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freddagrr · 1 month ago
Sketches from Magma.com jsjsjs
I finally got a name for this AU: The amazing Circuit Circus
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Uncensored Tessa and silly Flesha jsjsjsjs
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And PT!Cyn
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Yeah, i dont own an specific art style jsjsjs
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moonbunscafe · 1 year ago
Digital Circus, your family-friendly christian game that's now sponsored by: CIG SCENTED CANDLES🚬🕯️🚬🕯️(made this bc goose's twts gave me an epiphany and left me breathless for 3 minutes straight.)
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harrygamer8 · 1 year ago
Yo wassuppp
:D I wanna say that you seem pretty cool -Oiwa :3
sup you can have the amazing cartoon circus AU
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thenewstooges · 1 month ago
curly - moe ,what on earth is happening over there ( points to pomni and jax)
Moe - guess pomni found the advice I gave gangle and decided to use it on jax.
Larry - Jesus moe, stop her
Moe - no,until it develops badly,I'll stop it
(Update from Larry - I think we've accidentally preserved lost media moe. All of leudars art is gone and we preserved one of her art pieces.)
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funnybunny angst...
Pomni finally snaps agaisnt Jax
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g0om · 1 year ago
btw ive been annoying my mom so much that she said hálajóistennek when my dad came home (ive been telling her words i rly like atm)
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anthonycrowley · 1 year ago
i shouldve phrased my ask better haha i know its just a doc. thanks for the link but id rather die in a horrific fire than read it
understandable have a nice day
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yvotyrants · 14 days ago
another thing is that el reclamo q nos llego es ñembo estupido porque no hay ningun riesgo de contaminacion con salmonella en todo el proceso productivo asi q de baldeite esta prueba
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puka04 · 2 months ago
Toy hunt 225! NEO-TACC August Toy Swap Meet #86
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ghostieking · 1 year ago
it's me and my 100 tictac pack against the world tonight
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st-anczyk69 · 1 year ago
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Ja tę scenę z pomidorami to wgl nie za bardzo lubię; no Aniela Janowi Pawłowi mówi, że ma pomysł jak wygrać zawody takim tonem, jakby miała jakiś naprawdę sprytny plan, a wychodzi na to, że zrywają pomidory jakiemuś chłopowi spod chatki. No bo przecież to nie są żadne leśne pomidory. (Celowo pomijam to, że to nie jest za bardzo sezon na pomidory, bo to w konwencji całego serialu nie ma żadnego znaczenia, tak samo jak pomijam to, że na drugiej tacce chłop trzyma m.i. banany). Jeszcze śmieszniejszy byłby ten żart, gdyby Andrzej się zapytał, czy to nie są przypadkiem pomidory z jego ogródka, ale oczywiście absurd tego, że te pomidory są po prostu komuś zabrane/podebrane, w ogóle nie jest poruszony, ponieważ ten serial ma problem z robieniem sobie żartów z tego jak delulu jest Aniela (ale to jest wgl inna rzeka do dyskusji).
Przyniesienie pomidorów w tej sytuacji to tak jakby Andrzej i jego córki przynieśli ubitą za chlewem świnię zamiast upolowanego dzika.
No to co teraz?
Skromnie muszę powiedzieć, że scena była by sto razy lepsza, gdyby Aniela trzymała w rękach DZBAN MALIN.
(1) Malina to też piękny polski owoc (mimimi pomidor też owoc mimimi) a przy okazji są to owoce, co do których można uwierzyć, że zebrano je w lesie. (2) Chyba nie trzeba tłumaczyć, że każdy Polak się by ucieszył, że rozumie nawiązanie (biorąc pod uwagę moc easter eggów w tym serialu, z których pewnie 80% wgl nie zauważyłam (co z kolei sprawia, że zaczynam podejrzewać, że te pomidory to jest jakieś nawiązanie, niech ktoś mi powie do czego!), to aż dziwne, że na tak oczywiste nikt nie wpadł). (3) Ten dzban malin zyskał by wtedy jako symbol/metafora nowe odczytanie i bla bla bla przedefiniowanie i bla bla bla reinterpretacje (wiemy o co chodzi, chyba?).
