not. the case.  twentyyearslater tosa ve em money ontheir crimes and smears thesurvivor abit extra and bec ause can access whattheywant immienntly redmamge remess to havebeenri ght sgerman Sgermany /// #intel #lullaby  itis an intellullaby ikept thesong to #howitallstarted #howitallbegan times a rubbertitt s hell :  cherrylips from garbage 2001 is an intel lullaby from brits to who? somekindof transvestite? @youtubemusic @deezer @spotify ou tcast wholeworld intellullabytoo  /// the implication of hideous i s just. not. the case. the germans implying things iwould hide to g ermancure @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom . @law @laws .@harvard_law  that is just. not. the case itis deedt yped or its not the case because e v e r y f a r t is deedtyped ando ften readoutloud  t h a t it gets through on chambersurveillance for replaced phones the opposite of hide it but youknow now h o w they try to fake what like yourenotyou tonaswinn trick they a l l are! themselves evenif playpretend theyre arnoldschwartzenrampbo to reounce pain or tacklefears the all a r e themselves allof em all 10 0cases e v e r //// lawyers thisis germany thismeans that i earne dmyself 92billioneuro orjust 62billion as my share only of 233billion wealth generated and that they avert immunisation formality to steal they shuffle proxies and theyshuffleharms thegerman government +criminal timecontrol accomplice  are  daytime charged and the fo rtune is daytimecourt demanded from 6ar50/19 in d74821 signbankrup tcy youhobo 1k347/18 financial court stuttgart taxbullshit taxcredit eu humanrights court echr2800/10 fivetimes to 3781/20 fringe quel l kill sexualassaultwith minors this allmeans they damage you to a hobo whenthey think its how it should be by howthey fraudyou intothe ir edge of existence why dothey getaway withit ///// they sepa rate the fortune a n d the performance because they usually and alw ays gotaway with that trick tellme that trick isnew cmonnow they bum leech with magflightrises seewhichtrickworks tokeepitas dayfool +steal @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom .@law @laws  btw lawyers you highlight e v e r y shred of our h umanity we granted them used against us example wouldbe:  giving al lkids from stolensperm- stolensperm notevenspermdonnation letalone fr ivolousgains- grantingthem the same material backing as the kids with wi fe and no ranking would be hedged in o n e of them one o f 40 as a lawyer trick worked and then extra dirty tries and the n that money granted pyranha squandered onthem for dirtytricks thi s must not happen wesave the minors but we dontlet scums sell us as crud //// ringlattice algorithm helps tocancelout early fal se approximations itisntjust efficency @wired @wireduk @intel @apple @ amd @samsung @huawei @mathematics #ais #ai is about approximating awa y errors in a trillion trial+error /// hey #LNL6 #LNL7 #ai : whosyo urdaddy?  whooooos your daddy? highfive!! @stein32 @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de diegedanken waren nie frei vor jahren jahrzehnt en wurde im geheimdienst koma drogen eine weitere verabreicht mit de r wiederholte man einfach auf koma was man vorher ohne coma dachte he ute liest eine gehirnschere implantat aus was das gehirn dachte denk t und das realtime  99prozent der gehirne die das feuerten dachten r ote socken gedanken ausgelesen ohne geheimdientkoma zeit undohne bab bel droge smashwords.com/books/view/552210 I am Christian KISS Bab yAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHO LE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FA X +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Chris tianKiss /// #lawyers iflocalbank tries totax those sums,byhalf,but doesnt give 70bucks to exist. itis criminal @law @ap @reuters @bbc_ whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom  #lawyers pleasecmonnnow. that ci villian rescued xyz minors and repaired yzx humans without getting an ything backfromit ever as randomacts of kindness efforting xyzy sum ove r yx years  notarstamp facts. he did so mostly with support system by yxz percent as germans avert any options daytime. fact and confirm ed is xyz peoplelive becauseofthat and yxz minors amongthem idontt think its show off ever  its forgotten andquelled and twisted with ger man sexcrimes ongerman inteldrugs  the nextbest evil that did such athing was /// howmuch effort was to ignore and coverup t e n ye ars intel hell. for early 2000s itwas psychological hercules #hercule @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom letalone a nother tenyears on of that wheres the effort of ignorance count if itisnt blindness to pathologise ///  itis o b v i o u s thereis no mechanism inplance whentheyre morons or wrong or biased they just weasel personal ga in tricks to havebeen right untilthe next bullshit andits always b