bittwitchy · 7 months
guys on my rp blog tumblr gave me a popup to notify me that you can now reply to things from a sideblog
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bizlybebo · 3 months
nice blog change!! you got mentioned in the server because you are soso cool (red was also mentioned and ive sent over a similar ask to em lmao)
anyways. hey. drey having doubts how good he does with family because the one he was given he left behind and the one he found he couldnt save from drowning in the sea. hes able to tell chip its not his fault because he feels it to be his somewhat.
this was in dms with keys and ofc we cooked more but here get a taste first
but also YEAH DUDE. like drey spends a lot of his time before and post ep53 kinda out of it, and his memory is consistently spotty (he will never pass a single history check </3), but like. he’s still haunted by that guilt. like come on.
like sometimes i think about how. he was born an “improper ferin”. that’s something to blame himself for. in the hole in the sea, he disturbed that egg or whatever and basically kickstarted everything (if i remember right????). another thing to blame himself for. and he couldn’t save any of the black rose pirates from drowning.
he was like. 27 OR YOUNGER MAN,, like given the way the block warps time he could’ve feasibly been like. 21-26 and i just. ouggghhhhh. he was so young. he made a young person’s mistakes. fate just seems to have some kind of cruel grudge against him he stays losing </3 head in hands
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ladydimitrescuspet · 3 years
I Saw Mamă Kiss A Claus
AO3 Link! long time, no post! I had this idea so I just had to share it, I don't think it came out the exact way I planned it but I'm happy with it and that's rare nowadays! so I hope y'all enjoy it and please do let me know what you think about it! and perhaps next year, I'll do holiday fic requests, we'll see!
Translations: Crăciun Fericit, iubirea mea - Merry Christmas, my love Iubirea mea - My love Prețiosul meu - My precious Cel mic - Little one Mulţumesc - Thanks, Thank you Ocol - Detour.... I think I was going for another word but I forgot what it was, lmao but it's fine
When Daniela found herself awake at midnight, she realised it was Christmas Day. Usually, she was the first one asleep on Christmas Eve, but tonight was different for some reason. When she finally felt herself drifting off to sleep, she heard a laugh that woke her right back up. It was her Mother's.
Daniela frowned slightly. Mother should be asleep right now. Daniela said to herself. She looked over at her sisters, Bela and Cassandra, and saw them sleeping soundly. Laughing a bit to herself when Bela started snoring slightly. Daniela slipped out of her bed and headed towards the stair that led to the Main Hall.
When she got to the top of the banister, she ducked to look through the cracks between the stair railing. She let out a small gasp when she saw Santa sitting on her Mother's lap. "Why would she let a man-thing sit on her?" Daniela whispered to herself as she watched her Mother then kiss Santa.
Daniela let out another small gasp and squeal before running back to her room. She just saw her Mother kiss Santa Claus. Daniela pulled her covers over her head as she thought about what you would think when she told you that she saw her Mother kiss someone else. Part of her didn't want to make you sad, but she was so mad at her Mother for doing that to you that she just had to make sure you knew.
So when the sun started rising, Daniela made her way to the room that you shared with her Mother. But you weren't in there.
"Dani, draga mea, is that you?" Alcina asked her daughter from the closet before going to go sit at her vanity.
Daniela frowned. "Yes, mamă, it's me." Daniela replied.
Alcina raised her eyebrow at her daughter's expression, patting her lap. "What's wrong, little bug?" Alcina asked.
Daniela made her way over to her Mother, pulling herself up into her lap. "I... " Daniela started, but stopped to chew on her lip.
"What is it, my little bug?" Alcina asked, encouraging her youngest to finish speaking.
Daniela let out a small sigh before looking up at her Mother. "I saw you kiss Santa Claus!" Daniela blurted out, her hand coming up to her mouth as soon as she said the words.
"Oh? You did?" Alcina asked. Daniela nodded her head. "Well, I'm sorry you had to see that, little bug. Why weren't you in bed last night?" Alcina asked.
Daniela flushed, but she held her ground. "No, mamă, this is about you! You kissed Santa! What about Y/N? Don't you still love them?" Daniela asked.
"Of course I still love Y/N, Dani!" Alcina replied. "It might not make it better, but I'll have you know that I did not kiss Santa Claus." Alcina said.
