#table muscles
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min-play · 1 year ago
achieving levitation
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tartppola · 2 months ago
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silver♀ dump + fairy gala sil/prefect sillies..........
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pastorpresent · 5 months ago
"Whiskey. Straight. Leave the bottle." bf vs "strawberry daiquiri with a bendy straw:)" gf
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bird-inacage · 4 months ago
Did anyone else notice this?! Khao about to add 'action star' to his insanely versatile rolodex of abilities.
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When you get KT-ed (aka Khaotung Thanawat-ed).
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aingeal98 · 5 months ago
I like to think the same way Tim horse girled Bruce he'd do a milder version with Cass once they grew close like oh you haven't slept in five days? Time to rig meditation music all over the flat until you get the hint. You haven't eaten since this morning? Boom, granola bars in the utility belt. Yes I'm aware that the bad guys are getting away but you are literally bleeding out so sit down and let me stitch you up I don't care that you're older I will poke those currently bleeding bullet wounds to make my point if I have to. Thank you for jumping in front of me and saving my life by the way but for the love of everything calm down and let me return the favour.
I feel like he'd slip into this during their brief time working together in Bludhaven and continue it afterwards. It's not that he does it deliberately or treats Cass like a project the way he did Bruce, it's just instinct for him at this point to see a person with deep bags under their eyes walking around in a batsuit and immediately start planning what vitamins he needs to buy that they're clearly deficient in.
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mesugakl · 2 years ago
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sirhamburrger · 4 months ago
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empty [rayne ames x f!reader] her magic is empty. so is his heart.
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STATUS: in progress
PAIRING: rayne ames x f!reader
TAGS: slow burn, enemies to lovers, rayne is stressed out, so is reader, story written in 3rd person throughout, reader is referred to with she/her pronouns, deviates from canon substantially
one: late two: meeting three: deskmates
TAGLIST: @xenop0p, @gbnvd (open, send an ask to be added)
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mashle m.list || gen m.list
© sirhamburrger
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httpiastri · 1 year ago
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lelianasbong · 8 months ago
booting up dai like
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gingerbredman1989 · 1 year ago
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Bodybuilding Architect hard at work.
Bing AI Image Create
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deva-arts · 2 months ago
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Teehee have sibling time (i even wrote something for it!!)
Calm nights were always the best in Amon's apartment. The holidays tended to quiet down even the roughest slums; no chaos, less yelling, and best of all, nothing suspicious sounding on the metal scaffolding outside.
It was on a day like this, with no work left to do and none on the horizon, where Amon was able to spend some quality time with Adra. He wasn't home nearly enough for his tastes, often having to rely on old family friends to take her home from school and keep her company.
Today was different. He got to take her home and had a fresh paycheck from his jobs. He was grateful for the little things.
"And then Ms. Winters said that we could take home goodie bags! They had toys and GalaxyMors bars and candypops. It was the best day ever and they also gave me a miss mousie trading card and I got a rare missy mouser which wasn't the one I wanted but was still VERY cool because it's sparkly. I feel dizzy-" Adra sat restless as she spoke, kicking her legs over the edge of the refurbished casino stool.
Amon idly listened, more focused on tying her hair. "Breathe, Dora." He says, trying not to pull any strands. She had this style she wanted to try out, and who was he to deny a girly whim?
"GAAAAASSSSPPPPP- Pfuhh. Oh hey I feel better." She giggles, and he smiles at the sound. Hm. He might need to buy them both a better shampoo- is this what counts as brittle? He can't tell...
"Keep telling me now." Amon murmurs, his thoughts whirring a list together. Shampoo... Groceries... School supplies... She could probably keep that backpack she has for another school season...
"...-So that's why I really like Patron Cog day now because we get free stuff and pizza bites."
"Sounds like fun," he comments as grabs a hair tie, equally mindful not to snap the elastic- they could only afford so many.
And oh, that's right, It was almost time to take Adra to the doctor... He'd have to work around the price somehow, maybe look into insurance again. If he can get it to fall between debt payments, he could-
"YEAH and then they said not to eat candy with an H on it 'cause it was bad or something? some kids got sick because this kid, I don't remember his name but it starts with an R I think, he took it to school on lunchtime." Adra mentions this like it's a remark of the weather, casually picking a scab on her shin.
When the words finally register, Amon stills, and the air in the room suddenly feels prickly. H? As in Halcyon Acetate? He's only ever saw it in teenths- rare, hard-to-get teenths- and now they were making a candied version? For what market?