een that way demess fooltemplating erasers or damamge turnbackcloc k and foolmesses forehead avert a n y bs and trick analysis i s a superpower its always been a reasonable responsible disciplined sophisticated refined person even askid uegiash okosh sensibelchen the child realmtime things three languages babyword on with fourth heavy accent classbest first third only in second righton to third inthisland instead acclimatisation repeat - b b b s all in all the basis until age 10 ifthey measure their migrant kids is with modern s cience not possible that it remotely is their shitty stigmas forgot ten twolanguages learned two new plus piano withits notes plus comput ingbefore it was easyto use namely dos stuff as only infamily and bul lshit like xmas recording the wish not fulfilled teased namely ruleso fengagement2 because rulesofengagement1 was so awesome as the bold counterteasing  in simple all critical things like rebellions so phistication  discipline like newspaperjob fouryears or three allo fthis stuff is notjust contradictory to most ofthe german shitballs it shows with factuality that they damage it regularly to have been right that noone only doesnt correcttheir shitballs but that they regularly d a m a g e it to have been right that it fits shitball s that are by factuality jsut. not. the case. not possible by any mea ns factually. that they made a system where itis enough that a foo l intel is reminded of sth  thenmesses to have been right as ifther es an incentive then or a punishment ifthey werent right ibet they getpaid inthe rain with the shit they do with civillians and now yo u I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophisticati on #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ In [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Suppor t. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
ohbhitte fuer euch ist doch jedes vorhang waschen eine schwerste ge isteskrankheit  @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundestag  weil es nur einmal im jahr vorkommt imsommer wennsie trocknen a ha selten also ploetzlich also ploetzliche umnachtung oder aha! nu r einmal imjahr batshit nuts ihr seid verachtenswert das sind geh eimdienstvergewaltigungen mit geheimdienst drogen und schaeden gifte   mengeles die wechseln sich beim kinderficken ab als deutsche endl oesung vergast sogar jetzt der batshit nuts trick ist eine schade fuer jede demokratie das erste was snowden erwartet hatte mit gut em grund ent-geheimdienstet erstmal euere aertze besonders da wo m an totale kontrolle ueber den menschen erhaelt genau darumgeht es na emlich immer kontrolle oder dasgeld geld oder kontrolle /// nach 1 anzeige in der selben kammer haette das wie geloest werdenmu essen. ihr seid uhrheber mit euren diensten. wie angezeigt ihr seid widerliche sexkakerlaken die sich gegenseitig alibis geben  um mehr sexkakerlakiges zutun und sich dann ein system drum gebastelt haben und sich dafuer gegenseitig gesetze zum sexkakerlakig sein gegeben haben wenns einer merkt: klapse oder tot ihrseid ve rachtenswert haetteich das wirklich auch 100mal anzeigen koennen /// #s #german #s #germany .@fisa @fisa .@judge .@judges @law .@law @laws @harvard_law @lawyercom @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haa retzcom itswhattheydidwith acivillian goodkid ohboohoo wasabit iso lated infront of computer dueto alone among assholes badclass t2arm y ratingbody from strong tall to rubbertitts short and drugweakened art ificially within weeks months liekthat overnight for a rubbertitt shitball it did start as intelmistake while these try to make ali bis what a transvestite thatguy is and therefore thecrimes not so ba d they did you a  aeh german favour itis asif lawyer flipshits tr y reinterpretations of just. not. the case.  twentyyearslater tosa ve em money ontheir crimes and smears thesurvivor abit extra and bec ause can access whattheywant immienntly redmamge remess to havebeenri ght sgerman Sgermany /// #intel #lullaby  itis an intellullaby ikept thesong to #howitallstarted #howitallbegan times a rubbertitt s hell :  cherrylips from garbage 2001 is an intel lullaby from brits to who? somekindof transvestite? @youtubemusic @deezer @spotify ou tcast wholeworld intellullabytoo  /// the implication of hideous i s just. not. the case. the germans implying things iwould hide to g ermancure @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom . @law @laws .