Daniela crossed her arms. "Then who did you kiss, mamă?"
Alcina let out a hum. "Since you asked, my sweet, I kissed Mrs. Claus. You know how I feel about man-things and Santa Claus isn't exempt from that, sweet one." Alcina replied.
Daniela brows furrowed. "Mamă! I can't believe you!" Daniela said as she slipped off her Mother's lap. "You have to tell Y/N what you did, mamă!" Daniela exclaimed.
"Oh, darling bug, I simply don't think that's a wise thing to do. I fear it will only hurt their feelings if they were to find out. Especially from me." Alcina said.
"But mamă, it's the right thing to do! If you don't tell them, I will!" Daniela threatened. No. Promised.
Alcina let out a small sigh. "Perhaps... if you break the news, darling, it will make it easier for them to forgive me, yes?" Alcina asked.
Daniela nodded her head. "Of course, of course! But mamă?" Daniela replied. Alcina hummed. "Why did you kiss Mrs. Claus?" Daniela asked.
Alcina ran her fingers through her daughter's hair. "Go on and find Y/N before breakfast, Dani." Alcina said, ignoring Daniela's question. Daniela huffed as she left the room with a small pout on her face. "Oh, when that sweet child of mine finds out." Alcina mumbled to herself.
As Daniela set out to find you, she ran into the head maid. "Oh! Julietta! Do you know where Y/N is?" Daniela asked.
Julietta smiled at the little girl. "I believe I saw them in the atelier. You'd best hurry though, Miss Daniela. I do believe they were headed down to breakfast in a but." Julietta replied.
Daniela beamed up at her. "Mulţumesc, Julietta!" Daniela replied as she raced to the atelier. She wasn't supposed to run in the halls, she knew that. But if she wanted to catch you then this was the only way to do it.
"Daniela Dimitrescu, are you running in the halls?" A voice yelled out causing Daniela to skid to a stop. She turned around and saw you with your arms crossed. "Your Mother and I have told you one too many times that you could hurt yourself. Now, where are you headed to in such a hurry, young lady?" You asked as you walked up to her.
Daniela's bottom lip trembled as she spoke. "I... I have something to tell you." Daniela said quietly.
You got on your knees to be face to face with her, pressing your hand against her cheek. "What is it, iubirea mea?" You asked.
Daniela sniffled and you wiped away a tear that was rolling down her cheek. "Well, I... L-last night, I saw mamă and...and she was... she kissed someone." Daniela said.
Your eyebrows raised. "And who did my Lady kiss, hmm?"
"S-santa." Daniela replied. "I, I... saw ma-mamă kiss Sa-santa! Bu-but it wasn't Santa! It was, it was... it was Mrs. Claus! Tha-that's what mamă said!" Daniela said.
"Oh, is that so?" Daniela nodded her head. "And do your sisters know what you saw, cel mic?" Daniela shook her head and you gave her a small smile. "Alright, darling. Now, go get your mamă for me, okay?"
"But mamă's on her way to breakfast! And where are we supposed to meet you?" Daniela replied as she threw her arms in the air. "We'll never make breakfast on time with this, this, this ocol! Sorry, I forgot how to say it in English." Daniela said, her cheeks flushing a bit.
"That's perfectly fine, prețiosul meu." You said, running your hand through her hair before standing up. "I'll be in my room when you find your mamă. Be quick." You said before walking away.
Daniela groaned a bit. She hasn't been able to fully transform into her swarm yet so she had to walk (and sometimes run) everywhere. "Mamă! Mamă! Mamă!" Daniela shouted out as she ran back to her Mother's room. Daniela was so caught up in yelling out for her Mother that she wasn't watching her steps and fell, crashing into a table.
"Daniela Dimitrescu! What have I told you about running in my hallways?" Alcina asked, her hands on her hips.
"Not to, I know, I know! But Mamă, Y/N wants to see us in their room! We have to hurry!" Daniela said grabbing at one of the hands on her Mother's hips. "Come on, mamă!"
"Alright, alright, little bug. Lead the way." Alcina replied. "But we will discuss you running in the halls later, young lady."
Daniela flushed as she nodded her head. "But mamă, it was important!" Daniela said. "Even Y/N said to hurry so we would still get to breakfast on time!"
