lovingly-dedicated · 9 days
Hey, gang!
There's just three weeks until Marxolor Week '24! A celebration of our favorite trickster duo in whatever form you love them best!
Have you seen our [Prompt] list? (You can find [Rules] here!)
Have you read it but you're still struggling to come up with something? If so, then read below as I go over the prompts and throw some ideas out to help stoke the fires of your imagination!!
Day 1: "Conflict" or "Meeting." 
We love 'em because they've got so much in common, but these two can't be in perfect sync all the time. For those times when they aren't, there's "Conflict." (Or maybe, it's someone else they're in conflict with? Do these two make a good team in a fight?)
"Meeting" could be anything from how they met the first time to the duo meeting up to plan for their next scheme! Or maybe, they're meeting up for something more private and personal...? /SFW
Day 2: "Curiosity" or "Mirrored"
What was it that initially drew the two of them to each other? What catches their interest? Have they learned something new about themselves? Or their world? ...Maybe the reason why they stick together is the "Curiosity" to everyone around them!
With all those similarities, Marx and Magolor's stories are mirror images in many ways. Even their bodies feel like they're "Mirrored" Or you could use this prompt to jump into the Mirror World and see how they are there, or how they'd react to meeting each other! (Or even draw them making silly faces at a funhouse mirror!)
Day 3: "Cunning" or "Magic"
Marx and Magolor each specialize in their own brand of "Cunning." Outright lies for Magolor; deceptive withholding of the truth for Marx. Will they use these against each other...or team up? Cunning can be about deceptively innocent and cute looks too. Perhaps you'll want to explore these borb-shaped wolves in sheep's clothing?
A wizard and a magician! You could use them to talk about "Magic" theory. Or explore what each one can do that the other can't? (Are they jealous?) Or...is it like magic when they look into each other's eyes? Maybe Magolor helps Marx with a magic show?
Day 4: "Clockwork" or "Majesty"
There's that darn clockwork star again! Has Marx told Magolor the story of Galactic Nova? What if he takes him there on a trip? Has wishing on a Nova affected Marx in a way Magolor can tell? ...Or maybe, something in their daily routine happens like "Clockwork."
"Majesty" brings to mind kings and their crowns and Magolor surely has something to say about that messy business! Does Marx have something to say too? Speaking of Marx, if Magolor was going to be a king, you can't forget the existence of the court's jester!
Day 5: "Control" and "Mischief"
The song is no longer known as "Under My Control" but this word's relevant! Do they have full "Control" over their powers? Can they control their feelings for each other? Can Magolor control his evil laughter? Can Marx control himself in general? (They could be holding a pair of game controllers or fighting for a remote control!)
Let's face it! When do these two NOT get up to "Mischief"? Now, do they have different views on what's fair play in the prank game? Maybe you'll want to explore what their best victory against their chosen target was? ...What was their most humiliating defeat?
Day 6: "Chaos" and "Melancholy"
"Chaos" is a step up from mischief and tends to cause more problems for everyone involved; it has greater lasting effects too... Has their bond ever brought TOO much chaos? ...Or maybe Magolor lets Marx stay on the Lor and it turns into complete chaos?
Both have suffered game-ending defeats and with those come deep scars. What are they like when "Melancholy" strikes? Maybe their relationship has taken a melancholic turn? Could they be going through a rough patch or realizing for the first time there might be more to their relationship and don't want things to change?
Day 7: "Comfort" or "Merry"
When are they most comfortable together? Do the two have a favorite comfort spot to go to? Do they maybe hug (or punch!) a plushie of each other when in a bad mood? Maybe one has a surefire recipe to "Comfort" the other in sad times?
The major key compliment to comfort's minor key is "Merry!" What gets them laughing so hard they can't stop? What's a favorite event or landmark in their life they'll never forget? Or you could throw Marx into Merry Magoland with Magolor and see what happens!
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lovingly-dedicated · 18 days
Marxolor Week '24 Prompt List
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Now that the prompt lists are up, how does this work?
First of all, you only have to do one prompt per day, and it can be from either list! If you happen to love one list completely, that's fine, if you want to hop back and forth between, that's awesome too!
(If you want to complete BOTH, you are a true trickster hero!)
You might notice that unlike other ship weeks, there is not one dedicated "FREE" day listed. Instead there is a "Wild Card" available that you, personally can apply to any one day's prompts to turn them into a "FREE" prompt - aka, create anything you want!!
"Cake?" "Marriage?" "Xylophone?!" You don't even have to stick to one word! The galaxy is your oyster when you use your Wild Card!
All you have to do is note the day you're using it for and "FREE" as the prompt! After that, you may go wild!
(And remember, submissions'll still be reblogged all the way till September 9th!!)
...Lastly, though reblogs won't begin until July, now that the lists are up, you may officially begin daydreaming, creating, and even posting Marxolor (Marx + Magolor) Week content...NOW!!
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lovingly-dedicated · 20 days
Hey, everyone!
Marxolor Ship Week (#Marxolor Week '24) is happening in just over a month (July 9th ~ 16th) and here are the rules you need to know!
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Additional Q&A:
"Why is the cutoff date in September?" -To give people participating in ArtFight a little more time. Also, September 5th is Super Kirby Clash's release date, another important date for Marx + Magolor (and the origin of this blog's name.)
"If I don't ship them romantically, do I still have to call it 'Marxolor?" -You only have to tag your work with #Marxolor Week '24 (so we can find it!) No other relationship tags are necessary! If you don't mark them as romantic/in a relationship, we won't either!