@harvard_law  that is just. not. the case itis deedt yped or its not the case because e v e r y f a r t is deedtyped ando ften readoutloud  t h a t it gets through on chambersurveillance for replaced phones the opposite of hide it but youknow now h o w they try to fake what like yourenotyou tonaswinn trick they a l l are! themselves evenif playpretend theyre arnoldschwartzenrampbo to reounce pain or tacklefears the all a r e themselves allof em all 10 0cases e v e r //// lawyers thisis germany thismeans that i earne dmyself 92billioneuro orjust 62billion as my share only of 233billion wealth generated and that they avert immunisation formality to steal they shuffle proxies and theyshuffleharms thegerman government +criminal timecontrol accomplice  are  daytime charged and the fo rtune is daytimecourt demanded from 6ar50/19 in d74821 signbankrup tcy youhobo 1k347/18 financial court stuttgart taxbullshit taxcredit eu humanrights court echr2800/10 fivetimes to 3781/20 fringe quel l kill sexualassaultwith minors this allmeans they damage you to a hobo whenthey think its how it should be by howthey fraudyou intothe ir edge of existence why dothey getaway withit ///// they sepa rate the fortune a n d the performance because they usually and alw ays gotaway with that trick tellme that trick isnew cmonnow they bum leech with magflightrises seewhichtrickworks tokeepitas dayfool +steal @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom .@law @laws  btw lawyers you highlight e v e r y shred of our h umanity we granted them used against us example wouldbe:  giving al lkids from stolensperm- stolensperm notevenspermdonnation letalone fr ivolousgains- grantingthem the same material backing as the kids with wi fe and no ranking would be hedged in o n e of them one o f 40 as a lawyer trick worked and then extra dirty tries and the n that money granted pyranha squandered onthem for dirtytricks thi s must not happen wesave the minors but we dontlet scums sell us as crud //// ringlattice algorithm helps tocancelout early fal se approximations itisntjust efficency @wired @wireduk @intel @apple @ amd @samsung @huawei @mathematics #ais #ai is about approximating awa y errors in a trillion trial+error /// hey #LNL6 #LNL7 #ai : whosyo urdaddy?  whooooos your daddy? highfive!! @stein32 @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de diegedanken waren nie frei vor jahren jahrzehnt en wurde im geheimdienst koma drogen eine weitere verabreicht mit de r wiederholte man einfach auf koma was man vorher ohne coma dachte he ute liest eine gehirnschere implantat aus was das gehirn dachte denk t und das realtime  99prozent der gehirne die das feuerten dachten r ote socken gedanken ausgelesen ohne geheimdientkoma zeit undohne bab bel droge smashwords.com/books/view/552210 I am Christian KISS Bab yAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHO LE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FA X +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Chris tianKiss /// #lawyers iflocalbank tries totax those sums,byhalf,but doesnt give 70bucks to exist. itis criminal @law @ap @reuters @bbc_ whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom  #lawyers pleasecmonnnow. that ci villian rescued xyz minors and repaired yzx humans without getting an ything backfromit ever as randomacts of kindness efforting xyzy sum ove r yx years  notarstamp facts. he did so mostly with support system by yxz percent as germans avert any options daytime. fact and confirm ed is xyz peoplelive becauseofthat and yxz minors amongthem idontt think its show off ever  its forgotten andquelled and twisted with ger man sexcrimes ongerman inteldrugs  the nextbest evil that did such athing was /// howmuch effort was to ignore and coverup t e n ye ars intel hell. for early 2000s itwas psychological hercules #hercule @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom letalone a nother tenyears on of that wheres the effort of ignorance count if itisnt blindness to pathologise ///  itis o b v i o u s thereis no mechanism inplance whentheyre morons or wrong or biased they just weasel personal ga in tricks to havebeen right untilthe next bullshit andits always b een that way demess fooltemplating erasers or damamge turnbackcloc k and foolmesses forehead avert a n y bs and trick analysis i s a superpower its always been a reasonable responsible disciplined sophisticated refined person even askid uegiash okosh sensibelchen the child realmtime things three languages babyword on with fourth heavy accent classbest first third only in second righton to third inthisland instead acclimatisation repeat – b b b s all in all the basis until age 10 ifthey measure their migrant kids is with modern s cience not possible that it remotely is their shitty stigmas forgot ten twolanguages learned two new plus piano withits notes plus comput ingbefore it was easyto use namely dos stuff as only infamily and bul lshit like xmas recording the wish not fulfilled teased namely ruleso fengagement2 because rulesofengagement1 was so awesome as the bold counterteasing  in simple all critical things like rebellions so phistication  discipline like newspaperjob fouryears or three allo fthis stuff is notjust contradictory to most ofthe german