"Oh, really? So you're saying they gave you permission to run in my halls?" Alcina asked with a raised eyebrow. Daniela didn't answer the question and kept quiet until they reached your room.
"Y/N! I brought mamă, I brought mamă!" Daniela exclaimed as the two of them entered the room.
You smiled at her. "I see that, prețiosul meu! You didn't run, did you? That would be twice in one day and it's not even 8 yet!" You said with a small laugh.
Daniela pouted slightly as she looked between you and her Mother. "Like I said, it was important!" Daniela whined a bit.
Alcina looked at you with a raised eyebrow and you frowned as you looked up at her. "So, a little birdie told me that a certain someone was caught kissing Santa Claus?" You asked.
Alcina cleared her throat, looking at Daniela before looking back at you. "Your... little birdie was mistaken. It was-"
"Mrs. Claus!" Daniela said, cutting her Mother off. " I said that! I said Mrs. Claus!" Daniela whined again.
"Calm down, calm down, prețiosul meu." You said, rubbing Daniela's shoulder. You looked back at Alcina and she nodded her head slightly. "I... have something to show you. But it's a secret. Do you think you can keep it?" You asked.
Daniela nodded her head. "I can keep a secret, promise! I'm the best secret keeper ever! Bela snores when she sleeps and I haven't told anybody, not even her cause she'll just deny it!" Daniela's eyes widened a bit as she covered her mouth.
"Don't worry, your Mother and I won't tell a soul about your sister's snoring." You promised, reassuring Daniela. "Now, close your eyes for me, prețiosul meu."
Daniela closed her eyes and waited patiently. You stood up and walked over to Alcina. "I told you she was awake last night." You said to her softly so Daniela wouldn't hear.
"And was it not your idea to kiss, my love?" Alcina asked, causing you to roll your eyes.
You walked over to your closet and pulled something out before walking back over to Daniela. "You can open your eyes now, prețiosul meu." You said and she gasped when she saw what was in front of her.
"Bu-but... That's what... Wait! So you were..." Daniela looked up at her Mother. "Mamă, why didn't you tell me?!" Daniela asked.
Alcina gave her daughter a small smile. "It wasn't really my secret to tell, darling. Besides, you were supposed to be asleep, not snooping around." Alcina replied. "But as Y/N has said, you mustn't tell your sisters about this. Not a single peep, sweet bug."
Daniela nodded her head. "My lips are sealed, mamă!" Daniela said. She mimicked locking her lips before handing you the key causing you to laugh.
"Daniela, you silly girl." You ran your fingers through her hair again before cupping her face. "Now, let's get downstairs for breakfast. And because you promised to keep our little secret, I'll let you open the first present. Deal?" Daniela nodded her head, smiling at you before giving you a hug. "Off you go, prețiosul meu." You said, guiding her to the door so she could head downstairs.
Alcina looked at you. "Since when did you have super hearing, draga mea?" Alcina asked with a raised eyebrow.
You simply shook your head. "I simply know Dani, that's all." You replied. "Now kiss me."
"So demanding. And besides, there's no mistletoe." Alcina said with a small grin.
You huffed, crossing your arms before donning a grin of your own. "That's not what you said last night." You said. "You're lucky she didn't see anything more than what happened. I'll see you downstairs, dear."
Alcina grabbed your wrist as you walked past her, pulling you into her. "I think breakfast can wait just a few more minutes," Alcina said before leaning down to kiss you on the lips. "Crăciun Fericit, iubirea mea." ----- Tag List (click here to join): @lord-dimitrescu, @alwaysgoodnight, @paint-it-periwinkle, @lightspica, @ultimatebottom69, @sexyheisenbeast, @crazy-obsessed, @squid3, @inlovewithalcinadimitrescu, @the-obscurity, @sapphicalciee, @ladydimitresculove, @solemnnova, @itsyourgirlmalise, @the-little-shadow, @marvelwomen-simp, @rachelthefanfictionwriter, @d14n4ol, @peachesandlesbians, @celina1221, @theuselesslezbian, @hanjis-stuff, @faeyla, @helplesslezbeean, @femships, @b0r3d-s1mp1ng-b1tch|Anna, @Gansito83, @Followingmyheartledmetoyou (if your @ is put in wrong or won’t tag, feel free to resend it so I can fix it)
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just-a-mod · 4 years
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share? 💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
hmmm..fun facts?
