#tacitrun lady // Rosalyn Darling
idv-thespians · 2 years
happy rosie day!
We love her <3 @idv-artists-trio​
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idv-thespians · 2 years
» Your partner sneaks up behind you, catching you off guard with a kiss on the cheek! How do you react? (About Rosalyn for Quinn dndnnddd-,,,,)
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idv-thespians · 2 years
only linking the pinkies together, not ready to let go completely for Quinn and Rosalyn,,, this is my last, i promise ejenenne-
{ @idv-artists-trio }
From here!
Quinn looked at Rosalyn, and then at their hands. A match was about to begin, and Quinn was worried for the other. He knew how punishing the matches could be, and feared for her.
“Rosalyn, promise me you’ll stay safe, okay? I don’t want you to get hurt…”
It was only mere moments before the match would start, and Quinn felt uneasy.
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idv-thespians · 2 years
{Imagine you're in a Duo Hunter Match, pick whichever of your babies to RP with Rosie just for fun rjrbb-}
Rosie, tied up into a rocket chair and looking comfy// {*This is fine.... Definitely fine...*}
The Puppeteer sees the background from afar to see her teammates spamming guns at one of the hunters.
Rosie// {*...M-Maybe i take that back in that one-*}
{ @idv-artists-trio }
Eva certainly didn’t expect to be left camping a chair or two, but she was doing quite well with it. It had gotten a little boring for her, even. But when she heard the loud BANG! of the flare guns hitting the other hunter, she felt somewhat glad.
She turned to the nearest survivor, the Puppeteer, and suddenly pasted a graffiti, smiling to her.
“This is taking a while…” The huntress murmured, bending down slightly to meet her at eye level in spite of her bandaged eyes.
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idv-thespians · 1 year
What do you think of Rosalyn, Quinn? You seem to care a bit about her...
“A-ah, well, she’s a lovely lady! Truly. I do hope she is doing well, wherever she is.”
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idv-thespians · 2 years
//*slides in*Is it alright if I put Rosalyn into the essence? I’m pretty much not sure which costume to pick, so feel free to recommend me a slot,,,, 😅
{ @idv-artists-trio }
its alright! as for a skin slot, how does Black Velvet sound?
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idv-thespians · 4 years
💥 with Shiloh and Rosalyn (@ask-idv-puppeteer) (I'll bother you for at least once- ÙwÚ)
Ending up in an accident - 💥
The bright sun was up and shining down the Arms Factory map, but that was not helping Rosalyn, who looked around desperately for anyone who could help her. She had been caught and tied to a rocket chair by the hunter, who happened to be Bloody Queen.
That was only the bad news, at least. The good news was that one cipher was left, and primed, even better, the rescuer was already on the way.
Shiloh shouted to her while running. "Don't move, I'm coming!"
As the actor dashed to the chair, the huntress raised her blade, ready to quickly end him with a convenient terrorshock, but even as the shard came on his back while he released Rosalyn, he still managed the rescue without the assistance of the cipher completion.
Mary was stunned by the lack of terrorshock, and further stunned when the actor snapped his clapperboard at her, dragging Rosalyn with him to the gate that the team was already opening.
His grip was firm, but harsh. Almost as if worried to let her go. Once they were at the gate, however, he let go, looking around for the huntress.
Rosalyn was relieved it turned out okay, but was still concerned. The only people she knew didn't drop immediately at such a scenario had their own dark reasons. Whether it was a life filled with worse horror or the ignorance caused by lies already snaking in their blood.
So, what skeletons did Shiloh have buried in his closet? Or did he have any at all?
Once they were safely back at the Manor, Rosalyn followed Shiloh through the hall, who was even humming light-heartedly. Almost as if he didn't just face the possibility of a loss, since they didn't actually die.
As Shiloh made a right turn, Rosalyn followed suit, but as she turned, she was face to face with Shiloh.
"Why are you following me?"
'I just wanted to ask, about that match. why didn't you get terrorshocked?'
Shiloh's stare relaxed, his lips curving into a small smile.
"Oh, Rosalyn, that's nothing, really."
'tell me the truth.'
"The truth is not important here." Shiloh's voice dropped, suddenly dripping with a snappy tone. His eyes narrowed at her, the smile, unexpectedly grew. It was tense, As if someone was forcing him to smile to her.
Another lie.
'why, because you're a liar just like Mr Riley?'
Rosalyn paused at the last words she wrote on the screen, looking down at them silently. That... No... That was too harsh.
Shiloh simply looked indifferent. He silently read the words, before briskly walking away.
"Don't waste my time if you want to spend it hurling insults at me." Shiloh mumbled, turning away.
'wait!! I didn't mean it! It was an accidental!'
Rosalyn ran after Shiloh, who slammed his room door in her face so quickly that she felt the wind knock against her, and the loud 'boom' that followed shortly after.
Maybe she'll ask him another day...
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