shitballs it shows with factuality that they damage it regularly to have been right that noone only doesnt correcttheir shitballs but that they regularly d a m a g e it to have been right that it fits shitball s that are by factuality jsut. not. the case. not possible by any mea ns factually. that they made a system where itis enough that a foo l intel is reminded of sth  thenmesses to have been right as ifther es an incentive then or a punishment ifthey werent right ibet they getpaid inthe rain with the shit they do with civillians and now yo u I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophisticati on #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ In [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Suppor t. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
ohbhitte fuer euch ist doch jedes vorhang waschen eine schwerste geisteskrankheit @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundestag
weil es nur einmal im jahr vorkommt imsommer wennsie trocknen
aha selten also ploetzlich also ploetzliche umnachtung
oder aha! nur einmal imjahr batshit nuts
ihr seid verachtenswert das sind geheimdienstvergewaltigungen mit geheimdienst drogen und schaeden
gifte mengel…
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
@bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundestag ihr seid w iderliche sexkakerlaken die sich gegenseitig alibis geben   um mehr sexkakerlakiges zutun und sich dann ein syst em drum gebastelt haben und sich dafuer gegenseitig gesetze z um sexkakerlakig sein gegeben haben wenns einer merkt: kl apse oder tot ihrseid verachtenswert /// #s #germa n #s #germany .@fisa @fisa .@judge .@judges @law .@law @laws @harvard_law @lawyercom @ap @re uters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom itswhattheydidwith ac ivillian goodkid ohboohoo wasabit isolated infront of computer dueto alone among assholes b adclass t2army ratingbody from strong tall to rubbertitts s hort and drugweakened artificially within weeks months liektha t overnight for a rubbertitt shitball it did start as int elmistake while these try to make alibis what a transvestite thatguy is and therefore thecrimes not so bad they did you a  aeh german favour itis asif lawyer flipshits try reinterp retations of just. not. the case.  twentyyearslater tosav e em money ontheir crimes and smears thesurvivor abit extra and because can access whattheywant immienntly redmamge remess to havebeenright sgerman Sgermany /// #intel #lullaby  itis an intellullaby ikept thesong to #howitallstarted #howitallbegan times a rubbertitt s hell :  cherrylips from garbage 2001 is an intel lullaby from brits to who? somekindof tran svestite? @youtubemusic @deezer @spotify outcast wholeworld int ellullabytoo  /// the implication of hideous is just. no t. the case. the germans implying things iwould hide to germancure @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzc om .@law @laws .@harvard_law  that is just. not. the case itis deedtyped or its not the case because e v e r y f a r t is deedtyped andoften readoutloud  t h a t it gets throug h on chambersurveillance for replaced phones the opposite of hide it but youknow now h o w they try to fake what like y ourenotyou tonaswinn trick they a l l are! themselves ev enif playpretend theyre arnoldschwartzenrampbo to reounce pain or tacklefears the all a r e themselves allof em all 100cas es e v e r //// lawyers thisis germany thismeans that i ea rnedmyself 92billioneuro orjust 62billion as my share only of 233billion wealth generated and that they avert immunisation formality to steal they shuffle proxies and theyshuffleharms thegerman government +cr iminal timecontrol accomplice  are  daytime charged and the fortune is daytimecourt demanded from 6ar50/19 in d74821 s ignbankruptcy youhobo 1k347/18 financial court stuttgart ta xbullshit taxcredit eu humanrights court echr2800/10 fivetimes to 3781/20 fringe quell kill s exualassaultwith minors this allmeans they damage you to a hobo whenthey think its how it should be by howthey fraudyou intotheir edge of existence why dothey getaway withit ///// they separate the fort une a n d the performance because they usually and always got away with that trick tellme that trick isnew cmonnow th ey bum leech with magflightrises seewhichtrickworks tokeepitas dayfool+steal @law @ap @reuter s @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom .@law @laws  btw l awyers you highlight e v e r y shred of our humanity we granted them used against us example wouldbe:  giving al lkids from stolensperm- stolensperm notevenspermdonnation letalone frivolousgains- grantingt hem the same material backing as the kids with wife and no r anking would be hedged in o n e of them one of 40 as a lawyer trick worked and then extra dirty tries and th en that money granted pyranha squandered onthem for dirtytrick s this must not happen wesave the minors but we dontlet scums sell us as crud //// ringlattice algorithm helps tocancelout early false approximations itisntjust efficency @wired @wireduk @intel @apple @amd @samsung @huawei @mathematics #ais #ai is about approximating aw ay errors in a trillion trial+error /// hey #LNL6 #LNL7 #ai : whosyourdaddy?  