well...i suppose i like the ‘happiness fakts’ that some are true, and most are not. fun fact the duck has two routes you can go with it? hmm...oh! a friend of mine asked some one to translate the words of the painted russian dog posters and paintings, but i don’t remember what it said Lol
honestly i’m not sure, i dont think i know the game in a way that could provide a fun fact about it, i really wish i did so i could. all i can offer is the fact i want the air-horn so i can see the famous habit hop
-scratches chin- i also can share that ofr some reason, habit’s insomniac videos scare my friends something fierce, but actually make me really happy and excited instead of afraid
oh, i guess Millie’s name is a play on being afraid of clowns or something? or hte phobia of it. and also Trancil’s sounds like Transylvania 
but im sure those were quite obvious lol
but something i don’t like about it? which lol this is all about Smile for me by the way
i...admit, some of the answers to things are out of LEFT fucking field. like the first time i was playing was with my friend and she was going through it and  som things were really convoluted as shit
and like it was late o clock so it’s possible we would’ve figured it out if our brains weren’t mush? but like...some of the things is just like ‘how were we supposed to unhinge our brains and think like this??’ kind of thought process
which isn’t exactly bad, but also can be quite frustrating or difficult
i think the biggest issue i have, aside from just...wanting more content, and more game, is that some things are just so far out there
also the whack a molar is hard > : I gg me i guess
i’ll also admit some of the characters annoy me, but that’s a good thing i think? because that means they made you react, and that’s some times a good thing for NPCs and games to do
also the flower puzzle > : O it took me a bit of time to get it, my friend and i both, and i WATCHED her do it, and it still took me a while
again, not really bad, just me needing to get good > : \
if i were to change anything though, aside from more content (like a whole other game where we go to town maybe, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?) i think...i think i’d make a lock-on ability? for the whack a molar. and only for like people not in VR or something, because hitting it with a mouse is really fuckin’ hard
maybe it’s supposed to be but..idk, i have a difficult time with it, i’d tweak it a little bit or something if i could
uuhhmmm..also maybe a zoom in feature? if there isn’t one already. OR LIKE A SPY GLASS, that’d be ocol
ALSO, ALSO , ALSO?? i’d put a segmant where flower kid can paint with Dallas or something
i want a feature where we can get gifts or what ever from the residents?? and we can decorate our room with it!! and so like we cna get collectables from like befriending/making them happy or something
(another idea for that next game, hmmm? :eyes:)
i think that’s really it lol
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lesbian-octoling · 6 years
First: lov your hcs and your art! Then about the adult squids have star-eyes: Do you think the same applies to Octoling? Like the playable ones are to young to develop the peanut shape, but older Ocolings like Marina have it? Anyway stay fresh yo
Both inkling and octoliing children have a rounder (though slightly horizontal) pupil- a lot like a toad’s!
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The “roundness” of the pupil in comparison with an adult’s is often overexaggerated in inkling media, just like how eye size often is in human cartoons. Many drawings of young inklings are done with circular pupils because of this. 
When they get older, inklings’ pupils get slimmer, and they develop first a ring, and then the star-shaped pattern. Octolings’ begin narrowing in the middle, making the signature peanut shape, with only the ring around the pupil, no star. 
Mutations with eye shapes are a lot more common with Octarians, however, because a good number of them are clones. Many octolings eyes don’t go through with this process, and some are stuck with the round, child-like pupils. 