He was paying too much for a school this careless. One dose was enough to kill a kid- or leave only shells behind, like all the addicts on the streets. He pales when he thinks about Adra near some tiny lowlife skirting around with pocketed poison.
('Don't react. Don't let her see you're upset.') His inner dialogue softly chides. ('Breathe. She's happy today.')
And so he does, stifled and quietly incensed, he manages to wrench his jaw pliant and unfurrow his brow.
"Did you do my hair good? I can't see it." Adra's pixie tone is enough for him to recall this is a lighthearted moment. One the siblings haven't had in months, now. The room gets some color again, his ancient tenement shining in stained, stale, dimly lit glory.
"Adra?" He says, sounding perfectly level. He has to be.
"How about we stay home from school for a week or so?" He smiles in case she looks back at him.
"YAY! -Wait, why?" Her eyes glitter with mirth he hopes never goes away.
"Well... It's my Patron day gift!" Amon prays that she buys it- and she does, bursting with enthusiasm.
"Gasp! Momo! I knew you'd get me something! I love you!" He can feel the words needling deep in his chest. Like a soft tink on cracking porcelain.
"Love you too, Dora." He hugs her close, trying to swallow down the knot in his throat, the new worries on his shoulders. Then he smiles, a bit wider than before, a bit more strained. Thankfully she isn't old enough to notice.
"Now, let's get a mirror so you can tell me how I did."
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wildsaltair · 27 days ago
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not just a snack but the entire five-course meal plus coffee and dessert. I'll have mine in my room
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the-gays-all-here · 8 days ago
Once again Butch was paired up with such a good match for him - Jolyne (@the-noble-vagrant) and him got on really well! All it took was a little trauma bonding and flirting!!! She only reminds him of his wife a little bit...(it's the seeking...and maybe some more of her more off putting moments. And maybe the way she totally could dissect study him like a bug)
I find it deeeeeeply hilarious that my most sociable and charismatic character got paired up with Strix (@bluescreen-menchii). The way they instantly told Shiloh they wished the table was empty was so funny to me personally. This mans just wanted to make new friends and was handed his best friend and someone who desperately did not want to be there 😂
And Grietje (@starryeyed-seer) was just adorable 🥺Really improved Hero's mood after meeting her new sworn enemy
Unfortunately Stick's partner had to drop out before we could do a proper scene BUT the visual of him finding his husband and standing behind him awkwardly because his partner stood him up is very funny to me
Not really about the scenes I did but Specific S/O to @dearest-anhedonia for also spilling Wine on hero twice. Both times I got that notification I couldn't help but laugh! I love the dynamic Ginny and Hero have!
Excited for this last round!!! (and of course thanks to @lord-emerson for the lovely event)
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valkyurii · 8 months ago
watching radahn glazers defend the final boss fight with their life is so funny to me because these are the same people who laughed at malenia enjoyers back in the day for saying she’s a good fight
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perplexingluciddreams · 8 months ago
I wish I had proper support for my body. To sit and lie down without pain. Or being too floppy unable to use my arms and hands for things because not enough support to stop them flopping down.
I want to do activities and sit comfortably and able to use my hands to colour or draw or jigsaws.
I wish I could tolerate a more upright position. I wish I could sit up and do more things involving active control and movement of my arms.
I want my body to be in better alignment. I want to not be stuck in the same place - my bed in the same spot in my room with the same boring fucking view of my bedroom ceiling and walls all day every day.
I want to stop sliding down or slumping to the side in bed. I want my legs and feet and bum and back to not get sore from pressure on the same spots all the time. I want my muscles to not get strained and stiff and sore from being in weird positions due to being unsupported.
I wish I didn't dread lying down to sleep because I know it will hurt to lie there and it will hurt even more when I wake up. My body crumples and collapses in on itself when I lie down, and no configuration of pillows that I have tried is enough to put anything at good angles.
I wish I didn't dread sitting up in the morning with my usual pillows behind me, because I know I will be in for a day of discomfort and pain. And that is with the best configuration of pillows that I have found to work for me - I have tried many variations, believe me.
I wish I wasn't only able to walk short distances inside the house. Stuck in the same few routes over and over, always only with a purpose and not just walking around because I want to. I wish I was free to roam.
I am grateful at least for my swing and that I have the ability to get from bed to swing and sit in there for a period of time. But wish I didn't sit wonky and slumped and slouched which causes more pain later.
I feel so stuck. I feel so trapped.
It just sucks.
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the-jam-to-the-unicorn · 11 months ago
Ze being a good schoolboy 😁
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