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A jaka piękna byłaby ta scena, gdyby jej się te maliny wysypały z tego dzbanka, a nie te pomidory z tej tacy.
Można by się tutaj pewnie i bardziej pobawić symboliką malin, kadrem rąk ubrudzonych malinowym sokiem itp, ale to już zostawiam.
Dobra, rozumiem żart, że pomidorów wtedy w tej części Europy wgl nie było, a nikt się nawet nie dziwi i wszyscy wiedzą co to, ALE maliny by mnie bardziej cieszyły.
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freddagrr · 9 months ago
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mop hair
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moonbunscafe · 1 year ago
The amazing christian circus (TACC) starring holy Father Caine and addict Mother Pomni aka the perfect 'very religious' duo 🙏📿🚬
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rorotoru · 9 months ago
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Percival and Archaludon
Commission for tacc.0 on Instagram
Very fun character :) He's a steel-type trainer from Galar and is related to Swordvard and Shieldbert. Stoic and honorable kinda guy. Not my OC 2 be clear!
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pegasus-624 · 2 months ago
Carmen Sandiego: Trips Through time
Hi guys! I wanted to properly introduce all the “original” (I say that in quotes bc some of these characters have existed in real life/other media) characters who make appearances!
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Picrew: Bright’s Picrew Hell
Kira is like our “Future Carmen.” Kira is a historian who works for the T.I.M.E. Council, Which had an acronym, I never made that acronym in my fic and forgot it but it’s here. Kira is from the future and is obsessed with learning about history with time travel
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Picrew: - Btry Life -
The best way I can explain G.L.I.T.C.H. Is a smart assistant because I love this futuristic scifi idea. I wanted to give them a bit of a player vibe, by giving information on the time periods that they go on, like how player is always there for quick facts about the countries they visit in the series.
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Picrew: Bright’s Picrew Hell
Collin is another buddy from the future. He is a historian and when we first meet him, we see him investigating a random island that disappeared without a trace in the canary islands. He’s not that big of a character tho, I just wanted an excuse for V.I.L.E. to steal a Time Machine tbh.
Other Characters
The Time Travel Caper: The T.I.M.E. Council was introduced, Each of the members being named after a olympian greek god because I thought that would be cool.
The Midsummer Night’s Caper: This caper we meet William Shakespeare as well as the cast of a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The actor playing Puck makes an appearance as well as some of the actors for the 4 lovers, and Nick Bottom makes a brief appearance.
The Rock n’ Roll Caper: Literally the entire cast of Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies are present in this episode. Most of them are background characters. Most notably, Jane, Olivia, Nancy, and Cynthia are there and help Carmen outsmart V.I.L.E.’s schemes a bit.
The Ancient Civilization Caper/The Olympic Mthology Caper: These 2 go hand in hand. Not many characters in TACC but TOMC has a bunch of Greek mythology monsters and mention of gods. Notably, Pegasus
The Noir Caper: The Noir caper has one noteble original character I wanted to mention: David Klein. Fun fact: While looking at names at the original games/series, I found David Klien who was an A.C.M.E. Agent. I could not find that much information on him, but I thought it was perfect for my detective character.
The Medevial Times Caper: Tatter was inspired by a one act I helped write for a drama class, well the original concept, where a jester angers the king too much that he threatens to chop off their head. Tatter is just a silly little guy who has way too much energy for her own good. And full of mischief.
Oh! And she has a picrew too! Picrew: Bright’s picrew hell
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More to come, Maybe these characters will come back later too…🤭
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anthonycrowley · 1 year ago
the difference between me saying this and tacc to be clear is the show was realistically objectively not good and the show having a satisfying ending later does not make it retroactively good and i don’t think it was bad on purpose i just think neil gaiman is a novelist and john finnemore up until this point has written for radio and they are both learning as they go. that being said i do think they were trying to do something here you just have to stare at it from multiple angles for multiple weeks before going oh wait i see what their point was. which again does not make it good.
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d-criss-news · 1 year ago
Via Un Viajero Sin TACC's Instagram Story (November 30th, 2023)
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