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peinde · 7 years
- What is your Full name? Include any maiden names, aliases, or nicknames. 3B| My name is Feferi Peixes-Pyrope. Nicknames include Fef...T)(e Princess of Fas)(ion...and...Feffy-Weffy... - When is your birthday? Do you know where you were born and at what time? June 26t)(! I was )(atc)(ed on Alternia, but I don’t know w)(en. - What is your star sign? Do you know your Chinese Zodiac too? I am a Cancer! I’m year of t)(e Rooster. - What is your earliest memory that you can remember? I don’t like t)(inking about my memories, t)(anks. - Where was your childhood home? Was it more urban or rural? I guess you cod say it was rural? Nobody else lived near me, and t)(e only friend t)(at ever came to visit )(ad to fly over. - How was your childhood in general? Did your parents treat you well? Did you have a lot of friends? My lusus treated me reel well! I didn’t really )(ave lots of friends at all. - How was/is school? What is your favorite and least favorite subjects? What were your grades on average? Sc)(ool sucked. - Did you have a best friend growing up? What was their name? Are you still in touch? Vriska 38)! We’re still best fronds and we always will be. - Were you in any cliques? I guess? I )(ave a circle of friends w)(o are pretty stubborn and won’t leave me alone. - Best childhood memory you can recall? ??? - Worst childhood memory you can recall? All of it? - Name an event in your childhood that has shaped you into the person you are today ...I glubbing died. - What is the dumbest thing you have ever done to impress someone? Were they impressed or was it all for naught? I do dumb stuff to impress people all t)(e tide! T)(ere’s a long list, really. - Did you ever have any sweethearts or lovers? Do you have a boy/girlfriend? I’m married and )(ave t)(ree mates. I also )(ave two lovers. - Are you a virgin?
- Do you ever plan on getting married in your life? Do you want kids? I am married, but I will N-EV-ER )(ave c)(ildren. - Would you rather have your own kids or adopt? How many kids would you want? Wtf? I said no kids??? - Do you think you'd be a protective parent or a relaxed parent? I’d be a “reverse my c)(ildren’s aging so t)(ey Benjamin Button t)(e fuck out of existence” kind of parent. - How would you prefer to pass away? Surrounded by loved ones and at peace, or while doing something heroic? Just obliterate me. - Generally, how healthy are you? Do you get sick or injured easily or are you fit? Due to my powers, I’m in perfect )(ealt)(! - Have you ever been badly injured before? W)(o )(asn’t? - What is the worst injury you have ever gotten? What was it and how did it happen? Were you ever close to death? I mean I’ve died before, does t)(at count? - How many times have you been to the hospital/doctor's? Never? - Have you ever had a concussion or brain injury? Have you ever had amnesia? Of course! amnesia’s a coin flip on t)(e fun scale. Sometimes you spend t)(e entire day finding cute fins you leave lying around, Ot)(er times you wind up in t)(e desert wit)( no p)(one service. - What was the worst illness you ever contacted? Do you know what it was? How long were you sick? I’ve never been sick in my life. - Ever had any extended hospital stays? What for? Nope! - Have you ever had to give yourself or someone else emergency first aid? What happened? O)( yes! It was awful. Vriska was bleeding from 3 big wounds! It only took a bit of )(ealing, but t)(e clean-up took FOR-EV-ER! Plus, it got on my s)(oes. T)(ose were SATIN, Vriska!!! - Are you employed? Where do you work and who do you work for? What do you do? I’m a model. - Are you happy with your current job? O)( yes! - Did you have any previous jobs? What were they and what did you do? ... - Most dangerous thing you have ever done? Anyfin I do is dangerous. - Do you consider yourself a more active person or a more relaxed person? Active. Relaxing’s for squares. - What is your dream come true? How about your worst nightmare? My dream come true is Zi-Zi. My worst nig)(tmare is losing Zi-Zi. - What is the biggest and most important goal you have set for yourself? To make my wife )(appy, no matter t)(e cost. - How persistent would you say you are? How much does it take to get you to give up on a task? I’ll never give up. You could kill me, and I’d still come back! - Would you surrender yourself to your enemies or fight to the very end? Fig)(t until t)(e end. --Enemies only kill you anyway. T)(ere’s no point in begging for mercy. - When do you usually do your shopping? What is currently on your shopping list? I s)(op w)(enever I want! I don’t )(ave a specific list, but I always )(ave a general idea of w)(at to get. - Top three things on your wishlist? I don’t )(ave a wis)(list. - Currently, what is something you want but do not need? Most of t)(e t)(ings I own. - Do you like shopping? What is your favorite thing to shop for? Y-ES I DO! I like s)(opping for clot)(es! - What is the most expensive thing you have purchased? Was it worth it? T)(at’s a toug)( one, but it usually is wort)( it. - What would you do if you were suddenly given