whooooos your daddy? highfive!! @stein32 @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de diegedanken waren nie frei vor jahren jahrzehnten wurde im geheimdienst koma drogen eine weitere verabreicht mit der wiederholte man einfach auf koma was man vorher ohne com a dachte heute liest eine gehirnschere implantat aus was das gehirn dachte denkt und das re altime  99prozent der gehirne die das feuerten dachten rote so cken gedanken ausgelesen ohne geheimdientkoma zeit undohne babbel droge smashwords.com /books/view/552210 I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Ind ependent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG ht tps://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +4 93212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Ch ristianKiss /// #lawyers iflocalbank tries totax those sums,byhalf,but doesnt give 70bucks to exist. itis criminal @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @s nowden @haaretzcom  #lawyers pleasecmonnnow. that civillia n rescued xyz minors and repaired yzx humans without getting anything backfromit ever as randomacts of kindness efforting x yzy sum over yx years  notarstamp facts. he did so mostly with support system by yxz percent as germans avert any options daytime. fact and confirmed is xyz peoplelive becauseofthat an d yxz minors amongthem idonttthink its show off ever  its forgotten andquelled and twisted with german sexcrimes ongerman inteldrugs  the nextbest evil that did such athing was /// howmuch effort was to ignore and coverup t e n years int el hell. for early 2000s itwas psychological hercules #hercule @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom letalone another tenyears on of that wheres the effort of ignorance count ifitisnt blindn ess to pathologise ///  itis o b v i o u s thereis no mechanism inplance whenth eyre morons or wrong or biased they just weasel personal gai n tricks to havebeen right untilthe next bullshit andits always been that way demess fooltemplating erasers or damam ge turnbackclock and foolmesses forehead avert a n y bs and trick analysis is a superpower its always been a reaso nable responsible disciplined sophisticated refined person even askid uegiash okosh sens ibelchen the child realmtime things three languages babywor d on with fourth heavy accent classbest first third only in s econd righton to third inthisland instead acclimatisation rep eat - b b b s all in all the basis until age 10 ifthey measure their migrant kids is with m odern science not possible that it remotely is their shitty stigmas forgotten twolanguage s learned two new plus piano withits notes plus computingbefore it was easyto use namely dos stuff as only infamily and bullshit like xmas recording the wi sh not fulfilled teased namely rulesofengagement2 because rulesofengagement1 was so awesome as the bold counterteasing  in simple all critical thin gs like rebellions sophistication  discipline like newspaper job fouryears or three allofthis stuff is notjust contradi ctory to most ofthe german shitballs it shows with factuali ty that they damage it regularly to have been right that noone only doesnt correcttheir shitballs but thatthey regu larly d a m a g e it to have been right that it fits shitballs that are by factuality jsut. no t. the case. not possible by any means factually. that they m ade a system where itis enough that a fool intel is reminded of sth  thenmesses to have b een right as iftheres an incentive then or a punishment ift hey werent right ibet they getpaid inthe rain with the shit they do with civillians and now you I am Christian KIS S BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #I NTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAW ACS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. D onnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundestag ihr seid w iderliche sexkakerlaken die sich gegenseitig alibis geben   um mehr sexkakerlakiges zutun und sich dann ein syst em drum gebastelt haben und sich dafuer gegenseitig gesetze z um sexkakerlakig sein gegeben haben wenns einer merkt: kl apse oder tot ihrseid verachtenswert /// #s #germa n #s #germany .@fisa @fisa .@judge .@judges @law .