#t30 großdruck
eossa · 7 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Theme 30 by @eossa
A minimal and responsive theme based around readability. Ideal for text heavy blogs, but can be used for any type.
As of Feb. 18, 2024, this theme has been updated to fully support Tumblr's new post format (NPF). The template now also features a dark mode and an updates tab.
Get the code: buymeacoffee | ko-fi | payhip
If you'd like to learn more about the features of this theme or how to customize it, please click here or follow the source link.
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eossa · 1 year
Tumblr had addressed that gifs and images are suffering from quality loss if the theme applies a padding to the entire post rather than just to individual blocks (read about it here).
While there are themes of mine that apply a padding to the entire post, a lot of them do not. The following themes are safe to use:
T50: Thesis (here)
T49: Streamline (here)
T16R: Hanami (here)
T14R: Romantisch (here)
T48: Material (here)
T11R: Stadt (here)
T1R: Lover (here)
T26R: Edelweiß (here)
T46: Calliope (here)
T45: Fibonacci (here)
T43: Peri (here)
T42: Jaspis (here)
T41: Herbst (here)
T40: Stella (here)
T38: Grau (here)
T36: Periwinkle (here)
T10R: Homaranismo (here)
T30: Großdruck (here) *
T25: Nekozuki (here) *°
These themes are safe to use if you chage the lines like e.g. "padding: 1em;" from the CSS for article { … } (post selector; or from .text and .textkoerper) to "padding: 1em 0;" and adding p { padding: 0 1em; }:
T35: Karla (here)
T32: Moody (here)
T2R: Simple & Clean (here) *
T20: Spark Joy | Freude (here) *°
T14: Romantisch (here) *°
T11: Stadt (here) *°
T2: Simple & Clean (here) *°
Please note: Some of the themes presented here are on the older side and might not have the NPF image support installed (*). You can add this yourself by following the steps from the NPF image fix tutorial by @glenthemes (linked here).
° denotes themes that are free to use.
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