one billion dollars out of the blue? Give it back. W)(y t)(e fuck would I need someone else’s money w)(en I )(ave my own? - What would you describe your style of clothing as? Simple, conservative, minimalist. - Do you have any hobbies? Name all of them if you can. Cooking, baking and gardening! - Do you like and appreciate art? What is your favorite piece of artwork? Art is cool, but it’s just not my t)(ing. I do )(ave an original Dali in my guest wing t)(oug)(. - Do you like music? What is your favorite style of music? )(eavy metal is pretty good, but I also really like dance and pop music! - Have you ever seen any musicals? What is your favorite? I t)(ink Roxy took me to sea Cats once. I wasn’t paying attention. - What are your top three favorite animals? What would you say your "Patronus" or "Spirit Animal" is? All of t)(e ones in t)(e sea. - What are your top three favorite colors? Blus)(, lilac, baby blue - What is your favorite season? Do you prefer hotter or colder weather? Do you like snow at all? Summer, )(ot, and s)(ell no. - What kind of flavors do you prefer: Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Spicy, Dry, or Umami (savory meat taste)? Umami, or moby spicy. - Can you cook at all? Yup! - What is your favorite dish? Can you prepare it? Do you have the recipe handy? )(and-blowtorc)(-seared sliced blowfis)(. I can prepare it, and I’ve t)(e recipe memorized. - What is your favorite fruit and vegetable? I really like lettuce. - What is your favorite dessert? What is your favorite type of candy/treat? I don’t like sweet t)(ings. - What is the best thing you have ever had the opportunity to eat? What is the worst? I once managed to eat an entire )(otdog. It was plain and bunless, but very eye-opening. T)(e worst fin I’ve ever eaten was a c)(ocolate bar. - Do you like to drink tea or coffee? Any favorite flavors? Tea! I prefer green, but I’m pretty partial to orange pekoe and pink tea. - Describe your sense of humor. Spongebob Squarepants and dicks. - What is one thing you are justly proud of? My career. I’ve worked )(ard on it. - Do you have any religious beliefs? If not, have you ever been to a church service? ---Ew, no. - What would you say is the worst thing someone has done to you? What is the meanest thing someone has ever said to you? ... - What is the worst thing you have done to someone? What is the meanest thing you have said to anyone? ... - Share the latest entry in your diary/journal. I don’t )(ave one. - What is the most precious thing you own? Is it valuable at all? Somefin given to me by my wife. It’s more valuable t)(an anyone could ever know. - Talk about someone you know. It can be someone you either like or dislike. My wife! S)(e’s beautiful, smart, articulate, cunning, considerate, compassionate, funny, talented and t)(e most perfect person you could ever meet! S)(e’s got t)(e most beautiful body, all squis)(y and curvy wit)( lovely folds. A smile t)(at bot)( terrifies and delig)(ts. ---Eyes t)(at burn wit)( joie de vivre and dept)(. A devilis)( cackle t)(at rings t)(roug)( my ears like music. S)(e’s got t)(e sensibility and wisdom of a monk, wit)( t)(e revenge streak of an assassin gone rogue. S)(e’s stuck wit)( me t)(roug)( all my bulls)(it, and is t)(e only reason I’m alive. I love )(er so very muc)(. - FREE QUESTION ???
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downtowns-universe · 6 years
52 stories #32
What if… someone attempted to blackmail you
Characters: Siqua, Dai
Words: 2050
She turned the letter over in her hands. There was nothing remarkable about it, just a plain piece of paper, no markings or seals, written in a hand she did not recognise. It could have been sent by anyone.
Against her better judgement she read it again, hoping to find some clues.
 I know about your past. Be at the intersection of Ocoll Road and Ashland Passage at noon or everyone at the Assembly will know too.
 Still not any wiser, Siqua stashed it away into her drawer. Better not let anyone else find it. Attention on the darker parts of her life was not what she needed right now. Especially not now.
She grabbed her coat from the back of her chair and stepped outside, fastening the buttons while she walked. The base was already bustling with activity on the early morning. She was greeted by people carrying crates and boxes, soldiers who were on their way to their posts, and fellow officers, heading in the same direction she was.
In the mess hall she poured herself a cup of coffee, pretending it was the good stuff and not the watery abomination that was served here. She didn’t like to eat in the morning, so she skipped the breakfast table and sat down at a small table by herself, overthinking her options.
She could ignore the letter, write it off as empty threats, the purpose of which were only to scare her. But what if whoever was behind this really was serious? They could expose her and ruin the career she’d worked hard on building for herself. She’d just been promoted – proof that she was capable of doing this, capable of turning her life around. Would she really throw that away because she’d ignored a letter?