@law @laws @harvard_law @lawyercom @ap @re uters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom itswhattheydidwith ac ivillian goodkid ohboohoo wasabit isolated infront of computer dueto alone among assholes b adclass t2army ratingbody from strong tall to rubbertitts s hort and drugweakened artificially within weeks months liektha t overnight for a rubbertitt shitball it did start as int elmistake while these try to make alibis what a transvestite thatguy is and therefore thecrimes not so bad they did you a  aeh german favour itis asif lawyer flipshits try reinterp retations of just. not. the case.  twentyyearslater tosav e em money ontheir crimes and smears thesurvivor abit extra and because can access whattheywant immienntly redmamge remess to havebeenright sgerman Sgermany /// #intel #lullaby  itis an intellullaby ikept thesong to #howitallstarted #howitallbegan times a rubbertitt s hell :  cherrylips from garbage 2001 is an intel lullaby from brits to who? somekindof tran svestite? @youtubemusic @deezer @spotify outcast wholeworld int ellullabytoo  /// the implication of hideous is just. no t. the case. the germans implying things iwould hide to germancure @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzc om .@law @laws .@harvard_law  that is just. not. the case itis deedtyped or its not the case because e v e r y f a r t is deedtyped andoften readoutloud  t h a t it gets throug h on chambersurveillance for replaced phones the opposite of hide it but youknow now h o w they try to fake what like y ourenotyou tonaswinn trick they a l l are! themselves ev enif playpretend theyre arnoldschwartzenrampbo to reounce pain or tacklefears the all a r e themselves allof em all 100cas es e v e r //// lawyers thisis germany thismeans that i ea rnedmyself 92billioneuro orjust 62billion as my share only of 233billion wealth generated and that they avert immunisation formality to steal they shuffle proxies and theyshuffleharms thegerman government +cr iminal timecontrol accomplice  are  daytime charged and the fortune is daytimecourt demanded from 6ar50/19 in d74821 s ignbankruptcy youhobo 1k347/18 financial court stuttgart ta xbullshit taxcredit eu humanrights court echr2800/10 fivetimes to 3781/20 fringe quell kill s exualassaultwith minors this allmeans they damage you to a hobo whenthey think its how it should be by howthey fraudyou intotheir edge of existence why dothey getaway withit ///// they separate the fort une a n d the performance because they usually and always got away with that trick tellme that trick isnew cmonnow th ey bum leech with magflightrises seewhichtrickworks tokeepitas dayfool+steal @law @ap @reuter s @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom .@law @laws  btw l awyers you highlight e v e r y shred of our humanity we granted them used against us example wouldbe:  giving al lkids from stolensperm- stolensperm notevenspermdonnation letalone frivolousgains- grantingt hem the same material backing as the kids with wife and no r anking would be hedged in o n e of them one of 40 as a lawyer trick worked and then extra dirty tries and th en that money granted pyranha squandered onthem for dirtytrick s this must not happen wesave the minors but we dontlet scums sell us as crud //// ringlattice algorithm helps tocancelout early false approximations itisntjust efficency @wired @wireduk @intel @apple @amd @samsung @huawei @mathematics #ais #ai is about approximating aw ay errors in a trillion trial+error /// hey #LNL6 #LNL7 #ai : whosyourdaddy?  whooooos your daddy? highfive!! @stein32 @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de diegedanken waren nie frei vor jahren jahrzehnten wurde im geheimdienst koma drogen eine weitere verabreicht mit der wiederholte man einfach auf koma was man vorher ohne com a dachte heute liest eine gehirnschere implantat aus was das gehirn dachte denkt und das re altime  99prozent der gehirne die das feuerten dachten rote so cken gedanken ausgelesen ohne geheimdientkoma zeit undohne babbel droge smashwords.com /books/view/552210 I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Ind ependent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG ht tps://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +4 93212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/Ch ristianKiss /// #lawyers iflocalbank tries totax those sums,byhalf,but doesnt give 70bucks to exist. itis criminal @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @s nowden @haaretzcom  #lawyers pleasecmonnnow. that civillia n rescued xyz minors and repaired yzx humans without getting anything backfromit ever as randomacts of kindness efforting x yzy sum over yx years  notarstamp facts. he did so mostly with support system by yxz percent as germans avert any options daytime. fact and confirmed is xyz peoplelive becauseofthat an d yxz minors amongthem idonttthink its show off ever  its forgotten andquelled and twisted with german sexcrimes ongerman inteldrugs  the nextbest evil that did such athing was /// howmuch effort was to ignore and coverup t e n years int el hell. for early 2000s itwas psychological hercules #hercule @law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom letalone another tenyears on of that wheres the effort of ignorance count ifitisnt blindn ess to pathologise ///  itis o b v i o u s thereis no mechanism inplance whenth eyre morons or wrong or biased they just weasel personal gai n tricks to havebeen right untilthe next bullshit andits always been that way demess fooltemplating erasers or damam ge turnbackclock and foolmesses forehead avert a n y bs and trick analysis is a superpower its always been a reaso nable responsible disciplined sophisticated refined person even askid uegiash okosh sens ibelchen the child realmtime things three languages babywor d on with fourth heavy accent classbest first third only in s econd righton to third inthisland instead acclimatisation rep eat – b b b s all in all the basis until age 10 ifthey measure their migrant kids is with m odern science not possible that it remotely is their shitty stigmas forgotten twolanguage s learned two new plus piano withits notes plus computingbefore it was easyto use namely dos stuff as only infamily and bullshit like xmas recording the wi sh not fulfilled teased namely rulesofengagement2 because rulesofengagement1 was so awesome as the bold counterteasing  in simple all critical thin gs like rebellions sophistication  discipline like newspaper job fouryears or three allofthis stuff is notjust contradi ctory to most ofthe german shitballs it shows with factuali ty that they damage it regularly to have been right that noone only doesnt correcttheir shitballs but thatthey regu larly d a m a g e it to have been right that it fits shitballs that are by factuality jsut. no t. the case. not possible by any means factually. that they m ade a system where itis enough that a fool intel is reminded of sth  thenmesses to have b een right as iftheres an incentive then or a punishment ift hey werent right ibet they getpaid inthe rain with the shit they do with civillians and now you I am Christian KIS S BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #I NTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAW ACS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. D onnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@bild @bild_de @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundestag ihr seid widerliche sexkakerlaken die sich
alibis geben um mehr sexkakerlakiges zutun
und sich dann
ein system drum gebastelt haben
und sich dafuer gegenseitig gesetze zum sexkakerlakig sein gegeben haben
wenns einer merkt: klapse oder tot
haetteich das wirklich auch 100mal anzeigen koennen
/// #s #german #s…
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yashmentor · 5 years ago
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
@norwegia .@norway .@norwegia liberate all civillians they tricked with yourenotyou. theyare aaaaalll themselves.@judge .@judges @judges .@judge .@law .@harvard_law @law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @fisa .@fisa the rare condition is that some snap playpretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambo, so they tacklefear. pain . anticipation of pain itis a v e r y late stage fear disease fears get worse and at a verylate stage some do this mechanism to reounce pain to reject their pain
@norwegia .@norway .@norwegia liberate all civillians they tricked with yourenotyou. theyare aaaaalll themselves.@judge .@judges @judges .@judge .@law .@harvard_law @law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @fisa .@fisa the rare condition is that some snap playpretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambo, so they tacklefear. pain . anticipation of pain itis a v e r y late stage fear disease fears get worse and at a verylate stage some do this mechanism to reounce pain to reject their pain
@norwegia .@norway .@norwegia liberate all civillians they tricked with yourenotyou. theyare aaaaalll themselves.@judge .@judges @judges .@judge .@law .@harvard_law @law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @fisa .@fisa
the rare condition is that some snap playpretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambo, so they tacklefear. pain . anticipation of pain itis a v e r y late stage fear…
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