If you want your submission to be treated as both romantic AND platonic/non-romantic (ie: interpretable) we recommend including both the #Marxolor tag and the #Marx + Magolor tag, which are the tags we'll be using to sort things on the blog!
"What's the difference between 'canon-compliant gore' and 'disturbing content' that needs to go behind a read more?" -Marx splitting in half and dripping green goo or Magolor showing off Master Crown scars, or even one of them becoming melty like Fecto Forgo is all considered "canon-compliant" and is fine.
Realistically depicted violence (w/ bones, viscera, etc) content that goes into excruciating detail or that references something disturbing (child abuse, medical horror) should be placed behind a "Read More."
"What if I'm not good at any creative stuff?" -There's no skill threshold! This is a celebration, after all! Even the rule about meme redraws doesn't require you to be some kind of master artist, we just ask that you spend time personalizing it! ^_-
As long as it fits the day's prompt, you can doodle something in the corner of a notebook or on your phone, submit a playlist for them, or even plan a fake vacation itinerary and describe what they'd do!
"TLDR please?" -There are a lot less rules than it looks like. Have fun!!
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lovingly-dedicated · 21 days
I just found out about this blog and I have many questions: what is Marxolor week and what is done?
Congrats on finding this place! It is VERY new!
Marxolor Week came about because it was brought up that we of the Kirby fandom maybe ought to have an official "Marxolor Day" or a day to celebrate either the ship, pairing, or close-knit grouping of trickster villains Marx and Magolor! As the Japanese fandom often treats their in-between birthday (or the date that falls directly in-between their two "birthdays", ie, June 9th) as that day, the idea of forming a Ship Week around it for the two of them was born!
(Note: while I and others ship them at least semi-romantically, people who ship them as platonic/aroace life partners and inseparable buddies are welcome too, as long as you're okay with sharing this space and don't neg those who see them romantically!)
-What is a "Ship Week?"
A "ship week" is a concept that has grown in popularity over recent years. It is the idea of uniting the fandom (as many who want to participate, that is!) to create and share NEWLY MADE content about a specific "ship" to hype it up, spread it around, give us all fun things to look forward to, and just celebrate in all the joy to be had around it - all over the course of one chosen seven day span of time!
-Why Marxolor?
Because I love them! I love writing and drawing and thinking about them and I love seeing other people do the same! Whether they're being boyfriends OR buddies, it makes my day feel that much better to see these two beloved characters interacting together!
They've got a lot in common in-game and out; they're frequently paired together in official merch despite zero on-screen interactions; they look good together; they can be used for silly fluff and angst in equal measure; and they're implied to know each other but are not related in any way + though neither has any canon age, their similar backgrounds and schemes mean that they're very naturally HC'd as being in the same age range (either as prank-loving, kinda childish adults or didn't-look-before-they-leapt power-hungry teens.)
Though frequently cited as the second most popular Kirby ship, Marxolor haven't seen a lot of ~celebration~ among the fandom, which is a shame with how much enjoyment these two lovable, chaotic dorks have given us over the years! So that's why, starting this year, we're having an official Kirby fandom Marxolor Week!
-What do we do?
In a few days, I will be posting a list of "prompts" or thematic ideas and suggestions. You have from now till when Marxolor Week starts (and after, if you're too busy) to create some form of "content" that A) prominently features the relationship between Marx and Magolor and B) relates back to the prompt in some way!
As long as its SFW (though light innuendo is allowed) there's no real limit on what that kind of content that can be! You can draw fanart! You can write fanfic! You can make a music playlist or write headcanons / imagines relating to the prompt! You can make an animation or write fan song lyrics / make a music track! You can make traditional art or some kind of arts and crafts project! If you've got plushies/figures you can stage a thematic photo of them!
We only ask that if you choose to submit a meme, in addition to relating back to the prompt in some way, you MUST put in more effort than just writing "Marx" and "Magolor" on it. EX: Try to draw the two of them in the situation portrayed in the meme instead. It's okay! This isn't a competition, and no one is judging you on quality!
Let us know what prompt your submission is for when you post it and I'll reblog it on the blog on the day of the prompt and at the end of the week, we'll (hopefully) have a nice little outpouring of love for Marx and Magolor and their relationship!
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lovingly-dedicated · 21 days
Hey, Marxolor gang!
Just writing to let everyone know that I (Desultory Novice) am now collaborating with the amazingly talented Magicial-Wishies on Marxolor week! Who, in fact, was the original champion who volunteered to host Marxolor week before I jumped the gun oops!
Anyway, please give her a follow too! She draws the BEST art!
This means we now have TWO prompt lists for you to enjoy!!
Secondly, it's a little early but, to give me time to properly queue up everyone's posts, Marxolor Week is tentatively scheduled for...
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However, to accommodate as many schedules as possible, early submissions will be allowed! Reblogging will start on the day of, but if you're worried about time, you can post your submissions whenever you're ready and we'll get you situated into the queue!
(Late submissions will also be allowed, of course! ^_-)
Lastly the full rules will be up shortly, with the prompt list to follow!
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lovingly-dedicated · 26 days
Welcome! This was an unused Marxolor-themed side blog I had laying around, so I've decided to temporarily use it for...
Marxolor Week 2024!
...of which I will (probably) have more news shortly!
(Though one thing I can say is that as long as you're okay with sharing this space + tag with non-platonic shippers, yes, platonic and non-romantic interpretations are more than welcome!)
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