But what would the alternative be? Complying with whatever the sender asked of her? What if they’d ask her to do terrible things? Despite what people might think, she still had a conscience. Would the security of her career really outweigh the things she might have to do?
“What are you dreaming about?”
She looked up to see a dark haired woman standing in front of her table.
“Nahen!” she said, realising she sounded quite shocked.
Because her mind was still mostly occupied with the letter, Siqua hadn’t noticed her arrival at all – and she was usually pretty hard to sneak up on. That must be the reason for the big grin on her former lover’s face.
“Good morning, lieutenant,” Siqua corrected herself.
“Morning, colonel.”
Quickly dropping all formalities, Nahen pulled out a chair and sat down on it backwards – her favourite position, Siqua didn’t think she’d seen her sit “properly” unless they were at a restaurant or formal event.
“Something on your mind?” she asked, leaning forward, her arms resting on the back of the chair.
“It’s nothing, really,” Siqua shrugged it off.
“You sure? You were pretty far gone just now.”
“I’m fine. Didn’t get a lot of sleep.”
“I’ll just go ahead and warn everyone up in Command,” Nahen laughed.
“Not going into Command today.”
“You’re not?”
“No. I’m heading out.”
“Oh. Where are you going?”
Siqua hesitated. She couldn’t possibly lie to her. But she couldn’t exactly tell the truth either.
“That’s personal,” she eventually decided on, averting her eyes.
“Alright…” Nahen said.
She got up and put the chair back in its place.
“I should probably go see if anyone is making any trouble. See you later!”
Siqua watched her walk outside and shook her head. Nahen still came up with the worst excuses to get out of a conversation, that much hadn’t changed. Siqua was glad she hadn’t mentioned the matter any further, but it was obvious she was hurt. There’d been a time when she would have been entrusted with personal matters. Sometimes she’d even been part of them. But when her career had started taking off Siqua had decided a relationship with someone stationed at the same base would only bring complications, especially if they were of different ranks. Their break hadn’t been the big disaster she’d feared; they still went along pretty well. But it was on moments like these she’d feel a small jab in her heart when she realised things really had changed.
She downed the rest of her coffee in one go and slammed the cup down. Time to go request some personal time.
She’d been waiting at the indicated point for twenty minutes now, and there still wasn’t any sign of movement. She’d gone there early, to see if she could figure out anything from the surroundings, or perhaps even spot someone, but there was nothing there but trees and rocks. The intersection mentioned in the letter was that of two dirt roads, at the side of one of them sat a house now in ruins. She’d circled it but found nothing. Judging by the vines crawling over the door, hanging half out of its hinges, no one had entered through it in a long time. Its seclusion was probably the main reason why this location had been picked for the meeting.
Since there was no one here, all she could do was wait. She alternated watching the road and its surrounding bushes. You never knew where they would be coming from. She’d placed some small perimeter spells, but she’d learned never to trust on magic alone. While waiting, she tried to prepare herself as good as possible for what was to come. It was obvious they wanted to exploit her position in the army for their own purposes, whatever those might be. They wouldn’t have approached her if she’d been an ordinary soldier, no matter what secrets she might be hiding. What she had actually done wasn’t of any interest to them, she kept repeating in her head. They only cared about what they wanted, and she was just a way to get it.
Who they were was an entirely different dilemma. There were many groups and organisations she could think of that would benefit from having influence in the Empire’s military. From terrorists, activists and revolutionaries all the way to other factions. There was no way of knowing until they would show their faces. Or maybe they won’t show their faces at all and just demand she’d do a certain thing without any explanation. Whoever they were, she was entirely at their mercy.
“You’re early, I see.”
She spun around at the sound of the voice behind her. A dark-haired man was sitting on a rock on the side of the road. She was sure he hadn’t been there when she last looked, which had only been a couple of seconds ago. He’d either been waiting in the trees for her to look the other way, or had really appeared from thin air. Considering her perimeter spell was intact, she tended towards the latter.
“Who are you?” she demanded, planting her hands in her sides.
“Directly down to business. I like that,” the man smiled.