liberate all civillians they tricked with yourenotyou. theyare aaaaalll themselves.@judge .@judges @judges .@judge .@law .@harvard_law @law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @fisa .@fis a the rare condition is that some snap playpretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambo, so they tacklefear. pain . anticipation of pa in itis a v e r y late stage fear disease fears get worse and at a verylate stage some do this mechanism to reounce pain to reject their pain all? hundred of em. the criminal intels play with the trick that the kindest person c an get angry furious onthe drugs hatedrugs like raf terror trials headimpacts , where victims seem like hatenut as trick as tricks to suppress shortterm memory soit doesnt go into longterm memory itis one of the dirtiest tricks their  mysterious equinlax(fictive pun) youre not you trick ‎ and now rescue their victims idont know how it declinated onthe persons whenthey did this mechanism a couple of years or what the mythological esquinlax(fict ivepun) trickery clowns did with em but you should really rescue them and fix the basis ofit very late stage fears feardiseases that trigger a renounce pain a s playpretend yourenot you trick all? hundred of em. ever alltheother cases milk the system or fraud lockaway civillians with something thegerman cockroaches tried this trick too since behold 2001 so pedo is the new gay thats why isabelle got intothe game  almost twenty years ago. ‎ ‎ ‎ because it is i n t e l itis allabout which trick sticks which shitball twist works thistime that is how it works and now you should rescue some victims of these monsters and clown suckers theyneverprotect civillians they coverup and let more and find an alibi to fengshui+ufo conclude monstrous intel harms  
liberate all civillians they tricked with yourenotyou. theyare aaaaalll themselves.@judge .@judges @judges .@judge .@law .@harvard_law @law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @fisa .@fisa
the rare condition is that some snap playpretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambo, so they tacklefear. pain . anticipation of pain itis a v e r y late stage fear disease fears get worse and…
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yashmentor · 5 years ago
Follow @yashmentor so do you agree with this please comment below yes or no so that it motivates me as well as you ?? 🔥 - Like ❤️ | Share 👥 | Save 📲 - If you save this wonderful lesson it keeps you aware about how to become great that is given by sir Abdul Kalam !! 🎁 - Please take opportunities coz maybe they changed our life and please trust me that we have nothing to loose !! - If you become fearless life become limitless !! - What do you think about that one should need a mentor in life or not let me know in comments 👇 !! - Who is your mentor and if you don't have I have something for you please 😊 check my Bio to learn more 😉 !! - - 📺 If you love this valuable lessons then please don't forget to follow :- . Follow 👉 @yashmentor 👈 Follow 👉 @yashmentor 👈 Follow 👉 @yashmentor 👈 . ‼️ Turn on post notifications ‼️ - - 📸 Video credits to @karlniilo thanks for sharing this amazing video 😊!! - - - #fearlessfriday #fearlessmotivation #fearlesshome #fearlesssoul #fearlessmovement #fearlesslyindependent #fearlessforlea #fearlessfemales #totallyfearless #fearoflosing #fearofgodessentials #teamfearless #achievewhatyouwant #fearless1s #fearlessera #fearlessness #fearlessla #grindfacetv #fearoffailure #dontfear #befearlessbefree #fearlesssquad #tacklefear #onlinelessons #lessonstolearn #lessonsfrommovies #abdulkalam #lessonsforlife #lessonsoflife #yashmentor (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CANr4SAAoRv/?igshid=1gza7ghwr79zk
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yashmentor · 5 years ago
Tag👇👇some hustlers who never give up in his work and if you also never give up than I will give you a big 👍👍 !! . Let me know what's your opinion about this amazing video !! 😏 . . It is reality ☑️ because when firstly you fail it is not failure but it is a lesson then again you fail it means you're going to make something great !! . And when you do it again and again then you definitely make them come true !! . . Follow 👉 @digital_yash_ 👈 . . Because the successful person are those who never give up on what they want to achieve and these person's create history !! . . 🦸Always remember sky is the limit !! . If you become fearless life becomes limitless !! ☑️ . . Don't forget to save this video on your mobile to stay motivated !! 📲 . . 👍 If you love our content then don't forget to follow:- 🙂 . Follow 👉 @digital_yash_ 👈 Follow 👉 @digital_yash_ 👈 Follow 👉 @digital_yash_ 👈 Follow 👉 @digital_yash_ 👈 . . 📸 Proper credits to responsive owners !! . . . #nevergiveuphope #nevergiveuponyourself #nevergiveuponyou #nevergiveup👊 #nevergiveupyourdreams #nevergiveupneversurrender #nevergiveupondreams #dontgiveupquotes #nevergiveuponyourgoals #nevergiveup💪 #nevergiveuponlove #nevergiveupquotes #dontgiveuponme #dontgiveupnow #dontgiveupthefight #dontgiveuphope #dontgiveupconvention #fightforyourdreams #nevergiveupthefight #nevergiveupever #nevergiveup🙏 #nevergiveup💪🏿 #makethemtrue #nevergiveupsingcompetition #befearlessbefree #achievewhatyouwant #fearoffailure #dontfear #tacklefear #digitalyashofficial (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ZQkUjHXot/?igshid=z37nm3m47o8m
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