She kept staring at him, not planning on saying another word until he’d either introduced himself or explained what was going on. He’d made her come here, after all. Meanwhile, she examined him to figure out what she was dealing with. His shape looked human, with short, dark hair, tan skin and brown eyes – but she could tell he wasn’t. His clothes were simple, but well-made and of expensive-looking fabrics – once again, after human fashion. Despite his non-threatening demeanour, she had the impression he was someone to be reckoned with. And he’d better be, if he dared to threaten her.
“I asked you a question,” she reminded him when she felt like it was taking too long.
“You can call me Dai,” he finally responded.
“And what do you want from me?”
“I just wanted to have a chat,” he smiled, an unidentifiable look in his eyes.
She crossed her arms.
“If you just wanted to have a chat, you could have said so in your note.”
“Didn’t it…? I’m afraid I don’t know what’s in it. My… assistant wrote it for me.”
She considered this, head tilted. Couldn’t this guy write his own notes?
“You have no idea what they wrote?”
“Whatever was needed to get you here, I presume.”
“So you’re… not trying to blackmail me?” Siqua asked, getting a bit lost.
“Blackmail you?”
Dai seemed surprised.
She threw him the letter. He plucked it out of the air and opened it. After reading, a grin appeared on his face.
“Oh, I see,” he chuckled. “Perhaps I should have written this one myself. Kitas’ skills lie in research, not communication.”
“I’m afraid I can’t follow,” Siqua sighed.
“My apologies,” Dai said.
He patted on the rock next to him as if telling her to sit down. She remained where she was, not planning to get any closer, whatever his intentions may be.
“Suit yourself,” he shrugged.
“Kitas is one of my… employees,” he started to explain. “He’s very skilled at finding information, no matter how well hidden. I had him do some research into the Insurgence…”
The needles on Siqua’s arms stood up at the mention of that name. She brushed them down; now was not the time for poison. Not yet, anyway.
“…and your name came up. That’s one interesting career switch you’ve made,” he said, gesturing at her uniform.
“My decisions are none of your business.”
“But they will be.”
“Just get to the point,” she retorted. “I thought you liked that so much?”
He grinned, seemingly amused by her temper.
“Alright, I’ll keep it short. You’ve worked towards breaking down the Empire before – I want you to do it again.”
She laughed.
“There is no fighting the Empire. And I should know, because I’ve tried. Your efforts will only end in death.”
“Everything ends in death eventually,” Dai shrugged.
She rolled her eyes.
“Don’t go existential on me.”
“I understand giving up,” he continued. “What I don’t understand is what led you to become exactly what you’ve been fighting against.”
She gave him a foul look.
“I already said: it’s none of your business.”
“It’s not. The past doesn’t concern me. I’m only interested in the now. And right now…”
He grinned while holding up the letter.
“Right now I’ve got some leverage.”
“I thought you weren’t blackmailing me?”
“I wanted to try the nice way for once. Kitas clearly didn’t get the memo. Or perhaps he already guessed it wouldn’t work out.”
“What do you want from me?” she asked again.
“We’ll get to that. I’m still working out some kinks for now. But I can tell you: what I’m doing is nothing like the Insurgence. That was a small-scale operation, and its reach was where it went wrong. You might have felt like you were making a difference in your area, but in the end you were just a small nuisance waiting to be crushed.”
“Don’t you think I know that!?” Siqua screamed.
Tears started rolling down her face now that the memories were coming back. The blind panic when they’d realised there was nowhere to go; they wouldn’t stand a chance. Their entire territory had been wiped clean of everything suspicious, leaving the people caught in the crossfire with nothing. It was a miracle she’d managed to escape. It was then that she’d realised what the people needed wasn’t another uprising, it was stability. She needed stability. And she couldn’t think of anything with more structure and routine than the military.
“You of all people should understand that what we need is something bigger,” Dai continued. No small-scale operations. No underground crews hiding in the shadows until they’re rooted out by something outside of their reach. These tactics might work to achieve some things, but not revolution. No, we need to take this to a bigger level. Be everywhere, control everything. Then we strike. It’s not done overnight, but I’m in it for the long run.”
“Your plan is never going to work,” Siqua sighed, exasperated.
“That’s because you haven’t seen any of the details, or how far along I actually am. You’ll change your mind, believe me.”
“I highly doubt that.”
Dai jumped up from his rock, brushing the dirt from his clothes. Then he held out a hand.
“Let me show you.”
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